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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Varför byter inte privatkonsumenter bank? / Why doesn’t private customers switch bank?

Strid, Simon, Karlsson, Elin January 2014 (has links)
En undersökning av Dagens Nyheter visar att väldigt få privatkonsumenter byter bank. Orsaker till att kunder väljer att stanna kvar hos samma tjänsteleverantör är att en väl fungerande relation har etablerats och på så vis blir kunder mindre uppmärksamma på konkurrenters erbjudanden. Unga privatkonsumenter har inte samma etablerade relation till banker som de med mer komplexa tjänster men trots detta visar undersökningen på att kunderna stannar i banken de en gång blev kund i. Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka unga privatkonsumenters relation till banker och vad det är i deras nuvarande eller framtida användning av banker som gör att de väljer att stanna kvar. I en teoretisk referensram beskrivs olika fördelar, uppoffringar och förväntningar som är kopplade till relationer. Det presenteras även grupper av konsumenter som vi söker att jämföra med vår målgrupp. Metoden som använts är en kvalitativ ansats med semistrukturerade intervjuer. Tio studenter som ingår i vår definition av unga har intervjuats. Dessa intervjuer spelades in och transkriberades ordagrant av författarna. Resultatet visar på fyra kategorier som respondenternas upplevelser av banker kan kategoriseras i. Dessa är konsumenters syn på relationen, bekvämlighet, konsumenters syn på byten och relationsfördelar. Två av kategorierna har även delats in i underkategorier för att tydliggöra skillnaderna mellan konsumentens syn på nuvarande upplevelsen och de framtida uppfattningarna. I resultatdiskussionen kopplas studiens resultat med tidigare forskning och utifrån detta illustreras hur unga privatkonsumenters användning av bankens tjänster ser ut och hur de upplever relationen. Slutsatsen av studien är att unga privatkonsumenter i dagsläget inte ser att någon fördel med byte kan uppnås. I dagsläget finns inget större krav på relationen men detta ändras i deras uppfattning av framtiden. I framtiden ökar kraven på förtroendet för bankerna och här är privatkonsumenterna beredda på att lägga ner tid och ansträngning för att uppnå detta. / A research by Dagens Nyheter shows that very few private consumers switch banks. Reasons why customers choose to stay with the same service provider is that a well-functioning relationship has been established and thus customers become less attentive to competitors' offerings. Young private consumers do not have the same established relationship with banks as those with more complex services, but despite this, the survey shows that clients stay in the bank they once chose. The purpose of this study is to investigate young private consumer’s relationship with the banks and if something in their present or future use of the banks makes them remain. In a theoretical framework various benefits, sacrifices and expectations are described linked to relationships are described. Groups of consumers are also presented as we seek to compare with our target audience. The method used is a qualitative approach with semi-structured interviews. Ten students who are included in our definition of young consumers were interviewed. These interviews were recorded and transcribed word-for-word by the authors. The result shows four categories that respondent’s perceptions of banks can be categorized in. These are: consumer’s views on the relationship, convenience, consumer’s views on changes and relationship benefits. Two of the categories has also been divided into sub-categories to clarify the differences between consumer views on present experience and future perceptions. The results discussion linked the study’s results with previous research and from that it’s illustrated young private consumers use of the bank’s services and how they perceive the relationship. In the study's credibility the concepts of reliability, validity and generalizability towards the study's methodology and results is discussed. The conclusion of the study is that young private consumers in the present situation does not see that any advantage from a change in banks can be achieved. In the current situation there’s no greater demands on the relationship but this changed in their perception of the future. In the future the demand for confidence in the banks increases and this is private consumers prepared to spend time and effort to achieve.

Les ambiguïtés de la relation de service dans le champ des soins infirmiers / The service relation ambiguousnesses in nursing care context

Gintz, Claire-Ange 29 September 2014 (has links)
L’objectif de ce travail est d’examiner les tensions dans la relation entre infirmier et patient à la lumière de la notion de service, dans le contexte français. Le terme même de service renvoie à modalités diverses de liens interpersonnels : don, contrat, et de subordination ou encore de sollicitude. La profession infirmière se situe au carrefour de logiques médicales et administratives au sein de l’institution hospitalière. Si le service qu’elle rend est largement reconnu par la population, le contenu même de sa prestation reste méconnu, laissant ainsi son autonomie professionnelle en perpétuel devenir.Une tensions qui accompagne l’histoire de cette profession est d’être tantôt identifiée en tant que groupe habilité à accomplir certains actes, tantôt en tant que discipline procurant un service particulier à la population, mais dont le contenu reste encore imprécis. Les enjeux et les réformes du service hospitalier ont pour objectifs une plus grande transparence, une demande de rentabilité accrues ainsi que l’évaluation de la satisfaction des destinataires. Ces objectifs s’adressent également au service infirmier et à la relation de service entre infirmier et patient. Ils rendent plus complexes et contradictoires entre elles les orientations de prise en soin du patient par l’infirmier. Nous souhaitons contribuer à la compréhension des changements que la profession infirmière est en train de vivre. Le passage d’une vision du soin comme action bienfaitrice qui trouve sa justification en lui-Même, vers le soin comme «prestation-Produit» doit expliciter son bien-Fondé et sa finalité en incluant une visée éthique. / The main topic of this research is to identify the tensions between nurses and patients from a service relation perspective, in French hospital. The concept of service contains several meanings related to interpersonal relations: unselfish donation, contractual exchange, subordinate professional position or caring relationships. The nursing profession has arrived at an important turning point in its history. While its duty and image are very popular and well considered, its actual tasks and clinical analysis as disciplinary knowledge, is still underestimated. The recent reforms in the health care system promote patient autonomy and open information from healthcare practitioners, global effective administration system and costumer satisfaction. Nursing teams are therefore subjected to contradictory injunctions that will be explored in this manuscript: acting in patient’s best interest and following medical instructions and respecting hospital regulations. This fieldwork contributes to a better understanding of nursing care problems on a daily base. This research tends to demonstrate how nursing care has to deal with problems that are similar to those of the medical profession: the importance of patient information and patient consent, clients complaints management, and satisfaction as a new objective in nursing. Nursing care has been traditionally considered as motivated by charity and altruism. As a work and a service, nursing care has to demonstrate its efficiency and its results. This involves ethical questions such as: emotional work considered as a competence or informed consent considered as a target

Rapport salarial, rationalisation des modèles productifs et relation de service : le cas des centres d'appels téléphoniques / Wage earner relation, rationalization of productive models and service relation : the case of call centers

Feriel, Emilie 18 October 2011 (has links)
Notre thèse se propose d’analyser les transformations des rapports salariaux à partir d’une lecture croisée de la dynamique des modèles productifs et de l’expansion de la relation de service. Nous formulons l’hypothèse que la relation entretenue avec le client devient, sous différentes facettes, une source de profit obtenue à partir du travail salarié, ce qui conduit à une transformation des modes de production caractérisée par une division du travail et des emploi plus prononcée. L’exploration de cette hypothèse est effectuée pour le cas particulier des centres d’appels téléphoniques, sur la base d’une analyse empirique réalisée à partir d’entretiens sectoriels et de huit études de cas. Au regard de l’abondante littérature portant sur cet objet d’étude, notre recherche propose d’adopter un angle d’analyse original, qui consiste à prendre en compte les centres d’appels du point de vue de leur ancrage au sein des organisations productives. Nous partons de l’idée que l’activité des centres d’appels n’est pas totalement nouvelle et qu’elle résulte d’une transformation de situations antérieures. Il s’agit alors d’étudier cette activité au regard de son insertion au sein d’un processus de division du travail. L’application de la grille d’analyse d’un modèle productif permet dans ce cadre de mettre en exergue une recomposition et un découpage des différentes dimensions de la relation de service à travers l’ensemble de l’entreprise, qui entraîne une segmentation flexible des emplois et une rationalisation commune du travail empruntant à la fois à une logique industrielle et professionnelle, mais qui mobilise fortement l’implication subjective des salariés. / Our thesis offers to analyze the transformation of wage earner relations through a cross reading of the productive models dynamics and the growth of the service relation. We venture the hypothesis that the relationship with the customer becomes a source of profit achieved by paid work at different level, which leads to a transformation of productive models characterized by a stronger division in work and employment. The analysis of this hypothesis is made for the specific case of call centers on the basis of a purely practical analysis carried through sectorial interviews and eight case studies. With regard to abundant sources about this study, our research offers to adopt an original angle of analysis consisting in taking into account call centers regarding their base within productive organization. We start by assuming that call centers activity isn’t entirely new and that it ensues from a transformation of former situation. Thus we have to study the activity with regard to its integration within a work division process. The implementation of the frame of reference of a productive model allows us to underline in this context a reconstruction and a division of the various dimensions of service relation through the whole industry. It leads to a flexible segmentation of jobs and a common rationalization of works borrowing an industrial and professional reasoning but which highly uses employees subjective commitment.

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