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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

A history of the growth and development of the Seventh-Day Adventist Church in Southern Africa, 1920-1960

Thompson, Ronald Charles Lloyd January 1979 (has links)
From Introduction: The most natural divisions of time for this historical survey of the growth and development of the Seventh-day Adventist Church in Southern Africa fall into three periods: (1) from 1920, when the African Division of Seventh-day Adventists was organized, to 1931, when it was reorganized under the name Southern African Division; (2) from 1931 to 1945, covering the period years of the Great Depression and Second world War; (3) from 1946 to 1960, the post-war. Attention is given in Chapter I to a certain phase of church development because the church had emerged at the highest level of Adventist organization, i.e. a Division. Although the first group of Adventists adopted the simplest form of organization in 1892 known as the South African Conference, the church was small and little known. The church at Division level therefore embarked on a programme of orientation and adaptation to gain recognition and make itself known everywhere. Closely allied to this was organization. Chapter II defines the organization of the church and explains how it was financed. The history of its organization and reorganization is also traced. Chapters III and IV deal with an era of expansion during the twenties in the establishment of missions, medical missions and training institutions, while new mission fields were entered and old mission fields were further developed. Chapters V and VI continue to trace the development of missions, mission fields, medical missions, and training institutions together with important changes in the medical and educational work. Further reorganization and new developments in the European church and African church are also outlined. The great emphasis on expansion and the development of institutions finally reached a point whereby "institutionalism" overtook "evangelism". Chapter VII discusses this problem and what was done to try and arrest it. Thus the history of the church is brought to an interesting turning point and climax in Part Two. Chapter VIII breaks from the common run of growth and development in missions, medical missions and institutions and traces the development of the principles and practice of the Adventist Church. The Southern African Division set itself the objective of full maturity in the establishment of a self-supporting, self-governing and self- propagating church in Africa. The history of these principles are covered together with the principles governing the reception of government grants-in-aid. Chapter IX deals with the analysis and development of the three-fold ministry of teaching, preaching and healing. These chapters in Part Three do not constitute a conclusion but simply give further insights in the growth and development of the church .

The administrative functioning of the Seventh-day Adventist Church in South Africa and the disillusionment and alienation of its members : a catalyst for change

Plaatjes, Calvin William, Hendriks, H. J. 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (DTh)--University of Stellenbosch, 2007. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This dissertation addresses the functioning of the Seventh-day Adventist Church in South Africa and the disillusionment and alienation of its members. Its aim is to uncover what the key factors are in the administrative functioning that has contributed to the disillusionment and alienation of the rank and file from the administration of the church. It gives particular attention to five aspects of administration: administrative authority, leadership, power, transition, and organizational structures. The objectives of the study are multifaceted. It wants to sensitize and make the Conference and Union administrations aware of the issues that separate them from the rank and file in the church, and how that the present challenges can be solved on a broad consultative basis. Furthermore, the study wants to make recommendations as to how broader representation can be established. Importantly, the study wishes to help the SDA Church administration to maintain a healthy balance between the church as institution and the church as organism. The study is basically exploratory as it seeks to explore the social phenomenon between the administrative functioning and the grassroots of the church for the reason of gaining insight as well as to explain the reason for its existence. It is also hermeneutical in nature as it seeks to establish a proper understanding of the interrelatedness between the administrative functioning and the laity in the church. Empirical enquiry is an important aspect of the study as it employs structured interviews with church boards and survey questionnaires to pastors in order to establish quantitative and qualitative aspects of the study. The study made use of a practical-theological methodology. The methodology is a hermeneutical sensitive and correlational dialogue that brings different theological parameters into dialogue with the realities of practice of ministry and the world. Chapter one introduces the study. It outlines the various dimensions of the study. Chapters two and three are historical. It deals with the present reality and the identity of the church using literary sources. Chapter five deals with the empirical research and gives a description of the views of ministers and the church boards concerning the five aspects of administration of the church, which has been researched. Chapters four and six deals with the theoretical-theological aspects of the study. Chapter four deals with the tension that exists between the church as institution and the church as organism. Chapter six is a theological evaluation that seeks the will of God or His guidance in terms of the problem which the church faces. Chapter six describes the way forward by making recommendations and gives some strategies that can be used to realize the goals of the study and the church. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Hierdie verhandeling ondersoek die denominasionele etos en die administratiewe strukture van die Sewendedag Adventistekerk in Suid-Afrika. Die studie toon aan dat daar ontnugtering en vervreemding by die gewone lede van die kerk ten opsigte van die administratiewe strukture bestaan. Dit gee aandag aan vyf aspekte van administrasie: administratiewe gesag, leierskap, mag, oorgang en organisatoriese strukture. Die doelstellings van die studie is veelvoudig. Dit poog om die Konferensies en die Unie-administrasies sensitief te maak van die strydpunte wat hulle verwyder van die gewone mense in die kerk. Dit stel voor dat die huidige uitdagings opgelos kan word deur middel van 'n bree konsultatiewe proses. Verder maak die studie aanbevelings oor hoe wyer verteenwoordiging in administratiewe strukture bereik kan word. Die studie wil die SDA-kerk administrasie van hulp wees om 'n gesonde balans te handhaaf tussen die kerk as organisasie en die kerk as organisme. Die studie is verkennend en hermeneuties van aard. Dit wou vasstel wat die mening van die werkers (predikante) en kerkrade is oor die administratiewe strukture en leierskap in die kerk. Ten einde dit vas te stel is 'n omvattende empiriese ondersoek gedoen deur gestruktureerde onderhoude met kerkrade oor die hele land te voer en deur vraelyste aan 'n verteenwoordigende steekproef predikante te stuur. Die navorsing het gebruik gemaak van 'n prakties-teologiese metodologie. Die metodologie is 'n hermeneuties sensitiewe en korrelatiewe dialoog wat verskillende teologiese parameters in dialoog met die realiteite van die bedieningspraktyk en wereld bring. Hoofstuk een is inleidend en gee 'n oorsig oor die navorsingsontwerp. Hoofstukke twee en drie is histories. Dit behandel die huidige realiteit en die identiteit van die kerk deur gebruik te maak van literere bronne. Hoofstuk vyf handel oor die empiriese ondersoek en gee 'n beskrywing van die menings van predikante en kerkrade oor die vyf aspekte van die administrasie van die kerk wat ondersoek is. Hoofstukke vier en ses handel oar die teoreties-teologiese aspekte van die studie. Vier bespreek die spanning wat altyd bestaan tussen die kerk as organisasie en die kerk as organisme. Ses is 'n teologiese evaluering wat soek na die wil of leiding van God in terme van die probleem waarmee die kerk worstel. Die laaste hoofstuk maak voorstelle oor die pad vorentoe en stel strategiee voor wat gebruik kan word om doelstellings te bereik.

The impact of the Seventh-Day Adventist church's religious thinking on the interplay between personality type and spiritual maturity

Joubert, Jeremia 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (DTh)--Stellenbosch University, 2000 / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This research seeks to establish whether the members of the Seventh-day Adventist Church in South Africa have a characteristic personality type and temperament that relates to their style of spirituality. Style of spirituality here refers to all spiritual behaviour in a broad sense - how they pray, worship, use the Bible, care about others, relate to social needs, care about the environment, administer and organize their church activities, etc. This study does not deal with what they believe, but rather focuses on how they believe. This research further seeks to establish what impact participant's God-image has upon their level of spiritual maturity, if any at all. To what extent does one's personality and temperament influence spiritual maturity and God-image? What instruments were used? I used the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator to measure personality and temperament, the Personal Orientation Inventory of Everett Shostrom to measure levels of self-actualization and psychological maturity, the Faith Maturity Scale of Benson, Donahue, and Erickson, to measure faith maturity, and the Christian Preference Profile scale, which I developed to measure preferences of Christian religiosity, which also gave an indication of God-image. How was the study conducted? I visited approximately 22 SDA churches in the Western Cape and distributed the inventories to willing participants myself. I explained the purpose of the research and how to complete the inventories. Participants were requested to complete it at home and return it the next week. I made use of two supervised students who helped to mark the answer sheets and capture the data. What were the findings? The personality type of the SDA laity was more introverted, compared to a similar study indicating that SDA clergy were more extraverted. The most significant finding was that the dominant temperament was sensing/judging (SJ=70%), slightly higher than that for the clergy. The self-actualizing levels were relatively low - the two main measures, time competency and locus of control measured both in the non-actualizing range, as well as three of the ten sub-scales, relating to a rigid implementation of values, a pessimistic view of humanity, and a lack of acceptance of synergy between opposite characteristics. The faith maturity levels were slightly above the average, and were low on three of the eight measures, relating to integration of faith and life, social concerns, and involvement in social and environmental issues. The religious preference scale indicated a dominant relational style, followed by a dependent, personal, evangelical style, and a bureaucratic organizational style of religious preference. Some of the main characteristics of the SDA profile were a resistance to change, preservation of the status quo, stable, able administrators, favour a hierarchical, bureaucratic structure, substance-oriented rather than relationship-oriented, preserving their identity is a high priority, and is evidenced in preserving the purity of their beliefs, affectionately referred to as the "truth." / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Hierdie navorsing het ten doel om vas te stel of die lidmate van die Sewendedag- Adventistekerk in Suid-Afrika 'n kenmerkende persoonlikheidstipe en temperament het wat ooreenkom met hulle styl van spiritualiteit. Die styl van spiritualiteit verwys hier na aile spirituele gedrag in die bree sin - hoe hulle bid, aanbid, die Bybel gebruik, omgee vir andere, verhouding tot sosiale behoeftes, besorgdheid oor die omgewing, adrninistrasie en organisasie van kerklike aktiwiteite, ens. Hierdie studie het nie te make met wat hulle glo nie, maar eerder met hoe hulle glo. Hierdie navorsing poog verder om vas te stel watter impak deelnemers se Godsbeeld op hulle vlak van geestelike volwassenheid het, indien enige. Tot watter mate beinvloed 'n persoon se persoonlikheid en temperament sy/haar geestelike volwassenheid en Godsbeeld? Watter instrumente is gebruik? Ek het die Myers-Briggs Type Indicator gebruik om persoonlikheid en temperament te meet, die Personal Orientation Inventory van Everett Shostrom, om die vlakke van selfverwesenliking en psigologiese volwassenheid te meet, die Faith Maturity Scale van Benson, Donahue en Erickson, om geloofsvolwassenheid te meet en die Christian Preference Profile scale, wat ek self ontwikkel het om voorkeure van Christelike religieuse gedrag te meet en wat ook 'n aanduiding van Godsbeeld gegee het. Hoe is die studie aangepak? Ek het ongeveer 22 SDA gemeentes in die Weskaap besoek en het die vraelyste self uitgehandig aan gewillige deelnemers. Ek het die doel van die navorsing en hoe om die vraelyste in te vul verduidelik. Deelnemers is versoek om die vraelyste tuis in te vul en die volgende week terug te bring Ek het gebruik gemaak van twee studente wat onder my toesig die vraelyste help merk en die data op rekenaar geplaas het. Wat was die bevindinge? Die persoonlikheidstipe van die SDA leke was meer introverties as 'n vroeer vergelykende studie met SDA predikante wat aangedui het dat hulle meer ekstroverties was. Die beduidendste bevinding was dat die dorninante temperament "sensing/judging" (SJ=70%) was, effens hcer as die van die predikante. Die selfverwesenlikheidsvlakke was relatieflaag - die twee hoofskale, tydvaardigheid en lokus van kontrole, het beide in die nie-selfverwesenlikheidsgebied gemeet, asook drie van die tien subskale, naamlik rigiditeit ten opsigte van die toepassing van waardes, 'n pessimistiese mensesiening en 'n gebrek aan aanvaarding van sinergie tussen teenoorgestelde eienskappe. Die geloofsvolwassenheidsvlakke was effens bo die gemiddelde en was laag op drie van die agt skale, naamlik integrasie van geloof en lewe, sosiale aangeleenthede en betrokkenheid by sosiale en orngewingsake. Die godsdienstige voorkeurskaal het 'n dominante verhoudingstyl aangedui, gevolg deur 'n afhanklike, persoonlike, evangeliese styl en daarna 'n burokratiese organisasiestyl van religieuse voorkeur. Sommige van die hoofkenmerke van die SDA profiel was 'n weerstand tot verandering, behoud van die status quo, stabiele en vaardige adrninistrateurs, voorkeur vir 'n hierargiese, burokratiese struktuur, substansgeorienteerd eerder as verhoudingsgeorienteerd, behoud van eie identiteit as hoe prioriteit wat veral sigbaar is in die bewaring van die suiwerheid van hulle geloofsleer, alombekend as die "waarheid" binne Adventistekringe.

Towards heterogeneous faith communities : understanding transitional processes in Seventh-day Adventist Churches in South Africa

Parker, Alan 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (DTh (Practical Theology and Missiology))--University of Stellenbosch, 2004. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This dissertation examines racial transition toward heterogeneity in three Seventh-day Adventist congregations in South Africa. This dissertation aims to uncover social factors involved in this change as well as to set forth a theological direction with application to the local faith community. The first section examines recent studies and literature on multiracial congregations, indicating a possible breakdown between theory and practice. Using insights from Kuhn, Gadamer, Habermas, and Geertz, a critical correlational approach is proposed using narrative, community-based praxis, dialectical thinking, and eschatological vision. The theological methods of Groome and Browning are combined to suggest a four-phase approach to practical theological research. The second section undertakes an ethnographic study of three Seventh-day Adventist congregations on the outskirts of Durban, Cape Town and Johannesburg. Congregations are examined through the fourfold lens of history, identity, process and program. All three congregations are then compared and analysed from both an etic and emic perspective. Differences between various racial groups are examined and congregational challenges and resources identified. It is shown that while positive racial attitudes exist, underlying black distrust, white fears and other reconciliation issues need to be addressed. Common challenges include continuing racial change, mission and identity issues, evangelism issues, leadership issues and worship issues. Helpful resources in the congregations include an accepting culture, a common language, strong leadership, members with previous multicultural experience and an attractive worship service. Cultural adaptation is analysed through a psychological model ('W-Model') and a congregational model, both of which indicated tensions between assimilationist and integrationist patterns. The third section critiques the sociological approach through a theological hermeneutic. Hospitality to the stranger is proposed as an alternative narrative for handling transition to diversity, and is compared with existing narratives of difference and unity. The witness of Scripture shows both the need to embrace otherness as well as how central hospitality is to God‘s mode of interaction with His created order. The implications of this embrace are explored in terms of other theological models of identity and otherness, reconciliation, the missio Dei and the kingdom of God. In the final section a model of showing hospitality to the stranger is examined in terms of the following movements: (a) the invitation or welcome, (b) providing the gift, (c) feasting at the table, (d) sharing stories, (e) providing a room, and (f) becoming part of the household. The goal is to show how to grow in intimacy without destroying identity. Tensions in the practice of hospitality to the stranger are examined: risk is balanced against opportunity, identity against otherness; boundaries are worked out in a context of sacrifice. Nevertheless, in spite of these paradoxical tensions, it is seen that in this narrative there is potential for bringing diverse communities together based on an ethic of self-giving and mutual acceptance. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Hierdie proefskrif ondersoek die transformasieproses van homogene na heterogene gemeentes ten opsigte van ras in drie Sewendedag Adventiste gemeentes in Suid-Afrika. Die tesis beoog om sosiale faktore wat die transformasieproses beïnvloed te bespreek sowel as om in die verband teologies rigting te gee aan plaaslike geloofsgemeenskappe. Die eerste afdeling ondersoek onlangse studies en literatuur in verband met veelrassige gemeentes en toon 'n moontlike uiteensetting van teorie en praktyk. Deur gebruik te maak van die insig van Kuhn, Gadamer, Habermas, en Geertz word 'n kritiese korrelatiewe benadering voorgestel wat gebruik maak van narratiewe, gemeenskap gebaseerde praxis, dialektiese denke, en eskatologiese visie. Die teologiese metodes van Groome en Browning word gekombineer ten einde 'n vier-fase benadering tot praktiese teologiese navorsing voor te stel. Die tweede afdeling onderneem 'n etnografiese studie van drie Sewendedag Adventiste gemeentes aan die buitewyke van Durban, Kaapstad en Johannesburg. Gemeentes word bestudeer onder die viervoudige lens van geskiedenis, identiteit, proses en program. Al drie die gemeentes word dan vergelyk en ontleed van beide 'n lokale en globale (etic en emic) perspektief. Verskille tussen rasse word ondersoek en gemeenskaplike uitdagings en hulpbronne word geïdentifiseer. Hierdie ondersoek toon aan dat alhoewel positiewe rassehoudings bestaan, onderliggende Swart wantroue, Blanke vrese en ander versoeningskwessies aangespreek behoort te word. Algemene uitdagings sluit die hantering van voordurende verandering, missie- en identiteitsproblematiek, evangelisasie problematiek, leierskap problematiek en aanbiddingsproblematiek in. Nuttige benaderings tot die problematiek behels 'n kultuur van aanvaarding, gemeenskaplike taal, sterk leierskap, lidmate met multikulturele ervaring en besielende eredienste. Kulturele aanpassing word ontleed met behulp van 'n sielkundige model ('W-Model') en 'n gemeentelike model. Beide modelle toon spanning tussen assimilasie- en integrasiepatrone. Die derde afdeling kritiseer die sosiologiese benadering deur middel van 'n teologiese hermeneutiek. Gasvryheid teenoor die vreemdeling word voorgestel as 'n alternatiewe narratief in die plek van bestaande narratiewe van verskil en eenheid om die transisie na diversiteit te verwerk. Die getuienis van die Skrif wys op die noodsaaklikheid om die verskille tussen mense te versoen binne die konteks van God se 'gasvryheid' wat sentraal staan in Sy interaksie met Sy skepping. Die implikasies van hierdie versoening word ondersoek in terme van die aanvullende teologiese modelle van identiteit en andersheid, versoening, die missio Dei en die koninkryk van God. In die laaste afdeling word 'n model van gasvryheid teenoor die vreemdeling ondersoek in terme van die volgende bewegings: (a) uitnodiging of verwelkoming, (b) bereidheid tot opoffering, (c) viering rondom die tafel, (d) deel van verhale, (e) verskaffing van eie ruimtes, f) eenwording van die huishouding. Die doel is om aan te toon hoe om in intimiteit te groei sonder om identiteit prys te gee. Spanning in die praktiese beoefening van gasvryheid teenoor die vreemdeling word ondersoek: risiko moet gebalanseer word met geleentheid, identiteit met verskil en grense word in die konteks van opoffering uitgewerk. Ten spyte van hierdie paradoksale spannings, het die narratief van die vreemdeling en gasvryheid die potensiaal is om diverse gemeenskappe bymekaar te bring deur middel van 'n etiek van opofferende en gemeenskaplike aanvaarding.

Towards the millennium: a critical theological exploration of the Seventh-Day Adventist church's engagement with the poor in Soweto

Magagula, Paul Zondi 05 1900 (has links)
The Seventh-day Adventist Church is one of the youngest Christian denominations in modern history. It is also one of the smallest, numerically, in South Africa. However, because of the church’s high evangelistic zeal Adventists can be found in almost every part of South Africa. From a motley figure of about 3500 at the time of the church’s legal organisation in 1861, Adventists now number about 18 million globally. There is a notable presence of Adventists in Soweto, west of Johannesburg. In this study, the focus is on how the Adventist church responds to the phenomenon of poverty in Soweto. The intent is to identify current activities of the church relative to poverty alleviation, actual or possible weaknesses in the church’s response to poverty and whether these are consequences of socio-theological or other factors in the structures and institutions of the church. The end of the study will be a propositional discourse that will suggest pointers towards a more relevant and sustainable poverty alleviation programme informed by sound theological, practical pastoral and developmental considerations. This work is a missiological study focusing on Soweto, seeking to critically assess the extent to which Adventists are involved in alleviating poverty in Soweto. It also explores a model by which they can successfully and redemptive encounter the poor at their point of need. Although the main focus will be given to the missiological task of the Adventists of Soweto, the study will also integrate other disciplines to deal with sociological and political considerations. The approach adopted in this study is a pastoral contextual approach of doing theology in Soweto. Within this contextual approach I shall apply the pastoral cycle since this method converges with other relevant methods of analysis and social critique. / Christian Spirituality, Church History and Missiology / D. Th. (Missiology)

Hearing all the drums: towards a more inclusive congregation

Mongwe, Justice Mavanyisi 28 February 2007 (has links)
HEARING ALL THE DRUMS: TOWARDS A MORE INCLUSIVE CONGREGATION is about increasing the participation of women in positions of both leadership and church ministry praxis within the Seventh Day Adventist church in South Africa. Women have been excluded in the office of elder, and have been generally excluded from preaching during the worship hour. The research process followed a participatory way of doing research, while using theories on social construction and post-modernist epistemological approach. The theologies that inform this work are contextual in nature and include African and Feminist theologies. In the pursuit for change, however, care is maintained to use inclusive practices that attempt to avoid polarising the congregation and their concomitant theologies. / Practical Theology / M.Th. (Pastoral Therapy)

Hearing all the drums: towards a more inclusive congregation

Mongwe, Justice Mavanyisi 28 February 2007 (has links)
HEARING ALL THE DRUMS: TOWARDS A MORE INCLUSIVE CONGREGATION is about increasing the participation of women in positions of both leadership and church ministry praxis within the Seventh Day Adventist church in South Africa. Women have been excluded in the office of elder, and have been generally excluded from preaching during the worship hour. The research process followed a participatory way of doing research, while using theories on social construction and post-modernist epistemological approach. The theologies that inform this work are contextual in nature and include African and Feminist theologies. In the pursuit for change, however, care is maintained to use inclusive practices that attempt to avoid polarising the congregation and their concomitant theologies. / Philosophy, Practical and Systematic Theology / M.Th. (Pastoral Therapy)

Pre-marital sex among Seventh-day Adventist youth in Botswana and possibilities for preventative action

Orapeleng, Galenakgosi M. 11 1900 (has links)
This research set out to investigate factors that lead to seemingly prevalent pre-marital sex by Botswana Seventhday Adventist youth aging between 12 and 30 years. A 31- item questionnaire, divided into four sections, was used on a group of 45 youths. It was discovered that 78% of the youths studied had been involved in pre-marital sex at some point in their lives. Thirty-seven percent were still practicing it. The most vulnerable age range was 14 to 18 years, but some had started experimenting with sex as early as six years. Some of the contributing factors to the youth's involvement in sex included media, friends and lack of knowledge due to parents not giving them guidance.Prevention of pre-marital sex can be made possible by the cooperation of entities like the family, the church, the school and the individual. Hence, the suggested model called the Integrated Sexuality Education. / Philosophy, Practical and Systematic Theology / M. Th. (Practical Theology)

Pre-marital sex among Seventh-day Adventist youth in Botswana and possibilities for preventative action

Orapeleng, Galenakgosi M. 11 1900 (has links)
This research set out to investigate factors that lead to seemingly prevalent pre-marital sex by Botswana Seventhday Adventist youth aging between 12 and 30 years. A 31- item questionnaire, divided into four sections, was used on a group of 45 youths. It was discovered that 78% of the youths studied had been involved in pre-marital sex at some point in their lives. Thirty-seven percent were still practicing it. The most vulnerable age range was 14 to 18 years, but some had started experimenting with sex as early as six years. Some of the contributing factors to the youth's involvement in sex included media, friends and lack of knowledge due to parents not giving them guidance.Prevention of pre-marital sex can be made possible by the cooperation of entities like the family, the church, the school and the individual. Hence, the suggested model called the Integrated Sexuality Education. / Philosophy, Practical and Systematic Theology / M. Th. (Practical Theology)

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