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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Samverkan kring arbetsrehabilitering : En kvalitativ studie av ett projekt

Gustavsson, Madeleine, Nilsson, Charlotte January 2008 (has links)
<p><strong>ABSTRACT</strong></p><p>The purpose of our study was to examine how four different organizations cooperate on rehabilitation of people to get them back to employment. More specifically our aim was to investigate how different organizations in a project, involving workrehabilitation, looks at cooperation. Our main questions were vague at the beginning of our study, but finally our focus became clear. The questions were formed with help from the research of Hjortsjö (2006) and Fridolf (2000): Which possibilities and hindrances identify the different organizations which cooperate? What does cooperation mean to the representatives from the different organizations which are included in KARB? Our result shows that the respondents mostly think positive of the project KARB. The respondents are focusing on the possibilities instead of hindrances when they are talking about the project KARB and cooperation. They believe that the cooperation between the four organizations will decrease if KARB ends. We also saw that the communication between the practitioners and the management level are insufficient. The dialogue and interaction when it comes to cooperation in KARB are non-existing in several of the organizations.</p><p> </p><p><strong>Keywords</strong>: cooperation, organization, interaction, projects</p>

Programverksamhet i Kriminalvården : ur ett klientperspektiv

Vestberg, Bengt, Berglind-Smith, Patrice January 2008 (has links)
<p>The purpose of this study was to look at how clients, in the Swedish criminal justice, experience their involvement in treatment programs. The spotlight in the study was to examine which helpful and unhelpful factors are involved in a treatment process, in the view of individual experiences. The study is based on a qualitative method, with interviews as an instrument for collection of data.</p><p>The result is summarized in three fields; is it possible to show vulnerable, the therapist and the meaning of the program. The result is based on interviews with six informants; five of them have been partaking in treatment programs in prison and one in the probation office. The study shows that partaking in treatment programs in prison is combined with problems in aspect of the different roles criminals play in prison. The role for the client in the probation office is in the opposite of the prison as a helpful factor.</p>

Bemötande av äldre

Wiegert, Helene, Andersson, Eva-Lott January 2008 (has links)
No description available.

I domen rekonstrueras verkligheten : en dokumentanalys om hur genus reproduceras och upprätthålls i LVU-mål

Lindborg, Malin, Olsson, Sandra January 2009 (has links)
<p>Title: "In the verdict, reality is reconstructed" - a documentary study of how sex is reproduced in verdicts of LVU-cases.</p><p>The aim in our study is to see how existing circumstances revolving power between the gender, are contained in court, through language and differences in the sentences and expressions that are used in the verdicts. In this study we have reviewed verdicts about young people who are taken in to custody care by Lag (1990:52) med särskilda bestämmelser om vård av unga.</p><p>We have reviewed verdicts from the county administrative court in Kalmar, from January in 2007 to October in 2008. Through the analysis we have taken into considerations and worked with earlier research and litterateur containing different theoretical approaches to feminism.</p><p>The result of the study shows, that despite of a neutral law, girls and boys, women and men are judged and treated different, because of their sex. Depending on your sex, you are expected to behave according to norms and values. These norms and values are not the same for girls and boys. Society have chosen and created limits for each sex and if you don't follow the limits you become deviant. The court provides an image of how girls/women are hold responsible for their deviant behavior, meanwhile boys/men are hold responsible for their actions, that breaks the law.</p><p>Keywords: gender, sexuality, power, LVU and court.</p>

Upplevelser och hanterande av moralisk stress : - en studie bland socialsekreterare på socialkontor väster, Örebro

Billing, Cecilia, Klintenberg, Linn, Ledstam, Hanna January 2007 (has links)
<p>Örebro universitet</p><p>Institutionen för beteende-, social- och rättsvetenskap</p><p>Socialt arbete</p><p>C-uppsats 41-60 p</p><p>Titel: Upplevelser och hanterande av moralisk stress – en undersökning bland socialsekreterare på socialkontor väster, Örebro</p><p>Författare: Cecilia Billing, Linn Klintenberg & Hanna Ledstam</p><p>Handledare: Erik Flygare</p><p>Sammanfattning</p><p>Huvudsyftet med denna studie är att undersöka om moralisk stress förekommer på socialkontor väster i Örebro. Mer precist vill vi undersöka om socialsekreterarna upplever några hinder i arbetet för att utföra sina uppgifter på ett sätt som de anser är moraliskt rätt, hur man i så fall reagerar på dem och vilka strategier man använder för att hantera detta. Vidare är vi intresserade av att undersöka om det finns några mönster mellan hinder, moralisk stress och strategier.</p><p>Vi har använt en kvalitativ forskningsmetod. Detta genom att vi har intervjuat nio socialsekreterare som har utredningsansvar i barn- och ungdomsgruppen, socialkontor väster i Örebro. Intervjufrågorna ställdes utifrån en intervjuguide som omfattar tre teman (hinder, reaktion och strategier). Intervjuguiden utformades med hjälp av uppsatsens syfte och tolkningsram. Vår tidigare forskning består av studier angående moralisk stress. De flesta studier som gjorts kring moralisk stress har fokuserats på arbetsmoralisk stress hos sjuksköterskor. I vår tolkningsram presenteras teorier om hinder för en god etisk arbetsmiljö, definitioner av moralisk stress samt olika strategier för att hantera moralisk stress.</p><p>Av resultatet framkom att socialsekreterarna mest upplever tidsbrist och/eller arbetsbelastning samt ekonomin som hinder för att utföra sitt arbete på ett sätt som de anser moraliskt rätt. Jag hinner inte, jag orkar inte, jag kan inte, är återkommande budskap hos socialsekreterarna som respons på tidsmässiga och ekonomiska hinder. Resultatet av undersökningen visade också att upplevelser av moralisk stress förekommer i stor utsträckning på socialkontor väster. De symtom som uttrycktes mest av respondenterna var traditionellt negativa stressymtom, frustration, ilska och irritation. Vidare uppvisade resultatet att samtliga respondenter, för att hantera sin moraliska stress, använder sig av protestformen väckning, det vill säga att de för en dialog med kollegor och gruppledare. Dessutom förekommer strategin lojalitet hos en klar majoritet. Man handlar i lojalitet med överordnade mot sin moraliska inställning. Som en följd av detta visar även resultatet att socialsekreterarna hanterar denna motsättning genom etisk klyvning. Här skiljer man tydligt på sin privatroll och på sin yrkesroll och lägger ansvar för sitt handlande på sin överordnad. Majoriteten har även anpassat sin etik (rationaliserats) till socialkontorets. I analysen av vårt material har vi kunnat urskilja olika mönster mellan hinder, reaktion och strategier. Slutligen har vi i våra slutsatser funnit flera likheter med vad som framkommit i tidigare forskning.</p><p>Nyckelord: Moralisk stress, socialsekreterare, etisk arbetsmiljö</p>

Rällsögårdens missbruksprogram : En studie om klienter och personals erfarenheter av programmet och dess genomförande

Carlsson, Ann-Sofi, Söderholm, Fredrika, Gustavsson, Inger January 2007 (has links)
<p>The aim is that on the basis of interviews with personnel and clients examine which</p><p>experiences they have of the drug abuse programme and its implementation. To be able to</p><p>answer the aim following question has been formulated: (1) What do the personnel and client</p><p>think about the drug abuse program arrangement? (2) In which extend is the program</p><p>implemented as thought? (3) How do the personnel assesses the client’s participation? (4)</p><p>How does the client’s think about their own participation in the program? (5) Do the client’s</p><p>think that the program have been helpful in their personal development? A qualitative</p><p>method was chosen and has used a semi structured interview. Total has ten interviews been</p><p>implemented on Rällsögården, five with clients and five with personnel. The study's</p><p>interpretation framework builds on research around drug abuse treatment and theories and</p><p>methods that lie to shallow for the drug abuse programme. In the study part's assessments of</p><p>the programme has as a whole been done, treatment integrity has been examined on the basis</p><p>of factors such as education and implementation. Finally, have in some mean examined</p><p>motivation within the clients on the basis of theirs and the personnel's views.</p><p>One of the results that arrived in the study, where that an all in all assessment from the clients</p><p>around the drug abuse programme where very difficult to get hold off in certain respects. This</p><p>depended to a large extent on that the clients bar with itself experiences from earlier</p><p>treatments with another treatment philosophy. The result has influenced the study as a whole.</p><p>The study's head aim where that on the basis of Rällsögårdens commissions, try to understand</p><p>how the drug abuse programme is experienced of the clients and the personnel on the basis of</p><p>their different perspectives. The results show that the personnel in most cases has the</p><p>education, motivation and commitments that is needed in order to do something good with the</p><p>programme. Also the manual that is used has support in research where it is to be considered</p><p>to give possibility to effective treatment. On the basis of this the conclusion can be drawn that</p><p>the basic requirements are there, to carry out a good treatment programme. The results show</p><p>however on several conditions that can influence the intentions negative.</p>

Det känns konstigt att vara på samma ställe : Ungdomars upplevelse av kommunikationsprocessen i samband med växelvis boende

Ekholm, Kerstin, Wiman, Anna January 2007 (has links)
No description available.

Professionalitet i behandlingsarbete

Ericson, Pia January 2008 (has links)
No description available.

Kvinnor, etnicitet och illegalt narkotikabruk : en litteraturstudie

Eriksson, Cecilia, Rapp Andersson, Hanna January 2006 (has links)
<p>Women, etnicity and illict drug use</p><p>A litterature review</p><p>Authors: Cecilia Eriksson & Hanna Rapp Andersson</p><p>Supervisor: Odd Lindberg</p><p>ABSTRACT</p><p>This study aims to examine how womens illict drug use appears in different ethnic groups. The chosen perspectiv is social constructivism. The study is based on 20 scientific studies: 17 from Northern America, two from Great Britain and one from Sweden. Central themes from the studies have been created from different subject viewpoints. The results of this study shows that women have different needs when treatment is required. In addition prevention must consider specific gender and ethnic issues. The patterns of use are different between ethnic groups. Important aspects to consider, besides ethnicity, in research as well as in social work practices are acculturation, heterogenity, cultural heritage and gender stucture. The role of scientific creations of ethnic catergorisations and definitions of illicit drug use are discussed. As a result of our study, the need for cultural competence and cultural sensitivity in social work has been pointed out.</p><p>Keywords: missuse/abuse, gender, ethnicity, culture, acculturation, shame, social constructivism, litterature review, illict drug use.</p> / <p>Kvinnor, etnicitet och illegalt narkotikabruk</p><p>En litteraturstudie</p><p>Författare: Cecilia Eriksson och Hanna Rapp Andersson</p><p>Handledare: Odd Lindberg</p><p>Sammanfattning</p><p>Syftet med denna uppsats är att utifrån en litteraturstudie granska hur kvinnors illegala narkotikabruk gestaltar sig i olika etniska grupper. Granskningen görs utifrån ett socialkonstruktivistiskt perspektiv. Uppsatsens underlag utgörs av 20 vetenskapliga arbeten varav 17 är amerikanska, två brittiska och ett är svenskt. I uppsatsen redovisas centrala teman med utgångspunkt i materialets karaktär. Resultatet visar att kvinnors behov i behandling och prevention, användningsmönster samt prevalens skiljer sig inom och mellan etniska grupper. Viktiga faktorer att ta hänsyn till, utöver etnicitet, vid såväl forskning som det sociala arbetets praktik är ackulturation, heterogenitet, kulturell tillhörighet och genusstrukturer. Resonemang förs kring forskarens roll vid konstruktionen av etniska grupper samt definitioner av illegalt narkotikabruk. Utifrån studiens resultat lyfts behovet av kulturkompetens och kultursensivitet i socialt arbete fram.</p><p>Nyckelord: missbruk, etnicitet, genus, kultur, ackulturation, skuld, skam socialkonstruktivism, litteraturstudie, illegalt drogbruk</p>

Frigivning från anstalt - En studie om intagnas och personals uppfattning om att förberedas för mötet med samhället

Wiktorsson, Elin, Berg, Karin January 2006 (has links)
No description available.

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