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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Analýza rizik podnikání malých firem / Small business risk analysis

PINTEROVÁ, Daniela January 2010 (has links)
This thesis is focused on small firms in region of Prachatice and analysing their business risks. There is discription of the state of small and medium-sized enterprises and a brief summary of the risks that affect these companies. The thesis describes situation in South Bohemia, particulary Prachatice region and compares particular South Bohemian regions. Aforementioned research uses questionnaires as a main method, both in the form of personal interviews, as well as in electronic form. There is an obvious conclusion from that research, that the companies are well aware of risks and see them as a threat to their future goals they want to achieve. Diversification and risk shifting are most common instruments to avoid or at lest mitigate those dangers. Companies participating in the survey are most concerned about the business and financial risks. On the other hand, industrial risks are not percieved as significant problem. Among other precautions leasing to reduction of risks is mutual and timely communication betweeen company branches, consideration of indicators in general. Each employee should be aware of the risks associated with his work. Enterprises with a elaborate approach to risk are becoming more competitive, stable and more resilient to external negative influences.

Investigating the relationship between human capital and organisational structural capital from a knowledge management perspective : a study of the small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in Southern California, USA

Alhalak, Ahmad January 2016 (has links)
Southern California has great economic importance to the USA, with major revenue generation counties like Los Angeles, San Diego and Santa Barbara. Downtown Los Angeles is a major business hub for many industries, including small and medium enterprises (SMEs), with densely populated metropolitan areas in urban settings. From technology to media, a wide range of diversified SMEs operate within the Southern California region. Little evidence is provided in the academic literature on Southern California’s SMEs and their relation to Knowledge Management (KM) and KM strategies. This research aims to explore and examine, in depth, Southern California’s SMEs and to provide the SMEs’ decision makers with an effective strategy to implement Knowledge Management Systems (KMS) into their organisations. The overall aim of this thesis is to complement and enhance the existing KM literature by examining the relationship between Human Capital (HC) and Organisational Structural Capital (OSC) from a Knowledge Management perspective. The conceptual framework developed in this thesis draws on the strategic management perspective of KM and KMS from the existing literatures. Focusing on and analysing the two main elements, i.e. HC and OSC, to critically examine how the relationship between both elements could affect SME performance. In addition, by drawing on the resource-based view of the SME and the KMS perspective, the thesis explores the influence of KMS on both the HC and OSC elements in the SMEs of Southern California. To validate the framework, empirical research was performed, followed by the distribution of a questionnaire to 1,000 respondents within the SME sector in Southern California, and particularly to areas with high business revenue, such as Los Angeles, San Diego and Santa Barbara, of which 367 completed responses were considered valid to use in this research. This study has applied structural equation modelling (SEM) to test the proposed research framework using IBM SPSS V.22 and AMOS V21. The findings reveal that the majority of the SMEs are aware of their knowledge usage as the main competitive advantage. However, SMEs are not always aware of the best methods to capitalise their existing KMS and how to utilise it to the optimal level, especially with regard to business objectives and obligatory requirements repeatedly taking precedence. These results indicate that the implementation of an enhanced KMS strategy, i.e. the developed framework, will enhance SME performance by aiding the decision makers further in the exploration of employee awareness (HC), company goals, and being competitive through making the relevant decisions, which is a contribution of this study. The originality of this study is that it endeavours to obtain new insights on the subjects of KMS, HC, OSC and SME performance, using tactical suggestions for Southern California’s SMEs in managing knowledge, controlling knowledge gaps, and reflecting among these factors. This thesis makes a step forward and contributes to the body of knowledge, e.g. it explores and examines relevant elements and factors of both HC and OSC that enhance the decision-making process in SMEs through the conceptual and the developed frameworks (see Figures 3.6 and 4.21). In addition, this thesis makes a further contribution to the application of current theories (e.g. the Knowledge-Based theory of the Firm and Organisational Learning theory) by providing a framework to address the relationship between Human Capital (HC) and Organisational Structural Capital (OSC) from a Knowledge Management perspective, in the context of Southern California’s SMEs with a focus on service based firms. While the results cannot be generalised, they can aid others to relate their views to those reported in this thesis.

Corporate rebranding processes in small companies:a multiple case study from the B2B software industry

Juntunen, M. (Mari) 31 May 2011 (has links)
Abstract The purpose of the present study is to build a theoretically based and empirically grounded framework that enables a better understanding of corporate rebranding processes among small companies. Corporate rebranding is addressed from a visual viewpoint concentrating on changes to corporate name and logo. The theoretical background is based on corporate branding, corporate rebranding and organisational change literature. The research setting is small software companies that operate in B2B markets. The empirical part is conducted as a multiple case study of three cases by gathering data both before and after corporate name changes. The main data gathering method was narrative interviews supported by several specifying interviews and secondary data. The results are first presented as narratives followed by process descriptions and finally combined into an empirically grounded processual framework for corporate rebranding. First, context-related characteristics influencing and reasons for corporate rebranding are revealed. Second, sub-processes of corporate rebranding are presented during three different time periods; 1) before establishing the company, 2) after establishing the company during the time when the original corporate name is in use and 3) after establishing the company when the new corporate name is in use. Third, outputs of corporate rebranding are described in the forms of the new name and logo. For small business managers the study offers four interesting findings. First, developing a new corporate name in company is cheap but may take several years. Using marketing communications agencies may result in a faster process, but in that case, the cost implications should be accepted. Second, the company should inform its stakeholders of the forthcoming name change for two reasons: 1) stakeholders may provide ideas for a new name; and 2) proactively spreading information on a forthcoming name change may avoid misunderstandings, for example, rumours of bankruptcy, when the name change is executed. Third, encouraging stakeholders to invent a new name and evaluate the potential new name may help to ensure that the new name will not cause any unwanted associations. Fourth, in launching the new name electronic devices may be far more cost-effective than expensive marketing communications campaigns to communicate the change. / Tiivistelmä Tämän tutkimuksen tarkoituksena on luoda teorioihin perustuva ja empiirisesti perusteltu viitekehys, joka auttaa ymmärtämään yrityksen uudelleenbrändäykseen liittyviä prosesseja pienissä yritysmarkkinoilla toimivissa (B2B) ohjelmistoyrityksissä. Yritysbrändäys nähdään visuaalisesta näkökulmasta, ja sillä tarkoitetaan yrityksen nimen ja logon vaihtamista. Tutkimuksen teoreettinen tausta on rakennettu yritysbrändäystä, yrityksen uudelleenbrändäystä ja organisaation muutosta käsittelevien kirjallisuuksien perusteella. Empiirinen osa on toteutettu kolmen tapauksen tapaustutkimuksena. Ensisijainen aineistonkeruumenetelmä ovat narratiiviset haastattelut, joilla tuotetaan haastateltavien omia tarinoita tutkitusta ilmiöstä. Näitä tuetaan useilla tarkentavilla haastatteluilla ja kirjallisella aineistolla. Tulokset esitetään ensin narratiiveina, sen jälkeen prosessikuvioina ja lopuksi empiirisesti perusteltuna viitekehyksenä yrityksen uudelleenbrändäysprosesseista. Viitekehys koostuu kolmesta osasta: 1) yrityksen uudelleenbräyksen syyt ja siihen vaikuttavat kontekstin erityispiirteet, 2) yrityksen uudelleenbrändäyksen alaprosessit i) ennen yrityksen perustamista sekä sen perustamisen jälkeen ii) aikana jolloin yrityksen alkuperäinen nimi on käytössä ja iii) aikana jolloin yrityksen uusi nimi on käytössä, sekä 3) yrityksen uudelleenbrändäyksen lopputulema, eli uusi yritysnimi ja logo. Tutkimus tarjoaa pienyrittäjille neljä tärkeää näkökulmaa. Ensinnäkin, uuden yritysnimen kehittäminen itse on edullista, mutta sopivan nimen löytäminen voi tällöin kestää vuosia. Markkinointiviestintätoimisto voi tuottaa nimen nopeammin, mutta silloin on hyväksyttävä siitä aiheutuvat kustannukset. Toiseksi, yritysten kannattaa informoida tärkeitä sidosryhmiään mahdollisesta tulevasta nimen muutoksesta jo ennakkoon kahdesta syystä: 1) sidosryhmät voivat auttaa nimen keksimisessä, ja 2) näin voidaan välttää väärinkäsityksiä (mm. konkurssiepäilyt) varsinaiseen nimenvaihtamiseen liittyen. Kolmanneksi, kun sidosryhmät osallistuvat nimen kehittämiseen ja nimiehdotusten arviointiin, voidaan kartoittaa ja välttää ei-toivottuja assosiaatioita nimeen liittyen. Neljänneksi, suurten markkinointiviestintäkampanjoiden sijasta uuden nimen lanseeraamisessa kannattaa pohtia elektronisten viestintävälineiden käyttämistä.

International Entrepreneurship : A Capabilities Perspective on Opportunity Identification and Exploitation

Ideström, David January 2017 (has links)
This study aims to explore what capabilities that are involved in the formation and early performance of firms that internationalize in an early stage of their development. More specifically, the antecedents of identification and exploitation of business opportunities are explored and linked to specific capabilities. For this purpose, an exploratory-inductive case study is employed to allow for new capabilities to be identified. The analyzed data largely confirms the insights already reached in academic research, in particular the centrality of networking capability in the process of entrepreneurship. As for international business opportunities, the study highlights the importance of creating opportunities to meet with prospective international customers and suggests the importance of absorbing knowledge about these markets so as to reduce cultural distance. The main virtue of this study though, is that it provides a practice-oriented perspective on the process of international entrepreneurship. / Denna studies syfte är att utforska vilka förmågor som bidrar till grundandet av och prestationsförmågan hos företag som söker sig till internationella marknader i ett tidigt skede av sin utveckling. Mer specifikt utforskas vilka händelser som ligger till grund för att affärsmöjligheter identifieras och exploateras; dessa händelser kopplas sedan till specifika förmågor. En induktiv och explorativ studie begagnas i detta syfte för att möjliggöra att ej tidigare upptäckta förmågor kan upptäckas. Analysen av datan bekräftar de insikter som tidigare har nåtts inom forskningsområdet, framförallt betydelsen av ”networking capability” i entreprenörskap. När det gäller internationella affärsmöjligheter betonas vidare vikten av att skapa möjligheter till att träffa presumtiva kunder och det föreslås att det är av vikt att tillägna sig kunskap om dessa marknader i syfte att överbrygga kulturellt betingade kunskapsluckor. Studiens främsta förtjänst är att den ger ett perspektiv på det internationella entreprenörskapet som ligger praktiken nära.

Strategic entrepreneurial response of small and medium enterprises

Bengesi, Kenneth Michael Kitundu 30 April 2013 (has links)
A growing consensus on suitability of Strategic Entrepreneurship (SE) for firms to face challenges in a competitive environment is anchored on the argument that SE is an intersection of entrepreneurship and strategic management associated with opportunity-seeking and advantage-seeking behaviours. However, this concept is flawed by failure of firms to simultaneously combine opportunity-seeking and advantage-seeking behaviours to attain and sustain performance, a situation that raised contentions on the relevance of constructs chosen to build SE. Recently, other scholars suggested that SE is more than interface between strategic management and entrepreneurship and treat this fusion as a debatable idea. This argument presents a conceptual gap which triggered this study. This study examined three constructs namely: Market Orientation (MO), Entrepreneurial Orientation (EO) and Networking Capability (NWC), which are collectively referred to as dimensions of Strategic Entrepreneurial Response (SER) as appropriate constructs to enhance simultaneous opportunity-seeking and advantage-seeking behaviours. With the understanding that these constructs were collectively used for the first time to study SER, this study examined if their individual dimensions could successful measure SER, and if they are related to SME performance. Also, examined how much variance in SME performance is explained by scores of the dimensions of SER and whether the interaction of the dimensions of SER explains a significant amount of variance in performance to enhance simultaneous opportunity-seeking and advantage-seeking behaviours. In the course of the study, a cross-sectional research design was used to collect data from SME’s in Tanzania of which 291 SME owners/managers were randomly selected and interviewed in three types of industries namely: manufacturing, service and retail. A factor analysis after oblique rotation revealed 9 factors and explained 68.16% of total variance. The identified factors were customer orientation, competitor orientation (market orientation), pro-activeness, risk taking, competitive aggressiveness (entrepreneurial orientation), relational skills, internal communication, coordination and partner’s knowledge (networking capability). Subjecting the nine factors into the second order factor analysis converged into a single component suggesting successful measuring SER. The findings confirmed a relationship between dimensions of SER and SME performance suggesting that emphasis on market orientation, entrepreneurial orientation and networking capability enhance SME performance. However, the interaction of the three dimensions only market orientation and entrepreneurial orientation explained significant amount of variance in SME performance, with large amount of variance accounted for by the market orientation. The findings suggest that emphasis on market orientation is a firm’s strategic choice to generate strategic information which forms a seedbed of opportunities from which entrepreneurial oriented firms identify and proactively seize to build competitive advantage. Contrary to previous studies, which emphasized that opportunity seeking is a domain of entrepreneurial orientation, this study argues that previous studies underplayed the role of market orientation on opportunity seeking. This study views entrepreneurial orientation as more driven by opportunity exploitation which is more of advantage seeking than opportunity seeking. This study suggest that sustained market orientation and entrepreneurial orientation cultures build opportunity seeking and advantage seeking behaviors crucial to create and sustain SME performance. / Thesis (PhD)--University of Pretoria, 2013. / Business Management / unrestricted

Sustainability in Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises : A case study on the Human Resource practices in the Jönköping region

Moquist Sundh, Ellinor, Miras Olsson, Elsa, Stoica, Alexandru January 2017 (has links)
Background: Sustainability is a growing trend which companies should acknowledge and incorporate. The role HR can be a direct contributor in the integration of sustainability. SMEs’ characteristics can facilitate the implementation of sustainability, which can be a source of competitive advantage.   Purpose: To examine the integration of sustainability through HR practices in SMEs, in the Jönköping region.   Method: An exploratory and an abductive approach were used to fulfill the purpose of the thesis. The explanation building strategy was used to analyze the data. Theories from the literature were compared with the empirical findings to identify patterns, based on the categories within the HR practices. The empirical data followed a qualitative method and was based on a multiple-case study, consisting of ten interviews with SMEs.   Main findings: SMEs in the Jönköping region had a high level of understanding in terms of sustainability. The HR practices were utilized for a better integration of sustainability. Incorporating sustainability in the firm’s values was the most effective way. This was achieved through integrating sustainability in the different HR practices; by communicating its value to employees, emphasizing it during the recruitment to assure value alignment, as well as explaining it during training activities.   Managerial implications: The findings showed that managers could benefit from considering the suggested HR practices for the integration of sustainability. As a result, other regions in Sweden can take advantage and learn from the case of the Jönköping region.

Podnikatelský plán / Business plan

Dombrovskaya, Maria January 2015 (has links)
The main aim of this thesis is to create a business plan to open the e-shop with secret gifts and evaluate the viability of the plan. Thesis is divided into theoretical and practical part. The practical part is formed on basis of theoretical information: purpose, users, principles and main points of structure of the business plan. The practical part is formed by own business plan. This part includes description of the product and owner, market, customer analysis, suppliers, competitor analysis, human resources and marketing, risk, and financial analysis. The suitability for implementation of the business plans is evaluated in conclusion of the thesis.

Využití účetních dat pro informační podporu uživatelů / Accounting data for users information support

Brabec, Tomáš January 2015 (has links)
This thesis deals with the use of accounting data for information support of small and medium-sized enterprises users. This thesis covers not only technical and procedural aspects of reporting. The first part of the thesis provides broader insight into SME and their limitation factors, future development of accounting and accounting profession and also insight into data presentation. In the second part there are examples of statements, which could be part of specific accounting systems for SME and could be used by internal users.

Podmínky pro inovace u malých a středních podniků / Conditions for innovations in small and medium-sized enterprises

Kotulič, Cyril January 2009 (has links)
The thesis deals with the influence of internal and external factors on the innovative behaviour of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). The aim is to identify key factors influencing the innovative behaviour of SMEs and to assess their relevance and impact. The theoretical part of the thesis is focused on innovations, innovation process and the external and internal conditions for innovations. Corporate innovation strategy and interaction with customers were identified as the key factors. In the practical part of the thesis a cross-sectional questionnaire survey was carried out on a purposively selected sample of innovative SMEs from the Czech Republic. The influence of barriers and external and internal factors on the innovation performance of SMEs was statistically analyzed. Testing of the influence of barriers on the innovation performance of SMEs discovered that the lack of foreign capital and insufficient readiness of employees to innovate are the most frequent factors inhibiting innovation in SMEs. Statistical sensitivity analysis of the survey results suggests that the most significant factors influencing the innovative behaviour were external, namely domestic and foreign competitors, suppliers and customers.

Otevřené inovace v malých a středních podnicích v ČR / Open Innovation in Small and Medium-sized Enterprises in the Czech Republic

Procházka, Lukáš January 2009 (has links)
The doctoral thesis deals with innovations in small and medium-sized enterprises and is particularly focused on the open innovation paradigm. In the theoretical part it explains the relationship between innovations and competitive advantage and provides a broad overview of the current research in the field of open innovations. Based on the theory and supported by the secondary research, it defines research questions and hypotheses that are tested within a survey distributed among Czech small and medium-sized enterprises. Results of the survey serve as a foundation for own models allowing broader implementation of open innovation in Czech small and medium-sized enterprises.

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