171 |
Sen, Ilina
02 1900
(has links)
Explanatory framework
172 |
Rao, E M
January 1996
(has links)
Nature and imapct on industrial relations
173 |
Pushpa, K S
09 1900
(has links)
A multi dimensional study
174 |
Merchant, Naina
January 1996
(has links)
Structure of stress among bank officers
175 |
Correa, Lawrence
06 1900
(has links)
Adult education
176 |
Nagla, Madhu
11 1900
(has links)
Medical organisation and profession of medicine in Haryana
177 |
Mahadevia, Darshini
10 1900
(has links)
Residential segregation in metropolitan cities
178 |
Chinnappan, M V
02 1900
(has links)
Organizational culture and employee commitment
179 |
Nirgude, Ragho Kishanrao
05 1900
(has links)
Trade relations
180 |
Srinivasan, Geetha
10 1900
(has links)
Doctors' perception