Spelling suggestions: "subject:"need field."" "subject:"feed field.""
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A physiological study of weed competition in peas (Pisum sativum L.)Munakamwe, Z. January 2008 (has links)
Peas dominate New Zealand grain legume production and they are a major export crop. However, weeds are a major problem particularly under organic production, where the use of synthetic chemicals is prohibited. To address this limitation, a research program to study weed control in peas was done to provide both conventional and organic farmers a sustainable weed management package. This was done through three field experiments over two growing seasons, 2006/07 and 2007/08. Experiment 1, (2006/07) evaluated the effect of 50, 100 and 400 plants m² on crop yield, and weed growth of Aragon, Midichi or Pro 7035 with and without cyanazine. Experiment two explored the physiology of two pea genotypes, the leafed (Pro 7035) and the semi leafless (Midichi) sown at three dates. A herbicide treatment was included as a control. In the third experiment Midichi, was used to investigate the effect of different pea and weed population combinations and their interaction on crop yield and weed growth. All crops were grown at Lincoln University on a Templeton silt loam soil. In Experiment one, herbicide had no effect on total dry matter (TDM) and seed yield (overall mean seed yield 673 g m²). There was also no significant difference in mean seed yield among the pea genotypes, Aragorn, Pro 7035 and Midichi, (overall mean, 674 g m²). The lowest average seed yield, 606 g m² was from 400 plants m² and the highest, 733 g m², from 50 plants m², a 21% yield increase. A significant herbicide by population interaction showed that herbicide had no effect on seed yields at 100 and 400 plants m². However, cyanazine treated plots at 50 plants m² gave 829 g m² of seed. This was 30% more than the 637 g m², from plots without herbicide. In Experiment 1 pea cultivar and herbicide had no significant effect on weed counts. In Experiment 2 the August sowing gave the highest seed yield at 572 g m². This was 62% more than the lowest yield, in October. Cyanazine treatment gave a mean seed yield of 508 g m², 19% more than from unsprayed plots. There was a significant (p < 0.05) sowing date x genotype interaction which showed that in the August sowing genotype had no effect on seed yield. However, in September the Pro 7035 seed yield at 559 g m² was 40% more that of Midichi and in October it gave 87% more. Weed spectrum varied over time. Prevalent weeds in spring were Stachys spp, Achillea millefolium L., and Spergular arvensis L. In summer they were Chenopodium album L., Rumex spp, Trifolium spp and Solanum nigrum L. Coronopus didymus L., Stellaria media and Lolium spp were present in relatively large numbers throughout the season. In Experiment 3 seed yield increased significantly (p < 0.001) with pea population. Two hundred plants m² gave the highest mean seed yield at 409 g m² and 50 plants m² gave the lowest (197 g m²). The no-sown-weed treatment gave the highest mean seed yield of 390 g m². This was due to less competition for solar radiation. There was no difference in seed yield between the normal rate sown weed and the 2 x normal sown weed treatments (mean 255 g m²). It can be concluded that fully leafed and semi-leafless peas can be sown at similar populations to achieve similar yields under weed free conditions. Increased pea sowing rate can increase yield particularly in weedy environments. Early sowing can also increase yield and possibly control problem weeds of peas (particularly Solanum spp), which are usually late season weeds. Herbicide can enhance pea yield but can be replaced by effective cultural methods such as early sowing, appropriate pea genotype and high sowing rates. Additional key words: Pisum sativum L., semi-leafless, fully leafed, cyanazine, pea population, weed population, sustainable, TDM, seed yield, weed, weed counts, sowing date, weed spectrum, seed rates.
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Performance de cruzamentos entre genitores tolerantes à ferrugem asiática da soja / Performance of crosses among parents with tolerance to soybean rustMarcelo Cunha Marques 29 April 2014 (has links)
A ferrugem asiática da soja (FAS) foi constatada pela primeira vez no Brasil em 2000/2001, tendo desde então ocasionado elevados prejuízos aos sojicultores. O emprego de cultivares geneticamente resistentes/tolerantes é um componente fundamental de um programa integrado para controle desta doença. A pesquisa tem encontrado muita dificuldade, pois o fungo Phakopsora pachyrhizi apresenta grande variabilidade patogênica e as poucas fontes de resistência/tolerância disponíveis não são adaptadas às condições brasileiras. O objetivo geral do presente estudo foi avaliar a performance de linhagens experimentais de soja derivadas de cruzamentos entre genitores tolerantes à ferrugem asiática, com a finalidade de incrementar a tolerância a FAS. Os experimentos foram conduzidos durante os anos agrícolas 2008-09, 2009-10 e 2010-11, nas Estações Experimentais Anhumas e Areão e na sede (ESALQ), áreas estas pertencentes à Escola Superior de Agricultura \"Luiz de Queiroz\" e situadas no município de Piracicaba - SP. Os experimentos com as progênies nas gerações F2:4, F2:5 e F2:6 foram delineados em blocos aumentados de Federer, sendo cada experimento subdividido em conjuntos experimentais com testemunhas comuns. Para estimar o efeito ferrugem e o nível de tolerância de cada genótipo a FAS, em cada local e ano agrícola, foram conduzidos dois experimentos com aplicações de fungicidas diferentes: no primeiro experimento aplicou-se fungicida para controle apenas das doenças de final de ciclo (DFC), enquanto que no segundo experimento, foi aplicado fungicida com princípios ativos para o controle tanto das DFC quanto da FAS. Nos experimentos com controle de DFC e FAS houve tendência de médias maiores para PG e PCS. A metodologia do contraste de reações das plantas a fungicidas distintos foi eficiente em estimar o efeito ferrugem e a reação de cada genótipo a FAS. A pressão do fungo da FAS sobre as progênies variou entre os anos agrícolas, tendo sido maior em 2009-10. O local Anhumas destacou-se entre os demais, possibilitando altas médias de produtividade de grãos (PG) em todos os anos agrícolas avaliados. Este ambiente também mostrou-se apropriado para estimar o efeito ferrugem. Os genitores 1 (USP 04-18.032) e 5 (USP 11-38) foram os que originaram as progênies mais precoces e os genitores 3 (USP 97-08.135) e 10 (USP 191-104-11) as progênies mais tardias. Os genitores 8 (USP 191-102-03) e 10 (USP 191-104-11) foram os que mais contribuíram para elevadas médias de PG e peso de cem sementes (PCS). Já o genitor 4 (BUSP 16-015) destacou-se na média de PG, além de ter apresentado valor alto de capacidade média de combinação para PG, na média dos três anos agrícolas. O cruzamento 7x10 (USP 14-06-20 x USP 191-104-11) destacou-se originando o maior número de progênies com desempenho superior em PG e tolerância a FAS. Por outro lado, os genitores 1 (USP 04-18.032), 3 (USP 97-08.135) e 9 (USP 191-103-12) foram os que menos contribuíram para a geração de progênies com alta PG. Houve variação entre as progênies dentro de cruzamentos para as estimativas dos parâmetros de adaptabilidade e estabilidade fenotípica. Consequentemente, as progênies 231- 2224-12 (6x8 = USP 97-10.046 x USP 191-102-03), 231-6127-06 (1x8 = USP 04- 18.032 x USP 191-102-03) e 231-1120-08 (7x10 = USP 14-06-20 x USP 191-104-11) foram as mais indicadas para a seleção recorrente para tolerância a FAS. / The Asian soybean rust (FAS) was reported for the first time in Brazil in 2000/2001 and has since caused considerable damage to soybean crops. The use of genetically resistant cultivars is a key component of an integrated program to control this disease. In the researches has been found many difficulties because the fungus Phakopsora pachyrhizi shows great variability in pathogenicity and the small number of sources of resistance that are available has no adaptability to Brazilian environmental conditions. The overall objective of this study was to evaluate the performance of experimental soybean lines derived from crosses among soybean rust tolerant parents, in order to increase the horizontal resistance (tolerance). The experiments were conducted during the crop years 2008-09, 2009-10 and 2010-11, in three experimental stations (Anhumas, Areão and ESALQ), areas belonging to the College of Agriculture \"Luiz de Queiroz\" and located within the municipality of Piracicaba, State of São Paulo, Brazil. The experiments with progenies in generations F2:4, F2:5 and F2:6 were designed in augmented block of Federer, with each experiment divided into sets with common checks. In order to estimate the effect of FAS and the level of tolerance of each genotype to FAS, in each location and crop year, there was conducted two experiments with applications of different fungicides: in the first experiment was applied one fungicide for controlling only the soybean late season leaf diseases (DFC), while in the second experiment were applied one fungicides with active principles for controlling DFC as well as FAS. In the experiments with control of DFC and FAS there was tendency of superior means for PG and PCS. The methodology of contrasting the plant reactions to different fungicides was effective for estimating the effect of FAS and the level of tolerance of each genotype to FAS. The pressure of the fungal FAS on progenies ranged among crop years, being highest in 2009-10. The location Anhumas stood out among the rest, enabling high average seed yield (PG) in all evaluated crop years; this environment also proved to be suitable for estimating the rust effect. The parents 1 (USP 04-18032) and 5 (USP 11-38) were those that originated the earliest progenies and parents 3 (USP 97-08135) and 10 (USP 191-104-11) the later progenies. The parents 8 (USP 191-102-03) and 10 (USP 191-104-11) were the main contributors to higher average PG and one hundred seed weight (PSC). However, the parent 4 ( BUSP 16-015 ) exceeded for PG, besides also have presented high value of average combining ability for PG, in average of the three crop years. The cross 7x10 (USP 14-06-20 x USP 191-104-11) stood out by originating the highest number of progenies with superior performance in PG and tolerance to FAS. On the other hand, the parents 1 (USP 04-18 032), 3 (USP 97-08 135), and 9 (USP 191-103-12) have contributed with the smallest number of superior progenies in PG. There was variation among progenies within cross, for the estimates of adaptability and phenotypic stability parameters. Consequently, the progenies 231-2224-12 (6x8 = USP 97-10 046 x USP 191-102-03), 231-6127-06 (1x8 = USP 04-18 032 x USP 191- 102-03), and 231-1120 - 08 (7x10 = USP 14-06-20 x USP 191-104-11) were the most suitable for the utilization as parents in the recurrent selection for tolerance to FAS.
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Análise de cruzamentos dialélicos para o desenvolvimento de soja tipo hortaliça com tolerância à ferrugem / Diallel analysis for the development of vegetable soybean with tolerance to Asian rustRenan Silva e Souza 06 February 2018 (has links)
Entre os maiores desafios existentes para a cultura da soja, os estresses bióticos e abióticos se destacam e a incidência de patógenos como a ferrugem asiática, causam grandes perdas aos produtores. No Brasil, a ferrugem é a principal causa de prejuízos nas lavouras e estratégias para o seu controle mais eficiente são necessárias. O melhoramento genético para a tolerância constitui uma importante ferramenta para manter a ferrugem em níveis abaixo de dano econômico por um período mais duradouro. Outro aspecto importante da cultura da soja é relacionado com a sua utilização, destacando-se a produção de farelo com alto teor de proteína e de óleo comestível e combustível. Apesar de apresentar uma rica composição nutricional, o seu uso direto na alimentação humana ainda não é comum no Brasil. Uma das formas de incluir a soja na dieta é na forma de hortaliça, também conhecida como Edamame, em que as vagens são colhidas ainda verdes ou imaturas (estádio R6) e os grãos consumidos após breve cozimento. Contudo, poucos esforços têm sido dedicados para desenvolver novos genótipos com boa performance agronômica e adequados ao consumo humano. O presente trabalho teve o objetivo de avaliar genótipos de soja para a produção de soja hortaliça que apresentem tolerância à ferrugem. Para isto foram realizados cruzamentos entre seis genitores com boas características agronômicas em um esquema dialélico 6x6, gerando 15 cruzamentos. Estes genótipos foram avaliados nas gerações F2 e F3 para a produtividade e o tamanho das sementes, sendo que na geração F3, foram adicionados outros dez caracteres. Nas duas gerações, foi estimada a sua tolerância à ferrugem, utilizando manejos diferentes da doença com fungicidas. Foram realizadas análises de variância individuais e conjuntas, agrupamento de médias, análises dialélicas, tendo sido estimados os coeficientes de herdabilidade e correlações entre os caracteres. As análises mostraram a existência de variabilidade entre os genótipos avaliados e indicaram que os cruzamentos apresentaram desempenho superior aos genitores para caracteres importantes. O uso dos diferentes manejos da ferrugem com fungicidas mostrou-se eficiente uma vez que foi possível identificar genótipos tolerantes. Além disso, foram detectadas interações genótipos x ambientes significativas, fato que representou um desafio para a seleção dos melhores genótipos. Os genitores BRS 267, USP 13-66.136 e USP 13-19.007 destacaram-se por apresentar estimativas altas de capacidade de combinação e os cruzamentos USP 13-66.136 x USP 13-19.007, USP 13-66.136 x USP 13-19.034, BRS 267 x USP 13-19.007 e Tengamine x USP 13-19.007 apresentaram os melhores desempenhos. As estimativas de capacidade específica de combinação (Sii) dos genitores indicaram a existência de divergência entre eles e os caracteres apresentaram altas herdabilidades. A magnitude e a significância das correlações indicaram a possibilidade de seleção de genótipos precoces com sementes grandes e, também, evidenciaram que a seleção de genótipos com período mais longo entre R6 e R7 (SGR6) beneficia a produtividade. Portanto, foi possível identificar genitores e cruzamentos promissores para o desenvolvimento de novas linhagens apropriadas para a produção de soja hortaliça com tolerância à ferrugem. / Among the major challenges for soybean cultivation, biotic and abiotic stresses stand out and the incidence of pathogens such as Asian rust can cause extensive losses to farmers. In Brazil, rust is the main cause of crop damage and strategies for a more efficient control are necessary. Breeding for tolerance is an important tool to keep rust below economic damage for a longer period. Another important aspect of the soybean crop is related to its use, which is directed to the production of high-protein meal, edible oil and fuel. Although this legume has a rich nutritional composition, its direct use in the diet is still not common in Brazil. One of the ways to use soybean as food is in the form of vegetable, also known as Edamame, in which the pods are harvested green or immature (R6 stage) and the grains consumed after brief cooking. However, few efforts have been devoted to developing new soybean genotypes with good agronomic performance and characteristics suitable for human consumption. The present research had the objective of evaluating soybean genotypes for the production of vegetable soybean with rust tolerance. For this, crosses between six parents with good agronomic characteristics were performed in a 6x6 diallel scheme, generating 15 crosses. These genotypes were evaluated in the F2 and F3 generations for seed yield and size, and in the F3 generation, ten other traits were added. In both generations, tolerance to rust was estimated in experiments designed for different managements of the disease with fungicides. Individual and joint analyzes of variance, grouping of means, diallel analyzes, and estimation of heritability and correlation coefficients were performed. The analyzes showed the existence of variability among the evaluated genotypes and indicated that the crosses presented superior performance to the parents for important traits. The use of different rust managements with fungicides was efficient, since it was possible to identify tolerant genotypes. In addition, significant genotypes x environments interactions were detected, a fact that represented a challenge for the selection of the best genotypes. The parents BRS 267, USP 13-66136 and USP 13-19007 stood out for presenting high estimates of general combining ability and the crosses USP 13-66136 x USP 13-19007, USP 13-66136 x USP 13-19034, BRS 267 x USP 13-19007 and Tengamine x USP 13-19.007 presented the best performances. Estimates of specific combining ability (Sii) of the parents indicated divergence between them and the traits showed high estimates of heritability. The magnitude and significance of the correlations indicated the possibility of selecting early genotypes with large seeds and showed that the selection of genotypes with a longer period between R6 and R7 (SGR6) benefits seed yield. Therefore, it was possible to identify promising parents and crosses for the development of new lines suitable for the production of vegetable soybean with rust tolerance.
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Genetic and Environmental Factors Affecting Improvement of Rootstocks for TomatoHuarachi Morejon, Nancy 26 December 2013 (has links)
No description available.
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