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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The relations between the Republic of China and the Republic of South Africa, 1948-1998

Lin, Song-Huann (Gary) January 2006 (has links)
Thesis (Ph.D.(History))--University of Pretoria, 2001. / Summary in English and Afrikaans. Includes bibliographical references.

The use of smartphones and social media as teaching tools for visual media students at Tshwane University of Technology.

Warchal, Angelica. January 2015 (has links)
M. Tech. Textile Design and Technology / Outside the classroom, students constantly interact with technologies such as smartphones, iPods the Internet and social networking sites this study has identified that these technologies can support learning both in and outside of the classroom. Through the use of a case study, 95 visual media students at Tshwane University of Technology (TUT) were approached. Three paper-based questions were administered to establish the following: What type of access do students have to different types of technologies outside of class? What number of students engage with social media for personal use? What types of educational technologies are lecturers currently using inside and outside their classrooms? This study found that visual media students at TUT are active social media users. They are enthusiastic towards efforts of integrating smartphones and social media as teaching tools for learning. Visual media students are competent at using digital editing, imaging and electronic presentation software, but lack the skills and knowledge to use online collaboration and journaling tools. Lastly, at TUT course related communication is still mainly face-to-face due to that fact that infrastructure upgrades such as in-class Wi-Fi networks are needed. IV 21st century education recognises that learning takes place in various settings (physical and virtual) and not just in the classroom. In a rapidly globalised society, smartphones and social media as teaching tools for visual media students at TUT may possibly offer an affordable and accessible medium to equip students to be able to make local and global connections.

Ondersoek na moontlikhede vir entrepreneuriese ontwikkeling in 'n landelike toerisme-area

Le Roux, Anneri 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MA)--Stellenbosch University, 2003. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Poverty and unemployment are currently serious socio-economic problems in South Africa. One way of dealing with this problem is entrepreneurial development. Growth in the tourism sector, specifically in rural tourism, has increased substantially in South Africa in the last decade. Facilities, services and products offered by entrepreneurs are part of the South African tourism industry. This trend created a need for information concerning tourists' needs regarding products and services. The primary aim of this study was thus to investigate the needs of tourists regarding products and services which can lead to entrepreneurial development in a rural tourism setting. A literature review has been undertaken to provide an in-depth report concerning the literature that forms the theoretical basis for this study. Definition of relevant terms, the link between tourism and recreation and the positive and negative impacts of tourism were discussed. Rural tourism and sustainable tourism development were discussed next, followed by literature regarding the tourist, his/her shopping behavior and the importance of crafts. Employment generation, entrepreneurship, entrepreneurial development in tourism, entrepreneurial training and the link between entrepreneurship and crafts were also discussed. The geographical demarcation of the study was the rural town of Darling on the South African West Coast and the 15 km radius surrounding the town. This region is a popular tourist destination. Despite this, unemployment is still a serious problem. A situation analysis of the available facilities in Darling was done to determine which products, services and attractions the relevant businesses and artists of the area offer to tourists. The data analysis of the information that was gathered through document analysis and structured interviews showed that the area is popular with nature as well as culture lovers. To be able to determine the needs and compile a profile of the average tourist that visits a rural town like Darling. Tourists were approached to serve as respondents for the study. A sample was taken and the respondents completed self-administered questionnaires. Frequency and contingency tables were constructed to compile a tourist profile and to identify the needs of tourists visiting a rural region like Darling. On account of this data, shortcomings were identified between that which Darling offers and the needs of tourists. Recommendations were made concerning ways to address these shortcomings in a manner that can/may facilitate entrepreneurial development and at the same time use the existing facilities in Darling. The conclusions suggest that the businesses and artists involved in this study contribute towards tourism and to a certain extent satisfy tourists' needs. Respondents indicated, inter alia, a need for products that are unique to the area. In light of the fact that a typical "Darling product" was not identified in the situation analysis, this was found to be a particularly severe shortcoming. Recommendations were made to address the identified shortcomings by way of training programmes aimed at facilitating entrepreneurial development in Darling. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Armoede en werkloosheid is wesenlike sosio-ekonomiese probleme in Suid-Afrika. Entrepreneuriese ontwikkeling is een manier om hierdie probleme aan te spreek. Groei in die toerismesektor, spesifiek in landelike toerisme, het in die laaste dekade in Suid-Afrika skerp toegeneem. Fasiliteite, dienste en produkte van entrepreneurs maak deel uit van die Suid-Afrikaanse toerismebedryf. Hierdie tendense het 'n behoefte geskep aan inligting oor toeriste se behoeftes aan produkte en dienste wat veral deur entrepreneurs aangespreek kan word. Die hoofdoelwit van die studie was dus om ondersoek in te stel na die behoeftes van toeriste aan produkte en dienste wat kan lei na entrepreneuriese ontwikkeling in 'n landelike toerisme-area. 'n Literatuuroorsig is gedoen om 'n indiepte verslag te lewer aangaande die literatuur wat 'n teoretiese onderbou vir die studie uitmaak. Relevante begripsomskrywings, die verband tussen toerisme en rekreasie asook die positiewe en negatiewe impakte van toerisme op gebiede wat besoek word, is bespreek. Landelike toerisme en volhoubare toerisme-ontwikkeling is in oënskou geneem en literatuur oor die toeris, sy/haar inkopiegewoontes en die belang van handwerkprodukte is ondersoek. Werkskepping, entrepreneurskap, entrepreneuriese-ontwikkeling in toerisme, entrepreneuriese opleiding en die verband tussen entrepreneurskap en die beoefening van handwerk is beredeneer. Die geografiese afbakening van die studiegebied sluit Darling, 'n landelike dorpie aan die Weskus van Suid-Afrika en 'n gebied binne 'n radius van 15 km om dié dorp in. Hierdie is 'n gebied wat baie toeriste lok, maar waar werkloosheid ook aan die orde van die dag is. 'n Situasie-analise van Darling se beskikbare fasiliteite is gedoen om te bepaal watter produkte, dienste en attraksies ondernemings en kunstenaars van die dorp en omgewing aan toeriste bied. Die data-analise van die inligting wat deur dokumentanalises en gestruktureerde onderhoude ingewin is, het getoon dat die gebied gewild is by natuursowel as kultuurliefhebbers. Ten einde in staat te wees om die behoeftes te bepaal asook 'n profiel saam te stel van die gemiddelde toeris wat 'n landelike gebied soos Darling besoek, is toeriste genader om as respondente vir die studie op te tree. 'n Steekproef is geneem en self-geadministreerde vraelyste is deur die respondente voltooi. Frekwensieen gebeurlikheidstabelle is opgestel om 'n toeristeprofiel saam te stel en om die behoeftes van toeriste wat 'n landelike gebied soos Darling besoek, te identifiseer. Na aanleiding van hierdie data is leemtes geïdentifiseer tussen dit wat Darling bied en die behoeftes van die toeriste. Aanbevelings is gemaak om hierdie leemtes aan te spreek op maniere wat entrepreneuriese-ontwikkeling kan/sal fasiliteer deur reeds bestaande fasiliteite in Darling te benut. Die bevindinge dui daarop dat die ondernemings en kunstenaars wat by die studie betrokke was, bydra tot toerisme en toeriste se behoeftes gedeeltelik aanspreek. Respondente het onder meer 'n groot behoefte aan produkte wat uniek aan die gebied is, aangedui. Aangesien daar nie 'n tipiese "Darling-produk" in die situasie-analise geïdentifiseer is nie, word dit as 'n groot leemte beskou. Aanbevelings is gemaak om die geïdentifiseerde leemtes deur middel van opleidingsprogramme wat entrepreneuriese ontwikkeling in Darling sou kon fasiliteer, aan te spreek.

n Ontleding van voertuigongelukke op die N1-roete in Suid-Afrika

Swanevelder, Sonja Alet 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MSc.)--Stellenbosch University, 2000. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: “Road deaths are no accident'. This is the slogan of Phase III of the Arrive Alive campaign which was launched on Monday, 23 November 1998. Traffic as well as the safety thereof should be the concern of every single person. Everyone is in some or other way exposed to traffic on a daily basis. The problems that are experienced with the effective enforcing of traffic regulations are extremely complex, consisting of numerous facets. It is also a problem that is experienced worldwide. Quite a few attempts have been made and are still being made in order to decrease the yearly carnage on our roads, both locally and nationally. Our main transport routes (the N1 route) carry an extremely heavy / large vehicle load. It is a problem that gets more serious each year as the number of vehicles on our roads increase. Therefor one can make the prediction that vehicle collisions will also increase on a yearly basis. The aim of this research was to identify existing geographic risk factors and human factors on the N1 route. The N1 route was selected because it is notorious for its high collision rate, and also because it is the main road transport route between the Cape and Gauteng. The number of accidents on a given track were expressed as the number of accidents per 100 million kilometers travelled, compensating for the different traffic volumes on the different tracks as well as the different track lengths. According to this a track was labelled either as a high risk or a low risk track. The seriousness of the accident was also categorized into two groups, namely serious or non-serious, depending on the severity of the injuries that were sustained in the accident. In this study it has been found that bad road and weather conditions had no significant effect on the number of accidents or the seriousness of the accidents. Although the route is not rated as challenging, it is important to mention that there is a serious tediousness aspect that is experienced over the long distances. Quite a few accidents seem to be contributed to some or other human error. Although the numbers are not standardized, certain trends could be identified when looking at the time of day, day in a week or monthly periods in a year when Stellenbosch University http://scholar.sun.ac.za/ more accidents took place. Finally, it has been found that a GIS has exciting application possibilities in solving traffic problems by implementing effective traffic management systems. To achieve this, existing problems and shortcomings need to be identified and addressed. However, without the help, support and co-operation of the public and authorities it would not be possible. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: “Padsterftes is geen ongeluk nie’\ so lui die slagspreuk vir Fase III van die Kom Veilig Daar - veldtog wat op Maandag, 23 November 1998 in werking getree het. Verkeer en die veiligheid daarvan raak elke landsburger persoonlik, omdat elkeen op een of ander wyse daagliks direk daaraan blootgestel word. Die probleme wat met die effektiewe toepassing van verkeersveiligheid ondervind word, is ‘n wereldwye probleem wat uit talle fasette bestaan. Verskeie pogings word tans op beide lokale en nasionale vlak aangewend om die hoeveelheid verkeersongelukke op Suid- Afrika se paaie te verminder. Suid-Afrika se hoofroetes (o.a. die N1 roete) dra geweldige hoe verkeersvolumes. Dit is ongelukkig nie net ‘n tydelike probleem nie, maar !n aspek wat jaarliks toeneem vanwee die toename in motorvoertuie. Daar is dus potensieel ook meer motorvoertuigongelukke. Hierdie navorsing het gevolglik ten doel gehad om bestaande risiko-faktore op die N1 roete te identifiseer, hetsy geografies of menslik. Die N1 roete is as studiegebied geidentifiseer vanwee sy berugtheid t.o.v. motorvoertuigongelukke, en ook omdat dit die hoof padvervoerroete tussen die Kaap en Gauteng is. Verskillende verkeersvolumes en trajeklengtes is in ag geneem ten einde die aantal ongelukke vir elke trajek te bereken. Hiervolgens is die trajekte as ‘n hoe-risiko of lae-risiko trajek getipeer afhangende van die aantal ongelukke wat op die betrokke trajek plaasgevind het, uitgedruk as die aantal ongelukke per honderd miljoen kilometer gereis. Daar is bevind dat slegte pad- en weerstoestande geen effek op die aantal of ernstigheidsgraad van die ongelukke gehad het nie. Behalwe vir die eentonigheidsaspek wat oor die lang afstande ondervind is, is die roete self nie buitengewoon uitdagend nie. ‘n Groot aantal van die ongelukke blyk direk of indirek die bestuurder se skuld te wees, wat aan ‘n verskeidenheid menslike faktore toegeskryf kan word. Alhoewel die syfers nie gestandaardiseer is nie, kon daar tog sekere tendense geidentifiseer word wat daarop dui dat daar sekere tye per dag, week, of jaar is wanneer hoer voorkomste van motorongelukke ondervind is. Ten slotte is gevind dat daar geweldig baie gebruiksmoontlikhede vir ‘n GIS bestaan om verkeersprobleme met korrekte en effektiewe verkeersbestuur die hoof te bied. T en einde dit te realiseer moet tekortkominge in bestaande praktyke aangespreek word, en moet die onontbeerlike hulp, ondersteuning en samewerking van die publiek en owerhede verkry word.

'n Regionale studie van die distrik Calitzdorp

Momberg, John Wilhelm January 1948 (has links)
Thesis (MA)--Stellenbosch University, 1948. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: no abstract available / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: geen opsomming

'n Kultuurhistoriese beeld van Gansbaai en omgewing

Barnard, Elizabeth 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MA)--Stellenbosch University, 1986. / Some digitised pages may appear illegible due to the condition of the original microfiche copy. / No abstract available

Critical leader behaviour in the emerging South African economy

Rossouw, Gedeon Josua 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MCom)–Stellenbosch University, 2014. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Leadership is, without a doubt, one of the most valuable commodities in business. It is no secret that organisations depend greatly on leaders for their success, and that the effectiveness of the organisation is related to the effectiveness of its leaders. Organisations worldwide are continuously searching for the finest leaders to organise and lead their organisation to optimal performance. However, leadership is much more complex than initially meets the eye. A great many researchers have conducted decades of research on the topic and have not yielded irrefutable evidence on leadership. Although research has succeeded in defining different types of leadership and leader influencing, and power tactics, the characteristics, behaviour and situational factors of effective leadership are still under contention. The phenomenal complexity and elusive character of the leadership construct should be considered as a problem whose resolution would greatly enrich our knowledge. For social and organisational psychologists, understanding leadership, its behaviours and processes, forms a fundamental, if not chief element of group and organisational processes. These processes can arguably lead to group, and thus organisational effectiveness. In this study, leadership is explored from the basis of social learning theory and focused specifically on South Africa’s emerging economy. Bandura, the founder of social learning theory, advocates that people learn their behaviour by observing those who are superior and desirable to them, and then imitate their behaviour. According to this theory, leaders have a very direct effect on the behaviour of their subordinates, which enables them to mould employee behaviour by being a good role model. In addition, literature on leadership has corroborated that role modelling is one of the most effective influencers on employee behaviour. This study attempts to uncover which leadership behaviours is conducive to organisational effectiveness. This information can be useful to all other potential or current leaders in the South African economy, and the insights gained from the study can be used as a valuable framework from which they can lead their organisations through their own behaviour. The objective of this research project is thus to come to a deeper understanding of what the critical leadership behaviour in the emerging South African economy looks like. Through acknowledging the complexity of human behaviour and the leadership construct we want to comprehend what behaviour it is that makes leaders successful. Individual, in-depth interviews with a number of South Africa’s most successful business leaders is seemingly the best method of uncovering what these ‘effective leader behaviours’ are. These interviews create an understanding of how successful leaders view leadership and what behaviour they (as the experts on leadership behaviour) deem important. The repertory grid interview technique is utilised in this qualitative study, to uncover how these leaders perceive leadership. This is an attempt at coming closer to understanding what the cunning logic of nature’s design looks like, in terms of effective leader behaviour. This study focuses on South Africa in the current emerging economy, and aims at providing insights into the specific leader behaviour that is conducive to organisational effectiveness. These insights can be used as a starting point from which leaders can cultivate their own behaviour to mould a desired organisational culture, and reach organisational objectives. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Leierskap is ongetwyfeld een van die sakewêreld se waardevolste kommoditeite. Dit is algemene kennis dat organisasies baie afhanklik van goeie leierskap vir organisatoriese sukses is. Daar kan ongetwyfeld aangevoer word dat die effektiwiteit van organisasies direk aan die effektiwiteit van sy leiers gekoppel is. Organisasies wêreldwyd is voortdurend op soek na die beste leiers om hul besighede te organiseer, te inspireer en tot optimale prestasie te lei. Leierskap is egter baie meer kompleks as wat dit aanvanklik voorkom. Dekades se navorsing oor leierskap kon tot op hede nog nie onweerlegbare bewyse rakende leierskap lewer nie. Alhoewel navorsing al der duisende verskillende definisies van leierskap, leierskapstipes, beïnvloedingstaktieke en magstaktieke opgelewer het, kon navorsing oor leierskap nog nie daarin slaag om definitiewe leierskapsgedrag, leiereienskappe of situasionele faktore wat aan effektiewe leierskap gekoppel is, te bepaal nie. Die enorme kompleksiteit en ontwykende aard van die leierskapskonstruk behoort vir die besigheidswêreld ‘n probleem te wees waarvan die oplossing baie waardevol sal wees. Bedryfsielkundiges sal veral baie baat vind by die volledige begrip van leierskap en die gedrag en prosesse wat daarmee gepaard gaan, aangesien leierskapsgedrag as ‘n fundamentele, indien nie ‘n kerndeel van groep- en organisatoriese prossesse se sukses, gesien kan word. Deur leierskap beter te verstaan sal organisasies in ‘n beter posisie wees om groep- en organisatoriese effektiwiteit te verbeter. In die studie onder oë is leierskap ondersoek vanuit die raamwerk van sosiale leerteorie soos geproklameer deur Albert Bandura, met ‘n spesifieke fokus op die huidige en ontluikende Suid-Afrikaanse ekonomie. Bandura voer aan dat as mense, leer ons gedrag aan deur na ander in hoër en geloofwaardige posisies te kyk, en dan hulle gedrag na te boots. Leiers, volgens hierdie teorie, het ‘n baie direkte en wesenlike invloed op hulle volgelinge, en kan daarom werknemergedrag vorm en beïnvloed deur hulle eie gedrag, deur ‘n goeie rolmodel te wees. Hierbenewens bestaan daar ook ‘n magdom literatuur oor leierskap wat aanvoer dat rolmodellering een van die mees effektiewe beïnvloeders van werknemergedrag is. Hierdie studie het gepoog om spesieke leiergedrag wat gunstig vir organisatoriese effektiwiteit is, te verken. Hierdie kennis kan baie nuttig wees vir enige huidige of potensiële sakeleier in Suid-Afrika, aangesien dit hulle sal voorsien van ‘n waardevolle raamwerk waarvolgens hulle, hul werkspanne en organisasies kan lei deur aandag aan hulle eie gedrag te skenk. Die doelstelling van hierdie studie is dus om ‘n dieper begrip van kritieke leierskapsgedrag in ons ontluikende Suid-Afrikaanse ekonomie, te bekom. Deur die kompleksiteit van menslike gedrag en leierskapsgedrag te aanvaar en te waardeer, het die studie probeer verstaan watter gedrag leiers suksesvol maak. Deur individuele in-diepte onderhoude met 12 van Suid-Afrika se mees suksesvolle en bekende leiers te voer, blyk die beste manier te wees om te verstaan wat presies dit is wat hierdie leiers, en ander soortgelyke leiers suksesvol maak. Deur beter te verstaan hoe hierdie suksesvolle leiers leierskap sien, en watter gedrag hulle as bevorderlik beskou, kan ons hopelik nader aan die waarheid kom oor watter gedrag tot organisatoriese effektiwiteit bydra. In hierdie kwalitatiewe studie is daar van die repertoirerooster tegniek (‘repertory grid technique’) gebruik gemaak om agter te kom hoe hierdie leiers leierskap beskou in ‘n poging om nader aan ‘n volle begrip van die ingewikkelde logika van die natuur se ontwerp in terme van leierskapsgedrag te kom. Die studie het gefokus op Suid-Afrika se ontluikende ekonomie, en het gepoog om waardevolle insig te lewer rakende watter leiersgedrag tot organisatoriese effektiwiteit kan bydra. Hierdie insig kan dan gebruik word as ‘n beginpunt en verwysingsraamwerk waarvandaan leiers hulle eie gedrag kan vorm en ontwikkel ten einde ‘n gewensde organisasiekultuur te kweek waarin alle werkemers gunstige en gewensde gedrag kan toon ten einde organisasiedoeltwitte te bereik.

Supplier development for competitive advantage in manufacturing small medium enterprises

Makumbila, Louis Boy January 2017 (has links)
Competitive advantage is crucial for a business to be sustainable, yet many small- and medium-sized enterprises are not engaging in supplier development in order to achieve a competitive advantage. This empirical study was conducted on a sample of 64 small- and medium-sized enterprises in the manufacturing industry in Kempton Park, Gauteng. The factors that influence engagement in supplier development were analysed to assess whether supplier development can lead to competitive advantage and other benefits. The findings indicate that supplier development can create and improve competitive advantage, as well as lead to other benefits. Four factors were found to have a relationship with supplier development, and therefore could influence the decision to take part in supplier development. Small- and medium-sized enterprises can use tools such as supplier development in order to be competitive and have an advantage over their competitors. The awareness of operational performance measures, competitive advantage, judgment of the absence or existence of trust, and a buyer’s relative power can all influence participation in supplier development.

The development of athletics in South Africa: 1814 to 1914

Coghlan, Douglas Victor January 1987 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to record the development of athletics in South Africa from 1814 to 1914. This period was chosen because sport and athletics originated and developed a social institution during that time and the First World brought progress to a temporary halt, after which there were many new developments. The Cape Colony became British in 1814, and it was British influence that played such a dominant role in the social history of the period.

Managing pure and statistical equity arbitrage opportunities within the South African environment

Cronje, Peter John 30 November 2004 (has links)
The analysis undertaken, firstly aims to identify the extent to which equities, their indexes and their derivatives priced in accordance with their fair value. Secondly, presuming that the traded values of the instruments do not in all instances equate to the fair value, the research aims to develop an effective means to identify and manage profitable opportunities arising from the mispricing. General concepts relating to profitability, trade identification, risk and continuous improvement of the processes are addressed. This includes recommendations on the management of the risks through a structured reporting process. The research looks at arbitrage trading in the South African market from the perspective of an empirical review into the market's participation in equity and equity derivative arbitrage. In addition to this empirical analysis, a time series analysis into various arbitrage strategies is conducted with the view to determining their relative profitability. The first component of the empirical research focuses on the arbitrage trading strategies adopted by a sample of 80 institutions. Where the institutions trade arbitrage strategies, the research undertook to establish what methods are used to identify, trade and manage the index arbitrage, single stock futures arbitrage, risk arbitrage, statistical arbitrage and volatility arbitrage trading opportunities that present themselves within the South African Market. Information gathered did not only focus on the actual trading strategies but also determined the relative cost structures, profitability and risk management processes that are employed to support these trading initiatives. The time series analysis focused on index futures, single stock futures, risk, dual listed and statistical arbitrage methods, and reflects the results before and after transaction costs. These arbitrage strategies were applied to the ALSI Top 40 index or its associated shares and generally spanned a period of about four years. Finally the research presents an arbitrage business model that is aimed at providing a blue print for arbitrage trading which covers: new arbitrage strategy, implementation, market risk, execution, profit, traders, cost Finally, the research provides a multiple regression method for application in identifying further arbitrage trading opportunities within the South African environment. / School of Business Leadaership / DBL

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