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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Painel automatizado para estudo do efeito da radiação solar natural sobre os óculos de sol / Automated panel to study the effect of natural sunlight on sunglasses

Leonardo Mariano Gomes 25 February 2016 (has links)
O objetivo principal deste trabalho foi desenvolver um equipamento capaz de expor as lentes de óculos de sol de maneira automática, de forma que simule o uso do acessório pelas pessoas, por um período equivalente ao tempo de uso de um mesmo modelo pela população brasileira e, através das medidas realizadas nas lentes após a exposição prolongada ao sol, verificar o comportamento da transmitância dos raios pela lente, principalmente dos raios UV, e assim, determinar se as lentes se degradam com o tempo. A partir dos resultados, espera-se complementar os estudos teóricos em desenvolvimento pelos pesquisadores do LIO sobre a equivalência entre os testes em simuladores solares e a exposição real ao sol, colaborando para a adequação dos parâmetros apresentados na norma nacional (NBR ISO 12312-1:2015) e internacional (ISO 12312-1:2013). Os parâmetros utilizados nos testes de certificação da norma nacional são os mesmos dos utilizados na internacional e que foram criados para representar as condições de radiação solar na Europa. Tendo conhecimento dos fatores que influenciam os níveis de radiação UV que atingem a Terra fica evidenciado que estes níveis são maiores nas regiões mais próximas do Brasil do que da Europa. Segundo estudos, uma otimização geográfica da norma brasileira deve ser considerada, levando-se em conta as diferenças nos índices UV do Brasil e da Europa. Além disso, os parâmetros para o teste de resistência à radiação em óculos de sol utilizados no Brasil, devem ser revistos para garantir que as condições simuladas sejam suficientes para garantir a proteção UV para as exposições típicas dos óculos ao Sol. A metodologia consistiu no desenvolvimento do protótipo para exposição automática de lentes de óculos de sol, além do desenvolvimento do sistema de medição do índice UV. Por fim, é descrito o teste realizado com uma miniatura de painel para exposição não controlada das lentes e a técnica e equipamentos utilizados para medição da transmitância luminosa e UV das lentes antes e depois da exposição ao Sol. Este protótipo consiste de uma caixa para proteção dos sistemas mecânicos e eletrônicos, uma tampa automática e um painel de acrílico, o qual acomoda 100 lentes posicionadas na posição de uso, as quais são irradiadas pelo Sol desde o nascer até o seu pôr. A tampa é aberta automaticamente, o painel ejetado, através do sistema mecânico, de dentro da caixa e rotaciona no sentido do Sol, de forma que as lentes sejam sempre irradiadas pela frente. A cada intervalo de 15 minutos, o sistema calcula a posição do Sol a ajusta a direção do painel. Sensores de variáveis climáticas avisam o sistema para fechar a tampa e proteger os óculos de condições indesejáveis. Os resultados deste trabalho consistam na apresentação do protótipo finalizado e funcionando, análise das informação obtidas dos sensores e análise preliminar sobre a variação da transmitância UV e luminosa das lentes de óculos de sol após 150 horas de exposição. É concluído que o período de 150 h não é suficiente para provocar mudanças significativas na características das lentes, portanto o protótipo do painel automatizado será utilizado para exposição a longo prazo e os resultados de pesquisas futuras poderão contribuir para as normas e melhor proteção da saúde ocular da população. / The aim of this work is to develop a device capable of exposing the lenses of sunglasses automatically, so that simulates the use of the accessory for people, for a period equivalent to the time of use of the same model by the Brazilian population and through measurements performed on the lenses after prolonged sun exposure, check the behavior of the transmittance of the rays by the lens, mainly from UV rays, and thus determine if the lenses degrade over time. From the results, it is expected to complement the theoretical studies being developed by LIO researchers on the equivalence in solar simulators tests and actual exposure to the sun, helping to adapt the parameters of the national standard (NBR ISO 12312-1:2015) and international (ISO 12312-1:2013). The parameters used in the certification tests of the national standard are the same as used in international and those were created to represent the solar radiation conditions in Europe. Knowing the factors that influence UV radiation levels reaching the earth is evident that these levels are higher in the nearby regions of Brazil than in Europe. According to studies, a geographical optimization of the Brazilian standard should be considered, taking into account differences in UV indices of Brazil and Europe. Also, the parameters for the radiation resistance test in sunglasses used in Brazil, should be reviewed to ensure that the simulated conditions are sufficient to ensure UV protection for typical exposures of glasses in the sun. The methodology is the development of the prototype for automatic exposure sunglass lenses, and the development of the UV index measuring system. Finally, it is described the test conducted with a miniature panel to expose lens and the technique and equipment used for measuring luminous and UV transmittance of the lenses before and after exposure to the sun. This prototype consists of a box for protection mechanical and electronic systems, automatic cover and an acrylic panel, which accommodates 100 lenses positioned in the use position, which will be irradiated by the sun from sunrise to sunset. The lid will automatically open the panel is ejected through the mechanical system out of the box, and must rotate in the direction of the sun, so that the lens is always irradiated from the front. Every 15-minute interval, the system calculates the position of the sun to set the direction of the panel. Climatic variables sensors alert the system to close the cover and protect the glasses undesirable conditions. The results of this project are to report the finished prototype and running, analysis of the obtained information from the sensors and preliminary analysis of the variation of UV transmittance and light lens sun glasses after 150 hours of exposure. It is concluded that the period of 150 hours is not sufficient to cause significant changes in the characteristics of the lenses, so the automated panel prototype will be used for long-term exposure and the results of future research will contribute to the standards and better protection of eye health of population.

Modelovanje uticaja intenzivnih promena Sunčevog zračenja na prostiranje radio talasa / Modelling of intense solar radiation change influence on radio propagation

Bajčetić Jovan 09 March 2017 (has links)
<p>Ova disertacija predstavlja rezultate istraživanja uticaja dve vrste<br />intenzivnih promena Sunčevog zračenja na prostiranje radio talasa. Prvi deo<br />prikazanih rezultata odnosi se na efekte neperiodičnih zračenja u X-opsegu<br />talasnih dužina u toku trajanja Sunčevog X-flera. Izvršeno je modelovanje<br />karakteristika jonizovane sredine D-sloja jonosfere u toku celokupnog<br />trajanja efekata dodatne energije jonizacije i karakteristika prostiranja<br />radio talasa određenih frekvencijskih opsega u okviru navedene sredine.<br />Drugi deo rezultata prikazuje periodičnu promenu nivoa prijemnog signala<br />usmerene mikrotalasne radio komunikacije koja nastaje u toku jutarnjih<br />časova. Pokazano je da ova promena ima visok stepen korelisanosti sa<br />promenama vrednosti geomagnetskog polja i da je uzrokuje pojava Sunca na<br />horizontu. Na osnovu rezultata dobijenih merenjem je predložen model koji<br />opisuje trend navedene promene u jutarnjim časovima.</p> / <p>This thesis presents the research results of intensive solar radiation variation<br />influence on radio propagation. The first part of presented results is related to the<br />effects of non-periodic radiation within X-ray wavelength during Solar X-flare.<br />Modelling of ionosphere D-layer medium is performed during all time duration of<br />additional ionization energy, as well as radio propagation characteristics within this<br />medium. The second part of the measured results presents periodic variation of<br />receiving microwave radio signal level of experimental Line-of-site communication<br />during the morning hours. It is shown that this variation is highly correlated with<br />geomagnetic field component values variation and that is caused by the Sun<br />appearance on the horizon. Based on the experimentally collected results, the model<br />that describes this variation during morning hours is proposed.</p>

On the modelling of solar radiation in urban environments – applications of geomatics and climatology towards climate action in Victoria

Krasowski, Christopher B. 04 October 2019 (has links)
Modelling solar radiation data at a high spatiotemporal resolution for an urban environment can inform many different applications related to climate action, such as urban agriculture, forest, building, and renewable energy studies. However, the complexity of urban form, vastness of city-wide coverage, and general dearth of climatological information pose unique challenges doing so. To address some climate action goals related to reducing building emissions in the City of Victoria, British Columbia, Canada, applied geomatics and climatology were used to model solar radiation data suitable for informing renewable energy feasibility studies, including photovoltaic system sizing, costing, carbon offsets, and financial payback. The research presents a comprehensive review of solar radiation attenuates, as well as methods of accounting for them, specifically in urban environments. A novel methodology is derived from the review and integrates existing models, data, and tools – those typically available to a local government. Using Light Detection and Ranging (LiDAR), a solar climatology, Esri’s ArcGIS Solar Analyst tool, and Python scripting, daily insolation (kWh/m2) maps are produced for the city of Victoria. Particular attention is paid to the derivation of daily diffuse fraction from atmospheric clearness indices, as well as LiDAR classification and generation of a Digital Surface Model (DSM). Novel and significant improvements in computation time are realized through parallel processing. Model results exhibit strong correlation with empirical data and support the use of Solar Analyst for urban solar assessments when great care is taken to accurately and consistently represent model inputs and outputs integrated in a methodological approach. / Graduate

Preliminary design of spacecraft trajectories for missions to outer planets and small bodies

Lantukh, Demyan Vasilyevich 17 September 2015 (has links)
Multiple gravity assist (MGA) spacecraft trajectories can be difficult to find, an intractable problem to solve completely. However, these trajectories have enormous benefits for missions to challenging destinations such as outer planets and primitive bodies. Techniques are presented to aid in solving this problem with a global search tool and additional investigation into one particular proximity operations option is discussed. Explore is a global grid-search MGA trajectory pathsolving tool. An efficient sequential tree search eliminates v∞ discontinuities and prunes trajectories. Performance indices may be applied to further prune the search, with multiple objectives handled by allowing these indices to change between trajectory segments and by pruning with a Pareto-optimality ranking. The MGA search is extended to include deep space maneuvers (DSM), v∞ leveraging transfers (VILT) and low-thrust (LT) transfers. In addition, rendezvous or nπ sequences can patch the transfers together, enabling automatic augmentation of the MGA sequence. Details of VILT segments and nπ sequences are presented: A boundaryvalue problem (BVP) VILT formulation using a one-dimensional root-solve enables inclusion of an efficient class of maneuvers with runtime comparable to solving ballistic transfers. Importantly, the BVP VILT also allows the calculation of velocity-aligned apsidal maneuvers (VAM), including inter-body transfers and orbit insertion maneuvers. A method for automated inclusion of nπ transfers such as resonant returns and back-flip trajectories is introduced: a BVP is posed on the v∞ sphere and solved with one or more nπ transfers – which may additionally fulfill specified science objectives. The nπ sequence BVP is implemented within the broader search, combining nπ and other transfers in the same trajectory. To aid proximity operations around small bodies, analytical methods are used to investigate stability regions in the presence of significant solar radiation pressure (SRP) and body oblateness perturbations. The interactions of these perturbations allow for heliotropic orbits, a stable family of low-altitude orbits investigated in detail. A novel constrained double-averaging technique analytically determines inclined heliotropic orbits. This type of knowledge is uniquely valuable for small body missions where SRP and irregular body shape are very important and where target selection is often a part of the mission design.

Solar Radiation as Indexed by Clouds for Snowmelt Modeling

McAda, D. P., Ffolliott, P. F. 15 April 1978 (has links)
From the Proceedings of the 1978 Meetings of the Arizona Section - American Water Resources Assn. and the Hydrology Section - Arizona Academy of Science - April 14-15, 1978, Flagstaff, Arizona / In an effort to improve the methods of forecasting the amount and timing of snowmelt, a primary source of water in Arizona, significant regression equations are developed over a selected measurement period to relate global, direct, and diffuse solar radiation to: (1) the cloud-cover of specific cloud genera, (2) the hour before or after solar noon, and (3) the potential solar radiation. Three regression equations are derived from cloud-cover imagery and solar radiation data collected from two sites in Arizona 's Ponderosa pine forests, Schnebly Hill, and Alpine, in the hope that regression models will be useful in the simulation of snowpack dynamics.

Fire History and Natural Succession after Forest Fires in Pine-Oak Forest: / An Investigation in the Ecological Park Chipinque, Northeast Mexico / Waldbrandgeschichte und natürliche Sukzession nach Waldbränden in Kiefern-Eichen-Mischwäldern: / Eine Untersuchung in dem Naturpark Chipinque, Nordost-Mexiko

González Tagle, Marco Aurelio 24 February 2005 (has links)
No description available.

Factors Affecting Gaseous Mercury (Hg) Emissions from Soils: Insights from Disturbance due to Frest Harvesting and Hg Source Depth Manipulation

Mazur, Maxwell 05 December 2013 (has links)
This thesis explored the impacts of forest harvesting on gaseous elemental mercury emissions from forest soils in both field and laboratory studies, through novel use of enriched mercury isotope tracers. Forest floor Hg emissions, sourced from legacy deposition, increased proportionally to the vegetation quantity removed, with biomass harvesting most exacerbating emissions. Contemporary Hg deposition did not appear to be influenced by harvesting. Some of the tracer was rapidly lost to the atmosphere (~8%), but most was sequestered within the soil. Two regimes facilitating Hg emissions were observed in low-light conditions. Under extremely dry conditions deeper Hg sources (&gt; 2cm depth) were as equally susceptible to emission as shallower sources. Following wetting to field capacity, emissions were elevated only from shallow sources, likely as a result of upward capillary transport. Impacts of vegetation removal and dry fluxes are previously uncharacterized and may constitute large additional sources to regional atmospheric Hg cycling.

Factors Affecting Gaseous Mercury (Hg) Emissions from Soils: Insights from Disturbance due to Frest Harvesting and Hg Source Depth Manipulation

Mazur, Maxwell 05 December 2013 (has links)
This thesis explored the impacts of forest harvesting on gaseous elemental mercury emissions from forest soils in both field and laboratory studies, through novel use of enriched mercury isotope tracers. Forest floor Hg emissions, sourced from legacy deposition, increased proportionally to the vegetation quantity removed, with biomass harvesting most exacerbating emissions. Contemporary Hg deposition did not appear to be influenced by harvesting. Some of the tracer was rapidly lost to the atmosphere (~8%), but most was sequestered within the soil. Two regimes facilitating Hg emissions were observed in low-light conditions. Under extremely dry conditions deeper Hg sources (&gt; 2cm depth) were as equally susceptible to emission as shallower sources. Following wetting to field capacity, emissions were elevated only from shallow sources, likely as a result of upward capillary transport. Impacts of vegetation removal and dry fluxes are previously uncharacterized and may constitute large additional sources to regional atmospheric Hg cycling.

Análise da influência dos parâmetros edilícios na obtenção de acesso solar nas zonas residenciais de Curitiba

Tamura, Cintia Akemi 26 February 2010 (has links)
Edificações construídas conforme os parâmetros permitidos pela legislação de uso do solo nem sempre garantem bons resultados em relação ao acesso solar. Obras com limites em divisas de terrenos, super utilização dos limites de ocupação e de altura legalmente permitidos no município de Curitiba para edificações em zonas residenciais comumente bloqueiam o acesso solar no interior das edificações, causando frequentemente sombreamento, aumento da umidade e frio no período de inverno, condições agravadas pela tendência atual de adensamento e verticalização urbanos. Considerando que Curitiba é a capital mais fria do Brasil, este fato torna-se preocupante sob a análise do conforto ambiental destes edifícios. O trabalho visa contribuir para a melhoria do conforto ambiental em construções residenciais de Curitiba, a partir da elaboração de modelos para verificação da eficácia da legislação vigente, e a proposição de parâmetros obtidos através do conceito de envelope solar que propiciem o ganho efetivo de insolação e luz natural. Para isto, foram realizadas simulações de ocupação de acordo com o permitido por lei no município com os programas Google SketchUp 7.0.657 Pro, AutoCAD 2007 e através de maquete física no equipamento Heliodon. Foram realizadas também simulações com o programa Relux Professional 2007, que forneceu dados em lux para cada implantação avaliada. Os dados obtidos com a simulação de ocupação permitida por lei foram comparados com os obtidos pela simulação desta mesma ocupação com o uso do envelope solar para dimensionamento dos limites máximos construtivos, que demonstrou um acréscimo significativo no ganho de insolação no interior da edificação. Por fim, foram sugeridas as orientações com o melhor potencial de acesso solar para cada Zona residencial avaliada. / Buildings constructed according to the parameters allowed by the law of soil use and occupation do not always yield satisfactory results with regard to solar access. Buildings erected on the plot limits, overuse of the limits of height and occupancy legally permitted in the city of Curitiba for buildings in residential areas commonly block solar access within the buildings, often causing shading, increased humidity and cold in winter conditions, together with the current trend of urban densification and verticalization. Considering that Curitiba is the coldest capital of Brazil, this fact becomes alarming with regard to indoor comfort analyses in such buildings. The thesis aims to contribute for the improvement of environmental comfort in residential buildings in Curitiba, presenting models to check the effectiveness of the current legislation in providing solar gains and daylight, next to the use of the solar envelope concept. For this, simulations were carried out regarding maximum plot occupation permitted by law with Google SketchUp 7.0.657 Pro, AutoCAD 2007 and by means of a physical model in the Heliodon device. Were also carried out simulations with the software Relux Professional 2007, which provided data in lux evaluated for each deployment The similarity of the results confirmed the reliability of the method. The data obtained from the simulation of maximum occupancy were compared to those obtained considering the use of the solar envelope concept, the latter showing a significant increase in daylight inside the building. Finally, guidelines have been suggested with the best potential for solar access for each residential area evaluated. Keywords: Soil use and occupation. Insolation. Daylight. Simulation. Solar envelope.

Intermittency of Global Solar Radiation over Reunion island : Daily Mapping Prediction Model and Multifractal Parameters / Intermittence du rayonnement solaire global sur l'île de la Réunion : modèle de prévision journalière et paramètres multifractaux

Li, Qi 17 July 2018 (has links)
Les îles tropicales sont soumises à un ennuagement hétérogène et changeant rapidement. Par ailleurs, elles ont une ressource solaire importante mais significativement variable d’un jour à l’autre. Dans le sud-ouest de l’océan indien (SWIO), La Réunion fait partie de ces îles tropicales ayant un potentiel solaire colossal mais fortement intermittent. Dans cette étude, nous proposons une nouvelle approche de prévision déterministe des cartes journalières rayonnement solaire (SSR), basée sur quatre modèles de régression linéaire : une régression linéaire multiple (MLR), une régression en composantes principales (PCR), une régression des moindres carrés (PLSR) et une régression pas à pas (stepwise--SR). Ces quatre régressions sont appliquées sur les données satellites SARAH-E (CM SAF) à 5km de résolution entre 2007 et 2016, en vue d’en effectuer la prévision. Pour obtenir de meilleures performances, nous proposons d'inclure les paramètres multi-fractale (H,C_1 et α) comme nouveaux paramètres prédictifs. Ceux-ci sont obtenus à partir de l'analyse de l'intermittence du SSR basée sur la méthode d’analyse d’ordre spectral arbitraire de Hilbert. Cette analyse qui est une extension de la transformation d’Hilbert Huang (HHT) est utilisée afin d’estimer l’exposant d’échelle ξ(q). On effectue la combinaison d’une décomposition en mode empirique et de l’analyse spectrale de Hilbert (EMD + HSA). Dans une première étape, l’analyse multi-fractale est appliquée sur une mesure du SSR d'une seconde échelle à partir d'un pyranomètre SPN1 à Moufia en 2016. La moyenne infra journalière, journalière et saisonnière de la structure multi-fractale a été dérivée, et la loi d’échelle d’exposants ξ(q) a été analysée. Dans une seconde partie, l’analyse de l’intermittence est effectuée sur les mesures du SSR, d'une période d’une minute, à partir le réseau de SPN1 contenant 11 stations en 2014. Les modèles spatiaux pour toutes les stations avec les paramètres multi-fractales H,C_1 et α sont mis en évidence. La variabilité de la largeur du spectre de singularité est considérée pour étudier l'intermittence spatiale et la multi-fractalité dans l'échelle quotidienne et l'échelle saisonnière. Sur la base de ces analyses d'intermittence faites sur les mesures de plusieurs stations, les paramètres multi-fractaux universels (H,C_1 et α) pourraient être choisis comme de nouveaux prédicteurs afin d’indiquer les propriétés multi-fractales du SSR. / Due to the heterogeneous and rapidly-changing cloudiness, tropical islands, such as Reunion Island in the South-west Indian Ocean (SWIO), have significant solar resource that is highly variable from day-to-day. In this study, we propose a new approach for deterministic prediction of daily surface solar radiation (SSR) maps based on four linear regression models: multiple linear regression (MLR), principal component regression (PCR), partial least squares regression (PLSR), and stepwise regression (SR), that we have applied on the SARAH-E@5km satellite data (CM SAF) for the period during 2007-2016. To improve the accuracy of prediction, the multifractal parameters (H,C_1 and α) are proposed to include as new predictors in the predictive model. These parameters are obtained from the analysis of SSR intermittency based on arbitrary order Hilbert spectral analysis. This analysis is the extension of Hilbert Huang Transform (HHT) and it is used to estimate the generalized scaling exponent ξ(q). It is the combination of the Empirical Mode Decomposition and Hilbert spectral analysis (EMD+HSA). In a first step, the multifractal analysis is applied onto one-second SSR measurements form a SPN1 pyranometer in Moufia in 2016. The mean sub-daily, daily and seasonal daily multifractal patterns are derived, and the scaling exponent ξ(q) is analyzed. In a second step, the intermittency study is conducted on one-minute SSR measurements from a SPN1 network with 11 stations in 2014. The spatial patterns for all the stations with the multifractal parameters H,C_1 and α are shown. The variability of singularity spectrum width is considered to study the spatial intermittency at the daily and seasonal scale. Based on this intermittency analysis from measurements at several stations, the universal multifractal parameters (H,C_1 and α) could be taken as new predictors for indicating the multifractal properties of SSR.

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