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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

O perfil do professor de música do ensino médio e suas crenças de autoeficácia

Garcia, Fernanda Krüger January 2017 (has links)
Este trabalho tem como temática as crenças de autoeficácia do professor que atua com o ensino de música no ensino médio. Este construto diz respeito às crenças do indivíduo sobre sua capacidade de executar determinados planos de ação para realizar tarefas específicas e está presente na Teoria da Autoeficácia (Bandura, 1997). Professores que têm sólidas crenças de autoeficácia têm mais comprometimento com o ensino, lidam de maneira mais eficaz com problemas de aprendizagem de alunos e com fatores acadêmicos estressantes, buscam inovações em suas práticas de ensino e procuram promover a autonomia e a confiança entre seus alunos. O objetivo geral foi investigar a relação entre o perfil de formação e atuação do professor que trabalha com o ensino de música no ensino médio e suas crenças de autoeficácia. Esta pesquisa utilizará uma parte da amostra da pesquisa geradora desenvolvida pelo grupo Formação e Atuação de Profissional em Música (FAPROM), intitulada “Mapeamento dos professores que trabalham com música na Educação Básica: um survey sobre sua formação, atuação e crenças de autoeficácia”, mais especificamente os professores do ensino médio. O método escolhido foi o survey baseado na internet, com um questionário composto por duas partes: a primeira, por questões objetivas que dizem respeito aos dados pessoais do professor; a segunda, pela Escala de Autoeficácia do Professor de Música. A amostra da pesquisa foi não probabilística, do tipo bola de neve. Para a análise dos dados, foram realizadas estatísticas descritivas e inferenciais. Os resultados apontaram haver relações entre a formação, a atuação e as crenças de autoeficácia dos professores desta amostra. O nível de escolaridade e as aprendizagens musicais de uma forma mais especializada foram as que pareceram exercer mais influência nas crenças de autoeficácia dos professores para ensinar música e para lidar com mudanças e desafios. Os professores que tiveram as maiores médias das crenças de autoeficácia para motivar os alunos foram aqueles que realizam atividades de musicalização infantil e a disciplina de música nas escolas. Os resultados também mostraram que os professores que se sentem mais capazes de lidar com mudanças e desafios são aqueles que atuam concomitantemente em outras etapas de ensino. Espera-se que este trabalho possa contribuir para que se conheça o professor que atua com o ensino de música nesta etapa de ensino, trazendo dados relevantes para se pensar a formação docente e o fortalecimento da educação musical dentro das escolas. / The purpose of this work is to investigate the relation between the education and professional profile of high school music teachers with their self-efficacy beliefs. Such construct concern the beliefs of the teachers in regard to their own capacity of following specific plans of action to perform explicit tasks. Teachers who have strong self-efficacy beliefs are better committed to their teachings, deal more efficiently with students’ learning problems and with stressful academic factors, pursue innovations in their teaching practices and aim to promote autonomy and self-confidence amidst their students. Bandura’s Self-Efficacy Theory served as the theoretical background. Self-efficacy beliefs are among the thoughts that exert most influence on human functioning; they are a central aspect of Social Cognitive Theory, which shows that personal, behavioral and environmental factors suffer a dynamic inter-relation to form human actions and thoughts. This research is a part of a major project developed by the group Education and Acting of Music Professional, called “Mapping teachers that work with music in basic education: a survey of their education, acting and self-efficacy beliefs”. It consists of an internet-based survey, divided in two parts: the first comprises objective questions concerning the teacher’s personal data; the second focuses on the Music Teacher’s Self- Efficacy Scale. The research used a non-probability sample of the snowball type Descriptive and inferential statistic tests were used for data analysis. The results showed the existence of a relationship between music teacher’s education and professional activities with their selfefficacy beliefs. Schooling level and specialized music training are the factors that seem to exert strongest influence on the teacher’s self-efficacy beliefs to teach music and to deal with changes and challenges. Teachers who demonstrated higher self-efficacy belief levels to motivate students were those that work with child musicalization and who teach specific music courses at schools. Results also show that teachers who feel they’re more capable to deal with changes and challenges are those that that also teach at academic levels other than high school. It is hoped that this work may contribute for a better knowledge of high school music teachers, bringing to light relevant data to understand teaching training and to strengthen musical education in schools.

Atividades experimentais e crenças de autoeficácia : um estudo de caso com o método episódios de modelagem

Selau, Felipe Ferreira January 2017 (has links)
Parte da comunidade de pesquisa em ensino de Física tem devotado atenção ao estudo de métodos ativos de ensino que primam pela centralização do processo de ensino-aprendizagem no aluno. Além da aprendizagem conceitual, tais métodos buscam favorecer o desenvolvimento de habilidades associadas ao trabalho colaborativo e à argumentação, e diminuir a evasão estudantil. Em disciplinas de Física Experimental alguns desses métodos envolvem a aprendizagem por modelagem científica. Contudo, o sucesso de tais iniciativas depende, entre outros fatores, do quanto os alunos se julgam capazes de realizar as atividades propostas pelo professor, ou seja, do nível de autoeficácia dos alunos em realizar determinadas ações. Pesquisas do grupo de Ensino de Física da Universidade Internacional da Flórida apontam para uma baixa mudança ou redução em níveis de autoeficácia em função do uso de métodos ativos. Com base nesses resultados propomos um estudo de caso exploratório, único e incorporado com múltiplas unidades de análise. O objetivo geral dessa dissertação é o de estudar as influências do método Episódios de Modelagem (EM) (similar ao método Modeling Instruction - MI) sobre as atitudes e crenças de autoeficácia dos estudantes em aprender física, realizar atividades experimentais e trabalhar colaborativamente. Para isso procuramos responder às seguintes questões: Quais os impactos da aplicação de Episódios de Modelagem nas crenças de autoeficácia e atitudes dos estudantes em relação a: (i) aprender física?; (ii) realizar atividades experimentais?; e (iii) trabalhar colaborativamente? Para responder a tais questões de pesquisa, adotamos as orientações metodológicas para estudo de caso de Yin (2010) e utilizamos a Teoria Social Cognitiva, em específico, o conceito de autoeficácia, de Bandura (1997). Para a investigação, realizamos um estudo exploratório com múltiplas unidades de análise (8 estudantes) na disciplina de Física Experimental II – A, que aborda os conteúdos de oscilações, ondulatória, hidrostática e termodinâmica. Os resultados mostraram que as atitudes dos alunos frente ao aprendizado de física com o método de ensino foram positivas tendo sido destacadas, principalmente, o planejamento e execução de seus próprios experimentos e as discussões fomentadas pelas apresentações dos resultados e correções das tarefas de leitura. Como fatores negativos foram mencionados: o fato da disciplina ser muito trabalhosa e de não ter tempo suficiente em aula para a realização dos planejamentos e análise de dados. Já as atitudes frente às atividades experimentais e trabalho colaborativo foram reforçadas para os sete alunos aprovados na disciplina. Sobre as crenças de autoeficácia em aprender física e em trabalhar colaborativamente, constatamos que as crenças dos alunos foram influenciadas positivamente pelas atividades desenvolvidas com o método de ensino, através de três das principais fontes destacadas por Bandura: experiências de domínio e vicárias e persuasão social. Também constatamos um reajuste na percepção dos alunos quanto aos seus níveis de autoeficácia devido às experiências vivenciadas com o método EM em comparação ao método utilizado na disciplina anterior (que utiliza roteiros dirigidos nos experimentos). Novas pesquisas são necessárias para dar continuidade a este estudo exploratório, investigando mais profundamente o processo de reajuste dos níveis de autoeficácia. / Part of the Physics Education Research (PER) community has devoted its attention to the study of Active Learning methods focusing on the centralization of the teaching-learning process at the students. Beyond the conceptual learning, these methods seek to foster the development of abilities associated to the collaborative work and argumentation, and also to decrease student’s dropout. In experimental physics disciplines, some of those methods involve the scientific modeling learning. However, the success of such initiatives depends on how much the students judge themselves capable of carrying out the activities proposed by the teacher, that is, it depends on the student’s self-efficacy levels in perform certain actions. Studies of the PER from the Florida International University show a small change or even a reduction on self-efficacy levels in function of the use of active methods. Based on those results we propose an exploratory case-study incorporated with multiple analysis unities. The general purpose of this dissertation is to study the influence of the Modeling Episodes (ME) method (similar to the MI method) on the students’ attitudes and self-efficacy beliefs about learning physics; conduct experimental activities; and work collaboratively. We tried to answer the following questions: What are the impacts of the ME application on the students’ self-efficacy beliefs and attitudes regarding: (i) learning physics?, (ii) carrying out experimental activities?, and (iii) working collaboratively? To answer these research questions we adopted the methodological orientations for Yin’s case-study and we used the Cognitive Social Theory, specifically, Bandura’s self-efficacy concept. For the investigation, we carried out an exploratory study with multiple analysis unities (8 students) at Experimental Physics II – A, class that discuss oscillations, waves, hydrostatic and thermodynamic. The results showed the students’ attitudes regarding the learning of physics as a teaching method were positive, specially: the planning and execution of their own experiments; the discussions fomented by the presentation of the results; and the evaluation of the reading assignments by the teacher. As negative factors, it was mentioned: the fact that the class was quite laborious and short time to carry out the planning and data analysis in class. Regarding the self-efficacy beliefs about learning physics and work collaboratively, the students’ beliefs were influenced positively by the activities developed with the teaching method, through three of the main sources highlighted by Bandura: mastery, vicarious experiences and social persuasion. We also identified a readjustment on student’s perception about their self-efficacy levels due to the experience with the ME method when compared to the method used in the previous experimental physics class (which used guided experimental scripts). New studies are necessary to give continuity to this exploratory study, investigating more deeply the readjustment process of the self-efficacy levels.

A study of the impact of collaborative and simulation sessions on learning lean principles and methods

Choomlucksana, Juthamas 24 August 2012 (has links)
This research is aimed at obtaining a better understanding of the impact of the use of collaborative and simulation sessions for learning lean principles and methods. Study participants were enrolled in a Lean Manufacturing System Engineering (IE436/536) course at Oregon State University or at three other business and engineering universities where lean manufacturing or related courses focusing on lean principles and methods were taught, including Oakland University's Pawley Lean Institute, University of Pittsburgh, and Worcester Polytechnic Institute. Lean principles and methods have been documented as an effective improvement methodology and have been applied by many organizations globally since the late 1970s. With the widespread application and potential benefit of lean principles and methods, several professional centers, engineering schools, and some business schools, have taught lean principles and methods in order to educate and train learners in lean knowledge and skills before and/or after entering the workplace. Non-traditional teaching methods e.g., collaborative learning activities and simulation activities aimed at improving training and teaching have been widely used and have been shown to be successful in some studies (e.g., Verma, 2003; Armstrong, 2003; Nikendei, 2007). Little research, however, has focused on how these non-traditional teaching methods might affect learner perceptions e.g., self-efficacy beliefs and attitudes. The relationship between learning and learner perceptions related to the learning of lean principles and methods when using non-traditional teaching methods is also not well understood. The purpose of this research study was three fold: first, to examine the impact of lean collaborative and simulation sessions on lean learning, self-efficacy beliefs, and attitudes; second, to determine whether or not learner background knowledge had an impact on lean learning, self-efficacy beliefs, or attitudes; and, finally, to explore the relationships between lean learning, self-efficacy beliefs, and attitudes. In the first study, data were collected from students who took IE436/536 Lean Manufacturing Systems Engineering at Oregon State University during the Fall term of 2010 or the Fall term of 2011. In the second study, data were collected from students who enrolled in three other engineering or business schools where lean manufacturing systems or related courses that included content involving lean principles and methods were taught using collaborative and simulation sessions. Data from the first study were used to examine the impact of lean collaborative and simulation sessions on learning, self-efficacy beliefs, and attitudes; data from the second study were used to examine on self-efficacy beliefs and attitudes. Results from the first study point out the importance of the use of collaborative sessions on learning for both lean methods studied (Jidoka and pull); whereas, the use of simulation, following collaborative sessions, provided benefits only to those students learning Jidoka methods. The research revealed that the content plays a role in the effect of the use of collaborative and/or simulation sessions. Overall, analysis of individual self-efficacy beliefs revealed no significant self-efficacy differences after participants engaged in simulation sessions. The results did indicate that there were significant differences in intrinsic goal motivation after participating in simulation sessions. The level of background knowledge demonstrated a mixed effect on learning and on attitudes. The findings showed a significant difference in learning pull only for some students. The level of background knowledge did impact learner intrinsic goal motivation, but did not impact other attitudes. In addition, the results indicated that the type of session and background knowledge impacted learning; whereas, only self-efficacy beliefs was shown to impact learner attitudes. In the second study, the overall research findings show that significant differences in learner extrinsic goal motivation resulted from the use of collaborative and simulation sessions. The findings revealed that the sequencing of the teaching methods influenced learner attitudes and self-efficacy beliefs. For example, significant differences in learner task value were found only when participants participated in simulation sessions first, followed by collaborative sessions. Similarly, the results showed that participants from universities, in which learners participated in collaborative sessions first, followed by simulation sessions, had higher levels of self-efficacy beliefs when compared with participants from a university in which learners participated in simulation sessions first and then collaborative sessions. Taken together, these research findings provide evidence that the use of collaborative and simulation session, as supplemental tools for teaching lean principles and methods, is beneficial. Based on these results lean educators should consider the content areas, the sequence of the use of non-traditional teaching methods, and self-efficacy beliefs as important potential factors in teaching and training lean principles and methods. / Graduation date: 2013

Investigating Beliefs And Perceived Self-efficacy Beliefs Of Prospective Elementary Mathematics Teachers Towards Using Origami In Mathematics Education

Arslan, Okan 01 September 2012 (has links) (PDF)
The purpose of this study is developing valid and reliable scales in order to measure beliefs and perceived self-efficacy beliefs towards using origami in mathematics education and then, investigating beliefs and perceived self-efficacy beliefs of Turkish prospective elementary mathematics teachers in using origami in mathematics education. Furthermore, gender differences in prospective teachers&#039 / beliefs and perceived self-efficacy beliefs in using origami in mathematics education were investigated. Data for the current study was collected in the spring term of 2011-2012 academic year from 299 prospective elementary mathematics teachers. These teacher candidates are from three universities located in three different regions of Turkey and all the participants have elective origami course experience. Origami in Mathematics Education Belief Scale (OMEBS) and Origami in Mathematics Education Self-Efficacy Scale (OMESS) were used as data collection instruments. Exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis results showed that OMEBS and OMESS are valid and reliable instruments in order to measure beliefs and perceived self-efficacy beliefs in using origami in mathematics education. Descriptive analysis results indicated that, Turkish prospective elementary mathematics teachers strongly believe that origami is beneficial and suitable to be used in mathematics education. However, their perceived self-efficacy belief level is at little higher than moderate level. Lastly, independent sample t-test results revealed that female teacher candidates have significantly higher belief and perceived self-efficacy beliefs in using origami in mathematics education when compared with male teacher candidates.

The Relationship Among Secondary School Students

Icoz, Omer Faruk 01 September 2012 (has links) (PDF)
The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship among secondary school students&rsquo / attitudes, motivation and self-efficacy beliefs toward chemistry lessons and to determine the effect of grade levels, gender and school type on each dependent variable. The study was conducted during fall semester of 2011&ndash / 2012 academic year in four high schools which are general public high school, Anatolian public high school, vocational public high school, and general private high school in Ankara. Cluster random sampling method was applied and 813 students taking chemistry course participated to the study. Attitude Scale Toward Chemistry (ASTC), Motivated Strategies for Learning Questionnaire-Turkish Version (MSLQ-TV), and High School Chemistry Self Efficacy Scale for cognitive skills (HCSS) were used as measuring instruments. The collected data were analyzed with correlational analysis and with three-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) for each dependent variable. v The results of the analyses displayed that there were high correlations among students&rsquo / attitudes, motivation, and self-efficacy beliefs toward chemistry lessons. Furthermore, the results showed that school type and gender of the students had ignificant effect on their attitudes, motivation, and self-efficacy beliefs toward chemistry lessons. For instance, students in private public high school had the highest and students in vocational public high school had the lowest attitudes, and girls were more motivated than boys toward chemistry lessons. However, grade level of the students had no significant effect on their attitude, motivation, and self-efficacy beliefs toward chemistry lessons.

The Interrelation Between Pre-service Science Teachers

Sacici, Semra 01 January 2013 (has links) (PDF)
This study examined preservice science teachers&rsquo / conceptions about teaching and learning, self-efficacy beliefs, learning approaches and images of themselves as a science teachers. The study was also interested in examining the possible relationships among preservice science teachers&rsquo / conceptions about teaching and learning, learning approaches and self-efficacy beliefs. The study was carried out during 2011-2012 spring semester at three different public universities in Ankara. A total of 208 senior preservice science teachers who were volunteers involved. Data were collected through Draw-A-Science-Teacher-Test Checklist, Teaching and Learning Conceptions Questionnaire, Science Teaching Efficacy Belief Instrument, and The Learning Approach Questionnaire and analyzed by descriptive statistics, paired-sample t-test and canonical correlation analysis. Paired-sample t-test analyses results showed that preservice science teachers prefer constructivist conception more than traditional conception / and meaningful learning approaches more than rote learning approaches. Besides, preservice science teachers were also found to have generally high sense of self-efficacy beliefs in science teaching. Moreover, the results of the DASTT-C showed that preservice science teachers&rsquo / perspectives of science teaching conception is 42.7% student-centered, 7.0% teacher-centered and 50.3% neither student-centered nor teacher-centered. Furthermore, the canonical correlation analysis revealed that the first canonical variate demonstrated that preservice science teachers&rsquo / constructivist conception and traditional conception are associated with their self-efficacy beliefs and learning approaches.

Teacher Self-efficacy And Teaching Beliefs As Predictors Of Curriculum Implementation In Early Childhood Education

Cobanoglu, Rahime 01 September 2011 (has links) (PDF)
The aim of this investigation was to predict the extent of curriculum implementation in early childhood education from several variables defined as (1) school related factors, (2) teacher demographics, (3) teaching beliefs, and (4) teacher self-efficacy beliefs. A total of 308 early childhood teachers employed in public schools in the central districts of Ankara, Turkey, selected through cluster sampling, composed the sample of this study. Data were collected with the instrument including Curriculum Implementation Scale, Turkish Version of the Teachers&rsquo / Sense of Efficacy Scale, Teacher Beliefs Survey, and Personal Information Form. Exploratory and confirmatory factor analyses were conducted to provide evidence for validity and reliability of the scales. Two separate hierarchical multiple regression analyses were, moreover, employed at the alpha level of .025 to answer research questions. The results overall demonstrated that teacher self-efficacy and teaching beliefs significantly predicted the extent early childhood teachers implemented current curriculum as regards content selection and learning process, while teacher demographics were only significant for the extent of curriculum implementation regarding learning process. On the other hand, school related factors did not contribute to the extent of curriculum implementation for both content selection and learning process. In particular, constructivist teaching beliefs and teacher efficacy beliefs for student engagement and instructional strategies explained the extent of curriculum implementation regarding content selection. Considering the implementation of learning process, teachers&rsquo / years of experience was, moreover, found to be a significant predictor along with constructivist teaching beliefs and teacher efficacy beliefs for student engagement and instructional strategies.

O perfil do professor de música do ensino médio e suas crenças de autoeficácia

Garcia, Fernanda Krüger January 2017 (has links)
Este trabalho tem como temática as crenças de autoeficácia do professor que atua com o ensino de música no ensino médio. Este construto diz respeito às crenças do indivíduo sobre sua capacidade de executar determinados planos de ação para realizar tarefas específicas e está presente na Teoria da Autoeficácia (Bandura, 1997). Professores que têm sólidas crenças de autoeficácia têm mais comprometimento com o ensino, lidam de maneira mais eficaz com problemas de aprendizagem de alunos e com fatores acadêmicos estressantes, buscam inovações em suas práticas de ensino e procuram promover a autonomia e a confiança entre seus alunos. O objetivo geral foi investigar a relação entre o perfil de formação e atuação do professor que trabalha com o ensino de música no ensino médio e suas crenças de autoeficácia. Esta pesquisa utilizará uma parte da amostra da pesquisa geradora desenvolvida pelo grupo Formação e Atuação de Profissional em Música (FAPROM), intitulada “Mapeamento dos professores que trabalham com música na Educação Básica: um survey sobre sua formação, atuação e crenças de autoeficácia”, mais especificamente os professores do ensino médio. O método escolhido foi o survey baseado na internet, com um questionário composto por duas partes: a primeira, por questões objetivas que dizem respeito aos dados pessoais do professor; a segunda, pela Escala de Autoeficácia do Professor de Música. A amostra da pesquisa foi não probabilística, do tipo bola de neve. Para a análise dos dados, foram realizadas estatísticas descritivas e inferenciais. Os resultados apontaram haver relações entre a formação, a atuação e as crenças de autoeficácia dos professores desta amostra. O nível de escolaridade e as aprendizagens musicais de uma forma mais especializada foram as que pareceram exercer mais influência nas crenças de autoeficácia dos professores para ensinar música e para lidar com mudanças e desafios. Os professores que tiveram as maiores médias das crenças de autoeficácia para motivar os alunos foram aqueles que realizam atividades de musicalização infantil e a disciplina de música nas escolas. Os resultados também mostraram que os professores que se sentem mais capazes de lidar com mudanças e desafios são aqueles que atuam concomitantemente em outras etapas de ensino. Espera-se que este trabalho possa contribuir para que se conheça o professor que atua com o ensino de música nesta etapa de ensino, trazendo dados relevantes para se pensar a formação docente e o fortalecimento da educação musical dentro das escolas. / The purpose of this work is to investigate the relation between the education and professional profile of high school music teachers with their self-efficacy beliefs. Such construct concern the beliefs of the teachers in regard to their own capacity of following specific plans of action to perform explicit tasks. Teachers who have strong self-efficacy beliefs are better committed to their teachings, deal more efficiently with students’ learning problems and with stressful academic factors, pursue innovations in their teaching practices and aim to promote autonomy and self-confidence amidst their students. Bandura’s Self-Efficacy Theory served as the theoretical background. Self-efficacy beliefs are among the thoughts that exert most influence on human functioning; they are a central aspect of Social Cognitive Theory, which shows that personal, behavioral and environmental factors suffer a dynamic inter-relation to form human actions and thoughts. This research is a part of a major project developed by the group Education and Acting of Music Professional, called “Mapping teachers that work with music in basic education: a survey of their education, acting and self-efficacy beliefs”. It consists of an internet-based survey, divided in two parts: the first comprises objective questions concerning the teacher’s personal data; the second focuses on the Music Teacher’s Self- Efficacy Scale. The research used a non-probability sample of the snowball type Descriptive and inferential statistic tests were used for data analysis. The results showed the existence of a relationship between music teacher’s education and professional activities with their selfefficacy beliefs. Schooling level and specialized music training are the factors that seem to exert strongest influence on the teacher’s self-efficacy beliefs to teach music and to deal with changes and challenges. Teachers who demonstrated higher self-efficacy belief levels to motivate students were those that work with child musicalization and who teach specific music courses at schools. Results also show that teachers who feel they’re more capable to deal with changes and challenges are those that that also teach at academic levels other than high school. It is hoped that this work may contribute for a better knowledge of high school music teachers, bringing to light relevant data to understand teaching training and to strengthen musical education in schools.

Atividades experimentais e crenças de autoeficácia : um estudo de caso com o método episódios de modelagem

Selau, Felipe Ferreira January 2017 (has links)
Parte da comunidade de pesquisa em ensino de Física tem devotado atenção ao estudo de métodos ativos de ensino que primam pela centralização do processo de ensino-aprendizagem no aluno. Além da aprendizagem conceitual, tais métodos buscam favorecer o desenvolvimento de habilidades associadas ao trabalho colaborativo e à argumentação, e diminuir a evasão estudantil. Em disciplinas de Física Experimental alguns desses métodos envolvem a aprendizagem por modelagem científica. Contudo, o sucesso de tais iniciativas depende, entre outros fatores, do quanto os alunos se julgam capazes de realizar as atividades propostas pelo professor, ou seja, do nível de autoeficácia dos alunos em realizar determinadas ações. Pesquisas do grupo de Ensino de Física da Universidade Internacional da Flórida apontam para uma baixa mudança ou redução em níveis de autoeficácia em função do uso de métodos ativos. Com base nesses resultados propomos um estudo de caso exploratório, único e incorporado com múltiplas unidades de análise. O objetivo geral dessa dissertação é o de estudar as influências do método Episódios de Modelagem (EM) (similar ao método Modeling Instruction - MI) sobre as atitudes e crenças de autoeficácia dos estudantes em aprender física, realizar atividades experimentais e trabalhar colaborativamente. Para isso procuramos responder às seguintes questões: Quais os impactos da aplicação de Episódios de Modelagem nas crenças de autoeficácia e atitudes dos estudantes em relação a: (i) aprender física?; (ii) realizar atividades experimentais?; e (iii) trabalhar colaborativamente? Para responder a tais questões de pesquisa, adotamos as orientações metodológicas para estudo de caso de Yin (2010) e utilizamos a Teoria Social Cognitiva, em específico, o conceito de autoeficácia, de Bandura (1997). Para a investigação, realizamos um estudo exploratório com múltiplas unidades de análise (8 estudantes) na disciplina de Física Experimental II – A, que aborda os conteúdos de oscilações, ondulatória, hidrostática e termodinâmica. Os resultados mostraram que as atitudes dos alunos frente ao aprendizado de física com o método de ensino foram positivas tendo sido destacadas, principalmente, o planejamento e execução de seus próprios experimentos e as discussões fomentadas pelas apresentações dos resultados e correções das tarefas de leitura. Como fatores negativos foram mencionados: o fato da disciplina ser muito trabalhosa e de não ter tempo suficiente em aula para a realização dos planejamentos e análise de dados. Já as atitudes frente às atividades experimentais e trabalho colaborativo foram reforçadas para os sete alunos aprovados na disciplina. Sobre as crenças de autoeficácia em aprender física e em trabalhar colaborativamente, constatamos que as crenças dos alunos foram influenciadas positivamente pelas atividades desenvolvidas com o método de ensino, através de três das principais fontes destacadas por Bandura: experiências de domínio e vicárias e persuasão social. Também constatamos um reajuste na percepção dos alunos quanto aos seus níveis de autoeficácia devido às experiências vivenciadas com o método EM em comparação ao método utilizado na disciplina anterior (que utiliza roteiros dirigidos nos experimentos). Novas pesquisas são necessárias para dar continuidade a este estudo exploratório, investigando mais profundamente o processo de reajuste dos níveis de autoeficácia. / Part of the Physics Education Research (PER) community has devoted its attention to the study of Active Learning methods focusing on the centralization of the teaching-learning process at the students. Beyond the conceptual learning, these methods seek to foster the development of abilities associated to the collaborative work and argumentation, and also to decrease student’s dropout. In experimental physics disciplines, some of those methods involve the scientific modeling learning. However, the success of such initiatives depends on how much the students judge themselves capable of carrying out the activities proposed by the teacher, that is, it depends on the student’s self-efficacy levels in perform certain actions. Studies of the PER from the Florida International University show a small change or even a reduction on self-efficacy levels in function of the use of active methods. Based on those results we propose an exploratory case-study incorporated with multiple analysis unities. The general purpose of this dissertation is to study the influence of the Modeling Episodes (ME) method (similar to the MI method) on the students’ attitudes and self-efficacy beliefs about learning physics; conduct experimental activities; and work collaboratively. We tried to answer the following questions: What are the impacts of the ME application on the students’ self-efficacy beliefs and attitudes regarding: (i) learning physics?, (ii) carrying out experimental activities?, and (iii) working collaboratively? To answer these research questions we adopted the methodological orientations for Yin’s case-study and we used the Cognitive Social Theory, specifically, Bandura’s self-efficacy concept. For the investigation, we carried out an exploratory study with multiple analysis unities (8 students) at Experimental Physics II – A, class that discuss oscillations, waves, hydrostatic and thermodynamic. The results showed the students’ attitudes regarding the learning of physics as a teaching method were positive, specially: the planning and execution of their own experiments; the discussions fomented by the presentation of the results; and the evaluation of the reading assignments by the teacher. As negative factors, it was mentioned: the fact that the class was quite laborious and short time to carry out the planning and data analysis in class. Regarding the self-efficacy beliefs about learning physics and work collaboratively, the students’ beliefs were influenced positively by the activities developed with the teaching method, through three of the main sources highlighted by Bandura: mastery, vicarious experiences and social persuasion. We also identified a readjustment on student’s perception about their self-efficacy levels due to the experience with the ME method when compared to the method used in the previous experimental physics class (which used guided experimental scripts). New studies are necessary to give continuity to this exploratory study, investigating more deeply the readjustment process of the self-efficacy levels.

O perfil do professor de música do ensino médio e suas crenças de autoeficácia

Garcia, Fernanda Krüger January 2017 (has links)
Este trabalho tem como temática as crenças de autoeficácia do professor que atua com o ensino de música no ensino médio. Este construto diz respeito às crenças do indivíduo sobre sua capacidade de executar determinados planos de ação para realizar tarefas específicas e está presente na Teoria da Autoeficácia (Bandura, 1997). Professores que têm sólidas crenças de autoeficácia têm mais comprometimento com o ensino, lidam de maneira mais eficaz com problemas de aprendizagem de alunos e com fatores acadêmicos estressantes, buscam inovações em suas práticas de ensino e procuram promover a autonomia e a confiança entre seus alunos. O objetivo geral foi investigar a relação entre o perfil de formação e atuação do professor que trabalha com o ensino de música no ensino médio e suas crenças de autoeficácia. Esta pesquisa utilizará uma parte da amostra da pesquisa geradora desenvolvida pelo grupo Formação e Atuação de Profissional em Música (FAPROM), intitulada “Mapeamento dos professores que trabalham com música na Educação Básica: um survey sobre sua formação, atuação e crenças de autoeficácia”, mais especificamente os professores do ensino médio. O método escolhido foi o survey baseado na internet, com um questionário composto por duas partes: a primeira, por questões objetivas que dizem respeito aos dados pessoais do professor; a segunda, pela Escala de Autoeficácia do Professor de Música. A amostra da pesquisa foi não probabilística, do tipo bola de neve. Para a análise dos dados, foram realizadas estatísticas descritivas e inferenciais. Os resultados apontaram haver relações entre a formação, a atuação e as crenças de autoeficácia dos professores desta amostra. O nível de escolaridade e as aprendizagens musicais de uma forma mais especializada foram as que pareceram exercer mais influência nas crenças de autoeficácia dos professores para ensinar música e para lidar com mudanças e desafios. Os professores que tiveram as maiores médias das crenças de autoeficácia para motivar os alunos foram aqueles que realizam atividades de musicalização infantil e a disciplina de música nas escolas. Os resultados também mostraram que os professores que se sentem mais capazes de lidar com mudanças e desafios são aqueles que atuam concomitantemente em outras etapas de ensino. Espera-se que este trabalho possa contribuir para que se conheça o professor que atua com o ensino de música nesta etapa de ensino, trazendo dados relevantes para se pensar a formação docente e o fortalecimento da educação musical dentro das escolas. / The purpose of this work is to investigate the relation between the education and professional profile of high school music teachers with their self-efficacy beliefs. Such construct concern the beliefs of the teachers in regard to their own capacity of following specific plans of action to perform explicit tasks. Teachers who have strong self-efficacy beliefs are better committed to their teachings, deal more efficiently with students’ learning problems and with stressful academic factors, pursue innovations in their teaching practices and aim to promote autonomy and self-confidence amidst their students. Bandura’s Self-Efficacy Theory served as the theoretical background. Self-efficacy beliefs are among the thoughts that exert most influence on human functioning; they are a central aspect of Social Cognitive Theory, which shows that personal, behavioral and environmental factors suffer a dynamic inter-relation to form human actions and thoughts. This research is a part of a major project developed by the group Education and Acting of Music Professional, called “Mapping teachers that work with music in basic education: a survey of their education, acting and self-efficacy beliefs”. It consists of an internet-based survey, divided in two parts: the first comprises objective questions concerning the teacher’s personal data; the second focuses on the Music Teacher’s Self- Efficacy Scale. The research used a non-probability sample of the snowball type Descriptive and inferential statistic tests were used for data analysis. The results showed the existence of a relationship between music teacher’s education and professional activities with their selfefficacy beliefs. Schooling level and specialized music training are the factors that seem to exert strongest influence on the teacher’s self-efficacy beliefs to teach music and to deal with changes and challenges. Teachers who demonstrated higher self-efficacy belief levels to motivate students were those that work with child musicalization and who teach specific music courses at schools. Results also show that teachers who feel they’re more capable to deal with changes and challenges are those that that also teach at academic levels other than high school. It is hoped that this work may contribute for a better knowledge of high school music teachers, bringing to light relevant data to understand teaching training and to strengthen musical education in schools.

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