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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Searching business process models by example

Kunze, Matthias January 2013 (has links)
Business processes are fundamental to the operations of a company. Each product manufactured and every service provided is the result of a series of actions that constitute a business process. Business process management is an organizational principle that makes the processes of a company explicit and offers capabilities to implement procedures, control their execution, analyze their performance, and improve them. Therefore, business processes are documented as process models that capture these actions and their execution ordering, and make them accessible to stakeholders. As these models are an essential knowledge asset, they need to be managed effectively. In particular, the discovery and reuse of existing knowledge becomes challenging in the light of companies maintaining hundreds and thousands of process models. In practice, searching process models has been solved only superficially by means of free-text search of process names and their descriptions. Scientific contributions are limited in their scope, as they either present measures for process similarity or elaborate on query languages to search for particular aspects. However, they fall short in addressing efficient search, the presentation of search results, and the support to reuse discovered models. This thesis presents a novel search method, where a query is expressed by an exemplary business process model that describes the behavior of a possible answer. This method builds upon a formal framework that captures and compares the behavior of process models by the execution ordering of actions. The framework contributes a conceptual notion of behavioral distance that quantifies commonalities and differences of a pair of process models, and enables process model search. Based on behavioral distances, a set of measures is proposed that evaluate the quality of a particular search result to guide the user in assessing the returned matches. A projection of behavioral aspects to a process model enables highlighting relevant fragments that led to a match and facilitates its reuse. The thesis further elaborates on two search techniques that provide concrete behavioral distance functions as an instantiation of the formal framework. Querying enables search with a notion of behavioral inclusion with regard to the query. In contrast, similarity search obtains process models that are similar to a query, even if the query is not precisely matched. For both techniques, indexes are presented that enable efficient search. Methods to evaluate the quality and performance of process model search are introduced and applied to the techniques of this thesis. They show good results with regard to human assessment and scalability in a practical setting. / Geschäftsprozesse bilden die Grundlage eines jeden Unternehmens, da jedes Produkt und jede Dienstleistung das Ergebnis einer Reihe von Arbeitsschritten sind, deren Ablauf einen Geschäftsprozess darstellen. Das Geschäftsprozessmanagement rückt diese Prozesse ins Zentrum der Betrachtung und stellt Methoden bereit, um Prozesse umzusetzen, abzuwickeln und, basierend auf einer Auswertung ihrer Ausführung, zu verbessern. Zu diesem Zweck werden Geschäftsprozesse in Form von Prozessmodellen dokumentiert, welche die auszuführenden Arbeitsschritte und ihre Ausführungsbeziehungen erfassen und damit eine wesentliche Grundlage des Geschäftsprozessmanagements bilden. Um dieses Wissen verwerten zu können, muss es gut organisiert und leicht auffindbar sein – eine schwierige Aufgabe angesichts hunderter bzw. tausender Prozessmodelle, welche moderne Unternehmen unterhalten. In der Praxis haben sich bisher lediglich einfache Suchmethoden etabliert, zum Beispiel Freitextsuche in Prozessbeschreibungen. Wissenschaftliche Ansätze hingegen betrachten Ähnlichkeitsmaße und Anfragesprachen für Prozessmodelle, vernachlässigen dabei aber Maßnahmen zur effizienten Suche, sowie die verständliche Wiedergabe eines Suchergebnisses und Hilfestellungen für dessen Verwendung. Diese Dissertation stellt einen neuen Ansatz für die Prozessmodellsuche vor, wobei statt einer Anfragesprache Prozessmodelle zur Formulierung einer Anfrage verwendet werden, welche exemplarisch das Verhalten der gesuchten Prozesse beschreiben. Dieser Ansatz fußt auf einem formalen Framework, welches ein konzeptionelles Distanzmaß zur Bewertung gemeinsamen Verhaltens zweier Geschäftsprozesse definiert und die Grundlage zur Suche bildet. Darauf aufbauend werden Qualitätsmaße vorgestellt, die einem Benutzer bei der Bewertung von Suchergebnissen behilflich sind. Verhaltensausschnitte, die zur Aufnahme in das Suchergebnis geführt haben, können im Prozessmodell hervorgehoben werden. Die Arbeit führt zwei Suchtechniken ein, die konkrete Distanzmaße einsetzen, um Prozesse zu suchen, die das Verhalten einer Anfrage exakt enthalten (Querying), oder diesem in Bezug auf das Verhalten ähnlich sind (Similarity Search). Für beide Techniken werden Indexstrukturen vorgestellt, die effizientes Suchen ermöglichen. Abschließend werden allgemeine Methoden zur Evaluierung von Prozessmodellsuchansätzen vorgestellt, mit welchen die genannten Suchtechniken überprüft werden. Im Ergebnis zeigen diese eine hohe Qualität der Suchergebnisse hinsichtlich einer Vergleichsstudie mit Prozessexperten, sowie gute Skalierbarkeit für große Prozessmodellsammlungen.

Avaliação experimental de uma técnica de padronização de escores de similaridade / Experimental evaluation of a similarity score standardization technique

Nunes, Marcos Freitas January 2009 (has links)
Com o crescimento e a facilidade de acesso a Internet, o volume de dados cresceu muito nos últimos anos e, consequentemente, ficou muito fácil o acesso a bases de dados remotas, permitindo integrar dados fisicamente distantes. Geralmente, instâncias de um mesmo objeto no mundo real, originadas de bases distintas, apresentam diferenças na representação de seus valores, ou seja, os mesmos dados no mundo real podem ser representados de formas diferentes. Neste contexto, surgiram os estudos sobre casamento aproximado utilizando funções de similaridade. Por consequência, surgiu a dificuldade de entender os resultados das funções e selecionar limiares ideais. Quando se trata de casamento de agregados (registros), existe o problema de combinar os escores de similaridade, pois funções distintas possuem distribuições diferentes. Com objetivo de contornar este problema, foi desenvolvida em um trabalho anterior uma técnica de padronização de escores, que propõe substituir o escore calculado pela função de similaridade por um escore ajustado (calculado através de um treinamento), o qual é intuitivo para o usuário e pode ser combinado no processo de casamento de registros. Tal técnica foi desenvolvida por uma aluna de doutorado do grupo de Banco de Dados da UFRGS e será chamada aqui de MeaningScore (DORNELES et al., 2007). O presente trabalho visa estudar e realizar uma avaliação experimental detalhada da técnica MeaningScore. Com o final do processo de avaliação aqui executado, é possível afirmar que a utilização da abordagem MeaningScore é válida e retorna melhores resultados. No processo de casamento de registros, onde escores de similaridades distintos devem ser combinados, a utilização deste escore padronizado ao invés do escore original, retornado pela função de similaridade, produz resultados com maior qualidade. / With the growth of the Web, the volume of information grew considerably over the past years, and consequently, the access to remote databases became easier, which allows the integration of distributed information. Usually, instances of the same object in the real world, originated from distinct databases, present differences in the representation of their values, which means that the same information can be represented in different ways. In this context, research on approximate matching using similarity functions arises. As a consequence, there is a need to understand the result of the functions and to select ideal thresholds. Also, when matching records, there is the problem of combining the similarity scores, since distinct functions have different distributions. With the purpose of overcoming this problem, a previous work developed a technique that standardizes the scores, by replacing the computed score by an adjusted score (computed through a training), which is more intuitive for the user and can be combined in the process of record matching. This work was developed by a Phd student from the UFRGS database research group, and is referred to as MeaningScore (DORNELES et al., 2007). The present work intends to study and perform an experimental evaluation of this technique. As the validation shows, it is possible to say that the usage of the MeaningScore approach is valid and return better results. In the process of record matching, where distinct similarity must be combined, the usage of the adjusted score produces results with higher quality.

Avaliação experimental de uma técnica de padronização de escores de similaridade / Experimental evaluation of a similarity score standardization technique

Nunes, Marcos Freitas January 2009 (has links)
Com o crescimento e a facilidade de acesso a Internet, o volume de dados cresceu muito nos últimos anos e, consequentemente, ficou muito fácil o acesso a bases de dados remotas, permitindo integrar dados fisicamente distantes. Geralmente, instâncias de um mesmo objeto no mundo real, originadas de bases distintas, apresentam diferenças na representação de seus valores, ou seja, os mesmos dados no mundo real podem ser representados de formas diferentes. Neste contexto, surgiram os estudos sobre casamento aproximado utilizando funções de similaridade. Por consequência, surgiu a dificuldade de entender os resultados das funções e selecionar limiares ideais. Quando se trata de casamento de agregados (registros), existe o problema de combinar os escores de similaridade, pois funções distintas possuem distribuições diferentes. Com objetivo de contornar este problema, foi desenvolvida em um trabalho anterior uma técnica de padronização de escores, que propõe substituir o escore calculado pela função de similaridade por um escore ajustado (calculado através de um treinamento), o qual é intuitivo para o usuário e pode ser combinado no processo de casamento de registros. Tal técnica foi desenvolvida por uma aluna de doutorado do grupo de Banco de Dados da UFRGS e será chamada aqui de MeaningScore (DORNELES et al., 2007). O presente trabalho visa estudar e realizar uma avaliação experimental detalhada da técnica MeaningScore. Com o final do processo de avaliação aqui executado, é possível afirmar que a utilização da abordagem MeaningScore é válida e retorna melhores resultados. No processo de casamento de registros, onde escores de similaridades distintos devem ser combinados, a utilização deste escore padronizado ao invés do escore original, retornado pela função de similaridade, produz resultados com maior qualidade. / With the growth of the Web, the volume of information grew considerably over the past years, and consequently, the access to remote databases became easier, which allows the integration of distributed information. Usually, instances of the same object in the real world, originated from distinct databases, present differences in the representation of their values, which means that the same information can be represented in different ways. In this context, research on approximate matching using similarity functions arises. As a consequence, there is a need to understand the result of the functions and to select ideal thresholds. Also, when matching records, there is the problem of combining the similarity scores, since distinct functions have different distributions. With the purpose of overcoming this problem, a previous work developed a technique that standardizes the scores, by replacing the computed score by an adjusted score (computed through a training), which is more intuitive for the user and can be combined in the process of record matching. This work was developed by a Phd student from the UFRGS database research group, and is referred to as MeaningScore (DORNELES et al., 2007). The present work intends to study and perform an experimental evaluation of this technique. As the validation shows, it is possible to say that the usage of the MeaningScore approach is valid and return better results. In the process of record matching, where distinct similarity must be combined, the usage of the adjusted score produces results with higher quality.

Avaliação experimental de uma técnica de padronização de escores de similaridade / Experimental evaluation of a similarity score standardization technique

Nunes, Marcos Freitas January 2009 (has links)
Com o crescimento e a facilidade de acesso a Internet, o volume de dados cresceu muito nos últimos anos e, consequentemente, ficou muito fácil o acesso a bases de dados remotas, permitindo integrar dados fisicamente distantes. Geralmente, instâncias de um mesmo objeto no mundo real, originadas de bases distintas, apresentam diferenças na representação de seus valores, ou seja, os mesmos dados no mundo real podem ser representados de formas diferentes. Neste contexto, surgiram os estudos sobre casamento aproximado utilizando funções de similaridade. Por consequência, surgiu a dificuldade de entender os resultados das funções e selecionar limiares ideais. Quando se trata de casamento de agregados (registros), existe o problema de combinar os escores de similaridade, pois funções distintas possuem distribuições diferentes. Com objetivo de contornar este problema, foi desenvolvida em um trabalho anterior uma técnica de padronização de escores, que propõe substituir o escore calculado pela função de similaridade por um escore ajustado (calculado através de um treinamento), o qual é intuitivo para o usuário e pode ser combinado no processo de casamento de registros. Tal técnica foi desenvolvida por uma aluna de doutorado do grupo de Banco de Dados da UFRGS e será chamada aqui de MeaningScore (DORNELES et al., 2007). O presente trabalho visa estudar e realizar uma avaliação experimental detalhada da técnica MeaningScore. Com o final do processo de avaliação aqui executado, é possível afirmar que a utilização da abordagem MeaningScore é válida e retorna melhores resultados. No processo de casamento de registros, onde escores de similaridades distintos devem ser combinados, a utilização deste escore padronizado ao invés do escore original, retornado pela função de similaridade, produz resultados com maior qualidade. / With the growth of the Web, the volume of information grew considerably over the past years, and consequently, the access to remote databases became easier, which allows the integration of distributed information. Usually, instances of the same object in the real world, originated from distinct databases, present differences in the representation of their values, which means that the same information can be represented in different ways. In this context, research on approximate matching using similarity functions arises. As a consequence, there is a need to understand the result of the functions and to select ideal thresholds. Also, when matching records, there is the problem of combining the similarity scores, since distinct functions have different distributions. With the purpose of overcoming this problem, a previous work developed a technique that standardizes the scores, by replacing the computed score by an adjusted score (computed through a training), which is more intuitive for the user and can be combined in the process of record matching. This work was developed by a Phd student from the UFRGS database research group, and is referred to as MeaningScore (DORNELES et al., 2007). The present work intends to study and perform an experimental evaluation of this technique. As the validation shows, it is possible to say that the usage of the MeaningScore approach is valid and return better results. In the process of record matching, where distinct similarity must be combined, the usage of the adjusted score produces results with higher quality.

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