Spelling suggestions: "subject:"1second hand forminformation"" "subject:"1second hand informationation""
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Designing with only second hand information- An evaluation of the filters and formatters in the Billing Gateway GUI / Att designa med bara andrahandsinformation-En utvärdering av filter och formatterare i Billing Gateway GUIMartinson, Tiina, Åkesson, Johanna January 2001 (has links)
This Bachelor´s Thesis concerns 20 points at the MDA-program (People, Computers and Work) at Blekinge Institute of Technology in Ronneby. The MDA-program focuses on how people use Information Technology and its design and development. In this Bachelor?s Thesis we describe a study process at the Billing Gateway Department at Ericsson Software Technology in Ronneby in which we investigate how to design for destined users without direct contact with them. Our aim of the study was to evaluate and bring out a design suggestion of a graphical representation of the filters and formatters for the end-users. With only second hand information about them we found the task to be impossible to accomplish. Instead this Bachelor?s Thesis is an investigation of how a design process is developed without direct contact with the end-users. The results are based on second hand information about the needs of the end-users. We give Ericsson suggestions of how to involve the end-users in the design process. ----------------------- Tiina Martinson Johanna Åkesson
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Official records pertaining to blacks in the Transvaal, 1902 - 1907Setumu, Tlou Erick January 2001 (has links)
Historians use different types of sources when reconstructing
the past. of the two major categories of sources, the primary
sources are of major importance for attaining information, as
they are contemporary to the period which is being
researched. They are often more reliable than the other
category, namely secondary sources, which are literally
second-hand information. However, all possible sources, both
primary and secondary, must be approached critically so as to
obtain a balanced version of the past.
In the South African situation, for an extensive period of
time, most of the historical writing on the early periods was
based on the records which were made by the Europeanoriginated
Whites who had the advantage of being able to put
their accounts in writin~. This led to the European-White
perspective dominating and monopolising the historiographical
stage for quite a long time. The perspective of the
indigenous inhabitants of South Africa had been overshadowed
owing to their inability to read and write.
The written sources on the Blacks in South Africa date back
to the time when the first Europeans set foot here. The early
European travellers (traders, hunters, natural scientists,
etc.) came into contact with the Black communities and they
made records on them. Obviously these travellers based such
records on their own interests and also wrote from a
Eurocentric position, with cultural differences as well as
racial prejudices and superior attitudes towards the Blacks.
The missionaries, who were mostly of European origin, also
made records about the Blacks among whom they worked. The
missionaries also had their own agenda, although different
from that of the travellers. The records which they kept
mostly reflected their "fight" against what they thought were
barbaric and backward ways of the Blacks' lifestyle.
In addition to the records made by the early travellers and
missionaries about the Blacks, there were records which were
made by the Boer and British government officials. In this
study the official records pertaining to the Blacks in the
Transvaal between 1902 and 1907 are discussed. Firstly, a
historiographical overview is presented and secondly, the
official records themselves are analysed and evaluated. The
importance of those records as sources of information on the
Blacks in the Transvaal, especially the Northern Sotho, is
evaluated by using different criteria, including the
Principle of internal criticism. There are numerous flaws and
limitations found in these records about Blacks such as
cultural differences, subjectivity, prejudice, bias, etc.
However, even though these records contain such flaws, they
are still important sources of information. Their most
important value is that they form the basis and point of
departure from where historical reconstruction is made.
Research, even in future, would still heavily depend on these
records as sources of information. But, as already pointed
out, the information obtained in them has to be tested by
different criteria in order to detect the limitations, so
that a more balanced reconstructions can be achieved. / Dissertation (MA)--University of Pretoria, 2001. / gm2014 / Historical and Heritage Studies / Unrestricted
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Marknadseffektivitet och det systematiska felet : Finansanalytikers och Ekonomijournalisters marknadspåverkan / Market Efficiency and the Systematical ErrorWiman, Robin, Persson, Alexander January 2015 (has links)
Forskningen kring effektiva marknader är uppdelad; ena sidan påstår att marknaden är fullständigt effektiv och det inte går att skapa någon form av överavkastning. Andra sidan hävdar tvärtemot att endast historisk information reflekteras i dagens priser. På kort sikt kan det finns en viss ineffektivitet och de flesta erkänner att marknaden innehåller anomalier Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka om det existerar systematiska fel beträffande informationsflöden som pekar mot att den svenska aktiemarknaden inte är av semi-stark form eller stark form av effektivitet Vi utgår från tre metodologiska ställningstaganden; utgångspunkt, forskningsansats samt kunskapssyn. En deduktivt kvantitativ metod tillämpas och vi applicerar metoden för event study. Vi finner stöd för att det finns systematiska fel i marknaden beträffande informationsflöden i form av aktierekommendationer. Resultaten antyder att den svenska aktiemarknaden inte är av starkt effektiv form och i ett fall av fyra finner vi att den inte heller besitter semi-stark form. / Research concerning efficient markets are divided into two camps; the one hand, claims that the market is fully efficient and it is not possible to create any kind of excess returns. The other side argues the contrary that only historical information are reflected in today’s prices. Short term, there is some inefficiency and most recognize that the market contain anomalies The purpose is to investigate whether there exist indications regarding flows of information to the Swedish stock market suggesting a semi-strong form or strong form of efficiency. We start from three methodological statements; starting point, the research approach and epistemological beliefs. A deductive quantitative methodology is used, and we apply the method of event study. We find evidence for the existence of systematic errors in the market in terms of flows of information in the form of stock recommendations. The results suggest that the Swedish stock market is not of the strong efficient form and in one case out of four, we find that it does not possess the semi-strong form.
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