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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Avaliação do estado nutricional e da fertilidade do solo na cultura do plátano (Musa AAB subgrupo Plátano cv. Hárton). / Evaluation of the nutritional status and of the soil fertility for the plantain crop (Musa AAB subgroup plantain cv. Hárton).

Vianel de Jesus Rodriguez Perez 26 June 2003 (has links)
Este trabalho teve o objetivo de propor uma metodologia adequada ao diagnostico nutricional e à avaliação da fertilidade do solo, dentro do contexto do balanço nutricional da cultura do plátano (Musa AAB subgrupo plátano cv. Hárton) no Sul do Lago do Maracaibo, Venezuela. O procedimento inicial foi, estratificar a área de amostragem por series semelhantes de solos da região. Desta maneira, selecionaram-se quatro lavouras com um histórico de melhor rendimento, na serie de solos de texturas francas. Em seguida fez-se a amostragem completamente ao acaso, entre os meses de julho a dezembro dos anos 2000 e 2001. O tamanho da amostra tirada por lavoura, foi de 30 unidades experimentais. Entretanto, por segurança acrescentaram-se cerca de 25%, dadas as possibilidades de perdas por rajadas de vento e chuva e outros infortúnios. A unidade experimental foi formada pela planta "mãe" e seu broto lateral "filho" em pleno desenvolvimento. Em cada unidade coletou-se a amostra foliar, na planta "mãe" de acordo a norma estabelecida pelo Método de Amostragem Internacional de Referencia (MEIR). Concomitantemente, tomou-se a amostra de solo, na faixa de adubação, em frente do "filho" em duas profundidades 0 – 20 cm e 21 – 40 cm. As amostras de folhas foram analisadas para N, P, K, Ca, Mg, S, B, Cu, Fe, Mn, Mo e Zn. Nas amostras de solo se determinou-se pH, condutividade elétrica, matéria orgânica, areia, silte, argila, P, K, Ca, Mg, S, B, Cu, Fe, Mn e Zn. Os dados foram avaliados por analises de regressão com as combinações lineares dos componentes principais, regressão múltipla e obtenção da media aritmética das plantas com maior rendimento. Os resultados demonstraram que o modelo de regressão das combinações lineares com o rendimento deu uma melhor avaliação e predição do rendimento do plátano Hárton, dentro do contexto do balanço nutricional. Com esse modelo, posteriormente estimou-se o rendimento e se separou a população em classes desde o menor até o maior rendimento. Observaram-se nos dados dos analises de solos e folhas, incrementos, decréscimos ou ausência da variação nas concentrações de nutrientes em relação com o rendimento. Isto permitiu realizar interpretações simultâneas das análises de solos e folhas sem a necessidade de valores de referência. Por conseguinte vê-se que o modelo de regressão do rendimento com as combinações lineares vai além do uso de valores de referência isolados, pois permitiu determinar e utilizar o balanço nutricional entre todas as variáveis estudadas. Os resultados assim obtidos, permitem que a metodologia utilizada, seja indicada como una proposta de interpretação dos resultados de análises de solos e folhas. / The aim of this work is to suggest an adequate methodology for the evaluation of the nutritional status and of the fertility of soil for plantain grown in the South of Lake Maracaibo, Venezuela. Initially the area to sample was split into similar soil series. Four high yielding plantations were selected within a soil series of intermediate texture. Afterwards a random sampling was carried out from July to December 2000 and 2001. The sample per plantation had 30 experimental units, plus 25 % for safety reasons, since losses could occur due to weather conditions and other adverse factors. The experimental unit consisted of the "mother" plant and its fully developed "daughter". In each unit leaf sampling was done according to the "Method of International Sampling for Reference"(MEIR). Soil Samples were colleted in front of he daughter in the fertilization band at the depths of 0-20 and 21-40 cm. Leaf samples were analysed for N, P, K, Ca, Mg, S, B, Cu, Fe, Mn, Mo and Zn. pH, conductivity, organic matter, sand, silt, clay, P, K, Ca, Mg, S, B, Cu, Fe, Mn, and Zn were determined in the soil samples. Data were evaluated by regression analysis with the lineal combinations of the main components, and by multiple regression. Results have shown that the regression model of the lineal combination with yield gave a better evaluation and prediction of the plantain crop, within the context of nutritional balance. This, on its turn allowed for the assessment of yield and for the separation of the population in yield classes. It was possible to observe both in the soils and leaves concentrations of nutrients related and not related to yield. It was possible, therefore, to conduct simultaneous interpretation of soil and leaf analyses obviating the need for reference values. The model of regression of yield against lineal combinations goes farther the than the isolated reference values since it allowed for the determination and utilization of nutritional balance among all variables. This methodology could be proposed for the interpretation of the results of soil and plant analyses.

Residual Nitrogen As it Affects Soil Fertility Under Irrigated Agriculture in a Tropical Wet-Dry Climate

Kidman, Don Carlos 01 May 1975 (has links)
In the Zapotitan Valley near San Andres, El Salvador, Central America, an experiment was conducted to determine the availability of residual soil N to corn grown during the rainy season. This was an extension of an experiment conducted during the preceding dry season. The variables of the dry season experiment were irrigation method, crop, and rate of fertilizer N application. Soil N03-N and NH4-N were determined by soil sample analysis to a soil depth of 120 em by 30 em depth increments. The samples were taken at the end of the dry season experiment and again at harvest time of the wet season experiment. Yield of corn grown during the rainy season was measured. The results indicate the following: (1) soil N03-N alone was an efficient indicator of residual soil N; (2) there was a linear increase of soil N03-N with N applied four months previously at the beginning of the dry season crops; (3) soil sampled to the 30 cm depth was sufficient to estimate availability of the residual N; (4) corn yields increased linearly with the increase of soil N03-N; (5) the measurement of residual soil N03-N can be used as a soil text index in connection with N prediction equations for estimating fertilizer N requirements. The measurements of soil N03-N can, therefore, increase the efficiency of fertilizer use in a wet-dry tropical climate.

Verticillium wilt, nematodes, and soil fertility interactions in hop yards

Barth, Alexander W. 25 July 1990 (has links)
Verticillium wilt of 'Willamette' hops (Humulus lupulus) was investigated to identifY the causal organism, to determine the incidence of the disease, and to explore the possibility of interactions with soil fertility and/or nematodes. In the first year of a three year study, sampling of yards followed a "searching for extremes approach". Selection of yards was based on a preliminary survey of all (35) hop growers in the Willamette Valley. Participating growers (10) were asked to identify one "good" and one "not-so-good" yard. Each of the 20 specified yards was subdivided into 4 plots; two representing a "good" and two representing a "not-so-good" area. In all 80 plots, data were collected to determine incidence of vascular colonization by Verticillium and stem necrosis in vines; soil and root parasitic nematode populations; concentrations of nitrate-N, ammonium-N, P, K, Ca, Mg, and pH in the soil surface, and nitrate-N, ammonium- N , and K in the subsoil; concentrations of total-P, K, and Zn in the leaves; and concentrations of nitrate-N, phosphate-P, and K in the petioles. The causal agents of the wilt were Verticillium dahliae in 13 yards and V. albo-atrum in one yard. Recovery of the pathogen within a yard ranged from 0 to 50% of sampled vines, while stem necrosis ranged from 0 to 68%. The frequency of infection was not significantly different among plots or yards, which suggests that the disease is present in all hop growing districts in Oregon. Soil nematode populations ranged from 0 to 3000 juveniles/100 g of dry soil. Heterodera humili (hop-cyst nematode) was the predominant parasitic nematode, while Pratylenchus (root-lesion nematode) and Paratylenchus (pin nematode) were recovered only occasionally. Densities of nematodes extracted from roots ranged from 0 to 2000 juveniles/g of moist root material and were primarily H. humili. A significant association between nematode populations and Verticillium incidence was not detected. Soil nutrient concentrations exhibited a high degree of variability among yards. The nitrate-N content, measured to a depth of 36" (90 cm) for individual hop yards, ranged between 65 (73) and 417 lb/A (468 kg/ha) with a mean value of 270 lb/A (302 kg/ha). Concentrations of ammonium-N were determined to be approximately one-fourth of the nitrate concentrations. Phosphorus and potassium concentrations ranged from 55 to 155 ppm and 118 to 799 ppm, respectively, in the surface soil. For the same depth, soil pH ranged from 5.15 to 6.78. Petiole concentrations of nitrate-N and potassium ranged from 0.16 to 1.3% and from 1.26 to 6.84%, respectively. While it is believed that the duration of the sampling period may have been responsible for the wide range in nitrate-N values, petiole potassium concentrations are thought to reflect the potassium content in the soil. The concentrations of K in petioles increased steadily with increasing soil test values up to 350 ppm K. Soil and tissue nutrient concentrations found within and among hop yards did not correlate significantly with the incidence of Verticillium wilt. However, petiole nitrate-N concentrations were significantly higher (p < 0.05) in plots infected with Verticillium (0.73%) as compared to noninfected plots (0.56%). / Graduation date: 1991

Implementation of sustainable management practices at two California Central Coast vineyards and their effects on soil fertility a thesis /

Stimson, Dawn M. Hallock, Brent G. January 1900 (has links)
Thesis (M.S.)--California Polytechnic State University, 2009. / Title from PDF title page; viewed on December 2, 2009. Major professor: Brent G. Hallock, Ph.D. "Presented to the faculty of California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo." "In partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree [of] Master of Science in Agriculture with specialization in Soil Science." "November 2009." Includes bibliographical references (p. 67-71). Also available on microfiche.

The effects of surface-applied poultry manure on top- and subsoil acidity and selected soil fertility characteristics.

Judge, Angus. January 2001 (has links)
The effects of surface applications of poultry manure on pH, exchangeable AI, exchangeable Al saturation and levels of available macronutrients in the surface and subsurface layers were investigated in some acid soils from the KwaZulu-Natal Midlands. Three field sites with a history of long-term applications of poultry manure were compared with adjacent fields where no manure had been applied. Results generally showed an increase in pHwater, pHKCI, exchangeable Ca, Mg, and K and extractable P and a decrease in exchangeable Al and exchangeable Al saturation in the surface soil to the depth to which the manure had been incorporated. Results also provided evidence for substantial downward movement of Ca and Mg into the subsoil layers (i.e. 30-60 cm) and their accumulation in exchangeable forms. There was a concomitant general increase in pHKcl and pHwater and decrease in exchangeable Al and exchangeable AI saturation in the subsoil layers. These results demonstrate that, under field conditions, surface applications of poultry manure can cause the amelioration of subsoil acidity. This is an extremely important finding since subsoil acidity is characteristically extremely difficult and costly to ameliorate. A leaching column study was subsequently conducted to investigate the mechanisms by which surface applications of poultry manure ameliorate both top- and subsoil acidity. The soil used, originating from one of the field sites, had not previously been treated with poultry manure and had a subsoil pHKCI of 4.25 and an exchangeable acidity concentration of 1.79 cmolJkg. Three forms of poultry manure (layer, broiler and free range) were incorporated into the surface 5 cm of soil columns at rates equivalent to 5, 10 and 30 Mg/ha. Columns were maintained in glasshouse conditions for a period of 108 days and over that period they were leached on four separate occasions (receiving a total of 825 mm of simulated rainfall). At the conclusion of the experiment, the soil columns were cut into sections for chemical analysis. Applications of poultry manure to the surface soil markedly increased pHwater, pHKcl, exchangeable Ca, Mg, K and Na concentrations and decreased exchangeable Al levels in the surface 5 cm layer. They also increased the concentrations of soluble C, soluble salts, total Al and organically-complexed Al in soil solution. These effects were most pronounced with layer manure and greater at the higher rate of application. The manure-induced decrease in exchangeable AI, but increase in total AI, in soil solution was attributed to soluble salts, originating from the manure, displacing exchangeable Al into solution where it was subsequently complexed by soluble organic matter. Analysis of subsoil layers (5-15, 15-25, 25-35 and 35-45 cm) at the conclusion of the experiment showed that surface applications of poultry manure decreased concentrations of exchangeable Al in the subsoil but had no effect on pHKCl and depressed values for pHwater. It was suggested that manure-derived urea leached into the subsoil and was then hydrolysed causing an increase in pH and precipitation of exchangeable Al as insoluble hydroxy-AI oxides. Towards the conclusion of the experiment nitrification began to proceed, causing subsoil pHKCl values to decrease back to their original values. Analysis of the inorganic-N content of leachates and soil layers provided circumstantial evidence for this mechanism. High concentrations of soluble salts in the subsoil layers (caused by leaching from the manure) resulted in displacement of exchangeable A13+ and W into soil solution so that the electrical conductivity and concentrations of total and monomeric Al were elevated and pHwater was depressed in the subsoil (15-45 cm) of poultry manure-treated columns. It was concluded that the results underline the opposing effects that poultry manure applications have on (i) raising soil pH and lowering exchangeable Al but at the same time (ii) greatly increasing soluble salt concentrations and thus displacing At3+ and H+ back into soil solution. They also have suggested the importance of the release of N during manure decomposition in influencing soil pH (through the processes of ammonification, urea hydrolysis and nitrification) and therefore other soil chemical properties. It is, however, clear that the long-term effect of surface applications of poultry manure is generally to ameliorate subsoil acidity by raising subsoil pH and lowering exchangeable Al concentrations. / Thesis (M.Sc.)-University of Natal, Pietermaritzburg, 2001.

The assessment of topsoil degradation on rehabilitated coal discard dumps / Theunis Louis Morgenthal

Morgenthal, Theunis Louis January 2003 (has links)
This study investigates coal discard cover soil fertility and its potential for degradation, particularly in terms of its salinisation and acidification potential. Seven rehabilitated coal discard dumps in the Witbank, Ermelo and Newcastle regions were used as study areas. All areas were rehabilitated with a cover soil layer, revegetated and annually fertilised with nitrate fertilisers, super phosphate, kraal manure and lime. Performance guideline for pH of 5.5-(6.5 i0.5)-7.5 and electrical conductivity guideline of preferably less than 200 mS.rn-' but not higher than 400 mS.m-' were set based on literature information. Soil chemical data from a three-year fertilisation programme were used to assess the fertility of the cover soil surface (0-150mm). Data collected over a three year period as well as additional electrical conductivity and pH measurements from the cover soil surface, subsoil, cover soil/coal contact zone and underlying coal itself were used to assess the occurrence of salinisation and acidification of the cover soil. The soil fertility varied significantly among dumps as well as over the three years. Results indicated an increase in ammonium acetate extractable macro elements (calcium, magnesium and potassium). With the exception of manganese, no micro-element toxicities were recorded. Iron concentrations were slightly elevated in some of the sandy cover soil layers. No increase in soluble nitrogen (nitrate and ammonium) was found and most soluble nitrogen was in the form of nitrates. In general the Bray extractable phosphate increased during the study period. It can be predicted that with the following fertiliser programme increases of exchangeable macro-elements as well as available phosphorus can be expected. The study could not indicate an increase in adsorbed or available nitrogen. Organic carbon was initially not analysed therefore no comments can be made whether organic matter increased. Four of the seven dumps surveyed had comparably similar organic carbon levels to the background samples. Overall the fertiliser programme increased the electrical conductivity and decreased the acidity of the cover soil surface. Acidity and salinity was in general not a problem at the surface of the cover soil and pH was even slightly higher in cover soil samples. The acidity and especially salinity increased at the subsoil and so did the sulphate concentrations. Calcium and magnesium sulphate were predominantly responsible for higher electrical conductivity measurements. The percentage exchangeable sodium was also predominantly less than 2% indicating that sodicity is not currently a problem in cover soil. Soil fertility was satisfactory for vegetation growth and macroelement concentrations were in the correct ratio although calcium was slightly high. An elevated sulphate concentration, in comparison to the natural grassland soils, as well as a high salinity and high acidity in the subsoil layers indicate that salinisation and acidification could deteriorate without proper management. A slightly acidic cover soil can also be attributed partially to its natural acidic pH due to the wellweathered and leach property of burrow pit. Higher than recommended salinity levels were found in subsoil samples but the occurrence of acidification of the subsoil was more dump specific. In relation to acidity and salinity guidelines only the cover soil of one dump was concerning and the larger dumps subsoil acidity and salinity were elevated. The following management strategies are proposed: a) The acidification potential, and therefore the pyrite content of the coal discard must be considered during decisions making on the rehabilitation method (clay barriers), topsoil depth, maintenance and mine closure potential. b) The occasional monitoring of the subsoil's and coal contact acidity is recommended, although not much can be done to stop acidification after cover-soil placement. c) To ensure a more sustained from of nitrogen supplementation over the long term the use of selected legumes should be investigated. Research in Europe and Australia suggested that nitrogen fixation could contribute substantially to the nitrogen for plant uptake. d) The physical properties of the topsoil (bulk density 8 soil compaction) are also being neglected and needs to be assessed occasionally and interpreted together with chemical analyses. Observations in other studies indicate that this could be the most fundamental problem for vegetation growth and not necessarily soil fertility, since soil physical properties could have a major impact on root development. Key words: Coal discard, mine rehabilitation, soil fertility, topsoil degradation, salinisation, and acidification / Thesis (M. Environmental Management)--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2004.

Interacting effects of soil nitrogen supply and light availability on understory sapling growth and foliar attributes

Kranabetter, John Marty 11 1900 (has links)
Light availability in forest understories is a well recognized constraint on sapling growth, but limitations in soil nitrogen (N) availability, and the link to foliar photosynthetic capacity, typically receive less consideration in describing stand dynamics. My primary hypothesis is that light and soil N availability have species-specific effects on photosynthetic activity and growth, and that together these resources will better define understory development in complex forests. To test these relationships, I examined 1) soil N indices and the tradeoffs between soil fertility and light attenuation in old-growth forest understories; 2) the effects of light and N constraints on understory sapling foliar N concentration (N%), N per unit area (Na), and natural abundance of ¹³C; 3) the effects of light and soil N supply on species growth and photosynthetic activity in a factorial field experiment; and 4) the mechanisms responsible for the stagnation of understory saplings. Soil N indices incorporating dissolved inorganic N and organic N were useful in characterizing differences in N supply among contrasting sites. Understory light availability declined with increasing soil N supply, while understory Abies lasiocarpa had strong correlations between foliar N% and soil N availability, despite shading effects. In partial-cut forests, understory Tsuga heterophylla and Picea glauca x sitchensis had consistent foliar N% across gradients of light availability; in contrast, foliar N% of Betula papyrifera and Thuja plicata declined with increasing shade, which would distort assessments of soil fertility and perhaps contribute to increased mortality of these species in deep shade. Strong correlations between foliar Na and ¹³C or growth increment suggest foliar N per unit area is the simplest integration of light availability and N nutrition on leaf photosynthetic activity. Ontogenic interactions that occur among foliar attributes and tree size in forest understories, especially for saplings < 1 m in height, contribute to time effects on growth patterns and emphasize the need for long-term studies of species autecology and stand dynamics. My experimental manipulation of light and N supply on saplings was ineffective, and future research using natural gradients in site productivity may be more fruitful in defining species response to light and N interactions.

Soil fertility, nutient dynamics and socio-economic interaction in the middle mountains of Nepal

Brown, Sandra J. 11 1900 (has links)
Understanding soil fertility issues in the Middle Mountains of Nepal requires interdisciplinary research, integrating biophysical and socio-economic factors. Soil degradation is associated with a wide range of human activities, natural processes, and the wider economic, political and social aspects of their setting. This study focuses on a in the Middle Mountains and addresses four research questions: What is the current soil fertility status? How is it changing? Why is it changing? and What are the implications for production, sustainability and management? Soil surveys, plot studies, nutrient balance modelling, household questionnaires and GIS mapping techniques are used to address these questions. The overall soil fertility conditions of the study area are poor and appear to be declining under most land uses. Soil pH averages 4.8 ± 0.4 and is below desirable levels for crop production. Soil carbon (0.99 ± 0.5 %) and cation exchange capacity (10.8 ± 4.1 cmol kg⁻¹) are low, and available phosphorus (16.6 ± 18.9 mg kg⁻¹) is a concern given the low pH. Land use is the most important factor influencing soil fertility with khet (irrigated agriculture) showing the best fertility status (pH 5.2, Ca 5.3 cmol kg⁻¹ and available P 21.6 mg kg⁻¹), followed by bari, and grassland, with forest soil fertility being the poorest (pH 4.2, Ca 0.9 cmol kg⁻¹ and available P 0.7 mg kg⁻¹). Soil type is the second most important factor influencing soil fertility, with red soils displaying significantly lower available P than non-red soils (9.8 versus 22.1 mg kg⁻¹). Phosphorus sorption studies indicate the high P fixation capacity of red soils, 1.2 g kg⁻¹ compared to 0.3 g kg⁻¹ calculated for non-red soils. Extrapolation from site specific data to a spatial coverage using statistical analysis and GIS techniques indicates that only 14% of the classified areas have adequate pH, available P and exchangeable Ca, and 29% of the area has a high P fixation capacity (>1.5 g kg⁻¹). Nutrient balance modelling provides estimates of nutrient depletion from the soil pool and raises concerns about the sustainability of upland farming, intensive vegetable crop production and forest nutrient cycling. Dryland maize production results in deficits of 188 kg N, 38 kg P205 and 21 kg Ca per ha furrow slice Rice-wheat cultivation on irrigated land appears to have limited impact on the soil nutrient pool, but the addition of premonsoon maize to the rotation results in deficits of 106 kg N and 12 kg P₂O₅ per ha furrow slice. Rates of soil fertility depletion estimated from differences in soil fertility between land uses indicate substantial N and Ca losses from forest land (94 and 57 kg ha per furrow slice respectively). Land use change, the impact on nutrient flows and relationships between nutrient inputs, crop uptake, nutrient balances and soil fertility provide an understanding of why soil fertility is changing. Historical forest cover data indicates substantial deforestation during the 1950-1960 period, a subsequent reversal in the 1972-1990 period associated with afforestation efforts, and renewed losses in the 1990s. Forest soils receive minimal nutrient inputs and large biomass removal results in a low soil fertility status. Expansion and marginalization of dryland agriculture were noted from 1972-1990, as former grazing, shrub and abandoned lands were terraced and cultivated. Nutrient fluxes indicate that inputs are insufficient to maintain the soil nutrient pool under dryland cultivation due to the high nutrient requirements of maize and nutrient losses through erosion. Nutrient balances for maize and wheat are positively correlated with nutrient inputs but relationships with soil fertility are weak. On irrigated khet lands, cropping has intensified and cash crop production has prompted the use of agrochemicals. Excess fertilization is leading to eutrophication and the high use of agrochemicals is a health concern. Nutrient fluxes on khet fields appear to be sustainable due to the addition of nutrients through irrigation and sediment trapping, but may be insufficient to maintain triple cropping. Grass and shrub land dynamics are characterized by minimal inputs and low productivity. The traditional farming system appears to have been sustainable, but triple cropping and increased vegetable production are threatening sustainability. The transfer of nutrients within the fanriing system is unbalanced. Under intensive production, nutrients on khet land are being depleted, poor farmers are shifting their limited compost inputs from bari to khet fields, and biomass collected from forests, disrupts the natural nutrient cycle. Population growth, land tenure, culture and poverty are the underlying socio-economic factors which influence farming system dynamics, directly impact nutrient inputs, and indirectly drive soil fertility degradation. Population growth rates of 2.6% have contributed to agricultural intensification and marginalization, and pressure on forest resources. The distribution of land is highly skewed with 15% of the surveyed households owning 46% of the land. Women play a central role in soil fertility management through their responsibilities for livestock care, litter collection and compost application, but increasing workloads related to commercial milk production, cash cropping and the off-farm employment of males are a major concern. Agricultural assets, farm gross margins, market oriented production, commercial milk production and off-farm employment provide indicators of economic well-being and are positively correlated with nutrient inputs. Total returns and gross margins are greatest for households growing vegetable crops as part of their rotation, and these households apply significantly more compost and fertilizer to both khet and bari land. Access to land is a key factor driving nutrient management and influencing economic well-being. Land is the main agricultural asset in the study area, khet land is the most productive and khet provides the greatest opportunity of cash crop production. However, given the increased labour demands for triple cropping, vegetable production and commercial milk production, the social sustainability is being threatened. Some 47% of the households were not able to fulfil their basic need requirements from the land they farm. They will have no alternative but to exhaust the capital stock of soil nutrients rather than investing in soil fertility. Maintenance of soil fertility is essential to meet the basic food and resource needs of the growing population. Organic matter management is critical, supplying macro- and micro nutrients, reducing acidification, maintaining soil structure and enhancing microbial activity. Water management and sediment trapping on lowland fields provide additional nutrients on khet land; soil acidity on upland fields and forest land needs to be better managed given the increased fertilizer use on bari and high biomass removal from forests; and the incorporation of N fixing species into agricultural production systems are an option which may provide additional animal fodder and help sustain soil fertility.

Some soil chemical and fertility aspects of the land disposal of a water treatment residue on selected soils of KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa.

Buyeye, Sicelo Malizo. January 2005 (has links)
The environmental and agricultural viability of land disposal of a water treatment residue (WTR) from the Midmar Water Treatment Works of Umgeni Water was investigated by determining answers to four broad questions: 1. What effects would the application of the WTR have on plants growing on the treated soils? 2. What effects would application of the WTR have on soil chemical properties? 3. What effects would the WTR have on the soil solution composition (and by implication the quality of the groundwater)? 4. Could this material be used to reduce solubility of potential pollutants? To answer these questions, the following experiments were set up, and their respective results are reported. 1. Effects of the water treatment residue on plant growth This was investigated in a pot experiment and two field experiments. In the pot experiment five soils, two Huttons (Hu-M and Hu-T), an Inanda (la-C), a Namib (Nb-F) and a Shortlands (Sd) were used to grow perennial ryegrass ((Lolium perellne). All samples were fertilized with a basal dressing of N, P, K, Mg and S. Two lime levels were added to the Ia-C and Nb-F soils, the higher calculated to reduce acid saturation to 1%, and the lower being half of that. The WTR was applied at rates of 0, 40, 80 and 120 Mg ha-1. All treatments were in triplicate. Eight cuts in all were made of the perennial ryegrass. The dry matter (DM) yield of perennial ryegrass grown in the pot experiment increased with the WTR applied in all five soils although the highest increase was with the acidic Ia-C and Nb-F soils. The fact that the highest yields were on the strongly acid soils suggests that the liming effect of the WTR could have contributed, more so considering that lime also increased yields in these soils. It was, however, clear that no one factor was responsible for the increase in yield as the timing effect could not explain the results of the other three soils. At the two field experiments perennial ryegrass was grown at Brookdale Farm from 1998 to 2001, after which the site was re-seeded with tall fescue (Festuca arundinaceae). At Ukulinga Farm tall fescue was grown from the outset in 2000. In the two field experiments with both perennial ryegrass and tall fescue, no significant increase in yield was apparent. Importantly, however, from an environmental point of view there was no decrease in yield whether the WTR was incorporated or applied as a mulch. This was observed even at the highest rates of application, namely 1280 Mg ha-1. The growth on the mulched plots was often observed to be better than any of the other treatments, including the control. Analysis of the plant material from both pot and field experiments indicated that the WTR neither pollution of the groundwater by nitrates. However, analysis of saturated pastes from soils at both field experiments showed that the levels of nitrate were increased by application of the WTR in only the fallow plots. 4. The water treatment residue as a possible pollutant-reducing agent The effect of the water treatment residue on the sorption of P and heavy metals (Cd, Ni and Zn) was studied in the laboratory. Soils treated with WTR were equilibrated for 6 hours in 0.005 M calcium cWoride solution containing a known concentration of each element. For the coarse-textured soils, initial P concentrations ranged from 0 to 1000 mg kg-1 as opposed to 0 to 1800 mg kg-1 for the clay soils. Treatments of WTR used were 0, 80, 320 and 1280 Mg ha-1, both incubated and non-incubated. At high initial P solution concentrations, the WTR increased the extent of sorption in the coarser textured soils (Hu-T, Nb-A, Nb-F, Va and We), and decreased it in highly sorbing Av, Hu-M, la-C and la-W soils. In general though, the WTR greatly reduced soluble P. For Cd, Ni and Zn only one concentration, 50 mg kg-1, was studied using the incubated soil samples as affected by WTR rates from 0 to 1280 Mg ha-1. For all three metals, the amount sorbed increased with increase in amount of WTR for the nine soils studied, namely the Av, Hu-F, Hu-M, Hu-T, la-C, la-W, Nb-F, Va and We. In many cases the sorption was so high that more than 40 mg kg-1 of the initial concentration was removed from solution. Even for those soils with high sorption capacity e.g. the Va and We, the WTR still increased sorption by up to an average of more than 25% for Cd and more than 40% for Ni and Zn. Because for the Av and la-W soils liming also increased sorption, it could be assumed that the accompanying increase in pH as a result of the addition of WTR promoted precipitation of metals, and/or the resultant increase in negative charge increased their adsorption. These results show that where excess concentrations of soluble heavy metals may occur (especially in coarse-textured soils), and where there is concern about run-off with high P concentrations then this WTR could be considered to immobilize these elements and render them less harmful to the environment. General comments and management guidelines. Based on the results reported above, it is apparent that the WTR can be safely disposed of onto land. It has been demonstrated in the current investigation that rates of application can be as high as 1280 Mg ha-1. Rates of application to land higher than 1280 Mp; ha-1 could probably be acceptable - this was the highest rate tested in this investigation - where the residue is produced in large amounts at the plant, and land for disposal is somewhat limited. / Thesis (Ph.D.)-University of KwaZulu-Natal, Pietermaritzburg, 2005.

The assessment of topsoil degradation on rehabilitated coal discard dumps / Theunis Louis Morgenthal

Morgenthal, Theunis Louis January 2003 (has links)
This study investigates coal discard cover soil fertility and its potential for degradation, particularly in terms of its salinisation and acidification potential. Seven rehabilitated coal discard dumps in the Witbank, Ermelo and Newcastle regions were used as study areas. All areas were rehabilitated with a cover soil layer, revegetated and annually fertilised with nitrate fertilisers, super phosphate, kraal manure and lime. Performance guideline for pH of 5.5-(6.5 i0.5)-7.5 and electrical conductivity guideline of preferably less than 200 mS.rn-' but not higher than 400 mS.m-' were set based on literature information. Soil chemical data from a three-year fertilisation programme were used to assess the fertility of the cover soil surface (0-150mm). Data collected over a three year period as well as additional electrical conductivity and pH measurements from the cover soil surface, subsoil, cover soil/coal contact zone and underlying coal itself were used to assess the occurrence of salinisation and acidification of the cover soil. The soil fertility varied significantly among dumps as well as over the three years. Results indicated an increase in ammonium acetate extractable macro elements (calcium, magnesium and potassium). With the exception of manganese, no micro-element toxicities were recorded. Iron concentrations were slightly elevated in some of the sandy cover soil layers. No increase in soluble nitrogen (nitrate and ammonium) was found and most soluble nitrogen was in the form of nitrates. In general the Bray extractable phosphate increased during the study period. It can be predicted that with the following fertiliser programme increases of exchangeable macro-elements as well as available phosphorus can be expected. The study could not indicate an increase in adsorbed or available nitrogen. Organic carbon was initially not analysed therefore no comments can be made whether organic matter increased. Four of the seven dumps surveyed had comparably similar organic carbon levels to the background samples. Overall the fertiliser programme increased the electrical conductivity and decreased the acidity of the cover soil surface. Acidity and salinity was in general not a problem at the surface of the cover soil and pH was even slightly higher in cover soil samples. The acidity and especially salinity increased at the subsoil and so did the sulphate concentrations. Calcium and magnesium sulphate were predominantly responsible for higher electrical conductivity measurements. The percentage exchangeable sodium was also predominantly less than 2% indicating that sodicity is not currently a problem in cover soil. Soil fertility was satisfactory for vegetation growth and macroelement concentrations were in the correct ratio although calcium was slightly high. An elevated sulphate concentration, in comparison to the natural grassland soils, as well as a high salinity and high acidity in the subsoil layers indicate that salinisation and acidification could deteriorate without proper management. A slightly acidic cover soil can also be attributed partially to its natural acidic pH due to the wellweathered and leach property of burrow pit. Higher than recommended salinity levels were found in subsoil samples but the occurrence of acidification of the subsoil was more dump specific. In relation to acidity and salinity guidelines only the cover soil of one dump was concerning and the larger dumps subsoil acidity and salinity were elevated. The following management strategies are proposed: a) The acidification potential, and therefore the pyrite content of the coal discard must be considered during decisions making on the rehabilitation method (clay barriers), topsoil depth, maintenance and mine closure potential. b) The occasional monitoring of the subsoil's and coal contact acidity is recommended, although not much can be done to stop acidification after cover-soil placement. c) To ensure a more sustained from of nitrogen supplementation over the long term the use of selected legumes should be investigated. Research in Europe and Australia suggested that nitrogen fixation could contribute substantially to the nitrogen for plant uptake. d) The physical properties of the topsoil (bulk density 8 soil compaction) are also being neglected and needs to be assessed occasionally and interpreted together with chemical analyses. Observations in other studies indicate that this could be the most fundamental problem for vegetation growth and not necessarily soil fertility, since soil physical properties could have a major impact on root development. Key words: Coal discard, mine rehabilitation, soil fertility, topsoil degradation, salinisation, and acidification / Thesis (M. Environmental Management)--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2004.

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