Spelling suggestions: "subject:"par (firm)"" "subject:"par (irm)""
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Spar's category management strategy to enhance future sales and meet customers' needsKleintjies, Ivan Graham 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MBA)--Stellenbosch University, 2001. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: As Spar began to grow, its stores became increasingly proactive resulting in the better SPAR
stores wanting to compete and to expand but being frustrated by their many conservative
SPAR retail colleagues. In order to increase effectiveness and competitive advantage, SPAR
had to consider a new approach. This came in the form of Category Management and the
extent to which it would be understood, evaluated and implemented.
SPAR was being forced to do things in different ways. Many consumer packaged goods
companies believe that Category Management is the "new way". These companies are
expanding great amounts of energy and cash to be the player in the category management
arena. Category Management is regarded as a process that involves managing product
categories as business units and customizing them on a store-by-store basis to satisfy
customer needs. The ideal in this process is to identify the optimal mix and stock each store
with specific products customers wish to purchase. In simple terms, Category Management
can be identified as the process of bringing the right product to the consumer at the right time
and price. As a discipline, this process is in its infancy within the boarders of South Africa.
The scope of the study is to introduce the Spar model for implementing Category
Management into the voluntary trading environment. The biggest challenge identified is that
if a robust analysis process is not undertaken by SPAR, the actions of going forward would
be insufficient to develop clear Category Management strategies which could be included in
the overall business strategy. Without successful analysis, SPAR will not be able to transform
itself successfully. Organizationally, culturally, and technically, Category Management is
fundamentally different to what has gone before. Many facets of the SPAR business have to
change in a relatively short space of time for Category Management to work. Category
Management helps establish new strategic intents and plans. It is a go-to market strategy that,
when adopted within an organization, sets the tone and direction for all strategic and tactical
decisions. The Category Management process is consumer focused and is the most effective
and efficient means whereby the retailer and its suppliers can together generate value for their
end customer. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Namate SPAR begin groei het, het sy winkels toenemend proaktief begin word, wat daartoe
gelei het dat die beste SPAR-winkels wou meeding en uitbrei, maar deur hul talle
konserwatiewe SPAR-kleinhandelskollegas gedwarsboom is. Ten einde doeltreffendheid en
mededingende voordeel te verhoog, moes SPAR 'n nuwe benadering oorweeg. Dit het die
vorm van Kategoriebestuur en die mate waarin dit verstaan, geëvalueer en geïmplementeer
sou word, aangeneem.
SPAR is genoodsaak om dinge anders te doen. Baie maatskappye wat verpakte
verbruikersgoedere verkoop, is van mening dat Kategoriebestuur die "nuwe rigting" is.
Hierdie maatskappye bestee groot hoeveelhede energie en kontant om dié speler in die
kategoriebestuursarena te wees. Kategoriebestuur word beskou as 'n proses wat behels dat
produkkategorieë as sake-eenhede bestuur word wat op 'n winkelgrondslag pasgemaak word
ten einde in kliëntebehoeftes te voorsien. Die doelwit van hierdie proses is om die optimale
mengsel te identifiseer en elke winkel te bevoorraad met bepaalde produkte wat kliënte wil
koop. In eenvoudige terme kan Kategoriebestuur omskryf word as die proses om die regte
produk op die regte tyd en teen die regte prys aan die verbruiker te bied. As 'n dissipline staan hierdie proses in sy kinderskoene binne die grense van Suid-Afrika.
Die omvang van die studie is om die SPAR-model bekend te stel vir die implementering van
Kategoriebestuur in die vrywillige handelsomgewing. Die grootste uitdaging is dan indien
SPAR nie 'n deeglike ontledingsproses onderneem nie, die aksies vorentoe nie voldoende sal
wees om duidelike Kategoriebestuurstrategieë te formuleer wat in die algehele sakestrategie
ingesluit kan word nie. Sonder 'n suksesvolle ontleding sal SPAR homself nie suksesvol kan
transformeer nie. Organisatories, kultureel en tegnies verskil Kategoriebestuur fundamenteel
van dit wat voorheen gegeld het. Vir Kategoriebestuur om te werk, sal talle fasette van die
SPAR-onderneming in 'n betreklik kort tydjie moet verander. Kategoriebestuur dra by tot die
formulering van nuwe strategiese doelwitte en planne. Dit is 'n bemarkingstrategie wat,
indien dit binne 'n organisasie gevolg word, die toon en rigting vir alle strategiese en taktiese
besluite aangee. Die Kategoriebestuursproses is verbruikersgerig en is die doeltreffendste
wyse waarop die kleinhandelaar en sy produkverskaffers tesame waarde vir hul eindkliënt
kan genereer.
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The profit zone : Shoprite, Pick 'n Pay, Spar and WoolworthsMeyer, Juanita 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MBA)--Stellenbosch University, 2002. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Ongoing business sustainability today is one of the major issues facing the
management of organizations. How to remain in the profit zone, that area where a
company will be allowed to make high profit in its industry, is a constant challenge.
Continued profitability in a fast changing industry, where the profit zone moves as
competitors offer the same solutions, requires constant innovation, implementation of
new ideas and heavy financial commitments. The key is to identify clear and rational
business design choices that are responsive to customers and that will ensure
This document will illustrate how the four major food retail companies in South Africa,
and their visionary leaders, have reinvented their business designs in ways that kept
or returned them to the profit zone.
Shoprite's target market is the middle to lower income group. The company has built
up core competencies within its business to serve this segment. There are currently
a number of issues facing Shoprite's core market, and as a result the company is
diversifying its income streams to be less dependant on a vulnerable target market.
. The visionary leadership of Raymond Ackerman, who applied principles of customer
sovereignty long before his peers, has resulted in one of the best-run companies in
South Africa. Pick 'n Pay's ability lies within the middle to upper segment of the
market. The company has built its business on one core element - the customer,
and has adapted the company business design to meet the needs of the customer
and capture value .
.Spars' philosophy of giving the small retailer the power to compete with the larger
retailer, who buys in bulk, has proved to be a successful formula and is threatening
the traditional hierarchy. Owners who are in close contact to customers have the
flexibility to align their businesses with the customer requirements.
'Woolworths has one of the strongest brands in the South African retail industry.
However, the company has in recent years been in serious trouble having lost its way because it lost touch with its customers. Concentrating back on the core customers
and building back confidence in its goods, have taken considerable focus.
Each of the business designs are built on a deep understanding of what the customer
needs are of the target market they serve and how they will be allowed to make a
profit. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Een van die grootste knelpunte vir organisasies vandag is volhoubare besigheidsbestuur.
Die uitdaging is om in die area te bly waar die organisasie toegelaat sal
word om hoë wins te maak.
Voortgesette winsgewendheid in 'n industrie waar die wins area veskuif as gevolg
van mededingers wat oplossings naboots, vereis voortdurende vernuwing en
strawwe finansiële verpligtinge. Die sleutel is om duidelike en rasionele
besigheidsontwerpbesluite te neem wat kliente behoeftes aanspreek en wat na 'n
wins sal lei.
Hierdie dokument beskryf hoe die vier groot voedselhandelaars en hulle leiers hul
besighede herontwerp het sodat hulle winsgewend kan bly.
Shoprite se teiken mark is die middel - tot lae inkomste groep. Die firma het kern
bevoegdhede binne sy besigheid ontwikkel om hierdie segment te bedien. Shoprite
diversifeer huidiglik sy inkomste stroom as gevolg van die kwesbaarheid van sy
teiken mark.
Pick 'n Pay word as een van Suid Afrika se beste bestuurde firmas beskou. Die
sukses word toegeskryf aan die leierskap van Raymond Ackerman wat die
beginsels van kliënte soewereiniteit lank voor sy portuurgroep geïmplimenteer het.
Pick 'n Pay se fokus is die middel - tot hoë inkomste groep. Die firma is op een kern
element gebou, die kliënt, en sy besigheids ontwerp is aangepas om die behoeftes
van die kliënt te bevredig.
Spar se filosofie is om die kleiner handelaar in 'n posisie te stel om met die groot
handelaar, wat in grootrnaat aankoop, te kan meeding. Die groei wat Spar toon
bedreig die traditionele hiërargie en bewys die sukses van hierdie formule. Winkel
eienaars wat noue kontak met kliënte het, kan hulle besighede aanpas om in kliënte
se behoeftes te voorsien. Woolworths het een van die sterkste handelsmerke in die Suid Afrikaanse handels
industrie. Die firma was in die laaste paar jaar in groot moeilikheid omdat hy tred
verloor het met sy kliënte. Deur weer te konsentreer op die kern kliënt en om
vertroue op te bou in sy goedere het beduidende fokus vereis.
Elk van die besigheids ontwerpe is gebou op 'n intieme begrip van die behoeftes van
die teiken mark wat bedien word en hoe die firma toegelaat sal word om 'n wins te
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