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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Patents, pills, poverty and pandemic : the ethical issues /

Brown, Walter. January 2003 (has links)
Thesis (M.A. (Philosophy)) - Rhodes University, 2003. / A thesis in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Arts.

The extent to which employers are implementing the Code of Good Practice on HIV/AIDS, as it relates to the Employment Equity and Labour Relations Acts

Van der Zel, Dirk Willem. January 2004 (has links)
Thesis (MSD(Social Work Management)--University of Pretoria, 2004. / Includes bibliographical references.

¿Bondad o estrategia? tejiendo responsibilidad social en el mundo del carbón /

Sarmiento Eljadue, Nataly. January 2008 (has links)
Thesis (doctoral)--Universidad de los Andes. / Includes bibliographical references (p. [105]-118).

Ecoviolence and the law : (supranational normative foundations of ecocrime) /

Westra, Laura. January 2005 (has links)
Thesis (Ph.D.)--York University, 2005. / Includes bibliographical references (leaves 786-847). Also available on the Internet.

Social responsibility of SMMEs in rural communities

Dzansi, Dennis Yao. January 2004 (has links)
Thesis (Ph.D. (Entrepreneurship))-University of Pretoria, 2004. / Abstract in English. Includes bibliographical references. Available on the Internet via the World Wide Web.

An understanding of corporate social investment within the context of the Sappi Forest Products Division in South Africa /

May, Jonathan Paul. January 2006 (has links)
Thesis (M.B.A. (Investec Business School))--Rhodes University, 2006. / Submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirements of the degree Masters in Business Administration.

Transnational corporations in Mexico : the creation of competitive advantage through corporate social responsibility : a thesis submitted to the Victoria University of Wellington in fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Development Studies /

Lelo de Larrea Gaudiano, Alejandro. January 2009 (has links)
Thesis (M.Dev.Stud.)--Victoria University of Wellington, 2009. / Includes bibliographical references.

Consumer behaviour towards cause related marketing in the greater eThekweni region

Corbishley, Karen Margaret January 2007 (has links)
Thesis (M.Tech.: Marketing)-Dept. of Marketing, Durban University of Technology, 2007. xv, 205 leaves / Cause related marketing (CRM) is becoming a popular marketing strategy used by brand managers, retailers and service companies. It can be described as a marketing strategy that links charities or ‘causes’ with the sales of a product, brand or service. The charity is mentioned in promotional campaigns and a certain percentage is donated to the cause in accordance with unit sales or turnover. A study was conducted in the eThekweni region of Kwazulu Natal, South Africa to gather information on this issue. The study was a quantitative survey and data was collected by means of an interview process. The overall objective of this study was to gain an understanding of consumer behaviour towards companies using CRM in the greater eThekweni region. This objective was made up of three sub-objectives. The first subobjective was to identify whether eThwekeni consumers would switch brands to a company involved with CRM, if price and quality were equal. This was followed by subobjective two, which was to establish whether particular socio-demographic characteristics of consumers would be related to their evaluation of a CRM offer. Finally, sub-objective three was to establish whether those same socio-demographic characteristics would be related to the selection of specific causes.

The corporate social dimension of the triple bottom line : a sustainable development perspective

Human, Debbie 04 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MComm) -- University of Stellenbosch, 2004. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: In the past the social dimension of business has often been neglected and regarded as inferior to issues related to the financial sphere of business. The rise of sustainable development and a growing awareness regarding the frailty of earth's resources have placed renewed emphasis on the importance of the corporate social dimension for sustained business success. Scrutiny of the literature revealed that numerous misconceptions regarding the corporate social dimension still prevailed and that the success of sustainable development is often jeopardised by a lack of implementation. The triple bottom line (TBL), a concept that embraces corporate economic, environmental and social elements, was identified as a most appropriate way of elucidating the corporate social dimension and for operationalising sustainable development, as it provides several philosophic and implementation principles and guidelines. The objective of this study was to contribute to an improved understanding of the corporate social dimension and its implementation as one of the three parts of the TBL, within the perspective of sustainable development. To achieve this objective it was considered fundamental to analyse the importance and development of the corporate social dimension, the concepts and terminology related to the social dimension, and the current status of the corporate social dimension in both a South African as well as a global context. The positive aspects and limitations of extant approaches were subsequently delineated. Another important prerequisite for achieving the objective of the study was the clarification of the importance, meaning and implications of sustainable development, and the TBL approach as an operationalisation method. The development, three drnensions, importance and benefits of the TBL approach were analysed and several fundamental principles and compulsory guidelines were identified as vital conditions (e.g. a stakeholder approach, leadership support and involvement, equal consideration of all the elements of the TBL, etc.) for apt TBL adoption and sustained business success. An analysis of the relevance of sustainable development and TBL principles and guidelines for the corporate social dimension, and the interrelation between business, government and the social dimension, contributed towards an improved understanding of the social dimension of the corporate triple bottom line and its implementation within the perspective of sustainable development, thereby facilitating the achievement of the objective of the study. The most salient conclusions of the study focused on the importance of addressing the corporate social dimension in an integrated manner within the perspective of sustainable development and by means of the TBL approach, despite the seemingly elusive nature of the social dimension and numerous debates and viewpoints regarding it. Based on the conclusions of the study a number of recommendations were made regarding the process of leveraging the context-specific and dynamic nature of corporate social definitions and viewpoints, the advancement of business application, and the advancement of theory. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: In die verlede is die sosiale dimensie van besigheid dikwels geïgnoreer en beskou as ondergeskik teenoor kwessies verwant aan die finansiële sfeer van besigheid. Die opkoms van volhoubare ontwikkeling en 'n groeiende bewuswording van die beperktheid van die aarde se hulpbronne het hernieude aandag gevestig op die belangrikheid van die korporatiewe sosiale dimensie vir volhoubare besigheidsukses. 'n Literatuur ondersoek het getoon dat verskeie wanbegrippe met betrekking tot die korporatiewe sosiale dimensie steeds bestaan en dat die sukses van volhoubare ontwikkeling dikwels op die spel geplaas word deur 'n gebrek aan implementering. Die "triple bottom line" (TBL), 'n konsep wat die korporatiewe ekonomiese, omgewings en sosiale elemente omhels, is geïdentifiseer as die mees geskikte manier om die korporatiewe sosiale dimensie toe te lig en volhoubare ontwikkeling te operasionaliseer, aangesien dit verskeie filosofiese en implementerings beginsels en riglyne verskaf. Die doelwit van hierdie studie was om 'n bydrae te lewer tot 'n verbeterde begrip van die korporatiewe sosiale dimensie en die implementering daarvan as een van die drie dele van die TBL, binne die perspektief van volhoubare ontwikkeling. Ter bereiking van hierdie doelwit is dit as fundamenteel beskou om die belangrikheid en ontwikkeling van die korporatiewe sosiale dimensie, die konsepte en terminologie verwant aan die sosiale dimensie, en die huidige status van die korporatiewe sosiale dimensie, beide in Suid-Afrika en in 'n globale konteks, te analiseer. Die positiewe aspekte en beperkinge van bestaande benaderings is vervolgens ondersoek. Nog 'n belangrike voorvereiste vir die bereiking van die doewit van die studie was die uitklaring van die belangrikheid, betekenis, en implikasies van volhoubare ontwikkeling, en die TBL benadering as 'n operasionaliserings metode. Die ontwikkeling, drie dimensies, belangrikheid en die voordele van die TBL benadering is geanaliseer en verskeie fundamentele beginsels en verpligtende riglyne is geïdentifiseer as deurslaggewende vereistes (bv. 'n belanghebbende benadering, leierskap ondersteuning en betrokkenheid, gelyke oorweging van al die elemente van die TBL, ens.) vir gepaste TBL aanneming en volhoubare besigheidsukses. Die analisering van die relevansie van volhoubare ontwikkeling en TBL beginsels en riglyne vir die korporatiewe sosiale dimensie, en die interverwantskap tussen besigheid, die regering en die sosiale dimensie, het bygedra tot "n verbeterde begrip van die sosiale dimensie van die korporatiewe TBL en die implementering daarvan binne die perspektief van volhoubare ontwikkeling, en daardeur ook tot die fasilitering van die bereiking van die doelwit van die studie. Die mees uitstaande gevolgtrekkings van die studie fokus op die belangrikheid van die aanspreek van die korporatiewe sosiale dimensie op "n geïntegreerde wyse binne die perspektief van volhoubare ontwikkeling en deur middel van die TBL, ten spyte van die skynbaar ontwykende aard van die sosiale dimensie en die vele debatte en oogpunte met betrekking tot die konsep. Gebaseer op die gevolgtrekkings van die studie is "n aantal aanbevelings gemaak met betrekking tot die proses van die hefboming van die konteks-spesifieke en dinamiese aard van korporatiewe sosiale definisies en oogpunte, die bevordering van besigheidstoepassing, en die bevordering van teorie.

Individual and organisational learning and the ecology : factors that influence the direction of learning

Ally, Kutbuddin 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MPhil)--Stellenbosch University, 2013. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Organisations are required to change their internal structures and configuration at a rapid rate as the external environment changes. The external environment comprises of a number of actors and agents that make up society. This includes social movements and government. The influence that industry has over the actions of government is significant. The question is how society, via social movements and NGO’s, influence government and thereby policy and how this leads to change in business organisations. How does learning take place in business organisations when it comes to ecological matters? What is the effect of social norms, expressed in public policy and social movements, on organisations? How can these processes be enhanced for the sake of the ecological agenda? The aim of the research is to present a case for directing the learning process. Organisations will generally develop new products based on existing knowledge and grow this knowledge base. It is argued by some theorists that social movements and NGO’s influence the process of innovation and development. To cater for the ecological elements in an innovation process, it must be part of the organisational objectives. It means that it must be catered for from the outset to direct and influence the process. Chapter 1 outlines the problem statement and the argument that social norms influence the learning process of individuals and groups in organisation to achieve an ecologically friendly outcome in a variety of ways. To determine if the hypothesis is true, Chapter 2 researched the subject of organisational learning. It examines the attributes that organisations must have to promote a learning agenda. This includes the role that the external organisational environment plays through feedback loops, and how these influence the direction of the learning process. To understand issues regarding the ecology, I present in Chapter 3 a high level synopsis based on existing knowledge of economics, environmental economics and ecological modernisation. Both Chapters 2 and 3 take a view on policy and the role it plays in shaping the learning process. It is important that the process of policy development is influenced from the outset. Through the networks of the social movements, alternatives may be presented to society. These alternatives are aimed at influencing the innovation process of organisations either directly through the market or indirectly through policy. When society subscribes to the position presented, a social movement gives them the means to engage with industry and government. Chapter 4 is a case study on carbon capture and storage. The purpose of the case study is to demonstrate the interaction of the various actors in a technology development process and the factors that have to be taken into account when making decisions. It is a demonstration of a directed learning process with the aim of developing an ecologically friendly technology. Chapter 5 is the concluding chapter and provides a summary of learning organisations and ecological modernisation. I provide a brief summary of the main points in the argument and draw a conclusion on the relationship between organisational learning and how this learning is directed from the outset. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Organisasies moet hul interne strukture en verstellings te verander teen 'n vinnige tempo as die eksterne omgewing verander. Die eksterne omgewing bestaan uit 'n aantal van die akteurs en agente wat die die samelewing op maak. Dit sluit sosiale bewegings en die regering in. Die invloed wat die bedryf het oor die optrede van die regering is betekenisvol. Die vraag is hoe die samelewing , deur middel van sosiale bewegings en nie-regeringsorganisasies , die invloed van die regering en sodoende beleid en hoe dit lei tot verandering in die sake-organisasies . Hoe leer sake-organisasies wanneer dit kom by die ekologiese sake? Wat is die effek van sosiale norme , uitgedruk in openbare beleid en sosiale bewegings , op organisasies? Hoe kan hierdie prosesse verbeter word ter wille van die ekologiese agenda? Die doel van die navorsing is om 'n saak te stel vir die regie van die leerproses. Organisasies sal oor die algemeen die ontwikkeling van nuwe produkte wat gebaseer is op bestaande kennis en groei van hierdie kennis basis. Daar word aangevoer deur sommige teoretici dat sosiale bewegings en NGO se invloed op die proses van innovasie en ontwikkeling. Om voorsiening te maak vir die ekologiese elemente in 'n innovasie proses , moet dit deel van die organisasie se doelwitte wees. Dit beteken dat voorsiening gemaak moet word vir dit van die begin af om die proses te beïnvloed. Hoofstuk 1 omskryf die probleemstelling en die argument dat die sosiale norme beïnvloed die leerproses van individue en groepe in die organisasie 'n ekologies vriendelike uitkoms te bereik in 'n verskeidenheid van maniere. Om te bepaal of die hipotese korrek is , Hoofstuk 2 ondersoek die onderwerp van organisatoriese leer . Dit ondersoek die eienskappe wat organisasies moet leer om die agenda te bevorder. Dit sluit in die rol wat die eksterne organisatoriese omgewing speel deur middel van terugvoer, en hoe hierdie invloed op die rigting van die leerproses is. Kwessies rakende die ekologie te verstaan, het ek in Hoofstuk 3 'n hoë vlak opsomming gebaseer op die bestaande kennis van die ekonomiese , omgewings- ekonomie en ekologiese modernisering. Beide hoofstukke 2 en 3 is 'n uitsig oor die beleid en die rol wat dit speel in die vorming van die leerproses. Dit is belangrik dat die proses van die ontwikkeling van beleid beïnvloed word van die begin af . Deur die netwerke van die sosiale bewegings , kan alternatiewe aangebied word aan die samelewing. Hierdie alternatiewe is gemik op die beïnvloeding van die innovasie proses van organisasies , hetsy direk deur die mark of indirek deur beleid. Wanneer die samelewing onderskryf die posisie wat aangebied word, 'n sosiale beweging gee hulle die middele om betrokke te raak met die bedryf en die regering. Hoofstuk 4 is 'n gevallestudie oor koolstof vang en stoor . Die doel van die gevallestudie is om die interaksie van die verskillende rolspelers in 'n tegnologie-ontwikkeling proses en die faktore wat in ag geneem word wanneer besluite geneem moet word. Dit is 'n demonstrasie van 'n leerproses met die doel van die ontwikkeling van 'n ekologies vriendelike tegnologie. Hoofstuk 5 is die afsluiting hoofstuk en gee 'n opsomming van leer organisasies en ekologiese modernisering. Ek gee 'n kort opsomming van die belangrikste punte in die argument en 'n gevolgtrekking oor die verhouding tussen organisatoriese leer en hoe hierdie leer word gerig van die begin af.

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