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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Youthmen with big man mentality : an exploration and analysis of the narratives of young offenders in Trinidad and Tobago

Mendez, Melissa January 2019 (has links)
There is an ongoing moral panic about 'the' juvenile delinquent in Trinidad and Tobago. The media present, with increasing regularity, stories about problematic youth-particularly young men-giving the impression that youth crime is spiralling out of control, when official statistical evidence suggests otherwise. Research into youth offending in Trinidad and Tobago has been mainly quantitative, considering the risks and protective factors associated with delinquency and desistance. The extant research also analyses and discusses the data uncovered within the framework of Western criminological theories. Little attempt is made to use, adapt, or develop theory in the Caribbean or Trinbagonian context in which the data was produced. The present study addresses the dearth of qualitative data on young offenders in Trinidad and Tobago by presenting the narratives of a census population of convicted juvenile offenders housed at the Youth Training Centre in Trinidad. These narratives are analysed and interpreted within the socio-economic, cultural and historical context in which these accounts were produced, taking up a 40-year-old call for the development of a 'Caribbean Criminology'. The main purpose of this project was to gain an understanding of the subjective lived experiences of incarcerated young men in Trinidad and Tobago; how they feel, think, act and make sense of the world. I discuss the implications of the narratives presented with regard to broader sociological-criminological questions about state legitimacy and procedural justice and within the context of the families and communities from which my participants come. My findings offer insight into stigmatised communities and suggest the need for a reconceptualisation of poverty as a structural deficit rather than an individual failing, and a need for state officials to recognise the social and cultural injustice that have blocked opportunities for a number of citizens.

Home visiting support for parents in adverse situations : the nature of support and parental emotional well-being

Warner, Nell January 2018 (has links)
Evidence suggests that for some families home visiting support can be effective for enabling parents in adverse situations to cope with their emotional well-being and other issues. However the circumstances in which home visiting is effective are less well understood. The administrative data from one home visiting organisation, Home-Start, was analysed to identify how the nature of support, adverse family situations and the interrelationship between them were related to changes in parental emotional well-being. The effects of adverse situations were explored by looking at individual risk factors, multiple risks, levels of need and life events that occur during support. Variables describing the average rate at which parental emotional well-being improves over the course of support were developed. Multiple linear regression models were then used to explore the relationships between the nature of support and the family's situation and that rate of improvement. Several aspects of the way support was provided were related to faster improvements; including more frequent visits, and support being provided by paid workers. Longer individual visits were associated with families improving more slowly. These different aspects of support affected families in different adverse situations differently. Paid worker support was particularly related to faster improvements in families with domestic abuse, disabled parents and multiple risks. However volunteer support seemed just as effective for families with disabled children and large families. Overall the family's situation was only very weakly associated with the rate at which emotional well-being improved. Though effects were small, families with more malleable risks were more likely to improve more quickly: Domestic abuse was associated with faster improvements whereas large family sizes, disabled parents and parental mental health problems were associated with slower improvements. Bereavements occurring during the course of support also slow down the rate of improvement.

Gender differences in adolescent compulsory care : The application of §3 LVU

Nauckhoff, Josefine January 2018 (has links)
No description available.

Föräldrars upplevelse av terapeutisk allians till en terapeut i Anknytningsbaserad familjeterapi - ABFT / Parents experiences of the therapeutic alliance to a therapist in Attachment based family therapy - ABFT

Sahlin, Tobias January 2019 (has links)
Inledning:Psykisk ohälsa bland unga blir allt vanligare. I familjebehandling riktad mot unga är det viktigt att även föräldrar etablerar en allians till den behandlande terapeuten för att det ska vara verkningsfullt. Anknytningsbaserad familjeterapi (ABFT) är en behandlingsform som involverar den unge samt minst en förälder och där det är förväntas att den deltagande föräldern ska vara personligt engagerad. För detta krävs en terapeutisk allians mellan förälder och terapeut.  Frågeställning: Hur har Bordins tre aspekter av terapeutisk allians -  relation, arbetssätt och mål - upplevts av föräldrar som deltagit i ABFT. Metod:Fem föräldrar som deltagit i ABFT med sina barn har var och en för sig deltagit i en semistrukturerad intervju vars huvudteman har varit Bordins tre centrala aspekter av terapeutisk allians, relation, arbetssätt och mål. Informationen har sedan analyserats och underteman har skapats utifrån materialet. Resultat:Föräldrarna uttrycker på olika sätt att de upplevt en terapeutisk allians med den behandlande terapeuten. De aspekter av en terapeutisk allians som handlar om relationen samt arbetssättet blev tydligast uttryckta som alliansfaktorer av deltagarna. Aspekten som handlar om målsättning med terapin verkar vara en mer implicit aspekt av den terapeutiska alliansen. Diskussion:Något som beskrevs som viktigt av deltagarna var den ”icke-terapeutiska” hållningen hos terapeuten. Något som upplevdes hämma relationen var att sessionerna filmades. Deltagarna upplevde sättet som metoden utfördes på som professionell och tydlig. Inget i terapeutens sätt att jobba har upplevts som obehagligt eller kränkande. Deltagarna hade svårigheter att uppfatta terapeutens målsättning utan svarade mest utifrån sitt eller sina barns målsättning på behandlingen.

Föräldrars inflytande i förskolan : en studie kring föräldrars tankar och uppfattningar om föräldrasamverkan / Parents influence on preschool

Broberg, Victoria, Laakso, Carolina January 2014 (has links)
BakgrundHär presenteras först ett historiskt perspektiv gällande föräldrars inflytande över tid. Därefter följder ett avsnitt där vi tar upp vad tidigare och aktuell forskning inklusive vetenskapliga artiklar säger gällande ämnet. Avslutningsvis presenterar vi den utvecklingsekologiska teorin som vi valt för studien.SyfteSyftet med studien är att undersöka om och på vilket sätt föräldrar önskar att vara med och påverka verksamheten i förskolan samt hur deras samverkan kan främja barns utveckling och lärande.MetodVi har gjort en kvalitativ studie med intervjuer av sex föräldrar i tre förskolor. Vi har sedan analyserat och bearbetat materialet och därigenom fått fram ett resultat.ResultatVi kommer först ta upp föräldrarnas uppfattning om begreppen delaktighet och inflytande. Sedan tar vi upp vad föräldrarna anser är viktigast gällande en god samverkan mellan förskolan och hemmet. I nästa avsnitt beskrivs föräldrars åsikter och tanker kring vad det vill och vad de har möjlighet att påverka. Områden som nämns är barns vardag och stora barngrupper. Avslutningsvis besvaras resultatet gällande föräldramöte, om vad föräldrarna anser om upplägget och varför inte närvaron är hög på dagens föräldramöten. Vårt resultat visar att samtliga föräldrar vill ha inflytande och vill även vara delvis delaktiga i deras barns verksamhet. Merparten av föräldrarna känner att de faktiskt redan är det. Föräldrarna vill inte ha informationsmöten utan aktiva och informella möten. / Program: Lärarutbildningen

Att klassificera populärmusik : en studie med förankring i SAB-systemet / Classifying Popular Music : a study with its focus on The Swedish Library Classification System

Pettersson, Susanne January 2005 (has links)
The aim of this paper is to examine how The Swedish Library Classification System, also known as the “SAB-system”, has classified popular music. The investigation is limited to the classification category of “Yx Jazz, Rock and Popular Music” within the SAB-system. The development of this category is studied. The main part of the paper deals with the history of popular music. A comparative analysis is done between the historical development of Yx and the history of popular music. The questions at issue are whether the Swedish Library Classification System has been able to follow the development of popular music; how the different styles of popular music have been inserted in the classification, and if it is possible to make improvements of the present classification. The result of the analysis shows that from 1984 the Swedish SAB-system has had a very detailed classification of popular music through category Yx, but that it demands a continuous revision of this classification to keep it up to date. The author also discusses the problems with classification of something that is not completely definable such as popular music. The author also makes some suggestions on how to improve the present classification of popular music in the Swedish Library Classification System. / Uppsatsnivå: C

Vad har hänt på biblioteket? En studie av kulturaktiviteter på Ulricehamns stadsbibliotek / What has happened at the library? A study of the cultural activities at the Public library of Ulricehamn

Engvall, Karin, Saifi, Sara January 2000 (has links)
This thesis is about the public library of Ulricehamn and the cultural activities at the library during the period from 1960 to 1998. We have focused on the study of the cultural activities. It begins with the foundation of the library of Ulricehamn and a historical background to it. It follows with the definitions of the public library and a historical background to the public library in Sweden. Then we present the goal of the public library in general and the goal of Ulricehamn's city library. Next part is about library and cultural policy. Then follows the cultural activities we have chosen: Artotek, children's theatre, library's day/book's day, book's evening, lectures and visit of authors, association activities, unprinted media, music and lyrics, storytelling, contests and exhibitions. / Uppsatsnivå: C

Informationsteknik och högskolan : policy och verklighet / Information Technology and the University : Policy and Reality

Bohlin-Andersson, Maria January 2000 (has links)
The main objective of this thesis is to examine the situation concerning information technology, computers and information resources for university students at a selection of universities, and their libraries, in Sweden. Another objective is to compare this situation to what is stated in policy documents on the subject, and if the size of the university matters regarding resources. The thesis starts with a discussion of several authors, Frank Webster, Paul F. Burton and Lars Qvortrup among others, and their views on the information society. These range from whether we are living in it, are in a transition period or are still in the Industrial Society. The important role of information in today's society is established, as is the necessity of computer literacy for today's students. The methods used in the study are questionnaires and the study of policy documents. The results show differences between the universities regarding the range of information resources made available to the students, the small and medium-sized universities generally have better computer resources. A lack of policy documents was also found, despite the government guidelines for all universities to have them. This lack of documents made a comparison difficult, and it showed no evident connection between poor resources and poor or missing policy statements regarding information resources for students. / Uppsatsnivå: D

Gymnasiebibliotekarien : informationsspecialist och pedagog: om gymnasiebibliotekariens yrkesroll och dess angränsningar till lärarrollen / The High School Librarian : Information Specialist and Educator: A Study of the Professional Role of the High School Librarian and its Delimitations to the Teacher's Role

Löfkvist, Jenny January 2000 (has links)
The purpose of this study has been to examine different aspects of the professional role of the high school librarian, especially the educational role, and its delimitations to the teacher's role. The methods that were used were studies of literature within the subject area and qualitative interviews with high school librarians and high school teachers of social studies. Andrew Abbot's theory on the system of professions was used in the analysis of the results of the study. The high school librarians who were interviewed enabled access to information, both intellectually and physically. They helped students develop information seeking skills and they functioned as educators and counselors. The teachers and librarians who were interviewed shared the responsibility of helping students develop information skills. Instead of working side by side throughout the process, the teachers and librarians had divided the tasks between themselves. The librarians taught students information seeking strategies, and the teachers helped students develop other information skills, such as choosing and evaluating information. The interviewed librarians had suggested that they should try to integrate the teaching of information skills with the instructional program of the school. The teachers, however, were opposed to this. Perhaps because they wanted to protect their own professional work from intrusion. The professional role of the high school librarian was influenced by several factors. Among those were the introduction of information technology into the school library and the actions of the professional groups, as well as professional claims made in literature. / Uppsatsnivå: D

Vad spelar biblioteket för roll på folkhögskolan? / The libraries role in Swedish adult education (folkhigh-school)

Fridlund, Eva January 2002 (has links)
This report will focus on the folkhigh-school in its general form and the role of the libraries on these types of schools in particular. A library on folkhighschools have a tendency to be forgotten and ends up being somewhere in the middle of the libraryworld and the general educational organisations. The purpose of this essay is to examine and provide general views on the different roles that a library on a folkhighschool can have, as well as looking into the unique aspects of the type of school that a folkhighschool is in terms of influencing the libraries placed there. The methodology used in this study is qualitative. Interviews have been held on three different folkhighschools in south of Sweden. The interviewed on each of these schools was the person responsible for the library. To determine the level of the libraries examined, I have used the taxonomy of the American engineer David Loertscher. In a simplified way I have used this scientific system as a base and graded the examined libraries according to that research theory. The result of this study shows that the flexible form a folkhighschool provides together with its very strong tradition, to some extent isn't beneficial for the development of the libraries. The way of working is hard to change within these institutes which may cause the lead times for making necessary changes to be long. Bear in mind how very fast the development of the information technology has been during the pats few years on the libraries. The libraries are of importance on these schools but are not representing the pedagogical role you would expect in terms of acting as traditional school libraries. This is shown and discussed in this essay. / Uppsatsnivå: C

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