Spelling suggestions: "subject:"selfincompatibility"" "subject:"selfcompatibility""
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An analysis of Thioredoxins h in the grasses / Juan Juttner.Juttner, Juan Antony January 2002 (has links)
"December 2002" / Errata inside front cover. / Bibliography: leaves 148-176. / 176 leaves : ill. (some col.), plates ; 30 cm. / Title page, contents and abstract only. The complete thesis in print form is available from the University Library. / Thesis (Ph.D.)--University of Adelaide, Dept. of Plant Science, 2003
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Self-incompatibility in Zinnia angustifolia HBK (Compositae) /Samaha, Raymond R. 01 January 1988 (has links) (PDF)
No description available.
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The production and characterisation of mutant recombinant S-proteins of Papaver rhoeasConner, Alexander Curtis January 2000 (has links)
No description available.
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Self-incompatibility in Eucalyptus globulus and E. nitens / Leanne Marie Pound.Pound, Leanne Marie January 2002 (has links)
"November, 2002" / Bibliography: leaves 119-133 / x, 135, [123] leaves : plates (some col.) ; 30 cm. / Title page, contents and abstract only. The complete thesis in print form is available from the University Library. / Thesis (Ph.D.)--University of Adelaide, Dept. of Horticulture, Viticulture and Oenology, 2003
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Genetic and molecular investigation of self-incompatibility in species of tomato (Lycopersicon) /Rivers, Bruce Allyn 01 January 1994 (has links) (PDF)
No description available.
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Crossability barriers in Prunus: the role of modifiers in the regulation of the gametophytic self-incompatibility systemMuñoz Sanz, Juan Vicente 08 July 2017 (has links)
Tesis por compendio / [EN] Self-incompatibility (SI) comprises a compendium of molecular intraspecific barriers, controlled by the S-locus, which enhances outcrossing and prevents inbreeding. Solanaceae, Plantaginaceae and Rosaceae exhibit the Gametophytic SI (GSI) type where specific recognition is controlled by S-RNases and S-locus F-box (SFB) proteins as the female and male S-determinants, respectively. On the other hand, unlinked S-locus genes known as modifier factors are also completely necessary for the mechanism to function. The GSI system seems to be basically preserved in Prunus but striking differences with Solanaceae and other Rosaceae have also been observed. On the basis of this background, this thesis is focused on the identification and characterization of modifiers involved in Prunus GSI to improve our understanding of the underlying mechanism.
Previous works in apricot showed that an S-locus unlinked mutation expressed in pollen and located at the distal end of chr. 3 (M-locus) confers self-compatibility in the cv. 'Canino'. In this work, another self-compatible apricot cultivar, named 'Katy', was molecular and genetically analyzed. Similarly, an S-locus unlinked pollen-part mutation was found to cause the loss of self-incompatible response. A mapping strategy based on segregation distorted loci mapped 'Katy' mutation (referred as m-mutation) at the distal end of chr. 3, in a region overlapping with that identified for 'Canino' M-locus. A new screening was carried out to identify additional self-compatible mutants in apricot cultivar/accessions from germplasm banks. Through S-genotyping, three uncategorized S-alleles were recovered and two new mutations putatively conferring self-compatibility (SC) by affecting the male S-determinant SFB were detected. Additionally, M-genotyping showed that the same mutated m-haplotype was shared by 'Canino' and 'Katy', but also by 17 cultivars more from North-America and Western-Europe. A widely distributed haplotype M1-0 was proposed as the putative m-haplotype ancestor suggesting that it arose much later in time than SC-allele, a mutation in the S-locus also conferring SC in apricot.
In order to identify this mutation, an integrative genetic, genomic and transcriptomic approach based on NGS data from 'Canino', 'Katy' and the self-incompatible apricot cultivar 'Goldrich' was carried out. This approach led to identify a unique polymorphism able to explain the self-compatible phenotype, a FaSt insertion type of 358-bp in coupling with the m-haplotype within a gene encoding a disulfide bond A-like
oxidoreductase (named PaMDOr). PaMDOr was found to be differentially over expressed in mature anthers and the FaSt insertion is predicted to produce a truncated protein. These two findings also support PaMDOr as the pollen-part mutated modifier conferring SC in apricot.
Furthermore, phylogenetic analyses suggest PaMDOr as a putative paralog of its contiguous gene (PaM-8), that emerged after the split of the Rosaceae and Solanaceae and which function became essential for the proper functioning of the GSI system in Prunus. Aimed to shed light on the differences and similarities between the S-RNase-based GSI systems in Rosaceae and Solanaceae, orthology relationships were analyzed for modifiers. Putative orthologs were found for NaTrxh, SBP1 and MdABCF in Prunus but a more complex evolutionary pattern was detected for 120K, NaStEP and NaPCCP. Thus, in spite of the differences, it can be hypothesized that part of the GSI modifier factors are shared by both families.
As a whole, the multidisciplinary strategy developed in this thesis has allowed us to identify a novel modifier factor (PaMDOr) essential for the self-incompatible response in Prunus as the most significant contribution. In addition, new sources of SC have been detected in apricot and the orthology analysis helped to deepen our understanding on evolutionary aspects of the S-RNase-based GSI system exhibited by Prunus. / [ES] La autocompatibilidad (AI) comprende un conjunto de barreras moleculares intraespecíficas, controladas por el locus S, que favorecen la polinización cruzada y previenen de la endogamia. Solanáceas, Plantagináceas y Rosáceas presentan la llamada AI gametofítica (AIG) donde el reconocimiento específico está controlado por ARNasas-S y proteínas F-box del locus S (SFB) como los determinantes femenino y masculino, respectivamente. Por otra parte, genes no ligados al locus S, conocidos como factores modificadores, son también totalmente necesarios para la correcta regulación del mecanismo. El sistema AIG parece estar básicamente conservado en Prunus pero se han observado notables diferencias con Solanáceas y otras Rosáceas. Con estos antecedentes, el trabajo realizado en esta tesis se ha centrado en la identificación y caracterización de factores modificadores de la AIG en Prunus con el fin de mejorar nuestro conocimiento del mecanismo subyacente.
Trabajos previos en albaricoquero mostraron la existencia de una mutación expresada en el polen y no ligada al locus S, que se localiza en el extremo distal del cr.3 (locus M) y que es capaz de conferir autocompatibilidad (AC) en el cultivar 'Canino'. En esta tesis, otro cultivar de albaricoquero autocompatible llamado 'Katy' fue genética y molecularmente analizado. De manera parecida a 'Canino', una mutación que afectaba a un factor no ligado al locus S expresado en el polen era el causante de la pérdida de la respuesta autoincompatible. La mutación en 'Katy' se consiguió mapear en el extremo distal del cr.3 (mutación m), una región que solapa con la identificada para 'Canino'.
Una búsqueda para la identificación de nuevo mutantes autocompatibles en cultivares/accesiones de albaricoquero procedentes de bancos de germoplasma fue realizado. Por medio del genotipado del locus S, 3 alelos S no clasificados con anterioridad fueron hallados, mientras que 2 nuevas mutaciones autocompatibles que parecen haber afectado al determinante S masculino SFB fueron detectadas. Adicionalmente, el genotipado para el locus M mostró que el mismo haplotipo m mutado está compartido por 'Canino' y 'Katy' y 17 cultivares más del norte de América y el oeste de Europa. El haplotipo M1-0 ha sido propuesto como posible ancestro del haplotipo m, sugiriendo que éste surgió mucho más tarde que el alelo Sc, mutación del locus S que también confiere AC en albaricoquero.
Con el objetivo de identificar esta mutación, un abordaje integral tanto a nivel genético como genómico y transcriptómico mediante datos NGS procedentes de 'Canino', 'Katy' y del cultivar de albaricoquero autoincompatible 'Goldrich' fue llevado a cabo. Esta aproximación sirvió para identificar un único polimorfismo capaz de explicar el fenotipo de AC, una inserción tipo FaSt de 358 pb en acoplamiento con el haplotipo m en un gen que codifica para una disulfide bond A-like oxidoreductase (PaMDOr). PaMDOr mostró estar diferencialmente sobre-expresado en anteras maduras, mientras que la inserción FaSt predice la formación de una proteína truncada. Estos dos hechos apoyan a PaMDOr como el factor modificador de la parte del polen que confiere AC en albaricoquero.
Adicionalmente, análisis filogenéticos sugieren que PaMDOr podría ser un parálogo del gen contiguo (PaM-8) que surgió después de la división de Rosáceas y Solanáceas, cuya función ha llegado a ser esencial para el correcto funcionamiento del sistema en Prunus. A fin de arrojar cierta luz en las diferencias y similitudes entre los sistemas de AIG basado en ARNasas-S de Rosáceas y Solanáceas, las relaciones de ortología para factores modificadores fueron estudiadas. Ortólogos candidatos fueron encontrados para NaTrxh, SBP1 y MdABCF, sin embargo, un patrón evolutivo más complejo fue observado para NaStEP, 120K y NaPCCP. De modo que, a pesar de las diferencias, se puede hipotetizar que una parte de los modificadores de la AIG están comparti / [CA] L'autocompatibilitat (AI) comprèn un conjunt de barreres moleculars intraespecífiques, controlades pel locus S, que afavorixen la pol·linització creuada i prevé de l'endogàmia. Solanàcies, Plantaginàcies i Rosàcies presenten l'anomenada AI gametofítica (AIG) on el reconeixement específic està controlat per ARNases-S i proteïnes F-box del locus S (SFB) com a determinants femení i masculí, respectivament. Per un altra banda, gens no lligats al locus S, coneguts com factors modificadors, són també totalment necessaris per a la correcta regulació del mecanisme. El sistema AIG pareix estar bàsicament conservat en Prunus, però s'han observat notables diferències amb Solanàcies i altres Rosàcies. Amb estos antecedents, el treball realitzat durant aquesta tesi se ha focalitzat en la identificació i caracterització de factors modificadors de l'AIG en Prunus a fi d millorar el nostre enteniment del mecanisme subjacent.
Treballs previs a l'albercoquer mostraren l'existència d'una mutació expressada al pol·len no lligada al locus S, la qual està localitzada a l'extrem distal del cr.3 (locus M) i es capaç de conferir autocompatibilitat (AC) al cultivar 'Canino'. En aquest treball, un altre cultivar d'albercoquer autocompatible anomenat 'Katy' va ser genètica i molecularment analitzat. De manera pareguda a 'Canino', una mutació que afecta a un factor no lligat al locus S expressat al pol·len era la causa de la perduda de la resposta autoincompatible. La mutació a 'Katy' es va mapetjar a l'extrem distal del cr.3 (mutació m) en una regió solapant amb la identificada per a 'Canino'.
Una recerca per a la identificació de nous mutants autocompatibles en cultivars i/o accessions d'albercoquer procedents de bancs de germoplasma va ser portada a terme. Mitjançant el genotipatge del locus S, 3 al·lels S no classificats amb anterioritat van ser trobats, mestres que dos noves mutacions AC que pareixen haver afectat al determinant S masculí SFB varen ser detectades. Amés, el genotipatge del locus M va mostrar que el mateix haplotip m mutat està compartit per 'Canino' i 'Katy', però també per 17 cultivars més del nord d'Amèrica i l'oest d'Europa. El haplotip M1-0, ampliamente distribuït, ha sigut proposat com a possible ancestre del haplotip m, sugerint que aquest va sorgir més tard que el al·lel Sc, una mutació al locus S que també conferix AC a l'albercoquer.
Amb l'objectiu d'identificar aquesta mutació, un abordatge integral tant a nivell genètic com genòmic i transcriptòmic mitjançant diversos tipus de dades NGS provinents de 'Canino', 'Katy' i del cultivar d'albercoquer autoincompatible 'Goldrich' va ser portat terme. Aquesta aproximació va permetre identificar un únic polimorfisme capaç d'explicar el fenotip AC, es tracta d'una inserció de 358 pb en adaptament amb el haplotip m en un gen que codifica per a disulfide bond A-like oxidoreductase (PaMDOr). PaMDOr va mostrar estar diferencialment sobre-expressat en anteres madures, mentres que la inserció FaSt prediu la formació d'una proteïna truncada. Estos dos fets recolzen a PaMDOr com al factor modificador de la part del pol·len que conferix AC en albercoquer.
A més a més, anàlisis filogenètics suggerixen que PaMDOr podria ser un paràlog del seu gen contigu (anomenat PaM-8) que va sorgir després de la divisió de Rosàcies i Solanàcies, en la qual la funció ha arribat a ser fonamental per al correcte funcionament del sistema d'AIG a Prunus. A fi de tirar certa llum en quant a les diferències i similituds entre els sistemes d'AIG basats en ARNases-S de Rosàcies i Solanàcies, les relacions d'ortologia per als factors modificadors va ser estudiat. Ortòlogs candidat van ser trobats per a NaTrxh, SBP1 i MdABCF, no obstant, un patró evolutiu més complex va ser observat per a NaSTeP, 120K i NaPCCP. De tal manera que, a pesar de les diferències, es pot plantejar la hipòtesi de que una part dels modificadors de l'AIG estan / Muñoz Sanz, JV. (2016). Crossability barriers in Prunus: the role of modifiers in the regulation of the gametophytic self-incompatibility system [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/68489 / Compendio
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Sexual compatibility and construction of molecular linkage maps in olives (Olea europaea L.) / Shubiao Wu.Wu, Shubiao January 2002 (has links)
"September 2002" / Bibliography: leaves 142-159. / viii, 159, [17] leaves : ill. (some col.), plates, photograph ; 30 cm. / Title page, contents and abstract only. The complete thesis in print form is available from the University Library. / Investigates self- and cross-compatibility using 5 common commercial cultivars of olive. Frantoio is found to b a good general polliniser for the other cultivars. The sex ratio of flowers, pollen viability, and male sterility were also examined Another objective was the construction of a molecular linkage map for olives, using a cross between Frantoio and Kalamata and microsatellite markers using the pseudo-testcross strategy. Approximately 45% of the genome was mapped. / Thesis (Ph.D.)--University of Adelaide, Dept. of Horticulture, Viticulture and Oenology, 2002
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Expression of recombinant S-locus F-box-S2 protein and computational modeling of protein interaction at the self-incompatibility locus of RosaceaeAshkani, Jahanshah January 2012 (has links)
Philosophiae Doctor - PhD / Self-incompatibility (SI) is a major mechanism that prevents inbreeding in
ow-ering plants, which was identi ed in Rosaceae, Solanaceae and Scrophulariace.
In these families, SI is gametophytic and retains inter-speci c genetic variations
by out-crossing promotion. Self-incompatibility is genetically controlled by an S-
locus where both male (pollen) and female (pistil) S-determinants are encoded.
The female determinant (SRNase) has been extensively studied, whereas its male
counterpart (SLF/SFB) has only recently been characterized as a pollen-expressed
protein, which encodes for an F-box domain. However, the exact mechanism of in-
teraction between SLF/SFB and SRNase is still largely unclear in Rosaceae. This
study takes a closer look at the mechanism of self-incompatibility to gain a clearer
understanding of the ligand-receptor binding mechanism of SI using molecular
evolutionary analysis, structure prediction and binding speci city characteriza-
tion, the outcome of which, will translate into a guideline for future studies. The
major aims of this study were to derive an evolutionary pattern for GSI in Rosaceae
subfamilies and to further assess the collaborative non-self recognition in Malus
domestica Borkh.. The evolutionary analysis suggests a di erence in the evolution-
ary pattern of Prunoideae and Maloideae S-genes, hence proposing a di erence in
their GSI systems. Furthermore, sites responsible for this divergence are identi ed
as critical amino acids in GSI function. To maintain GSI it is expected that the
S-genes must be linked and co-evolve as a genetic unit. The results of this study
show that these genes have co-existed, while SRNase have experienced a higher
rate of evolution compared to SLF, thus rejecting the co-evolution of these genes
in Maloideae. Furthermore, positively selected sites of S-locus pistil and pollen
genes were identi ed that are likely to be responsible for speci city determination.
Di erent numbers of these sites are found for both S-genes, while SRNase holds
a larger number of positively selected sites. Additionally a model of speci city
is introduced that supports the collaborative non-self recognition in Malus GSI,
while critical sites responsible for such speci city are proposed and mapped to the
predicted ancestral tertiary structure of SRNase and SLF/SFB. The identi cation
of regions determining pollen pistil speci city as well as proposing a Collaborative
Non-self Recognition model for Malus domestica Borkh. provide greater in-sight into how pollen-pistil communication system works in Maloideae (Rosaceae
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Self-Incompatibility in African Lycium (Solanaceae)Feliciano, Natalie M 01 January 2008 (has links) (PDF)
Chapter one of my thesis has been published in the May 2008 issue of the journal Evolution under the title “A TALE OF TWO CONTINENTS: BAKER’S RULE AND THE MAINTENANCE OF SELF-INCOMPATIBILITY IN LYCIUM (SOLANACEAE).” This chapter was co-authored by Dr. Jill S. Miller and Dr. Rachel Levin.
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Population genetics and breeding ecology of the rare clonal shrub, Spiraea virginiana (Rosaceae)Brzyski, Jessica R. 20 September 2011 (has links)
No description available.
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