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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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Die gebruik van 'n swaainet vir die monitering en diversiteitsbepaling van insekte op lusern in die Wes-Kaap

De Villiers, M. (Marelize) 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MScAgric)--University of Stellenbosch, 2002. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Lucerne is the most important pasture and fodder crop in the winter rainfall area of South Africa. Various pests are known to cause damage to this crop. The use of the sweep net for monitoring pests is a cheap, easy and quick technique. If the sweep net is suitable for the lucerne pests in South Africa, potential pest status can be determined easily and quickly and the necessary precautionary measures taken to prevent crop losses. From a managerial point of view, it is also important to know the composition of the insect community in order to follow practices in which the number of beneficial insects can be increased and the injurious insects decreased. Therefore a study was done to quantify the use of the sweep net as a survey technique for monitoring pests on established lucerne stands. Insect diversity was also determined to obtain information on the insect families and guilds on lucerne. The redlegged earth mite, due to its importance as a pest, and the Anystis mite, important as a predator, were also included. The sweep net proved to be suitable for the sampling of the main lucerne pests. If a 29 cm diameter sweep net is swiped once per pace for six long paces, twelve systematically chosen sampling units are recommended for the lucerne earth flea and aphids. It is not necessary to differentiate amongst the three aphid species, or between the winged and unwinged aphids. Actual counts should be used instead of absence-presence data. Instead of counting all the insects in a sample, sub-samples can be taken. Operational characteristic curves can be used to determine the risk involved in the decision not to intervene, for example by spraying or grazing. Recommendations for monitoring and the accuracy of control decisions for the redlegged earth mite, Sitona weevil and lucerne butterfly can only be made after threshold values have been determined. The pea aphid, bluegreen aphid and lucerne earth flea showed peaks in their population levels during spring. Peak numbers of the spotted alfalfa aphid occurred during late summer and autumn. The Sitona weevil and lucerne butterfly numbers reached peak levels during late spring and early summer. For all pests population levels were dramatically reduced after grazing or cutting of the plantings. Therefore, these cultivation practices provided good control. The herbivores made up more than 85% of the insect community in lucerne. The largest herbivorous families, in terms of the number of individuals per family, were the Aphididae and Sminthuridae. These two families contain the main lucerne pests, the pea aphid, bluegreen aphid, spotted alfalfa aphid and the lucerne earth flea. The largest predatory family was the Anystidae, represented by the Anystis mite, the most important predator of the red legged earth mite and lucerne earth flea. Another well represented predatory family was the Coccinellidae, containing natural enemies of the aphids. The dryland plantings had a higher percentage of predators than the irrigated lucerne. The most important parasitaids were those in the superfamily Chalcidoidea and in the family Braconidae. The main detritivores were springtails in the suborder Arthropleona, insects in the families Mycetophilidae on irrigated lucerne, and Mycetophagidae on dryland lucerne. The most abundant visitors were in the families Chironomidae, Drosophilidae and Tephritidae. The dryland plantings had a lower percentage of visitors than the irrigated plantings. The number of insect families, as well as the number of individuals per family, was lower at the dryland plantings than at the irrigated plantings. The vast majority of insect families found on lucerne were collected during the one-year sampling period. A lower diversity was found where grazing was more severe, and there was a negative relationship between diversity and evenness. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Lusern is die belangrikste wei- en voergewas 10 die winterreëngebied van Suid- Afrika. Hierdie gewas word deur 'n verskeidenheid plae aangeval. Die gebruik van die swaainet vir die monitering van plae is 'n goedkoop, maklike en vinnige tegniek. lndien die swaainet geskik is vir die betrokke plae in Suid-Afrika, kan potensiële plaagstatus van die plae dus maklik en vinnig bepaal word en die nodige voorsorgmaatreëls getref word om verliese te voorkom. Vanuit 'n bestuursoogpunt is dit ook belangrik om te weet wat die samestelling van die insekgemeenskap is sodat praktyke gevolg kan word waardeur die getal voordelige insekte verhoog en nadelige insekte verlaag word. Gevolglik is 'n studie uitgevoer om die gebruik van die swaainet te kwantifiseer as 'n monsternemingsmetode vir die monitering van plae op gevestigde lusernstande. Insekdiversiteit is ook bepaal ten einde inligting te bekom oor die insekfamilies en -gildes op lusern. Die lusernerdvlooi en swartsandmyt, vanweë hul belang as plae, en die Anystis-roofmyt, vanweë sy belang as predator, is ook ingesluit. Die swaainet blyk geskik te wees vir die monitering van die. vernaamste lusernplae. Wanneer 'n 29 cm deursnee swaainet vir ses lang treë een keer per tree geswaai word, word 12 sistematies gekose steekproefnemingseenhede vir die lusernerdvlooi en plantluise aanbeveel. Daar hoef nie onderskeid tussen die plantluisspesies en tussen gevleuelde en ongevleuelde plantluise getref te word nie. Daar moet gebruik gemaak word van werklike insektellings en nie van aanwesigheid-afwesigheid data nie. In plaas van om al die insekte in 'n monster te tel, kan submonsters geneem word. Operasionele karakteristieke kurwes kan gebruik word om die risiko verbonde aan die besluit om nie op te tree, deur byvoorbeeld te spuit of bewei nie, te bepaal. Vir die swartsandmyt, Sitona-snuitkewer en lusernskoenlapper moet drempelwaardes eers vasgestel word voordat aanbevelings vir monitering en die akkuraatheid van besluite rakende beheer, gegee kan word. Vir die ertjieluis, blougroenluis en lusernerdvlooi het die bevolkingsvlakke 'n piek in die lente bereik. Die gevlekte lusernluis se piekgetalle was hoofsaaklik in die laat somer en herfs. Die Sitona-snuitkewer en lusernskoenlapper het piekgetalle gehad in die laat lente en vroeë somer. Vir al die plae het bevolkingspieke drasties afgeneem nadat die aanplantings bewei of gesny is. Hierdie verbouingspraktyke blyk dus goeie beheer te verskaf. Die herbivore op lusern het meer as 85% van die insekgemeenskap beslaan. Die grootste herbivoorfamilies, in terme van aantal individue per familie, was die Aphididae en Sminthuridae. Hierdie twee families bevat die vernaamste lusernplae, naamlik die ertjieluis, blougroenluis, gevlekte lusernluis en lusernerdvlooi. Die grootste predatoriese familie was die Anystidae, wat verteenwoordig is deur die Anystis-roofmyt. 'n belangrike predator van die swartsandmyt en lusernerdvlooi. Nog 'n predatoriese familie wat goed verteenwoordig was, was die Coccinellidae, natuurlike vyande van plantluise. Die droëland aanplantings het 'n hoër persentasie predatore gehad as die besproeide lusern. Die belangrikste parasitoïede aanwesig was dié in die superfamilie Chalcidoidea en familie Braconidae. Die vernaamste detritivore was erdvlooie in die suborde Arthropleona, insekte in die families Mycetophilidae by besproeide lusern, en Mycetophagidae by droëland lusern. Die volopste besoekers was lede van die families Chironomidae, Drosophilidae en Tephritidae. Die droëland aanplantings het 'n laer persentasie besoekers gehad as die besproeide lusern. Die aantal insekfamilies, asook die aantal individue per familie, was laer by die droëland aanplantings as by die besproeide aanplantings. Die oorgrote meerderheid insekfamilies wat op lusern voorkom, is gedurende die een jaar opnameperiode waargeneem. 'n Laer insekdiversiteit is gevind waar beweiding strawwer was, en daar was 'n negatiewe verband tussen diversiteit en gelykmatigheid.

An investigation into the factors influencing the health status of the coloured people of the Western Cape in an urban setting

Stellenberg, Ethelwynn L. (Ethelwynn Linda) 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (DCur)--Stellenbosch, 2000. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Guided by the researcher's clinical experience and through recent outreach research projects (Stellenberg, 1996 and 1997) the factors influencing the health status of two communities were identified through health screening. It was further identified that these problems affecting the health status of these communities were magnified through the poor accessibility, availability, and affordability of health services. According to the researcher, despite the efforts of the Government and attempts to remedy the disparities of the past, the introduction of any such policy should be based on scientific evidence. The researcher decided to investigate the factors influencing the health status of the Coloured people of the Western Cape. This population group is the largest in the Western Cape, being 60,8%. Its domination in this province determines the health status of the province. By acquiring knowledge about the factors influencing the health status of the Coloured population, it will be possible for the policy makers in health care to direct their emphasis on health care policies more appropriately. Currently differences in socio-economic and knowledge levels, along with existing inequalities in health service pose major challenges for the policy makers in health care. Therefore, knowledge about the health status, health practices and health beliefs of minority groups will improve the average health status of the general population. It is against this background, that this research study was undertaken. Specific objectives were set for the study. • To determine the health status of economically active Coloured people in an urban area as defined with specific reference to the indicators as identified by the researcher • To determine the prevalence of factors influencing the health status of economically active Coloured people in an urban area as defined. • To determine the relationship between the health status and the factors influencing the health status of economically active Coloured people in an urban area as defined. • To determine an association between factors influencing the health status of economically active Coloured people in an urban area as defined. • To make recommendations to the health policy-makers concerning factors influencing the health status of the economically active Coloured people in an urban area as defined and possibly related ethnic groups. These objectives were met through an in-depth research study of this population group in six identified suburbs. Factors influencing the health status of an individual as described in the literature were explored and described. The recommendations based on the findings confirmed that the health status of the Coloured population is influenced by the following factors: • Socio-economic Level (education, financial income and occupation) • Lifestyle of individuals (High Risk Behavioural Practice such as smoking, use of alcohol and illegal drugs, dietary intake, minimal exercise, stress management and leisure time) • Ethno-cultural Beliefs: health and illness • Religion, health and illness • Environmental factors • Health Services: accessibility and affordability of services Recommendations based on the findings • Emphasis on re-development and health education of all age groups. • The introduction of social grants for those who are unable to support themselves and their families have become essential in order to improve their health status. • The creation of jobs to improve the socio-economic circumstances of the populations. • Current health services at primary health care level and environmental factors influencing the health status of the population require urgent attention. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Gelei deur die navorser se persoonlike kliniese onde'rvinding asook onlangse navorsingsprojekte oor uitreikingsaksies ten opsigte van gemeenskapsgesondheid (Stellenberg, 1996 en 1997), is faktore wat In rol in die gesondheidstatus van gemeenskappe speel, geïdentifiseer. Daar is ook bevind dat faktore wat probleme rondom die gesondheidstatus van hierdie gemeenskappe vererger, elemente is soos toeganklikheid, beskikbaarheid en bekostigbaarheid van gesondheidsdienste. Ten spyte van pogings van die regering om die ongelykhede van die verlede uit die weg te ruim behoort die regstelling daarvan volgens die navorser op wetenskaplike bewyse gegrond te word. Die navorser het daarom besluit om die faktore wat gesondheidsorg van die Kleurlinggemeenskap in die Wes-Kaap beïnvloed, te ondersoek. Hierdie bevolkingsgroep is die grootste in die Wes-Kaap, naamlik 60,8%. Die oorheersing van die Kleurling in die provinsie bepaal grootliks die gesondheidstatus van die provinsie. Deur kennis in te win van faktore wat die gesondheidstatus van die Kleurlinggemeenskap beïnvloed, is dit moontlik vir besluitnemers in gesondheidsorg om dit beter te bestuur. Daarom sal kennis oor gesondheidsorg, gesondheidspraktyke en -gelowe van minderheidsgroepe die gesondheidstatus van die totale bevolking verbeter. Dit is teen hierdie agtergrond wat die navorsing onderneem is. Spesifieke doelwitte vir die studie was om die volgende te bepaal: • Die gesondheidstatus van die ekonomies aktiewe Kleurling-gemeenskap in In stedelike gebied soos gedefinieer met spesifieke verwysing na die indikatore soos geïdentifiseer deur die navorser • Die prevalensie van faktore wat 'n invloed op die gesondheidstatus van die ekonomies aktiewe Kleurling-gemeenskap in In stedelike gebied soos gedefinieer • Die verwantskap tussen die gesondheidstatus en die faktore wat In invloed uitoefen op die gesondheidstatus van die ekonomies aktiewe Kleurling-gemeenskap in In stedelike gebied soos gedefinieer • Die moontlike assosiasie te bepaal tussen faktore wat die gesondheidstatus beïnvloed van die ekonomies aktiewe Kleurlinggemeenskap in In stedelike gebied soos gedefinieer. • Aanbevelings aan die gesondheidsowerheidsbeleidmakers oor bevindings wat In invloed uitoefen op die gesondheidstatus van die ekonomies aktiewe Kleurling-gemeenskap in In stedelike gebied soos gedefinieer, en moontlike verwant etniese groepe. Die doel is bereik deur in-diepte navorsingsonderhoud met die Kleurling bevolkingsgroep in ses geïdentifiseerde gebiede. Faktore wat die gesondheidstatus van individue soos in die literatuur beskryf beïnvloed, is ondersoek en beskryf. Die aanbevelings is gebasseer op bevindings gedoen in die ondersoek van die gesondheidstatus van die Kleurling bevolking, en is deur die volgende faktore in die ondersoekgroep beïnvloed: • Die sosio-ekonomiese vlak (opleiding, inkomste en beroep) • Lewenstyl van respondente (hoë risiko faktore soos rook, die gebruik van alkohol, verdowingsmiddeis, daaglikse dieët, oefening, hantering van spanning en vryetydsaktiwiteite). • Etnies-kulturele gelowe: gesondheid en siekte • Geloofsgesondheid en siekte • Omgewingsfaktore • Gesondheidsdienste: toeganklikheid en bekostigbaarheid van dienste Aanbevelings wat op die navorsingsbevindings gebaseer is, is die volgende: • Beklemtoning van die herontwikkeling van gesondheidsvoorligting vir alle ouderdomsgroepe. • Die instel van In toelae vir individue wat nie in staat is om hulself en hulle gesinne te help nie, is noodsaaklik vir die verbetering van hulle gesond heidstatus . • Die skep van meer werk om sosio-ekonomiese omstandighede in die bevolking te verbeter • Huidige gesondheidsdienste op pnmere gesondheidsorgvlak en omgewingsfaktore wat die gesondheidstatus van die gemeenskap beïnvloed, vereis dringend aandag.

Gambling in South Africa, with specific reference to the Western Cape gambling policy

Human, Pieter 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MPhil)--Stellenbosch University, 2000. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: For the purposes of this study the term "gambling" refers only to casino style gambling and does not necessarily include horse racing and the national lottery. The study is partly based on the theoretical model for policy analysis as described by Dunn in his book "Public Policy Analysis" (1994). The thesis is divided into two sections. The first section deals mainly with the stage of monitoring and is a retrospective analysis of the development of the gambling industry in seventeenth and eighteenth century Venice and more recently in the United States, Australia, Namibia and South Afiica prior to 1994. The last section deals mainly with the stage of policy evaluation and questions the possible discrepancies between the expected and actual gambling policy performance in the Western Cape after 1994 when large scale gambling was legalised throughout the country. It uses the recommendations of the Main Report on Gambling in the Republic of South Afiica (Wiehahn Report) as a basis for the evaluation of the Western Cape gambling policy from both a social and economic perspective. More specifically the study attempts to shed light on the issues of the problems related to the scientific research of gambling, the economic profile of gamblers, the location of casinos, the displacement of capital and the correlation between crime and gambling. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Vir die doeleindes van hierdie studie word die term "gambling" slegs gebruik met verwysing na dobbel in casinos en sluit nie noodwendig perdewedrenne en die nasionale lotery in nie. Die studie word gedeeltelik gebaseer op die teoretiese model vir beleids-analise soos weergegee deur Dunn in sy boek "Public Policy Analysis" (1994). Die studie word verdeel in twee afdelings. Die eerste gedeelte behandel die stadium van monitering en is hoofsaaklik a retrospektiewe analise oor die ontwikkeling van die dobbelbedryf in sewentiende eeuse Venesië en meer onlangs in die Verenigde State van Amerika, Australië, Namibië, asook Suid-Afrikavoor 1994. Die laaste gedeelte behandel hoofsaaklik die stadium van beleids-evaluering. Dit bevraagteken die moontlike verskil tussen die verwagte en werklike vertoning en uitkoms van die dobbelbeleid in die Wes Kaap na 1994. Hoofstuk 3 gebruik die aanbevelings van die Hoofverslag oor Dobbel in die Republiek van Suid-Afrika (Wiehahn verslag) as 'n basis vir die evaluering van die dobbelbeleid van die Wes Kaap van beide 'n sosiale asook 'n ekonomiese perspektief Meer spesifiek beoog die studie om lig te werp op die probleme wat verband hou met die wetenskaplike navorsing van dobbelary, die ekonomiese profiel van dobbelaars, die geografiese plasing van casinos, die verplasing van kapitaal en die korrelasie tussen misdaad en dobbel.

Structural adjustments in the wheat industry of the Western Cape Province

Troskie, Dirk Pieter 03 1900 (has links)
Dissertation (PhD (Agric))--Stellenbosch University, 2001. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The objective of this dissertation was to investigate the structural imbalances of the wheat industry of the Western Cape Province and, with due recognition of a changing environment, to develop an effective strategy for the industry. It was found that the origins of the structural imbalances could be detected in the interaction between policy, technological and demand factors and is not unique to the specific industry. The farm problem provides an explanation for the instability of and downward pressure on wheat prices as well as the sluggish adaptation to environmental change experienced in the wheat industry. Internationally similar problems led to a whole range of policy measures. Relatively unique to South African agriculture, but not only to the Western Cape wheat industry, is the circumstances that gave rise to the current dual structure of the domestic agricultural sector. The origins of these circumstances could be traced back to the Dutch settlement of the Cape in 1652 and the resulting measures was later upheld under British rule. After the commercialisation of the local agricultural sector following the discovery of diamonds in South Africa, certain measures were lobbied for at the end of the 19th Century to protect white farmers. These measures were expanded in the 20th Century and gave rise to the particular duality along ethnic lines of the South African agricultural sector. If it is accepted that the structural problems of the wheat industry are the result of political, policy, technological and demand factors, the question of the potential future role of the sector, and more specifically the wheat industry, can be asked. It was established that agriculture is a natural catalyst for economic development through the provision of food, foreign exchange, manpower, and capital formation as well as a market for industrial produce. Whereas the potential exists, agriculture has not yet fulfilled this role in Southern Africa due to inconsistent domestic policy, adverse trade regimes, inappropriate technology and problems encountered in the management of development. This potential role of agriculture has been quantified for the Western Cape Province. In the development of a strategy for an industry it is imperative to evaluate the future economic and social environment. It was verified that in the next phase of economic development, towards information societies, agriculture would still fulfil the functions previously mentioned. However, a new and more esoteric role relating to identity could be added to this list in an information society. Given the important role of agriculture as described in the previous section, intuition would lead one to expect that government would play an important role in alleviating the structural problems of the Western Cape wheat industry. However, contrary to this intuitive expectation it was found that, in alleviating the problems of the Western Cape wheat industry, government intervention will be largely limited to creating a favourable enabling environment. In getting to this conclusion the theory of welfare economics, public choice and politician - voter interaction were explored. The traditional wisdom has it that in searching for a Pareto-optimal state, or at least a second-best solution, pressure group activities may play an important role. This is seen as important due to the difficulties, as indicated by Arrow's impossibility theorem, in transforming individual preferences into political preference functions. However, numerous examples have shown that pressure group activities may only playa marginal role in influencing the final outcome. The underlying structural characteristics of the national and provincial economies may be a more important determinant. This became more certain as the way politicians perceived agriculture before and after the 1994 political transition was analysed. It follows that a strategy for the wheat industry of the Western Cape will take the global, social, policy, natural and consumer environment into account and both the strategy and the industry will have to be self-reliant. It was argued that a solution would be found in changing the slope (elasticity) of the demand and supply functions for agricultural produce. With the aid of a spatial model developed the impact of the different elements of the strategy on the profitability of wheat production in the Western Cape was evaluated. This model took into consideration the yield potential for wheat, the gross and net margin of wheat production, spatial dispersion, transport costs and also made provision for different intermediate markets. It was found that each of the components of the strategy would substantially contribute to a more profitable wheat industry for the Western Cape. The combined effect of the strategy would result in a 97 percent decrease in the area where wheat production is unprofitable. Profitable production of wheat would be possible on 99,3 percent of the total area that is suitable for rainfed wheat production. The production of wheat would be highly profitable at a margin of more than R200 per ton on more than 1,1 million hectares (77,1% of the total area). It is concluded that, while taking the global, social, policy, natural and consumer environment into account and without relying on government, a strategy could be developed that will rectify the structural problems of the Western Cape wheat industry. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die doel van hierdie proefskrif was om die strukturele wanbalanse van die koringbedryf in die Wes- Kaap Provinsie te ondersoek en, om met erkenning aan 'n veranderde omgewing, 'n effektiewe strategie vir die bedryf te ontwikkel. Dit is bevind dat die oorsprong van die strukturele wanbalanse uit die interaksie tussen beleid-, tegnologiese- en vraagfaktore spruit en dat die wanbalanse nie uniek is tot die bedryf nie. 'n Verklaring vir die onstabiliteit van- en afwaartse druk op koringpryse, sowel as die trae aanpassings van die bedryf by omgewingsveranderings, word deur die plaasprobleem gebied. Soortgelyke probleme het globaal tot 'n verskeidenheid van beleidmaatreëls aanleiding gegee. Wat wel uniek is tot die Suid-Afrikaanse landbou, maar nie tot die plaaslike koringbedryf nie, is die omstandighede wat tot die huidige dualistiese struktuur van die landbou sektor aanleiding gegee het. Die oorsprong van die omstandighede kan teruggespoor word tot die Hollandse besetting van die Kaap in 1652 en die gepaardgaande maatreëls wat ook onder Britse bewind in stand gehou is. Na die kommersialisering van die plaaslike landbou sektor, wat op die ontdekking van diamante in Suid- Afrika gevolg het, is bepaalde maatreëls aan die einde van die 19de eeu deur drukgroepe beding ten einde blanke boere te beskerm. Hierdie maatreëls is in die 20ste eeu uitgebrei en het die unieke dualiteit op etniese gronde van die Suid-Afrikaanse landbou sektor tot gevolg gehad. Met aanvaarding daarvan dat die strukturele wanbalanse van die koringbedryf die resultaat is van politieke, beleid, tegnologiese en vraag faktore, kan dit gevra word of die sektor, en meer spesifiek die koringbedryf, nog 'n rol te speel het. Dit is gevind dat landbou 'n natuurlike katalisator vir ontwikkeling kan wees deur die verskaffing van voedsel, buitelandse valuta, mannekrag, kapitaal vorming en 'n mark vir industriële goedere. Ten spyte van die bestaande potensiaal kon landbou nog nie hierdie rol in Suidelike Afrika vervul nie, hoofsaaklik as gevolg van inkonsekwente binnelandse beleid, onvriendelike handelsomgewings, nie-geskikte tegnologie en ontwikkelingsbestuur probleme. Die potensiële rol van landbou in die Wes-Kaap Provinsie is gekwantifiseer. Dit is belangrik om tydens die ontwikkeling van 'n strategie vir 'n bedryf ook die toekomstige ekonomiese en sosiale omgewing in aanmerking te neem. Dit is bevestig dat in die volgende fase van ekonomiese ontwikkeling, dié van 'n inligtings gemeenskap, landbou steeds die voorgenoemde funksies sal vervul. 'n Nuwe en meer esoteriese funksie, gefokus op identiteit, kan egter in 'n inligtingsgemeenskap tot die lys toegevoeg word. Gegewe hierdie belangrike rol van landbou kan intuïtief verwag word dat die owerheid bereid sal wees om 'n belangrike bydrae te maak tot die verligting van die strukturele probleme van die Wes- Kaapse koringbedryf. Teenstrydig met hierdie intuïtiewe verwagting is egter bevind dat owerheids betrokkenheid hoofsaaklik beperk sal wees tot die skepping van 'n gunstige en bemagtigende omgewing. Ten einde hierdie gevolgtrekking te bereik is welfaart ekonomie, publieke keuse en politici - kieser interaksie teorie bestudeer. Volgens tradisionele denke kan drukgroep aktiwiteite 'n belangrike rol speel in die soeke na 'n Pareto-optimale staat, of ten minste in die soeke na 'n tweede-beste oplossing. Weens probleme in die transformasie van individuele voorkeure na politieke voorkeur funksies, soos beskryf deur die onmoontlikheidsteorie van Arrow, word hierdie aktiwiteite as belangrik geag. Veelvuldige voorbeelde dui egter daarop dat drukgroep aktiwiteite slegs 'n marginale rol kan speel in die beïnvloeding van finale uitkomste. Dit blyk dat onderliggende eienskappe van die nasionale en provinsiale ekonomië meer bepalende faktore kan wees. Hierdie vermoede is bevestig namate die politieke persepsie van die landbou voor en na die 1994 politieke transformasie geanaliseer is. Uit die voorafgaande is dit duidelik dat 'n strategie vir die koringbedryf van die Wes-Kaap die internasionale, sosiale, politieke, natuurlike en verbruikers omgewing in aanmerking sal moet neem. Dit is ook duidelik dat beide die strategie en die bedryf self onderhoudend sal moet wees. Dit word aangevoer dat 'n oplossing gevind kan word indien die helling (elastisiteit) van die vraag en aanbod funksies van landbouprodukte aangepas kan word. Met behulp van 'n ruimtelike model wat ontwikkel is, is die impak van die verskillende elemente van die strategie op die winsgewendheid van koringproduksie in die Wes-Kaap geëvalueer. Hierdie model het onder meer die opbrengs potensiaal van koring, die bruto en netto marge van koringproduksie, ruimtelike verspreiding, vervoerkoste en verskillende intermediêre markte in aanmerking geneem. Dit is bevind dat elk van die elemente van die strategie beduidend tot winsgewende koringproduksie in die Wes-Kaap kan bydra. Die strategie kan daartoe lei dat die oppervlakte met nie-winsgewende koringproduksie met 97 persent sal afneem. Koring kan winsgewend verbou word op 99,3 persent van die area geskik vir droëland produksie. Terselfdertyd sal koring, teen 'n marge van R200 per ton, hoogs winsgewend verbou kan word op nagenoeg 1,1 miljoen hektaar (77,1 persent van die totale area). Ten slotte blyk dit dat, met inagneming van die internasionale, sosiale, politieke, natuurlike en verbruikers omgewing, en sonder dat op owerheids ondersteuning staatgemaak word, 'n strategie ontwikkel kon word wat die strukturele wanbalanse van die Wes-Kaapse koringbedryf kan oplos.

A survey of the computer enhanced services of the Outreach Project of UWC developed for grade 12 mathematic learners and a critical appraisal of the MICSEC2000 program.

Isaacs, Brian Ernest Leonard January 2005 (has links)
The Outreach Project of the University of the Western Cape has since 1982 through various computer supported services been assisting grade 12 mathematics learners and educators at previously disadvantaged Western Cape high schools. This thesis described and appraised the MICSES2000 program of the Outreach Program, the latest innovative computer enhancing service to schools, with respect to its implementation, perceived and achieved programs by participating educators.

A phenomenological study of vicarious trauma experienced by caregivers working with children in a place of safety in the Western Cape.

Booysen, Barbara Philidia Ruth January 2005 (has links)
The aim of this study was to investigate vicarious trauma experienced by caregivers working with children in residential care, who were victims of sexual abuse or assault. The objectives of the study were to determine the occurrence of vicarious trauma among caregivers working with victims of sexual abuse or assault / to describe the experiences of caregivers working with children who were victims of sexual abuse / to describe the caregiver's experience of staff support within the facility.

Job satisfaction amongst employees at a public health institution in the Western Cape.

Luddy, Nezaam January 2005 (has links)
The premise of this research was focused on ascertaining how variables such as work environment, pay, supervision, co-workers and promotion impacts on job satisfaction of civil servants at an institution residing under the Department of Health in the Western Cape.

An investigation into patients perceptions of contributing factors towards their aggressive and violent behaviour after admission to a mental health facility.

Van Wijk, Evalina January 2006 (has links)
<p>Aggressive and violent behaviour in inpatient mental health facilities is found worldwide and is a frequent and serious clinical and nursing care problem. Despite the importance of international research findings and recommendations, it appears that patients perceptions of the possible contributing factors toward aggressive and violent behaviour in mental health facilities is an area of enquiry that has not been widely explored in South Africa in general, or in the Western Cape, in particular. It is against this background that this study endeavoured to investigate the external and situational contributing to patients aggressive and violent behaviour in mental health facilities in Cape Town, as seen from patients perspectives.</p>

The use of information and communication technologies to disseminate information to users in public libraries: a case study of Nyanga, Brown's Farm and Crossroads public libraries.

Ncoyini, Samuel Sibongile January 2006 (has links)
<p>Information and communication technology (ICT) is foreign to a number of public libraries and those libraries that have a technology infrastructure in place, suffer from an under-utilization of the technology, owing to a shortage of skills that are critical to boost the library into the global information society. It is important that staff in public libraries have the necessary skills and positive attitude to use the technology offered to them. The main objective of this study was to determine the use of ICT's in Nyanga, Brown's Farm and Crossroads public libraries and make recommendations towards effective use of ICT in the above-mentioned public libraries.</p>

The impact of collection development policy on service rendering to undergraduates: a case study of the University of the Western Cape Library.

Kunene, S. A. S. Z. January 2006 (has links)
<p>Collection development in academic libraries is going through technology-driven changes relating to the new information technologies ,e.g. -Electronic databases, the Internet and CD-ROM's, joint published materials and audio-visual resources. Libraries are also facing declining budgets and spiralling costs. This research project looked closely at what collection development is and the impact it has on service rendering to undergraduates at the University of the Western Cape. It is also aimed at establishing if the librarians that formulate these policies understand what they (Collection Development Policies) are, and what they should entail.</p>

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