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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Caracterização das fontes dos sedimentos marinhos da Plataforma Continental da região sudeste do Brasil, durante o Holoceno médio e superior com base na composição isotópica de Sr, Nb e Pb: implicações nos estudos paleoclimáticos e de hidrodinâmica marinha

Simone Sandra Sonvesso Mantovanelli 02 October 2013 (has links)
Análises isotópicas de Nd, Sr e Pb forneceram registros sobre a proveniência dos sedimentos de dois testemunhos da plataforma continental da região sudeste do Brasil. No testemunho CF, os sedimentos registraram valores médios de \'E IND.Nd(0)\' de -17,5, idades modelo Sm-Nd (TDM) em torno de 1,8 Ga e valores médios das razões \'ANTPOT.206 Pb\'/ \'ANTPOT.204 Pb\' de 18,7. Os sedimentos do testemunho ST mostraram valores médios de \'E IND.Nd(0)\' de -10,5, idades modelo Sm-Nd (TDM) próximas a 1,4Ga e valores médios das razões \'ANTPOT.206 Pb\'/ \'ANTPOT.204 Pb\' de 18,8. A análise conjunta dos sistemas isotópicosutilizados na presente pesquisa evidenciou uma distinção entre as rochas fontes do testemunho CF e ST. As rochas de terrenos metamórficos de alto a médio grau, principalmente os metassedimentos drenados pela bacia hidrográfica do Rio Paraíba do Sul (RPS), inseridos no contexto geológico do Cinturão Ribeira, foram identificados como principais fontes de sedimentos para o testemunho CF, indicando uma influência marcante do aporte fluvialna sedimentação da plataforma continental brasileira ao largo do Cabo Frio-RJ. Sugere-se na presente pesquisa que o transporte dossedimentos provenientes do RPS para a região de localização do testemunho CF, vem sendo facilitado pela ação dos ventos de NE associados com a Alta Subtropical do Atlântico Sul (ASAS), os quais também influenciariam os vórtices ciclônicos da Corrente do Brasil (CB), a penetração da Água Central do Atlântico Sul (ACAS) e consequentemente a distribuição dos sedimentos na plataforma continental sob influência destes mecanismos, após 3000 anos cal. AP. As composições isotópicas de Pb, Nd e Sr dos sedimentos do testemunho ST mostraram-se semelhantes às das rochas da Bacia do Paraná, principalmente da Formação Bauru. As assinaturas isotópicas e idades modelo Sm-Nd (TDM) de sedimentos provenientes dos estuários dos rios La Plata e Mampituba, os quais drenam rochas da Bacia do Paraná, também apresentaram valores semelhantes às dos sedimentos do testemunho ST, indicando que estes poderiam ser provenientes da mistura de material erodido de rochas básicas, no caso, de basaltos toleíticos de baixo \'TIO IND.2\', com rochas dos terrenos metamórficos de médio a alto grau, inseridas no contexto geológico do Cinturão Ribeira, provavelmente durante a época de sedimentação da Bacia Bauru (Cretáceo). A semelhança na composição isotópica dos sedimentosdo estuário do Rio La Plata e do testemunho ST agrega indícios para dizer que o transporte das frações granulométricas mais finas provenientes da Bacia do Paraná, para regiões da plataforma continental do sudeste do Brasil, poderia ser facilitada pela dinâmica da pluma do Rio La Plata, a qual seria transportada para norte sob influênciada movimentação da Corrente Costeira do Brasil (CCB). Os resultados da atual pesquisa sugerem que as mudanças nas características isotópicas dos sedimentos, observadas ao longo dos testemunhos CF e ST, entre o Holoceno Médio e Superior, estariam 20 associadas primariamente com mudanças no sistema climático à ação dos ciclos astronômicos de insolação de precessão, na escala de tempo milenar. / Nd, Sr and Pb isotopic analysis from two sediment cores from the continental shelf off the southeastern region of Brazil provided records of the provenance of its sediments. Sediments from CF core recorded \'E IND.Nd(0)\' average values of -17.5, Sm-Nd (TDM) model ages around 1.8 Ga and mean values for \'ANTPOT.206 Pb\'/\'ANTPOT.204 Pb\' reasons of 18.7. The sediments from ST core showed \'E IND.Nd(0)\' average values of -10.5, Sm-Nd (TDM) model ages close to 1.4 Ga and mean values for \'ANTPOT.206 Pb\'/\'ANTPOT.204 Pb\' reasons of 18.8. The analysis of the isotopic systems used on this study showed a distinction between the source rocks of CF and ST cores. The medium and high grademetamorphic basement rocks mainly constituted of metasediments drained by the hydrographic basin of Paraíba do Sul river, inserted in Ribeira Belt are the main sources of the sediments from the CF core, indicating a strong influence of river inflow in the sedimentation of the brazilian continental shelf off Cape Frio (RJ). The distribution of Paraíba do Sul river sediments into the plataform uppon regions located south of its mouth, would be facilitated by the action of NE winds associated with the South Atlantic Subtropical High (SAS), which also could influence the cyclonic vortices of Brazilian Current (CB), the penetration of the South Atlantic Central Water (SACW) and consequently the didtribution of sediments on the continental shelf under the influence of such mechanisms, mainly for the last ca. 3000 years BP. Pb, Nd and Sr isotopic compositions of the sediments from the ST core seem to be similar to the ones from the rocks of the Paraná Basin, mainly from Bauru Formation. These sediments could be derived from the mixture of eroded material from basic rocks, in the case of low-\'TiO IND. 2\' tholeiitic basalts with medium to high grade metamorphic rocks of Ribeira Belt, probably during the time of the Bauru basin sedimentation (Cretaceous). The isotopic signaturesand Sm-Nd (TDM) model ages of sediments from La Plata and Mampituba river estuaries, which drain rocks of the Paraná Basin, are similar to those recorded in the ST core. These similarities add evidence to say that the transport of the sediment finer size fractions from the Paraná Basin to the brasilian southeasterncontinental shelf could be facilitated by the dynamics of La Plata plume, which is transported northwards under the influence of the Brazilian Coastal Current movement. The results of the current study suggest that changes in sedimentation, observed over the CF and ST cores, between the Middle and Upper Holocene, could be primarily associated to climatic changes to the action of the precessional insolation astronomical cycles.

Irradiação de agrião (Nasturtium oficinallis) minimamente processado: aspectos microbiológicos e sensoriais / Irradiation of watercress (Nasturtium officinale) minimally processed: microbiological and sensory aspects

Cecilia Geraldes Martins 23 June 2004 (has links)
A demanda por frutas e hortaliças frescas, associada à necessidade de maior praticidade da vida atual, está incentivando o interesse dos consumidores por produtos minimamente processados. Entre os microrganismos patogênicos que podem ser transmitidos por estes vegetais encontram-se principalmente Listeria monocytogenes, Escherichia coli O157:H7 e Samonella spp. Alguns métodos são utilizados para prevenir e controlar estes microrganismos, entre eles, a irradiação. Amostras de agrião (Nasturtium oficinallis) minimamente processado foram inoculadas com uma mistura de três cepas de Salmonella (Salmonella Infantis, Salmonella Enteritidis ATCC 13076, Salmonella Tiphymurium ATCC 14028) e expostos às doses de 0; 0,2; 0,5; 0,7; 1,0; 1,2 e 1,5 kGy. O valor D10 para Salmonella spp inoculada em agrião minimamente processado submetido à radiação gama variou de 0,29 a 0,43 kGy. Amostras de agrião expostas a doses de 1, 3 e 4 kGy e amostra testemunha, mantidas sob refrigeração, foram utilizadas para avaliação sensorial e vida-de-prateleira. Todas as amostras expostas à radiação foram aceitas pelos julgadores. A vida-de-prateleira da amostra de agrião exposta à 1 kGy foi de 16 dias, um dia e meio a mais que a testemunha. A vida-de-prateleira das amostras expostas à 3 e 4 kGy foi de 9 e 6 dias, respectivamente. / Consumer attitudes towards foods have changed in the last two decades increasing requirements for freshlike products. Consequently less extreme treatments or additives are being required. Minimally processed foods have freshlike characteristics and satisfy this new consumer demand. Besides freshness, the minimally processing also provide convenience required by the market. Salad vegetables can be source of pathogen such as Salmonella, Escherichia coli O157:H7and Listeria monocytogenes. The minimally processing does not reduce the levels of pathogenic microorganisms to safe levels. Therefore, this study was carried out in order to improve the microbiological safety and the shelf-life of minimally processed vegetables using gamma radiation. Minimally processed watercress inoculated with a cocktail of Salmonella spp was exposed to 0.0, 0.2, 0.5, 0.7, 1.0, 1.2 and 1.5 kGy. D10 values for Salmonella spp inoculated in watercress varied from 0.29 to 0.43 kGy. Samples of watercress exposed of 1, 3 e 4 kGy and non-irradiated sample, stored at 7°C, were submitted to sensory evaluation and their shelf-life was determined. All samples were accepted by members of sensory panel. The shelf-life of sample irradiated with 1 kGy was 16 days (one and half day more than shelf-life of non-irradiated sample) and samples exposed to 3 and 4 kGy presented shelf-life of 9 and o days, respectively.

Processamento mínimo de cebola roxa: aspectos bioquímicos, fisiológicos e microbiológicos / Minimal processing of purple onion: biochemical, physiological and microbiological aspects

Natalia Dallocca Berno 30 August 2013 (has links)
A cebola (Allium cepa L.) é uma das plantas de maior difusão do planeta e apresenta grande importância mundial, não só em termos de produção, mas também de consumo. No Brasil, é a terceira hortaliça mais cultivada e seu consumo é feito principalmente in natura como condimento ou tempero. Os produtos minimamente processados vêm obtendo crescente participação no mercado de produtos frescos em função da praticidade que oferecem ao consumidor. No caso da cebola, o preparo do bulbo é o maior motivo de reclamações, já que por conter compostos voláteis causam irritação aos olhos e deixam odor característico na mão do manipulador. Seu processamento mínimo poderá aumentar seu consumo e ainda alcançar novos mercados por todo o País. Entretanto, para que isso ocorra é preciso estudar a fisiologia e o manuseio específico dessa hortaliça, de forma a compreender as principais alterações que ocorrem, além de métodos que possam reduzir mudanças que acelerem sua deterioração. Este trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar os aspectos bioquímicos, fisiológicos e microbiológicos da cebola roxa minimamente processada, utilizando diferentes temperaturas de armazenamento, combinadas com dois tipos de corte, e, posteriormente, diferentes embalagens, a fim de prolongar sua vida útil. No primeiro experimento foram testadas quatro temperaturas de armazenamento, 0, 5, 10 e 15°C, e dois tipos de cortes, cubos (10 mm aresta) e fatias (3-5 mm espessura), por 15 dias a 85-90% UR. No segundo, o corte que teve o melhor desempenho foi utilizado para testar diferentes embalagens: recipiente de polipropileno (PP), filme de cloreto de polivinila (PVC - 14 ?m), filme de PP (10 ?m) e filme de polietileno de baixa densidade (PEBD - 10 ?m). As cebolas foram armazenadas a 5°C e 85-90% UR, por 12 dias. Foram realizadas as análises de pungência e da quantificação de compostos fenólicos totais, antocianinas e de quercetinas, assim como a taxa respiratória, a composição gasosa no interior das embalagens, a coloração, o teor de sólidos solúveis, e de acidez titulável, o pH, os índice de ressecamento e deterioração, a incidência de podridões e as análises microbiológicas. Cebolas armazenadas a temperaturas de 0 e 5°C e cortadas em fatias apresentaram menor pungência, menores variações nos teores de compostos fenólicos, antocianinas e quercetinas, além de menores taxas respiratórias e manutenção dos aspectos físicos e da aparência. A utilização das diferentes embalagens pouco interferiu nos aspectos estudados, exceto no pH, ângulo de cor, concentração gasosa e aparência. Independente dos tratamentos e durante os períodos de armazenamento, houve alteração dos atributos estudados. A cebola minimamente processada teve maior vida útil quando armazenada a 0°C, associada ao corte em fatias. O recipiente de PP reduziu em 3 dias a vida útil da cebola roxa. Os filmes de PP e PEBD proporcionam maior qualidade fisiológica e visual por mais tempo. / The onion (Allium cepa L.) is a plant globally widespread and is important for both production and consumption. In Brazil, it is the third vegetable most produced and it is mainly consumed fresh and as condiment or seasoning. The minimally processed products have been increasing interest in the fresh product market due to the convenience offered to consumers. In the case of onions, the preparation of the bulb is the biggest cause of complaints, since it contains volatile compounds that cause irritation to eyes and gives the handler a characteristic odor in their hands. Its minimal processing may increase their consumption and still reach new markets around the country. To this end, it is necessary to study the physiology and the specific handling for this vegetable. Thus, to understand the changes occurring during the process as well as methods that may minimize such changes. This work aimed to evaluate the biochemical, physiological and microbiological aspects of purple onions minimally processed using different storage temperatures, combined with two cut types, and, subsequently, different packaging, in order to prolong its life. In the first experiment, four storage temperatures was evaluated (0, 5, 10 and 15°C), and two types of cut, being cubes (10 mm edge) and slices (3-5 mm thick). Product was storage during 15 days at selected temperatures and 85-90% RH. In second experiment, the cut that had best performance was used to test different packaging, being polypropylene (PP), polyvinyl chloride film (PVC - 14 ?m), PP film (10 ?m) and low density polyethylene film (LDPE - 10 ?m). The product was stored at 5°C and 85- 90% RH, for 12 days. To evaluate the shelf-life of the product was carried out analyzes of pungency and quantification of phenolic compounds, anthocyanins and quercetins, as well as respiratory rate, gas composition inside the package, the coloring, the soluble solids and titratable acidity content, pH, the rate of drying and deterioration, decay incidence and microbiological analyzes. Fresh-cut onions stored at temperatures between 0 and 5°C and cut into sliced showed low level of pungency, minor variations in the levels of phenolic compounds, anthocyanins and quercetins, and lower respiration rates and maintenance of the physical aspects and appearance. The use of different packaging interfered little in the variables studied, except for pH, hue angle, gaseous concentration and appearance. Regardless of treatments and periods of storage, there was a change of the attributes studied. The fresh-cut onion had longer life when stored at 0°C associated with cut into slices. The container of PP reduced in 3 days life purple onion. The films of PP and LDPE provide higher visual and physiological quality for longer time.


Hsu, Hao-yuan 08 April 2020 (has links)
Human norovirus (HuNoVs) are the most common enteric pathogen around the world that cause ~50% of foodborne illness of disease outbreaks annually. HuNoVs are the member of the Caliciviridae family, which consist of small (38 nm), unenveloped, single stranded RNA (ssRNA) viruses. Norovirus are divided into 5 genogroup (GI, GII, GIII, GIV, GV, GVI and GVII). The GI, GII, and GIV cause human illness, in addition, GII.4 genotype cause the most human disease. Due to HuNoVs are difficult cultured in vitro, the cultivable HuNoVs surrogates have been widely studied. Recently, some studies have been conducted with HuNoVs surrogates, for example bacteriophage MS2. MS2 is conservative surrogate for nonenveloped viruses which there is a close relationship to the behavior of HuNoVs, thus we can examine the infection control measures for HuNoVs. Despite plenty of treatment method been done on testing antiviral effect on bacteriophage MS2, for example UV inactivation, steam ultrasound and antimicrobial etc., plant-based nanoemulsion treatment has yet to be explored. Carvacrol is a major component of oregano essential oil and is responsible for their antimicrobial activity on the growth of various microorganism. In this study, carvacrol nanoemulsions were formed by using the spontaneous emulsification for testing the nanoemulsion stability (14 days shelf life study on its droplet size and particle charge) and antimicrobial activity. In carvacrol nanoemulsion 14 days shelf life test, the droplet size and particle charge stay stable at three different treatment environments (4°C, 20°C and 37°C). The results proved that nanoemulsion (was formed with surfactant agents and medium-chain triglycerides) is stable system that gives consistent droplet size and charge. Although, the low antimicrobial activity was investigated at carvacrol nanoemulsion, the strong antimicrobial effects have been found when carvacrol or carvacrol combined with ionic surfactant of treatment on MS2 and Escherichia coli. Taken together, in the wake of growing consumer demand for different “natural” products in a number of industries, our study broadly informs the development and study of functionalized carvacrol active compound that can not only provide beneficial health for human but can also examine antimicrobial efficacy of control measures for public health.


Joseph L King (8788295) 01 May 2020 (has links)
<p>Silver carp (<i>Hypophthalmichthys molitrix</i>)<b> </b>are an underutilized, invasive fish threatening native species throughout major water systems in the United States. The goal of this research was to use silver carp meat to create a value-added product, to analyze the changes in physicochemical structure and consumer liking over time, and to evaluate the benefits of adding soy, pea, and a combination of soy and pea protein isolates to the formulations. Fish nuggets were prepared from minced meat in four treatments consisting of 3% soy protein isolate (SPI), 3% pea protein isolate (PPI), a combination of 1.5% SPI and 1.5% PPI, and a control without plant protein isolate. Nuggets from each treatment were stored frozen for 1.5, 8.5, and 13.5 weeks. Proximate composition, pH, cook loss, textural hardness, expressible moisture, color, microbial counts and lipid oxidation were evaluated. Sensory acceptability was also evaluated for each frozen storage time period and treatment. A descriptive (QDA<sup>™</sup>) trained sensory panel was also conducted on all treatments independent of the storage testing. Results showed that lipid oxidation and textural hardness significantly (P < 0.05) increased with frozen storage time. PPI had significantly lower expressible moisture compared to the control at week 1.5, but there were no statistically significant differences between treatments at weeks 8.5 and 13.5. Similarly, formulations with PPI improved (p<0.05) cook loss for week 1.5, but not week 8.5 or 13.5. Overall, sensory acceptability did not change (P > 0.05), with the exception of decreased degree of liking scores for SPI aroma (p=0.03) and flavor (p=0.03)) during the frozen storage period; all degree of liking scores remained above 6.5 throughout analysis, indicating that consumers’ acceptability of the sample treatments over time despite the changes in physicochemical structure. The descriptive panel created an attribute lexicon for the aroma, flavor, and mouthfeel of the fish nuggets and did not find significant differences in intensities for those attributes between the treatments. Although there were measurable changes in oxidation, texture, expressible moisture, and cook loss over 13.5 weeks, these changes did not impact sensory acceptance. The addition of protein isolates improved water holding capacity initially but did not maintain those benefits over extended shelf life and had little impact on consumer liking during any time period. Overall, this study demonstrated that value-added products such as silver carp nuggets can be created using an otherwise under-utilized fish. The fish nuggets had high sensory acceptability, and the addition of protein isolates did not significantly improve their sensory characteristics; therefore, silver carp nuggets can be formulated without the need of additional protein additives .</p>

Fish Communities on Natural and Artificial Reefs in the Eastern Gulf of Mexico

Viau, Elizabeth C. 22 March 2019 (has links)
Artificial reefs have been deployed throughout the world’s oceans to act as habitat and fishing enhancement tools. To expand current research on the role of artificial reefs in the marine community, ordination and multivariate regression methods were used here to analyze survey data of natural and artificial reefs. The reefs, located in the Northern Gulf of Mexico (NGOM) and on the West Florida Shelf (WFS), had been previously surveyed from 2004 to 2015 using remote operated vehicle and stationary video techniques. This study tested the hypothesis that similar functional roles are accounted for at both natural and artificial reef sites even if species composition varies. Secondly, it examines the role of environment and fisheries in determining the assemblages. Artificial reefs tended to host communities that were as biodiverse as natural reefs, although not necessarily composed of the same species. Results of an ordination confirmed that as the classification was broadened from the level of species, to family, to functional group, the assemblages on each reef type (natural vs. artificial and NGOM vs WFS) appeared more similar. Dominant groups were present at all levels of classification and included the families Lutjanidae and Carangidae, as well as functional groups Red Snapper and Small Reef Fish. Both natural and artificial reefs tended to be dominated by one of the following: Lutjanidae, Carangidae, or Small Reef Fish, although a continuous gradient was found across the extremes of natural versus artificial reefs. Generalized Additive Models were developed to examine the influence of reef type, location, environment and fishing intensity covariates. Results indicated that for both natural and artificial reefs, the abundance of families and functional groups can be influenced by environmental factors. In both cases, there is strong spatial autocorrelation suggesting connectivity with neighboring reefs.

Shallow- water hardbottom communities support the separation of biogeographic provinces on the west- central Florida Gulf Coast

Eagan, Shelby 24 July 2019 (has links)
Several studies have found separation of biogeographic provinces on the West Florida Shelf (WFS), but the location of this separation differs depending on different organisms with faunal boundaries proposed at Apalachicola, Cedar Key, Anclote Key. Tampa Bay, Charlotte Harbor, Cape Romano, or Cape Sable. Biogeographic boundaries can be gradual over a given space and are often species-specific. Analyses of marine benthic mapping and community characterization of Florida’s West-central coast shallow water (depth) hardbottom habitats indicate a major shift in the benthos across Tampa Bay. Quantitative benthic surveys of 29 sites yielded a total of 4,079 individuals of nine stony coral species and 1,918 soft coral colonies. Populations were dominated by four species of corals: Siderastrea radians, Oculina robusta, Solenastrea hyades, and Cladacora arbuscula. Most corals were less than 10 cm in diameter. Cluster analyses of coral density and major functional group percent cover showed distinct differences in hard and soft coral densities and species demographics from south to north with clear spatial patterns between regions. These benthic hardbottom coral communities change over a relatively small spatial scale (10’s of km), indicating a biogeographical province or ecosystem region boundary in marine benthic communities at, or very near, the mouth of Tampa Bay. Broader studies are needed to identify the shifts in benthic community biogeography along the West Florida Shelf.

The kinematics and dynamics of the New England continental shelf and shelf/slope front.

Flagg, Charles N. (Charles Noel) January 1977 (has links)
Thesis. 1977. Ph.D.--Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Dept. of Meteorology. / Microfiche copy available in Archives and Science. / Vita. / Bibliography : p. 194-197. / Ph.D.

Ergonomic and Time Cost of One-Handed Lifting tasks as a Function of Shelf Height, Item Weight and Walking Distance

Sun, Chunyi January 2019 (has links)
No description available.

The use of hyperspectral sensors for quality assessment : A quantitative study of moisture content in indoor vertical farming

Ahaddi, Arezo, Al-Husseini, Zeineb January 2023 (has links)
Purpose: This research will study how hyperspectral sensoring can assess the moisture content of lettuce by monitoring its growth in indoor vertical farming. Research questions: “What accuracy can be achieved when using hyperspectral sensoring for assessing the moisture content of lettuce leaves grown in vertical farming?” “How can vertical farming contribute to sustainability in conjunction with integration of NIR spectroscopy?” Methodology: This study is an experimental study with a deductive approach in which experiments have been performed using the hyperspectral technologies singlespot sensor and the hyperspectral camera Specim FX17 to collect spectral data. To analyze the data from the experiments two regression models were used and trained to make it possible to predict future moisture content values in lettuce. In order to get a better understanding and analyze the results from the experiments, a literature review was also conducted on how hyperspectral imaging has been applied to assess the quality of food products. Conclusion: The achieved accuracies were 58.24 % and 65.54 % for the PLS regression model and the Neural Network model respectively. Employing hyperspectral sensoring as a non-destructive technique to assess the quality of food products grown and harvested in vertical farming systems, contributes to sustainability from several aspects such as reducing food waste, minimizing costs and detecting different quality attributes that affect the food products. / Syfte: Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka hur hyperspektral avbildning kan användas för att bedöma fuktigheten i sallad genom att kontrollera hur den växer i vertikal odling inomhus. Frågeställningar: “Vilken noggrannhet kan uppnås vid användning av hyperspektral avbildning för att bedöma fukthalt hos salladsblad som odlas i vertikal odling?” “Hur kan vertikal odling bidra till hållbarhet i kombination med integration av NIR spectroscopy?”  Metod: Denna studie är en experimentell studie med en kvantitativ metod inom vilken en deduktiv ansats har tillämpats genom användning av de hyperspektrala teknologierna single-spot sensor och hyperspektralkameran Specim FX17 för insamling av spektral data. För att analysera datan från experimenten skapades och tränades två olika regressionsmodeller till att möjliggöra förutsägning av framtida värden av fukthalt i sallad. För att få en bättre förståelse för och kunna göra en bättre analys av resultaten från experimenten, utfördes även en litteraturöversikt på vad tidigare forskning om tillämpningen av hyperspektral avbildning för kvalitetssäkring av matprodukter har visat. Slutsats: Noggrannheten för PLS-regressionsmodellen var 58,24 % och 65,54 % för Neural Network-modellen. Minskat matsvinn och kostnader samt upptäcka olika kvalitetsattribut som påverkar livsmedelsprodukterna är de hållbara resultaten vid bedömning av kvalitet via hyperspektral sensing.

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