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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Gender mainstreaming and sustainable post-disaster reconstruction : earthquake regions in Indonesia

Yumarni, Tri January 2017 (has links)
Mainstreaming gender within reconstruction is vital to enhance sustainable development in disaster affected regions. Promoting needs and concerns of women and men as well as their experience and knowledge in all process of reconstruction can fulfill sustainable post-disaster reconstruction. Studies have found that failure to address gender issues in post-disaster reconstruction will hinder the opportunities of reconstruction to achieve sustainable development. Yet, many cases of reconstruction activities across developing countries failed to promote gender mainstreaming. This research aims to provide policy-relevant findings regarding strategies for mainstreaming gender with the aim of achieving sustainability in post-earthquake reconstruction in Indonesia. The case of gender mainstreaming issues at post-disaster reconstruction at Bantul and Sleman Yogyakarta Indonesia were examined. Multiple case studies were applied to achieve the aim and objectives of the study. Accordingly, the sequential mixed-method approach was used with the primary data collection methods are semi-structure interviews and questionnaires. For analyzing the qualitative data, the study chooses content analysis technique along with descriptive and inferential statistics that be used for quantitative data analysis. This study confirms that women are not only more vulnerable but also have a larger number of vulnerabilities. Women face all dimensions of gender vulnerability during reconstruction. Among the most vulnerable groups are pregnant women, women with disabilities and older women. Despite their vulnerability, women can make a difference during reconstruction through their economic, social and environmental capacities. This study shows that women’s capacities in the economic, social and environmental dimensions not only substantially reduce their families’ and communities’ vulnerability but also enhance the sustainability of their families and communities following an earthquake. This study further shows that gender mainstreaming strategies within sustainable reconstruction should incorporate not only strategies for protecting against gender vulnerabilities but also strategies for promoting gender capacities. Both are fundamental to the achievement of sustainable reconstruction. Further, this study presents key enabling and constraining factors in the mainstreaming gender into sustainable post-disaster reconstruction. These stem from government, non-government organizations, and society. The key enabling factor on the part of government is strong women’s leadership, while the key enabling factor from society is support from active roles for women’s groups. This study shows that adequate technical and financial supports are the key factors from non-government organizations. The key constraining factor from the government is resistance from senior bureaucrats.

A comparative study of British and Chinese stereotypes in cross-cultural interaction

Zhao, Chunyao January 2018 (has links)
Stereotype, as a ubiquitous and persistent social phenomenon, has been a key issue in social psychology for some ninety or so years since Lippmann introduced it into social science in 1922. However, “Stereotypes wear the black hats in social science” (Schneider, 2004:1) and, to some extent, stereotypes themselves have been stereotyped, as the traditionally held view has focused on the negative values of stereotyping and viewed it as a static factor in social perception. In this view, stereotypes were considered to be overgeneralisations, inaccurate assumptions, and the cognitive roots of prejudice even discrimination, which are best avoided. Stereotypes have recently claimed an important place in the field of intergroup relations and intercultural communication, but reciprocal interaction between self- and other- perceptions across different ethnic groups in the cross-cultural context has gone largely un-discussed in cross-cultural pragmatic studies. This thesis is an attempt to fill the void by theoretically situating in cross-cultural pragmatics, and empirically investigating one cross-cultural pairing, i.e., British and Chinese overseas students. Moreover, this work will focus on the conventional but perennial issues in stereotype research, i.e., the accuracy, role and pragmatic functions of stereotyping as realised in an interactive context. A mixed methods research methodology has been employed as a procedure for collecting, analysing, and integrating both qualitative and quantitative data in two consecutive phases: (1) focus group interview; (2) questionnaire survey. The aim is to build a holistic perspective to illuminate the research questions. The objectives are to probe the cross-cultural practitioners’ first-hand stereotypical perceptions of self and others through their interactive practice, generate insights into the impact and pragmatic functions of stereotyping, and thereby shed light on stereotype research. This thesis serves to assess the evidence of ‘kernel of truth’ hypothesis and bridge the divergences between British stereotypes of Chinese people and Chinese stereotypes of themselves and vice-versa. Ultimately, therefore, the stereotyping is demonstrated as pragmatic device to assist interactants in achieving more harmonious and mutually beneficial interactions as what is perceived can help interactants predict, expect, and explain what is meant in specific cultural context.

"Everything's changed but everything's stayed the same" : continuity and change within youth justice services

Coyles, William Andrew January 2017 (has links)
Recent youth justice policy and practice reforms within England and Wales have placed increasing emphasis upon service decentralisation and professional autonomy. They have thus provided room for manoeuvre for local youth justice services to develop both innovative forms of service delivery and frontline practice that represent a departure from a siloed and risk-centric YOT model of service delivery (Byrne and Case, 2016). Drawing upon empirical data gathered from a comparative case study within two contrasting youth justice services, this thesis explores the extent to which these opportunities have been capitalised upon on the ground. It argues that whilst there have been some examples of innovation in line with emerging critical evidence bases, the local negotiation of the reforms has been problematically characterised by varying degrees of continuity with the largely discredited risk-centric reforms of the New Labour era. The drivers of both continuity and change within local youth justice service delivery are thus explored, as well as the implications of this for service delivery and service users.

"Kvinnor som jobbar för kvinnor" : En representationsanalys av Gina Tricots Instagramkonto

Nilsson Wester, Izabelle January 2019 (has links)
I denna uppsats undersöks hur genus, etnicitet och kropp representeras och görs i ett fåtal utvalda bilder från Gina Tricots Instagramkonto. Jag kunde vid en första anblick ana vilka kroppar som har mest utrymme på detta konto: den feminina, vita och smala kroppen. Detta gjorde det intressant för mig att ta mig an denna undersökning, eftersom jag ville se om detta stämde samt mer djupgående studera hur dessa representationer görs och skapar mening. I och med min problemformulering så föll det sig naturligt att använda representationsanalys som metod. Det uppsatsen fick som resultat var att den feminina, vita och smala kroppen är den mest dominerande representationen med en viss utmaning när det kommer till genusrepresentationerna.

“Vi har hela tiden den här kontakten så man inte känner sig ensam” : - En undersökning om unga ensamkommande mäns medieanvändning och betydelsen för deras identitetsskapande

Andersson, Ella, Spernaes Åberg, Hedda January 2018 (has links)
No description available.

Understanding the rise of food aid and its implications for the welfare state : a study of Scotland and Finland

MacLeod, Mary Anne January 2018 (has links)
Over the past decade, the UK has witnessed a considerable expansion in the provision and use of charitable food aid, particularly food banks. The phenomenon has become a prominent political issue, and a rapidly expanding field of academic study. However, there is limited data available as to the prevalence of food aid use or the factors associated with it. The growth in food aid has also prompted research and policy interest in the wider issue of food poverty: the extent to which people struggle to afford food; its drivers and impacts; and the role which charitable food aid has come to play in food poverty experiences. There is a recognised need for better understanding of both food poverty and food aid use as separate but connected phenomena. The recent rise of charitable food aid in the UK has been mirrored across other European welfare states, provoking significant questions about the changing roles of, and relationships between, statutory and voluntary sectors in providing a social safety net. There is a need for greater critical reflection on how food aid is challenging and changing welfare states, particularly in countries where it has only recently become widespread. The overall aim of this thesis is to gain new empirical and theoretical insights into the rise of food aid and its role in relation to the changing nature of the welfare state. In order to address this aim, a mixed methods study of food poverty and the rise of food aid within the welfare state was undertaken. Scotland was selected as the major case study for the research, with a particular focus on the city of Glasgow, while Finland provided the minor, comparative case. The quantitative part of the study involved cross-sectional and longitudinal analysis of an existing household survey of 15 deprived neighbourhoods in Glasgow (the GoWell study). The objective was to examine the scale of both food poverty and food bank use. Binary logistic regression modelling was used to examine the relationship of these outcomes with socio-demographic, health, and financial variables. The qualitative fieldwork involved a total of 51 semi-structured interviews. These included interviews with a sample of the GoWell study participants (n=12); service providers in Glasgow (n=12); and policy actors across Scotland (n=9). Fieldwork in Finland involved interviews with policy actors and individuals working in statutory and voluntary services (n=18). This study provides quantitative analysis of a self-reported measure of food bank use, including empirical evidence of the scale and drivers of food poverty and food bank use in deprived neighbourhoods. While four per cent of respondents were found to have reported food bank use in 2015, 17 per cent reported difficulties affording food. The findings highlight the impact of financial factors, specifically of recent UK Government welfare reforms, on both food poverty and food bank use. The study found that survey respondents with mental and physical health problems were more likely to experience both food poverty and food bank use than those who reported good health. Worsening health was also found to increase the likelihood of entering food poverty over time. The qualitative findings provide evidence of how food banks are shaping experiences, perceptions, and delivery of the welfare state at a local level, and also consider how policy makers perceive the state-food aid relationship. Drawing on welfare state regime theory, analysis of interviews with policy actors in both Scotland and Finland inform an examination of the various roles and relationships of food aid and the welfare state across different regime types. Theoretical characterisations of the relationship between food aid and the welfare state, arising from analysis of interview data in both countries, are presented. These include understandings of food aid in relation to a welfare state which might be considered: contingent; shrunken; impersonal; or regressive. Comparing Scotland and Finland offers important insight into how and why food aid may play different roles in different welfare state contexts.

Contextual assessment of business exits under a gender lens : a social embeddedness perspective

Abbas, Aisha January 2018 (has links)
This thesis explores the phenomenon of a business exit by analysing its context using gender as a lens. It has employed critical realism as the research ontology, and realist phenomenology as the research methodology. By adopting the social embeddedness perspective as the primary focus, this study substantiates the complexity of structures involved in shaping a business journey and its exit. The entrepreneurial trajectory has been the mode of analysis rather than just the event of 'business exit‘, to provide a holistic understanding of the phenomenon of exit and its position in respondent‘s life. The study starts by reviewing the intersection of the 'gender in entrepreneurship‘ and 'business exits‘ literature. It indicates that the 'business exit‘ literature is still evolving, and only a limited number of studies have explored the topic qualitatively, within which the concept of 'gender‘ remains largely unexplored. Recently, some studies have sought to develop typologies of business exits; however, this stream of literature has yet to influence the on-going research explicitly as most of the emerging empirical studies exploring business exits still use 'failure‘ and 'closure‘ interchangeably. There is little acknowledgement of the critical distinctions between these concepts. It is particularly misleading when the topic of research is exploring gender around these parameters. The current feminist literature argues that "women businesses do not fail often but have a higher exit rate", so the process of investigation began with an aim to subjectively explore the context behind it. The first part of the thesis defines a 'business exit‘. A customised typology of business exit trajectories is developed from the research data. These trajectories are then analysed by looking at the intersectionality of multiple socially embedded contextual structures that influenced respondents‘ entrepreneurial journey and their subsequent exit. The study follows a discourse that includes both genders using a post-structural feminist stance. The aim of this gender multiplicity has not been to seek "how one gender is different from other" but rather to seek "how social conditioning of each gender has a direct impact on their entrepreneurial journey and subsequent exit". This approach has revealed gendered social conditioning of both genders which not only highlights the gendered processes across the business course but has also questioned the 'assumed differences‘ from previous studies, by identifying the similarities across the structures. e.g. children, family embeddedness and access to resources which predominantly have been associated with women entrepreneurs only. In-depth subjective assessment of the sample of 46 former and current entrepreneurs (26 women, 20 men) who exited a business venture they founded indicates a complex interplay of socio-economic, socio-cultural, psycho-social structures and mechanisms shaping up the phenomenon of business exit as experienced by the entrepreneur. Critical realist analysis of the phenomenon has identified underlying causal mechanisms that mediated the entrepreneur‘s exit agency. This research contributes to the business exit literature by developing a categorical schema based on exit motivations, which indicates that the suggested higher exit rates among women entrepreneurs is flawed. Most exited ventures are not an exit from entrepreneurship, as they follow a re-entry trajectory. The findings also contribute to the feminist entrepreneurship literature by identifying micro-social practices that constitute macro-social gendering which affects the entrepreneurial journey and its subsequent exit for both genders.

Introducing a relational approach to the study of emotions in project teams : the case of a public-non-profit partnership programme

Rafiei, Hiva January 2018 (has links)
This thesis explores the nature of emotions in the context of a programme team involved in the planning phase of a local partnership initiative in the UK. Positioned in the social constructionist tradition, the study adopts a relational perspective, where primacy shifts from selves to relationships in founding social realities. Accordingly, the thesis frames emotions as intersubjective and dialectical experiences that emerge through dialogue and embodiment. Drawing on ethnographic data collected over a fifteen-month period, this study unravels the ‘actuality’ of programme work at both collective and individual levels. At the collective level, the results from the thematic analysis of data highlight emotions during the ever-changing flux of events as the team ceaselessly engage in sense-making with the hope to establish a level of coherence and stability. At the individual level, the results from the interpretative phenomenological analysis (IPA) reveal the innermost struggles of individuals in giving rise to emotions; individual emotions are found to rise strongly when matters of 1) identity, 2) justice and 3) meaningful work are questioned. By showing the salience of emotions in the actuality of programmes as a form of project-based work, the thesis develops two major contributions. First, it proposes relational leadership as a more pragmatic approach to leading programmes that are commonly characterised by ambiguity, turbulence, and change. Second, the thesis urges the need to cultivate situational (rather than standardised) ethics in teams, specifically suggesting the feminist ethics of care as the moral paradigm that remains sensitive to subtleties of situations and relationships.

Identifying and responding to child neglect in schools in Wales

Sharley, Victoria January 2018 (has links)
Schools are pivotal sites for identifying and responding to child neglect due to their universal positioning within the community. This thesis presents an investigation into how schools respond to concerns of child neglect which is the most common reason a child is placed on the child protection register in Wales. Findings from the study contribute new understanding about the nature and level of support delivered by a range of staff in mainstream schools. The study employs an explanatory two-phase design comprising analysis of quantitative and qualitative methods across three local authorities in Wales. The study’s design sits across three levels of service intervention, from the early identification of neglect in schools as universal services, the implementation of preventative and voluntary multi-agency support, through to the school’s level of involvement in the statutory child protection process. The first phase of the study analyses quantitative data drawn from documents held on social work case files (n=119) in three authorities. The second phase employs thematic analysis of semi-structured interviews undertaken with a variety of staff in six schools from teaching and non-teaching roles (n=30), together with non-participant observation of school-based decision-making practice (n=5). Findings highlight the complexity which surrounds child neglect and draw attention to the difficulty of merging two multifaceted systems within one narrative. The first phase identifies the problematic nature of the case file data as a result of intricate social work processes, varying cultures of recording, and large amounts of missing data. In the second phase differences between the two fields of responsibility emerge emphasising the often-messy practice reality of inter-professional working. This thesis makes an original contribution to understanding the challenges which exist for schools when responding to child neglect. The findings have important implications for future policy and practice in the delivery of school-based service provision, and social work practice with schools when working with children who are living with neglect.

Enough is enough : how social workers make judgements when intervening to safeguard neglected children

Price, Martin Kinsey January 2018 (has links)
Understanding and responding to the complex causes and effects of children’s experience of neglect is a challenge for society and government. Judging its chronicity, severity and impact on children and delivering timely and proportionate services, are core functions of statutory social work. This thesis examines how assessments and decisions are made in neglect cases. Its findings draw on the narratives of social workers and team managers based in two Welsh local authorities. The practitioners are consistent in describing the organisational parameters and imperatives, and their experience of delivering their roles and responsibilities. They acknowledge the environmental pressures that influence how parents live and behave, and the histories and circumstances that contribute to their limitations as parents. They are much less clear about the effect on their practice of the partially resolved, inter-related practice-moral phenomena such as cause and effect and agency and responsibility. The practitioners recognise that critical decisions about children’s futures are founded on how they and the parents exercise their respective proxy and individual agency. The family-professional relationship is characterised as seeking a complementary approach to meeting common goals through co-agency. The location of the practitioners’ work with families lies somewhere between their designation of just good enough parenting and causing significant harm, focusing on the immediate presentation, and making judgements about the directions of the case and the allocation of limited resources. The impact of poverty and intergenerational/community deprivation on the parenting and the children is described, but not approached, as issues that social work can tackle beyond the immediate family. The practitioners generally accept the focus of their practice as located at the point of children’s greatest need and risk. Whether due to political and budgetary constraints, or organisational incapacity for change, the status quo for social work has settled on a high plateau of intervention.

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