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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

School guidance and multi-modal counselling for secondary school students

Molefe, Olebogeng Ralesenya Daniel 19 November 2012 (has links)
This investigation aims at determining the contributions of school guidance and multi-modal counselling service for the South African secondary school students' acquisition of life competencies and skills. The empirical research consisted of: <ul> *** A nomothetic investigation which indicated that many of the sample group students fall far short of almost all of the thirty subfields of the life skills questionnaire, and that they can be helped to acquire both multi-modal counselling and life skills. *** An idiographic research involving nine counsellees also confirmed these results. / Die doel met die onderhawige ondersoek is om aan te dui wat die bydrae van skoolvoorligting en 'n multi-modale benadering is. Sekondere skoolleerlinge is by 'n empiriese ondersoek betrek. Aan die hand van 'n vraelys is vasgestel wat hierdie leerlinge se besondere lewensbehoeftes is. Leerlinge wat uitvalle ten aansien van bepaalde lewenskundighede en -vaardighede toon, is by 'n multi-modale hulpverleningsprogram betrek. Die uitkomste van die hulpverlening toon duidelik aan dat 'n multi-modale benadering in sinsamehang met die beginsels van skoolvoorligting, 'n bydrae kan lewer om sekondere skoolleerlinge toe te rus om alledaagse probleme die hoof te kan bied. / Thesis (PhD)--University of Pretoria, 2012. / Education Management and Policy Studies / unrestricted

Skakeling van skoolvoorligters met die openbare en private sektor / Cornelius Abraham Smit

Smit, Cornelius Abraham January 1990 (has links)
Information from symposiums regarding guidance, as well as information from interviews with school guidance personnel, students and other persona concerned, revealed gaps concerning the present school guidance systems. In this connection the public and private sector can play an important role by revealing the necessary information about the career world to the guidance personnel. The aim of this investigation serves a double purpose. In the first instance to investigate the liaison between the school guidance personnel of the Transvaal Education Department's secondary schools and the public and private sector from the point of view of the literature. Secondly an empirical determination of the nature of the connection between career guidance personnel of the Afrikaans medium secondary schools in Transvaal and the public and private sector, as well as to determine what the attitude of school guidance personnel are towards liaison with the public and private sector. For the purpose of this study, public sector can be defined as the sector where government has partial or total control, whereas in the private sector the government has no direct control. Personal visits to guidance personnel at secondary schools in Transvaal and the questionnaire method were both considered to obtain the necessary information for this study. After thorough consideration, the decision fell upon the questionnaire method. Questionnaires were therefore sent to all Afrikaans medium secondary schools in Transvaal. RECOMMENDATIONS: The following are recommended, bearing the findings of the study in mind: 1. RENEWED INTRODUCTION OF THE COMMITTEE FOR COORDINATION OF CAREER INFORMATION AND CAREER GUIDANCE. The following recommendations about the function of the above mentioned committee can be made: 1.1 the private sector must be accommodated in this committee, 1.2 this committee must be actively involved in a promotion campaign. 2. RESTRUCTURING OF THE EDUCATION POLICY BY THE TRANSVAAL EDUCATION DEPARTMENT. This study revealed that a number of school guidance personnel did not liaise with the public and private sector due to the Transvaal Education Department's policy. The following are recommended: 2.1 the Education Department's policy about outsiders must be clearly formulated and published to all persons involved, 2.2 free admission by representatives of the public and private sector to schools, 2.3 visiting of career displays and information days by pupils during school hours, 2.4 partnership between the Transvaal Education Department and the public and private sector to be emphasized to the pupils and to improve contact between the Education Department and the public and private sector. 3. INVOLVEMENT OF THE PUBLIC AND PRIVATE SECTOR. Liaison is the result of the initiative from the schools while they experience shortages of funds, time limits, transport problems and long distances. It is therefore recommended that the public and private sector will visit schools on their own initiative. FINAL REMARKS: There is a definite need for liaison between school guidance personnel and the public and private sector. This study emphasizes the results of the HRC's Study Committee: Guidance (1981) and as such the findings of this study are closely related with the findings and recommendations of the HRC's Study Committee. The quality of school guidance will be improved by liaison and this will improve the pupils' ability to make responsible career choices. It is therefore of the utmost importance for all partners in the school guidance programme to work closely together and to liaise more effectively. / Thesis (MEd)--PU vir CHO, 1991

Skakeling van skoolvoorligters met die openbare en private sektor / Cornelius Abraham Smit

Smit, Cornelius Abraham January 1990 (has links)
Information from symposiums regarding guidance, as well as information from interviews with school guidance personnel, students and other persona concerned, revealed gaps concerning the present school guidance systems. In this connection the public and private sector can play an important role by revealing the necessary information about the career world to the guidance personnel. The aim of this investigation serves a double purpose. In the first instance to investigate the liaison between the school guidance personnel of the Transvaal Education Department's secondary schools and the public and private sector from the point of view of the literature. Secondly an empirical determination of the nature of the connection between career guidance personnel of the Afrikaans medium secondary schools in Transvaal and the public and private sector, as well as to determine what the attitude of school guidance personnel are towards liaison with the public and private sector. For the purpose of this study, public sector can be defined as the sector where government has partial or total control, whereas in the private sector the government has no direct control. Personal visits to guidance personnel at secondary schools in Transvaal and the questionnaire method were both considered to obtain the necessary information for this study. After thorough consideration, the decision fell upon the questionnaire method. Questionnaires were therefore sent to all Afrikaans medium secondary schools in Transvaal. RECOMMENDATIONS: The following are recommended, bearing the findings of the study in mind: 1. RENEWED INTRODUCTION OF THE COMMITTEE FOR COORDINATION OF CAREER INFORMATION AND CAREER GUIDANCE. The following recommendations about the function of the above mentioned committee can be made: 1.1 the private sector must be accommodated in this committee, 1.2 this committee must be actively involved in a promotion campaign. 2. RESTRUCTURING OF THE EDUCATION POLICY BY THE TRANSVAAL EDUCATION DEPARTMENT. This study revealed that a number of school guidance personnel did not liaise with the public and private sector due to the Transvaal Education Department's policy. The following are recommended: 2.1 the Education Department's policy about outsiders must be clearly formulated and published to all persons involved, 2.2 free admission by representatives of the public and private sector to schools, 2.3 visiting of career displays and information days by pupils during school hours, 2.4 partnership between the Transvaal Education Department and the public and private sector to be emphasized to the pupils and to improve contact between the Education Department and the public and private sector. 3. INVOLVEMENT OF THE PUBLIC AND PRIVATE SECTOR. Liaison is the result of the initiative from the schools while they experience shortages of funds, time limits, transport problems and long distances. It is therefore recommended that the public and private sector will visit schools on their own initiative. FINAL REMARKS: There is a definite need for liaison between school guidance personnel and the public and private sector. This study emphasizes the results of the HRC's Study Committee: Guidance (1981) and as such the findings of this study are closely related with the findings and recommendations of the HRC's Study Committee. The quality of school guidance will be improved by liaison and this will improve the pupils' ability to make responsible career choices. It is therefore of the utmost importance for all partners in the school guidance programme to work closely together and to liaise more effectively. / Thesis (MEd)--PU vir CHO, 1991

Die verhouding tussen die beheerliggaam van ‘n openbare skool en die onderwysowerhede, met spesifieke verwysing na die dualisitiese rol van die skoolhoof (Afrikaans)

Van der Merwe, Suzaan Magdalena 28 May 2013 (has links)
Proper control and management of a school is the difference between a functional and a dis-functional school. The importance of a good relationship between a principal and the governing body, for the proper functioning of a school, cannot be emphasized enough. This relationship can often be impaired by interference from the department of education acting as the principal’s employer. The principal will receive one assignment from the department and another assignment from the governing body, contrary to the assignment of the department. Section 16(2) of the Schools Act stipulates that a governing body stands in a position of trust towards the school. This provision also applies to the principal, as a member of the governing body. The principal can thus receive conflicting assignments from the department and the governing body because their interests differ. Section 23(1) of the Constitution states that “Everyone has the right to fair labour practice”. The Constitution does not define “fair labour practice”. The definition that applied when the Constitution was written, was the definition contained in the Labour Relations Act 1991. It can be argued that the legislature had this definition in mind when section 23(1) was drafted. Should the definition be accepted one can argue that the department is placing the principal in an intolerable work situation, because in terms of legislation, the principal is expected to give effect to two conflicting commands. The principal will either give effect to the department`s wishes out of fear for a disciplinary hearing should he not obey his employer, which goes against his obligation in terms of section 16(2), or he will choose to act in accordance with section 16(2) and place the interests of the school above the interests of the department and disregard his duty as an employee of the department. In both these situations the employment relationship between the principal and department will be affected adversely and constitute an unfair labour practice and an infringement of the principal’s right in terms of section 23 of the Constitution. This dissertation sets out the different functions and roles of the parties involved in education. As in any relationship, conflict is inevitable, and the relationship between the Department of Education, the school principal and the school governing body is no different. The different causes of these conflict situations are discussed and possible solutions suggested. This research study represents just one of many approaches to this subject, but sheds some light on various obstacles in the education system that have not previously existed, while offering a platform for further research and solutions. / Dissertation (LLM)--University of Pretoria, 2013. / Private Law / unrestricted

Die rol van die congregational kerk in die sosio-ekonomiese ontwikkeling van Pniel: 1915-1993

Nober, Patrick January 1998 (has links)
Magister Artium - MA / Pniel is 'n landelike nedersetting geleë te Groot Drakenstein en het In besonder interessante geskiedenis. In 1843 het ene Pieter Isaac de Villiers en Paul Retief grond beskikbaar gestel in Groot Drakenstein vir die oprigting van 'n skool en 'n plek van aanbidding vir kleurlinge. Die gebied het gegrens aan die plaas Papiere Molen wat in Desember 1843 op die mark gekom het. Dié plaas is aangekoop deur 'n groep persone wat in die transportakte beskryfword as die "Directors of the Pniel Institution". Aanvanklik is Pniel geplaas onder beskerming van die "Apostolic Union" wat besonder aktiefwas onder vrygestelde slawe. Die Apostoliese Unie was 'n religieuse organisasie met breë godsdienstige beginsels wat dit in In posisie geplaas het om lidmate van protestantse kerke soos die N. G. Kerk, Metodistekerk en veral die Skotse Presbiteriaanse Kerk te akkommodeer. Die Apostoliese Unie het egter nie 'n bepaalde leer gehad nie. Pniel is bestuur deur 'n direktoraat bestaande uit drie plaaslike boere, twee lekepredikers woonagtig te Kaapstad, een predikant van die Apostoliese Unie en een predikant van die Presbiteriaanse Kerk. Pniel was dus in effek 'n sendingstasie wat ten doel gehad het om kleurlinge te voorsien van elementêre onderwys en hulle "landboukundig" op te lei ten einde hulle "bruikbare en maklik beskikbare arbeiders" vir die omliggende plase te maak. Grondbesit in Pniel tydens dié periode is gekenmerk deur die okkupasieregstelsel wat onderskeid getref het tussen grond VIr residensiële- en tuinboudoeleindes. Verder is Pniel tot 1909 bestuur (sekulêr en godsdienstig) deur 'n superintendent, mnr J Stegmann. Inwoners moes bydra tot die salaris van die superintendent en maandelikse huur betaal (drie pond totdat die bedrag van agtien pond klaar betaal was). Die ooreenkoms was dat, sou die bedrag van agtien pond finaal betaal wees, geen verdere maandelikse verpligtinge op die erfhouer sou rus nie. Dit was die oorspronklike verstandhouding, maar na 1856 het die betaling van een sjieling en tien pennies per maand 'n permanente voorwaarde geword. Erfhouers het egter in 1905 'n protesvergadering gehou waar besluit is dat hul voorvaders die bedrag van agtien pond klaar betaal het en dat geen verdere betaling sou geskied nie. Verder het die trustees van Pnielook regulasies ten opsigte van ordeen regering, kompensasie en die nie-nakoming van gestelde regulasies ontwerp. Die idee van die ontwikkeling van In Bestuursraad ("Management Board") is ook tydens die periode gepropageer en het later beslag gekry. Interessant van hierdie periode is die sterk beheer en sensuur deur die kerk van Pniel. Selfs uitsetting uit Pniel deur die Bestuursraad was moontlik indien sekere neergelegde voorwaardes nie nagekom is nie. Grondbesit het egter van vroeg af ontwikkel tot 'n konflikpunt tussen kerk en gemeenskap. Sommige inwoners het daarop gewys dat hulle aanspraak op die grond het omdat hulle dit klaar betaal het, terwyl die direkteure daarop gewys het dat die okkupeerders slegs huurreg gehad het. 'n Ander konflikpunt was die bestuur van die gebied. Op 'n stadium het die inwoners 'n vergadering belê waar direkteure uit die gemeenskap verkies is. Daar is 'n beroep op die Hooggeregshof gedoen om ingevolge Wet Nr. 3 van 1873 die genomineerdes tot wettige direkteure (soos die lede van die "Management Board" genoem is) en trustees van Pniel te verklaar. In 1911 het 'n saak voor die geregshof gedien waarin oor grondbesit beslis moes word aangesien die kleurlinge daarop aangedring het dat die 18 pond vir die grond reeds betaal is. Die uitspraak van regter Hopley het bepaal dat die okkupeerders slegs huurreg het en dat die inwoners onder die Bestuursraad geressorteer het. Die hofaansoeke is geïnisieer deur Stephanus de Wet en Garnaat Cyster, wat die meerderheid erthouers verteenwoordig het.

Plattelandse jeug se beskrywing van beskermende hulpbronne

Louw, Lure January 2017 (has links)
Die studie het deel van die Flourishing Learning Youth (FLY)-vennootskap tussen ? plattelandse skool en die Sentrum vir Veerkragtigheidstudies, Universiteit van Pretoria, gevorm. Die doel was om tot veerkragtigheidsteorie in ? Suid-Afrikaanse konteks by te dra deur jongmense se uitdrukkings van beskikbare beskermende hulpbronne, soos dit in bestaande opvoedkundige sielkundige intervensiedata vergestalt is, te beskryf. Die nie-eksperimentele, sekondêre data-analise studie is gedoen uit ? kwalitatiewe raamwerk en met fenomenologie as metateoretiese paradigma. Databronne van jongmense (n=48: manlike=26; vroulik=22) is doelgerig, uit ? twee-jaar datastel, vir deduktiewe analise aan die hand van a-priori kategorieë (individuele beskermende hulpbronne, verhoudings as beskermende hulpbron, skool as beskermende hulpbron en gemeenskapshulpbronne), geselekteer. “Persoonlikheid” is deur beide seuns en meisies in die plattelandse konteks uitgelig. Meisies het veral die volgende as relevante beskermende hulpbronne uitgewys: Individuele beskermende hulpbronne (kognitiewe bekwaamhede, sosio-emosionele bekwaamhede, normatiewe bekwaamhede, liggaamlike bekwaamhede, vaardighede en belangstellings), verhoudings (verhoudings met familie), skool (infrastruktuur by skool, onderwysers, skool as plek van opvoeding), en gemeenskap (dienste en infrastruktuur, ontspanning en sosiokulturele aktiwiteite en sosio-ekonomiese hulpbronne). Daarteen is drome en aspirasies, verhoudings (portuurgroep en betekenisvolle ander) en gemeenskap as plek van waarde gereeld deur seuns aangedui. Opvoedkundige sielkundige groepsgebaseerde aktiwiteite het dit vir jongmense in ? plattelandse skool moontlik gemaak om beskermende hulpbronne aan te dui wat vir verskillende jongmense oor die twee jaar standvastig vertoon het. / Dissertation (MEd)--University of Pretoria, 2017. / Educational Psychology / MEd / Unrestricted

Finansiële bestuur in skole : 'n vergelykende studie tussen staatsbeheerde, staatsondersteunde en privaatskole / Francois Jacobus Roos

Roos, Francois Jacobus January 1996 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to determine: * the nature of a state governed, state supported and private school, and those involved in the financial events in the three types of schools; and * the financial management task of a state governed, supported and private school. In the literature study the nature of state governed, state state supported and private schools was discussed from a financial management perspective. Attention was paid to organisations involved in the financial management of the different types of schools. In the literature the financial management task of state governed, state supported and private schools was also examined, with special reference to: - the principles of education management regarding finances; - the budget of education management regarding finances; - financial record-keeping, reporting and analysis; and - financial resources. An empirical investigation was undertaken by means of a structured mail questionnaire to determine the state of the financial management task in the three types of schools. The most important findings originating from the literature study and empirical investigation, was the fact that state supported and private schools are managed strictly according to scientific management principles, which is to a lesser degree the case with state governed schools. In spite of the fact that principals of state governed schools gave a positive indication of sound financial practices in their schools, there are aspects like parent involvement, that need to be addressed when compared to state supported and private schools. At many state governed schools there is no parent involvement, making the existence of parent management committees impossible. This is in contrast to a large degree of parent involvement in school activities• at state supported and private schools. Although state supported schools include Model C-type of schools as well as farm schools, there is an important difference between these two types of schools, which is evident in the empirical investigation. In conclusion, recommendations for further research were made. / Skripsie (MEd (Onderwysbestuur))--PU vir CHO, 1996

A management model to facilitate external stakeholder participation in school governance / Geetha Devi Deenanath

Deenanath, Geetha Devi January 2013 (has links)
SASA (SA, 1996) caters for the participation of a wide range of stakeholders who have an interest in education. In terms of section 23 of SASA (SA, 1996) the membership of the School Governing Body (SGB) consists of representatives of parents, educators, learners, support staff and the principal as ex-officio member. Section 23 (6) of SASA (SA, 1996) states that SGBs may co-opt a member or members of the community to assist in discharging its duties. This implies that participation in school governance is extended to members of the community, who are referred to as external stakeholders in this study. Therefore the aim of this research study was to investigate the extent to which these external stakeholders participated in the activities of school governance. The research made use of a qualitative research design to determine the extent of participation by external stakeholders in school governance. The findings revealed a lack of participation by external stakeholders in activities of school governance. The study further highlighted some of the challenges that hindered participation by external stakeholders such as transport problems which resulted in non-attendance of meetings, poor communication of information, lack of trainings resulted in lack of knowledge of the roles and responsibilities of SGBs, language barrier, lack of time and lack of confidence from some stakeholders. A model is thus proposed as a solution to involve external stakeholders to participate in the activities of school governance. This model would assist SGBs to involve external stakeholders in school governance. / Thesis (PhD (Education Management))--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2013

Finansiële bestuur in skole : 'n vergelykende studie tussen staatsbeheerde, staatsondersteunde en privaatskole / Francois Jacobus Roos

Roos, Francois Jacobus January 1996 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to determine: * the nature of a state governed, state supported and private school, and those involved in the financial events in the three types of schools; and * the financial management task of a state governed, supported and private school. In the literature study the nature of state governed, state state supported and private schools was discussed from a financial management perspective. Attention was paid to organisations involved in the financial management of the different types of schools. In the literature the financial management task of state governed, state supported and private schools was also examined, with special reference to: - the principles of education management regarding finances; - the budget of education management regarding finances; - financial record-keeping, reporting and analysis; and - financial resources. An empirical investigation was undertaken by means of a structured mail questionnaire to determine the state of the financial management task in the three types of schools. The most important findings originating from the literature study and empirical investigation, was the fact that state supported and private schools are managed strictly according to scientific management principles, which is to a lesser degree the case with state governed schools. In spite of the fact that principals of state governed schools gave a positive indication of sound financial practices in their schools, there are aspects like parent involvement, that need to be addressed when compared to state supported and private schools. At many state governed schools there is no parent involvement, making the existence of parent management committees impossible. This is in contrast to a large degree of parent involvement in school activities• at state supported and private schools. Although state supported schools include Model C-type of schools as well as farm schools, there is an important difference between these two types of schools, which is evident in the empirical investigation. In conclusion, recommendations for further research were made. / Skripsie (MEd (Onderwysbestuur))--PU vir CHO, 1996

A management model to facilitate external stakeholder participation in school governance / Geetha Devi Deenanath

Deenanath, Geetha Devi January 2013 (has links)
SASA (SA, 1996) caters for the participation of a wide range of stakeholders who have an interest in education. In terms of section 23 of SASA (SA, 1996) the membership of the School Governing Body (SGB) consists of representatives of parents, educators, learners, support staff and the principal as ex-officio member. Section 23 (6) of SASA (SA, 1996) states that SGBs may co-opt a member or members of the community to assist in discharging its duties. This implies that participation in school governance is extended to members of the community, who are referred to as external stakeholders in this study. Therefore the aim of this research study was to investigate the extent to which these external stakeholders participated in the activities of school governance. The research made use of a qualitative research design to determine the extent of participation by external stakeholders in school governance. The findings revealed a lack of participation by external stakeholders in activities of school governance. The study further highlighted some of the challenges that hindered participation by external stakeholders such as transport problems which resulted in non-attendance of meetings, poor communication of information, lack of trainings resulted in lack of knowledge of the roles and responsibilities of SGBs, language barrier, lack of time and lack of confidence from some stakeholders. A model is thus proposed as a solution to involve external stakeholders to participate in the activities of school governance. This model would assist SGBs to involve external stakeholders in school governance. / Thesis (PhD (Education Management))--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2013

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