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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Šešiafazių asinchroninių variklių pereinamųjų vyksmų tyrimas / Research on transient processes of six phase induction motors

Kundrotas, Benas 16 June 2014 (has links)
Disertacijoje aprašyti šešiafazių asinchroninių variklių dinaminiai modeliai ir ištirti pereinamieji vyksmai. Disertaciją sudaro įvadas, trys pagrindiniai skyriai, išvados, naudotos literatūros ir autoriaus publikacijų disertacijos tema sąrašas. Įvadiniame skyriuje suformuluota tiriamoji problema, darbo aktualumas, tyrimų objektas, darbo tikslas ir uždaviniai, tyrimų metodika, darbo mokslinis naujumas, rezultatų praktinė reikšmė, ginamieji teiginiai. Įvado pabaigoje pristatytos autoriaus paskelbtos publikacijos disertacijos tema ir pateikiamas perskaitytų pranešimų konferencijose sąrašas bei aprašoma disertacijos sandara. Pirmame skyriuje aprašyti daugiafazių variklių privalumai lyginant juos su trifaziais ir nurodyti jų taikymo atvejai. Aprašyti šešiafazių asinchroninių variklių tipai. Pateiktas šešiafazio asinchroninio variklio matematinis modelis. Pristatyti šešiafazių asinchroninių elektros pavarų valdymo metodai. Suformuluotos skyriaus išvados ir disertacijos uždaviniai. Antrajame skyriuje pateikti šešiafazio asinchroninio variklio kompiuteriniai modeliai sukurti pagal variklio statoriaus, rotoriaus srovių ir srautų išraiškas. Aprašyti imitacinių modelių naudojimo atvejai greitojo prototipo sistemose. Skyriaus pabaigoje suformuluotos išvados. Trečiajame skyriuje pristatyti šešiafazių asinchroninių pavarų imitaciniai ir eksperimentiniai tyrimai. Sudarytos sutelktosios dvisluoksnės sutrumpinto žingsnio ir poliaus žingsnio šešiafazių apvijų schemos. Pateikti šešiafazio... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Dynamic models for investigation transient processes of six phase induction motors are presented in this dissertation. The thesis layout consists of introduction, three main chapters, conclusions, bibliography and list of publications. The introduction reveals the investigation problem, importance of the work and the object of research as well as describes the purpose and tasks of the paper, research methodology, scientific novelty, the practical significance of obtained results and defended statements. The author’s publications on the subject of the defended dissertation, offering the material of made presentations in conferences and the structure of the dissertation are presented at the end of introduction. The advantages of multiphase motors over conventional three phase are presented in the first chapter. The applications with multiphase motors are reviewed. The types of six phase induction motors are presented. The mathematical model of six phase induction motor are composed. The control methods of six phase induction motors are reviewed. At the end of the chapter, conclusions and tasks for the dissertation are formulated. The second chapter is dedicated for methodology to develop two types mathematical models of six phase induction motor. First of them is composed according to stator and rotor current expressions and second one according to stator and rotor flux expressions. Fast prototype systems with simulation models are reviewed. At the end of the chapter... [to full text]

Modeling and Evaluating the Thermal Conductivity of Porous Thermal Barrier Coatings at Elevated Temperatures for Industrial Applications

Alotaibi, Moteb 19 August 2019 (has links)
The thermal conductivity of various porous thermal barrier coating (TBC) systems used in elevated temperature for industrial applications has been evaluated using a proposed six-phase model. These porous TBC systems rely on microstructural properties and yield different types of porosity. These microstructural properties can influence the thermal conductivity of TBC systems. The purpose of this thesis is to assess the thermal conductivity of TBC systems based on microstructural attributes, particularly the effect of different types of porosity. Thus, the first component of this thesis investigates the microstructural characterization of various TBC systems using image analysis (IA) technique. In this technique, scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and light optical microscopy (LOM) micrographs were used to measure the porosity level of different TBC materials. The volumetric fraction of porosity along with orientation, shape, and morphology have a considerable impact on the total thermal conductivity of TBCs. The second component of this thesis evaluates the thermal conductivity of these porous TBC systems by taking into account the effect of the heat treatment process. The IA results reveal that as long as the porosity content increases, the thermal conductivity decreases for all of the TBC materials studied in this thesis. Further, while the content of microcracks and non-flat porosity play a crucial role in reducing the thermal conductivity of TBC materials, the other types of porosity (open randomly oriented, penny-shaped, and interlamellar) exert less impact on the thermal conductivity of TBCs. Comparing the results of the proposed six-phase model to experimental values and finite element analysis (FEA) values showed a relatively good agreement. The proposed six-phase model can predict the thermal conductivity of porous microstructure of TBC systems close to real measured values; therefore, the proposed six-phase model may be utilized to fabricate the porous microstructure of TBCs.

Calculation Of Core Losses Of A Six Phase Induction Motor With Third Harmonic Current Injection

Buyukbas, Afsin - 01 January 2004 (has links) (PDF)
ABSTRACT CALCULATION OF CORE LOSSES OF A 6-PHASE INDUCTION MOTOR WITH 3RD HARMONIC CURRENT INJECTION B&Uuml / Y&Uuml / KBAS, AfSin M.S., Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering Supervisor: Prof. Dr. H. B&uuml / lent ERTAN January 2004, 106 pages The advantages of using a six-phase induction motor for industrial drives, over the conventional three-phase drive can be summarized as improved reliability, reduction on the power ratings for the static converters and harmonic reduction. A technique of injecting third harmonic zero sequence current components in the phase currents to improve the machine torque density was presented recently by another research study. However, to meaninigfully evaluate the performnce of such machines and/or to be able to make good designs / it is necessary to obtain an accurate mathematical model for the loss calculation. The calculation of high frequency loss in this context presents a very difficult problem. In this thesis a modified version of a loss calculation model, which was developed in another MS thesis will be applied to a six-phase induction motor with third harmonic current injection.

Exploring Six-Phase Transmission Lines for Increasing Power Transfer With Limited Right Of Way

January 2012 (has links)
abstract: In the United States, especially in metropolitan areas, transmission infra-structure is congested due to a combination of increasing load demands, declining investment, and aging facilities. It is anticipated that significant investments will be required for new construction and upgrades in order to serve load demands. This thesis explores higher phase order systems, specifically, six-phase, as a means of increasing power transfer capability, and provides a comparison with conventional three-phase double circuit transmission lines. In this thesis, the line parameters, electric and magnetic fields, and right of way are the criteria for comparing six-phase and three-phase double circuit lines. The calculations of the criteria were achieved by a program developed using MATLAB. This thesis also presents fault analysis and recommends suitable pro-tection for six-phase transmission lines. This calculation was performed on 4-bus, 9-bus, and 118-bus systems from Powerworld® sample cases. The simulations were performed using Powerworld® and PSCAD®. Line parameters calculations performed in this thesis show that line imped-ances in six-phase lines have a slight difference, compared to three-phase double circuit line. The shunt capacitance of compacted six phase line is twice of the value in the three-phase double circuit line. As a consequence, the compacted six-phase line provides higher surge impedance loadings. The electric and magnetic fields calculations show that, ground level electric fields of the six-phase lines decline more rapidly as the distance from center of the lines increase. The six-phase lines have a better performance on ground level magnetic field. Based on the electric and magnetic field results, right of way re-quirements for the six-phase lines and three-phase double circuit line were calcu-lated. The calculation results of right of way show that six-phase lines provide higher power transfer capability with a given right of way. Results from transmission line fault analysis, and protection study show that, fault types and protection system in six-phase lines are more complicated, com-pared to three-phase double circuit line. To clarify the concern about six-phase line protection, a six-phase line protection system was designed. Appropriate pro-tection settings were determined for a six-phase line in the 4-bus system. / Dissertation/Thesis / M.S. Electrical Engineering 2012

Razvoj naprednog upravljanja pogonom sa šestofaznim asimetričnim asinhronim motorom / The development of advanced control algorithms for dual three-phaseinduction machines drives

Milićević Dragan 04 April 2014 (has links)
<p>U tezi je prikazana analiza pogona sa šestofaznom asimetričnom<br />asinhronom mašinom koja se napaja iz šestofaznog invertora.<br />Predložen je novi način upravljanja šestofaznim invertorom kojim<br />su rešeni nedostaci do sada predloženih tehnika upravljanja a koji<br />se pre svega ispoljavaju kroz dva aspekta: nekontrolisano generisanje<br />dodatnih gubitaka i teška implementacija u komercijalno dostupne<br />digitalne kontrolere. Rezultati svih teorijskih analiza i navoda su<br />dokazani računarskim simulacijama i eksperimentalnim putem.<br />Eksperimentalna verifikacija je ostvarena korištenjem<br />laboratorijskog prototipa koji se temelji na dSPACE kontrolnom<br />sistemu.</p> / <p>Doctoral thesis shows the analysis of the dual three-phase induction machine<br />drive. A novel way of driving of the six-phase inverter is proposed. A<br />proposed method solves disadvantages of currently proposed driving<br />techniques which are manifested in two aspects: the uncontrolled generation<br />of additional losses and difficult implementation in commercially available<br />digital controllers. The results of theoretical analysis and the statements are<br />proven by computer simulation and experimentally. Experimental verification<br />is achieved using a laboratory prototype that is based on dSPACE control<br />system.</p>

Daugiafazių elektromechaninių keitiklių tyrimas / Research of multi-phase electromechanical inverters

Ostanovkaitė, Aurelija 21 June 2013 (has links)
Tiriamajame darbe elektromagnetiniu požiūriu palyginamos viensluoksnė forminė trifazė ir to pačio tipo šešiafazė apvijos. Atlikta šių apvijų kuriamų sukamųjų magnetovarų harmonė analizė ir pagal gautus rezultatus apskaičiuoti elektromagnetinio efektyvumo koeficientai. Gauta, kad viensluoksnė forminė šešiafazė apvija turi geresnius elektromagnetinius parametrus. Šios šešiafazės apvijos efektyvumo koeficientas yra 8,7 % didesnis nei viensluoksnės forminės trifazės apvijos. Atliktas eksperimentinis tyrimas su 1,5 kW asinchroniniu varikliu su viensluoksne formine trifaze apvija ir su tuo pačiu pervyniotu varikliu su ta pačia šešiafaze apvija. Asinchroninio variklio su viensluoksne formine trifaze apvija ir to pačio pervynioto variklio su ta pačia šešiafaze apvija visi energiniai rodikliai apskaičiuoti atlikus tuščiosios veikos ir apkrovos bandymus. Atlikus asinchroninio variklio eksperimentinius bandymus prie nurodytosios apkrovos trifaziam ir šešiafaziam asinchroniniam varikliui, buvo gauti tokie skaičiavimo rezultatai: pervynioto šešiafazio variklio statoriaus apvijos fazinė srovė sumažėjo 25 %, imama iš tinklo galia sumažėjo 10 %, galios suminiai nuostoliai sumažėjo 38 %, galios faktorius padidėjo 4 %, naudingumo faktorius padidėjo beveik 15 %, sukimosi momentas padidėjo apie 5 %. Nustatyta, kad asinchroninis variklis su viensluoksne formine šešiafaze apvija turi geresnius energinius rodiklius nei asinchroninis variklis su to paties tipo trifaze apvija. / In this research electromagnetic properties of single-layer former three-phase winding and the same type six-phase winding are assessed and compared. Harmonic analyses of magnetomotive force was carried out on the rotary forces they generate and, according to final results, the electromagnetic efficiency coefficients were calculated. It was established that electromagnetic parameters of the single-layer former six-phase winding are better. The efficiency coefficient of the single-layer former six-phase winding is 8,7 % higher compared to the same three-phase winding. The experimental analysis of a three-phase asynchronous 1,5 kW motor with a single-layer three-phase winding and the same rewound motor with the same six-phase winding was performed. All energetic indicators of the asynchronous motor with a single-layer former three-phase winding and rewound motor the same six-phase winding were calculated after performing a no-load and load tests. Performing a load testing of the asynchronous motor for single-layer three-phase winding and the same six-phase winding it was established that the current of the stator winding of the rewound asynchronous motor with a single-layer six-phase winding decreased by 25 % at the indicated load, the power from the network decreased by 10 %. Moreover, the power loss decreased by 38 %, the power factor increased by 4 %, the efficiency factor increased almost by 15 %, and the torque increased by 5 %. It was established that the asynchronous... [to full text]

Conversor estático de 9 chaves acionando máquina hexafásica. / Static converter of 9 switches driving hexaphase machine.

ROCHA, Adi Neves. 20 April 2018 (has links)
Submitted by Johnny Rodrigues (johnnyrodrigues@ufcg.edu.br) on 2018-04-20T22:15:13Z No. of bitstreams: 1 ADI NEVES ROCHA - DISSERTAÇÃO PPGEE 2014..pdf: 4213060 bytes, checksum: 41dbc9ec6203a02fc678bc1c878970dc (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-04-20T22:15:13Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 ADI NEVES ROCHA - DISSERTAÇÃO PPGEE 2014..pdf: 4213060 bytes, checksum: 41dbc9ec6203a02fc678bc1c878970dc (MD5) Previous issue date: 2014-08-08 / O objetivo do estudo apresentado nessa dissertação é analisar e comparar dois inversores fonte de tensão acionando uma máquina de indução hexafásica. as estruturas analisadas são: o conversor composto de seis braços possuindo dois dispositivos semicondutores por braço (12 chaves) e um conversor composto de três braços e nove dispositivos semicondutores (9 chaves). A estrutura composta por 12 chaves é a configuração padrão para acionamento de cargas hexafásicas . Analisando quanto ao aspecto da quantidade de chaves o conversor de 9 chaves apresenta uma evidente redução do número de componentes. Neste trabalho busca-se uma comparação mais fundamentada a partir da análise destas topologias com relação a outras características, tais como: (i) estrutura ou modo de conexão dos dispositivos com a descrição das limitações de cada estrutura; (ii) diferenças nas técnicas de modulação empregadas; (iii) níveis de corrente e tenção em cada um dos dispositivos que compõem a estrutura; (iv) análise do desempenho segundo a quantidade de perdas por condução e por chaveamento; (v) análise de desempenho quanto aos níveis de dispersão harmônica. Apesar da análise estar voltada para a comparação dos conversores, há uma descrição da máquina hexafásica modelada por decomposição vetorial e a aplicação de uma estratégia de controle no acionamento da máquina, utilzando a técnica de controle por fluxo rotórico. / The goal of the study presented in this thesis is to analyze and compare towo voltage source inverters driving a six-phase induction machine. The types of structures analyzed are: the converter of six legs having two semiconductor devices per leg (12 switches) and an inverter composed of three legs - (nine semiconductor devices 9 switches). The converter of 12 switches is the default configuration for driving six-phase loads. Analyzing the numbers of switches aspects, the 9 switches converter shows a clear reduction in the number of components. This paper seeks a more reasoned comparison from the analysis of these topologies with respect to other characteristics, such as: (i) structure or way of connecting devices to the description of the limitations of each structure; (ii) differences in the modulation techniques employed ; (iii) levels of current voltage in each of the devices of the structure; (iv) analysis of performance depending on the amount of conduction and switching losses; (v) performance analysis of the levels of harmonic distortion. Althought the analysis is focused on the comparison of the converters, there is a description of the six-phase machine modeled by vector decomposition and implementation of a control strategy to drive the machine using the rotor flux control technique.

Field Oriented Current Control with Harmonic Injection in a Six-Phase Induction Machine

Shan, Xinyue January 2021 (has links)
As a new type of machine, the multi-phase machine has the advantages ofhigher power rating, higher fault tolerance capability and more degrees offreedom to control compared with the traditional machine. Aiming at runninga multi-phase machine with different phase-pole configurations smoothly,a new method called harmonic plane decomposition is presented. Thisproject focuses on applying harmonic plane decomposition to the modellingand analysis of a six-phase machine. The parameters of the machine wereidentified in both the first and fifth harmonic planes. The machine modelusing harmonic plane decomposition method is built in Matlab/Simulink. Asimulation based on the indirect rotor field oriented control of the machine isthen performed. The simulation result shows that the machine could switchbetween different phase-pole configurations without causing too much speedripple. Debugging and testing a prototype control board is conducted. Thecontrol strategy of the machine is tested on the testbench. The machine couldoperate as a six-phase machine successfully. / Som en ny typ har flerfasmaskinen fördelarna, inklusive högre effekt, högrefeltolerans och fler frihetsgrader att styra jämfört med den traditionella maskinen.Med sikte på att köra en flerfasmaskin med olika faspolskonfigurationersmidigt presenteras en ny metod som kallas harmonisk plan sönderdelning.Detta projekt fokuserar på att tillämpa harmonisk plan sönderdelning på modelleringoch analys av en sexfasmaskin. Maskinens parametrar identifieradesi både det första och det femte harmoniska planet. Maskinmodellen medharmonisk plan sönderdelning är byggd i Matlab/Simulink. En simuleringbaserad på den indirekta rotorfältorienterade styrningen av maskinen utförssedan, och resultatet visar att maskinen kan växla mellan olika faspolskonfigurationerutan att orsaka oacceptabel hastighetsrippling. Felsökning ochtestning av en prototypstyrplatta utförs också, och maskinens styrstrategi testaspå testbänken. Sammantaget kan maskinen fungera som en sexfasmaskinframgångsrikt.

Development of an experimental six-phase induction machine drive / Utveckling av en experimentell drivlina för en sexfasig asynkronmaskin.

Bianchi, Adam January 2021 (has links)
Electrical machines with more than three phases are usually called multiphase electrical machines and they can have several advantages compared to conventional three-phase electrical machines such as a lower content of space-harmonics, lower torque ripple and better fault tolerance. This degree project involves rewinding of a three-phase induction machine into an asymmetrical six-phase machine. The winding design is based on simulations of a machine model in a finite element method software and the method "the star of the slot" that computes winding layouts. A six-phase drive is developed based on an existing printed circuit board prototype that is not operating according to its original specifications. Debugging of the prototype is performed and solutions to the problems are identified. Design and layout improvements for better electromagnetic compatibility are also implemented. The drive including the electrical machine is tested and confirmed to be working according to the specifications. Speed control based on indirect rotor field orientation is implemented and tested for the six-phase induction machine as well with the machine connected as a standard three-phase induction machine. / Elektriska maskiner med fler än tre faser kallas vanligtvis flerfasiga elektriska maskiner och kan ha flera fördelar jämfört med konventionella trefasiga elektriska maskiner, som lägre innehåll av övervågor, lägre rippel i vridmomentet och bättre feltolerans. Detta examensarbete involverar omlindning av en trefasig asynkronmaskin till en asymmetrisk sexfasig asynkronmaskin. Lindningsdesignen baseras på simuleringar av en maskinmodell i mjukvara baserat på finita element metoden och metoden kallad the star of the slotsom räknar ut lindnings ritningar. En sexfasig drivlina utvecklas baserat på en existerande kretskorts prototyp som inte fungerar enligt dess ursprunliga specifikationer. Felsökning av prototypen utförs och lösningar till problemen identifieras. Design- och layoutförbättringar för bättre elektromagnetisk kompatibilitet implementeras också. Drivlinan med den elektriska maskinen inkluderad testas och bekräftas fungera enligt dess specifikationer. Hastighetsreglering baserad på indirekt rotorfälts orientering implementeras och testas för den sexfasiga asynkronmaskinen samt även med maskinen kopplad som en standard trefas asynkronmaskin.

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