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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Draw up a project plan for Excelsior Secondary School in the Belhar/Delft area of Cape Town, to deal with the environmental aspects of whole school development

Rutgers, Sandra 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MBA (Business Management))--University of Stellenbosch, 2005. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The research project focuses on an investigation into the Policy of Whole School Development as a tool to ensure a quality education for all at school level. The research was conducted within the study field of Project Management as the policy has a systems approach to the management of schools and Project Management can be used in its application. The study takes the form of a literature study, evaluating approximately 23 sources. These sources contain research by knowledgeable authors on the topics covered in this research. The research is divided into the following sections: • An introduction explaining the relationship between project management and the Policy of Whole School Development. • An investigation into the Policy of Whole School Development and its proposed application to ensure quality standards of education. A framework for the evaluation of the contexts of schools to bring about holistic change is proposed. • An investigation into the systems approach to project management, systems theory and the requirements for its application in organisations like schools. • An investigation into the micro- and macro context of a school in a previously disadvantaged area to highlight the social, political and economic problems and their magnitude, thus necessitating a systems approach in dealing with it. • An investigation into and a comparison of the historical roles and the changing roles of, the problems experienced by and the benefits derived from NGO's and the state respectively as agents of service delivery. • A proposed project management plan for the implementation of the environmental aspect of whole school development. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Hierdie studieprojek fokus op 'n ondersoek van die Beleid van "Whole School Development" as 'n metode om 'n kwalitiet opvoeding vir almal op skoolvlak te verseker. Die navorsing is gedoen in die studie veld van Projekbestuur omdat hierdie beleid 'n stelselbenadering vir die implementering daarvan volg. Projekbestuur kan gebruik word in die toepassing hiervan. Die navorsing neem die vorm aan van 'n literatuur studie van ongeveer 23 bronne. Hierdie bronne bevat navorsing deur toonaangewende skrywers op die verskillende gebiede wat in hierdie navorsing gedek word. Die navorsing is in die volgende dele verdeel: • 'n Inleiding wat die verhouding tussen projekbestuur en die Beleid van "Whole School Development" verduidelik. • 'n Ondersoek van die Beleid van Whole School Development" en die voorsgestelde toepassing daarvan om kwaliteit standaarde te verseker en die voorgestelde raamwerk vir die evaluasie van die konteks waarin skole hulle bevind. • 'n Ondersoek van die stelsel benadering tot projekbestuur, die stelsels teoriee en die vereistes vir die toepassing daarvan in groot organisasies soos skole. • Navorsing oor die mikro - en makro konteks van 'n skool in 'n sub-ekonomiese gebied om die sosiale, ekonomiese en politieke probleme uit te lig en die omvang daarvan te beskryf - 'n omvang wat stelselbenadering benodig. • Navorsing oor en 'n vergelyking van die historiese en veranderde rolle van, die probleme wat ondervind word deur en die voordele wat verkry word van Nie-Regerings Organisasies en die staat respektiewelik as agente van dienslewering. • 'n Voorgestelde projekbestuur plan vir die implementering van die omgewingsaspek van "Whole School Development".

A study of the transformation of the value of the Cape Town central precinct since 1994 with specific reference to the effect on the retail and office market

Uys, Sanett 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MBA (Business Management))--University of Stellenbosch, 2007. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Socially, politically and economically, Cape Town Central City is one of the most important urban areas in South Africa. Apart from the fact that it is historically and culturally the oldest and most cosmopolitan city in South Africa, the Central Business District (CBD)accommodates about 240 000 commuters every day, generates more than R133 million in rates every year, constitutes over 20% of the economic turnover of the entire metropolitan area and provides over a quarter of all jobs in the Cape Town metropolitan area. Major challenges facing the Cape Town central precinct in the mid-1990s included growing vacancies, the capital flight to decentralised business nodes, the loss of value in buildings and the municipal rate base, the decline in building refurbishments, the shortage of parking, badly managed public open spaces and a rise in general crime rates. Through the transformation and revitalisation of the Central City, traditional economic sectors, such as the financial and business services sector, have been retained while the retail sector, tourism, information and communication technologies, and the creative industries have all shown growth. The formation of the Cape Town Partnership (CTP) and the Central City Improvement District (CID) gave the Central City an opportunity to combat the decay. The successful implementation of quality urban management systems has led to the development of new buildings and the refurbishment / redevelopment or recycling of approximately 160 buildings and public open spaces. Vacancies have decreased while the cumulative investment in the Central City since 2000 amounted to approximately R14 billion. This includes the capital value of leases, new developments, upgrades and renewals of buildings, and purchasing buildings for investment purchases. Since the last Municipal Valuation, the value of property in the Central City has increased significantly. As a result, the municipal rates base of the area also increased. With the implementation of the new General Valuation in July 2007, the city increased its annual revenue in the form of rates by more than 65%. Improved property fundamentals, sustainable rentals, increases in new developments and greater diversity are the result of the increased value of properties in the Central City. Office rentals increased steadily since the first quarter of 1995, while capitalisation rates decreased dramatically since the first quarter of 2003. Vacancy rates also decreased over the same period. Retail rentals are still in an upward phase since 1999 and the forecast by property economist Erwin Rode states that office rentals should continue to increase over the next five years with an average of approximately 14,6%. The last major challenge facing the Central City is the ability of the different spheres of government to work together as a unit and in turn with civil society organisations, NGOs and the private sector to ensure the success of the Cape Town Metropolitan area. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die sentrale stad van Kaapstad is een van die belangrikste stedelike gebiede in Suid-Afrika wat maatskaplike, politieke en ekonomiese kwessies betref. Buiten die feit dat dit histories en kultureel die oudste en mees kosmopolitaanse stad in Suid-Afrika is, word die Sentrale Sakegebied (SSG) elke dag deur sowat 240 000 pendelaars besoek en genereer dit elke jaar meer as R133 miljoen in munisipale belasting. Die SSG verteenwoordig ook 20% van die ekonomiese omset van die hele metropolitaanse gebied en verskaf meer as 'n kwart van al die werkgeleenthede in die Kaapstadse metropolitaanse gebied. Die uitdagings wat die Kaapstadse sentrale gebied in die mid-1990's ervaar het, sluit in toenemende leegstande, kapitaalvlug na gedesentraliseerde sakenodusse, waardeverlies in geboue en in munisipale belastingbasis, afname in gebou-opkappings, tekort aan parkering, openbare oop ruimtes wat swak bestuur word, en 'n toename in algemene misdaadsyfers. Deur die transformasie en heroplewering van die sentrale stadsgebied kon tradisionele ekonomiese sektore soos die finansiële en sakedienstesektor behou word terwyl die kleinhandelsektor, toerisme, inligting- en kommunikasietegnologie, en die kreatiewe bedryfsrigtings almal groei aangetoon het. Die ontstaan van die Kaapstadse Vennootskap (KV) en die sentrale stadsverbeteringsdistrik (SSVD) het aan die sentrale stad 'n geleentheid gebied om die verval om te swaai. Die suksesvolle implementering van stedelike bestuurstelsels van gehalte het tot die ontwikkeling van nuwe geboue en die opknapping / herontwikkeling of herbenutting van sowat 160 geboue en openbare oop ruimtes gelei. Leegstande het aansienlik gedaal terwyl die kumulatiewe belegging in die sentrale stad sedert 2000 op sowat R14 miljard beraam word. Dit sluit in die kapitaalwaarde van huurkontrakte, nuwe ontwikkelings, opgraderings en die opknapping van geboue, en die koop van geboue vir beleggingsdoeleindes. Die waarde van eiendom in die sentrale stad het sedert die vorige Munisipale Waardasie beduidend toegeneem. As gevolg hiervan het die munisipale belastingbasis van die gebied ook toegeneem. Met die implementering van die nuwe Algemene Waardasie in Julie 2007 het die stad sy jaarlikse inkomste in die vorm van belasting met meer as 65% verhoog. Die toename in die waarde van eiendom in die sentrale stad het gelei tot verbeterde eiendomsfundamentele, volhoubare huurkontrakte, 'n toename in nuwe ontwikkelings en groter diversiteit. Kantoorhuur het sedert die eerste kwartaal van 1995 bestendig toegeneem terwyl kapitalisasiekoerse sedert die eerste kwartaal van 2003 dramaties gedaal het. Leegstandsyfers het ook oor dieselfde tydperk gedaal. Kleinhandelhuur is sedert 1999 steeds in 'n opswaaifase en die eiendomsekonoom Erwin Rode voorspel dat kantoorhuur oor die volgende vyf jaar gemiddeld met sowat 14,6% sal toeneem. Die laaste groot uitdaging vir sentrale stad is die vermoë van die verskillende sfere van die regering om as 'n eenheid saam te werk, en ook om met die burgerlike gemeenskapsorganisasies, NRO's en die private sektor saam te werk om die sukses van die Kaapstadse metropolitaanse gebied te verseker.

Application of the physical asset management in the city of Cape Town water services

Mhlongo, Thabani 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MBA)--University of Stellenbosch, 2010. / The City of Cape Town water services is currently operating on the reactive mode and their maintenance system is not effectively and efficiently utilized. The lack of proper utilization of Physical Asset Management (PAM) has resulted in the technical department failure to meet the departmental objectives of providing planned and scheduled maintenance activities, reducing equipment downtime and ensuring planned delivery of quality spares at the appropriate time. The aim of the report is to provide guidance in the implementation of physical assets management. The report looks at different maintenance strategies available and evaluates the current operating scenarios for the department and further recommends the relevant strategy that will suit the department. Physical asset management as a maintenance program provides an effective planned and scheduled maintenance system to reduce labor and downtime. This ensures that the correct materials and parts are utilized and that the workmanship is of a high quality. A Maintenance Plan provides documented and sequenced tasks with labour and types of material required to execute the plan. Infrastructure assets are systems that serve defined operational needs, where the intention is to maintain the asset for continual use on a certain level. One of the main aspects in infrastructure network is the degree of interdependency not only within a particular asset network but also among networks. The failure of one component within a network may undermine the performance of other networks. One of the major objectives in an infrastructure network is to maintain the necessary service level through continuous maintenance while ensuring cost effectiveness The initial step is to choose certain maintenance tactics and then decide how often these tactics will be performed. The frequency of maintenance, its actions or tactics depends on the current condition of the equipment which is linked within the technical characteristics of failure and specific monitoring technique. “Regardless of the system you select, you must start from where you are and then develop an orderly series of steps to get where you want to end up, so start by assessing your current situation. The most essential ingredient in your maintenance management system is the people. An excellent system run by poorly trained or unmotivated people will be adequate at best but well trained people with positive attitudes can make an excellent system world class.”-Thomas Westerkamp

The health and sanitation status of specific low-cost housing communities as contrasted with those occupying backyard dwellings in the city of Cape Town, South Africa

Govender, Thashlin 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (PhD)--Stellenbosch University, 2011. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: South Africa embarked on an ambitious program to rehouse the informally housed poor. These initiatives were formerly called the RDP and later the BNG programmes. This was aimed at improving the living conditions of the urban poor and consequently their health and poverty status. These low-cost houses were quickly augmented by backyard shacks in almost all settlements. The present study is an epidemiological assessment of the health and sanitation status of inhabitants of specific low cost housing communities in the City of Cape Town as contrasted with those occupying ‘backyard dwellings’ on the same premises. The study was undertaken in four low-cost housing communities identified within the City. A health and housing evaluation, together with dwelling inspections were carried out in 336 randomly selected dwellings accommodating 1080 inhabitants from Tafelsig, Masipumelela, Driftsands and Greenfields. In addition, the microbiological pollution of surface run-off water encountered in these settlements was assessed by means of Escherichia coli levels (as found by ColilertTM Defined Substrate Technology) as an indication of environmental health hazards. The study population was classified as ‘young’ - 43% of the study population was aged 20 years or younger. Almost a third of households were headed by a single-parent female. In all four communities combined, 47.3% of households received one or other form of social grant. At the time of inspection 58% of the toilets on the premises were non-operational, while all the houses showed major structural damage - 99% of homeowners reported not being able to afford repairs to their homes. In 32% of dwellings one or more cases of diarrhoea were reported during the two weeks preceding the survey. Five percent of the participants willingly disclosed that they were HIV positive, while 11% reported being TB positive (one of them Multiple Drug Resistant TB). None of the HIV positive or TB positive persons was on any treatment. The E. coli levels of the water on the premises or sidewalks varied from 750 to 1 580 000 000 organisms per 100 ml of water - thus confirming gross faecal pollution of the environment. Improvements in health intended by the re-housing process did not materialise for the recipients of low-cost housing in this study. The health vulnerability of individuals in these communities has considerable implications for the health services. Sanitation failures, infectious disease pressure and environmental pollution in these communities represent a serious public health risk. The densification caused by backyard shacks also has municipal service implications and needs to be better managed. Policies on low-cost housing for the poor need realignment to cope with the realities of backyard densification so that state-funded housing schemes can deliver the improved health that was envisaged at its inception. This is in fact a national problem affecting almost all of the state funded housing communities in South Africa. Public health and urban planning need to bridge the divide between these two disciplines in order to improve the health inequalities facing the urban poor. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Suid-Afrika is besig met 'n ambisieuse program om diegene wat in informele behuising woon te hervestig. Hierdie inisiatiewe is voorheen die HOP en tans die “BNG” programme genoem. Hierdie hervestigingsprogramme is gemik daarop om die lewensomstandighede van die stedelike armes en dus hulle gesondheid- en armoedestatus te verbeter. Hierdie laekoste huise is algou in byna alle nedersettings aangevul deur krotwonings in die agterplase. Die huidige studie is 'n epidemiologiese beoordeling van die gesondheid en sanitasiestatus van inwoners van spesifieke laekoste behuisingsgemeenskappe in die Stad Kaapstad in vergelyking met diegene wat krotwonings op dieselfde erwe bewoon. Die studie is onderneem in vier laekoste-behuising gemeenskappe geselekteer in die stadsgebied. 'n Gesondheid- en behuisingevaluasie tesame met 'n inspeksie van elke woning is uitgevoer in 336 ewekansig geselekteerde wonings wat 1080 inwoners gehuisves het. Die woonbuurte was Tafelsig, Masipumelela, Driftsands en Greenfields. Mikrobiologiese besoedelingsvlakke van oppervlak-afloopwater in hierdie gemeenskappe is bepaal deur middel van die bepaling van Escherichia coli vlakke (met behulp van ColilertTM Gedefinieerde Substraat Tegnologie) as aanduiding van gesondheidsgevare in die omgewing. Die studiepopulasie is as ‘jonk’ geklassifiseer - 43% was 20 jaar of jonger. Amper een-derde van die huishoudings het 'n enkelouer-vrou aan die hoof gehad. In al vier gemeenskappe gesamentlik het 47.3% van die huishoudings die een of ander vorm van maatskaplike toelae ontvang. Tydens inspeksie is 58% van die toilette op die erwe as "nie-funksioneel" bevind, terwyl al die huise substansiële strukturele skade getoon het - 99% van die huiseienaars het gerapporteer dat hulle nie herstelwerk aan hulle huise kan bekostig nie. In 32% van die wonings is daar een of meer gevalle van diarree gedurende die voorafgaande twee weke voor die opname gerapporteer. Vyf persent van die deelnemers het vrywillig gerapporteer dat hulle HIV positief was terwyl 11% gerapporteer het dat hulle TB positief was (een was Veelvuldige Middelweerstandige TB). Nie een van die HIV positiewe of TB positiewe persone was op enige behandeling nie. Die E. coli vlakke van die water op die erwe of sypaadjies het gewissel vanaf 750 to 1 580 000 000 organismes per 100 ml water - wat erge fekale besoedeling van die omgewing bevestig het. Die verbetering in gesondheid wat deur die hervestigingsproses voorsien is, het nie gematerialiseer vir die ontvangers van die laekoste-behuising in hierdie studie nie. Die kwesbaarheid van die gesondheid van die individue in hierdie gemeenskappe hou groot implikasies vir gesondheidsdienste in. Sanitasiefalings, infektiewe siektedruk en omgewingsbesoedeling hou groot openbare gesondheidsrisiko in. Die verdigting wat deur agterplaaskrotte meegebring word asook die gevolge vir munisipale dienste benodig beter bestuur. Beleide oor laekoste-behuising vir armes kort herbeplanning om die realiteite wat saamgaan met verdigting deur agterplaaskrotte te kan hanteer sodat die verwagte verbetering in gesondheid kan materialiseer. Hierdie is inderwaarheid 'n nasionale probleem wat omtrent alle staatsbefondste laekoste-behuising gemeenskappe in Suid-Afrika affekteer. Openbare gesondheid en stadsbeplanning behoort die skeiding tussen hierdie twee dissiplines te oorbrug om sodoende die ongelyke gesondheidstatus van die stedelike armes aan te spreek.

Developing democratic virtues: priorities and practices of selected secondary educators in the Cape Town Metropolitan Area.

Afrika, Nthabiseng January 2005 (has links)
Recent political changes in South Africa emphasize democracy and the role of schools in promoting democratic virtues. The importance of schools responsibility in developing democratic virtues is also internationally recognized, although different authors

Developing democratic virtues: priorities and practices of selected secondary educators in the Cape Town Metropolitan Area.

Afrika, Nthabiseng January 2005 (has links)
Recent political changes in South Africa emphasize democracy and the role of schools in promoting democratic virtues. The importance of schools responsibility in developing democratic virtues is also internationally recognized, although different authors

Community/neighbourhood park use in Cape Town : a class-differentiated analysis

Willemse, Lodene 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MA (Geography and Environmental Studies)--University of Stellenbosch, 2010. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The aim of this study was to determine how class differentiation influences local residents‟ perceptions, preferences, needs and use of community/neighbourhood parks in the City of Cape Town. The research objectives included mapping the social geography and park provision; determining profile information, general park-usage information, outdoor recreation options, service-delivery perceptions and levels of park satisfaction; and making suggestions to the City Parks Department. Data were collected from the Flowmap and geographic information systems (GIS) programmes, the 2007 Community Survey, Census 2001 and questionnaires that were distributed through schools. Two Flowmap and GIS proximity analyses were conducted. Questionnaire data were processed at the automatic scanner of the Centre for Teaching and Learning (CTL) at Stellenbosch University. Open-ended data were manually analysed in the Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS), Excel and Word. The research findings indicate that class differences have an effect on the respondents‟ demographic profiles, park provision, park usage and contentment with parks. The high- and middle-income group respondents can reach more parks, mostly within 0-5 minutes. Park provision and park proximity are more problematic for the low-income group respondents. The low-income group children frequent parks the most and visit them the longest. Children and adults in all income groups mostly walk to parks. Parks are used for active and passive recreation during different life stages. The low-income group respondents are more satisfied with service delivery, while no income groups regard parks and recreation as a crucial service to improve. Parks are also not an important outdoor recreation option for any income group. The respondents‟ fears and dissatisfaction related to parks were expressed through concerns regarding safety and maintenance and a lack of park facilities and vegetation, which influences their satisfaction with parks. Future research recommendations include a park analysis of more diverse demographic profiles, distributing questionnaires to various places with authority, integrating research on community/neighbourhood park usage and the open-space system, and researching the challenges, solutions and means to encourage interclass park usage in desegregated areas. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die doel van hierdie studie was om te bepaal hoe klasverskille plaaslike inwoners se persepsies, voorkeure en gebruik van en behoefte aan gemeenskaps-/woonbuurtparke in die Stad Kaapstad beïnvloed. Die navorsingsdoelwitte het die volgende ingesluit: kartering van die sosiale geografie en parkvoorsiening; ‟n bepaling van profielinligting, algemene parkgebruikinligting, buitemuurse ontspanningsopsies, diensleweringspersepsies en vlakke van parkbevrediging; en om voorstelle aan die Departement Stadparke te maak. Data is van die Flowmap en geografiese inligtingstelsels (GIS) programme, die 2007 gemeenskapsopname, Sensus 2001 en vraelyste wat deur skole versprei is, versamel. Twee Flowmap- en GIS-nabyheidsanalises is gedoen. Vraelysdata is met die outomatiese skandeerder van die Sentrum vir Onderrig en Leer (SOL) by die Universiteit van Stellenbosch geprosesseer. Data van oopvrae is met die hand in die Statistiese Pakket vir die Sosiale Wetenskappe (SPSS), Excel en Word geanaliseer. Die navorsingsbevindings toon dat klasverskille ‟n effek op die respondente se demografiese profiele, parkvoorsiening, parkgebruik en tevredenheid met parke het. Die hoë- en middel-inkomstegroep-respondente kan meer parke bereik, meestal in 0-5 minute. Parkvoorsiening en nabyheid aan ‟n park is vir die lae-inkomstegroep-respondente meer problematies. Die lae-inkomstegroep-kinders besoek parke die meeste en vir die langste tydperk. Die meeste kinders en volwassenes in alle inkomste-groepe stap na parke toe. Gedurende verskillende lewensfases word parke vir aktiewe en passiewe ontspanning gebruik. Die lae-inkomstegroep-respondente is meer tevrede met dienslewering, terwyl geen inkomste-groepe parke en ontspanning as ‟n kritieke diens beskou wat verbeter moet word nie. Parke is ook nie ‟n belangrike buitemuurse ontspanningsopsie in enige inkomste-groep nie. Die respondente se vrese en ontevredenheid ten opsigte van parke is uitgedruk deur kommer oor veiligheid en instandhouding en ‟n gebrek aan parkfasiliteite en plantegroei, wat hul tevredenheid met parke beïnvloed. Toekomstige navorsingsvoorstelle sluit in om ‟n parkanalise op meer diverse demografiese profiele uit te voer, om vraelyste na verskeie plekke met outoriteit te versprei, om navorsing oor gemeenskaps-/woonbuurtparke en die oopruimtesisteem te integreer, en om navorsing oor die uitdagings, oplossings en metodes om inter-klas-parkgebruik in gedesegregeerde areas aan te moedig, uit te voer. Trefwoorde

A comparative analysis of the coverage of the South African electrical energy crisis during the period 2005-2010 by Cape Town newspapers

Holtzhausen, Jacobus Petrus 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MPhil)--Stellenbosch University, 2012. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Electrical energy has become an indispensable part of the modern world, supporting industries and economic systems. Any disruption of supply is felt immediately in all spheres of life. The operation of a power system is a complex process involving rotating machines that may fail from time even though they are maintained regularly. The overhead transmission system is likewise prone to faults caused by environmental factors such as pollution and lightning. Power authorities therefore operate their systems in such a way that they have sufficient reserve capacity available to allow for contingencies. In the last decade of the previous century a condition developed, for various reasons, that the reserve margin was too small in the South African electricity supply system. At the end of 2005, a spate of failures occurred at Koeberg power station and later in 2007 serious coal supply problems developed at the large power stations in Mpumalanga, aggravating the situation. This research project focuses on the complexity of the task of the reporter when reporting on occurrences such as these. It is required to convey the factual situation to the readers, avoiding alarmism and sensationalism. At the same time the reporter also has a role to play in educating the readers. It was a difficult task, seeing that the reporters were not necessary versed in the technical field. They therefore had to rely on Eskom’s spokespersons. In this project newspaper clippings of various Western Cape newspapers containing the word Eskom were analysed. The method of analysis was content analysis. Firstly the quantitative content analysis was used to obtain distribution of articles over the period and among newspapers. Thereafter the topics covered and the types of article were obtained for the various newspapers and years. Next articles for 2006 and 2008 were investigated using qualitative content analysis. Certain attributes in the articles were detected manually and a profile was obtained for each newspaper for each year period. Questionnaires were sent to reporters responsible for some of the articles and to a technical expert who was consulted regularly by the news reporters. It was found that the number of articles and style of presentation vary among the newspapers. There is evidence of framing of Eskom as incompetent. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Elektriese energie het ¢n onontbeerlike deel van die moderne wêreld geword wat nywerhede en ekonomiese stelsels ondersteun. Enige onderbreking van toevoer word onmiddellik in alle lewensfere gevoel. Die werking van kragstelsel is komplekse proses met roterende masjiene en ander toerusting wat onderworpe aan faling is, selfs al word dit in stand gehou. Die oorhoofse transmissiestelsel is ook onderworpe aan foute wat deur omgewingsfaktore soos besoedeling en weerlig veroorsaak word. Kragvoorsieners bedryf daarom hul stelsels so dat hulle voldoende reserwekapasiteit het om toe te laat vir gebeurlikhede. In die laaste dekade van die vorige eeu het die toestand, om verskeie redes, ontwikkel dat die reserwemarge in die Suid-Afrikaanse stelsel te klein geword het. Teen die einde van 2005 het reeks falings by Koeberg kragstasie plaasgevind en later in 2007 het ernstige steenkoolvoorsieningsprobleme by die groot kragstasies in Mpumalanga ontstaan en dus die situasie vererger. Hierdie navorsingsprojek fokus op die kompleksiteit van die taak van die verslaggewer as oor sulke gebeure verslag gedoen word. Dit word vereis om die feitelike situasie oor te dra sonder alarmisme en sensasie. Terselfdertyd moet die verslaggewer ook rol speel om die lesers op te voed. Dit is moeilike taak daar die verslaggewers nie noodwendig belese in die tegniese vakgebied is nie. Hulle moes dus staatmaak op Eskom se spreekbuise. In hierdie projek is koerantuitknipsels van verskeie Wes-Kaapse koerante wat die woord Eskom bevat, ontleed. Die metode wat gebruik is, is inhoudsanalise. Eerstens is kwantitatiewe inhoudsanalise gebruik om die verspreiding van artikels oor die tydperk en tussen die koerante te verkry. Daarna is die onderwerpe wat gedek is verkry vir die onderskeie koerante en jare. Vervolgens is artikels van 2006 en 2008 ondersoek deur kwalitatiewe inhoudsanalise te doen. Sekere kenmerke is in die artikels opgespoor en profiel is verkry vir elke koerant en elke jaarperiode. Vraelyste is aan verslaggewers wat sommige artikels geskryf het en ook aan tegniese deskundige wat gereeld deur verslaggewers genader is, gestuur. Dit is bevind dat die getal artikels en die styl van aanbieding wissel tussen die koerante Daar is ook tekens van raming van Eskom as onbekwaam.

HIV/AIDS in the workplace : views of senior management at a miliary base in the Western Cape in implementing policy.

Crisp, Gabriel 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MPhil)--Stellenbosch University, 2015. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The study investigated implementation of HIV/AIDS policy by senior management in Youngsfield military base. Some of the aspects evaluated included training concerning HIV, campaigns, allocation of budget to manage HIV and knowledge of policy by management. Self-administered questionnaires were used as a method of collecting data. The respondents included in the study ages ranged between 25-59 years. The majority of the respondents did not have any problem in completing questionnaires. Results revealed that involvement of headquarters in allocating funds to acquire training aids, distribution of pamphlets and other information educating personnel insufficient, poor implementation of workplace HIV/AIDS policy by management on all levels, lack of programs dealing with HIV/AIDS and lack of HIV/AIDS policy knowledge by management to lesser extent. Recommendations of this study includes aspects dealing with HIV/AIDS workplace programs, importance of occupational health and safety, addressing stigma and discrimination, absenteeism, HIV/AIDS training and most importantly campaigns throughout the year. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die doel van hierdie navorsing was om die implementering van die beleidsdokument wat handel oor MIV/Vigs in die werksplek deur die senior bestuur in Youngsfield militere basis te ondersoek. Van die aspekte wat die navorser ondersoek het is MIV/Vigs bewusmakingveldtogte, beskikbaarheid van fondse en kennis van die Suid Afrikaanse Nationale Weermag beleidsdocument wat handel oor MIV/Vigs in die werksplek. Studievraelyste is aan respondente uitgedeel. Respondente wat aan die studie deelgeneem het se ouderdome wissel tussen 25 en 59 jaar. Die grootste getal deelnemers het geen beswaar aangeteken om die vraelyste te voltooi nie. Die grootste getal van respondente het aangedui dat die fondse wat beskikbaar gestel word onvoldoende is om die boodskap oor die gevare van MIV/Vigs te versprei. Daar is verder bevind dat belangrike aspekte soos biljette, pamflette, video opnames en getikte material nie versprei kan as gevolg van tekort aan fondse. MIV/Vigs beleid is beskikbaar in militere basisse van die Suid Afrikaanse Nationale Weermag. Die enigste tekort is die implementering daarvan. Die aanbevelings wat bevind is deur die studie sluit in MIV/Vigs programme in die werkplek, die aanspreek van stigma en diskriminasie, afwesigheid weens kroniese siektes wat MIV/Vigs insluit en hantering van ongevalle in die werkplek.

Tasawwuf (Sufism) : its role and impact on the culture of Cape Islam

Hendricks, Seraj 30 November 2005 (has links)
The primary focus of this dissertation is to establish the extent to which ta§awwuf, commonly referred to as Islamic Spirituality, impacted on Cape Muslim culture. The study spans the time period between the arrival of the first significant political exiles at the Cape in 1667 to the founding of the Muslim Judicial Council in 1945. To this end a short historical review of ta§awwuf as it unfolded since its inception in the Muslim world is given in order to provide the necessary background against which any study of ta§awwuf at the Cape must be measured. This, in the authorÕs opinion, has not been attempted before in local studies in any systematic way. To further augment this study, a review of the nature and character of ta§awwuf as it emerged in the geographical areas from whence the political exiles and slaves were brought to the Cape is also engaged. As part of the conclusion to this dissertation an ÒafterwordÓ is provided that briefly sketches the post-1945 theological milieu that increasingly witnessed the emergence of new anti-ta§awwuf pressures within the Muslim community. / Religious Studies and Arabic / MA (Arabic)

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