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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Lebensdauervorhersage mehrachsig belasteter Elastomerbauteile unter besonderer Berücksichtigung rotierender Beanspruchungsrichtungen

Klauke, Rainer 08 April 2016 (has links)
Die für die Untersuchung des Ermüdungswiderstandes von Elastomerbauteilen verwendeten Formulierungen basieren häufig auf Modellen, die für Anwendungen in der Metalltechnik entwickelt wurden. Die damit verbundenen Eigenschaften wie Isotropie oder Elastizität stehen hingegen im Konflikt mit den Anforderungen, die zu der Wahl eines gefüllten Polymers als Werkstoff geführt haben. Gleichzeitig weisen technische Gummiwerkstoffe ein hochgradig nichtlineares Materialverhalten auf und zeigen vom Polymer und Füllstoffgrad abhängig eine unterschiedlich ausgeprägte belastungsinduzierte Anisotropie. Diese Umstände führen zu dem Bedarf, das Ermüdungsverhalten technischer Gummiwerkstoffe in Abhängigkeit der für Gummi typischen Eigenschaften intensiver zu untersuchen und neue Ansätze für die Auslegung der Lebensdauer von elastomeren Werkstoffen bereitzustellen. Im Rahmen der Arbeit wird eine Auswahl an unterschiedlichen Modellwerkstoffen auf polymerer Basis auf ihre Lebensdauereigenschaften hin analysiert. Den Schwerpunkt bilden hierbei modulierte Belastungsrichtungen, die über eine einfache Scherung mit rotierenden Achsen versuchstechnisch abgebildet werden. Anhand der Versuchsergebnisse werden neue Ansätze zur Vorhersage der Lebensdauer technischer Gummiwerkstoffe formuliert und mit bisherigen Ansätzen verglichen. Neben der Formulierung neuer Berechnungsvorschriften zur Bestimmung des Ermüdungswiderstandes polymerer Werkstoffe werden zudem die einfache Scherung mit rotierenden Achsen sowie das Versuchsprinzip zu deren Umsetzung eingehend untersucht. Dies umfasst auch eine Analyse einer mechanischen Charakterisierung technischer Gummiwerkstoffe anhand einer einfachen Scherung mit rotierenden Achsen.

Hydrodynamic forces on a sphere translating steadily in a wall-bounded linear shear flow

Shi, Pengyu 26 March 2021 (has links)
Determining the hydrodynamic force acting on bubbles and particles moving parallel to a wall in a shear flow is a problem of fundamental importance, as this configuration is involved in a variety of technical and natural systems. The presence of the wall tends to increase the drag force, and more importantly causes a transverse lift force acting on the body. This thesis focuses on extending the current capability in predicting drag and lift forces on spherical bubbles and particles translating in a linear shear flow, primarily in the vicinity of a wall, and obtaining quantitative insight into the interaction mechanisms at work in the context of finite sphere Reynolds number. The investigations are performed through direct numerical simulation (DNS) using an accurate finite volume method. The first part of the thesis summarizes all expressions for the drag and lift forces available in the literature. A comprehensive review of existing results from analytical, experimental, and direct numerical simulation studies is given. The available correlations are critically assessed by comparison to data from these studies. Based on the comparison, recommendations are given which correlations to use including some new proposals, and gaps in the data are identified. The second part aims to fill the gaps mentioned above by means of DNS. Specifically, the three-dimensional flow around a non-rotating sphere translating steadily in a wall-bounded linear shear flow is investigated by solving the full Navier-Stokes equations. Numerical results and analytical expressions are combined to provide accurate semi-empirical expressions for the drag and lift forces at arbitrary Reynolds number and separation distance. Present numerical results help to rationalize and quantify the various mechanisms at work and the ways they interact. From a practical point of view, they also result in several closure models for the drag correction and transverse force, which are necessary inputs in the point-particle based Eulerian-Lagrangian simulations or in Eulerian-Eulerian simulations based on the interpenetrating continua concept.:1 INTRODUCTION 1.1 Background 1.2 Underlining mechanisms 1.3 State of the art 1.4 Motivation, goal and outline of the thesis 2 STATE OF THE ART 2.1 Statement of the problem 2.2 Overview of literatures 2.3 Unbounded linear shear flow 2.4 Linear shear flow with the wall lying in the inner region 2.5 Stagnant flow with the wall lying in the outer region 2.6 Linear shear flow with the wall lying in the outer region 2.7 Conclusions 3 NUMERICAL APPROACH AND PRELIMINARY TESTS 3.1 Numerical approach 3.2 Preliminary tests 4 CLEAN SPHERICAL BUBBLE IN WALL-BOUNDED FLOW 4.1 Characteristics of the flow field and fundamental mechanisms 4.2 Hydrodynamic forces on the bubble: fluid at rest at infinity 4.3 Hydrodynamic forces on the bubble: linear shear flow 4.4 Conclusions 5 RIGID SPHERE IN WALL-BOUNDED FLOW 5.1 Characteristics of the flow field and fundamental mechanisms 5.2 Hydrodynamic forces on the sphere: fluid at rest at infinity 5.3 Hydrodynamic forces on the sphere: Linear shear flow 5.4 Conclusions 6 CONCLUSIONS AND FUTURE WORK 6.1 Summary and conclusions 6.2 Future work 7 REFERENCE


TIAGO EMANUEL DE SA SCHUCK 05 December 2023 (has links)
[pt] Esta pesquisa teve como objetivo investigar o comportamento tensão-deformação-resistência da areia da Praia de Ipanema, RJ, em ensaios de cisalhamento simples (DSS) realizados em corpos de prova secos, cisalhados a volume constante sob carregamento monótono de deformação controlada. Foi desenvolvido um procedimento para moldagem de corpos de prova de areia na condição seca para ensaios de DSS. Os corpos de prova foram moldados nos domínios de compacidade relativa (CR) fofo, médio, compacto e muito compacto. Para cada um desses domínios de CR, foram realizados ensaios de DSS sob os seguintes valores de tensão vertical inicial: 25, 50, 100, 150, 300, 500 e 750 kPa. Os resultados permitiram avaliar a influência da tensão vertical inicial e do índice de vazios pré-cisalhamento (epc) na variação da tensão vertical (variação da tensão vertical no cisalhamento) necessária para manter a altura (e o volume) do corpo de prova constante durante o cisalhamento, na taxa de mobilização de ângulo de atrito no plano horizontal em relação à distorção, no valor do ângulo de atrito máximo mobilizado no plano horizontal, no valor da tensão cisalhante na ruptura, no valor da distorção na ruptura, bem como nos valores dos módulos de cisalhamento secantes G25 e G50. / [en] This research aimed to investigate the stress-strain-strength behavior of the Ipanema Beach (RJ) sand in direct simple shear tests (DSS) carried out on dry specimens, sheared at constant volume under strain-controlled static loading. A procedure for preparing dry sand specimens was developed for DSS tests. The specimens were prepared in loose, medium, dense and very dense domains of relative density (Dr). For each of these Dr domains, DSS tests were carried out under the following initial vertical stress values: 25, 50, 100, 150, 300, 500 and 750 kPa. The results allowed to evaluate the influence of the initial vertical stressand the pre-shear void ratio (epc) on the vertical stress change (variation of vertical stress in shear) necessary to keep the specimen height (and volume) constant during shear, on the rate ofmobilization of the friction angle in the horizontal plane in relation to distortion, on the value of the maximum friction angle mobilized in the horizontal plane, on the value of the shear stress at failure, on the value of the distortion at failure, as well as on the values of the secant shear modulus G25and G50.

Factors Influencing the Post-Earthquake Shear Strength

Ajmera, Beena Danny 28 August 2015 (has links)
Although clays are generally considered stable materials under seismic conditions, recent failures initiated in clay layers after earthquakes have emphasized the need to study the cyclic and post-cyclic behavior of these materials. Moreover, if strength loss as a result of cyclic loading were to occur in the material comprising the dam and/or dam foundation, the consequences of failure could be substantial. The objective of this study is to evaluate the effect of plasticity characteristics, mineralogical composition, and accumulated energy on the cyclic behavior, post-cyclic shear strength and the degradation in shear strength due to cyclic loading in normally consolidated clays. Seventeen soil samples prepared in the laboratory from kaolinite, montmorillonite, and quartz were tested using static and cyclic simple shear apparatuses. In addition, the results of cyclic simple shear tests on twelve natural samples were provided by Fugro Consultants, Inc. in Houston, TX. Using the results, cyclic strength curves were developed to represent 2.5%, 5% and 10% double amplitude shear strains. These curves were used to examine the influences of mineralogical composition, plasticity characteristics and shear strain on the cyclic resistance of soil samples. A power function was used to represent the cyclic strength curves. The samples were found to become increasingly resistant to cyclic loading as the plasticity index increased. Moreover, the soils with montmorillonite as the clay mineral were noted to have consistently higher cyclic resistances than the soils with kaolinite as the clay mineral. By examining the power functions, it was found that the cyclic strength curve approaches linearity as the plasticity index increases in soils having kaolinite as the clay mineral. However, the opposite trend is observed in soils having montmorillonite as the clay mineral. The study shows that the post-cyclic shear strength increases with increasing plasticity index. Moreover, the post-cyclic shear strengths of soils with montmorillonite as the clay mineral were significantly higher than the post-cyclic shear strengths of soils with kaolinite as the clay mineral. The degradation in shear strength due to cyclic loading appeared unaffected by mineralogy, but a greater reduction in strength was noted with decreasing plasticity index. The post-cyclic shear strength was also found to reduce as the number of cycles required to cause 10% double amplitude shear strain increased. The energy approach considering the accumulated energy per unit volume in the soil mass as a result of cyclic loading was also utilized in this study. The results from the energy approach were independent of the cyclic wave form, but were still dependent on the amplitude of the cyclic load used during the testing. An increase in the amplitude of the cyclic loading function results in a decrease in the accumulated energy per unit volume. Furthermore, an increase in the liquid limit and/or plasticity index of the soils containing kaolinite as the clay mineral shows an increase in the accumulated energy, whereas an increase in plasticity of the soils containing montmorillonite as the clay mineral results in a decrease in the amount of accumulated energy. In both types of materials, the amount of accumulated energy per unit volume is found to increase with increasing double amplitude shear strain. Relationship between the ratio of post-cyclic undrained shear strength to the baseline undrained shear strength and the accumulated energy is also determined. / Ph. D.

Permeability development and evolution in volcanic systems : insights from nature and laboratory experiments / Le développment et l’évolution de la pérmeabilité dans les systèmes volcaniques : évidences de la nature et du laboratoire

Kushnir, Alexandra Roma Larisa 27 June 2016 (has links)
La transition entre le comportement effusif et explosif des volcans de magma riche en silice est en partie contrôlée par la capacité des surpressions gazeuses à se dissiper hors du magma. La libération efficace des gaz est associée aux éruptions effusives tandis que la rétention de ces gaz contribue aux processus explosifs. L’une des approches pour évaluer la facilité d’échappement des gaz est de considérer l’évolution et le développement de la perméabilité dans la colonne magmatique et dans l'édifice. J'évalue dans ce travail de thèse le rôle des changements post-mise en place sur la microstructure dans des andésites basaltiques du Merapi (Indonésie). La perméabilité de ces roches est principalement contrôlée par des fissures liées à leur mise en place. Malgré l’influence importante de ces fissures post-mise en place pour dégazer à travers l'édifice, elles ne contribuent pas au dégazage intrinsique du magma en cours d’ascension. Pour s’affranchir de l'influence des microstructures post-mise en place du magma, j'étudie le développement et l'évolution in situ des réseaux perméables en déformant des magmas à deux phases (bulles de gaz et liquide silicaté) en cisaillement simple dans une presse Paterson selon des viscosités et des vitesses de déformation réalistes pour la partie haute des conduits des strato-volcans. Le développement de la perméabilité est confirmé in situ et se développe à des vitesses de déformation supérieures à 4,5 x 10⁻⁴ s⁻¹. À des vitesses de déformation élevées (> 5 x 10⁻⁴ s⁻¹) le magma est fragile et l’échappement du gaz est lente, facilitée par l'interconnexion de courtes fractures de Mode I. À des vitesses de déformation < 5 × 10⁻⁴ s⁻¹, le magma se comporte à la fois de manière fragile et visqueuse et la perméabilité se développe lorsque la déformation est importante; le gaz s’échappe rapidement par de longues fractures de Mode I bien développées. Les fractures de Mode I sont idéalement orientées pour le dégazage du conduit central et sont, surtout, soumises à peu de déformation jusqu'à ce qu'elles soient réorientées dans la direction de cisaillement. Ces caractéristiques de dégazage peuvent, à long terme, favoriser un dynamisme éruptif effussif. / The transition from effusive to explosive behaviour at silicic volcanoes is, in part, governed by how efficiently gas overpressures are dissipated from the volcanic plumbing. Efficient gas release is associated with effusive eruptions while inadequate outgassing contributes to explosive processes. One approach to assessing the facility of gas escape is by considering how permeability develops and evolves in the magma column and surrounding edifice. Here, I appraise the role of post-emplacement changes to microstructure in edifice-forming basaltic andesites from Merapi (Indonesia). The permeability of these rocks is dominantly crack-controlled and while these features exert important controls on gas escape through the edifice, they do not represent the escape pathways available to gas within ascending magma. To avoid the influence of postemplacement microstructure, I investigate the development and evolution of permeable networks in magmas by deforming initially impermeable two-phase magmas in simple shear. This is done in a Paterson apparatus at viscosities and shear strain rates appropriate to upper conduits in stratovolcanoes. Permeability development is confirmed in situ and develops at moderate to high shear strain rates (> 4.5 × 10⁻⁴ s⁻¹). At very high strain rates (> 5 × 10⁻⁴ s⁻¹) the magma behaves in a brittle manner and gas egress is slow, facilitated by the interconnection of short, Mode I fractures. At moderate shear strain rates (< 5 × 10⁻⁴ s⁻¹), the magma displays both brittle and viscous behaviour and permeability develops at high strain; gas escape is rapid owing to long, well-developed, sample-length Mode I fractures. Mode I fractures are ideally oriented for outgassing of the central conduit and, critically, accommodate little deformation until they are rotated into the direction of shear, making them long-lived outgassing features that may favour volcanic effusion.

Simulations of the Dynamics of Fibre Suspension Flows

Lindström, Stefan B. January 2007 (has links)
<p>A new model for simulating non-Brownian flexible fibres suspended in a Newtonian fluid has been developed. Special attention has been given to include realistic flow conditions found in the industrial papermaking process in the key features of the model; it is the intention of the author to employ the model in simulations of the forming section of the paper machine in future studies.</p><p>The model considers inert fibres of various shapes and finite stiffness, interacting with each other through normal, frictional and lubrication forces, and with the surrounding fluid medium through hydrodynamic forces. Fibre-fluid interactions in the non-creeping flow regime are taken into account, and the two-way coupling between the solids and the fluid phase is included by enforcing momentum conservation between phases. The incompressible three-dimensional Navier-Stokes equations are employed to model the motion of the fluid medium.</p><p>The validity of the model has been tested by comparing simulation results with experimental data from the literature. It was demonstrated that the model predicts the motion of isolated fibres in shear flow over a wide range of fibre flexibilities. It was also shown that the model predicts details of the orientation distribution of multiple straight, rigid fibres in a sheared suspension. Model predictions of the viscosity and first normal stress difference were in good agreement with experimental data found in the literature. Since the model is based solely on first-principles physics, quantitative predictions could be made without any parameter fitting.</p> / <p>En ny modell för simulering av rörelserna hos icke-Brownska böjliga fibrer dispergerade i en Newtonsk vätska har utvecklats. Eftersom det är författarens avsikt att modellen skall kunna tillämpas vid simulering av arkformning under de förhållanden som råder i en modern pappersmaskin, har särskilt omsorg givits till att inkludera motsvarande flödesvillkor i modellens giltighetsområde.</p><p>Modellen hanterar fibrer av varierande form, massa och styvhet, som växelverkar sinsemellan via normal-, friktions- och smörjkrafter. Deras växelverkan med den omgivande vätskan sker via hydrodynamiska krafter vid finita Reynolds-tal. Den så kallade tvåvägskopplingen mellan fibrerna och vätskefasen har tagits i beaktande genom att kräva att rörelsemängden bevaras vid interaktionen mellan faserna. Vidare har Navier-Stokes ekvationer för inkompressibla vätskor använts för att beskriva mediets rörelser.</p><p>Modellens giltighet har undersökts genom att jämföra resultat från simuleringar med experimentella data från litteraturen. Det har påvisats att modellen förutsäger rörelsen hos ensamma fibrer i ett skjuvflöde, för vitt skilda fiberflexibiliteter. Det visades också att modellen förutsäger detaljer hos fiberorienteringsdistributionen i suspensioner utsatta för skjuvflöde. Det kunde också konstateras att modellens förutsägelser av fibersuspensioners viskositet och första normalspänningsdifferens under skjuvning väl överensstämde med experimentella data i litteraturen. Kvantitativa förutsägelser har kunnat göras utan någon parameteranpassning, då modellen bygger uteslutande på väletablerade fysikaliska samband inom klassisk mekanik och strömningslära.</p>

Transient Dynamics of Compound Drops in Shear and Pressure Driven Flow

Sang Kyu Kim (8099576) 09 December 2019 (has links)
Multiphase flows abound in nature and enterprises. Our daily interactions with fluids - washing, drinking, and cooking, for example - occur at a free surface and within the realm of multiphase flows. The applications of multiphase flows within the context of emulsions, which are caused by mixing two immiscible fluids, have been of interest since the nineteenth century: compartmentalizing one fluid in another is particularly of interest in applications in pharmaceutical, materials, microfluidics, chemical, and biological engineering. Even more control in compartmentalization and delivery can be obtained through the usage of double emulsions, which are emulsions of smaller drops (i.e., inner drop) within larger drops (i.e., outer drop). The goal of this work is to understand the dynamic behavior of compound drops in confined flow at low Reynolds numbers. These behaviors include the migration patterns, limit cycles, and equilibrium locations in confined flows such as channel flows.<br> <br>Firstly, we look at non-concentric compound drops that are subject to simple shear flows. The eccentricity in the inner drop is either within the place of shear, normal to the plane of shear, or mixed. We show unreported motions that persist throughout time regardless of the initial eccentricity, given that the deformations of the inner and outer drops are small. Understanding the temporal dynamics of compound drops within the simple shear flow, one of the simplest background flows that may be imposed, allows us to probe at the dynamics of more complicated background flows.<br> <br>Secondly, we look at the lateral migration of compound drops in a Poiseuille flow. Depending on the initial condition, we show that there are multiple equilibria. We also show that the majority of initial configurations results in the compound drop with symmetry about the short wall direction. We then show the time it takes for the interfaces to merge if a given initial configuration does not reach the aforementioned symmetry.<br> <br>Thirdly, while the different equilibria of compound drops offer some positional differences at different radii ratio, we show that the lift force profiles at non-equilibrium locations offer distinctly different results for compound drops with different radii ratio. We then look at how this effect is greater than changes that arise due to viscosity ratio changes, and offer insights on what may create such a change in the lift force profile.

Simulations of the Dynamics of Fibre Suspension Flows

Lindström, Stefan B January 2007 (has links)
A new model for simulating non-Brownian flexible fibres suspended in a Newtonian fluid has been developed. Special attention has been given to include realistic flow conditions found in the industrial papermaking process in the key features of the model; it is the intention of the author to employ the model in simulations of the forming section of the paper machine in future studies. The model considers inert fibres of various shapes and finite stiffness, interacting with each other through normal, frictional and lubrication forces, and with the surrounding fluid medium through hydrodynamic forces. Fibre-fluid interactions in the non-creeping flow regime are taken into account, and the two-way coupling between the solids and the fluid phase is included by enforcing momentum conservation between phases. The incompressible three-dimensional Navier-Stokes equations are employed to model the motion of the fluid medium. The validity of the model has been tested by comparing simulation results with experimental data from the literature. It was demonstrated that the model predicts the motion of isolated fibres in shear flow over a wide range of fibre flexibilities. It was also shown that the model predicts details of the orientation distribution of multiple straight, rigid fibres in a sheared suspension. Model predictions of the viscosity and first normal stress difference were in good agreement with experimental data found in the literature. Since the model is based solely on first-principles physics, quantitative predictions could be made without any parameter fitting. / En ny modell för simulering av rörelserna hos icke-Brownska böjliga fibrer dispergerade i en Newtonsk vätska har utvecklats. Eftersom det är författarens avsikt att modellen skall kunna tillämpas vid simulering av arkformning under de förhållanden som råder i en modern pappersmaskin, har särskilt omsorg givits till att inkludera motsvarande flödesvillkor i modellens giltighetsområde. Modellen hanterar fibrer av varierande form, massa och styvhet, som växelverkar sinsemellan via normal-, friktions- och smörjkrafter. Deras växelverkan med den omgivande vätskan sker via hydrodynamiska krafter vid finita Reynolds-tal. Den så kallade tvåvägskopplingen mellan fibrerna och vätskefasen har tagits i beaktande genom att kräva att rörelsemängden bevaras vid interaktionen mellan faserna. Vidare har Navier-Stokes ekvationer för inkompressibla vätskor använts för att beskriva mediets rörelser. Modellens giltighet har undersökts genom att jämföra resultat från simuleringar med experimentella data från litteraturen. Det har påvisats att modellen förutsäger rörelsen hos ensamma fibrer i ett skjuvflöde, för vitt skilda fiberflexibiliteter. Det visades också att modellen förutsäger detaljer hos fiberorienteringsdistributionen i suspensioner utsatta för skjuvflöde. Det kunde också konstateras att modellens förutsägelser av fibersuspensioners viskositet och första normalspänningsdifferens under skjuvning väl överensstämde med experimentella data i litteraturen. Kvantitativa förutsägelser har kunnat göras utan någon parameteranpassning, då modellen bygger uteslutande på väletablerade fysikaliska samband inom klassisk mekanik och strömningslära.

Empirical correlation between undrained shear strength and preconsolidation pressure in Swedish soft clays

Persson, Erik January 2017 (has links)
The undrained shear strength and preconsolidation pressure are key parameters in describing the characteristics of soft clays. The two parameters both reflect the clay’s structure and state of stress, and hence empirical correlations for undrained shear strength normalized with respect to preconsolidation pressure are widely used to assess soil behavior. The empirical correlations given in the literature are typically dependent on liquid limit, or plasticity index, but some studies have questioned the dependency and proposed correlations constant for consistency limits. Data from geotechnical projects often display a considerable scatter and deviate from established empirical correlations. In this thesis, statistical analyses are performed and evaluated qualitatively on direct simple shear, constant rate of strain and fall cone test data from 146 sampling points with a total of 596 soil samples from Stockholm, Gothenburg and Uppsala. The aim is to investigate the correlation between shear strength and the preconsolidation pressure. The thesis evaluates the normalized shear strength’s dependency on liquid limit, how the data corresponds to Hansbo’s (1957) and Swedish Geotechnical Institute’s (2007) linear empirical correlations, and the correction factor applied to shear strength measured by the fall cone test. The results of the study show that the correction factor typically reduces the shear strength from fall cone tests too much with respect to shear strength from direct simple shear tests. The normalized shear strength’s dependency on liquid limit may be rejected for the fall cone test data. The results for direct simple shear test data however, indicates a correlation with liquid limit. The data scatter is considerable, especially for fall cone test data, and the relevance of describing the normalized shear strength from fall cone test with a linear empirical correlation to liquid limit may conclusively be questioned. / Skjuvhållfasthet och förkonsolideringstryck är två viktiga jordparametrar för lösa leror. Båda parametrar reflekterar lerans struktur och spänningstillstånd, och empiriska korrelationer för odränerad skjuvhållfasthet, normaliserad mot förkonsolideringstrycket, används därför ofta för att bedöma en leras egenskaper. De empiriska korrelationerna är vanligen kopplade till flytgräns eller plasticitetsindex. Dessa korrelationer har däremot ifrågasatts av studier som i vissa fall istället föreslagit ett konstant förhållande mellan normaliserad odränerad skjuvhållfasthet och plasticitetsgränser. Mätvärden från geotekniska projekt i Sverige visar allmänt stor spridning avseende dessa parametrar och data avviker ofta från etablerade empiriska korrelationer. I examensarbetet har data från direkta skjuvförsök, ödometerförsök och fallkonförsök utvärderats statistiskt och kvalitativt. Totalt omfattar studien 596 jordprover från 146 provtagningspunkter från Stockholm, Göteborg och Uppsala. Syftet med studien är att undersöka korrelationen mellan odränerad skjuvhållfasthet och förkonsolideringstryck. Studien behandlar den normaliserade skjuvhållfashetens flytgränsberoende, Hansbos (1957) och Statens Geotekniska Instituts (2007) empiriska korrelationer, samt den korrektionsfaktor som ska tillämpas på skjuvhållfastheter från fallkonförsök. Resultatet visar att korrektionsfaktorn reducerar skjuvhållfastheten för mycket och att korrigerade skjuvhållfastheter är i sämre samstämmighet med skjuvhållfastheter från direkta skjuvförsök än okorrigerade. Data från fallkonförsök uppvisar inget tydligt flytgränsberoende, medan resultaten från direkta skjuvförsök indikerar ett beroende. Spridningen i data är dock påfallande, särskilt för fallkonförsöket. Relevansen i att tillämpa en linjär empirisk korrelation för odränerad normaliserad från fallkonförsök mot förkonsolideringstryck beroende av flytgräns bör ifrågasättas.

Spatial Analysis of Rock Textures

Basnet, Shiva 16 October 2012 (has links)
No description available.

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