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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Analysis of trace data from fluorescence based Sanger sequencing

Thornley, David John January 1997 (has links)
No description available.

Etude du transcriptome à partir de données de comptages issues de séquençage haut débit / Transcriptome analysis from high-throughput sequencing count data

Mirauta, Bogdan 12 December 2014 (has links)
Les technologies de séquençage jouent un rôle croissant dans l'analyse de l'expression des transcrits . La méthode la plus courante de séquençage du transcriptome, RNA-Seq est une méthode d'investigation d'une population de transcrits par cisaillement aléatoire, amplification et séquençage à haut débit. Les données issues du RNA-Seq peuvent être utilisées pour la quantification des niveaux d'expression des transcrits et pour la détection des régions transcrites et demandent des approches bioinformatiques.Nous avons développé des approches statistiques pour l'estimation des niveaux de transcription et l'identification des frontières de transcription sans faire usage de l'annotation existante et pour l'analyse des différences dans l'expression entre deux conditions. La reconstruction du paysage transcriptionel est faite dans un cadre probabiliste (Chaînes de Markov Caché - HMM) ou les variations du niveau de la transcription sont prises en compte en termes de changements brusques et de dérives. Le HMM est complété par une loi d'émission qui capture la variance des comptages dans un transcrit, l'auto-corrélation de courte portée et la fraction des positions avec zéro comptages. L'estimation repose sur un algorithme de Monte Carlo Séquentiel (SMC), le Particle Gibbs, dont le temps d'exécution est plus adapté aux génomes microbiennes. L'analyse des différences dans l'expression (DE) est réalisée sans faire usage de l'annotation existante. L'estimation de DE est premièrement faite à la résolution de position et en suite les régions avec un signal DE continu sont agrégés. Deux programmes nommés Parseq et Pardiff sont disponibles à http://www.lgm.upmc.fr/parseq/. / In this thesis we address the problem of reconstructing the transcription profile from RNA-Seq reads in cases where the reference genome is available but without making use of existing annotation. In the first two chapters consist of an introduction to the biological context, high-throughput sequencing and the statistical methods that can be used in the analysis of series of counts. Then we present our contribution for the RNA-Seq read count model, the inference transcription profile by using Particle Gibbs and the reconstruction of DE regions. The analysis of several data-sets proved that using Negative Binomial distributions to model the read count emission is not generally valid. We develop a mechanistic model which accounts for the randomness generated within all RNA-Seq protocol steps. Such a model is particularly important for the assessment of the credibility intervals associated with the transcription level and coverage changes. Next, we describe a State Space Model accounting for the read count profile for observations and transcription profile for the latent variable. For the transition kernel we design a mixture model combining the possibility of making, between two adjacent positions, no move, a drift move or a shift move. We detail our approach for the reconstruction of the transcription profile and the estimation of parameters using the Particle Gibbs algorithm. In the fifth chapter we complete the results by presenting an approach for analysing differences in expression without making use of existing annotation. The proposed method first approximates these differences for each base-pair and then aggregates continuous DE regions.

Caracterização fisiológica e do perfil de expressão gênica do transporte de nitrogênio em genótipos contrastantes para processo de fixação biológica de N2 de cana-de-açúcar (Saccharum spp.) / Physiological characterization and gene expression profile of the transport of nitrogen in contrasting cultivars for biological nitrogen fixation of sugarcane (Saccharum spp.)

Souza, Layanne Batista 29 January 2016 (has links)
A cana-de-açúcar é uma cultura agrícola de grande importância econômica para o Brasil, e a expansão de seu cultivo para solos marginais requer uma maior utilização de fertilizantes à base de nitrogênio (N). Na maioria dos países produtores, a adubação nitrogenada se baseia em altas doses de aplicação, enquanto, no Brasil, o seu uso é relativamente baixo devido, em parte, ao processo de fixação biológica de nitrogênio (FBN) pela ação de bactérias diazotróficas. Além da FBN, as plantas adquirem fontes de N, como amônio e nitrato, por meio de transportadores de membranas localizados nas raízes. Há evidências que a associação com microrganismos pode favorecer as plantas por meio da regulação dos genes de transportadores de N. Desta forma, este trabalho teve como objetivo caracterizar o transporte de amônio e nitrato, avaliando a expressão gênica dos principais transportadores de N em cana-de-açúcar cultivada in vitro sob o efeito da associação com bactérias diazotróficas. Também foi descrita a comunidade bacteriana de plântulas in vitro, bem como o efeito da fertilização com N e da inoculação com bactérias diazotróficas em plantas maduras. Plântulas de \'SP70- 1143\' e \'Chunee\', que contrastam para FBN, foram empregadas em ensaios in vitro sob diversas concentrações e fontes de N em associação ou não com uma estirpe de Gluconacetobacter diazotrophicus ou um mistura de bactérias diazotróficas (G. diazotrophicus, Herbaspirillum seropedicae, H. rubrisubalbicans, Azospirillum amazonense e Burkholderia tropica). A caracterização do transporte de N por meio de ensaios de absorção de nitrato e amônio marcados (15N) revelou que a interação entre cana-de-açúcar x G. diazotrophicus induziu a expressão do gene do transportador de nitrato ScNRT2.1, o que levou a uma tendência no aumento no influxo de nitrato, assim como dos genes de transportadores de amônio ScAMT1.1 e ScAMT1.3, resultando em maiores influxos de amônio apenas para a cultivar \'SP70- 1143\'. Já a associação da cana-de-açúcar com a mistura de bactérias diazotróficas revelou que somente houve indução transcricional de ScAMT1.1, o que resultou na maior absorção de amônio em \'SP70-1143\'. Por sua vez, quando analisada a interação in vitro por 30 dias, a presença da bactéria, apesar de transiente, possivelmente favoreceu a expressão dos genes de transportadores de nitrato ScNRT1.1 e ScNRT2.1, e do transportador de amônio ScAMT1.1, resultando no maior acúmulo de 15N-nitrato de amônio nas plantas de \'SP70-1143\'. Foi detectada uma comunidade bacteriana associada a plântulas micropropagadas, a qual é distinta entre os genótipos \'SP70-1143\' e \'Chunee\' e se altera com a inoculação com G. diazotrophicus. Para as plantas cultivadas em campo, a comunidade bacteriana existente foi alterada pela fertilização de N, mas não pela inoculação com diazotróficas. Portanto, a inoculação com bactérias diazotróficas parece induzir a expressão dos principais genes transportadores de amônio e nitrato em plântulas do genótipo \'SP70-1143\' resultando na maior absorção de fontes inorgânicas de N. / Sugarcane has a large economic importance to Brazil, and it\'s the expansion of cultivation to marginal soils requires a larger application of nitrogen fertilizers (N) to maintain yield. In most producing countries, N fertilization is based on high application rates, whereas in Brazil N fertilization is relatively low, possibly due in part, to the process of biological nitrogen fixation (BNF). In addition, plants acquire inorganic N sources from the soil by membrane transporters that may be regulated by association with microorganisms. This study aimed to characterize the ammonium and nitrate transport evaluating the gene expression profile of the major transporters grown in vitro in association with diazotrophic bacteria. It was also described the bacterial community in micropropagated plants, as well as the effect of N fertilization or inoculation with nitrogen fixing bacteria in mature plants. \'SP70-1143\' and \'Chunee\' which contrasted to BNF, were used in in vitro experiments in several concentrations and N source, in association or not with a strain of Gluconacetobacter diazotrophicus or a bacteria mixture (G. diazotrophicus, Herbaspirillum seropedicae, H. rubrisubalbicans, Azospirillum amazonense and Burkholderia tropica). The characterization of the N transport by uptake assays with 15N-labeled ammonium and nitrate, revealed that the interaction between sugarcane x G. diazotrophicus induced, the nitrate transporter gene ScNRT2.1 expression, which lead to trend to increase nitrate influx, as well as the ammonium transporter genes ScAMT1.1 and ScAMT1.3, resulting in higher ammonium influx in \'SP70-1143\'. Sugarcane associated with the bacterial mixture revealed a transcriptional induction of ScAMT1.1 resulting in larger ammonium acquisition in \'SP70-1143\'. Further, the presence of bacteria in vitro for 30 days, although transient, possibly favored the expression of nitrate transporters ScNRT1.1 and ScNRT2.1, and the ammonium transporter ScAMT1.1, resulting in accumulation of 15N-ammonium nitrate in \'SP70-1143\'. A bacterial community associated with in vitro plants of \'SP70-1143\' and \'Chunee\' was detected with different composition between genotypes, and which changed with artificial inoculation. For plants grown in the field, the bacterial community was affected by N fertilization but not by inoculation with diazotrophic. These results indicate that the inoculation with diazotrophic bacteria appears to induce the expression of the major ammonium and nitrate transporters genes in \'SP70-1143\' plants resulting in higher uptake of inorganic N sources.

Etude des foyers d’hétérogénéité tumorale dans les gliomes diffus de bas grade de l’adulte mutés IDH1 / Study of tumor heterogeneity in IDH1 mutated-diffuse low-grade gliomas in adults

Leventoux, Nicolas 27 November 2018 (has links)
Les gliomes sont les principales tumeurs primitives du cerveau affectant environ 4000 nouveaux patients par an en France. La moitié des gliomes est détectée au stade avancé de glioblastome (grade IV) tandis que 15% des tumeurs sont diagnostiquées au stade II de gliomes diffus dit de bas grade. Ces tumeurs affectent des patients jeunes et présentent des mutations caractéristiques, notamment une mutation pour l’enzyme IDH1 communément retrouvée dans les glioblastomes secondaires. Ces tumeurs de bas grade sont traitées par une chirurgie, idéalement en condition éveillée mais du fait de leur nature diffuse, la partie résiduelle progressera inexorablement vers un stade III ou IV avec une survie globale entre 5 ans et 15 ans après diagnostique. La progression tumorale est hautement variable et non prédictible d’un patient à l’autre. Des foyers de progression tumorale chez 20% des patients atteints de gliome diffus de bas grade ont été identifiés. Ces foyers montrent une densité cellulaire plus élevée ainsi qu’un Ki67 augmenté. Mon travail de thèse aura consisté à étudier les modifications cellulaires et moléculaires associées à ces foyers de progression tumorale. À partir du profil ARN des foyers et des territoires adjacents, j’ai pu mettre en évidence par des techniques haut-débit la baisse d’expression significative de gènes dans les foyers notamment de AGXT2L1/ETNPPL, carboxypeptidase E, EDNRB, SFRP2. J’ai émis l’hypothèse que SFRP2 et ETNPLL pourraient s’opposer à la prolifération cellulaire et que leur diminution dans les foyers ouvrirait la voie à la transformation tumorale. Une corrélation inverse entre la quantité d’ETNPPL enzyme et la survie de patients atteints d’hépatocarcinomes a été publiée. En limitant la quantité de précurseurs de phospholipides dans la cellule, ETNPPL pourrait agir comme un frein en s’opposant à la prolifération et de fait, sa diminution dans les foyers de transformation des gliomes pourrait lever cette inhibition. Mes travaux auront été innovants tant dans leur approche comparative des différents compartiments tumoraux pour chaque patient étudié et auront révélés ETNPPL comme corrélé à la gliomagenèse et potentielle cible thérapeutique. / Gliomas are the main primary brain tumours affecting around 4000 new patients in France each year. Half of gliomas are detected in the advanced stage of glioblastoma (grade IV) while 15% of tumours are diagnosed in stage II (diffuse low-grade gliomas-DLGG). These tumors affect young patients and bear characteristic mutations, including a mutation for the enzyme IDH1 commonly found in secondary glioblastomas. These low-grade tumours are treated by surgery, ideally in awake condition but due to their diffuse nature, the residual part will progress inexorably to stage III or IV with overall survival between 5 and 15 years after diagnosis. Tumor progression is highly variable and unpredictable from one patient to another. Foci of tumor progression have been identified in 20% of patients with DLGG. These foci show a higher cell density and an increased Ki67. My thesis work consisted in studying the cellular and molecular changes associated with tumor progression. From the RNA profile of the foci and adjacent territories, I was able to highlight through high-throughput techniques significant decrease in gene expression in the foci, particularly of AGXT2L1/ETNPPL, carboxypeptidase E, EDNRB, SFRP2. I hypothesized that SFRP2 and ETNPLL could oppose cell proliferation and that their decrease would pave the way for tumor transformation. An inverse correlation between the amount of ETNPPL and the survival of patients with hepatocarcinoma has been published. By limiting the amount of phospholipid precursors in the cell, ETNPPL could act as a brake against proliferation and indeed, its decrease in glioma transformation foci could remove this inhibition. My PhD work will have been innovative in the comparative approach of the different tumors’ compartments for each patient studied and will have revealed ETNPPL as correlated to gliomagenesis and as potential therapeutic target.

Caracterização fisiológica e do perfil de expressão gênica do transporte de nitrogênio em genótipos contrastantes para processo de fixação biológica de N2 de cana-de-açúcar (Saccharum spp.) / Physiological characterization and gene expression profile of the transport of nitrogen in contrasting cultivars for biological nitrogen fixation of sugarcane (Saccharum spp.)

Layanne Batista Souza 29 January 2016 (has links)
A cana-de-açúcar é uma cultura agrícola de grande importância econômica para o Brasil, e a expansão de seu cultivo para solos marginais requer uma maior utilização de fertilizantes à base de nitrogênio (N). Na maioria dos países produtores, a adubação nitrogenada se baseia em altas doses de aplicação, enquanto, no Brasil, o seu uso é relativamente baixo devido, em parte, ao processo de fixação biológica de nitrogênio (FBN) pela ação de bactérias diazotróficas. Além da FBN, as plantas adquirem fontes de N, como amônio e nitrato, por meio de transportadores de membranas localizados nas raízes. Há evidências que a associação com microrganismos pode favorecer as plantas por meio da regulação dos genes de transportadores de N. Desta forma, este trabalho teve como objetivo caracterizar o transporte de amônio e nitrato, avaliando a expressão gênica dos principais transportadores de N em cana-de-açúcar cultivada in vitro sob o efeito da associação com bactérias diazotróficas. Também foi descrita a comunidade bacteriana de plântulas in vitro, bem como o efeito da fertilização com N e da inoculação com bactérias diazotróficas em plantas maduras. Plântulas de \'SP70- 1143\' e \'Chunee\', que contrastam para FBN, foram empregadas em ensaios in vitro sob diversas concentrações e fontes de N em associação ou não com uma estirpe de Gluconacetobacter diazotrophicus ou um mistura de bactérias diazotróficas (G. diazotrophicus, Herbaspirillum seropedicae, H. rubrisubalbicans, Azospirillum amazonense e Burkholderia tropica). A caracterização do transporte de N por meio de ensaios de absorção de nitrato e amônio marcados (15N) revelou que a interação entre cana-de-açúcar x G. diazotrophicus induziu a expressão do gene do transportador de nitrato ScNRT2.1, o que levou a uma tendência no aumento no influxo de nitrato, assim como dos genes de transportadores de amônio ScAMT1.1 e ScAMT1.3, resultando em maiores influxos de amônio apenas para a cultivar \'SP70- 1143\'. Já a associação da cana-de-açúcar com a mistura de bactérias diazotróficas revelou que somente houve indução transcricional de ScAMT1.1, o que resultou na maior absorção de amônio em \'SP70-1143\'. Por sua vez, quando analisada a interação in vitro por 30 dias, a presença da bactéria, apesar de transiente, possivelmente favoreceu a expressão dos genes de transportadores de nitrato ScNRT1.1 e ScNRT2.1, e do transportador de amônio ScAMT1.1, resultando no maior acúmulo de 15N-nitrato de amônio nas plantas de \'SP70-1143\'. Foi detectada uma comunidade bacteriana associada a plântulas micropropagadas, a qual é distinta entre os genótipos \'SP70-1143\' e \'Chunee\' e se altera com a inoculação com G. diazotrophicus. Para as plantas cultivadas em campo, a comunidade bacteriana existente foi alterada pela fertilização de N, mas não pela inoculação com diazotróficas. Portanto, a inoculação com bactérias diazotróficas parece induzir a expressão dos principais genes transportadores de amônio e nitrato em plântulas do genótipo \'SP70-1143\' resultando na maior absorção de fontes inorgânicas de N. / Sugarcane has a large economic importance to Brazil, and it\'s the expansion of cultivation to marginal soils requires a larger application of nitrogen fertilizers (N) to maintain yield. In most producing countries, N fertilization is based on high application rates, whereas in Brazil N fertilization is relatively low, possibly due in part, to the process of biological nitrogen fixation (BNF). In addition, plants acquire inorganic N sources from the soil by membrane transporters that may be regulated by association with microorganisms. This study aimed to characterize the ammonium and nitrate transport evaluating the gene expression profile of the major transporters grown in vitro in association with diazotrophic bacteria. It was also described the bacterial community in micropropagated plants, as well as the effect of N fertilization or inoculation with nitrogen fixing bacteria in mature plants. \'SP70-1143\' and \'Chunee\' which contrasted to BNF, were used in in vitro experiments in several concentrations and N source, in association or not with a strain of Gluconacetobacter diazotrophicus or a bacteria mixture (G. diazotrophicus, Herbaspirillum seropedicae, H. rubrisubalbicans, Azospirillum amazonense and Burkholderia tropica). The characterization of the N transport by uptake assays with 15N-labeled ammonium and nitrate, revealed that the interaction between sugarcane x G. diazotrophicus induced, the nitrate transporter gene ScNRT2.1 expression, which lead to trend to increase nitrate influx, as well as the ammonium transporter genes ScAMT1.1 and ScAMT1.3, resulting in higher ammonium influx in \'SP70-1143\'. Sugarcane associated with the bacterial mixture revealed a transcriptional induction of ScAMT1.1 resulting in larger ammonium acquisition in \'SP70-1143\'. Further, the presence of bacteria in vitro for 30 days, although transient, possibly favored the expression of nitrate transporters ScNRT1.1 and ScNRT2.1, and the ammonium transporter ScAMT1.1, resulting in accumulation of 15N-ammonium nitrate in \'SP70-1143\'. A bacterial community associated with in vitro plants of \'SP70-1143\' and \'Chunee\' was detected with different composition between genotypes, and which changed with artificial inoculation. For plants grown in the field, the bacterial community was affected by N fertilization but not by inoculation with diazotrophic. These results indicate that the inoculation with diazotrophic bacteria appears to induce the expression of the major ammonium and nitrate transporters genes in \'SP70-1143\' plants resulting in higher uptake of inorganic N sources.

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