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Evolutions microstructurales, écrouissage et endommagement de composites à matrice métallique Fe-TiB₂ en chargement montone inversé / Microstructural evolution, strain hardening and damage of Fe-TiB₂ metal matrix composites under monotonic and reverse shearKharrat Dammak, Manel 07 April 2014 (has links)
L’objectif principal de la thèse est d’analyser les mécanismes de plasticité et d’endommagement d’une nouvelle famille de composites à matrice acier Fe-TiB₂ afin de comprendre les liens microstructure/propriétés mécaniques et appliquer des modèles de comportement prenant en compte différents paramètres de la microstructure, et d’intérêt pour la mise en forme. L’étude porte sur des nuances de composites à teneur en particules fixée et différant par la taille de grain de la matrice. La caractérisation expérimentale des microstructures et textures initiales par MEB/EBSD et DRX a permis d’analyser qualitativement et quantitativement les différents paramètres morphologiques des renforts et de la matrice. L’effet de taille de grain de la matrice et des renforts sur l’écrouissage des ces composites a été étudié par essais de cisaillement simple monotone et inversés qui ont également permis de déterminer la part relative d’écrouissage cinématique des différents matériaux. L’application des résultats à une modélisation phénoménologique de l’écrouissage a permis de décrire le backstress des composites à partir de celui de la ferrite. L’analyse de l’évolution microstructurale avec la déformation de cisaillement, ainsi que des essais de flexion in situ, ont identifié la rupture des particules comme mode d’endommagement prépondérant des composites Fe-TiB₂. L’endommagement dépend de la taille de grain de la matrice, de d’endommagement des matériaux hétérogènes a permis d’estimer les contraintes de rupture des particules sur la base des résultats expérimentaux disponibles. / The aim of this work was the plasticity and damage mechanisms analysis of a new steel matrix composites Fe- TiB₂ family to establish the microstructure / mechanical properties relationships then interesting for metal forming simulations in respect with various microstructural parameters. The study was focused on composites with different matrix grain size and a given particle population. The experimental characterization of initial microstructures and textures with SEM/EBSD and XRD permitted the qualitative and quantitative analysis of different morphological parameters of reinforcements and the ferritic matrix. The effect of matrix grain size and reinforcements on the composites hardening is studied based on monotonous and reverse simple shear tests which leads to determine the relative contribution of kinematic hardening. The application of a phenomenological modeling based on these results, has successfully describe the composite backstress evolution. Analysis of the microstructural evolution with shear deformation and with four points bending situ tests has shown a sensitivity of Fe-TiB₂ damage to the matrix grain size, the particles size and to the strain-path change. A damage model of heterogeneous material has been then considered and provides the particles failure stress of on the basis of the available experimental results.
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Development of a Multi-directional Direct Simple Shear Testing Device for Characterization of the Cyclic Shear Response of Marine ClaysRutherford, Cassandra Jane 2012 May 1900 (has links)
This dissertation describes the development of a new multi-directional direct simple shear testing device, the Texas A&M Multi-directional Direct Simple Shear (TAMU-MDSS), for testing marine soil samples under conditions, which simulate, at the element level, the state of stress acting within a submarine slope under dynamic loading. Prototype testing and an experimental program to characterize the response of marine clays to complex loading conditions are presented. The work is divided into four major components: 1) Equipment Development: Design and construction of a prototype multi-directional direct simple shear testing device (TAMU-MDSS) that addresses the limitations of previous devices. 2) Support systems: selection of control software, development of data acquisition system and design of back pressure systems for direct pore pressure measurements. 3) Prototype Testing: performance of the TAMU MDSS system and testing of strain-control and stress-control capabilities. 4) Experimental Testing: characterize the response of marine clays to monotonic, dynamic and random loads. The two-directional monotonic, cyclic, circular and figure-8 tests demonstrated the undrained shear strength increases with increasing initial shear stress, (i.e, slope), for shearing in the same direction (equivalent to downhill). The strength decreases for shearing in the direction opposite to the initial stress (shearing uphill). The response is as brittle for shearing in the same direction as the shear stress applied during consolidation initial shear stress and ductile for shearing opposite to initial shear stress. These findings have important implications for the stability of the slope, predicting that forces acting downward in the slope direction will need to mobilize less strain to reach peak strength and initiate failure. This information provides insight into the behavior of marine soils under complex loading conditions, and provides high quality laboratory data for use in constitutive and finite element model development for analysis of submarine slopes.
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Double Angle Framing Connections Subjected to Shear and TensionYang, Jae-Guen 08 July 1997 (has links)
The double angle connection (sometimes referred to as a cleat connection) is one of the most commonly used simple shear connections, and many investigations have been conducted on this type of connection. However, most of these investigations have focused on either the strength or the moment-rotation relationship under shear loading. Several investigations have recently been performed on the behavior of double angle connections subjected to shear plus axial tensile loads. In these investigations, analytical models and design formulas have been proposed to model the complex behavior of these connections when subjected to the combined loading. However, a complete design model has not been developed.
To fulfill the need for a design procedure, double angle connections were studied for three different loading cases. The first case was used to establish the load-displacement relationship under axial tensile loads. The second case was to establish the moment-rotation relationship under shear loads. Finally, the third case was to find the effects of combined axial tensile loads and shear loads on the behavior of double angle connections.
For these purposes, 3D-nonlinear finite element models were developed to simulate the connection behavior under the three loading cases. The commercial software package, ABAQUS, was used for the study. The complex phenomena of contact problems and the pretension forces in the bolts were simulated. A simplified angle model and an equivalent spring model were developed from the 3D results. / Ph. D.
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Experimental Investigation Into The Anisotropic Material Properties Of Rabbit Patellar TendonSubramanian, Srikanth 10 December 2005 (has links)
Understanding the origins of the multiaxial material properties of soft tissues is crucial for quantifying the tissue material properties that govern the material behavior for acurate predictive modeling of the biological systems. Unlike many engineering structural materials, biological materials exhibit complex material behavior due to structural anisotropy and various interactions between each of the microstructrual units of the tissue. Therefore, this study aims to quantify the shear material behavior of rabbit patellar tendon under simple shear loading along the fiber direction and perpendicular to the fiber direction and to understand the role of tissue shearing and its contribution to the overall mechanical behavior of the tendon. It was hypothesized that tendon demonstrates anisotropic material response under simple shear. Results suggests that tendon exhibits direction-dependent viscoelastic shear properties, reflecting structural anisotropy. The data obtained from our present study could be used for development of constituent models using internal state variable theory.
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Development of an Energy-based Liquefaction Evaluation ProcedureUlmer, Kristin Jane 20 January 2020 (has links)
Soil liquefaction during earthquakes is a phenomenon that can cause tremendous damage to structures such as bridges, roads, buildings, and pipelines. The objective of this research is to develop an energy-based approach for evaluating the potential for liquefaction triggering. The current state-of-practice for the evaluation of liquefaction triggering is the "simplified" stressbased framework where resistance to liquefaction is correlated to an in situ test metric (e.g., normalized standard penetration test N-value, N1,60cs, normalized cone penetration tip resistance, qc1Ncs, or normalized small strain shear wave velocity, Vs1). Although rarely used in practice, the strain-based procedure is commonly cited as an attractive alternative to the stress-based framework because excess pore pressure generation (and, in turn, liquefaction triggering) is more directly related to strains than stresses. However, the method has some inherent and potentially fatal limitations in not being able to appropriately define both the amplitude and duration of the induced loading in a total stress framework. The energy-based method proposed herein builds on the merits of both the stress- and strain-based procedures, while circumventing their inherent limitations.
The basis of the proposed energy-based approach is a macro-level, low cycle fatigue theory in which dissipated energy (or work) per unit volume is used as the damage metric. Because dissipated energy is defined by both stress and strain, this energy-based method brings together stress- and strain-based concepts. To develop this approach, a database of liquefaction and nonliquefaction case histories was assembled for multiple in situ test metrics. Dissipated energy per unit volume associated with each case history was estimated and a family of limit-state curves were developed using maximum likelihood regression for different in situ test metrics defining the amount of dissipated energy required to trigger liquefaction. To ensure consistency between these limit-state curves and laboratory data, a series of cyclic tests were performed on samples of sand. These laboratory-based limit-state curves were reconciled with the field-based limit-state curves using a consistent definition of liquefaction. / Doctor of Philosophy / Soil liquefaction during earthquakes is a phenomenon that can cause tremendous damage to structures such as bridges, roads, buildings, and pipelines. The objective of this research is to develop an energy-based approach for evaluating the potential for liquefaction triggering. Current procedures to evaluate liquefaction triggering include stress-based and strain-based procedures. However, these procedures have some inherent and potentially fatal limitations. The energy-based method proposed herein builds on the merits of both the stress- and strain-based procedures, while circumventing their inherent limitations.
The proposed energy-based approach uses dissipated energy (or work) per unit volume to evaluate the potential for liquefaction. Because dissipated energy is defined by both stress and strain, this energy-based method brings together stress- and strain-based concepts. To develop this approach, a database of case histories in which liquefaction was either observed or not observed was assembled. Dissipated energy per unit volume associated with each case history was estimated and a family of relationships was regressed to define the amount of dissipated energy required to trigger liquefaction. Results from a series of cyclic laboratory tests performed on samples of sand were reconciled with the field-based relationships using a consistent definition of liquefaction.
This research proposes a method that is based on a robust mechanistic framework that will make it easier to evaluate liquefaction for circumstances that are not well represented in current liquefaction evaluation procedures. The components of the proposed energy-based procedure are developed consistently and are presented in such a way that this procedure can be readily adopted by practitioners who are already familiar with existing liquefaction evaluation procedures. The broader impacts of this work will help to minimize losses from earthquakes by improving the way engineers evaluate liquefaction.
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Desenvolvimento de equipamento para ensaios Simple ShearCorte, Marina Bellaver January 2016 (has links)
Em virtude da presença cada vez mais frequente de solicitações cíclicas nas estruturas de engenharia e do aprimoramento da análise de projetos, os ensaios em solos sob carregamentos cíclicos tiveram seu interesse renovado nos últimos anos. Os ensaios de laboratório são realizados de forma que simulem, da melhor maneira possível, as condições observadas em campo. Tais condições auxiliam na escolha dos ensaios a serem conduzidos para a determinação de parâmetros geotécnicos relevantes a cada situação observada em campo. Dentre os ensaios empregados na Engenharia Geotécnica, destaca-se o simple shear. Este ensaio é conhecido e utilizado para medir a resistência ao cisalhamento e a rigidez de solos. Este é o único ensaio de laboratório capaz de submeter uma amostra a condições de deformação plana sob volume constante e permitir a rotação das tensões principais. Tais condições são frequentemente representativas em diversas situações em campo como, por exemplo, o modo de cisalhamento adjacente ao fuste de uma estaca ou sob plataformas offshore com base gravitacional. Nesse contexto, um equipamento foi desenvolvido para a realização de ensaios do tipo simple shear. O aparato conta com uma câmara, na qual é aplicada pressão à amostra de solo. Diferenciando-se do equipamento comercial para tais ensaios, que emprega uma membrana com anéis metálicos, a amostra de solo neste equipamento é envolta por uma membrana de látex, o que possibilita a consolidação de forma isotrópica ou anisotrópica. Quanto ao carregamento, o equipamento desenvolvido permite que o carregamento seja realizado de forma monotônica ou clíclica. Quando do carregamento cíclico, este pode ainda ser realizado de forma a se manter a tensão controlada ou a deformação. Foram conduzidos ensaios de calibração e validação do equipamento empregando-se uma areia fina de granulometria uniforme cujas propriedades são amplamente conhecidas através de outros ensaios. Os resultados obtidos foram então comparados com estudos no mesmo material em equipamentos triaxiais, cisalhamento direto e outro simple shear. Os resultados mostraram-se satisfatórios, validando o equipamento desenvolvido. / In view of the ever more frequent presence of the cyclic solicitations on Engineering structures and the enhancement of design analysis, the soil testing under cyclic loading conditions had its interest renewed in the last years. The laboratory tests are conduced in a way that simulates, in the best way possible, the observed field conditions. Said conditions aid on the choice of the tests to be conducted in order to determinate the relevant geomechanics parameters.to each situation observed on the field. Among the employed tests in Geotechnical Engineering, it is highlighted the simple shear. This test is known and used to measure the shear strength and soil righty. This is the only laboratory test capable of submitting the sample to plane strain conditions under constant volume and allows the main stress rotations. Said conditions are frequently representative in many field situations, such as, the adjacent shear mechanism to the shaft of a pile or, under offshore platforms with gravitational base. In this context, a equipment was developed to perform simple shear tests. The apparatus has a chamber, in which it is applied confining pressure to the soil sample. Contrasting from the commercial equipment for said tests, that uses a membrane with metallic rings, in this equipment the soil sample is involved by a latex membrane, allowing the consolidation being carried out isotropically or anisotropically. The loading on this equipment can be conduced on monotonic or cyclic conditions. The cyclic loading can even be conduced by controlling the deformation or the stress. Calibration and validation testes where conduced on the equipment using a fine sand of uniform granulometry which properties are largely known through other tests. The obtained results where then compared to other tests carried out on the same material in triaxial tests, direct shear and other simple shear, The results obtained were considered satisfactory, validating the developed equipment.
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Desenvolvimento de equipamento para ensaios Simple ShearCorte, Marina Bellaver January 2016 (has links)
Em virtude da presença cada vez mais frequente de solicitações cíclicas nas estruturas de engenharia e do aprimoramento da análise de projetos, os ensaios em solos sob carregamentos cíclicos tiveram seu interesse renovado nos últimos anos. Os ensaios de laboratório são realizados de forma que simulem, da melhor maneira possível, as condições observadas em campo. Tais condições auxiliam na escolha dos ensaios a serem conduzidos para a determinação de parâmetros geotécnicos relevantes a cada situação observada em campo. Dentre os ensaios empregados na Engenharia Geotécnica, destaca-se o simple shear. Este ensaio é conhecido e utilizado para medir a resistência ao cisalhamento e a rigidez de solos. Este é o único ensaio de laboratório capaz de submeter uma amostra a condições de deformação plana sob volume constante e permitir a rotação das tensões principais. Tais condições são frequentemente representativas em diversas situações em campo como, por exemplo, o modo de cisalhamento adjacente ao fuste de uma estaca ou sob plataformas offshore com base gravitacional. Nesse contexto, um equipamento foi desenvolvido para a realização de ensaios do tipo simple shear. O aparato conta com uma câmara, na qual é aplicada pressão à amostra de solo. Diferenciando-se do equipamento comercial para tais ensaios, que emprega uma membrana com anéis metálicos, a amostra de solo neste equipamento é envolta por uma membrana de látex, o que possibilita a consolidação de forma isotrópica ou anisotrópica. Quanto ao carregamento, o equipamento desenvolvido permite que o carregamento seja realizado de forma monotônica ou clíclica. Quando do carregamento cíclico, este pode ainda ser realizado de forma a se manter a tensão controlada ou a deformação. Foram conduzidos ensaios de calibração e validação do equipamento empregando-se uma areia fina de granulometria uniforme cujas propriedades são amplamente conhecidas através de outros ensaios. Os resultados obtidos foram então comparados com estudos no mesmo material em equipamentos triaxiais, cisalhamento direto e outro simple shear. Os resultados mostraram-se satisfatórios, validando o equipamento desenvolvido. / In view of the ever more frequent presence of the cyclic solicitations on Engineering structures and the enhancement of design analysis, the soil testing under cyclic loading conditions had its interest renewed in the last years. The laboratory tests are conduced in a way that simulates, in the best way possible, the observed field conditions. Said conditions aid on the choice of the tests to be conducted in order to determinate the relevant geomechanics parameters.to each situation observed on the field. Among the employed tests in Geotechnical Engineering, it is highlighted the simple shear. This test is known and used to measure the shear strength and soil righty. This is the only laboratory test capable of submitting the sample to plane strain conditions under constant volume and allows the main stress rotations. Said conditions are frequently representative in many field situations, such as, the adjacent shear mechanism to the shaft of a pile or, under offshore platforms with gravitational base. In this context, a equipment was developed to perform simple shear tests. The apparatus has a chamber, in which it is applied confining pressure to the soil sample. Contrasting from the commercial equipment for said tests, that uses a membrane with metallic rings, in this equipment the soil sample is involved by a latex membrane, allowing the consolidation being carried out isotropically or anisotropically. The loading on this equipment can be conduced on monotonic or cyclic conditions. The cyclic loading can even be conduced by controlling the deformation or the stress. Calibration and validation testes where conduced on the equipment using a fine sand of uniform granulometry which properties are largely known through other tests. The obtained results where then compared to other tests carried out on the same material in triaxial tests, direct shear and other simple shear, The results obtained were considered satisfactory, validating the developed equipment.
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Desenvolvimento de equipamento para ensaios Simple ShearCorte, Marina Bellaver January 2016 (has links)
Em virtude da presença cada vez mais frequente de solicitações cíclicas nas estruturas de engenharia e do aprimoramento da análise de projetos, os ensaios em solos sob carregamentos cíclicos tiveram seu interesse renovado nos últimos anos. Os ensaios de laboratório são realizados de forma que simulem, da melhor maneira possível, as condições observadas em campo. Tais condições auxiliam na escolha dos ensaios a serem conduzidos para a determinação de parâmetros geotécnicos relevantes a cada situação observada em campo. Dentre os ensaios empregados na Engenharia Geotécnica, destaca-se o simple shear. Este ensaio é conhecido e utilizado para medir a resistência ao cisalhamento e a rigidez de solos. Este é o único ensaio de laboratório capaz de submeter uma amostra a condições de deformação plana sob volume constante e permitir a rotação das tensões principais. Tais condições são frequentemente representativas em diversas situações em campo como, por exemplo, o modo de cisalhamento adjacente ao fuste de uma estaca ou sob plataformas offshore com base gravitacional. Nesse contexto, um equipamento foi desenvolvido para a realização de ensaios do tipo simple shear. O aparato conta com uma câmara, na qual é aplicada pressão à amostra de solo. Diferenciando-se do equipamento comercial para tais ensaios, que emprega uma membrana com anéis metálicos, a amostra de solo neste equipamento é envolta por uma membrana de látex, o que possibilita a consolidação de forma isotrópica ou anisotrópica. Quanto ao carregamento, o equipamento desenvolvido permite que o carregamento seja realizado de forma monotônica ou clíclica. Quando do carregamento cíclico, este pode ainda ser realizado de forma a se manter a tensão controlada ou a deformação. Foram conduzidos ensaios de calibração e validação do equipamento empregando-se uma areia fina de granulometria uniforme cujas propriedades são amplamente conhecidas através de outros ensaios. Os resultados obtidos foram então comparados com estudos no mesmo material em equipamentos triaxiais, cisalhamento direto e outro simple shear. Os resultados mostraram-se satisfatórios, validando o equipamento desenvolvido. / In view of the ever more frequent presence of the cyclic solicitations on Engineering structures and the enhancement of design analysis, the soil testing under cyclic loading conditions had its interest renewed in the last years. The laboratory tests are conduced in a way that simulates, in the best way possible, the observed field conditions. Said conditions aid on the choice of the tests to be conducted in order to determinate the relevant geomechanics parameters.to each situation observed on the field. Among the employed tests in Geotechnical Engineering, it is highlighted the simple shear. This test is known and used to measure the shear strength and soil righty. This is the only laboratory test capable of submitting the sample to plane strain conditions under constant volume and allows the main stress rotations. Said conditions are frequently representative in many field situations, such as, the adjacent shear mechanism to the shaft of a pile or, under offshore platforms with gravitational base. In this context, a equipment was developed to perform simple shear tests. The apparatus has a chamber, in which it is applied confining pressure to the soil sample. Contrasting from the commercial equipment for said tests, that uses a membrane with metallic rings, in this equipment the soil sample is involved by a latex membrane, allowing the consolidation being carried out isotropically or anisotropically. The loading on this equipment can be conduced on monotonic or cyclic conditions. The cyclic loading can even be conduced by controlling the deformation or the stress. Calibration and validation testes where conduced on the equipment using a fine sand of uniform granulometry which properties are largely known through other tests. The obtained results where then compared to other tests carried out on the same material in triaxial tests, direct shear and other simple shear, The results obtained were considered satisfactory, validating the developed equipment.
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Behavior of plain and steel fiber reinforced concrete under multiaxial stressTawana, Siyd S. January 1995 (has links)
No description available.
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Investigation of Simple Shear Connection EconomyReese, John L. 02 October 2008 (has links)
No description available.
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