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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Improving Emergency Department performance using Discrete-event and Agent-based Simulation

Kaushal, Arjun 14 February 2014 (has links)
This thesis investigates the causes of the long wait-time for patients in Emergency department (ED) of Victoria General Hospital, and suggests changes for improvements. Two prominent simulation techniques have been used to replicate the ED in a simulation model. These are Discrete-event simulation (DES) and Agent-based modeling (ABM). While DES provides the basic modeling framework ABM has been used to incorporate human behaviour in the ED. The patient flow in the ED has been divided into 3 phases: input, throughput, and output. Model results show that there could be multiple interventions to reduce time taken to be seen by the doctor for the first time (also called WTBS) either in the output phase or in the input phase. The model is able to predict that a reduction in the output phase would cause reduction in the WTBS but it is not equipped to suggest how this reduction can be achieved. To reduce WTBS by making interventions in the input phase this research proposes a strategy called fast-track treatment (FTT). This strategy helps the model to dynamically re-allocate resources if needed to alleviate high WTBS. Results show that FTT can reduce WTBS times by up-to 40%.

Improving Emergency Department performance using Discrete-event and Agent-based Simulation

Kaushal, Arjun 14 February 2014 (has links)
This thesis investigates the causes of the long wait-time for patients in Emergency department (ED) of Victoria General Hospital, and suggests changes for improvements. Two prominent simulation techniques have been used to replicate the ED in a simulation model. These are Discrete-event simulation (DES) and Agent-based modeling (ABM). While DES provides the basic modeling framework ABM has been used to incorporate human behaviour in the ED. The patient flow in the ED has been divided into 3 phases: input, throughput, and output. Model results show that there could be multiple interventions to reduce time taken to be seen by the doctor for the first time (also called WTBS) either in the output phase or in the input phase. The model is able to predict that a reduction in the output phase would cause reduction in the WTBS but it is not equipped to suggest how this reduction can be achieved. To reduce WTBS by making interventions in the input phase this research proposes a strategy called fast-track treatment (FTT). This strategy helps the model to dynamically re-allocate resources if needed to alleviate high WTBS. Results show that FTT can reduce WTBS times by up-to 40%.

Modélisation, Conception et Expérimentation d'un véhicule hybride léger pour usages urbains

Loukakou, Destiny, Espanet, Christophe, Dubas, Frédéric 21 December 2012 (has links) (PDF)
La crise du pétrole et les contraintes écologiques obligent de nombreux constructeurs automobiles à développer des programmes de recherche importants dans le développement des véhicules électriques et hybrides électriques. Dans ce contexte, cette thèse a pour but de vérifier la faisabilité d'une chaine de traction hybride innovante consistant à partir d'un véhicule thermique existant et à réduire la puissance du moteur thermique tout en ajoutant des moteurs intégrés dans les roues du train arrière. Ce travail a été réalisé dans le cadre d'un projet financé par l'ADEME et en collaboration notamment avec le constructeur automobile AIXAM-MEGA. Plus précisément, le travail de thèse a donc porté sur le dimensionnement des sources énergétiques, la modélisation énergétique et fonctionnelle du véhicule et enfin la réalisation et la caractérisation expérimentale du véhicule. Dans le premier chapitre, l'auteur développe une revue bibliographique relative aux véhicules hybrides électriques existants. Cela permet ensuite d'introduire le concept innovant de chaine de traction hybride décrit ci-dessus, reposant en quelque sorte sur un couplage par la route des puissances de propulsion thermiques et électriques. Dans le deuxième chapitre l'auteur aborde le dimensionnement des sources énergétiques en se focalisant sur les super-condensateurs. Il propose une approche analytique simple de calcul reposant sur les missions définies par le constructeur AIXAM-MEGA. Les modules de super-condensateurs retenus sont ensuite caractérisés expérimentalement (capacité, résistance interne, rendement de stockage...) en prenant en compte l'effet de la température. Les troisième et quatrième chapitres sont consacrés à la modélisation du véhicule. En premier lieu, le troisième chapitre aborde la modélisation énergétique du véhicule. Le véhicule a entièrement été modélisé en utilisant le formalisme de représentation énergétique macroscopique développée initialement au Laboratoire d'Électrotechnique et d'Électronique de Puissance de Lille. Ce modèle a permis de développer le contrôle du véhicule. Ensuite, dans le quatrième chapitre, l'auteur présente la modélisation fonctionnelle du véhicule par machine d'état. Cela permet de prévoir le comportement du véhicule dans ses différentes phases de vie et de définir les transitions entre ces différentes phases. Cette étape de prototypage virtuel est essentielle afin de vérifier en amont la fonctionnalité du véhicule et sa sécurité. Enfin, le cinquième et dernier chapitre est entièrement consacré à la caractérisation expérimentale du véhicule. Les différents fonctionnements thermiques, électriques et hybrides sont testés lors de vrais essais de roulage. En conclusion, le travail de thèse a abouti à la réalisation d'un véhicule hybride. Les approches de dimensionnement des sources et de modélisation sont ainsi validées, tout en faisant également la preuve de la faisabilité d'une chaine cinématique hybride électrique avec couplage par la route.

Modelagem hidro-bioquímica de reatores anaeróbios: aplicação da dinâmica de fluidos computacional e da dinâmica de sistemas / Hydro-biochemical modeling of anaerobic reactors: application of computational fluid dynamics and systems dynamic

Rocha, Vinícius Carvalho 26 January 2017 (has links)
Modelos matemáticos são representações ou interpretações simplificadas da realidade ou uma representação de um fragmento de um sistema. As simulações destes fenômenos auxiliam na tomada de decisão da parte interessada, ou seja, aqueles que trabalham em uma área. A modelagem de um sistema de processos anaeróbios, como o tratamento de um efluente em reatores UASB (Upflow Anaerobic Sludge Blanket), auxilia os gestores destes sistemas na operação e no controle de estabilidade. O modelo ADM1 (Anaerobic Digestion Model Nº 1), criado pela IWA em 2002, simula o comportamento da digestão anaeróbia. Entretanto, este modelo não considera a hidrodinâmica do sistema como fator relevante no desempenho do processo. O estudo do comportamento do escoamento de efluente no interior de um reator é possível através de ensaios de hidrodinâmica. Estes são conduzidos, majoritariamente, por meio de experimentos laboratoriais que se utilizam de traçadores que, por sua vez, podem resultar em custos elevados. A Dinâmica de Fluidos Computacional (DFC) é uma área na mecânica dos fluidos que utiliza análises numéricas e algoritmos para solucionar e analisar problemas relacionados com escoamento de fluidos. Os softwares de DFC que resolvem estes algoritmos podem ser utilizados na simulação dos ensaios de hidrodinâmica. Foi utilizado nesta tese o pacote de DFC Ansys®, em que o software CFXTM foi o escolhido para realizar as simulações de escoamento. Um dos objetivos desta tese foi a validação desta simulação por meio de ensaios de laboratório e ensaios virtuais em um reator UASB em escala de bancada (1,5 L). Resultou-se, dessa comparação, em dados estatisticamente similares (teste U de Mann-Whitney), proporcionando validação do método. Após esta validação, simulou-se o mesmo tipo de ensaio para um reator UASB em formato de \"Y\" (escala piloto; 119,3 L). Foram simuladas três condições operacionais, em que se variou a vazão de alimentação, sendo esta função da carga orgânica volumétrica aplicada ao lodo (COV). As COV foram 7,5, 12,5 e 17,5 kgDQO m-3d-1. Obteve-se N-CSTR (número de reatores de mistura completa em série) igual a 11, 10 e 10 unidades para cada condição, respectivamente. A ferramenta de Dinâmica de Sistemas utiliza-se de uma abordagem de entendimento de modelos complexos e, por meio de ciclos de retroalimentação (feedback) e estoques e fluxos (stocks and flows), demonstra que modelos aparentemente simples podem ser muito complexos. Existem vários softwares de Dinâmica de Sistemas e neles podem ser implementados os mais variados modelos. Utilizando o software Vensim PLE®, modelou-se a digestão anaeróbia do ácido acético por meio de equações baseadas no modelo de cinética enzimática de Monod e no modelo de digestão anaeróbia ADM1. Considerou-se as taxas de consumo de substrato e crescimento de biomassa bacteriana, a inibição causada pelo pH e a quantidade de alcalinizante necessária para atingir o pH desejado deste meio. De forma complementar, integrou-se um modelo de cálculo de alcalinidade do meio e, desta forma, foi possível determinar as concentrações de cada espécie que confere alcalinidade ao meio, considerando o equilíbrio do carbonato. Denominou-se esta modelação (DFC e dinâmica de sistemas) de Modelo Hidro-bioquímico do processamento anaeróbio. Os resultados obtidos por Del Nery et al. (2016) corroboraram com os obtidos nesta tese. / Mathematical models are representations and simplified interpretations of reality or a representation of a system fragment. The modeling of anaerobic processes, such as wastewater treatment in UASB (Upflow Anaerobic Sludge Blanket) reactors, helps managers in the operation of these systems and stability control. The Anaerobic Digestion Model No. 1 (ADM1), created by IWA in 2002, simulates the behavior of anaerobic digestion. However, this model does not consider the system hydrodynamics as a relevant factor in the performance of the process. The effluent flow behavior studies on the reactor inside is possible by hydrodynamic tests. These are conducted through laboratory experiments that uses tracers and this can result in high costs in the conduct of the tests. The Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) is an area in fluid mechanics that uses numerical analysis and algorithms to solve and analyze problems related to fluid flow. CFD software can be used to simulate the hydrodynamics assays. It was used in this thesis Ansys® workbench, wherein the CFXTM software was chosen to perform CFD flow simulations. One objective of this thesis was to validate the CFD simulation through laboratory and virtual testing in a UASB bench scale (1.5 liters). In this comparison, it resulted in similar data statistically (Mann-Whitney U test). After validation of the hydrodynamic test, was simulated the same type of assay for an UASB reactor \"Y\" shaped (pilot scale; = 82.27 liters working volume). The test result was N-CSTR (number of complete mixing reactors in series) equal to 4 units, considering a 103.9 liters per day of feed flow (hydraulic retention time of 19 hours). The system dynamics tool makes use of understanding approach of complex models and, through feedback loops and stocks and flows, shows that seemingly simple models can be very complex. There are several system dynamics software and most varied models can be implemented. Using Vensim PLE® software, it was developed an acetate anaerobic digestion model (in this case acetic acid) via equations based on the Monod and ADM1 model. It was considered for the hydro-biochemical modeling, substrate consumption and growth of bacterial biomass rates, the pH inhibition and the amount of alkalizing necessary to achieve the desired pH of the medium. Complementarily, integrated into a calculation alkalinity model of the medium and thus it was possible to determine the concentrations of each species imparts environment alkalinity, considering the carbonate balance.

Modelagem hidro-bioquímica de reatores anaeróbios: aplicação da dinâmica de fluidos computacional e da dinâmica de sistemas / Hydro-biochemical modeling of anaerobic reactors: application of computational fluid dynamics and systems dynamic

Vinícius Carvalho Rocha 26 January 2017 (has links)
Modelos matemáticos são representações ou interpretações simplificadas da realidade ou uma representação de um fragmento de um sistema. As simulações destes fenômenos auxiliam na tomada de decisão da parte interessada, ou seja, aqueles que trabalham em uma área. A modelagem de um sistema de processos anaeróbios, como o tratamento de um efluente em reatores UASB (Upflow Anaerobic Sludge Blanket), auxilia os gestores destes sistemas na operação e no controle de estabilidade. O modelo ADM1 (Anaerobic Digestion Model Nº 1), criado pela IWA em 2002, simula o comportamento da digestão anaeróbia. Entretanto, este modelo não considera a hidrodinâmica do sistema como fator relevante no desempenho do processo. O estudo do comportamento do escoamento de efluente no interior de um reator é possível através de ensaios de hidrodinâmica. Estes são conduzidos, majoritariamente, por meio de experimentos laboratoriais que se utilizam de traçadores que, por sua vez, podem resultar em custos elevados. A Dinâmica de Fluidos Computacional (DFC) é uma área na mecânica dos fluidos que utiliza análises numéricas e algoritmos para solucionar e analisar problemas relacionados com escoamento de fluidos. Os softwares de DFC que resolvem estes algoritmos podem ser utilizados na simulação dos ensaios de hidrodinâmica. Foi utilizado nesta tese o pacote de DFC Ansys®, em que o software CFXTM foi o escolhido para realizar as simulações de escoamento. Um dos objetivos desta tese foi a validação desta simulação por meio de ensaios de laboratório e ensaios virtuais em um reator UASB em escala de bancada (1,5 L). Resultou-se, dessa comparação, em dados estatisticamente similares (teste U de Mann-Whitney), proporcionando validação do método. Após esta validação, simulou-se o mesmo tipo de ensaio para um reator UASB em formato de \"Y\" (escala piloto; 119,3 L). Foram simuladas três condições operacionais, em que se variou a vazão de alimentação, sendo esta função da carga orgânica volumétrica aplicada ao lodo (COV). As COV foram 7,5, 12,5 e 17,5 kgDQO m-3d-1. Obteve-se N-CSTR (número de reatores de mistura completa em série) igual a 11, 10 e 10 unidades para cada condição, respectivamente. A ferramenta de Dinâmica de Sistemas utiliza-se de uma abordagem de entendimento de modelos complexos e, por meio de ciclos de retroalimentação (feedback) e estoques e fluxos (stocks and flows), demonstra que modelos aparentemente simples podem ser muito complexos. Existem vários softwares de Dinâmica de Sistemas e neles podem ser implementados os mais variados modelos. Utilizando o software Vensim PLE®, modelou-se a digestão anaeróbia do ácido acético por meio de equações baseadas no modelo de cinética enzimática de Monod e no modelo de digestão anaeróbia ADM1. Considerou-se as taxas de consumo de substrato e crescimento de biomassa bacteriana, a inibição causada pelo pH e a quantidade de alcalinizante necessária para atingir o pH desejado deste meio. De forma complementar, integrou-se um modelo de cálculo de alcalinidade do meio e, desta forma, foi possível determinar as concentrações de cada espécie que confere alcalinidade ao meio, considerando o equilíbrio do carbonato. Denominou-se esta modelação (DFC e dinâmica de sistemas) de Modelo Hidro-bioquímico do processamento anaeróbio. Os resultados obtidos por Del Nery et al. (2016) corroboraram com os obtidos nesta tese. / Mathematical models are representations and simplified interpretations of reality or a representation of a system fragment. The modeling of anaerobic processes, such as wastewater treatment in UASB (Upflow Anaerobic Sludge Blanket) reactors, helps managers in the operation of these systems and stability control. The Anaerobic Digestion Model No. 1 (ADM1), created by IWA in 2002, simulates the behavior of anaerobic digestion. However, this model does not consider the system hydrodynamics as a relevant factor in the performance of the process. The effluent flow behavior studies on the reactor inside is possible by hydrodynamic tests. These are conducted through laboratory experiments that uses tracers and this can result in high costs in the conduct of the tests. The Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) is an area in fluid mechanics that uses numerical analysis and algorithms to solve and analyze problems related to fluid flow. CFD software can be used to simulate the hydrodynamics assays. It was used in this thesis Ansys® workbench, wherein the CFXTM software was chosen to perform CFD flow simulations. One objective of this thesis was to validate the CFD simulation through laboratory and virtual testing in a UASB bench scale (1.5 liters). In this comparison, it resulted in similar data statistically (Mann-Whitney U test). After validation of the hydrodynamic test, was simulated the same type of assay for an UASB reactor \"Y\" shaped (pilot scale; = 82.27 liters working volume). The test result was N-CSTR (number of complete mixing reactors in series) equal to 4 units, considering a 103.9 liters per day of feed flow (hydraulic retention time of 19 hours). The system dynamics tool makes use of understanding approach of complex models and, through feedback loops and stocks and flows, shows that seemingly simple models can be very complex. There are several system dynamics software and most varied models can be implemented. Using Vensim PLE® software, it was developed an acetate anaerobic digestion model (in this case acetic acid) via equations based on the Monod and ADM1 model. It was considered for the hydro-biochemical modeling, substrate consumption and growth of bacterial biomass rates, the pH inhibition and the amount of alkalizing necessary to achieve the desired pH of the medium. Complementarily, integrated into a calculation alkalinity model of the medium and thus it was possible to determine the concentrations of each species imparts environment alkalinity, considering the carbonate balance.

Low cost integration of Electric Power-Assisted Steering (EPAS) with Enhanced Stability Program (ESP)

Soltani, Amirmasoud January 2014 (has links)
Vehicle Dynamics Control (VDC) systems (also known as Active Chassis systems) are mechatronic systems developed for improving vehicle comfort, handling and/or stability. Traditionally, most of these systems have been individually developed and manufactured by various suppliers and utilised by automotive manufacturers. These decentralised control systems usually improve one aspect of vehicle performance and in some cases even worsen some other features of the vehicle. Although the benefit of the stand-alone VDC systems has been proven, however, by increasing the number of the active systems in vehicles, the importance of controlling them in a coordinated and integrated manner to reduce the system complexity, eliminate the possible conflicts as well as expand the system operational envelope, has become predominant. The subject of Integrated Vehicle Dynamics Control (IVDC) for improving the overall vehicle performance in the existence of several VDC active systems has recently become the topic of many research and development activities in both academia and industries Several approaches have been proposed for integration of vehicle control systems, which range from the simple and obvious solution of networking the sensors, actuators and processors signals through different protocols like CAN or FlexRay, to some sort of complicated multi-layered, multi-variable control architectures. In fact, development of an integrated control system is a challenging multidisciplinary task and should be able to reduce the complexity, increase the flexibility and improve the overall performance of the vehicle. The aim of this thesis is to develop a low-cost control scheme for integration of Electric Power-Assisted Steering (EPAS) system with Enhanced Stability Program (ESP) system to improve driver comfort as well as vehicle safety. In this dissertation, a systematic approach toward a modular, flexible and reconfigurable control architecture for integrated vehicle dynamics control systems is proposed which can be implemented in real time environment with low computational cost. The proposed control architecture, so named “Integrated Vehicle Control System (IVCS)”, is customised for integration of EPAS and ESP control systems. IVCS architecture consists of three cascade control loops, including high-level vehicle control, low-level (steering torque and brake slip) control and smart actuator (EPAS and EHB) control systems. The controllers are designed based on Youla parameterisation (closed-loop shaping) method. A fast, adaptive and reconfigurable control allocation scheme is proposed to coordinate the control of EPAS and ESP systems. An integrated ESP & ESP HiL/RCP system including the real EPAS and Electro Hydraulic Brake (EHB) smart actuators integrated with a virtual vehicle model (using CarMaker/HiL®) with driver in the loop capability is designed and utilised as a rapid control development platform to verify and validate the developed control systems in real time environment. Integrated Vehicle Dynamic Control is one of the most promising and challenging research and development topics. A general architecture and control logic of the IVDC system based on a modular and reconfigurable control allocation scheme for redundant systems is presented in this research. The proposed fault tolerant configuration is applicable for not only integrated control of EPAS and ESP system but also for integration of other types of the vehicle active systems which could be the subject of future works.

Contribution à la modélisation, au dimensionnement et à la gestion des flux énergétiques d’un système de recharge de véhicules électriques : étude de l’interconnexion avec le réseau électrique / Contribution to modeling, sizing and manging energy flows of a electric vehicle charging sytem : study of the interconnection with the grid

Mkahl, Rania 01 December 2015 (has links)
La forte dépendance du pétrole et les contraintes écologiques et environnementales obligent de nombreux constructeurs automobiles à développer des programmes de recherche importants dans le développement des véhicules électriques (VEs) et des infrastructures associées. Les batteries embarquées dans les VEs peuvent être rechargées par le réseau électrique ou par une autre source d'énergie renouvelable. Dans ce contexte, cette thèse a pour but d'étudier un système de recharge de VEs à partir de l'énergie solaire. Pour ce faire, une étude de dimensionnement du système a été proposée afin d'évaluer les besoins énergétiques des VEs et déterminer les quantités d'énergie nécessaires pour les propulser. Les éléments principaux du système ont été dimensionnés. Il s'agit de panneaux photovoltaïques, de la batterie de stockage (au plomb), et de la batterie de traction (Li-ion). A partir de cette étude de dimensionnement, nous avons pu déterminer la puissance et la quantité d'énergienécessaire pour propulser un VE compte tenu de ses caractéristiques. Pour étudier le comportement des différents éléments du système et analyser leur adéquation avec le processus de recharge, une étude de modélisation a été réalisée, et chaque élément est représenté par un modèle mathématique. L'analyse et la comparaison des résultats obtenus (résultats de simulation et résultats expérimentaux) ont permis de valider les modèles proposés. De même, cette étude de modélisation a permis de valider le choix des composants du système de recharge. Dans le but de gérer efficacement les processus et les planifications de recharge, une étude d'optimisation d'affectation de VEs aux stations de recharge a été effectuée. Pour ce faire, le problème a été formalisé par un programme linéaire avec un objectif à atteindre et des contraintes, liées aux caractéristiques des VEs, des stations de recharge et des conditions de circulation, à satisfaire. Cette approche a permis d'affecter, de manière adéquate et optimale, les VEs aux stations de recharge. / The strong dependence on oil and ecological and environmental constraints force many car manufacturers to develop new research programs for the promotion of electric vehicles (EVs) and associated infrastructures. The embedded batteries into the EVs can be charged by the electrical network or by another source of renewable energy. In this context, the work presented in this thesis aims to study a system of EVs charging using solar energy through photovoltaic panels. To do so, a sizing study of the system has been proposed in order to evaluate the energy needs for an EV and determine the quantity of required energy for its propel. The key elements of the system have been sized: photovoltaic panels, storage battery (Lead-acid) and traction battery (Li-ion). From this sizing study and considering the EV characteristics, we determined the energy quantity required for itspropel. With the aim to study the behavior of each system component and analyze its adequacy with the charging process, a modeling study was conducted, and each element is represented by a mathematical model. The performed analysis and comparison of obtained results (simulation results and experimental results) allowed us to validate the developed models. In addition, this modeling study, allowed the validation of the choice of all components of charging system. In fact, the problem was formalized by a linear program with the aim to assign each EV to an adequate charging station. The assignment takes into account various constraints and characteristics of EVs, as well as those of charging stations, traffic conditions, interest points of drivers, etc. The proposed approach allowed to assign adequately and optimally EVs to charging stations while satisfying all constraints.

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