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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


Moura, Fernanda Aline de 13 March 2016 (has links)
Pectin is a soluble dietary fiber that in addition to its role in the food industry as a thickener and emulsifier, provides metabolic effects related to weight control, lipids and glucose levels. It is found in significant amounts in agro-industrial residues such as bark and fruit cake. Soybean hulls, a product derived from the bran extraction and legume oil, also has a large amount of pectin in its composition. However, sources of different characteristics tend to provide pectins with monomeric organization and differentiated properties, which determine its technological application and metabolic role. Moreover, studies have indicated that the products of its hydrolysis, in particular pectic oligosaccharides have bifidogenic characteristics are considered as a new class of prebiotics. However, changes in physical and chemical properties caused by hydrolysis and its metabolic effects are not well studied. The optimal amounts of pectic prebiotics consumption also require further evidence to be established. Therefore, the aim of this study was to select promising raw material for efficient extraction and hydrolysis of pectin, evaluating the resulting product (partially hydrolyzed pectin) and the physical and chemical properties and prebiotic potential in vivo. The agro-industrial waste used were soybean hulls, passion fruit peel and orange peel. The passion fruit peel was the raw material with the greatest potential for pectin extraction by presenting yield ( 15.71 %) and galacturonic acid content ( 51.3 % ) , similar to orange peel ( 17.96 % yield and 60.45 % of galacturonic acid) in pectic concentrate, but with residual levels of protein and lipids reduced. Although high pectin content in its composition , the yield of extraction of the polysaccharide was only 5.66 % for soybean hulls . Therefore, passion fruit peel was chosen for pectit prebiotics production. Acid hydrolysis was efficient for two hours to produce changes in molecular weight distribution profile of passion fruit peel pectin, increasing the amount of low molecular weight compounds. The physico-chemical properties form also altered by hydrolysis, with decreased water holding capacity and the copper connection, and increased capacity for absorbing fat. The addition of 0.25% of partially hydrolyzed passion fruit peel pectin provided prebiotic effect, resulting in increased production of short chain fatty acids in growth in rat cecum. / A pectina é uma fibra alimentar solúvel que, além de seu papel na indústria de alimentos como espessante e emulsificante, proporciona efeitos metabólicos relacionados ao controle do peso, perfil lipídico e glicêmico. É encontrada em quantidades significativas em resíduos da agroindústria, como cascas e bagaços de frutas. A casca de soja, um produto resultante da extração do farelo e do óleo da leguminosa, também possui grande quantidade de pectina em sua composição. Todavia, fontes de características diferentes tendem a fornecer pectinas com organização monomérica e propriedades diferenciadas, as quais determinam sua aplicação tecnológica e papel metabólico. Além disso, estudos têm apontado que os produtos da sua hidrólise, em especial os oligossacarídeos pécticos, apresentam características bifidogênicas, sendo considerados uma nova classe de prebióticos. No entanto, as alterações nas propriedades físico-químicas causadas pela hidrólise e seus efeitos metabólicos são pouco estudadas. As quantidades ideais de consumo de prebióticos pécticos também carecem de maiores evidências para serem estabelecidas. Portanto, o objetivo deste estudo foi selecionar matéria-prima promissora para eficiente extração e hidrólise de pectinas, avaliando o produto resultante (pectina parcialmente hidrolisada) quanto às propriedades físico-químicas e potencial prebiótico in vivo. Os resíduos agroindustriais utilizados foram casca de soja, casca de maracujá e bagaço de laranja. A casca de maracujá foi a matéria-prima de maior potencial para extração de pectinas por apresentar rendimento (15,71%) e teor de ácido galacturônico (51,3%), semelhante ao bagaço de laranja (17,96% de rendimento e 60,45% de ácido galacturônico) no concentrado péctico, porém com teores residuais de proteína e lipídeos reduzidos. Embora com elevado teor de pectina em sua composição, o rendimento de extração deste polissacarídeo foi de apenas 5,66% para a casca de soja. Portanto, a casca de maracujá foi escolhida para a produção dos prebióticos pécticos. A hidrólise ácida por duas horas foi eficiente para produzir alterações no perfil de distribuição de massa molar da pectina de casca de maracujá, aumentando a quantidade de compostos de baixa massa molar. As propriedades físico-químicas também foram alteradas pela hidrólise, com diminuição da capacidade de retenção de água e de ligação a cobre, e aumento da capacidade de absorção de gordura. A adição de 0,25% de pectina de casca de maracujá parcialmente hidrolisada proporcionou efeito prebiótico, confirmado pela maior produção de ácidos graxos de cadeia curta no ceco de ratos em crescimento.

Metabolic Adaptation For Utilization Of Short-Chain Fatty Acids In Salmonella Typhimurium : Structural And Functional Studies On 2-methylcitrate Synthase, Acetate And Propionate Kinases

Chittori, Sagar 07 1900 (has links) (PDF)
Three-dimensional structures of proteins provide insights into the mechanisms of macromolecular assembly, enzyme catalysis and mode of activation, substrate-specificity, ligand-binding properties, stability and dynamical features. X-ray crystallography has become the method of choice in structural biology due to the remarkable methodological advances made in the generation of intense X-ray beams with very low divergence, cryocooling methods to prolong useful life of irradiated crystals, sensitive methods of Xray diffraction data collection, automated and fast methods for data processing, advances and automation in methods of computational crystallography, comparative analysis of macromolecular structures along with parallel advances in biochemical and molecular biology methods that allow production of the desired biomolecule in quantities sufficient for X-ray diffraction studies. Advances in molecular biology techniques and genomic data have helped in identifying metabolic pathways responsible for metabolism of short-chain fatty acids (SCFAs). The primary objective of this thesis is application of crystallographic techniques for understanding the structure and function of enzymes involved in the metabolism of SCFAs in S. typhimurium. Pathways chosen for the present study are (i) propionate degradation to pyruvate and succinate by 2-methylcitrate pathway involving gene products of the prp operon, (ii) acetate activation to acetyl-CoA by AckA-Pta pathway involving gene products of the ack-pta operon, (iii) threonine degradation to propionate involving gene products of the tdc operon, (iv) 1,2-propanediol (1,2-PD) degradation to propionate involving gene products of the pdu operon. These metabolic pathways utilize a large number of enzymes with diverse catalytic mechanisms. The main objectives of the work include structural and functional studies on 2-methycitrate synthase (PrpC), acetate kinase (AckA), propionate kinase isoforms (PduW and TdcD) and propanol dehydrogenase (PduQ) from S. typhimurium. In the present work, these proteins were cloned, expressed, purified and characterized. The purified proteins were crystallized using standard methods. The crystals were placed in an X-ray beam and diffraction data were collected and used for the elucidation of structure of the proteins. The structures were subjected to rigorous comparative analysis and the results were complemented with suitable biochemical and biophysical experiments. The thesis begins with a review of the current literature on SCFAs metabolism in bacteria, emphasizing studies carried out on S. typhimurium and the closely related E. coli as well as organisms for which the structure of a homologue has been determined (Chapter 1). Metabolic pathways involving acetate utilization by activation to acetyl- CoA, propionate degradation to pyruvate and succinate, anaerobic degradation of Lthreonine to propionate and, 1,2-PD degradation to propionate are described in this chapter. Common experimental and computational methods used during the course of investigations are described in Chapter 2, as most of these are applicable to all structure determinations and analyses. Experimental procedures described here include cloning, overexpression, purification, crystallization and intensity data collection. Computational methods covered include details of various programs used during data processing, structure solution, refinement, model building, validation and structural analysis. In Chapter 3, X-ray crystal structure of S. typhimurium 2-methylcitrate synthase (StPrpC; EC determined at 2.4 Å resolution and its functional characterization is reported. StPrpC catalyzes aldol-condensation of oxaloacetate and propionyl-CoA to 2- methylcitrate and CoA in the second step of 2-methylcitrate pathway. StPrpC forms a dimer in solution and utilizes propionyl-CoA more efficiently than acetyl-CoA or butyryl- CoA. The polypeptide fold and the catalytic residues of StPrpC are conserved in citrate synthases (CSs) suggesting similarities in their functional mechanisms. Tyr197 and Leu324 of StPrpC are structurally equivalent to the ligand binding residues His and Val, respectively, of CSs. These substitutions might be responsible for the specificities for acyl-CoAs of these enzymes. Structural comparison with the ligand free (open) and bound (closed) states of CSs showed that StPrpC represents the first apo structure among xvi CS homologs in a nearly closed conformation. StPrpC molecules were organized as decamers, composed of five identical dimer units, in the P1 crystal cell. Higher order oligomerization of StPrpC is likely to be due to high pH (9.0) of the crystallization condition. In gram-negative bacteria, a hexameric form, believed to be important for regulation of activity by NADH, is also observed. Structural comparisons with hexameric E. coli CS suggested that the key residues involved in NADH binding are not conserved in StPrpC. Structural and functional studies on S. typhimurium acetate kinase (StAckA; EC are described in Chapter 4. Acetate kinase, an enzyme widely distributed in the bacteria and archaea domains, catalyzes the reversible phosphoryl transfer from ATP to acetate in the presence of a metal ion during acetate metabolism. StAckA catalyzes Mg2+ dependent phosphate transfer from ATP to acetate 10 times more efficiently when compared to propionate. Butyrate was found to inhibit the activity of the enzyme. Kinetic analysis showed that ATP and Mg2+ could be effectively substituted by other nucleoside 5′-triphosphates (GTP, UTP and CTP) and divalent cations (Mn2+ and Co2+), respectively. The X-ray crystal structure of StAckA was determined in two different forms at 2.70 Å (Form-I) and 1.90 Å (Form-II) resolutions, respectively. StAckA contains a fold with the topology βββαβαβα, similar to those of glycerol kinase, hexokinase, heat shock cognate 70 (Hsc70) and actin. StAckA consists of two domains with an active site cleft at the domain interface. Comparison of StAckA structure with those of ligand complexes of other acetokinase family proteins permitted the identification of residues essential for substrate binding and catalysis. Conservation of most of these residues points to both structural and mechanistic similarities between enzymes of this family. Examination of the active site pocket revealed a plausible structural rationale for the greater specificity of the enzyme towards acetate than propionate. Intriguingly, a major conformational reorganization and partial disorder in a large segment consisting of residues 230-297 of the polypeptide was observed in Form-II. Electron density corresponding to a plausible xvii citrate was observed at a novel binding pocket present at the dimeric interface. Citrate bound at this site might be responsible for the observed disorder in the Form-II structure. A similar ligand binding pocket and residues lining the pocket were also found to be conserved in other structurally known enzymes of acetokinase family. These observations and examination of enzymatic reaction in the presence of citrate and succinate (tricarboxylic acid cycle intermediates) suggested that binding of ligands at this pocket might be important for allosteric regulation in this family of enzymes. Propionate kinase (EC catalyzes reversible conversion of propionylphosphate and ADP to propionate and ATP. S. typhimurium possess two isoforms of propionate kinase, PduW and TdcD, involved in 1,2-propanediol degradation to propionate and in L-threonine degradation to propionate, respectively. In Chapter 5, structural and functional analyses of PduW and TdcD, carried out to gain insights into the substrate-binding pocket and catalytic mechanism of these enzymes, are described. Both isoforms showed broad specificity for utilization of SCFAs (propionate > acetate), nucleotides (ATP ≈ GTP > UTP > CTP) and metal ions (Mg2+ ≈ Mn2+). Molecular modeling of StPduW indicated that the enzyme is likely to adopt a fold similar to other members of acetokinase family. The residues at the active site are well conserved. Differences in the size of hydrophobic pocket where the substrate binds, particularly the replacement of a valine residue in acetate kinases (StAckA: Val93) by an alanine in propionate kinases (StPduW: Ala92; StTdcD: Ala88), could account for the observed greater affinity towards their cognate SCFAs. Crystal structures of TdcD from S. typhimurium in complex with various nucleotides were determined using native StTdcD as the phasing model. Nucleotide complexes of StTdcD provide a structural rationale for the broad specificity of the enzyme for its cofactor. Binding of ethylene glycol close to the γ-phosphate of GTP might suggest a direct in-line transfer mechanism. The thesis concludes with a brief discussion on the future prospects of the work. xviii Projects carried out as part of Master of Science projects and as additional activity during the course of the thesis work are described in three appendices. Analysis of the genomic sequences of E. coli and S. typhimurium has revealed the presence of hpa operon essential for 4-hydroxyphenylacetate (4-HPA) catabolism. S. typhimurium hpaE gene encodes for a 55 kDa polypeptide (StHpaE; EC which catalyzes conversion of 5-carboxymethyl-2-hydroxymuconic semialdehyde (CHMS) to 5-carboxymethyl-2-hydroxymuconic aldehyde (CHMA) in 4-HPA metabolism. Sequence analysis of StHpaE showed that it belongs to aldehyde dehydrogenase (ALDH) superfamily and possesses residues equivalent to the catalytic glutamate and cysteine residues of homologous enzymes (Appendix A). The gene was cloned in pRSET C expression vector and the recombinant protein was purified using Ni-NTA affinity chromatography. The enzyme forms a tetramer in solution and shows catalytic activity toward the substrate analog adipic semialdehyde. Crystal structure of StHpaE revealed that it contains three domains; two dinucleotide-binding domains, a Rossmann-fold type domain, and a small three-stranded β-sheet domain, which is involved in tetrameric interactions. NAD+-bound crystal of StHpaE permitted identification of active site pocket and residues important for ligand anchoring and catalysis. Mutarotases or aldose 1-epimerases (EC play a key role in carbohydrate metabolism by catalyzing the interconversion of α- and β-anomers of sugars. S. typhimurium YeaD (StYeaD), annotated as aldose 1-epimerase, has very low sequence identity with other well characterized mutarotases. In Appendix B, the crystal structure of StYeaD determined in orthorhombic and monoclinic crystal forms at 1.9 Å and 2.5 Å resolutions, respectively are reported. StYeaD possesses a fold similar to those of galactose mutarotases (GalMs). Structural comparison of StYeaD with GalMs has permitted identification of residues involved in catalysis and substrate anchoring. In spite xix of the similar fold and conservation of catalytic residues, minor but significant differences in the substrate binding pocket were observed compared to GalMs. Therefore, the substrate specificity of YeaD like proteins seems to be distinct from those of GalMs. Pepper Vein Banding Virus (PVBV) is a member of the genus potyvirus and infects Solanaceae plants. PVBV is a single-stranded positive-sense RNA virus with a genome-linked viral protein (VPg) covalently attached at the 5'-terminus. In order to establish the role of VPg in the initiation of replication of the virus, recombinant PVBV VPg was over-expressed in E. coli and purified using Ni-NTA affinity chromatography (Appendix C). PVBV NIb was found to uridylylate Tyr66 of VPg in a templateindependent manner. Studies on N- and C-terminal deletion mutants of VPg revealed that N-terminal 21 and C-terminal 92 residues of PVBV VPg are dispensable for in vitro uridylylation by PVBV NIb.

Gut Pathophysiology in Mouse Models of Social Behavior Deficits

Scott, Kyla 01 May 2020 (has links)
Autism spectrum disorders (ASD) encompass neurodevelopment disorders characterized by atypical patterns of development that impact multiple areas of functioning beginning in early childhood. The etiology of ASD is unknown and there are currently no preventative treatment options. Gastrointestinal symptoms are commonly associated comorbidities. The microbiota-gut-brain axis is a multidirectional communication chain that connects the central and enteric nervous system that relates brain function to peripheral intestinal functions. Changes within this axis have been postulated in ASD. For example, the “leaky gut theory” proposes that chronic inflammation is linked to alterations in the bacterial profiles of the gut microbiome and subsequent shifts in the amount and type of short-chain fatty acids produced can affect downstream neuronal development. Short-chain fatty acids are signaling molecules produced by bacteria that can trigger nerve afferents in the gut. Dysbiosis causes altered signaling patterns that can be identified by altered intestinal morphology. In this study, C57BL/6J control mice and three mouse models of social behavioral deficits were used to investigate markers of intestinal pathophysiology. Fecal and intestinal samples were collected from adult wild type control mice and the social deficit groups of BTBR genetic knockout mice, C57BL/6J mice injected with valproic acid, and C57BL/6J mice injected with polyinosinic–polycytidylic acid. Short-chain fatty acid profiles that included acetic, propionic, isobutyric, butyric, isovaleric, and valeric acids were obtained from fecal samples to determine differences between the models and control mice. The profiles of the BTBR genetic knockout and valproic acid models were found to be significantly different from control mice. Additionally, postmortem intestinal ileum samples underwent hematoxylin and eosin identification procedures to determine the thickness of the tunica muscularis and tunica mucosa. The thickness of the tunica muscularis was reduced in the valproic acid group compared to the wild type control mice in early stages of development (p=0.0279). This research may illuminate developmental cues that attribute to autism spectrum disorders and may provide markers to assess future therapeutic treatments.

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