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The significance of the local trade in natural resource products for livelihoods and poverty alleviation in South AfricaShackleton, Sheona January 2006 (has links)
What role can the commercialisation of natural resource products play in the efforts to reduce poverty and vulnerability and how can this be enhanced? With poverty alleviation at the top of the global development agenda, this is a question posed by many scholars, practitioners, donor agencies and government departments operating at the environment-development interface. However, recent commentary on this issue is mixed and ambiguous, with some observers being quite optimistic regarding the potential of these products, while others hold a counter view. This thesis explores the livelihood contributions and poverty alleviation potential of four products traded locally in the Bushbuckridge municipality, South Africa; namely traditional brooms, reed mats, woodcraft and a beer made from the fruits of Sclerocarya birrea. A common approach, employing both quantitative and qualitative methods, was used to investigate the harvesting, processing and marketing arrangements, sustainability and livelihood contributions of each product. The results illustrate that any inference regarding the potential of the trade to alleviate poverty depends on how poverty is defined and interpreted, and on whether the role of these products is assessed from a holistic livelihood perspective that includes notions of vulnerability, alternatives and choice, diversification and the needs of rural producers themselves. Overall, the products studied were key in enhancing the livelihood security of the poorest members of society, forming an important safety net and assisting in raising household incomes to levels equivalent to the wider population, but generally were unlikely, on their own, to provide a route out of poverty. However, there were notable exceptions, with marked variation evident both within and across products. Incomes often surpassed local wage rates, and a minority of producers were obtaining returns equivalent to or greater than the official minimum wage. Other benefits, such as the opportunity to work from home or to diversify the livelihood portfolio, were also crucial, with the trade representing different livelihood strategies for different households. When viewed within the context of rising unemployment and HIV/AIDS these findings assume greater significance. While the trades were complex and growth limited, livelihood benefits could be improved on a sustainable basis if the sector was given the attention and support it deserves.
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Marketing opportunities and constraints of indigenous handcrafters in Izinqoleni, rural KwaZulu-Natal.Dube, End-of-Joy Silindele. January 2006 (has links)
In many cases rural crafters have had only limited exposure to the market economy and
have little understanding of how it works. If the crafters are unable to market their
products, then their efforts in making craft items are being wasted. It was for this reason
that this study was undertaken. The study focused on indigenous handcraft (beadwork,
basketry and leatherwork) owing to the fact that these kinds of crafts are widely produced
in the area of Izinqoleni. The purpose of this study was to investigate the marketing
opportunities of indigenous handcrafts, and highlight problems faced by crafters in
Izinqoleni. To accomplish this, the study had to describe the productive functioning of
individuals and group producers of indigenous handcraft, find out about the kinds of craft
items produced, and understand what was required to produce crafts in sufficient
quantities and appropriate quality for markets. It also had to identify such suitable
markets and describe the market places in relation to access, requirements, and potential
for economic returns of crafters, to identify the gaps in the relationships between present
production by crafters and marketing requirements, identify the constraints on crafters
and markets, and recommend remedial actions that need to be taken.
For this study, in-depth interviews, focus group discussions, and personal observations
were employed to obtain information. The target population of this study comprised of
the individuals and group crafters, craft traders (formal and informal traders such as art
and craft galleries, craft shops, farm stalls, Tourism Information Centre, beach/road side
craft sellers) as well as the buyers of indigenous handcrafts (schools and Shembe
religious groups). Ten individual crafters, two craft groups, seven informal craft traders,
four formal craft traders, two schools and two Shembe groups participated in this study.
The findings of this study indicated that, despite the constraints facing the crafters in
Izinqoleni; both the individual and group crafters had great potential for producing
marketable products, although groups had better opportunities in term of exposure to
markets and other requirements than individuals. There was not a big difference between
the craft items that were produced by the crafters of Izinqoleni and those that were
available at the local craft outlets. The traders, however, did not obtain their goods from
local crafters; they depended on the distant crafters for supply of indigenous handcrafts.
Therefore, they were very positive in creating strong relationships with the local crafters,
provided they conformed to the requirements of these markets. It was therefore
recommended that the crafters form cooperatives so that they could become recognized
and then be supported in every possible way. The Government policies should consider
indigenous handcraft as a major contributor to the economy, and promote indigenous
handcraft production and marketing by providing sufficient support and services. / Thesis (M.Sc)-University of KwaZulu-Natal, Pietermaritzburg, 2006.
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