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Perspectivas del smart working como metodología de trabajo en las organizaciones / Perspectives of smart working as a work methodology in organizationsAburqueque Castro , Jessica Milagros, Urquizo Guevara, Walter Oswaldo 27 February 2021 (has links)
La transformación digital ha permitido convivir con nuevas alternativas de trabajo, inicialmente con el teletrabajo y ahora con el smart working. En este sentido, el principal objetivo de esta investigación es analizar las perspectivas del smart working como metodología de trabajo en las organizaciones.
El presente substantial research paper (SRP) se llevó a cabo a partir de un estudio minucioso de diferentes artículos que poseen alto factor de impacto (FI) y se encuentran publicados en revistas indizadas. Por tanto, dicha selección respalda el desarrollo y las conclusiones de este trabajo de investigación.
Como resultado del análisis de los artículos, se identificaron siete subtemas: (1) smart working: definición, características y formas de trabajo relacionadas, (2) smart work center (SWC), (3) desafíos para la implementación del smart working, (4) rol e impacto de las tecnologías de la información y comunicación (TIC) aplicadas al smart working, (5) experiencias de países u organizaciones que se aproximan a su implementación, (6) factores favorables para ambas partes: empresa y colaborador, (7) factores adversos para ambas partes: empresa y colaborador.
Finalmente, cabe aclarar que esta modalidad de trabajo ya se practica en diversos países como Corea del Sur, Italia, Suecia, Holanda, Reino Unido, Rusia, Australia y Letonia. / The digital transformation has made it possible to coexist with new work alternatives, initially with teleworking and now with smart working. In this sense, the main objective of this research is to analyze the prospects of smart working as a work methodology in organizations.
This substantial research paper (SRP) was carried out from a thorough study of different articles that have a high impact factor (IF) and are published in indexed journals. Therefore, this selection supports the development and conclusions of this research paper.
As a result of the analysis of the articles, seven sub-themes were identified: (1) smart working: definition, characteristics and related forms of work, (2) smart work center (SWC), (3) challenges for the implementation of smart working, (4) role and impact of information and communication technologies (ICT) applied to smart working, (5) experiences of countries or organizations approaching its implementation, (6) favorable factors for both parties: company and collaborator, (7) adverse factors for both parties: company and collaborator.
Finally, it should be noted that this type of work is already practiced in several countries such as South Korea, Italy, Sweden, the Netherlands, the United Kingdom, Russia, Australia and Latvia. / Trabajo de Suficiencia Profesional
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CULTURA DEL LAVORO E ACADEMY AZIENDALI PER APPRENDERE NELLA QUARTA RIVOLUZIONE INDUSTRIALE / Working Culture and Company Academies to learn in the Fourth Industrial RevolutionFREGNAN, EZIO 09 February 2021 (has links)
La Quarta rivoluzione industriale e l’evoluzione tecnologica in atto stanno innescando significativi cambiamenti a livello culturale, sociale ed economico.
Le rapide trasformazioni del mondo del lavoro portano in luce l’esigenza di coinvolgere i principali soggetti responsabili di guidare il cambiamento organizzativo e professionale all’interno di un percorso di ricerca partecipata e collaborativa, capace di esplicitare e descrivere diversi modi di affrontare le esperienze connesse ai mutamenti in corso.
All’interno di questo contesto, il lavoro di tesi intende contribuire a delineare la nuova cultura del lavoro che sta emergendo da alcune pratiche innovative, presenti all’interno del nuovo ecosistema educativo e formativo.
La ricerca scientifica, iniziata nel settembre 2019 e conclusa nel settembre 2020, si articola in quattro domande:
Come sta cambiando il contesto nel quale viviamo e lavoriamo?
Come si sta trasformando la cultura del lavoro?
Quali Driver ne facilitano l’apprendimento?
Gli elementi della cultura del lavoro sono utili anche alla luce di una nuova trasformazione radicale e improvvisa?
Le risposte intendono fornire alcuni spunti di riflessione e un primo orientamento pratico per tutti coloro i quali sono coinvolti in prima persona nella costruzione di nuove soluzioni per l’apprendimento, volte a trasferire valore ai cittadini e ai lavoratori di domani. / The Fourth Industrial Revolution and the technological evolution in place are originating significant changes in culture, society and economy.
Rapid transformations in the world of work revealed the need of involving the main subjects in charge of driving both organizational and professional change toward an engaging and collaborative research path, able to make clear and describe different ways to face the experiences connected with the undergoing changes.
Within this context, the thesis aims at contributing in outlining the new work culture emerging from some innovative practices, present in the new educational and training ecosystem.
The scientific research, started in December 2019 and concluded in September 2020, is articulated in four questions:
How is the context in which we live and work changing?
How is the work culture undergoing transformations?
Which Drivers do facilitate its understanding?
Are the elements of the work culture useful also in the light of a new radical and unexpected transformation?
The answers intend to provide some points for reflection and a first practical guidance for all those who are directly involved in the creation of new learning solutions, aimed at transferring value to citizens and workers of tomorrow.
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