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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Marketing to the bottom of the pyramid a Zimbabwean perspective /

Chikweche, Tendai F. January 2009 (has links)
Thesis (Ph.D.)--University of Western Sydney, 2009. / A thesis presented to the University of Western Sydney, College of Business, School of Marketing, in fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy. Includes bibliographies.

Využití sociálních sítí v marketingové strategii firmy / The use of the social networks in the marketing strategy

Čapek, Jan January 2011 (has links)
The thesis deals in the first part with the definition of social networks, their historical development and the basic principles of the operation. The content of the second part is focused on the benefits and risks connected to the usage of the social networks and contains the analysis of trends in the marketing practice. The next part is devoted to the most used social networks and describes their functional elements, which can be used by the companies to achieve their marketing objectives. The practical part of this thesis begins with the introduction of the company IBM, their marketing strategy and evaluation of the activities within social networks. The main objective of this thesis is to propose steps that will help IBM to avoid the mistakes which are currently being made. These steps include mainly the layout design and the usage of the most frequently used functionalities to allow more effective utilization of the social networks in marketing strategy. Although is Facebook the key element for the application of the proposed steps, the attention is also devoted to Twitter and the newly established social network called Google+.

Fenomén youtuberů a jejich využití v marketingu / The Phenomenon of Youtubers and their Utilisation in Marketing

Tauchenová, Kateřina January 2014 (has links)
This master´s thesis is called The Phenomenon of Youtubers and their Utilisation in Marketing. It presents Youtubers as idols of today´s young people and introduces options of utilization of their power for marketing purposes. The first chapter introduces the reader to the general matters of online marketing and offers basic knowledge about this area. The second chapter is dedicated to social networks and their utilisation in marketing field. The third chapter introduces the topic YouTube. It explains the term Youtuber and presents the types of videos mostly published by them. The last chapter is dedicated to the concrete examples of marketing activities which were realised within the Czech market. The main part of this chapter is three case studies which analyse three concrete marketing campaigns realised in cooperation with Youtubers. The goal of this thesis is to offer an integrated overview of the phenomenon of Youtubers and the mechanism of their commercial cooperation with brands and also to evaluate the effectiveness of the campaigns involving Youtubers in comparison with campaigns which use the traditional online marketing tools.

Využití sociálních sítí v marketingové komunikaci / Social Media Application in Marketing Communication

Nejedlý, Roman January 2015 (has links)
Diploma thesis describes the use of social media in marketing communication. Defines the extent of their efficient use and establishes procedures that can achieve maximum efficiency of communication to the market.

Network Structure, Network Flows and the Phenomenon of Influence in Online Social Networks: An Exploratory Empirical Study of Twitter Conversations about YouTube Product Categories

Mayande, Nitin Venkat 06 August 2015 (has links)
Traditional marketing models are swiftly being upended by the advent of online social networks. Yet, practicing firms that are engaging with online social networks neither have a reliable theory nor sufficient practical experience to make sense of the phenomenon. Extant theory in particular is based on observations of the real world, and may thus not apply to online social networks. Practicing firms may consequently be misallocating a large amount of resources, simply because they do not know how the online social networks with which they interact are organized. The purpose of this dissertation is to investigate how online social networks that are in stark contrast to real-world social networks behave and how they get organized. In particular, I explore how network structure and information flow within the network impact each other, and how they affect the phenomenon of influence in online social networks. I have collected retrospective data from Twitter conversations about six YouTube product categories (Music, Entertainment, Comedy, Science, Howto and Sports) in continuous time for a period of three months. Measures of network structure (Scale Free Metric, Assortativity and Small World Metric), network flows (Total Paths, Total Shortest Paths, Graph Diameter, Average Path Length, and Average Geodesic Length) and influence (Eigenvector Centrality/Centralization) were computed from the data. Experimental measures such as power law distributions of paths, shortest paths and nodal eigenvector centrality were introduced to account for node-level structure. Factor analysis and regression analysis were used to analyze the data and generate results. The research conducted in this dissertation has yielded three significant findings. 1. Network structure impacts network information flow, and conversely; network flow and network structure impact the network phenomenon of influence. However, the impact of network structure and network flow on influence could not be identified in all instances, suggesting that it cannot be taken for granted. 2. The nature of influence within a social network cannot be understood just by analyzing undirected or directed networks. The behavioral traits of individuals within the network can be deduced by analyzing how information is propagated throughout the network and how it is consumed. 3. An increase or decrease in the scale of a network leads to the observation of different organizational processes, which are most likely driven by very different social phenomena. Social theories that were developed from observing real-world networks of a relatively small scale (hundreds or thousands of people) consequently do not necessarily apply to online social networks, which can exhibit significantly larger scale (tens of thousands or millions of people). The primary contribution of this dissertation is an enhanced understanding of how online social networks, which exhibit contrasting characteristics to social networks that have been observed in the real world, behave and how they get organized. The empirical findings of this dissertation may allow practicing managers that engage with online social networks to allocate resources more effectively, especially in marketing. The primary limitations of this research are the inability to identify the causes of change within networks, glean demographic information and generalize across contexts. These limitations can all be overcome by follow-on studies of networks that operate in different contexts. In particular, further study of a variety of online social networks that operate on different social networking platforms would determine the extent to which the findings of this dissertation are generalizable to other online social networks. Conclusions drawn from an aggregation of these studies could serve as the foundation of a more broadly-based theory of online social networks.

Financování podnikatelských aktivit / Financing of Business Activities

Pospíšil, Filip January 2021 (has links)
This diploma thesis on the topic "Financing of business activities" processes the entry into the foreign e-commerce market using the chosen strategy and modern marketing plan. In the first part, attention is paid to the issues of e-commerce, business on the Internet, penetrations into new markets and Internet marketing tools from the perspective of theory. The second part deals with the description of TWIN PRODUCTION s.r.o., analysis and comparison of two selected markets. It also includes the design of a strategy for entering the selected market and an outlined marketing strategy. Last but not least, all activities related to internationalization are financially quantified and some measures are proposed.

Аналитика друштвених мрежа као фактор промоције хотела у Србији / Analitika društvenih mreža kao faktor promocije hotela u Srbiji / Social network analytics as a factor of promotion of hotels in Serbia

Kalinić Časlav 13 March 2019 (has links)
<p>У&nbsp; докторској&nbsp; дисертацији&nbsp; су&nbsp; кроз&nbsp; девет&nbsp; поглавља&nbsp; представљене&nbsp; могућности&nbsp; које доноси&nbsp; аналитика&nbsp; друштвених&nbsp; мрежа.&nbsp; Конкретно&nbsp; представљене&nbsp; су&nbsp; могућности&nbsp; које доносе друштвене мреже&nbsp; у склопу промотивних активности хотела.&nbsp; Истраживањем је обухваћено&nbsp; утврђивање&nbsp; значаја&nbsp; интернет&nbsp; маркетинга,&nbsp; и&nbsp; у&nbsp; склопу&nbsp; тога&nbsp; маркетинга&nbsp; на друштвеним&nbsp; мрежама&nbsp; за&nbsp; туристички&nbsp; и&nbsp; хотелски&nbsp; сектор,&nbsp; приказан&nbsp; је&nbsp; концепт друштвених&nbsp; мрежа&nbsp; као&nbsp; и&nbsp; карактеристике&nbsp; најактуелнијих&nbsp; друштвених&nbsp; мрежа&nbsp; на глобалном нивоу. Дат је и преглед техника аналитике друштвених мрежа и области и начини&nbsp; примене,&nbsp; са&nbsp; освртом&nbsp; на&nbsp; велике&nbsp; количине&nbsp; података.&nbsp; Такође,&nbsp; истраживањем&nbsp; јеобухваћено и утврђивање фактора који утичу на ангажовање корисника на друштвеним мрежама,&nbsp; као&nbsp; и&nbsp; карактеристике&nbsp; налога&nbsp; и&nbsp; метаподатака&nbsp; објава&nbsp; прикупљених&nbsp; на анализираним&nbsp; налозима.&nbsp; Под&nbsp; основном&nbsp; јединицом&nbsp; посматрања&nbsp; сматрани&nbsp; су&nbsp; сви категорисани&nbsp; угоститељски&nbsp; објекти&nbsp; врсте&nbsp; хотел&nbsp; који&nbsp; се&nbsp; налазе&nbsp; у&nbsp; Републици&nbsp; Србији. Прикупљање података обухватало је комбинацију мануелних и аутоматских метода, уз помоћ којих су прибављени подаци о налозима хотела на најактуелнијим друштвеним мрежама. Истраживање је&nbsp; потврдило&nbsp; прву хипотезу да су хотели у Србији препознали значај&nbsp; друштвених&nbsp; мрежа&nbsp; за&nbsp; промоцију,&nbsp; на&nbsp; нивоу&nbsp; присуства&nbsp; на&nbsp; тренутно&nbsp; водећим платформама на тржишту. У раду је делимично потврђена друга хипотеза која сматра аналитику&nbsp; друштвених&nbsp; мрежа&nbsp; вредним&nbsp; каналом&nbsp; за&nbsp; прибављање&nbsp; информација&nbsp; о потрошачима, а која&nbsp; се могу користити као основа за промотивне активности хотела. Истраживањем је потврђена и трећа хипотеза&nbsp; да различите карактеристике објава које креирају&nbsp; корисници&nbsp; и&nbsp; хотели&nbsp; на&nbsp; друштвеним&nbsp; мрежама,&nbsp; различито&nbsp; утичу&nbsp; на ангажованост корисника, а самим тим и на значај за промоцију. На основу теоретских сазнања о промотивним активностима на друштвеним мрежама и практичних потреба отела&nbsp; у&nbsp; Србији,&nbsp; дат&nbsp; је&nbsp; предлог&nbsp; модела&nbsp; за&nbsp; вршење&nbsp; промотивних&nbsp; активности&nbsp; на друштвеним&nbsp; мрежама.&nbsp; Поред&nbsp; тога,&nbsp; у&nbsp; раду&nbsp; су&nbsp; представљене&nbsp; и&nbsp; могућности&nbsp; за&nbsp; будућа<br />истраживања у овој области.</p> / <p>U&nbsp; doktorskoj&nbsp; disertaciji&nbsp; su&nbsp; kroz&nbsp; devet&nbsp; poglavlja&nbsp; predstavljene&nbsp; mogućnosti&nbsp; koje donosi&nbsp; analitika&nbsp; društvenih&nbsp; mreža.&nbsp; Konkretno&nbsp; predstavljene&nbsp; su&nbsp; mogućnosti&nbsp; koje donose društvene mreže&nbsp; u sklopu promotivnih aktivnosti hotela.&nbsp; Istraživanjem je obuhvaćeno&nbsp; utvrđivanje&nbsp; značaja&nbsp; internet&nbsp; marketinga,&nbsp; i&nbsp; u&nbsp; sklopu&nbsp; toga&nbsp; marketinga&nbsp; na društvenim&nbsp; mrežama&nbsp; za&nbsp; turistički&nbsp; i&nbsp; hotelski&nbsp; sektor,&nbsp; prikazan&nbsp; je&nbsp; koncept društvenih&nbsp; mreža&nbsp; kao&nbsp; i&nbsp; karakteristike&nbsp; najaktuelnijih&nbsp; društvenih&nbsp; mreža&nbsp; na globalnom nivou. Dat je i pregled tehnika analitike društvenih mreža i oblasti i načini&nbsp; primene,&nbsp; sa&nbsp; osvrtom&nbsp; na&nbsp; velike&nbsp; količine&nbsp; podataka.&nbsp; Takođe,&nbsp; istraživanjem&nbsp; jeobuhvaćeno i utvrđivanje faktora koji utiču na angažovanje korisnika na društvenim mrežama,&nbsp; kao&nbsp; i&nbsp; karakteristike&nbsp; naloga&nbsp; i&nbsp; metapodataka&nbsp; objava&nbsp; prikupljenih&nbsp; na analiziranim&nbsp; nalozima.&nbsp; Pod&nbsp; osnovnom&nbsp; jedinicom&nbsp; posmatranja&nbsp; smatrani&nbsp; su&nbsp; svi kategorisani&nbsp; ugostiteljski&nbsp; objekti&nbsp; vrste&nbsp; hotel&nbsp; koji&nbsp; se&nbsp; nalaze&nbsp; u&nbsp; Republici&nbsp; Srbiji. Prikupljanje podataka obuhvatalo je kombinaciju manuelnih i automatskih metoda, uz pomoć kojih su pribavljeni podaci o nalozima hotela na najaktuelnijim društvenim mrežama. Istraživanje je&nbsp; potvrdilo&nbsp; prvu hipotezu da su hoteli u Srbiji prepoznali značaj&nbsp; društvenih&nbsp; mreža&nbsp; za&nbsp; promociju,&nbsp; na&nbsp; nivou&nbsp; prisustva&nbsp; na&nbsp; trenutno&nbsp; vodećim platformama na tržištu. U radu je delimično potvrđena druga hipoteza koja smatra analitiku&nbsp; društvenih&nbsp; mreža&nbsp; vrednim&nbsp; kanalom&nbsp; za&nbsp; pribavljanje&nbsp; informacija&nbsp; o potrošačima, a koja&nbsp; se mogu koristiti kao osnova za promotivne aktivnosti hotela. Istraživanjem je potvrđena i treća hipoteza&nbsp; da različite karakteristike objava koje kreiraju&nbsp; korisnici&nbsp; i&nbsp; hoteli&nbsp; na&nbsp; društvenim&nbsp; mrežama,&nbsp; različito&nbsp; utiču&nbsp; na angažovanost korisnika, a samim tim i na značaj za promociju. Na osnovu teoretskih saznanja o promotivnim aktivnostima na društvenim mrežama i praktičnih potreba otela&nbsp; u&nbsp; Srbiji,&nbsp; dat&nbsp; je&nbsp; predlog&nbsp; modela&nbsp; za&nbsp; vršenje&nbsp; promotivnih&nbsp; aktivnosti&nbsp; na društvenim&nbsp; mrežama.&nbsp; Pored&nbsp; toga,&nbsp; u&nbsp; radu&nbsp; su&nbsp; predstavljene&nbsp; i&nbsp; mogućnosti&nbsp; za&nbsp; buduća<br />istraživanja u ovoj oblasti.</p> / <p>Throughout&nbsp; nine&nbsp; chapters,&nbsp; this&nbsp; PhD&nbsp; dissertation&nbsp; presents&nbsp; possibilities&nbsp; of&nbsp; social&nbsp; network&nbsp; analytics.Precisely,&nbsp; this&nbsp; dissertation&nbsp; presents&nbsp; possibilities&nbsp; of&nbsp; carrying&nbsp; out&nbsp; promotional&nbsp; activities&nbsp; on&nbsp; social network sites. The research study included determining of internet marketing importance, and within that importance of marketing on social network sites&nbsp; tourism and hospitality. Also, the concept of social network sites is presented as well as characteristics of the most current global ones.&nbsp; Within the scope of the reseatch is also a review of the techniques of social network analysis and areas and application modes, with reference to large amounts of data. The survey included determining factors that influence the user engagement on social networks, as well as the characteristics of accounts as well&nbsp; as&nbsp; characteristics&nbsp; of&nbsp; posts&#39;&nbsp; metadata&nbsp; collected&nbsp; on&nbsp; analyzed&nbsp; accounts.&nbsp; All&nbsp; categorized&nbsp; hotel facilities&nbsp; located&nbsp; in&nbsp; the&nbsp; Republic&nbsp; of&nbsp; Serbia&nbsp; were&nbsp; considered&nbsp; the&nbsp; basic&nbsp; unit&nbsp; of&nbsp; observation.&nbsp; Data collection&nbsp; encompassed&nbsp; a&nbsp; combination&nbsp; of&nbsp; manual&nbsp; and&nbsp; automatic&nbsp; methods,&nbsp; through&nbsp; which information&nbsp; about&nbsp; the&nbsp; hotel&#39;s&nbsp; accounts&nbsp; in&nbsp; the&nbsp; most&nbsp; current&nbsp; social&nbsp; networks&nbsp; was&nbsp; obtained.&nbsp; The research confirmed the first hypothesis that the hotels in Serbia recognized the importance of&nbsp; social network sites for promotion, at the level of presence at the current leading platforms in the market. The second hypothesis is partially confirmed that considers the analytics of social network sites a valuable channel for obtaining consumer information, which can be used as the basis for the hotel&#39;s promotional&nbsp; activities.&nbsp; The&nbsp; study&nbsp; also&nbsp; confirmed&nbsp; the&nbsp; third&nbsp; hypothesis&nbsp; that&nbsp; the&nbsp; different characteristics of the posts created by users and hotels on social network sites have different effect on&nbsp; user&nbsp; engagement,&nbsp; and&nbsp; therefore&nbsp; the&nbsp; importance&nbsp; of&nbsp; promotion.&nbsp; Based&nbsp; on&nbsp; theoretical&nbsp; knowledge about&nbsp; promotional&nbsp; activities&nbsp; on&nbsp; social&nbsp; network&nbsp; sites&nbsp; and&nbsp; practical&nbsp; needs&nbsp; of&nbsp; hotels&nbsp; in&nbsp; Serbia,&nbsp; this study proposed&nbsp; the model for performing promotional activities on social network&nbsp; sites. In addition, the paper presents possibilities for future research in this area.</p>

Proposta de um modelo de viabilidade econ??mica e financeira de investimentos em m??dia de redes sociais para sites de e-commerce no Brasil

Trindade, Domingos Sobrinho da 29 August 2014 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2015-12-03T18:33:11Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Domingos_Sobrinho_da_Trindade.pdf: 3818103 bytes, checksum: e426352ecdb89d9270319395d74018fd (MD5) Previous issue date: 2014-08-29 / This study discusses the literature review from the economic and financial viability of investments in the media Facebook, as a way to produce traffic and sales for e-commerce sites in Brazil. The contemporary inovations show that technologies have influenced to e-commerce companies. The survey data aim to show that there are several marketing strategies using social media as a great ace allied to their business. To conduct the study, it relied on grant of authors who have argued that social media can contribute significantly in the overall result of the financial e-commerce companies, since they may use the enormous potential of social media in support of their activities. The data analyzed is based on the average market and it indicates that there is a positive ROI and therefore may be feasible to use Facebook as a way to generate sales. / O presente estudo discute, a partir da revis??o da literatura especializada, um modelo de viabilidade econ??mica e financeira dos investimentos na m??dia Facebook como forma de gerar tr??fego e vendas para sites de e-commerce no Brasil. As inova????es contempor??neas mostram que as tecnologias t??m influenciado empresas de e-commerce a utilizarem as redes sociais como oportunidades de neg??cios. Os dados da pesquisa mostram in??meras estrat??gias de mercado que utilizam as redes socias como grandes aliadas dos seus neg??cios. Como embasamento te??rico, recorre-se ao subs??dio de autores que defendem as m??dias sociais como fonte de contribui????o significativa para os resutados financeiros das empresas de e-commerce, tendo em vista que estas ??ltimas podem utilizar o enorme potencial dessas m??dias em prol de suas atividades. Os dados analisados com base na m??dia de mercado brasileiro indicam que existe ROI positivo e, portanto, pode ser vi??vel a utiliza????o do Facebook como forma de gerar vendas.

Schools as a conduit for taking public archives to children in the Gauteng Province of South Africa

Kau, Modiegi Jacqueline 07 1900 (has links)
Public programming initiatives are considered an integral part of archival operations across the world because they support a greater use of archival records. In South Africa, public archival institutions are mandated in terms of section 5(1)(c) of the National Archives and Records Service of South Africa Act (Act No. 43 of 1996) (NARSSA Act), to reach out to the less privileged sectors of society, by making known information concerning records by means such as publications, exhibitions and lending of records. This also includes taking archives to young people, especially school learners. As a result, public archives repositories in South Africa have designed programmes to take archives to school learners for the purpose of creating future users and expanding the use of archival sources. Despite efforts to take archives to the people in South Africa, it would seem that public programming methods that repositories use at schools are not effective in creating awareness and promoting public archives to attract school learners. This qualitative study utilised semi-structured interviews and observation as data collection tools to investigate schools as conduits for taking public archives to learners in the Gauteng province of South Africa. The study targeted learners and teachers in schools which participated in the archival public programming in Gauteng province, as well as staff members of the National Archives and Records Service of South Africa (NARSSA) and Gauteng Provincial Archives responsible for public programming. The key findings suggest that the public archives repositories in Gauteng do not use technology, particularly social media, to market their services to school learners. The main method of taking archives to learners is through invitations and participation in the annual archives week, which do not yield any positive results, as learners do not visit the archives afterwards. It is recommended that NARSSA and Gauteng Provincial Archives consider using school learners who participated in archives week and are interested in archives to be ambassadors to further recommend the use of archives to potential users and their peers. Furthermore, collaboration between archivists and teachers from neighbouring schools should be considered by including school projects that involve the use of “archives’’. The study concludes that failure to adopt social media platforms to market archives would result in school learners not using archives. A further study covering all provinces in South Africa is recommended. / Information Science / M. inf. (Archival Science)

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