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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Hot wire and PIV studies of transonic turbulent wall-bounded flows

Sigfrids, Timmy January 2003 (has links)
The compressible turbulent boundary layer developing over atwo-dimensional bump which leads to a supersonic pocket with aterminating shock wave has been studied. The measurements havebeen made with hot-wire anemometry and Particle ImageVelocimetry (PIV). A method to calibrate hot-wire probes in compressible ow hasbeen developed which take into account not only the ow velocitybut also the inuence of the Mach number, stagnation temperatureand uid density. The calibration unit consists of a small jetow facility, where the temperature can be varied. The hot wiresare calibrated in the potential core of the free jet. The jetemanates in a container where the static pressure can becontrolled, and thereby the gas density. The calibration methodwas verfied in the at plate zero pressure gradient turbulentboundary layer in front of the bump at three different Machnumbers, namely 0.3, 0.5 and 0.7. The profiles were alsomeasured at different static pressures in order to see theinuence of varying density. Good agreement between the profilesmeasured at different pressures, as well as with the standardlogarithmic profile was obtained. The PIV measurements of the boundary layer ow in front ofthe 2D bump showed good agreement with the velocity profilesmeasured with hotwire anemometry. The shock wave boundary layerinteraction was investigated for an inlet Mach number of 0.69.A lambda shock wave was seen on the downstream side of thebump. The velocity on both sides of the shock wave as measuredwith the PIV was in good agreement with theory. The shock wavewas found to cause boundary layer separation, which was seen asa rapid growth of the boundary layer thickness downstream theshock. However, no back ow was seen in the PIV-data, probablybecause the seeding did not give enough particles in theseparated region. The PIV data also showed that the shock wavewas oscillating, i.e. it was moving approximately 5 mm back andforth. This distance corresponds to about five boundary layerthicknesses in terms of the boundary layer upstream theshock. <b>Descriptors:</b>Fluid mechanics, compressible ow,turbulence, boundary layer, hot-wire anemometry, PIV, shockwave boundary layer interaction, shape factor. / NR 20140805


Suh, Jong Beom 02 October 2007 (has links)
No description available.

The Effect of Baffles and Entrance Ports on the Measured Reflectance of Diffuse and Specular Samples in the Integrating Sphere

Duncan-Chamberlin, Katherine V. 03 June 2015 (has links)
No description available.

A New Formulation For The Analysis Of Bonded Elastic Layers

Pinarbasi, Seval 01 April 2007 (has links) (PDF)
Elastic layers bonded to reinforcing sheets are widely used in many engineering applications, e.g., as elastic foundations to machinery, as seismic isolators to structures, etc. Because of its practical importance, the behavior of bonded elastic layers under some basic deformation modes (e.g., compression, bending and shear modes) has attracted the attention of many researchers. However, the analytical works available in literature involve, with the object of obtaining design formulas, many simplifying assumptions. In this dissertation, a new formulation is developed for the analysis of bonded elastic layers, which removes most of the assumptions used in the earlier formulations. Since the displacement boundary conditions are included in the formulation itself, there is no need to start the formulation with some assumptions on stress and/or displacement distributions or with some limitations on geometrical and/or material properties. For this reason, the solutions derived from this formulation are valid not only for &ldquo / thin&rdquo / layers of strictly/nearly incompressible materials but also for &ldquo / thick&rdquo / layers and/or compressible materials. The advanced solutions obtained within the framework of the new formulation are used to study the behavior of bonded elastic layers under basic deformation modes. The effects of three key parameters, shape factor, Poisson&rsquo / s ratio and reinforcement flexibility, on effective layer moduli, displacement/stress distributions, and location/magnitude of maximum stresses are investigated. It is shown that the stress assumptions of the &ldquo / pressure&rdquo / method are inconsistent with the results obtained for thick layers and/or compressible materials and/or flexible reinforcements, and that the assumption &ldquo / plane sections remain plane&rdquo / is not valid, in general.

Analýza změn struktury a vlastností slitiny Al-Si během odstátí taveniny / Analysis of the Structure and Properties of Al-Si Alloy during Holding Time of the Melt

Krahula, Karel January 2021 (has links)
This thesis is dedicated to the production of aluminum casting alloys. It maps the course of changes in the morphology of eutectic and its influence on mechanical properties during the long-term meltdown. In particular, the use of image analysis methods contributes to describing these processes. The presented results show that the eutectic shape does not change even during the meltdown for 110 minutes. There is only a roughing and an increase in grain size. There was also no influence on the mechanical properties that fit the practical application of the alloy examined

Tlakově lité odlitky z Al slitin - trendy vývoje / Al-alloy die-castings-trends in industrial

Rýdel, David January 2008 (has links)
The objective of this diploma thesis is to state the influence of porosity, DAS and shape factor on mechanical characteristics for the cast transmission cover made in Kovolit Modrice a.s.Which was molten from AlSi9Cu3. It was used an imaging software (Olympus Five) for classification of metallographical structures.

Hodnocen­ porezity u odlitk tlakovÄ litch z Al slitin / Evaluation of porosity in Al-alloy die-castings

Klocov, Petra January 2008 (has links)
The objective of this diploma thesis is an evaluation of die-castings porosity, eventually the evaluation of seats with local squeeze in connection with their mechanical and structural properties. The swatches of alloy AISi9Cu3 were taken from the engine block made by  koda Auto Company, Mlad Boleslav. To the evaluation and the comparison of the results there were the other VUT FSI Brno students´ theses used.

Hodnocení mechanických a strukturních vlastností nového bloku / Evaluation of mechanical and structural properties of new block

Lefner, Jiří January 2009 (has links)
The purpose of this dilploma thesis is to evaluate mechanical and structural properties of two types casts of Al-alloy (components of the engine block) which were made by different technologies. Die casting with local squeeze casting and without local squeeze casting. First of them is used in lot manufacture of the current engine block. The aim of the foundry is to change the technology and start to produce new block by the die casting without local squeeze casting. The samples were taken from the both parts (lower and upper part) of the current and the new engine block which are made in foundry of Skoda Auto a.c. in Mladá Boleslav. Sets of mechanical and structural properties were selected, evaluated and tested by statistical programs. It was used fifty casts of the engine blocks for the experiment.

Modeling the Microstructure Evolution During and After Hot Working in Martensitic Steel

Safara Nosar, Nima January 2021 (has links)
In this study, the goal is to predict the microstructure evolution during and after the hot working of a martensitic stainless steel with 13% chromium using a physically-based model in the form of a MATLAB toolbox. This model is based on dislocation density theory and consists of coupled sets of evolution equations for dislocation, vacancies, recovery, recrystallization, and grain growth. The focus in this work is on the flow stress calculation and the effect of second phase particles on the strengthening mechanisms in the material at elevated temperatures. Recovery and recrystallization are also studied for this alloy during deformation and following stress relaxation. The experimental part of this work was performed with a Gleeble thermo-mechanical simulator over the temperature range of 850 to 1200°C. Samples were investigated later by a light optical microscope (LOM) and a scanning electron microscope (SEM) equipped with energy dispersive X-ray spectroscope (EDS). Hardness test and phase isolation were also performed on the samples and the results are compared with the modeling results. The model can satisfactorily predict the grain growth, recovery, recrystallization, and flow stress for this alloy. Further investigation on the second phase particles showed that the measured mean size of carbides has a good agreement with what is obtained from the model and the hardness values. On the other hand, the modeled volume fraction of the carbides followed a slightly different trend comparing to hardness values, and phase isolation results at temperatures higher than 1000°C. Additionally, the Ms temperature and fraction of the martensite phase are calculated for quenched samples where the results are following the measured hardness values. Finally, the Zener-Hollomon parameter (Z) and its relation to the flow stress and the activation energy for deformation are defined. The dynamic recrystallization (DRX) kinetic is modeled and the fraction DRX was calculated at various temperatures and strain rates for this alloy. / I denna studie är målet att förutsäga mikrostrukturutvecklingen under och efter varmbearbetning i ett martensitiskt rostfritt stål med 13 % krom med hjälp av en fysisk baserad modell i form av en MATLAB verktygslåda. Denna modell är baserad på en teori för dislokationstäthet och bestårav kopplade uppsättningar av evolutionsekvationer för dislokation, vakanser, återhämtning, rekristallisation och kornstillväxt. Fokus i detta arbete är beräkning av flytespänningen och effekten av sekundärfaspartiklar på härdningsmekanismerna i materialet vid höga temperaturer. Återhämtning och rekristallisation studeras också för denna legering under deformation och efter spänningsrelaxation. Den experimentella delen av detta arbete utfördes med en Gleeble termomekanisk simulator inom temperaturområdet 850 till 1200°C. Proverna undersöktes senare med ett ljust optiskt mikroskop (LOM) och svepelektronmikroskop(SEM) utrustad med energidispersiv spektroskopi (EDS). Hårdhetstest och fasisolering utfördes också på proverna och resultaten jämförs med modelleringsresultaten. Modellen på ett tillfredsställande sätt kan förutsäga korntillväxt, återhämtning, rekristallisation och flytspänningen för denna legering. Vidare undersökning av partiklarna i sekundärfasen visade att den uppmätta medelstorleken för karbider har bra överensstämmelse med vad som erhålls från modellen och hårdhetsvärdena. Den modellerade volymfraktionen av karbiderna följde en något annorlunda trend vid temperaturerna högre än 1000°C jämfört med hårdhetsvärden och fasisoleringsresultat. Dessutom beräknas Ms temperaturen och fraktionen av martensitfasen för släckta prover där resultaten följer de uppmätta hårdhetsvärdena. Slutligen definieras Zener-Hollomon-parametern (Z) och dess förhållande till flytspänningen och aktiveringsenergin för deformation. Den kinetiska dynamiska rekristallisation (DRX) modelleras och fraktionen DRX beräknades vidolika temperaturer och töjningshastigheter för denna legering.

Modeling the Microstructure Evolution During and After Hot Working in Martensitic Steel

Safara Nosar, Nima January 2021 (has links)
In this study, the goal is to predict the microstructure evolution during and after the hot working of a martensitic stainless steel with 13% chromium using a physically-based model in the form of a MATLAB toolbox. This model is based on dislocation density theory and consists of coupled sets of evolution equations for dislocation, vacancies, recovery, recrystallization, and grain growth. The focus in this work is on the flow stress calculation and the effect of second phase particles on the strengthening mechanisms in the material at elevated temperatures. Recovery and recrystallization are also studied for this alloy during deformation and following stress relaxation. The experimental part of this work was performed with a Gleeble thermo-mechanical simulator over the temperature range of 850 to 1200°C. Samples were investigated later by a light optical microscope (LOM) and a scanning electron microscope (SEM) equipped with energy dispersive X-ray spectroscope (EDS). Hardness test and phase isolation were also performed on the samples and the results are compared with the modeling results. The model can satisfactorily predict the grain growth, recovery, recrystallization, and flow stress for this alloy. Further investigation on the second phase particles showed that the measured mean size of carbides has a good agreement with what is obtained from the model and the hardness values. On the other hand, the modeled volume fraction of the carbides followed a slightly different trend comparing to hardness values, and phase isolation results at temperatures higher than 1000°C. Additionally, the Ms temperature and fraction of the martensite phase are calculated for quenched samples where the results are following the measured hardness values. Finally, the Zener-Hollomon parameter (Z) and its relation to the flow stress and the activation energy for deformation are defined. The dynamic recrystallization (DRX) kinetic is modeled and the fraction DRX was calculated at various temperatures and strain rates for this alloy. / I denna studie är målet att förutsäga mikrostrukturutvecklingen under och efter varmbearbetning i ett martensitiskt rostfritt stål med 13 % krom med hjälp av en fysisk baserad modell i form av en MATLAB verktygslåda. Denna modell är baserad på en teori för dislokationstäthet och bestårav kopplade uppsättningar av evolutionsekvationer för dislokation, vakanser, återhämtning, rekristallisation och kornstillväxt. Fokus i detta arbete är beräkning av flytespänningen och effekten av sekundärfaspartiklar på härdningsmekanismerna i materialet vid höga temperaturer. Återhämtning och rekristallisation studeras också för denna legering under deformation och efter spänningsrelaxation. Den experimentella delen av detta arbete utfördes med en Gleeble termomekanisk simulator inom temperaturområdet 850 till 1200°C. Proverna undersöktes senare med ett ljust optiskt mikroskop (LOM) och svepelektronmikroskop(SEM) utrustad med energidispersiv spektroskopi (EDS). Hårdhetstest och fasisolering utfördes också på proverna och resultaten jämförs med modelleringsresultaten. Modellen på ett tillfredsställande sätt kan förutsäga korntillväxt, återhämtning, rekristallisation och flytspänningen för denna legering. Vidare undersökning av partiklarna i sekundärfasen visade att den uppmätta medelstorleken för karbider har bra överensstämmelse med vad som erhålls från modellen och hårdhetsvärdena. Den modellerade volymfraktionen av karbiderna följde en något annorlunda trend vid temperaturerna högre än 1000°C jämfört med hårdhetsvärden och fasisoleringsresultat. Dessutom beräknas Ms temperaturen och fraktionen av martensitfasen för släckta prover där resultaten följer de uppmätta hårdhetsvärdena. Slutligen definieras Zener-Hollomon-parametern (Z) och dess förhållande till flytspänningen och aktiveringsenergin för deformation. Den kinetiska dynamiska rekristallisation (DRX) modelleras och fraktionen DRX beräknades vidolika temperaturer och töjningshastigheter för denna legering.

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