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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Attention-based Multi-Behavior Sequential Network for E-commerce Recommendation / Rekommendation för uppmärksamhetsbaserat multibeteende sekventiellt nätverk för e-handel

Li, Zilong January 2022 (has links)
The original intention of the recommender system is to solve the problem of information explosion, hoping to help users find the content they need more efficiently. In an e-commerce platform, users typically interact with items that they are interested in or need in a variety of ways. For example, buying, browsing details, etc. These interactions are recorded as time-series information. How to use this sequential information to predict user behaviors in the future and give an efficient and effective recommendation is a very important problem. For content providers, such as merchants in e-commerce platforms, more accurate recommendation means higher traffic, CTR (click-through rate), and revenue. Therefore, in the industry, the CTR model for recommendation systems is a research hotspot. However, in the fine ranking stage of the recommendation system, the existing models have some limitations. No researcher has attempted to predict multiple behaviors of one user simultaneously by processing sequential information. We define this problem as the multi-task sequential recommendation problem. In response to this problem, we study the CTR model, sequential recommendation, and multi-task learning. Based on these studies, this paper proposes AMBSN (Attention-based Multi-Behavior Sequential Network). Specifically, we added a transformer layer, the activation unit, and the multi-task tower to the traditional Embedding&MLP (multi-layer perceptron) model. The transformer layer enables our model to efficiently extract sequential behavior information, the activation unit can understand user interests, and the multi-task tower structure makes the model give the prediction of different user behaviors at the same time. We choose user behavior data from Taobao for recommendation published on TianChi as the dataset, and AUC as the evaluation criterion. We compare the performance of AMBSN and some other models on the test set after training. The final results of the experiment show that our model outperforms some existing models. / L’intenzione originale del sistema di raccomandazione è risolvere il problema dell’esplosione delle informazioni, sperando di aiutare gli utenti a trovare il contenuto di cui hanno bisogno in modo più efficiente. In una piattaforma di e-commerce, gli utenti in genere interagiscono con gli articoli a cui sono interessati o di cui hanno bisogno in vari modi. Ad esempio, acquisti, dettagli di navigazione, ecc. Queste interazioni vengono registrate come informazioni di serie temporali. Come utilizzare queste informazioni sequenziali per prevedere i comportamenti degli utenti in futuro e fornire una raccomandazione efficiente ed efficace è un problema molto importante. Per i fornitori di contenuti, come i commercianti nelle piattaforme di e-commerce, una raccomandazione più accurata significa traffico, CTR (percentuale di clic) ed entrate più elevati. Pertanto, nel settore, il modello CTR per i sistemi di raccomandazione è un hotspot di ricerca. Tuttavia, nella fase di classificazione fine del sistema di raccomandazione, i modelli esistenti presentano alcune limitazioni. Nessun ricercatore ha tentato di prevedere più comportamenti di un utente contemporaneamente elaborando informazioni sequenziali. Definiamo questo problema come il problema di raccomandazione sequenziale multi-task. In risposta a questo problema, studiamo il modello CTR, la raccomandazione sequenziale e l’apprendimento multi-task. Sulla base di questi studi, questo documento propone AMBSN (Attention-based Multi-Behavior Sequential Network). In particolare, abbiamo aggiunto uno strato trasformatore, l’unità di attivazione e la torre multi-task al tradizionale modello Embedding&MLP (multi-layer perceptron). Il livello del trasformatore consente al nostro modello di estrarre in modo efficiente le informazioni sul comportamento sequenziale, l’unità di attivazione può comprendere gli interessi degli utenti e la struttura della torre multi-task fa sì che il modello fornisca la previsione di diversi comportamenti degli utenti contemporaneamente. Scegliamo i dati sul comportamento degli utenti da Taobao per la raccomandazione pubblicata su TianChi come set di dati e l’AUC come criterio di valutazione. Confrontiamo le prestazioni di AMBSN e di alcuni altri modelli sul set di test dopo l’allenamento. I risultati finali dell’esperimento mostrano che il nostro modello supera alcuni modelli esistenti.

A Trust-Region Method for Multiple Shooting Optimal Control

Yang, Shaohui January 2022 (has links)
In recent years, mobile robots have gained tremendous attention from the entire society: the industry is aiming at selling more intelligent products while the academia is improving their performance from all perspectives. Real world examples include autnomous driving vehicles, multirotors, legged robots, etc. One of the challenging tasks commonly faced by all game players, and all robotics platforms, is to plan motion or locomotion of the robot, calculate an optimal trajectory according to certain criterion and control it accordingly. Difficulty of solving such task usually arises from high-dimensionality and complexity of the system dynamics, fast changing conditions imposed as constraints and necessity for real-time deployment. This work proposes a method over the aforementioned mission by solving an optimal control problem in a receding horizon fashion. Unlike the existing Sequential Linear Quadratic [1] algorithm which is a continuous-time variant of Differential Dynamic Programming [2], we tackle the problem in a discretized multiple shooting fashion. Sequential Quadratic Programming is employed as optimization technique to solve the constrained Nonlinear Programming iteratively. Moreover, we apply trust region method in the sub Quadratic Programming to handle potential indefiniteness of Hessian matrix as well as to improve robustness of the solver. Simulation and benchmark with previous method have been conducted on robotics platforms to show the effectiveness of our solution and superiority under certain circumstances. Experiments have demonstrated that our method is capable of generating trajectories under complicated scenarios where the Hessian matrix contains negative eigenvalues (e.g. obstacle avoidance). / De senaste åren har mobila robotar fått enorm uppmärksamhet från hela samhället: branschen siktar på att sälja mer intelligenta produkter samtidigt som akademin förbättrar sina prestationer ur alla perspektiv. Exempel på verkligheten inkluderar autonoma körande fordon, multirotorer, robotar med ben, etc. En av de utmanande uppgifterna som vanligtvis alla spelare och alla robotplattformar står inför är att planera robotens rörelse eller rörelse, beräkna en optimal bana enligt vissa kriterier och kontrollera det därefter. Svårigheter att lösa en sådan uppgift beror vanligtvis på hög dimensionalitet och komplexitet hos systemdynamiken, snabbt föränderliga villkor som åläggs som begränsningar och nödvändighet för realtidsdistribution. Detta arbete föreslår en metod över det tidigare nämnda uppdraget genom att lösa ett optimalt kontrollproblem på ett vikande horisont. Till skillnad från den befintliga Sequential Linear Quadratic [1] algoritmen som är en kontinuerlig tidsvariant av Differential Dynamic Programming [2], tar vi oss an problemet på ett diskretiserat multipelfotograferingssätt. Sekventiell kvadratisk programmering används som optimeringsteknik för att lösa den begränsade olinjära programmeringen iterativt. Dessutom tillämpar vi trust region-metoden i den sub-kvadratiska programmeringen för att hantera potentiell obestämdhet av hessisk matris samt för att förbättra lösarens robusthet. Simulering och benchmark med tidigare metod har utförts på robotplattformar för att visa effektiviteten hos vår lösning och överlägsenhet under vissa omständigheter. Experiment har visat att vår metod är kapabel att generera banor under komplicerade scenarier där den hessiska matrisen innehåller negativa egenvärden (t.ex. undvikande av hinder).

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