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Interactive effects of nutrients and physical factors on phytoplankton growthShatwell, Tom 09 January 2014 (has links)
Phytoplanktonarten unterscheiden sich in ihren Ansprüchen hinsichtlich Ressourcen wie Nährstoffe, Licht und andere physikalische Faktoren. Wechselwirkungen zwischen Nährstoffen und physikalischen Faktoren beeinflussen daher die Artenzusammensetzung einer Phytoplanktongemeinschaft. In der vorliegenden Arbeit wurde der Einfluss von Temperatur und Photoperiode auf das Phytoplanktonwachstum in Abhängigkeit vom Lichtregime und dem Angebot an Phosphor (P) und Silizium (Si) untersucht. Hierfür wurden Wachstums- und Konkurrenzexperimente unter Laborverhältnissen mit Stephanodiscus minutulus, Nitzschia acicularis (beides Bacillariophyceae) und Limnothrix redekei (Cyanophyceae) durchgeführt, ein Modell der Faktorinteraktionen entwickelt sowie ökologische Langzeitdaten des Müggelsees (Berlin) statistisch ausgewertet. Die Effekte von Temperatur und Photoperiode auf die Wachstumsraten unterschieden sich nicht zwischen konstantem und fluktuierendem Licht. Die Auswirkungen der Photoperiode und der Lichtfluktuationen auf die Wachstumsraten waren hierbei additiv. Der Grad der Limitation der Wachstumsraten durch P oder Si wurde durch die Photoperiode nicht signifikant beeinflusst. Wechselwirkungen zwischen Temperatur und P oder Si waren hingegen komplex und artspezifisch. Unabhängig davon, ob die Wachstumsraten durch P, Si oder fluktuierendes Licht gesteuert wurden, war S. minutulus konkurrenzstärker bei niedrigeren Temperaturen und N. acicularis bei höheren Temperaturen. Zusammenfassend zeigen die Ergebnisse, dass die Faktorinteraktionstypen artspezifisch sind, die Adaptation der Arten widerspiegeln und so zur Nischen-Differenzierung beitragen. Kenntnisse dieser Wechselwirkungen fördern deshalb unser Verständnis der Phytoplanktondiversität und ermöglichen es, Reaktionen des Phytoplanktons auf Klimaerwärmung und Trophieveränderung, die mit einer Verschiebung der Verhältnisse zwischen Nährstoffen, Temperatur und Licht einhergehen, besser vorherzusagen. / Phytoplankton species have different resource requirements and different sensitivities to important growth factors. Interactions between nutrients and physical factors, such as temperature and light should therefore influence the species composition. Because these interactions are poorly understood, this study investigated the interactive effects of temperature and photoperiod on phytoplankton growth controlled by fluctuating light, phosphorus (P) and silicon (Si). Growth and competition experiments were performed in the laboratory on Stephanodiscus minutulus, Nitzschia acicularis (both Bacillariophyceae) and Limnothrix redekei (Cyanophyceae). A model of factor interactions was developed and long-term field data from Lake Müggelsee (Berlin) were statistically analysed. Temperature and photoperiod had the same influence on growth under fluctuating light as they did under constant light. The photoperiod and short term light fluctuations caused by mixing had additive effects on growth. P and Si interacted strongly with temperature with respect to growth, but less with the photoperiod. The Droop relation fitted to S. minutulus but not N. acicularis. The Monod equation could not sufficiently account for non-steady dynamics of diatom growth under Si limitation, underestimating uptake rates and overestimating uptake affinity. Estimates based on the Monod model may therefore considerably underestimate the degree of Si limitation. The types of factor interactions were generally species-specific, reflected niche adaptation and enhanced niche differentiation. Interactions between nutrients and physical factors are relevant to growth during spring and contribute to the phytoplankton composition. Understanding the interactions should improve our knowledge of phytoplankton diversity and increase our ability to predict phytoplankton response to climate and trophic change, which shift the relationship between nutrients, temperature and light.
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Magnetic resonance studies of issues critical to solid state quantum computerSuwuntanasarn, Nakorn, Physical, Environmental & Mathematical Sciences, Australian Defence Force Academy, UNSW January 2008 (has links)
The spins of phosphorus doped in silicon are potential candidates for a quantum computing device, with models based on the use of nuclear and/or electron spins suggested. For a quantum computing device, several essential criteria must be demonstrated before any physical implementation, and these include qubit control gates, long decoherence time and scalability. Scalability and compatibility with existing fabrication technologies are strong points in favour of a silicon based system. For spin based schemes, silicon has the potential to provide a host with zero nuclear spin (isotopically purifed 28Si) and also the phosphorus donor provides both nuclear and electron half integer spins (ideal case). In this work, a magnetic resonance method (electron spin resonance) was utilised to investigate these critical issues (controllable quantum gates and decoherence time) for the electron spins of phosphorus donors in silicon. Electron spin resonance (ESR) studies of an ensemble of phosphorus electron spins in silicon were conducted via both continuous wave and pulsed methods. For pulsed ESR operations, two low temperature (4 K and millikelvin) X-band pulsed ESR systems were built. They were designed especially to suit Si:P decoherence time measurements. The design, modelling, construction and evaluation of the probe heads are described. With the aid of computer simulations, the performance of the probe heads was optimised and a rectangular loop gap resonator was found to be the most suitable for wafer type samples. The resonant frequency, quality factor, and coupling coeffcient were calculated via simulation and are in reasonable agreement with experimental results. This demonstrates the effectiveness of such simulations as a tool for optimising the probe head performance. A millikelvin pulsed ESR system was set up through the combination of a dilution refrigerator, superconducting magnet and the in-house construction of a pulsed ESR spectrometer. This novel system allows pulsed ESR experiments on an ensemble system to be realised down to the millikelvin temperature range, hence providing conditions considered most favourable for quantum computing studies. The use of light in combination with the pulsed ESR systems was also explored in an endeavour to overcome the problem of very long spin-lattice relaxation time, T1, allowing the decoherence time to be measured more effciently. With these novel low temperature pulsed ESR units, two-pulse electron spin echo experiments were conducted on phosphorus donors in silicon (both natural silicon (natSi) and 28Si) with the phosphorus concentration in the range of 1015- 1016 P/cm3 and to lower temperatures than previously investigated. Decoherence times measured for both natSi:P and 28Si:P (with similar donor concentrations) were longer than previously reported. Discussions on several effective ways to obtain even longer Si:P decoherence times including variations to sample configurations and experimental conditions are presented. In addition to the pulsed ESR studies, the Si:P controllable quantum gate functions, A gate and J gate, were examined by the continuous wave technique via Stark shift and exchange interaction experiments respectively. Stark shift experiments on bulk samples were carried out to investigate possible manipulation of the spins by the applied electric field. Continuous wave ESR was also used to examine low energy ion implanted Si:P devices, both by single (P+) and dimer (P+2 ) implanted donors. The outcomes from these studies provide materials information useful in formulating a strategy toward the Si:P device fabrication via the top down approach.
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Electrical Transport in Si:P and Ge:P δ-doped SystemsShamin, Saquib January 2015 (has links) (PDF)
Doped semiconductor systems have for decades provided an excellent platform to study novel concepts in solid state physics such as quantum hall effect, metal-to-insulator transition (MIT), weak localization and many body interaction effects. Doped Si, in particular and doped Ge has been studied extensively to study MIT as a function of dopant concentration or uniaxial stress. Spin transport phenomena have also been probed in bulk doped Si. All the previous studies involved bulk doped semiconductors where the dopants are spread through the bulk of the material. However spatial confinement of dopants in one or more dimensions may lead to a range of exotic quantum phenomena such as an absence of Anderson localization in one and two dimensions, hole-mediated (Nagaoka) ferromagnetism and new modes of quantum transport, when the Fermi energy lies at or close to centre of the band. Since many of these phenomena are inherent to lower dimensions, it has been hard to observe these experimentally in bulk doped crystals of Si and Ge. Recent advances in the monolayer doping techniques with atoms that closely pack on a surface, has made it possible to design a new class of 2D electron systems (2DES) in elemental semiconductors, such as Si and Ge, where the dopant (P) atoms are confined within a few atomic planes. The uniqueness of these systems lies not merely in the planar doping profile in bulk semiconductors that allow versatile designs of nanodevices, such as 1D wires, tunnel gaps and quantum dots, but also that it is now possible to study the interplay of wavefunction overlap and commensurability effects in 2D with unprecedented control. From an application perspective as well these systems are technologically important as they are aimed at being the building blocks of a solid state quantum computer. This thesis deals with investigating the electrical transport properties, both average (resistance) and dynamic (noise) of doped semiconductor systems in 2D delta layers, 1D wires and 0D quantum dots.
We find that the 2D δ-layers shows suppressed low frequency noise and the Hooge parameter of delta doped Si is about five to six orders of magnitude lower when compared to bulk doped Si in metallic regime. At low temperatures, the noise arises in these systems due to universal conductance fluctuations. For 1D wires as well we find that the Hooge parameter is one of the lowest among various 1D systems including carbon
nanotubes. We identify that charge traps in the Si/SiO2 are responsible for causing noise in δ-doped systems. Then we study the noise and transport in 2D delta layers as a function of doping density (and hence carrier density and interaction). Weak localization corrections to the conductivity and the universal conductance fluctuations were both found to decrease rapidly with decreasing doping in the Si:P and Ge:P delta layers, suggesting a spontaneous breaking of time reversal symmetry driven by strong Coulomb interactions. At low doping density we observe metal-like dependence of resistance on temperature at low temperatures, raising the possibility of a metallic ground state in 2D at 0 K in doped semiconductors. Finally we probe the low density devices (with broken time reversal symmetry) using superconducting Al as ohmic contacts. Anomalous increase in resistance below the superconducting transition temperature of Al and magnetoresistance with a sharp peak at 0 T is observed. Additionally we find that when the Al is superconducting, there exists a non-local resistance in low doped devices.
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