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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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Nematode soil community structure and function as a bio-indicator of soil health in fynbos and deciduous fruit orchards

Kapp, Caro 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MScAgric)--Stellenbosch University, 2013. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Soil is a fundamental, non-renewable resource in any ecosystem. To uphold food production for increasing global human populations, it is imperative to develop ways in which to sustain healthy biological productivity and sustainability of agricultural soils. Nematodes are one of the most abundant groups of Metazoa occurring in all soils, and form an integral part of the soil food web at several trophic levels. They respond rapidly to changes within their environments, and can easily be extracted from soil, identified and characterised into functional guilds. Nematodes thus have the potential to impart insight into the condition of the soil food web. This study aims to establish whether nematodes will be suitable bio-indicators of soil health for the deciduous fruit industry in the Western Cape. Three different objectives have been set to determine the practical use of nematode community structures as a tool for the measurement of soil health. The objectives include describing the nematode community structure, biodiversity and functionality within Fynbos soils; the characterization of organic and conventional orchards; and the differences in nematode soil communities in differently managed soils in an apple orchard. The number of nematodes in each soil sample was quantified and identified to family level. The nematode biodiversity and functionality for each site was determined by evaluating the nematode food webs for trophic group distribution, as enumerated by the Maturity Index (MI), the Enrichment Index (EI), the Structure Index (SI), the Basal Index (BI) and the Channel Index (CI), based on the weighted abundance of coloniser-persister guilds. The functional guild analysis of Fynbos samples indicated that the enrichment and the structure of any given sample were not bound to a certain area, but it was representative of each of the four quadrats within the faunal analysis. Different geographic areas were found to differ in nematode diversity and functionality, which was mainly associated with dominant plant families and species (such as strong associations between Fynbos families Fabaceae, Solanaceae and Celestraceae with the nematode family Pratylenchidae). The most abundant nematode families present in the Fynbos were Tylenchidae, which are plant-feeding nematodes, and Cephalobidae which are bacterial-feeding nematodes. Despite Tylenchidae and Cephalobidae both having coloniser-persister values (cp-values) of two, they are split up into different feeding types. Cp-2 nematodes are tolerant to disturbances, and occur in all environments. Only one omnivorous family, the Dorylaimida, was identified in Fynbos samples. The average MI value for Fynbos was found to be very low, with a mean value of 1.26. The value obtained indicated the presence of taxa with tolerance to disturbance, which, in turn, indicated the presence of a disturbed soil, in general. The number of plant-parasitic nematodes within the Fynbos soils was low, which was supported by the low plant-parasitic index (PPI) of 0.85. The diversity, richness and evenness values were low, indicating low nematode diversity, but a distribution of abundances amongst the families. The average Hill’s N0 index value was 8.0, indicating that, in general, eight nematode families would have been present in a Fynbos soil sample. A study was done to determine the biodiversity and the functionality of the nematodes associated with deciduous fruit orchards that were conventionally, or organically, managed. Herbivores were dominant in all the orchards. The organic apple orchard had the lowest numbers of herbivores and fungivores, with the highest number of carnivores. When comparing organic and conventional apricot orchards, higher numbers of plant-parasitic nematodes were found in the organic orchard. Criconematidae occurred in higher numbers in conventional apricot orchard soil. When comparing organic apricots and apples, higher numbers of Criconematidae occurred within the organic apple soil. Overall, higher levels of plant-parasitic nematodes occurred in the organic apricot orchard. The MI indicated that all orchard soils had values below 1.5, indicating disturbance. Conventionally managed apricot orchard soil had the highest MI value of 1.48. The PPI value was highest in organically managed apricot orchards. All orchard soils were located within Quadrat B of the faunal analysis, indicating enrichment and structure. Regarding the diversity, richness and evenness of the distribution, conventional apricot soil had the highest species richness, while organic apple soil had the most even family distribution. Different management practices did not show marked differences in community composition and structure. The species richness of Fynbos soils was comparable to those of deciduous fruit orchards. Soil samples from eight different soil surface treatments were collected from an apple orchard in the Grabouw area. Treatments were combined according to the soil surface treatments received (chemical control of cover crops and weeds, mulch and mulch + effective micro-organism spray). Bacterivores were dominant in all soil treatments, with the least number being present in the chemical control (of cover crops and weeds) treatment. Sites which received chemical control of cover crops and weeds had higher levels of fungivores, compared to the levels at the other sites. High numbers of Rhabditidae occurred within mulch and mulch + effective micro-organism (EM) treatment sites, while high numbers of Aphelenchidae occurred in chemical control sites. The carnivorous family Ironidae only occurred in mulch + EM sites. Strong associations were found between soil surface applications and nematode families present within the soil. Chemical control (of cover crops and weeds) applications had the highest MI value, while values were equal for the other soil applications. The faunal analysis indicated that the mulch and the chemical control fell within Quadrat A, indicating enriched, but unstructured, soil, while the mulch + EM treatment fell within Quadrat B, indicating enrichment and structure, as well as good overall soil conditions. All the systems were dominated by bacterial decomposition pathways. Controversially, sites that received chemical control of the cover crops and weeds had the highest species richness of all three applications, as well as the highest level of diversity, according to the Simpson Index. As only the cover crops and the weeds were chemically controlled, the soil can be regarded as undisturbed, which explains the results obtained in this study. Clear differences in nematode community structure and composition were observed between the different soil applications in the apple orchard. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Grond is 'n fundamentele, nie-hernubare hulpbron binne enige ekosisteem. Ten einde voedselproduksie vir die toenemende globale menslike bevolking te handhaaf, is dit noodsaaklik om maniere te ontwikkel om gesonde biologiese produktiwiteit en volhoubaarheid van landbougrond in stand te hou. Nematodes is een van die volopste Metazoa in alle gronde en vorm 'n integrale deel van die grond voedsel-web op verskeie trofiese vlakke. Hulle reageer vinnig op veranderinge binne hul omgewings, kan maklik ekstraheer en identifiseer word; en ook maklik in funksionele gildes ingedeel word. Nematodes het ook die potensiaal om insig oor te dra ten opsigte van die toestand van die grond voedsel-web. Hierdie studie het ten doel om vas te stel of nematodes geskikte bio-indikatore van grond gesondheid kan wees spesifiek vir die sagtevrugte bedryf in die Wes-Kaap. Drie verskillende doelwitte is gestel om die praktiese gebruik van nematode populasie samestelling as 'n instrument vir die meting van grond gesondheid te gebruik. Die doelwitte sluit in die nematode populasie samestelling, biodiversiteit en funksionaliteit binne natuurlike Fynbos; organies verboude versus konvensionele boorde; en die verskil in nematode populasie samestelling tussen verskillend behandelde en bestuurde grondpersele binne ʼn appel boord. Die nematode biodiversiteit en funksionaliteit vir elke perseel was bepaal deur die evaluering van die nematode voedselweb vir trofiese groep verspreiding en enumerering deur die Maturity Index (MI) en die Enrichment Index (EI), Strukturele Indeks (SI), Basale Indeks (BI) en Channel Index (CI) wat gebaseer is op die geweegde oorvloed van koloniseerder-persister gildes. Die funksionele gilde vir Fynbos monsters het aangedui dat die verryking en struktuur van enige gegewe perseel nie gebonde is aan ʼn bepaalde gebied nie, aangesien dit verteenwoordig was in elk van die vier kwadrante van die Fauna Analiseerder. Daar is gevind dat verskillende areas verskil in nematode diversiteit en funksionaliteit, wat hoofsaaklik geassosieer was met die dominante plant families en spesies in die omgewing. Die volopste nematode familie wat teenwoordig was in die Fynbos was Tylenchidae, wat plant-voedende nematodes is, en Cephalobidae, wat bakterie-voedend is. Tylenchidae en Cephalobidae het beide ʼn cp-waarde van twee, maar is verdeel in verskillende VIII tipes voedingsgroepe. Die cp-2 nematodes is verdraagsaam vir versteurings en kom in alle omgewings voor. Slegs een omnivoor familie is geïdentifiseer in Fynbos monsters, nl. die Dorylaimidae. Die gemiddelde MI waarde vir Fynbos was laag, met 'n gemiddelde waarde van 1.26. Hierdie waarde is ʼn aanduiding van die teenwoordigheid van taxa met verdraagsaamheid tot versteuring, wat op sy beurt 'n versteurde grond in die algemeen aangedui het. Die aantal plant-parasitiese nematodes binne die Fynbos-gronde was laag, wat ondersteun word deur die lae PPI-waarde van 0.85. Die waardes vir die diversiteit, spesie-rykheid en egaligheid was laag, wat dui op 'n lae nematode diversiteit, maar 'n egalige verspreidings onder families. Die Hill’s N0 indeks waarde was gelyk aan 'n gemiddelde van 8.0 en dui daarop dat in die algemeen agt nematode families teenwoordig sal wees in 'n Fynbos grondmonster. 'n Studie is gedoen om die biodiversiteit en funksionaliteit van nematodes wat verband hou met vrugteboorde wat organies en konvensioneel bestuur is te bepaal. Herbivore was dominant in alle boorde. Organiese appels het die laagste aantal herbivore en fungivore gehad en die hoogste aantal karnivore. Wanneer organiese en konvensionele appelkoosboorde met mekaar vergelyk is, was hoër getalle van plant-parasitiese nematodes gevind in die organiese boord. Criconematidae was teen ʼn groter aantal in die grond van die konvensionele appelkoosboord gevind. Met die vergelyking van organiese appelkose en appels word, is ʼn hoër aantal Criconematidae binne die organiese appelgrond aangetref. In die algemeen was hoër vlakke van plant-parasitiese nematodes gevind in die organiese appelkoosboord. Die MI het getoon dat alle boord waardes laer as 1.5 gehad het, wat daarop dui dat die gronde versteurd is. Die konvensioneel bestuurde appelkoosboord het die hoogste MI waarde gehad met ʼn vlak van 1.48. Die waarde vir die PPI was die hoogste in organies bestuurde appelkoosboorde. Alle boord gronde is geleë binne kwadrant B van die Fauna Analiseerder, wat dui op verryking met struktuur. Met betrekking tot die diversiteit, spesie-rykheid en egaligheid van die verspreiding van families, het konvensionele appelkoos grond die hoogste spesierykheid, terwyl die gronde van die organiese appelboord die mees egalige familie verspreiding vertoon het. Verskillende bestuurspraktyke nie toon nie merkbare verskille in die gemeenskap samestelling en struktuur nie. Die spesie-rykheid van Fynbos gronde is vergelykbaar met dié van sagtevrugte-boorde. Monsters is geneem van agt verskillende grondeoppervlak-behandelings in ‘n appelboord in die Grabouw area. Die behandelings is gekombineer volgens die grond toediening wat dit ontvang het (chemiese beheer van dekgewasse en onkruid, deklaag en ‘n deklaag + effektiewe mikro- IX organismes). Bakterievoedende nematodes was dominant in elke grondoppervlak-behandeling, met die minste teenwoordig in die behandelings wat chemiese beheer van die dekgewasse en onkruid ontvang het. Behandelings wat chemiese beheer van die dekgewasse en onkruid ontvang het, het ook hoër vlakke van fungivore in vergelyking met die ander behandelings. ʼn Hoë aantal Rhabditidae het voorgekom in grondmonsters van die deklaag en die deklaag + EM (effektiewe mikro-organismes) behandeling persele, terwyl ʼn groot aantal Aphelenchidae voorgekom het in chemiese beheer persele. Die predatoriese familie, Ironidae, het slegs voorgekom in persele wat die deklaag + EM behandeling ontvang het. Sterk assosiasies bestaan tussen grond behandeling en nematode families wat in die grond teenwoordig was. Die chemiese beheer behandeling het die hoogste MI waarde getoon, terwyl waardes vir die ander behandelings laer en gelyk was. Die fauna analise het daarop gedui dat die deklaag en chemiese beheer binne kwadrant A is en dus verryk, maar ook ongestruktureerd is. Die deklaag + EM behandeling het binne kwadrant B geval wat aandui op toestande van verryking en struktuur wat 'n goeie algehele grondtoestand tot gevolg gehad het. Al die stelsels is oorbruggingsweë wat oorheers was deur bakteriële ontbinding. Kontroversieel, het persele wat chemiese beheer van die dekgewasse en onkruid ontvang het, die hoogste spesierykheid van al drie behandelings getoon asook die hoogste vlak van diversiteit volgens die Simpson-indeks. Slegs die dekgewasse en onkruid is chemies behandel, nie die grond nie, en dus kan die grond as onversteurd beskou word en die resultate wat verkry is in die studie verklaar. Duidelike verskille in die nematode gemeenskap struktuur en samestelling is waargeneem tussen die verskillende grond behandelings in appel boorde.

Development of a habitat suitability model to determine the potential distribution of Klipspringer (Oreotragus Oreotragus subsp. Oreotragus) in Table Mountain National Park

Smith, Richardt John January 2015 (has links)
Thesis (MTech (Nature Conservation))--Cape Peninsula University of Technology, 2015. / The klipspringer (Oreotragus oreotragus subsp. oreotragus) population became extinct on the Cape Peninsula in 1930. Being re-introduced into Table Mountain National Park (TMNP) in 1999 it became one of the species of special conservation concern to monitor in the Park. Most klipspringer territories are known by Park management but the distribution of all potentially suitable habitats for this species in the Park is not known. The main aim of this study is to produce a distribution range map that is representative of all potentially suitable habitats for the klipspringer within TMNP, through the use of a species distribution modelling tool. Since only presence data were available for this study, a popular presence-only modelling tool namely maximum entropy (MaxEnt) was used. The use of MaxEnt in species distribution modelling has become popular as it has proven to provide robust predictions of a species’ geographic distribution. Klipspringer occurrence data and five environmental variables namely altitude, slope, aspect, vegetation, and distance to urban edge were used as model input. Occurrence data were sourced through existing databases and employing a stratified random sampling technique of dividing the Park into different habitat subtypes to survey the Park for more klipspringer occurrences. These habitat subtypes consisted of a variety of vegetation communities or vegetation types and altitudinal and slope ranges available in the Park. Grid size for all the raster layers used was 10x10 m. Spatial filtering of one point per 100 m² grid was used to eliminate clumping of points. Six models were run at different regularisation multiplier (RM) values namely 0.25, 0.5, default (1), 2, 4 and 7. To assist in better understanding of the spatial extent of the occurrence data and the areas inhabited by the klipspringer, home range analyses were carried out. This was done through kernel density estimation in the Geospatial Modelling Environment (GME). All six bandwidth parameters in GME namely smoothed cross validation (SCV), biased cross-validation (BCV), a second BCV algorithm, plug-in estimator, least squares cross validation and the likelihood cross validation (CVh) were tested. The smoothed cross validation and likelihood cross validation bandwidth algorithms provided the best visual output of klipspringer home ranges and territories. Home range sizes from the SCV output ranged from about 3 – 11 ha across the study area, and home range size for the CVh output ranged from 0.6 – 2.5 ha. The output from the CVh algorithm was interpreted as territories rather than home ranges, as it is based on a univariate kernel unlike, the SCV algorithm that produces rotated bivariate kernels. iv The default regularisation multiplier of 1 provided the best probability distribution output, whilst values lower than the default tended to underestimate the prediction and those values higher than the default were tending towards overestimations. Response curves for the default RM also gave the most ecologically meaningful responses of the klipspringer to each environmental variable. Model evaluation in the form of area under the receiver operating characteristic curve (ROC AUC) showed that all models performed well. Therefore, the choice of the “best” model was based on the ability to provide ecological interpretation, on the shape of the response curve and the probability distribution maps. Consequently, the default RM model was considered the best, with an AUC score of 0.903. Altitude and vegetation contributed the most to suitable habitat and therefore indicates that klipspringer in the Park do prefer high altitudinal areas with the right vegetation to feed on. Suitable altitudinal ranges are from 400 m.a.s.l. and higher and ericaceous fynbos is the most preferred vegetation community. Slope, aspect and distance to urban edge played a less important role in suitable klipspringer habitat. The probability map and an additional binary map produced at the 10 percentile training logistic presence threshold showed that suitable habitat for the klipspringer occurs in all three sections of the Park in different proportions. These maps can be used by Park management to prioritise conservation efforts and future re-introductions. / National Research Foundation

Periodic drought effects on afrotemperate forests in the Southern Cape of South Africa

Jooste, Guillaume Hendrik Christiaan 04 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MSc)--Stellenbosch University, 2015. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Understanding the effects of climate change is one of the cardinal issues within the natural resource management circles. Increased droughts are part of these changes. Afrotemperate forests, as well as their drier Afromontane counterparts suffer from periodic and seasonal droughts respectively. To better understand the effect of droughts on these forests, three key species namely Olea capensis (Iron wood), Podocarpus latifolius (Common Yellow wood) and Pterocelastrus tricuspidatus (Candle wood), were analysed using dendroecologic techniques. Two sites in the Southern Cape were selected according to a West-to-East moisture gradient, with the drier site being close to George and the medium moist site at the Diepwalle estate in the vicinity of Knysna. Growth ring measurements from each of the species were used to calculate basal area and basal area increment during the lifetime of the trees. Drought years for the sites were then selected based on the Standardised Precipitation and Evapotranspiration Index (SPEI), also indicated by the growth during the drought periods. Differences in growth patterns for all three species were observed. An event analysis was then used to quantify the difference in the resistance (Rt), recovery (Rc), resilience (Rs) and relative resilience (RRs). With values standardised around one (Rt, Rc and Rs) and zero (RRs), it was seen that the Candle wood had the highest (~0.92) resistance and the Yellow wood had the highest (~1.3) recovery after the drought. Iron wood stood apart from the other two species in the sense that it only reacted negatively towards the drought one year after the event in most cases. It was concluded that each of the species were significantly different in their reactions towards drought. This specific difference in drought reaction can give way to the possibility that the species together adapted to relieve the stress of a short drought by splitting the available resources over a longer period. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Dit is van uiterse belang vir bestuur doeleindes om die veranderende klimaat oor die wêreld te verstaan, insluitend die droogtes wat daarmee gepaard gaan. Die Afrotemperate woud-tipe, asook sy droeër teenstaander, die Afromontane, lei gereeld aan sporadiese en seisonale droogtes. Om hierdie woud-tipe se reaksie tot droogtes beter te verstaan, was drie boom spesies naamlik Ysterhout (Olea capensis), Kershout (Pterocelastrus tricuspidatus) en gewone Geelhout (Podocarpus latifolius), gekies vir die gebruik in ‘n dendro-ekologiese studie. Twee areas was gekies van ‘n wes-tot-oos droogte gradient, met die droeër blok in die George omgewing en die meer vogtige een naby aan Knysna. Die jaarring metings van elke boom was gebruik om beide die basale oppervlakte en die basale oppervlak groei per jaar aan te teken. ‘n Gestandardiseerde reenval en evapotranspirasie indeks (SPEI) was gebruik om vas te stel jare waarin matige tot sterk droogtes gebeur het. Hierdie gekose jare het aanduiding gegee dat daar wel ‘n verskil waargeneem was in die groei patrone van elke spesie gedurende die droogtes. ‘n Gebeurtenis analise is gebruik om ‘n kwantitatiewe verskil te kon sien in die weerstand (Rt), herstel (Rc), weerstandbiedendheid (Rs) en relatiewe weerstandbiedendheid (RRs). Die was waargeneem dat Kerhout die hoogste weerstand (0.92) toon, terwyl die Geelhout ‘n hoër herstel waarde (1.3) gehad het. Ysterhout het apart van die ander twee spesies gestaan in dìe dat dit eers een jaar na die droogte ‘n reaksie getoon het teenoor die droogte. Dit was dus gevind dat daar spesifieke verskil is tussen al drie van die spesies teen opsigte van stres reaksies was. Hierdie verskil kan dan wel ook moontlik aandui dat hierdie spesies en woud-tipe op so ‘n anier aangepas is dat dit die stress gedurende ‘n kort droogte versprei oor ‘n langer tydperk.

Prestasiebeoordeling as funksie van maatskaplikewerksupervisie

Abrahams, Edith Elizabeth 03 1900 (has links)
Text in Afrikaans / Performance management and performance appraisal plays a crucial role in developing human resources. In the social work profession the social work supervisor is the person responsible to appraise the performance of the social worker because of the excellent position to observe the job performance directly and consistently. The purpose of this study is to investigate how social work supervisors perform their supervisory functions and apply performance appraisal. The researcher used qualitative research for an exploratory and descriptive study. In-depth interviews were use as data collection method. The sample group was social work supervisors in the employment of the Western Cape Department of Social Development. Performance appraisal can be use to encourage professional growth and development of social workers. Performance appraisal is a supervisory duty and thus a component of administrative, educational and supportive supervision. It seems however that supervisors experience problems with performing supervision and to apply performance appraisal. / Thesis (M.A. (Maatskaplike Werk))

Local development : a response to economic challenges in Noordhoek Valley, Cape Town

Gibb, Matthew William January 2004 (has links)
De-industrialisation and rising unemployment amongst the world's developed countries' manual labourers as well as continued economic stagnation in developing countries has resulted in many localities experiencing mounting economic hardships and uncertain futures. As a direct result, the time has come that localities are being called upon to take charge of their own futures using local resources for local solutions. Local development has appeared in various guises in different countries. Many agents in the developed North favour pro-business interventions that emphasise enterprise development, responsible local government, and investment in skills training. Stakeholders in developing nations however tend to favour bottom-up approaches focusing on participation in self-reliant activities, providing basic needs, and facilitating micro-enterprises. In addition to the actual nature of applied interventions, qualities such as commitment, innovation, co-operation, social capital and entrepreneurship are equally essential for over-all success. South Africa has recently devolved more autonomy to its localities to enable them to conduct local development as a way of coping with local socio-economic difficulties and is applying both pro-growth and pro-poor approaches. The Noordhoek Valley in the City of Cape Town is a locality where a community driven project seeks to promote both economic growth and poverty alleviation. The establishment of a skills training institution has equipped local residents with the skills to find jobs and become entrepreneurs. To date, over 1000 residents have received training and have earned over R5 million for the community. Although locality-based development is relatively new in South Africa, the activities and results achieved in the Noordhoek Valley indicate that with the appropriate approach and mentality local development and skills development are indeed possible.

Evaluating the training techniques in the detective learning programmes in the in-service training centres of the Western Cape

Scheepers, Sandra 31 March 2008 (has links)
The research project investigated the basic detective training courses presented in the two training institutions of the Western Cape Province namely Paarl Detective Academy and Philippi In-Service Training Centre. The two courses that were researched were the Detective Learning programme of Paarl and the Introduction to Crime Investigation of Philippi. The focus of the research was on the training techniques used in the facilitation of these programmes. The research was done with interviews of focus groups of learners that were attending the courses. Individual interviews were held with trainers of both the training institutions. Observation was done in the classes at the two training institutions during the facilitation of the courses. Although the training techniques could be more advanced, other aspects were identified that was of a bigger concern for the learners and trainers alike. The recommendations drawn from conclusions of the data obtained may offer some solutions to the identified problems. / Criminology / (M. Tech. (Policing))

Impacts of cage aquaculture on the farm dam ecosystem and its use as a multipurpose resource : implications for irrigation

Du Plessis, D. 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MScAgric (Conservation Ecology and Entomology)--University of Stellenbosch, 2007. / Small farm dams (< 20 ha) in the Western Cape Province provide adequate water conditions for intensive cage production of rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss). A major environmental concern of cage aquaculture, however, is the high inputs of nutrients via commercial diets and the subsequent eutrophication of the water source. Eutrophication can result in the degradation of the general water quality (increasing pH levels, oxygen depletion, increased hydrogen sulphide and free ammonia) and shifts in the phytoplankton structure (increased biomass, single species dominance). Deterioration of water quality will affect the success of the fish farming enterprise as well as the performance of irrigation equipment by increasing the risk of clogging and corrosion. Water quality, phytoplankton and zooplankton compositions were monitored at four sites from June 2005 to November 2006 to determine the effects of cage culture on the farm dam environment, its associated biota as well as irrigation water quality. The distribution of nutrients, nitrogen and phosphorus, was mainly influenced by the stratification and mixing regime of the water bodies. Nutrient concentrations increased during the winter mixing period while in the summer months, they seem to settle to the lower part of the water column. Nutrient concentrations of production sites and reference sites were comparable except for the ammonia levels that were significantly higher at the production sites. Phytoplankton corresponded with nutrient availability resulting in high biomass during winter. In terms of biomass, phytoplankton was approximately two times more abundant in production sites compared to reference sites. Assemblage dominance by cyanophytes (Anabaena circinalis, Microcystis spp.) was found more often in production sites, while reference sites were dominated by dinophytes (Ceratium hirundinella, Peridinium spp.). Zooplankton biomass concurred with high phytoplankton biomass in winter. Zooplankton assemblages in production sites sustained much higher biomass. Effects of cage culture on irrigation water quality are evident from increased algal biomass and shifts in species composition. These results indicated that at its present production level, cage culture had impacts on the farm dam environment and irrigation water quality. The most significant evidence was given by increased plankton biomass and single species dominance in production sites. However, these findings can not solely be ascribed to the introduction of aquaculture as various other factors may also contribute to the water quality of these ecosystems.

Evaluating the training techniques in the detective learning programmes in the in-service training centres of the Western Cape

Scheepers, Sandra 31 March 2008 (has links)
The research project investigated the basic detective training courses presented in the two training institutions of the Western Cape Province namely Paarl Detective Academy and Philippi In-Service Training Centre. The two courses that were researched were the Detective Learning programme of Paarl and the Introduction to Crime Investigation of Philippi. The focus of the research was on the training techniques used in the facilitation of these programmes. The research was done with interviews of focus groups of learners that were attending the courses. Individual interviews were held with trainers of both the training institutions. Observation was done in the classes at the two training institutions during the facilitation of the courses. Although the training techniques could be more advanced, other aspects were identified that was of a bigger concern for the learners and trainers alike. The recommendations drawn from conclusions of the data obtained may offer some solutions to the identified problems. / Criminology and Security Science / (M. Tech. (Policing))

Huweliksvoorbereiding en -verryking in gemeentes van die Apostoliese Geloof Sending in die Wes-Kaap

Lapoorta, Paul Jafta 30 November 2003 (has links)
This dissertation is a study about the faith action called "care" and covers the area of premarital pastoral work and marital pastoral work (marriage enrichment). Much has been written about the issue that marriage pastoral care and counselling is more than just dealing with troubled marriages or marital problems. The fact can't be ignored that pastoral care and counselling when it comes to married life have an important role to play in the sense of prevention and equipping. Premarital pastoral work in the form of marriage preparation and marital pastoral work in die form of marriage enrichment, focus on the prevention and equipping approach. The focus of this dissertation is prevention and equipping. In an effort to achieve this, this study looks at how pastors are doing premarital pastoral work with prospective marital couples, and marriage enrichment with married couples. This is done according to a twofold process. The first step focuses on the content of the programmes that the pastors present to prospective marital couples when they do premarital pastoral work. The second step in the study focuses on the needs of prospective marital couples. In this regard the focus is on the themes for marriage preparation that prospective marriage couples would like to see the pastor address when doing premarital pastoral work with them. Further this research deals with the preferences of prospective couples as to the timing, duration and presentation process with regard to marriage preparation sessions. In this study empirical research was undertaken to determine how pastors of the Apostolic Faith Mission in the Western Cape are doing premarital pastoral work and marriage enrichment, and how this is related to the needs of prospective marriage couples. The research problem was to determine whether pastors are addressing the needs of prospective couples when they are doing premarital pastoral work. The purpose of this study is to provide some guidelines which pastors can utilize when they are doing premarital pastoral work and marriage enrichment. / Practical Theology / D. Th. (Practical Theology)

Towards an understanding of social development by councillors and senior employees of Witzenberg Municipality

Krieger, Jo-Ann 06 1900 (has links)
No abstract available / Social Work / M. A. (Social Work)

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