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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Resiliência biocultural dos agroecossistemas na Amazônia: o baixo curso da bacia do ribeirão Taquaruçu Grande, Palmas-TO

Santos, Eliane Marques dos 19 April 2018 (has links)
O Estado do Tocantins possui a totalidade do território inserido na Amazônia Legal, sendo o baixo curso da Bacia do Ribeirão Taquaruçu Grande em Palmas, uma região de agroecossistemas de produção familiar com diversidade biocultural. Todavia, esses agroecossistemas sofreram grandes transformações ocasionadas pela criação de Palmas, que desencadearam reorganização e adaptabilidade nos sistemas. O objetivo geral do presente estudo foi analisar as transformações bioculturais desses agroecossistemas que propiciam a manutenção da diversidade biocultural e a resiliência para a sustentabilidade. Baseou-se numa integração de métodos qualitativos e quantitativos, com arcabouço teórico metodológico da dialética da complexidade sistêmica, resiliência de sistemas socioecológicos, etnoecologia e transdisciplinaridade. Os resultados indicaram os fatores desencadeantes de mudanças ao longo da trajetória da área estudada e os impactos de fatores externos de uma escala maior (regional e nacional) com a qual o sistema focal se relaciona em escalas maiores e menores, alterando sua capacidade adaptativa e a aprendizagem dos sistemas. Foi identificado no complexo biológico-cultural as diversidades: biológica, cultural, agrícola e paisagística que configura a riqueza em sociobiodiversidade dessa região. O sistema de uso da terra é caracterizado por uma longa persistência histórica e uma forte conexão com os sistemas sociais e ambientais que o produzem. Os processos produtivos e os saberes locais que levaram à construção das paisagens são responsáveis pela manutenção da diversidade dos ambientes locais. A estrutura complexa do mosaico de paisagem nessas áreas é uma ilustração exemplar da diversidade biocultural. A avaliação de resiliência apontou indicadores bioculturais nos quais o sistema se manteve resiliente na manutenção da diversidade biocultural apesar das transformações ocorridas após a urbanização, todavia, essa resiliência não levou à sustentabilidade dos agroecossistemas com risco de perda de saberes locais não transmitidos intergeracionalmente. Para a sustentabilidade é necessária uma gestão adaptativa que inclua o uso racional dos bens comuns e os saberes para a criação de políticas públicas voltadas para as necessidades locais. / The Tocantins State has the totality of its territory inserted into the Brazilian Legal Amazon and it has in it the small stream of Taquaruçu Grande Basin in the city of Palmas, a region of agroecosystems of familiar production and biocultural diversity. However, these agroecosystems suffered such important modifications with the creation of Palmas that caused reorganization and systems adaptability. The main goal of this study was to analyse the biocultural modifications of these agroecosystems which provide the maintenance of the biocultural diversity and the resilience for the sustainability. This study was based on an integration of qualitative and quantitative with the theoretical methodology of dialectics of systemic complexity, resilience of socioecological systems, ethnoecology and transdisciplinarity. The data collected indicated the triggering events of the changes over the trajectory of the studied area and the impacts of external factors of a higher scale (regional and national) in which the focal system is related to higher and lower scales, changing its capability of adaptability and the system learning. In the complex of biologic-cultural, it was also noticed the following diversities: biological, cultural, agricultural and landscape which figure the wealth in socio-biodiversity of this region. The using system of the land is characterized by a long historical persistence and strong connection with the social and environmental system that it can produce. The productive processes and the local knowledge which leaded to the building of the landscape are responsible for the maintenance of local environmental diversity. The complex structure of the mosaic of the landscapes in these areas is an exemplar illustration of biocultural diversity. The resilience evaluation pointed out biocultural indicators in which the system kept itself resilient in the maintenance of biocultural diversity even after the occurred modifications caused by the urbanization, but, this resilience did not lead to sustainability of the agroecosystems with losing risk of local knowledge which were not transmitted across generations. For the sustainability it is necessary an adaptative management which includes the rational using of common goods and knowlege in order to create public policies towards local needs.

Intention of preserving forest remnants among landowners in the Atlantic Forest: the role of the ecological context and experiences with nature / Intenção de preservar remanescentes florestais entre proprietários de terra na Mata Atlântica: o papel do contexto ecológico e das experiências com a natureza

Dufner, Karina Campos Tisovec 02 July 2018 (has links)
Unravelling the psychological processes determining landowners\' support towards forest conservation is key, particularly, in developing countries, where most forest remnants are within private lands. As human-nature connections are known to shape pro-environmental behaviors, the intention of preserving forest remnants should be ultimately determined by the ecological context people live in. Here, we investigate the pathways through which the ecological context (forest cover), via experiences with nature (contact, uses and losses associated with forests), influences the psychological determinants of conservation behavior (beliefs, attitude and intention towards preserving forest remnants). We conceptualized a model based on the Reasoned Action Approach, using the ecological context and experiences with nature as background factors, and tested the model using Piecewise SEM. Data was collected through an interview-based protocol applied to 106 landowners across 13 landscapes varying in forest cover in a region in the Brazilian Atlantic Forest. Our results indicate that: (i) ecosystem services are more important than disservices for shaping intention of preserving forests, particularly those related to non-provisioning benefits; (ii) contact with forest has an indirect effect on intention, by positively influencing forest uses; (iii) people living in more forested ecological contexts have more experiences with nature, and ultimately stronger intention of preserving forests. Hence, our study suggests a dangerous positive feedback loop between deforestation and the extinction of human-nature connections. Local demands across the full range of ecosystem services, the balance between services and disservices, and the ecological context people live should be considered when developing conservation initiatives in rural areas / Desvendar os processos psicológicos que determinam o apoio dos proprietários de terras à conservação das florestas é fundamental, particularmente, nos países em desenvolvimento, onde a maioria dos remanescentes florestais se encontra em áreas privadas. Como as conexões humano-natureza são conhecidas por moldar comportamentos pró-ambientais, a intenção de preservar remanescentes florestais deve ser, em última instância, determinada pelo contexto ecológico no qual as pessoas vivem. Neste trabalho, investigamos os caminhos pelos quais o contexto ecológico (cobertura florestal), através das experiências com a natureza (contato, usos e perdas associados às florestas), influencia os determinantes psicológicos do comportamento de conservação (crenças, atitude e intenção de preservar remanescentes florestais). Formulamos um modelo baseado na Abordagem da Ação Racional, usando o contexto ecológico e as experiências com a natureza como fatores de base, e o testamos através da Piecewise SEM. Os dados foram coletados através de protocolo aplicado, por meio de entrevista, a 106 proprietários de terra em 13 paisagens que variam em cobertura florestal em uma região da Mata Atlântica. Nossos resultados indicam que: (i) serviços ecossistêmicos são mais importantes que desserviços para moldar a intenção de preservar florestas, particularmente outros serviços que não os de provisão; (ii) o contato com a floresta tem um efeito indireto sobre a intenção, influenciando positivamente os usos da floresta; (iii) as pessoas que vivem em contextos ecológicos mais florestados têm mais experiências com a natureza e, assim, uma intenção mais forte de preservar as florestas. Nosso estudo, portanto, sugere um perigoso ciclo de retroalimentação positiva entre o desmatamento e a extinção das conexões humano-natureza. As demandas locais considerando toda a gama de serviços ecossistêmicos, o balanço entre serviços e desserviços e o contexto ecológico no qual as pessoas vivem devem ser considerados ao se desenvolverem iniciativas de conservação em áreas rurais

Tolerance towards wildlife in the Atlantic forest: an empirical test across ecological contexts and mammal specie / Tolerância à fauna silvestre na Mata Atlântica: um teste empí­rico em diferentes contextos ecológicos e espécies de mamíferos

Teixeira, Lucas Manuel Cabral 03 July 2018 (has links)
Human-wildlife conflicts (HWC) emerge as complex conservation challenges impairing human livelihood and wildlife populations. Research on HWC, however, has traditionally approached these components apart and focused on single/ similar species, hampering a broader understanding of the connections between ecological drivers and human dimensions of conflicts. We here develop and test a model integrating ecological and human components of HWC, focusing on three species - opossum, crab-eating fox and puma. We investigated the pathways through which the ecological context (forest cover) affects experiences with wildlife (contact and damage), and how such experiences influence tolerance via beliefs, emotions and attitude. We interviewed 114 landowners across 13 landscapes varying in forest cover in a region of the Brazilian Atlantic forest and tested our model using Piecewise Structural Equation Modeling. We found that: i. forest cover negatively affected tolerance, but just towards the largest species; ii. relevance and effects of distinct experiences with wildlife on beliefs and emotions varied across species; iii. beliefs and emotions influenced tolerance, but negative emotions were relevant only for the largest species. Conflicts with larger species can then be understood as disservices provided by forests, indicating the relevance of framing HWC within a broader perspective that consider the trade-offs with ecosystems services. For some species, positive experiences with wildlife may counteract the negative effects of damages to livestock in shaping human behavior. Models such as ours - that structure relationships between ecological and human components - can help identifying deeper, more effective leverage points to improve interventions to mitigate HWC / Conflitos entre seres humanos e fauna silvestre emergem como desafios complexos, ameaçando o sustento de populações humanas e a conservação de populações de animais silvestres. Contudo, pesquisas sobre conflitos tradicionalmente abordam esses componentes separadamente e focam em espécies individuais ou similares, dificultando o entendimento mais amplo das conexões entre determinantes ecológicos e dimensões humanas dos conflitos. Neste estudo, desenvolvemos e testamos um modelo conceitual integrando componentes ecológicos e humanos dos conflitos, focando em três espécies - gambá, cachorro-do-mato e onça-parda. Investigamos os caminhos através dos quais o contexto ecológico (cobertura florestal) afeta experiências (contato e dano), e como tais experiências influenciam a tolerância à fauna por meio de crenças, emoções e atitude. Entrevistamos 114 proprietários rurais em 13 paisagens com diferentes proporções de cobertura florestal em uma região da Mata Atlântica e testamos nosso modelo usando equações estruturais do tipo Piecewise. Encontramos que: i. a cobertura florestal afetou negativamente a tolerância, mas apenas para a maior espécie; ii. a importância e os efeitos de diferentes experiências com a fauna sobre crenças e emoções variaram entre as espécies; iii. crenças e emoções influenciaram a tolerância, mas emoções negativas foram relevantes apenas para a maior espécie. Conflitos com espécies maiores podem então ser entendidos como desserviços providos por florestas, indicando a relevância de inserir os conflitos humano-fauna em perspectiva mais ampla, que considere as relações com serviços ecossistêmicos. Para algumas espécies, experiências positivas podem compensar os efeitos negativos dos danos a criações na formação do comportamento humano. Modelos como o nosso - que estruturem as relações entre os componentes ecológicos e humanos - podem ajudar a identificar pontos de alavancagem mais profundos e efetivos para melhorar intervenções visando a mitigação dos conflitos com a fauna

Environmental change and uncertainty in coastal communities of northern Honduras

Hoover, Catherine Louise 07 July 2011 (has links)
There is growing concern that the accelerated pace and increasing complexity of environmental change may be challenging people's ability to test, refine, and adjust livelihood strategies. This would be particularly challenging for poor households in hazardous environments, generating greater vulnerability to disasters. The context for this concern was examined in four rural communities from two different cultural realms along the Caribbean coast of Honduras. An ethnographic approach was used to understand how women household managers, community leaders, and elderly residents from Garifuna and Mestizo communities perceive and respond to hazards and other challenges in their environment. The analysis revealed how economic pressures combine with political context to contribute to an intensification of local land and resource use in the four communities. The consequent matrix of environmental hazards generates troubling uncertainties for these small-scale socioecological systems, particularly as the local ecological resources once available for livelihood adjustments become scarce. To make matters worse, institutional efforts to resolve environmental and economic challenges generating vulnerabilities for some rural communities are perceived as authoritarian, superimposed, and even culturally inappropriate. Confused or frustrated by so many uncertainties, households from both cultural realms try to adjust by increasing their dependence on an evolving web of political and financial resources beyond their communities, indeed from outside Honduras. / text

Le système alimentation/excrétion des territoires urbains : régimes et transitions socio-écologiques / The nutrition/excretion system of urban areas : socioecological regimes and transitions

Esculier, Fabien 09 March 2018 (has links)
L’alimentation et l’excrétion constituent deux besoins physiologiques fondamentaux de tout être humain. En analysant leur matérialisation depuis l’échelle cellulaire jusqu’à celle des grands cycles biogéochimiques planétaires, nous proposons de considérer que l’alimentation et l’excrétion humaines participent d’un système dont les modalités de réalisations dans les différentes sociétés humaines permettent de caractériser des régimes socio-écologiques. Nous avons plus particulièrement analysé les systèmes alimentation/excrétion des territoires urbains au regard de leur soutenabilité et proposons une méthodologie de caractérisation fondée principalement sur l’analyse du flux de la substance qui nous paraît la plus pertinente, à savoir l’azote, et sur les modalités de gestion des urines humaines qui représentent près des trois quarts de ce flux. Nous montrons que les systèmes alimentation/excrétion des différentes communautés humaines présentent une très grande variété selon les lieux et époques considérés et proposons de les distinguer entre autres en fonction de leur circularité, c’est-à-dire par le taux de retour sur des sols agricoles des excrétats. En prenant l’agglomération parisienne comme cas d’étude, nous montrons que son système alimentation/excrétion a été de plus en plus circulaire au cours du XIXe siècle, culminant au tout début du XXe siècle aux alentours de 50 % de circularité, avant de se linéariser progressivement au cours du XXe siècle. En ce début de XXIe siècle, nous caractérisons le système alimentation/excrétion de l’agglomération parisienne comme non soutenable car linéaire à plus de 95 %, intensif, inefficace et polluant aux échelles locales et globales. Ces caractéristiques sont généralisées au sein du monde occidental et interpellent sur la possibilité d’une transition socio-écologique vers des systèmes alimentation/excrétion soutenables. Or, depuis les années quatre-vingt-dix, une prise de conscience relative à l’urine a réémergé, principalement en Suède puis dans l’Europe germanique. Elle s’est traduite par de nombreuses réalisations et recherches autour de la séparation à la source des urines. Nous montrons que ce dispositif est actuellement le seul, dans le monde occidental, à avoir permis de nouveau la mise en œuvre de systèmes alimentation/excrétion circulaires. Pouvant être déclinée sous de multiples formes en fonction des contextes, la séparation à la source des urines bénéficie, malgré le verrouillage socio-technique de l’agglomération parisienne autour du tout-à-l’égout, d’un contexte favorable à son développement. Nous avons élaboré un scénario prospectif explorant ainsi la possibilité que l’agglomération parisienne dépasse, en quelques décennies, l’extremum de circularité qu’elle avait connu à la Belle Époque et que les acteurs de ce territoire réalisent, en cohérence avec une transition socio-écologique des autres systèmes énergétiques, hydrauliques et de transport, un régime socio-écologique soutenable de leur système alimentation/excrétion. Cette thèse fait partie du programme de recherche et action OCAPI (www.leesu.fr/OCAPI) / Nutrition and excretion are fundamental physiological needs for all human beings. Analysis of their materiality, from the cellular scale up to the great planetary-scale biogeochemical cycles, shows that nutrition and excretion form a system. The focus of our study is the sustainability of the nutrition/excretion systems of urban areas, which we have sought to assess by analysing substance flows. The most relevant of these substances seems to be nitrogen, so by assessing urban nitrogen flows we can characterise the different possible socioecological regimes and their sustainability. We identify a wide diversity of nutrition/excretion systems depending on the places and eras considered. We propose to distinguish them in terms of their circularity, in other words by the rate at which nitrogen from excreta returns to agricultural land. Using the Paris urban area as our case study, we show that its nutrition/excretion system became increasingly circular in the 19th century, reaching maximum circularity right at the start of the 20th century, before becoming steadily more linear in the course of the 20th century. In these early years of the 21st century, the nutrition/excretion system of the Paris urban area is essentially linear, and still generates significant pollution at both local and global scales. Its environmental footprint is exacerbated by a diet that is very protein rich, mostly animal in origin, and by the non-consumption of a significant proportion of the food produced. All these factors make it unsustainable. These characteristics are found throughout the Western world and raise questions about the possibility of a socioecological transition to sustainable systems of nutrition and excretion. Since the 1990s, initially in Sweden, followed by Nordic and German-speaking Europe, awareness has been growing of the role of urine. Urine is responsible for three-quarters of urban nitrogenous excretions and is a safe substance: following a period of storage, it can be used as agricultural fertiliser. This new awareness has been followed by extensive experimentation and research on urine source separation. We show that this is currently the only method in the Western world to have accomplished a return to circular systems of nutrition/excretion. Urine source separation can be done in multiple ways, depending on circumstances, and conditions in France are favourable to its development, despite the sociotechnical lock-in to mixed sewage management systems. In a forward-looking scenario, we therefore explore the possibility that the Paris urban area could return to, and within a few decades even surpass, the heights of circularity that it attained during the Belle Époque. In that case, alongside a socioecological transition in the other systems – water, energy, transport – the people of this territory could establish a sustainable regime for their system of nutrition/excretion. This thesis is part of the OCAPI research and action programme (www.leesu.fr/OCAPI)

Intention of preserving forest remnants among landowners in the Atlantic Forest: the role of the ecological context and experiences with nature / Intenção de preservar remanescentes florestais entre proprietários de terra na Mata Atlântica: o papel do contexto ecológico e das experiências com a natureza

Karina Campos Tisovec Dufner 02 July 2018 (has links)
Unravelling the psychological processes determining landowners\' support towards forest conservation is key, particularly, in developing countries, where most forest remnants are within private lands. As human-nature connections are known to shape pro-environmental behaviors, the intention of preserving forest remnants should be ultimately determined by the ecological context people live in. Here, we investigate the pathways through which the ecological context (forest cover), via experiences with nature (contact, uses and losses associated with forests), influences the psychological determinants of conservation behavior (beliefs, attitude and intention towards preserving forest remnants). We conceptualized a model based on the Reasoned Action Approach, using the ecological context and experiences with nature as background factors, and tested the model using Piecewise SEM. Data was collected through an interview-based protocol applied to 106 landowners across 13 landscapes varying in forest cover in a region in the Brazilian Atlantic Forest. Our results indicate that: (i) ecosystem services are more important than disservices for shaping intention of preserving forests, particularly those related to non-provisioning benefits; (ii) contact with forest has an indirect effect on intention, by positively influencing forest uses; (iii) people living in more forested ecological contexts have more experiences with nature, and ultimately stronger intention of preserving forests. Hence, our study suggests a dangerous positive feedback loop between deforestation and the extinction of human-nature connections. Local demands across the full range of ecosystem services, the balance between services and disservices, and the ecological context people live should be considered when developing conservation initiatives in rural areas / Desvendar os processos psicológicos que determinam o apoio dos proprietários de terras à conservação das florestas é fundamental, particularmente, nos países em desenvolvimento, onde a maioria dos remanescentes florestais se encontra em áreas privadas. Como as conexões humano-natureza são conhecidas por moldar comportamentos pró-ambientais, a intenção de preservar remanescentes florestais deve ser, em última instância, determinada pelo contexto ecológico no qual as pessoas vivem. Neste trabalho, investigamos os caminhos pelos quais o contexto ecológico (cobertura florestal), através das experiências com a natureza (contato, usos e perdas associados às florestas), influencia os determinantes psicológicos do comportamento de conservação (crenças, atitude e intenção de preservar remanescentes florestais). Formulamos um modelo baseado na Abordagem da Ação Racional, usando o contexto ecológico e as experiências com a natureza como fatores de base, e o testamos através da Piecewise SEM. Os dados foram coletados através de protocolo aplicado, por meio de entrevista, a 106 proprietários de terra em 13 paisagens que variam em cobertura florestal em uma região da Mata Atlântica. Nossos resultados indicam que: (i) serviços ecossistêmicos são mais importantes que desserviços para moldar a intenção de preservar florestas, particularmente outros serviços que não os de provisão; (ii) o contato com a floresta tem um efeito indireto sobre a intenção, influenciando positivamente os usos da floresta; (iii) as pessoas que vivem em contextos ecológicos mais florestados têm mais experiências com a natureza e, assim, uma intenção mais forte de preservar as florestas. Nosso estudo, portanto, sugere um perigoso ciclo de retroalimentação positiva entre o desmatamento e a extinção das conexões humano-natureza. As demandas locais considerando toda a gama de serviços ecossistêmicos, o balanço entre serviços e desserviços e o contexto ecológico no qual as pessoas vivem devem ser considerados ao se desenvolverem iniciativas de conservação em áreas rurais

Tolerance towards wildlife in the Atlantic forest: an empirical test across ecological contexts and mammal specie / Tolerância à fauna silvestre na Mata Atlântica: um teste empí­rico em diferentes contextos ecológicos e espécies de mamíferos

Lucas Manuel Cabral Teixeira 03 July 2018 (has links)
Human-wildlife conflicts (HWC) emerge as complex conservation challenges impairing human livelihood and wildlife populations. Research on HWC, however, has traditionally approached these components apart and focused on single/ similar species, hampering a broader understanding of the connections between ecological drivers and human dimensions of conflicts. We here develop and test a model integrating ecological and human components of HWC, focusing on three species - opossum, crab-eating fox and puma. We investigated the pathways through which the ecological context (forest cover) affects experiences with wildlife (contact and damage), and how such experiences influence tolerance via beliefs, emotions and attitude. We interviewed 114 landowners across 13 landscapes varying in forest cover in a region of the Brazilian Atlantic forest and tested our model using Piecewise Structural Equation Modeling. We found that: i. forest cover negatively affected tolerance, but just towards the largest species; ii. relevance and effects of distinct experiences with wildlife on beliefs and emotions varied across species; iii. beliefs and emotions influenced tolerance, but negative emotions were relevant only for the largest species. Conflicts with larger species can then be understood as disservices provided by forests, indicating the relevance of framing HWC within a broader perspective that consider the trade-offs with ecosystems services. For some species, positive experiences with wildlife may counteract the negative effects of damages to livestock in shaping human behavior. Models such as ours - that structure relationships between ecological and human components - can help identifying deeper, more effective leverage points to improve interventions to mitigate HWC / Conflitos entre seres humanos e fauna silvestre emergem como desafios complexos, ameaçando o sustento de populações humanas e a conservação de populações de animais silvestres. Contudo, pesquisas sobre conflitos tradicionalmente abordam esses componentes separadamente e focam em espécies individuais ou similares, dificultando o entendimento mais amplo das conexões entre determinantes ecológicos e dimensões humanas dos conflitos. Neste estudo, desenvolvemos e testamos um modelo conceitual integrando componentes ecológicos e humanos dos conflitos, focando em três espécies - gambá, cachorro-do-mato e onça-parda. Investigamos os caminhos através dos quais o contexto ecológico (cobertura florestal) afeta experiências (contato e dano), e como tais experiências influenciam a tolerância à fauna por meio de crenças, emoções e atitude. Entrevistamos 114 proprietários rurais em 13 paisagens com diferentes proporções de cobertura florestal em uma região da Mata Atlântica e testamos nosso modelo usando equações estruturais do tipo Piecewise. Encontramos que: i. a cobertura florestal afetou negativamente a tolerância, mas apenas para a maior espécie; ii. a importância e os efeitos de diferentes experiências com a fauna sobre crenças e emoções variaram entre as espécies; iii. crenças e emoções influenciaram a tolerância, mas emoções negativas foram relevantes apenas para a maior espécie. Conflitos com espécies maiores podem então ser entendidos como desserviços providos por florestas, indicando a relevância de inserir os conflitos humano-fauna em perspectiva mais ampla, que considere as relações com serviços ecossistêmicos. Para algumas espécies, experiências positivas podem compensar os efeitos negativos dos danos a criações na formação do comportamento humano. Modelos como o nosso - que estruturem as relações entre os componentes ecológicos e humanos - podem ajudar a identificar pontos de alavancagem mais profundos e efetivos para melhorar intervenções visando a mitigação dos conflitos com a fauna

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