Spelling suggestions: "subject:"cociety"" "subject:"asociety""
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The Icelandic Banking Saga : The ways to deal or not to deal with a systemic banking crisisBorodina, Kristina January 2018 (has links)
Every key feature of the Icelandic banking in the run-up to the 2008 year meltdown can be viewed as an emblem of the concept systemic banking crisis. The concept of a banking crisis is usually defined as “an event that shows significant signs of financial distress in the banking system and which is usually associated with significant bank runs, big losses in the banking system and bank liquidations.”[1]The detailed bank data, attained after the secrecy laws were being lifted after the crisis,[2]sheds light on five core problems that, in my estimate, portray the Icelandic crisis the best. These problems are unreliable deposit insurance system, fictional collaterals, inside dealing, the inadequacy of foreign reserves and supervision problems. Due to banks’ central role in economic welfare, the main scope of the regulations and laws in the area of banking is to contribute to operational stability in financial corporations, increase the credibility of the system, protect the customers and increase the confidence of the public. Failure of one bank can lead to disastrous consequences for the whole economic system.[3]Probably one of the most critical situations is a scenario of a bank run. Bank runs are usually seen as depositors’ reaction to fear about the bank’s solvency.[4]They are usually characterized by a massive simultaneous withdrawal from banks that in many cases may lead to liquidity problems due to the liquidity mismatch of the banks.[5]A bank’s liquidity is defined as bank’s capacity to quickly react to a sudden withdrawal without having to sell off illiquid assets.[6]The phenomenon of bank runs has two very particular features: (1)they are associated with a tendency to “run” as soon as there is a signal of potential solvency problems, and (2) a tendency to create feedback.[7]The first feature implies that the depositors are most likely to withdraw their funds as soon as they see the slightest sign of potential insolvency. The second feature is a reaction to the first signal, when depositors, who not necessarily believe in signals, run because they do not want to be the last ones to withdraw their money. Lost confidence in one bank may eventually spread to other banks and result not just in a failure of the banks involved, but even in a systemic failure. In light of the aforesaid, many countries take different measures to prevent bank runs and financial panic. Among these measures is an establishment of deposit-guarantee schemes( DGS).[8] The significant increase in deposits in Icelandic banks not only had the effect of transforming the financing of the Icelandic banking system but, as it will be discussed in the next chapters, eventually led to catastrophic consequences as about half of the deposits were deposited with the banks’ branches abroad and in foreign currency. This increase of deposits in foreign branches resulted in a substantial increase in the obligations of the Icelandic Depositors’ and Investors’ Guarantee Fund(TIF).[9]However, the TIF was unable to cope with such an increase. When depositors lost trust in Icelandic banks, and when there was no clear information whether the TIF covered the branches of Icelandic banks in the UK and Netherlands, a scenario of bank run was inevitable. Bank runs were seen not only in Iceland but also at the branches and subsidiaries of the Icelandic banks abroad. As stated above, a scenario of a bank run usually involves many depositors simultaneously withdrawing their deposits from a bank, which in its turn causes liquidity problems.[10]In the Icelandic case that is precisely what happened with bank accounts in Icelandic branches in the UK and Netherlands, since Icelandic banks were experiencing big liquidity problems in foreign currency.
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Emissions trading in the EU and China : A comparative studyTurner, Oliver January 2018 (has links)
No description available.
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BOLAGSLEDNINGENS PERSONLIGA ANSVAR : - med särskild beaktning vid ekonomisk brottslighet, i obeståndsrättsliga sammanhang / Personal responsibility of company management : - with special consideration in case of economic crime, in the context of insolvencyLindahl, Sofie January 2018 (has links)
I dag förekommer missbruk av aktiebolag som associationsform på grund av den låga risken till att åläggas ett personligt betalningsansvar. Det är därför relevant att undersöka varför missbruket förekommer och om det finns en koppling till ekonomisk brottslighet i insolvensrättsliga kontexter. Därför undersöks det om den aktiebolagsrättsliga, insolvensrättsliga och den ekonomiska brottslighetens reglering samverkar. I denna framställning redogörs för de skadeståndsbestämmelserna i aktiebolagslagen och de huvudsakliga förutsättningarna och syftet med det personliga ansvaret för styrelseledamöter och den verkställande direktören. Framställningen belyser även ekonomisk brottslighet som begås i insolvensrättsliga kontexter med särskilt fokus på konkursbrott. Den slutliga avsikten med uppsatsen är att beskriva den problematik som förekommer vid ekonomisk brottslighet i samband med konkurser och om dagens reglering kan göra någon personligt ansvarig enlig aktiebolagslagen. Det går inte att undgå att aktiebolagen har en stor betydelse för den ekonomiska utvecklingen och det svenska välståndet samt för näringslivet i synnerhet. I dag riktas stor uppmärksamhet åt så kallad ”corporate governance” det vill säga hur bolag bör styras. På senare tid har även stor uppmärksamhet ägnats åt aktiebolagens struktur och organens befogenheter samt skyldigheter. Då samhället är i ständig utveckling, förändras även förutsättningarna för aktiebolagen. Trots detta har regleringen kring det personliga skadeståndsansvarets för bolagsledningen ungefär varit densamma sedan 70 år tillbaka i tiden. Likt aktiebolagen har ekonomisk brottslighet stor påverkan på staten. Dessa två områden, aktiebolagsrätten och den ekonomiska brottsligheten, behöver samverkas för att näringsidkare inte ska stimuleras till att genom sitt aktiebolag, begå ekonomisk brottslighet. Det insolvensrättsliga området är också en står del av detta samspel, då stor del av ekonomisk brottslighet faktiskt begås när bolagen är på obestånd. Den ekonomiska brottsligheten kan sägas påverkas av tre faktorer, lagstiftningen, näringslivets strukturer och samhällets attityd till staten. Förhållandet mellan den ekonomiska brottsligheten och insolvens, framför allt konkurs, är omväxlande. Dels begås ekonomisk brottslighet när företaget är på obestånd eller när fara till obestånd finns. Dels utnyttjas konkurser som en del i en brottsplan för den ekonomiska brottsligheten. Efter en genomgång av lagstiftning, förarbeten, prejudikat och doktrin på områdena sammanvävs problemformuleringarna i en avslutande diskussion som utmynnar i en slutsats som besvarar framställningens syften. Där det kan konstateras att gränsdragningen mellan aktiebolagsrättsligt respektive det personliga ansvaret är hårfint i och med den bristfällighet som föreligger. Den ekonomiska brottsligheten samt insolvensförfarande är inte heller fulländade. En samverkan över rättsområdena skulle reda ut frågetecken, täcka luckorna i lagstiftningen och få lagstiftningen levande igen. Denna förändring är av stor vikt, för att förtroendet till staten, rättssamhället och näringslivet ska bevaras.
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Is two better than one?: The analysis of the CFC rules and the comparison of its rules in the ATAD vis-à-vis the CCTB proposalChen, Sylvia January 2018 (has links)
This thesis analyses whether there is a necessity to have two different CFC regimes in two legislations, the ATAD and the CCTB proposal. The author examines the issues that are already present in the CFC that pose problems. This could support the argument that the EC’s actions in the implementation of the ATAD and the CCTB have been over-reaching in the EC’s attempt to eradicate tax erosion and profit shifting through the examination of the CFC provisions in the ATAD and the CCTB proposal. In this context, this article focuses on the analysis of Articles 7-8 of the ATAD and Articles 59-60 of CCTB.
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Constructing spatial accounts of social capital : case studies of the Catholic Church in the UK and IrelandRoche, Martin James January 1999 (has links)
No description available.
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Assault : characteristics of injuries and injuredShepherd, J. P. January 1988 (has links)
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The political transformation of peasant Russia : peasant Soviets in the Middle Volga, 1917-1920Figes, Orlando January 1987 (has links)
This study gives an account of village politics and social relations during the Russian Revolution and Civil War. It uses local archival materials and government publications from the middle Volga region (Samara, Saratov and Simbirsk provinces), which allows it to describe the events of these years from the viewpoint of the village and the <i>volost</i> (rural district). Section I examines the agrarian revolution of 1917 and, in particular, its peasant organisations, which, it is argued, emerged (in the form of peasant soviets) as the central political authorities in the countryside, once the old state structure had been destroyed. Left to themselves by the Bolshevik government in its first months of rule, the peasant soviets carried out the smallholding and egalitarian social ideals of the peasantry through vernacular forms of village democracy. Section II looks at these forms and their activities in the fields of trade control, property redistribution and land reform. The section also examines the relationship between the farming peasantry and other rural classes (eg. craftsmen, priests, immigrants).
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The Mapuche during the Pinochet dictatorship (1973-1990)Kellner, Roger Yvon January 1993 (has links)
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Experiences of motherhood in Normandy, 1050-1150Quirk, Kathleen Frances January 1997 (has links)
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The church and the aristocracy : lay and ecclesiastical landowning society in fourteenth-century NorfolkThompson, Benjamin John January 1989 (has links)
No description available.
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