Spelling suggestions: "subject:"5oftware piracy"" "subject:"5oftware liracy""
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Počítačová kriminalita / Computer criminalityVyhnálek, Aleš January 2007 (has links)
Diploma thesis characterises the most important kinds of computer crime, economically evaluates incurred harms, presents factual examples and a prognosis of the possible way of developement of this kind of crime in the future. Thesis includes legislation regarding the computer crime and possible ways of defending against it. In the end, in the form of a questionary, the thesis monitors the knowledge of students of the Faculty of management in Jindřichův Hradec about the field of computer crime and interprets these results using graphs.
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An Empirical Assessment of Factors Contributing to Individuals' Propensity to Commit Software Piracy in The BahamasWells, Raymond Cleophas 01 January 2012 (has links)
Researchers have found that software piracy worldwide over the years has significantly contributed to billions of dollars in lost revenue for many software firms. Software developers have found it difficult to create software that is not easily copied, thus, creating a software protection problem. Software piracy remains a global problem despite the significant effort to combat its prevalence.
Over the years, significant research has attempted to determine the factors that contribute to individuals' propensity to commit software piracy. Most of the research on software piracy has been limited to larger societies, with recommendations by researchers to extend similar studies to smaller ones. The literature indicating the need for additional research on this topic in different populations and cultures is significant. Given that, the key contributions of this study were to assess empirically factors such as personal moral obligation (PMO), cultural dimensions, ethical computer self-efficacy (ECSE) and the effect it has on individuals' propensity -- in cultures that support it -- to commit software piracy in smaller geographical locations.
Therefore, this research empirically assessed the contribution that PMO, Hofstede's cultural dimension of individualism/collectivism (I/C), and ECSE have made on individuals' propensity to commit software piracy. The study extended the current body of knowledge by finding answers to three specific questions. First, this study sought to determine whether the PMO component contributed to individuals' propensity to commit software piracy in The Bahamas. Secondly, this study sought to determine the level of contribution of Hofstede's cultural dimension of I/C to individuals' propensity to commit software piracy in The Bahamas. Finally, this study sought to determine the contribution of ECSE to individuals' propensity to commit software piracy in The Bahamas.
A total of 321 usable responses were collected over a one-month period from students from the school of business at a small Bahamian college, to determine their level of PMO, I/C, and ECSE contribution to individuals' propensity to commit software piracy. This represents, approximately, a 64% response rate. The results showed the overall significance of the models of the three factors in predicting individuals' propensity to commit software piracy. Furthermore, the results indicated that PMO and ECSE subscale PMO and ECSE_DB were significant, however, I/C, and ECSE (as a whole) were not.
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Autorskoprávní ochrana počítačových programů / Copyright protection of softwareStehlík, Petr January 2016 (has links)
The title of this diploma thesis: Copyright protection of computer programs The general purpose of this thesis is to describe the most important aspects of the legal protection of computer programs, particularly the aspects of copyright protection. In this thesis I describe the form in which a computer program is protected, the activities that are permitted by law in relation to a computer program and what activities constitute an unauthorised intereference with author's rights. In addition to the copyright regime I also briefly described patent protection of computer programs, since it recently was subject to heated discussions in Europe and we can anticipate further development in this matter in the future, especially with regard to the decision-making practice of the European Patent Office and possible legislative establishment of patent protection of software at EU level. I have analyzed the above mentioned aspects under the Czech law (in close relation to the law of EU) but also under the law of the USA. Therefore, another aim of this thesis was to compare the legal protection of software in the USA and in the Czech Republic (EU respectively). Finally, this thesis also describes the issue called "software piracy", i.e. illegal distribution and use of computer programs. More specifically, I...
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Structural implications of the activation of moral disengagement in social cognitive theory.Garbharran, Ameetha 01 August 2013 (has links)
This thesis was constructed on the foundation of two broad theoretical criticisms levelled against Bandura’s (1986) social cognitive theory. The first was the lack of clarity about what constituted the building blocks of the theory and the second was the lack of clarity about how these constituent components interacted in consistent and predictable ways as an integrated model of human behaviour. These ‘theory-level’ criticisms, which detracted from the empirical testability of social cognitive theory, seemed to have filtered down to the level of its individual building blocks. Therefore, moral disengagement, which constituted the focal variable of interest in this investigation, was not unaffected by them. Bandura’s (1986) theoretical presentation of moral disengagement as either an eight or four-dimensional construct and the empirical treatments of moral disengagement by Bandura and his colleagues as a uni-dimensional (Bandura, Barbaranelli, Caprara & Pastorelli, 1996a; Bandura, Caprara, Barbaranelli, Pastorelli & Regalia, 2001b) and a four-dimensional variable (McAlister, Bandura & Owen, 2006), raised questions about its dimensionality. The first objective of this study was to examine moral disengagement’s dimensionality and the stability of its internal factor structure (i.e. longitudinal measurement invariance) over time. The general lack of clarity about how the constituent components of social cognitive theory were expected to cohere as an integrated framework of human behaviour had specific implications for the moral disengagement construct and its temporal position relative to other social cognitive variables. The second objective of this study was to examine moral disengagement’s temporal sequences relative to select social cognitive constructs (viz. proficiency-based self-efficacy, intention, and past and future behaviour) in order to comment on the likely temporal positions of these constructs relative to each other in the context of a model for predicting antisocial behaviour. Due to the exclusive activation of moral disengagement in antisocial contexts, the examination of its dimensionality and temporal sequences was contingent on an antisocial context. Software piracy, as a specific instance of antisocial behaviour, served as the context in which moral disengagement was researched in this study. A pilot investigation was conducted to test the psychometric properties of the scales that were developed to measure moral disengagement, proficiency-based self-efficacy, intention and behaviour in this study. Once their psychometric robustness was established, these scales were used in the context of a main longitudinal investigation separated by a three to four month time-lag in order to achieve the two main research objectives. Using the structural equation modelling family of data analysis techniques (specifically, confirmatory factor analysis and path analysis), the results of the main longitudinal study revealed that moral disengagement emerged as most meaningful as a uni-dimensional construct which consisted of four aggregated sets of items which represented the clusters of moral disengagement mechanisms that were likely to be activated at the four points in the self-regulation process envisaged by Bandura (1986). The findings suggested that this factor structure was longitudinally invariant when moral disengagement was measured across two assessment waves. Moral disengagement appeared to temporally precede intention and future behaviour and to temporally follow past behaviour. Self-efficacy, however, seemed to temporally precede future behaviour and to temporally follow past behaviour but unlike moral disengagement, self-efficacy appeared to temporally follow intention. Therefore, intention appeared to completely mediate the interaction between moral disengagement and proficiency-based self-efficacy in this study. The theoretical and practical implications of these findings were examined and directions for future research were proposed.
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Le Marché des logiciels : une confrontation entre logiciels propriétaires, libres et piratés. / Foss and pirated software competition for proprietary softwareAttaya, Heger 05 February 2014 (has links)
Les analyses des marchés des logiciels ont longtemps été limitées à l'unique confrontation libre-propriétaire ou propriétaire-piratage. Cette thèse fournit à l'opposé une vision originale d'une confrontation articulée entre propriétaire-libre-piratage. L'analyse du marché des logiciels est réalisée premièrement à travers un descriptif économique et technique du produit "logiciel". Cette description est nécessaire pour saisir le comment et le pourquoi de la déclinaison du produit "logiciel" sous trois formes : propriétaire, libre et piraté. L'aspect technique est particulièrement substantiel puisqu'il permet de comprendre parfois l'impossibilité technique de délimiter le piratage informatique. Cette analyse est appuyée ensuite par un descriptif historique de la construction du marché et l'introduction des droits de propriété qui ont été un facteur déterminant pour la transformation des échanges. On identifie par la suite, les principaux acteurs (producteurs et diffuseurs) de ses trois déclinaisons du bien logiciel et leurs modes organisationnels. En parallèle aux entreprises éditrices de logiciel propriétaire et des communautés de logiciel libre (Hackers), une nouvelle catégorie d'acteurs développant du "matériel informatique libre" est identifiée (open hardware). L'accent est mis sur l'enchevêtrement des frontières entre les communautés libres et le groupe des pirates dont la distinction est complexe, puisque certaines pratiques de piratage sont de fait tolérées par le marché. Les pirates sont aussi considérés dans le cadre de cette thèse, selon leurs compétences techniques. Une typologie des pirates est donc proposée, distinguant les "utilisateurs" des "producteurs" de logiciels piratés (pirates passifs et pirates actifs). Notre analyse se poursuit ensuite avec des modélisations mathématiques et économétriques pour défendre la thèse que les trois déclinaisons du bien logiciel s'inter-influencent et que la concurrence sur le marché des logiciels est ternaire. Cette approche est originale en ce qui concerne les logiciels libres, car vu la récente nouveauté du phénomène, peu d'études de quantification ont été réalisé. Un théorème mathématique, largement utilisé en contrôle optimale, est sollicité pour analyser la façon dont les acteurs des logiciels propriétaires tiennent compte à la fois de la présence concurrentielle des logiciels piratés et celle des logiciels libres. Il est montré qu'une stratégie de tolérance du piratage peut servir favorablement le logiciel propriétaire sur le marché pour réduire "l'effet réseau" des logiciels libres et de renforcer l'effet de "lock-in" du propriétaire. Le modèle économétrique soutient également la thèse que la diffusion des logiciels libres impacte celle des logiciels piratés. La construction d'une base de données de pays à différents niveaux de développement, montre que les politiques gouvernementales en faveur des logiciels libres et l'intérêt de population locale pour linux, peuvent réduire les pratiques du piratage. Ce constat varie selon les catégories de pays étudiés (pays développés, émergents, en voie de développement et pauvres). Les résultats du modèle économétrique appuient ceux de la modélisation. / Publishers of proprietary software are confronted both by the onset of piracy practices and free/open software. So far, the obstacles faced by proprietary software have been presented in the literature by means of two distinct approaches :(i) the piracy/proprietary software (illicit competition), or (ii) the open source/proprietary software (licit competition) standpoints. In this thesis we propose an alternative approach of the software market, which focuses on the coexistence of competitive forces piracy practices and open software. The three forces are supported by di_erent actors, to which we add the new one of open hardware that consolidated the position of free software on the market. The new approach distinguishes also between sophisticated active pirates producers and casual passive pirate users. We emphasized that it is di_cult to distinguish between hackers and pirates, as piracy practices are sometimes tolerated by the market. Using an econometric and mathematics model we show the impacts that one in_icts over the other. The mathematical model investigates how changes in the _rm's anti-piracy policya_ect the number of pirates users, given that the free software network size increases if pirates become free software users. The proposed econometric model shows that government policies in favour of open source software and adoption of Linux by individuals tends to decrease software piracy. A majorempirical result concerns the emerging and developing countries where policies in favour of free software can in some speci_c cases reduce piracy.
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A Study of Software Piracy through the Lens of the Self-Sanction and Creative ExperienceLiu, Chia-yi 25 June 2008 (has links)
Today, the problem of piracy is a major concern for governments, academia and software industry as it has become a prevailing phenomenon. While much effort has been devoted to identify the factors that cause software piracy, most studies focus primarily on if social sanctioning mechanisms can be effective in deterring piracy. In this thesis, the research focus differs in that it emphasizes the role of self-sanction to safeguard copyright. Based on Bandura¡¦s Social Cognitive Theory, the determinants of effective self-sanction against piracy are presupposed to be enactive mastering and vicarious observation. We therefore hypothesize that well being resulted from previous software creativity experience as well as moral obligation should positively correlate with creative self-efficacy and ethical self-efficacy concerning software piracy. The results show that creative experience indeed significantly predicts both creative and ethical self-efficacy, and four constructs (i.e., creative experience, creative self-efficacy, moral obligation, and subjectively perceived critical mass) have significantly positive influence on ethical self-efficacy. Moreover, the results show that, within creative experience, the ¡§relationship development¡¨ dimension has significantly positive influence on ethical self-efficacy concerning software piracy, while the ¡§self-acceptance¡¨ dimension exerts significantly negative influence.
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Investigating Consumers' Software Piracy Using An Extended Theory Of Reasoned ActionAleassa, Hasan M. 01 January 2009 (has links)
Software piracy, the illegal and unauthorized duplication, sale, or distribution of software, is a widespread and costly phenomenon. According to the Business Software Alliance, more than one third of the PC software packages installed worldwide in 2006 were unauthorized copies. This behavior costs the software industry billions of lost dollars in revenue annually. Software piracy behavior has been investigated for more than thirty years. However, there are two voids in the literature: lack of studies in Non-Western countries and scarcity of process studies. As such, this study contributes to the literature by developing a software piracy model to understand the decision making process that underlies this illegal behavior among Jordanian university students. Based on a literature review in various disciplines, including social psychology, psychology, and criminology, several important variables have been incorporated into the proposed model. The model was tested using data collected from a sample of 323 undergraduate business students. The resulting data was analyzed by two main statistical techniques, structural equation modeling (SEM) and hierarchical multiple regression. The results indicated that the model was useful in predicting students' intention to pirate software. Seven out of eight hypotheses were supported. Consistent with The Theory of Reasoned Action, attitudes toward software piracy and subjective norms were significant predictors of intention to pirate software. However, our findings are inconsistent with previous studies with regard to the relative importance of attitude and subjective norms; subjective norms had a stronger effect. Also, the results suggested that ethical ideology, public self-consciousness, and low self-control moderated the effect of these variables on intention to pirate software. Lastly, the results indicated that the effect of subjective norms on afintention to pirate software was both direct and indirect through attitudes. The results have important practical implications for the software industry and governments to curtail software piracy. Limitations of the study and recommendations for future studies are discussed as well.
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Alternative methods of financing software : Replacing illegal copying with free copying / Alternativa metoder för att finansiera programvaraMjörner, Patrik, Bosrup, Erik January 2004 (has links)
The software industry’s largest and most severe problem is software piracy. Most attempts to stop illegal copying of software have failed. Alternative ways to remove software piracy must therefore be discovered and some are already being used. These ways include alternative methods of financing software products instead of trying to stop illegal copying. The alternative methods use the low cost of software duplication as an advantage to increase sales instead of seeing it as a problem. This requires a change in the business model to focus on other revenue sources than per-copy fees. Many different alternative financing methods exist. These are suitable under different conditions and there is no universal solution. The methods all have one thing in common. The user can legally copy and use the software product without purchasing a license. All have different positive and negative effects on the user and this can create the opportunity to use several business models to cater different market segments. / Mjukvaruindustrins största och allvarligaste problem är piratkopiering. De flesta försökt att få bukt med piratkopieringsproblemet har misslyckats. Alternativa metoder för att försöka lösa piratkopieringsproblemet måste därför hittas. Ett alternativt sätt att lösa piratkopieringsproblemet på är med hjälp av alternativa finansieringsmetoder för programvara. De alternativa finansieringsmetoderna använder sig av mjukvaras speciella egenarter som extremt låg reproduktionskostnad och enkelheten att enkelt göra perfekta kopior. Dessa alternativa finansieringsmetoder försöker hitta andra källor för inkomst än försäljningen av licenser. Många alternativa finansieringsmetoder finns. Dessa är tillämpbara och lämpliga i olika situationer och ingen universell lösning finns. Det dessa metoder har gemensamt är att programvarans användare fritt kan kopiera programvaran och använda den utan att behöva köpa en licens. Då de alternativa finansieringsmetoderna har olika positiva och negative påverkningar på sina användare ges tillfälle att kunna kombinera modeller.
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Problematika licenčních smluv / Problems of licensingHeřman, Karel January 2009 (has links)
This work concerns with possibilities of licensing. There are mentioned advantages and disadvantages of particular models. Further on, the prediction of future situation in the IT market, new techniques, trends and reasons of these changes are introduced. Work addresses to both types of software -- proprietary software and Open Source software. Next part of work deals with software piracy and problems, which are connected with it. In second part of the work are theoretical knowledge converted into practice. There is examined license politics of Microsoft and possibilities which are offered to different customers. The final part concerns with two firms which operate on Czech market. There is a view to licenses, which are owned by firms, followed by recommendation of optimization.
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Úprava programů v Javascriptu pomocí překladače / Javascript Program ObfuscationKuna, Matej January 2010 (has links)
In this project I deal with basic description of source code obfuscation and size reduction techniques of programming languages. The project is primary aimed on scripting language named JavaScript and involved analysis of free obfuscation tools for this language. In the final stage I have created an application is based on theoretical scope of this project and able to obfuscate JavaScript source codes on different levels.
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