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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Monte Carlo calculations of inner shell ionization profiles and the secondary electron background in electron spectroscopy

Ross, William Charles January 1998 (has links)
No description available.

A SIMS based bevel-image technique for the analysis of semiconductor materials

Fearn, Sarah January 2000 (has links)
No description available.

Search for heavy Majorana neutrinos in pp collisions at √s = 8 TeV with the CMS detector & photodetector and calorimeter R&D for particle colliders.

Tiras, Emrah 01 January 2017 (has links)
This thesis contains both physics analysis and hardware studies. It consists of two primary sections: the results of a search for heavy Majorana mass neutrinos, using the event signature of same (like) sign charged electron pairs ($e^{\pm} e^{\pm}$ ) and two jets, and the results of studies to upgrade the Hadronic Forward (HF) and Hadronic Endcap (HE) subdetectors in the Compact Muon Solenoid (CMS) detector in response to the high intensity proton-proton collisions generated at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) at European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN, Conseil Europ\'{e}en pour la Recherche Nucl\'{e}aire). In this search for Majorana mass neutrinos, same sign dielectron ($e^{\pm} e^{\pm}$) + dijet events in the final state have been considered as a signature for neutrino particles. The analyzed data corresponds to an integrated luminosity of 19.7 fb\textsuperscript{-1} of proton-proton collisions at a center of mass energy of \begin{math}\sqrt{s} = 8\ TeV \end{math}, collected using the CMS detector during the 2012 operation at the LHC. Monte Carlo simulations accounting for the theoretical expectations of the Standard Model (SM) and the detector limitations are used to prototype the experiment and to test proposed analysis steps. No excess of events is observed in the data beyond the expected SM background. Upper limits are set on the mixing element squared, $|{V}_{eN}|^{2}$, of the heavy Majorana neutrino with standard model neutrinos, as a function of Majorana neutrino mass for masses in the range of 40-500 $GeV/c^2$. The detector upgrade search comprises three sections of this thesis. The first section describes the test results of 1785 multianode Hamamatsu R7600U-200-M4 photomultiplier tubes (PMT) in numerous parameters such as gain, dark current, and timing characteristics, which provide insights on the expected performance of the upgraded CMS-HF detector. These PMTs replaced the previous single anode R7525 PMTs because the glass windows of previous PMTs are the source of Cherenkov radiation, which causes a background noise in the experiment. The second section reports characterization results of two types of PMTs in a novel operation mode for Secondary Emission (SE) Ionization Calorimetry, which is a novel technique to measure electromagnetic shower particles in extreme radiation environments. The third section presents the test results of novel scintillating materials for CMS experiment in specific and future particle accelerators in general. These materials are Polyethylene Naphthalate (PEN), Polyethylene Terephthalate (PET), high efficiency mirror (HEM) and quartz plates with various organic and inorganic coating materials such as p-Terphenyl (pTp), Anthracene and Gallium-doped Zinc Oxide (ZnO:Ga). We have investigated them for radiation hardness, light yield, timing characteristics, and scintillation and transmission properties.

Computer simulation of a capacitively coupled GEC cell

Costa i Bricha, Elm January 2001 (has links)
No description available.

Role sekundární emise v nabíjení prachových zrn / The Role of Secondary Electron Emission in Dust Grain Charging

Richterová, Ivana January 2012 (has links)
Title: The Role of Secondary Electron Emission in Dust Grain Charging Author: Ivana Richterová Department: Department of Surface and Plasma Science Supervisor: Prof. RNDr. Zdeněk Němeček, DrSc. Abstract: This work presents a secondary emission model focused on micron and submicron dust grains. The results allowed us to predict surface potentials of grains charged by 50 eV -- 15 keV electron beams. The probability that such electrons penetrate through grains increases with their energy and decreases with a grain size and depends on a grain shape. Model predictions were experimentally verified for glass, gold, and carbon spherical grains and for lunar regolith simulants. In dusty plasmas, charge accumulated on dust grains and plasma parameters govern the ensemble dynamics. The model can be thus utilised in calculations of phenomenon in planet magnetospheres (e.g. spokes in Saturn's rings), in tokamak edge plasmas, etc. Keywords: Secondary emission, dust grains, dust charging

Development of a Methodology for Numerical Simulation of a D C ARC Discharge in a Liquid Dielectric

Lewis, Christopher James 15 December 2009 (has links) (PDF)
The majority of literature regarding the numerical simulation of arc discharges in gaseous environments has used a plasma physics approach. Virtually all simulations treat the discharge as an idealized gaseous plasma, which can be described by temperature, pressure, and electric field. This approach can work well if the media is a shielding gas such as Argon; however, the approach does not work well for processes such as underwater welding, EDM, and underwater discharges used to generate high purity particles. The reason these discharges do not have many extensive simulation efforts as described in the literature is because they occur in liquid dielectric media (Oil and water) which complicates the simulation efforts. Most research efforts in these areas describe experimental methods to evaluate discharge properties In this research a new method to investigate discharges in a dielectric media using an electrostatic and particle physics approach is proposed and validated. A commercial code that has been developed to simulate charged particle beams, dielectric materials, and perform multi-physics analyses, is the Vector Fields suite of solvers from Cobham Technical Services. This research demonstrates a simulation methodology that can be used to simulate a DC electric arc discharge in a lossy dielectric media using the Vector Fields environment. This simulation is the first of its kind to simulate this type of a discharge with a commercial FEA code. As such there are some limitations to the simulation. However, the simulation can be used to investigate the following: 1.Any metal, electrode geometry, discharge gap, or dielectric media can be studied 2.Primary Beam Physics – Electron velocity/acceleration (direct calculation of electron temperature) – Energy deposition on the anode from all emission sources – Effect of dielectric media on beam physics (trajectories, velocity, constriction, beam induced magnetic fields, space chare, and secondary emission) – Beam current – Particle trajectories (including relativistic effects) 3. Secondary Particle Generation and physics – Atomic species (neutral particles or ions) and secondary electron emission – Particle trajectories – Back ion bombardment on the cathode

Développement des instruments de mesures des profiles transversaux et d'emittance pour l'accélérateur linéaire LINAC4 au CERN / Development of beam transverse profile and emittance monitors for the CERN LINAC4

Cheymol, Benjamin 15 December 2011 (has links)
Dans les prochaines années, le complexe d'accélérateur du CERN va subir une profonde mise a jour dont le but est une augmentation de la luminosité du LHC. Le projet LIU ( LHC Injectors Upgrade) coordonne les mises a jour des différentes parties de la chaine d'injection. Le projet LINAC4 s'inscrit dans ce cadre et sera la première étape de la mise à jour. Cette thèse présente les différentes études conduites lors du développement de l'instrumentation nécessaire à la mesure du faisceau. Ce travail est limité aux instruments permettant la mesure des profils transverses (taille et emittance). La thèse se divise en quatre parties. La première partie, composée des trois premiers chapitres, est vue comme une partie d'introduction où il sera présenté le projet LINAC4 ainsi que les différents aperçus théoriques nécessaires à la conception de types d'instruments requis. Le chapitre 2 décrit brièvement la dynamique des faisceaux dans un accélérateur et présente également des rappels théoriques sur l'effet de charge d'espace induit par le faisceau. Le chapitre 3 est un rappel sur les interactions entre particules et matière. La seconde partie, comprenant les chapitres 4 a 6, décrit les différentes études menées lors de la conception des SEM grid, wire scanner et emittance mètre. Le lecteur trouvera dans cette partie une description des instruments mentionnés et qui seront déployés lors de la phase de test et pendant la phase d'opération du LINAC4. Le chapitre 4 s'attarde sur les effet de charge thermique induite sur les fils des SEM grid et wire beam scanner par le faisceau et leur conséquence sur la survit de ces fils. Le LINAC4 va produire un faisceau intense d'ion H-, avec une taille de faisceau de l'ordre du millimètre, cette densité de particule va, à basse énergie, induire un grand dépôt d'énergie dans la matière. La hausse de température qui en résulte peut dépasser les limites thermomécaniques des matériaux usuels employés pour ce type de mesure. Cette étude permet de déterminer le matériau idéal pour le fil et d'imposer certaines restrictions sur l'utilisation des différents moniteurs de profils. Au sein de ce chapitre il est aussi présente une estimation des signaux obtenus pour des géométries et des matériaux de fils différents. Les chapitres 5 et 6 sont une études de l'emittance mètre a moyenne énergie du LINAC4 (3 et 12 MeV), le système employé est un système dit "Slit & grid", ou une fente permet de sélectionner une faible partie du faisceau, le reste étant absorbé, le profil du faisceau non perturbé est mesuré par une grille. Le chapitre 5 présente une étude sur les erreurs systématiques des mesures d'emittance dû a la diffusion multiple et a l'effet de charge d'espace du faisceau, ces deux phénomènes constituant les principales erreurs conduisant à une mauvaise reconstruction de l'emittance mesurée. Le chapitre 6 quant a lui est dédié à l'étude mécanique de la fente de l'emittance mètre. Comme pour les fils des moniteurs de profils, la charge thermique sur la partie supportant la slit est importante. Ce chapitre décrit les études effectuées pour le choix des matériaux et de la géométrie des pièces mécaniques. La troisième partie de la thèse, qui se résume au chapitre 7, est consacrée aux différents résultats expérimentaux obtenus dans la phase de test de la source de particule du LINAC4 ainsi que ceux obtenus lors d'une visite d'étude à SNS. Une partie de se chapitre décrira la mise au point de l'instrumentation aux banc test de la source, une autre présente l'effet de la diffusion multiple sur les mesures d'emittance à SNS et propose une mise a jour de l'instrument. Le chapitre 8 constitue la dernière partie de cette thèse. Dans ce dernier chapitre, le lecteur pourra lire une étude préliminaire sur l'utilisation d'un faisceau laser pour la mesure d'emittance et de profil aux hautes énergies du linac. / LINAC4 is part of the CERN Large Hadron Collider injector chain upgrade (LIU) and will accelerate H− ions from 45 keV to 160 MeV, it will be the first step of the upgrade with the replacement of LINAC2 in 2018. In order to measure beam profiles along the LINAC, several SEM grid and wire beam scanner (WS) monitors will be installed between the RF cavities from 50 MeV to 160 MeV. This thesis covers all monitor design aspects intended to cope with the required specifications. In particular, the overall measurement robustness, accuracy and sensitivity must be satisfied for different commissioning and operational scenarios. The physics mechanisms generating the wire signals and the wire resistance to beam induced thermal loads have been considered in order to determine the most appropriate monitor design in terms of wire material and dimensions. In addition, for the commissioning phase, a movable diagnostics test bench will be used to adjust the machine parameters during different stages of installation. One of the main instruments on this movable bench is a transverse emittance meter. This thesis presents the different studies done for the mechanical design of the slit and for the estimation of the systematical error on the measurement due to space charge and multiple scattering. To complete this section, the first results of the commissioning of the LINAC4 ions source and LEBT are presented, together with results form emittance measurement taken at the Spallation Neutron Source in Oak Ridge (Tennessee, USA). This last part of the thesis presents different studies done for a beam profiles and emittance measurements with a laser wire, with a large input from the SNS beam diagnostic group.

Analysis of wedge-shaped waveguides and design of multipactor-resistant microwave bandpass filters. Análisis de guías de onda en forma de cuña y diseño de filtros de microondas paso-banda resistentes al efecto multipactor

Hueso González, Jaime 19 November 2013 (has links)
El efecto multipactor de ruptura en RF ha sido objeto de numerosos estudios desde hace más de 80 años, a partir del desarrollo de los primeros aceleradores de partículas en la primera mitad del siglo XX. A mediados de ese siglo, con el desarrollo de fuentes de alta potencia para aplicaciones radar y la llegada de los satélites artificiales, la investigación del multipactor cobró una considerable relevancia, al convertirse este fenómeno en un riesgo determinante para costosos proyectos comerciales. Las guías de onda con secciones rectas canónicas, como las rectangulares o las coaxiales, han sido tradicionalmente las más utilizadas en dispositivos de microondas. Sus principales ventajas son que sus campos electromagnéticos pueden resolverse analíticamente, lo que permite su aplicación directa en diseños complejos, y la simplicidad de su fabricación. Pero las capacidades de computación y las prestaciones de los algoritmos se han multiplicado con los años, lo que ha permitido ampliar el espectro de posibles topologías a geometrías casi arbitrarias, ofreciendo al diseñador una mayor libertad creativa. En todo caso, gran parte de los dispositivos de microondas actuales siguen confiando en la madurez y fiabilidad de las tecnologías de guía de onda tradicionales, que no requieren una inversión adicional en equipos de fabricación. La supresión del efecto multipactor es la motivación para arriesgarse a probar topologías de guía de onda innovadoras, como la guía en forma de cuña. Es en este contexto donde este trabajo de doctorado pretende ofrecer una contribuci'on. En primer lugar, se ha desarrollado un modelo numérico para predecir el efecto multipactor de ruptura en guías de onda huecas en forma de cuña. Esta herramienta ha permitido la identificación de criterios óptimos de diseño. Así mismo, se ha adaptado un método de síntesis de filtros paso-banda en guía rectangular para poder realizar un diseño similar pero basado en la nueva topología. Como culminación, las estructuras diseñadas se han fabricado y medido, con el fin de comprobar sus prestaciones electromagnéticas y su sensibilidad al efecto multipactor. Se ha registrado además una patente para proteger estos nuevos filtros. En resumen, el trabajo ha abarcado el ciclo de actividades relacionadas con el desarrollo industrial completo de un dispositivo pasivo de microondas: investigación básica, análisis, diseño, fabricación y calificación con medidas en el laboratorio. Estas medidas han comprobado la mejora prevista en los umbrales de multipactor de los filtros de microondas con topología en forma de cu¿na, y han confirmado que pueden ofrecer respuestas en frecuencia similares a aquellas de filtros basados en una guía de onda rectangular equivalente. Las implicaciones de los resultados han sido evaluadas a fondo y resumidas en este documento. Como observación final, se ha intentado redactar esta investigación de manera que refleje el proceso natural de aprendizaje, mostrando los aciertos y errores experimentados en el camino, todos los cuales han conducido al resultado final. Este reto no hubiera sido posible sin el apoyo y compromiso de varios profesionales de diferentes centros de investigación e industrias europeas (Universidad Politécnica de Valencia, Universidad de Valencia, Agencia Espacial Europea, Thales Alenia Espacio Espa¿na, Technische Universit¿at Darmstadt, 'Ecole Polythecnique F'ed'erale de Lausanne, Tesat, Aurora Software and Testing y Val Space Consortium), a los cuales estoy agradecido. / The multipactor RF breakdown effect has been object of numerous studies for over 80 years, since the development of the first particle accelerators in the beginning of the 20th century. Around the middle of that century, with the development of high power sources for radar applications and with the emergence of the artificial satellites, a new impulse was given to the multipactor research, since it became a risk for expensive commercial projects. Traditionally, waveguides with canonical cross sections, like rectangular or coaxial ones, have been the building blocks of most microwave devices. Their main advantages are that their electromagnetic fields can be solved analytically, enabling their direct application in complex designs, as well as their manufacturing simplicity. But over the years the computation capabilities and algorithms have continuously evolved, which has broadened the spectrum of possible topologies to almost arbitrary geometries, offering the designer more room for creativity. However, most of the current microwave devices still trust on the mature canonical waveguide technologies, which do not require an additional investment in manufacturing equipment. The suppression of the multipactor effect is the motivation for considering an innovative waveguide topology, like the wedge-shaped waveguide. It is within this context where this PhD work aims to offer a contribution. On the one hand, a numerical model for predicting the multipactor breakdown effect in wedge-shaped hollow waveguides has been developed. This tool has aided in the derivation of optimised design criteria. On the other hand, a bandpass filter synthesis method for rectangular waveguide has been adapted in order to calculate a similar design based on the new topology. As a culmination, the designed structures have been manufactured and tested, in order to verify their electromagnetic performance and their multipactor sensibility. A patent was also filed to protect these new filters. In short, this work has comprised the cycle of activities related to the whole industrial development of a passive microwave device: basic research, analysis, design, manufacturing and qualification through testing. These measurements have verified the predicted improvement in the multipactor thresholds of microwave filters with wedge-shaped topology, and have confirmed that they can offer similar frequency responses to the equivalent rectangular waveguide ones. The implications of the results have been thoroughly evaluated and summarised in this document. As a final remark, this research document has been drafted to reflect the natural learning process, and to show the rights and wrongs experienced in the way, which all have led to the final result. Such an endeavour would not have been possible without the support and commitment of several professionals from different European research centres and industries (Universidad Polit'ecnica de Valencia, Universidad de Valencia, European Space Agency, Thales Alenia Espacio Spain, Technische Universit¿at Darmstadt, 'Ecole Polythecnique F'ed'erale de Lausanne, Tesat, Aurora Software and Testing and Val Space Consortium), for which I am grateful. / Hueso González, J. (2013). Analysis of wedge-shaped waveguides and design of multipactor-resistant microwave bandpass filters. Análisis de guías de onda en forma de cuña y diseño de filtros de microondas paso-banda resistentes al efecto multipactor [Tesis doctoral]. Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/33750

Estudo da influência de impurezas e da qualidade das superfícies em cristais de brometo de tálio para aplicação como um detector de radiação / Methodology optimization of the thallium bromide crystal preparation for application as a radiation detector

SANTOS, ROBINSON A. dos 11 November 2016 (has links)
Submitted by Claudinei Pracidelli (cpracide@ipen.br) on 2016-11-11T13:09:25Z No. of bitstreams: 0 / Made available in DSpace on 2016-11-11T13:09:25Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0 / Neste trabalho, cristais de TlBr foram crescidos e purificados pelo método de Bridgman Repetido, a partir de sais comerciais de TlBr, e caracterizados para serem usados como detectores de radiação à temperatura ambiente. Para avaliar a eficiência de purificação, estudos da diminuição da concentração de impurezas foram feitos após cada crescimento, analisando as impurezas traço por Espectrometria de Massas com Plasma (ICP-MS). Um decréscimo significativo da concentração de impurezas em função do número de purificações foi observado. Os cristais crescidos apresentaram boa qualidade cristalina de acordo com os resultados de análise por Difração de Raios X (DRX), boa qualidade morfológica e estequiometria adequada de acordo com os resultados de análise por MEV(SE) e MEV(EDS). Um modelo matemático definido por equações diferenciais foi desenvolvido para avaliar as concentrações de impurezas no cristal de TlBr e suas segregações em função do número de crescimentos pelo método de Bridgman. Este modelo pode ser usado para calcular o coeficiente de migração das impurezas e mostrou ser útil para prever o número necessário de repetições de crescimento Bridgman para atingir nível de pureza adequado para assegurar a qualidade do cristal como detector de radiação. Os coeficientes se segregação obtidos são parâmetros importantes para análise microestrutural e análise de transporte de cargas nos cristais detectores. Para avaliar os cristais a serem usados como detectores de radiação, medidas de suas resistividades e resposta à incidência de radiação gama das fontes de 241Am (59,5keV) e 133Ba (81 keV) foram realizadas. Essa resposta foi dependente da pureza do cristal. Os detectores apresentaram um avanço significativo na eficiência de coleta de cargas em função da pureza. / Tese (Doutorado em Tecnologia Nuclear) / IPEN/T / Instituto de Pesquisas Energeticas e Nucleares - IPEN-CNEN/SP

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