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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Die geologie van die Sishen-ysterertsmyn

Van Schalkwyk, John Francois 10 March 2014 (has links)
M.Sc. (Geology) / The Sishen Iron Ore Mine is situated in the Northern Cape Province at the northern extremity of the Maremane dome. The stratigraphy of the Sishen Iron Ore Mine consist of carbonate rocks of the Campbellrand Subgroup which are unconformably overlain by the Wolhaarkop Breccia. The Wolhaarkop Breccia grades upwards through a shaly unit into an succession of iron formation known as the Manganore Iron Formation. The positive correlation of the Manganore Iron Formation with the Asbesheuwels Subgroup, of which it represents the oxidized equivalent, assigns a collapse origin to the Wolhaarkop Breccia. The siliciclastic Gamagara Formation overlies the Manganore Iron Formation unconformably. The unconformity cuts through the Manganore stratigraphy into the carbonate rocks of the Campbellrand Subgroup. The Gamagara Formation consist of a basal unit of conglomerates and argillite of varying thickness in the form of stacked upward fining alluvial cycles. These are overlain by two well 'developed upward coarsening progradational shale to quartzite deltaic cycles. A massive argillite unit marks the upper contact of the Gamagara Formation with the overlying Makganyene and Ongeluk Formations. This unit represents a milonite along a thrust plane and the Ongeluk lava and parts of the Makganyene diamictite were thrusted over the Gamagara Formation which is a correlative of the Mapedi Formation of the 01ifantshoek Group...

HME Management in Mega Mining: Sishen Mine – South Africa

Loots, Erik January 2013 (has links)
An investigation into various elements influencing cycle times, payloads and utilization; the three key factors determining overall Heavy Mining Equipment efficiency.

Approaches, expectations and perceptions of different generations regarding culture and leadership in the engineering department at Sishen mine

Roux, Daniel Francois 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MBA)--Stellenbosch University, 2008. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: People's life experiences and backgrounds shape who they are - whether they are young or old, male or female, and across all races, ethnicities and religions. Today's workplace environment represents the largest diversity of generations of any time in history, and with this diversity comes new challenges. These challenges are directly due to the different generations and associated gaps based on different approaches, expectations and perceptions regarding culture and leadership in the workplace. There are generally four different generations employed in today's workplace: Traditionalists (Builders), Baby Boomers (Yuppies), Generation X (Yiffies), and Generation Y (Millennials). According to generation theory, Traditionalists were born between 1930 and 1949, Baby Boomers between 1950 and 1969, Generation X between 1970 and 1989, and Generation Yafter 1990. Although there are very few Traditionalists in contemporary workplaces, there are still some left to consider. More important than understanding the Traditionalists, though, is the need for a better understanding of the fast-growing group of Generation Y employees who are entering the workforce. At Sishen Iron Ore Mine (Sishen) there are also four generations employed, each with different approaches, expectations, perceptions, attitudes, loyalties, frames of reference, views of authority, job strengths, work ethics, relationships, work/life balances and other beliefs. The question that arises is whether the management team of the Engineering Department at Sishen can be more effective and productive through an improved and in-depth understanding of each generation's approaches, expectations and perceptions regarding culture and leadership. The purpose of this research study is to analyse the specific correlation of the different workforce generations in the Engineering Department with the general theoretical knowledge available about each generation by focusing more specifically on approaches, expectations and perceptions. The study also includes some recent research information regarding Generation Y and the related opportunities, challenges and effective ways of managing this generation. By focusing on the research results within the multigenerational workforce and the generation gaps, the possible solutions for managing conflict can improve through a better understanding of each generation. Each generation's typical characteristics are discussed in detail by means of a thorough literature study, with the overall aim of enhancing both team and organisational success. The employees and permanent contractors at the Engineering Department number approximately 1 945. The randomly selected participants in the generations survey were from the pool of permanent employees, excluding the contractors. The information was collected by means of a short questionnaire representing the typical characteristics of each generation. A sample of 250 participants from eight different sections within the department was asked to complete the questionnaire, but unfortunately a response rate of only 34% (85 questionnaires) was recorded. The research showed that the typical characteristics of the Traditionalists and Baby Boomers could be used to represent almost the entire Engineering Department. It also revealed specific influences in the working and social environment, leadership styles, and the mine's culture that affect the different generations regarding their approaches, expectations and perceptions. The report concludes with an assessment of the strengths and weaknesses of the study, as well as a few key findings and a summary, conclusion, and recommendations. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Alle mense word gevorm deur lewensondervindings en agtergrond wat bepaal wie hulle is - ongeag of hulle oud of jonk, manlik of vroulik is, asook oor alle rasse, etniese groepe en geloofsoortuigings heen. Hedendaagse werksomgewings word gekenmerk deur die grootste generasiediversiteit van alle tye, wat nuwe uitdagings meebring. Die uitdagings is die direkte gevolg van die verskillende generasies en gepaardgaande gapings gebaseer op verskillende benaderings, verwagtinge en persepsies aangaande kultuur en leierskap in die werksplek. Daar is tans oor die algemeen vier verskillende generasies in diens in werksplekke, naamlik Tradisionaliste, Baby Boomers, Generasie X en Generasie Y. Volgens generasieteorie is Tradisionaliste persone gebore tussen 1930 en 1949, terwyl Baby Boomers tussen 1950 en 1969, Generasie X tussen 1970 en 1989 en Generasie Y na 1990 gebore is. Hoewel daar min Tradisionaliste in die werksplek oor is, is daar nog enkeles wat in ag geneem moet word. Van groter belang is egter die behoefte om die vinnig groeiende Generasie Y wat nou tot die werksmag toetree, beter te verstaan. By Sishen Ysterertsmyn (Sishen) is daar ook vier verskillende generasies in diens, elk met verskillende benaderings, verwagtinge, persepsies, houdings, lojaliteite, verwysingsraamwerke, menings oor gesag, werksverwante sterkpunte, werk-etiek, verhoudings, lewensbalanse asook ander oortuigings. Die vraag wat ontstaan, is of die bestuurspan van die Ingenieurswese Departement by Sishenmyn meer effektief en produktief kan wees deur hul kennis en begrip van elke generasie se benaderings, verwagtinge en persepsies ten opsigte van kultuur en leierskap te verbeter. Die doel van die studie is om te ontleed of daar 'n spesifieke ooreenstemming is tussen die verskillende generasies by die Ingenieurswese Departement en die algemene teoretiese inligting beskikbaar oor elke generasie deur meer spesifiek op benaderings, verwagtinge en persepsies te fokus. Die studie sluit ook onlangse navorsingsinligting aangaande Generasie Y in, met die gepaardgaande geleenthede, uitdagings en effektiewe maniere om die generasie te bestuur. Deur te fokus op die navorsingsresultate binne die multigenerasie-werksmag en die ooreenstemmende gapings, kan daar moontlik oplossings ontstaan om te help met konflikbestuur wat op 'n beter begrip van die generasies gegrond is. Elke generasie se tipiese eienskappe word in diepte bespreek deur middel van 'n deeglike literatuurstudie, met die oorhoofse doel om span- sowel as organisasiesukses te verhoog. Die totale aantal werknemers, insluitend permanente kontrakteurs, van die Ingenieurswese Departement is ongeveer 1 945. Die deelnemers aan die generasieopname is lukraak gekies, maar die kontrakteurs is uitgesluit. Die inligting is ingesamel met behulp van 'n kort vraelys wat die tipiese eienskappe van elke generasie verteenwoordig. Uit 'n steekproef van 250 deelnemers uit agt verskillende seksies binne die departement wat gevra is om die vraelys te voltooi, is 'n betreklik swak responskoers van 34% (85 vraelyste) behaal. Die navorsing het bevind dat die tipiese eienskappe van die Tradisionaliste en Baby Boomers tans gebruik kan word om feitlik die hele department te verteenwoordig. Dit toon verder ook dat daar spesifieke invloede in die werks- en sosiale omgewing, leierskapstyle en die myn se kultuur is wat die verskillende generasies se denkpatrone rondom benaderings, verwagtinge en persepsies vorm. Die navorsingsverslag word afgesluit met 'n bepaling van die sterk- en swakpunte van die studie, 'n paar kernbevindings en 'n opsomming, gevolgtrekking en aanbevelings.

Biobeneficiation development for the reduction of potassium and phosphorus from Sishen iron ore

Adeleke, Rasheed Adegbola 11 November 2010 (has links)
High levels of elements such as sodium (Na), potassium (K) and phosphorus (P) in iron ore minerals are known to reduce the quality and price of these minerals. South Africa, as one of the world largest exporter of iron ore, is affected by this problem. Both potassium (K) and phosphorus (P) are peculiar to South African iron ore. The present study has therefore focussed on developing an environmentally friendly biological method for lowering the levels of K and P in iron ore minerals. Short and long term experiments were set up to isolate, identify, screen and test potential bioleaching bacteria and fungi from different environmental samples. The study started by investigating the possible relationship that exists between weathering and bioleaching processes. The investigation was intended to provide relevant information on the natural role of microorganisms such as ectomycorrhizal (ECM) fungi in the mining environment. The experiments involved the use of both mycorrhizal and non-mycorrhizal Pinus patula seedlings for the weathering of iron ore minerals. Four types of ECM fungi were used, namely Pisolithus tinctorius (PT), Paxillus involutus (PI), Laccaria bicolor (LB) and Suillus tomentosus, (ST). From the results, ectomycorrhizal weathering can be said to be species-specific and significantly influenced by fungal type and particle size. In addition, it was also discovered that both mycorrhizal and non-mycorrhizal roots can participate in weathering processes. Further investigations of ECM fungi when not in symbiosis, were carried out to know how or if they can be potential candidates to mobilise K and P from iron ore minerals. The experimental set up involved in vitro pure cultures of four different ECM fungi, namely Pisolithus tinctorius (PT), Paxillus involutus (PI), Phialocephala fortini (PFR), and Suillus tomentosus (ST). In addition, the treatments involved the use of five different particle sizes of each ore type. The results obtained indicated the potential of the ECM fungi to mobilise P and K from the two iron ore types though at different levels. Factors such as ore type, particle size, organic acid production and attachment of the fungi to the iron ore were all found to influence the mobilisation of nutrients from these ores. Another experiment that addressed some of the limitations encountered with the use of pure cultures of ECM fungi was conducted. Isolated indigenous fungal pure cultures from the surfaces of iron ore minerals were screened for their abilities to solubilise minerals by lowering the levels of K and P. These isolates were identified molecularly as close relatives of three genera that included Penicillium, Alternaria (2 isolates) and Epicoccum for isolates FO, SFC2/KFC1 and SFC2B respectively. The identified Penicillium sp. turned out to be the only phosphate solubiliser among these isolates. Direct bioleaching capability of the fungus was compared to that of its metabolite. At the end, the metabolite showed better K removal than the direct use of the fungi. Interpretation of these results indicates possible relationship between K and P removal, and the organic acids production by this fungus. Other factors such as particle size and mineral type were also found to significantly influence the leaching process. Additional experiment was conducted to investigate the indigeous bacteria and their potentials in reducing the K and P contents of iron ore minerals. A total of 23 bacterial strains that belong to Proteobacteria, Firmicutes, Bacteroidetes and Actinobateria were isolated from the iron ore minerals and identified with molecular methods. All the bacterial isolates were screened for their potential as mineral solubilisers. Only eight of the isolates were selected and used in shake flask experiments that contained both KGT and SK mineral types as their sources of K and P. The experiment showed that all the eight isolates have potentials to produce organic acids especially high levels of gluconic acid but lower quantities of acetic, citric and propanoic acid. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and fourier transform infrared (FITR) analyses also helped to uncover the role that biofilm and extracellular polymeric substances could play in mineral solubilisation. Finally, an investigation of a new method for reduction of K and P levels of iron ore minerals was carried out, focussing on the use of cheap resources as well as septic conditions. The study involved the use of fermented spoilt grape fruits (Vitis sp.) and the solution from the product utilised in shake-flask experiments. Treatments involved two types of iron ore minerals (KGT and SK) and two different particle sizes. The result suggests the significant effect of particle size, time and organic acids on the reduction of K and P from the iron ore minerals. The important part of this finding is the discovery of a cheap microbial energy source (spoilt grape) that can be further exploited for full biobeneficiation of iron ore minerals. Another advantage of this method is the fact that the experiment can be conducted under non–sterile conditions, making it a system that can be operated outdoor. / Thesis (PhD)--University of Pretoria, 2010. / Microbiology and Plant Pathology / unrestricted

The impact of e-mail utilisation on management effectiveness at Sishen iron ore mine

Le Grange, Andries 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MBA (Business Management))--University of Stellenbosch, 2009. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Management make use of e-mail as a tool to enable them to do their daily tasks. E-mail is used as one of the best communication channels by management. Sishen Mine also makes use of e-mail as communication channel. The question however is whether e-mail has a positive or negative impact on management effectiveness. The history of e-mail as well as the reasons for e-mail use have been investigated. The different areas of use of email were discussed. Additional to this, the positive effects experienced by the individual as well as companies when using e-mail were highlighted and discussed. Unfortunately e-mail also has negative influences on the individual and the company and these were also highlighted and discussed. Data was obtained from the Sishen e-mail application in order to analyse the use of e-mail by the employees. The key insight from the e-mail application data was that a small group of employees send and receive the majority of e-mail at Sishen. A survey was sent out to all e-mail users at Sishen in order to determine the influence of e-mail on management effectiveness. The survey data enabled a detailed geographic analysis of the e-mail users at Sishen per department, gender, race, age and years of service as well as the details of the respondents. Analysis of the survey data revealed that e-mail has a positive impact on management effectiveness and that Sishen uses e-mail extensively. However, the data also revealed that e-mail impacts negatively on management effectiveness. The key insight from the survey was the extreme low levels of computer and e-mail training done by management. The lack of sufficient e-mail training was seen as one of the major contributing factors of high levels of frustration with e-mail experienced by management. Recommendations were made to Sishen as a result of the study to enable improvement of management effectiveness through the use of e-mail. Implementation of key recommendations with potential key positive impact was also highlighted. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Bestuur gebruik e-pos as 'n gereedskapstuk om uitvoering aan hul take te gee deur middel van die kommunikasiekanaal wat e-pos bied. E-pos leen hom daarna om 'n uitstekende kanaal te wees vir kommunikasie. Sishen Myn gebnuik ook e-pos as 'n kommunikasiekanaal. Die vraag is of die kommunikasiekanaal 'n goeie of slegte invloed het op bestuurseffektiwiteit van die bestuur van die myn. Die geskiedenis van e-pos en die redes vir die gebruik van e-pos is ondersoek. Die verskillende gebruike asook die waarde van e-pos vir die individu en maatskappye is uitgelig. E-pos het ongelukkig ook nadele vir die individu en maatskappye en hierdie nadele is uitgewys en bespreek. Na die toepaslike literatuurstudie is inligting vanaf die e-pos databasis onttrek om die e-pos gebruik van Sishen werknemers te evalueer. Die belangrikste insig vanuit die databasis-ontleding het daarop gedui dat 'n klein hoeveelheid mense die grootste hoeveelheid e-posse binne Sishen stuur en ontvang. 'n Vraelys is tydens 'n meningsopname aan alle e-pos gebruikers binne Sishen uitgestuur om die invloed van e-pos op bestuurseffektiwiteit te bepaal. Vanuit die analise van die vraelys inligting was dit moontlik om geografiese samestelling van die e-pos gebruikers te bepaal. Dit was moontlik om te sien hoeveel werknemers per afdeling, geslag, ras, ouderdom en jare diens e-pos gebruikers is, asook om die besonderhede van die gebruikers vas te stel. Verdere analise van die vraelysinligting het aangedui dat e-pos 'n positiewe uitwerking op bestuurseffektiwiteit het en dat werknemers dit goed gebruik. Ongelukkig het dit ook na vore gekom dat daar genoegsame bewyse is dat daar ook negatiewe invloed op bestuurseffektiwiteit is. Die mees insiggewende was die besonder lae vlakke van rekenaar en e-pos opleiding wat bestuur deurloop het. Dit word gesien as een van die grootste bydraende faktore tot die hoe vlakke van frustrasie wat ervaar word deur bestuur. Vanuit die bevindinge van die vraelys is daar aanbevelings aan Sishen gemaak om sodoende te help om die bestuurseffektiwiteit te bevorder deur die gebruik van e-pos. Die potensiele voordele wat verkry kan word wanneer die aanbevelings implementeer word, is ook aangedui.

Why is information technology failing to support business needs?' : the 'Sishen Iron Ore Mine' story

Bala, Leon Jerzy 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MBA)--Stellenbosch University, 2002. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Sishen Iron Ore Mine produced 24,5 million tons of iron ore during 2000/2001 of which 20 million tons was exported to clients overseas and the rest locally supplied. This production is a mere 2,5% of the world iron ore production. Sishen Iron Ore Mine is planning to produce 26,5 million tons during 2001/2002. The target is to produce more than 30 million tons in the near future. Information technology can only make a positive impact on reaching these goals, when the information technology strategy is aligned with that of the business and the information technology is managed well. This study will indicate red lights in that, if Sishen Iron Ore Mine continues to manage information technology as it has done in the past, the possibility exists that Sishen Iron Ore Mine will not reach the goals agreed upon. This study has, after a thorough investigation, shown where the shortcomings are and how to go about addressing these shortcomings. This study, furthermore, makes certain recommendations towards ensuring that information technology makes a positive impact in assisting Sishen Iron Ore Mine to reach the goals agreed upon. This study has shortly come to the conclusion that there is currently restricted alignment between the information technology strategy and the business strategy, and that the management of information technology does not follow best practice. Research was done and the results gathered pointed to specific shortcomings that needed to be addressed. These shortcomings could be summarised as follows: • Information technology strategy, with specific reference to the questions - Does information technology add value to the business? - Does information technology address business needs? - Why is development costs for information technology solutions so high? • Management of information technology, with regard to - Personnel - Information technology solution priorities - New information technologies - Information technology project management and planning - Management and user awareness and education - Management and user involvement After a thorough investigation of the applicable literature, it is recommended that Sishen Iron Ore mine take certain steps to align the information technology strategy with that of the business, and furthermore, that information technology will be satisfactorily managed. Short conclusions of the recommendations are as follows. • Information technology strategy - To develop a measurement mechanism that will determine the value added by information technology. - To develop thorough user specifications that will address business needs. - To further investigate initiatives to lower development costs for information technology solutions. • Management of information technology - The extension of the current information management organisation to address business needs. - To develop a priority matrix that will prioritise information technology solutions. - To construct forums to ensure that all parties are involved when investigating new information technologies. - To implement a thorough project management and planning environment for information technology projects. - To develop an awareness and education program of information technology for users and managers. - To develop a mechanism that will ensure that users and managers are involved during and after implementing information technology solutions. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die Sishen Ysterertsmyn het gedurende 2000/2001 24,5 miljoen ton ystererts geproduseer waarvan ongeveer 20 miljoen ton uitgevoer is na oorsese kliënte en die res plaaslik geabsorbeer is. Hierdie produksie is maar 'n skamele 2,5% van die wêreld se totale ysterertsproduksie. Die Sishen Ysterertsmyn beplan dan ook om gedurende 2001/2002 26,5 miljoen ton te produseer en binne die nabye toekoms meer as 30 miljoen ton. Inligtingstegnologie kan 'n positiewe bydrae maak tot nastrewing van hierdie doelwitte, indien die strategie daarvan gesinchroniseer is met die Sishen Ysterertsmyn se strategie asook die manier waarop inligtingstegnologie bestuur word. Hierdie studie het ten doeI om met rooi gevaarligte te identifiseer indien die Sishen Ysterertsmyn voortgaan met die bestaande bestuurswyse van inligtingstegnologie wat daartoe kan lei dat die Sishen Ysterertsmyn nie die ooreengekomde doelwitte gaan bereik nie. Hierdie studie het na 'n deeglike ondersoek uitgewys waar die leemtes lê en hoe 'n mens te werk moet gaan om die leemtes aan te spreek. Hierdie studie maak verder aanbevelings om te verseker dat inligtingstegnologie 'n positiewe bydrae kan maak om te verseker dat die Sishen Ysterertsmyn wel die ooreengekomde doelwitte bereik. Hierdie studie het kortliks tot die slotsom gekom dat daar tans beperkte sinchronisering is tussen die strategie vir inligtingstegnologie en die Sishen Ysterertsmyn se strategie en dat die bestuur van inligtingstegnologie nie beste praktyke nastreef nie. Navorsing omtrent die aangeleenthede is gedoen en het uitgewys dat daar spesifieke leemtes is wat aangespreek moet word. Hierdie leemtes behels die volgende: • Strategie vir inligtingstegnologie, met spesifieke verwysing na -of inligtingstegnologie waarde toevoeg tot die Sishen Ysterertsmyn; - of inligtingstegnologie voldoen aan die Sishen Ysterertsmyn se behoeftes; - of die ontwikkelingskoste vir die oplossing van inligtingstegnologie leemtes nie te hoog is nie. • Bestuur van inligtingstegnologie, met verwysing na - personeel; - prioriteite vir oplossing van inligtingstegnologie leemtes; - nuwe inligtingstegnologie; - projekbestuur en beplanning van inligtingstegnologie; - bewusmaking en opvoeding vir bestuur en gebruikers; - bestuur en gebruikers se betrokkenheid. Na 'n deeglike ondersoek met verwysings na verwante literatuur word daar aanbeveel dat die Sishen Ysterertsmyn die nodige stappe moet neem om sinchronisering te verseker tussen die strategie vir inligtingstegnologie en die Sishen Ysterertsmyn se strategie en dat die nodige goeie bestuur van inligtingstegnologie plaasvind. Vervolgens 'n kort samevatting van die aanbevelings met betrekking tot die volgende aspekte • Strategie vir inligtingstegnologie die daarstel van metingsmeganismes om waardetoevoeging van inligtingstegnologie te bepaal; - die opstel van deeglike gebruikerspesifikasies vir die bevrediging van die Sishen Ysterertsmyn se behoeftes; - die ondersoek na inisiatiewe om die ontwikkelingskoste vir die oplossing van inligtingstegnologie gebreke te verlaag. • Bestuur van inligtingstegnologie - die uitbreiding van die bestaande Bestuursinligtingsorganisasie om die Sishen Ysterertsmyn se behoeftes te bevredig; - die daarstelling van prioriteitsmatrikse om oplossing van inligtingstegnologie gebreke te prioritiseer; die daarstelling van forums sodat alle partye betrokke is by die ondersoek na nuwe inligtingstegnologie; - die daarstelling van deeglike projekbestuur en projekbeplanning vir inligtingstegnologie projekte; opvoedingsprogram oor inligtingstegnologie vir bestuur en gebruikers; - die daarstelling van 'n meganisme wat sal verseker dat bestuur en gebruikers meer betrokke raak en bly by die implementering van inligtingstegnologie.

Optimisation of the grain size distribution of the raw material mixture in the production of iron sinter

Lwamba-Si-Bomve, Elie 04 September 2008 (has links)
The main purpose of this study was to optimise the grain size distribution of the raw material mixture for the production of iron sinter. It well known that the constitution of the sinter mix is based on the knowledge of chemical composition and grain size distribution. Although Mittal Vanderbijlpark has fixed specifications on the physical and chemical properties of the sinter for optimal blast furnace performance, the particle size distribution of the sinter mix has not yet been optimized. This was achieved by using the granulation characteristics of the sinter mix and the green bed permeability tests. The influence of the moisture content of the feed, granulation time, and mean granule diameter on permeability was investigated on Thabazimbi and Sishen iron ore, as well as on their mixture with fluxes and without fluxes. The iron ore results indicated that the mixture containing 20% Thabazimbi iron ore and 80% Sishen iron ore with fluxes where the coke, lime and return fines were sized by removing the – 0.5 mm size fraction of the return fines and coke, and the 1 mm size fraction of lime has the highest permeability of all the studied mixtures. The sintering properties of the mixtures of optimised grain size distributions were also investigated and the results were very similar for all the mixtures and better than the base case mixture, which was not optimised with respect to grain size distribution. / Dissertation (MEng)--University of Pretoria, 2008. / Materials Science and Metallurgical Engineering / unrestricted

Biobenefication of Sishen Hematite Iron Ore, using bacterial cultures to remove potassium (Muscovite) and phosphorous (Apatite)

Geyer, Heinrich 22 October 2009 (has links)
Kumba Iron Ore, Ltd. is the world‘s fourth largest supplier of sea-borne iron ore and currently operates two mines in South Africa namely: the Sishen mine in the Northern Cape and Thabazimbi mine in Limpopo. The Sishen mine, located at the northern end of the Maremane anticline where the bulk of the hematite ore is buried beneath younger cover lithologies, was our focus area. Here the iron resources are made up by laminated and massive ore bodies that belong to the Asbestos Hills Subgroup. These ore bodies are overlain by conglomerates, shales, flagstone and quartzite. The alkalis, potassium and phosphorous, are common constituents of iron ore, which is known to have a deleterious effect on the manufacturing of iron and steel. Therefore steel making companies charge penalties when purchasing iron ore concentrates with alkali concentrations above predetermined levels. To ensure that the export batches at the Sishen mine stay within set limits, the ores from different batches (with alkali concentration greater and below set limits) are mixed to produce a batch which meet requirements. However this solution will soon become ineffective as the low alkali ore is progressively depleted. Conventional methods used to treat high alkali ores include pyro-and hydrometallurgical methods. These approaches have several limitations such as poor product recovery, involvement of high process and energy cost and an increase in pollution load of water resources. Therefore necessitating research and development of alternative cheap and environment friendly procedures, which could supplement or replace conventional methods to ensure that mining stays economically feasible at the Sishen Iron Ore mine. The application of microorganisms to mining practices is collectively referred to as biohydrometallurgy and includes bioleaching and biooxidation processes. The phrase bioleaching refers to the conversion of an insoluble metal (typically a metal sulfide) into a soluble form (typically a metal sulfate), via microbial activity. When metals are extracted into solution, the process is referred to as bioleaching, whereas if the metal remains in the mineral, it is referred to as biooxidation. The latter term biobeneficiation refers to the selective dissolution of undesired minerals from the ores by direct or indirect action of microbes, thereby enriching the desirable mineral content. Therefore the objective of this study was to determine whether bacteria (naturally occurring on the ore or introduced species) could be used to selectively remove the alkalis from the iron ore mined at Sishen. The species evaluated were able to change the solution pH and/or form biofilms, which is assumed to have affected mineral mobilization. Data obtained during this study suggests that the composition of the ore plays a significant role in its susceptibility to bioleaching. Furthermore we also found that the indigenous cultures were more effective than the introduced species to mobilize the alkalis, which could possibly be ascribed to an adaptation of the microbes present. These preliminary results suggest that bioleaching is an effective alternative cost effective approach to treat iron ore and could possibly be implemented in future into the mining schedule at Sishen. / Dissertation (MSc)--University of Pretoria, 2011. / Microbiology and Plant Pathology / unrestricted

Determining the carbon footprint of Sishen South Mine and evaluating the carbon reduction opportunities in the opencast mining environment

Naidoo, Anesan 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MBA (Business Management))--University of Stellenbosch, 2009.

The scientific calculation of the required human resources for maintenance in the engineering department at Sishen iron ore mine

Schreuder, Hugo Amos Lambrechts 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MBA)--Stellenbosch University, 2007. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Human resources budgeting at Sishen mine had been done, for as long as the researcher has been employed at the mine, according to history as well as according to the demands of the financial situation. Consequently, human resources shortages have been corrected by external labour which is often more expensive than internal labour. During the annual budgeting period when top management applies pressure to cut costs, the operations budget is easy to defend. With the help of Excel spreadsheets or maintenance management systems, maintenance managers can present strong arguments for not cutting the operations budget. Budget deficits are then easily corrected by means of negative adjustments to the human resources budget. This research will explore the issue of whether a tool exists to calculate the human resources budget scientifically. A target was set to develop a tool or model for human resources budgeting or to investigate whether such a tool does not already exist. A literature survey was done to determine world best practices regarding the calculation of human resources budgeting. The literature studied guided the researcher to a computerised maintenance management system (CMMS) and it was found that Sishen already has one of the best (SAP) in place. Sishen even has a process (Routine Work Management or RWM) in place which helps to get all maintenance information into SAP to make the necessary information available for effective maintenance. It was further found that SAP, which has been used by the mine for several years, can already provide the human resources requirements for any future period. The RWM process which helps to get information in and out of SAP has been in use for some time already. Unfortunately the process was poorly executed and the information is not reliable. This statement is supported by the internal (Kirstein, 2006) and external (Aurea, 2006) audits done at the mine during 2006. The external audit was done by Aurco (2006). The author concluded that Sishen has a tool but not a strategy to utilise RWM successfully. One of the reasons why RWM was poorly executed was the fact that there is a lack of support from the people in the workplace. These individuals claim that they were not consulted when RWM was introduced at the mine and as a result they did not buy in. A proper change management process was not followed and the employees suspected that RWM was implemented to play policeman or to measure how much spare time they have and reduce the workforce accordingly, as in the case of the Prometheus project. Consequently they admit to manipulating RWM's measured outcomes, ignoring it or deliberately undermining it. They added that RWM is easy to manipulate and perceived it as a farce by many of the participants, A decision was taken to use the Kotter change management process to run a project to get RWM to the required level. Kotter's eight steps for successful large-scale change can be utilised with great success to achieve the required changes. After a brainstorming session and from the recommendations of the two audits a list of ideas was compiled. These ideas should help to get RWM to a level where human resources requirements can be drawn from SAP for any period in the future. Although the research was aimed at getting human resources budgeting from SAP, it will also have other advantages. The ratio between planned and unplanned maintenance will be better because RWM will ensure better maintenance / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Mannekragbegroting op Sishen-myn is, vir solank die navorser deel is van die myn, gedoen volgens die behoeftes van die verlede asook volgens wat deur die finansiele situasie toegelaat is. Gevolglik het dit dikwels gebeur dat die tekorte aan mannekrag aangevul is met huurarbeid wat dikwels duurder is as eie mannekrag. Tydens die begrotingsrondte kan die geld wat aangevra word vir die instandhouding van die toerusting goed beveg word omdat die instandhoudingspersoneel waterdigte argumente kan aanvoer oor hoe die begroting bereken is. Begrotingstekorte word gevolglik maklik reggestel met negatiewe aanpassings op die mannekragbegroting. Hierdie studie gaan die bestaan ondersoek van 'n gereedskapstuk of model om die mannekragbegroting wetenskaplik te kan bereken. Daar is 'n doelwit gestel om 'n model te ontwikkel vir mannekragberekening of om vas te stel of daar nie reeds iets bestaan nie. 'n Literatuurstudie is gedoen om vas te stel wat wereldwye beste standaarde ten opsigte van mannekragberekening is. Dit het die navorser gelei na gerekenariseerde instandhoudingsbestuurstelsels (CMMS) en daar is bevind dat Sishen reeds een van die beste stelsels gebruik (SAP). Sishen het selfs 'n proses ("Routine Work Management" of RWM) om alle instandhoudingsinligting in SAP te kry sodat die regte inligting weer beskikbaar kan wees vir effektiewe instandhouding. Daar is verder bevind dat SAP, wat reeds vir verskeie jare in gebruik is, enige tydperk in die toekoms se mannekragbehoeftes kan bepaal. Die RWM-proses wat moet help om inligting in en uit SAP te kry, is ook reeds geruime tyd in gebruik, maar ten spyte daarvan word die proses afgewater en is die inligting nie betroubaar nie. Hierdie stelling is bewys deur middel van twee ouditte wat in 2006 op RWM gedoen is. Die een audit was 'n interne audit terwyl die ander deur die maatskappy Aurea gedoen is. Die afleiding kon dus gemaak word dat daar wel 'n gereedskapstuk is, maar dat geen strategie bestaan om dit effektief te gebruik nie. Een van die redes waarom RWM as 'n afgewaterde proses beskryf kan word, is 'n gebrek aan ondersteuning deur die mense in die werksplek. Die mense beweer dat hulle nie geken is ten tye van die bekendstelling van RWM nie en hulle het dus nie ingekoop nie. Die afleiding is gemaak dat daar nie goeie veranderingsbestuur toegepas is toe RWM aan die myn bekendgestel is nie. Die werknemers het vermoed dat RWM ingestel is om hulle te polisieer of te bepaal hoeveel vrye tyd hulle het en die werksmag dienooreenkomstig af te skaal, soos in die geval van die Prometheusprojek. Gevolglik het hulle erken dat hulle die RWM se uitkomste gemanipuleer het, dit geignoreer het, of doelbewus ondermyn het. Hulle het bygevoeg dat RWM maklik gemanipuleer kan word en dat baie dit as 'n klug beskou. Daar is besluit om die Kotter-model te gebruik om 'n projek te loods om RWM op die vereiste standaard te kry. Dit word as die geskikste model beskou om die nodige veranderingsbestuur toe te pas. 'n Lys van idees is opgestel na aanleiding van 'n dinkskrumsessie met die werknemers asook van voorstelle wat in die twee ouditverslae gemaak is. Herdie idees moet RWM in plek kry sodat mannekragbehoeftes vir enige tydperk in die toekoms vanuit SAP verkry kan word. Alhoewel die navorsing daarop gemik was om mannekragbegroting vanuit SAP te bekom, hou dit ook 'n ander voordeel in, naamlik 'n beter verhouding van beplande tot onbeplande instandhouding omdat goeie RWM-prosedures beter instandhouding en gevolglik beter beskikbaarheid gaan verseker.

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