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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Comportamento bioclimático de matrizes suínas em gestação e o uso de sistemas inteligentes na caracterização do ambiente produtivo: suinocultura de precisão / Bioclimatic behavior of pregnant sows and use of intelligent systems for production environment characterization: precision swine breeding

Héliton Pandorfi 01 August 2005 (has links)
O objetivo geral desta pesquisa consiste na avaliação de diferentes sistemas de alojamento para matrizes gestantes, visando caracterizar aspectos quantitativos e qualitativos do ambiente e as variáveis que influenciam o sistema de produção, determinando as condições favoráveis ao melhor desempenho animal, baseada nas respostas ao ambiente de criação. O experimento foi realizado no período compreendido entre 04/01 e 11/03/2005, em uma propriedade de produção industrial de suínos, localizada no município de Elias Fausto, estado de São Paulo. A pesquisa foi desenvolvida no setor de gestação, com 24 matrizes primíparas, 12 fêmeas alojadas em baias individuais (T1) e 12 animais em baias coletivas (T2) e posteriormente na maternidade, onde foram quantificados os índices de produção dos leitões provenientes do estudo. O trabalho foi dividido basicamente em três etapas, em função da forma de avaliação dos dados: análise bioclimática; análise dos sistemas de produção; avaliação de sistemas inteligentes disponíveis, lógica fuzzy e redes neurais artificiais (RNAs) para o estudo de padrões de conforto térmico ambiental e predição dos índices zootécnicos, peso no nascimento e número de leitões mumificados, com base nos dados de temperatura ambiente e taxa respiratória das matrizes. A avaliação bioclimática foi realizada por meio do registro das variáveis meteorológicas (temperatura ambiente, umidade do ar, temperatura de globo negro e velocidade do vento) e ambientais (concentração de gases), na sala de gestação e no ambiente externo, possibilitando a caracterização da eficiência térmica, pelos índices de temperatura de globo e umidade (ITGU) e entalpia específica (h) e da condição de salubridade da instalação. A análise do sistema de produção teve, como variáveis respostas aos tratamentos avaliados, as relações comportamentais, os parâmetros fisiológicos e os índices zootécnicos. O delineamento experimental foi em blocos casualizados, com dois tratamentos e 67 blocos, e as médias, comparadas pelo teste de Tukey. As variáveis meteorológicas e ambientais apontam o sistema de confinamento em baias coletivas como aquele que permitu melhor condicionamento térmico natural às matrizes em gestação. Com relação à concentração de gases, os teores médios não superaram as concentrações consideradas críticas para as matrizes. Os parâmetros fisiológicos e os índices zootécnicos apresentaram valores mais adequados para o T2, assim como seu reflexo no desempenho da parição dos leitões. A avaliação comportamental, realizada pelo monitoramento por meio do registro de imagens de vídeo, apontou menor incidência de comportamentos resultantes do estresse ambiental, estereotipias e interações agressivas referentes ao estabelecimento de uma organização social no T2 comparativamente ao T1. O uso da teoria dos conjuntos fuzzy permitiu que se fizesse uma alusão entre os dados resultantes do trabalho experimental com os estabelecidos pela literatura, por intermédio de uma base de regras estabelecidas, para a determinação do conforto ambiental aplicado a matrizes na fase de gestação. O sucesso das redes neurais esteve diretamente relacionado com a sua alta versatilidade, permitindo as aproximações propostas neste trabalho para a predição dos índices zootécnicos. / This study evaluated different housing systems for pregnant sows aiming to describe quantitative and qualitative aspects of environment, as well as variables that have effect on production system. The optimal conditions for animal performance improvement have been determined analyzing behavioral data took in breeding environment. Trial was carried out from january 4th to march 11th 2005 in a farm specialized in industrial production of pork, located in Elias Fausto City, São Paulo State. In gestation facility 24 gilts were allocated:12 in individual stalls (T1) and 12 in group housing (T2). Further, in farrowing housing, piglets were evaluated in relation to their production variables. Basicaly, this study was divided in three steps in function of the way chose for data analysis: bioclimatic analysis; analysis of the production systems; evaluation of the available intelligent systems: fuzzy logic and artificial neural nets (ANNs) for studing environmental thermal confort patterns and prediction of produtive indexes, birth weights and number of mummifed piglets, based on data of environmental temperature and sow respiratory rates. Bioclimatic evaluation was realized by registering metheorological variables (environmental temperature, air humidity, dark globe temperature and wind velocity) and environmental variables (concentration of gases) inside of parturition room and in external environment, which permitted to characterize thermal efficiency by indexes of globe temperature and humidity (IGTH) and specific enthalpy (h) and salubrious condition of facility. The analysis of production system had as variables the answers to treatments, the behavioral relationships, physiological parameters and productive indexes. Experimental design was randomized blocks with two treatments and 67 blocks. Means were compared by Tukey test. Metheorological and environmental variables indicated the confinement system in group-houses as that permitted the better natural thermal monitoring for pregnant gilts. In relation to concentration of gases, mean levels did not exceed the concentrations considered limitating for sows. Physiological parameters and productive indexes were more adequate in T2, which reflected in performance during parturition. Behavior evaluation, realized by image monitoring using video cameras, showed lower incidence of behaviors related to environmental stress, stereotypies and agressive interactions caused by social organization establishment within group-housing system. The fuzzy set theory permitted to compare experimental data with those reported in cientific papers through rules created for proportionating well-fare of sows during gestation period. The success of neural nets was directly related to it high versatility, wich allowed aproximating productive indexes for predictions proposed in this work.

Adiposité et fertilité chez la truie : aspects génomiques

Houde, Andrée-Anne January 2007 (has links)
Mémoire numérisé par la Division de la gestion de documents et des archives de l'Université de Montréal


ZIMOLOVÁ, Barbora January 2016 (has links)
The aim of the thesis was to reveal reserves for improving the piglets breeding and to reduce losses by death. The highest number of all (13.52 pcs) and live born (11.88 pcs) piglets were achieved in gilts embedded in more than 247 days of age. Gilts covered within 224 days of age showed the lowest average number of piglets born (13.13 pcs). Statistically, however, has not been demonstrated difference (p > 0.05) between age groups of gilts during the first recess in the number of piglets born. Effect of order of litter on litter size was found to be statistically highly significant (p < 0.01), especially between the first and third parturition. The highest number of born piglets was found on the third litter (14.95 pcs) and lowest in the first litter (13.3 pcs). Most live piglets born were at the second litter (14.03 pcs) and least live born piglets were found on the 5th and higher litter (11.57 pcs). Among the number of piglets born alive in the individual litters was also evaluated statistically highly significant difference (p < 0.01). In assessing the impact on the duration of labor litter size was found to be a higher number of piglets born at night on average by 0.33 piglet more, but the number of piglets born alive was found higher in childbirth during the day (childbirth with assist). During statistical evaluation was not demonstrabled difference between the number of all even in the case of piglets born alive in viewpoint of the time of birth. From the perspective of the impact of the length of the interval from weaning to sows on litter size was found to be a higher number of all (14.83 pcs) and live (12.79 pcs) piglets born of sows recessed for more than 6 days after weaning. From the viewpoint of the impact sequence of litter for childbirth was detected statistically detectable difference (p > 0.05). In each of the litters was observed an average of 75 % births through the day. When evaluating the number of live births, depending on the number of piglets, born piglets showed a statistically highly significant relationship (p < 0.01) with high tightness on dependence (R = 0.83). Between the number of all born piglets and born alive was found a direct correlation.

Повезаност особина из перформанс теста назимица са величином легла код крмача / Povezanost osobina iz performans testa nazimica sa veličinom legla kod krmača / The relationship betweencharacteristics of the performancetest gilts with litter size in the firstand other parities in sows

Katanić Nenad 29 December 2016 (has links)
<p>Испитивање повезаности особина из перформанс теста назимица са<br />величином легла крмача, обављено је на седам генотипова животиња (чистих<br />раса: дански ландрас, холандски ландрас, немачки ландрас, шведски ландрас и<br />велики јоркшир и програмских мелеза: мелеза чија је мајка ландрас и мелеза чија<br />је мајка велики јоркшир).<br />Фенотипска повезаност особина из перформанс теста (ектеријер, маса на<br />крају теста, старост на крају теста, дневни прираст у тесту, дебљина сланине<br />у слабинском делу, дебљина сланине у леђном делу, дубина МЛД-а, број легла,<br />приплодна вредност назимица процењена селекцијским индексом и проценат меса<br />у трупу) и два основна репродуктивна параметра (број живорођене прасади и број<br />залучене прасади), статистички је анализирана софтверским пакетом &bdquo;Статистика<br />13&ldquo; и &bdquo;SPSS верзија 23&ldquo;. Испитано је постојање/непостојање утицаја сваке<br />појединaчне особине из перформанс теста на репродуктивне особине<br />Није утврђена општа повезаност свих особина перформанс теста и<br />репродуктивних особина<br />Анализиране особине показале су велику зависност од генотипа<br />испитиваних животиња.</p> / <p>Ispitivanje povezanosti osobina iz performans testa nazimica sa<br />veličinom legla krmača, obavljeno je na sedam genotipova životinja (čistih<br />rasa: danski landras, holandski landras, nemački landras, švedski landras i<br />veliki jorkšir i programskih meleza: meleza čija je majka landras i meleza čija<br />je majka veliki jorkšir).<br />Fenotipska povezanost osobina iz performans testa (ekterijer, masa na<br />kraju testa, starost na kraju testa, dnevni prirast u testu, debljina slanine<br />u slabinskom delu, debljina slanine u leđnom delu, dubina MLD-a, broj legla,<br />priplodna vrednost nazimica procenjena selekcijskim indeksom i procenat mesa<br />u trupu) i dva osnovna reproduktivna parametra (broj živorođene prasadi i broj<br />zalučene prasadi), statistički je analizirana softverskim paketom &bdquo;Statistika<br />13&ldquo; i &bdquo;SPSS verzija 23&ldquo;. Ispitano je postojanje/nepostojanje uticaja svake<br />pojedinačne osobine iz performans testa na reproduktivne osobine<br />Nije utvrđena opšta povezanost svih osobina performans testa i<br />reproduktivnih osobina<br />Analizirane osobine pokazale su veliku zavisnost od genotipa<br />ispitivanih životinja.</p>

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