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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Study and optimization of 2D matrix arrays for 3D ultrasound imaging / Etude et optimisation de sondes matricielles 2D pour l'imagerie ultrasonore 3D

Diarra, Bakary 11 October 2013 (has links)
L’imagerie échographique en trois dimensions (3D) est une modalité d’imagerie médicale en plein développement. En plus de ses nombreux avantages (faible cout, absence de rayonnement ionisant, portabilité) elle permet de représenter les structures anatomiques dansleur forme réelle qui est toujours 3D. Les sondes à balayage mécaniques, relativement lentes, tendent à être remplacées par des sondes bidimensionnelles ou matricielles qui sont unprolongement dans les deux directions, latérale et azimutale, de la sonde classique 1D. Cetagencement 2D permet un dépointage du faisceau ultrasonore et donc un balayage 3D del’espace. Habituellement, les éléments piézoélectriques d’une sonde 2D sont alignés sur unegrille et régulièrement espacés d’une distance (en anglais le « pitch ») soumise à la loi del’échantillonnage spatial (distance inter-élément inférieure à la demi-longueur d’onde) pour limiter l’impact des lobes de réseau. Cette contrainte physique conduit à une multitude d’éléments de petite taille. L’équivalent en 2D d’une sonde 1D de 128 éléments contient128x128=16 384 éléments. La connexion d’un nombre d’éléments aussi élevé constitue unvéritable défi technique puisque le nombre de canaux dans un échographe actuel n’excède querarement les 256. Les solutions proposées pour contrôler ce type de sonde mettent en oeuvredu multiplexage ou des techniques de réduction du nombre d’éléments, généralement baséessur une sélection aléatoire de ces éléments (« sparse array »). Ces méthodes souffrent dufaible rapport signal à bruit du à la perte d’énergie qui leur est inhérente. Pour limiter cespertes de performances, l’optimisation reste la solution la plus adaptée. La première contribution de cette thèse est une extension du « sparse array » combinéeavec une méthode d’optimisation basée sur l’algorithme de recuit simulé. Cette optimisation permet de réduire le nombre nécessaire d’éléments à connecter en fonction des caractéristiques attendues du faisceau ultrasonore et de limiter la perte d’énergie comparée à la sonde complète de base. La deuxième contribution est une approche complètement nouvelle consistant à adopter un positionnement hors grille des éléments de la sonde matricielle permettant de supprimer les lobes de réseau et de s’affranchir de la condition d’échantillonnage spatial. Cette nouvelles tratégie permet d’utiliser des éléments de taille plus grande conduisant ainsi à un nombre d’éléments nécessaires beaucoup plus faible pour une même surface de sonde. La surface active de la sonde est maximisée, ce qui se traduit par une énergie plus importante et donc unemeilleure sensibilité. Elle permet également de balayer un angle de vue plus important, leslobes de réseau étant très faibles par rapport au lobe principal. Le choix aléatoire de la position des éléments et de leur apodization (ou pondération) reste optimisé par le recuit simulé.Les méthodes proposées sont systématiquement comparées avec la sonde complète dansle cadre de simulations numériques dans des conditions réalistes. Ces simulations démontrent un réel potentiel pour l’imagerie 3D des techniques développées. Une sonde 2D de 8x24=192 éléments a été construite par Vermon (Vermon SA, ToursFrance) pour tester les méthodes de sélection des éléments développées dans un cadreexpérimental. La comparaison entre les simulations et les résultats expérimentaux permettentde valider les méthodes proposées et de prouver leur faisabilité. / 3D Ultrasound imaging is a fast-growing medical imaging modality. In addition to its numerous advantages (low cost, non-ionizing beam, portability) it allows to represent the anatomical structures in their natural form that is always three-dimensional. The relativelyslow mechanical scanning probes tend to be replaced by two-dimensional matrix arrays that are an extension in both lateral and elevation directions of the conventional 1D probe. This2D positioning of the elements allows the ultrasonic beam steering in the whole space. Usually, the piezoelectric elements of a 2D array probe are aligned on a regular grid and spaced out of a distance (the pitch) subject to the space sampling law (inter-element distancemust be shorter than a mid-wavelength) to limit the impact of grating lobes. This physical constraint leads to a multitude of small elements. The equivalent in 2D of a 1D probe of 128elements contains 128x128 = 16,384 elements. Connecting such a high number of elements is a real technical challenge as the number of channels in current ultrasound scanners rarely exceeds 256. The proposed solutions to control this type of probe implement multiplexing or elements number reduction techniques, generally using random selection approaches (« spars earray »). These methods suffer from low signal to noise ratio due to the energy loss linked to the small number of active elements. In order to limit the loss of performance, optimization remains the best solution. The first contribution of this thesis is an extension of the « sparse array » technique combined with an optimization method based on the simulated annealing algorithm. The proposed optimization reduces the required active element number according to the expected characteristics of the ultrasound beam and permits limiting the energy loss compared to the initial dense array probe.The second contribution is a completely new approach adopting a non-grid positioningof the elements to remove the grating lobes and to overstep the spatial sampling constraint. This new strategy allows the use of larger elements leading to a small number of necessaryelements for the same probe surface. The active surface of the array is maximized, whichresults in a greater output energy and thus a higher sensitivity. It also allows a greater scansector as the grating lobes are very small relative to the main lobe. The random choice of the position of the elements and their apodization (or weighting coefficient) is optimized by the simulated annealing.The proposed methods are systematically compared to the dense array by performing simulations under realistic conditions. These simulations show a real potential of the developed techniques for 3D imaging.A 2D probe of 8x24 = 192 elements was manufactured by Vermon (Vermon SA, Tours,France) to test the proposed methods in an experimental setting. The comparison between simulation and experimental results validate the proposed methods and prove their feasibility. / L'ecografia 3D è una modalità di imaging medicale in rapida crescita. Oltre ai vantaggiin termini di prezzo basso, fascio non ionizzante, portabilità, essa permette di rappresentare le strutture anatomiche nella loro forma naturale, che è sempre tridimensionale. Le sonde ascansione meccanica, relativamente lente, tendono ad essere sostituite da quelle bidimensionali che sono una estensione in entrambe le direzioni laterale ed azimutale dellasonda convenzionale 1D. Questo posizionamento 2D degli elementi permette l'orientamentodel fascio ultrasonico in tutto lo spazio. Solitamente, gli elementi piezoelettrici di una sondamatriciale 2D sono allineati su una griglia regolare e separati da una distanza (detta “pitch”) sottoposta alla legge del campionamento spaziale (la distanza inter-elemento deve esseremeno della metà della lunghezza d'onda) per limitare l'impatto dei lobi di rete. Questo vincolo fisico porta ad una moltitudine di piccoli elementi. L'equivalente di una sonda 1D di128 elementi contiene 128x128 = 16.384 elementi in 2D. Il collegamento di un così grandenumero di elementi è una vera sfida tecnica, considerando che il numero di canali negliecografi attuali supera raramente 256. Le soluzioni proposte per controllare questo tipo disonda implementano le tecniche di multiplazione o la riduzione del numero di elementi, utilizzando un metodo di selezione casuale (« sparse array »). Questi metodi soffrono di unbasso rapporto segnale-rumore dovuto alla perdita di energia. Per limitare la perdita di prestazioni, l’ottimizzazione rimane la soluzione migliore. Il primo contributo di questa tesi è un’estensione del metodo dello « sparse array » combinato con un metodo di ottimizzazione basato sull'algoritmo del simulated annealing. Questa ottimizzazione riduce il numero degli elementi attivi richiesto secondo le caratteristiche attese del fascio di ultrasuoni e permette di limitare la perdita di energia.Il secondo contributo è un approccio completamente nuovo, che propone di adottare un posizionamento fuori-griglia degli elementi per rimuovere i lobi secondari e per scavalcare il vincolo del campionamento spaziale. Questa nuova strategia permette l'uso di elementi piùgrandi, riducendo così il numero di elementi necessari per la stessa superficie della sonda. La superficie attiva della sonda è massimizzata, questo si traduce in una maggiore energia equindi una maggiore sensibilità. Questo permette inoltre la scansione di un più grande settore,in quanto i lobi secondari sono molto piccoli rispetto al lobo principale. La scelta casualedella posizione degli elementi e la loro apodizzazione viene ottimizzata dal simulate dannealing. I metodi proposti sono stati sistematicamente confrontati con la sonda completaeseguendo simulazioni in condizioni realistiche. Le simulazioni mostrano un reale potenzialedelle tecniche sviluppate per l'imaging 3D.Una sonda 2D di 8x24 = 192 elementi è stata fabbricata da Vermon (Vermon SA, ToursFrance) per testare i metodi proposti in un ambiente sperimentale. Il confronto tra lesimulazioni e i risultati sperimentali ha permesso di convalidare i metodi proposti edimostrare la loro fattibilità.

Técnicas para obtenção de arrays lineares esparsos usando algoritmo genético /

Souza, Julio Cesar Eduardo de January 2018 (has links)
Orientador: Ricardo Tokio Higuti / Resumo: O ultrassom pode ser utilizado para gerar imagens aplicadas aos ensaios não destrutivos (END) e diagnóstico médico, em que arrays são utilizados para obter imagens com melhor resolução lateral e contraste em relação a um único transdutor. No entanto, os arrays precisam ter o centro do seus elementos espaçados por uma distância (pitch) menor que λ/2, em que λ é o comprimento de onda gerado pelo transdutor, para que as imagens geradas por estes não apresente artefatos causados pelos lóbulos de espaçamento. Porém, para evitar circunstâncias como o aumento na complexidade eletrônica e tempo elevado para geração de imagens ultrassônicas, os arrays esparsos podem ser utilizados, os quais possuem os elementos espaçados por uma distância maior que λ/2 e as imagens geradas apresentam artefatos causados por lóbulos de espaçamento. Contudo, quando os arrays esparsos são utilizados, existem diversas combinações entre os pitches dos elementos para produzir imagens com diferentes qualidades, inviabilizando o teste de todas as combinações possíveis. Assim, neste trabalho, foi utilizado o algoritmo de busca genética para encontrar configurações de arrays esparsos que gerem imagens com boa qualidade, sendo proposto duas novas funções aptidão para avaliar os arrays esparsos. A primeiraé baseada no diagrama de radiação, e a segunda, na comparação entre PSFs (Point Spread Function). As configurações de arrays esparsos encontrados pelo algoritmo genético foram comparadas aos arrays esparsos dispo... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo) / Abstract: Ultrasound can be used to generate images for nondestructive testing and medical diagnostic, in which arrays are used to generate images with better lateral resolution and contrast in comparison to a single transducer. In order to avoid artifacts in ultrasonic images caused by grating lobes, arrays need to have the center of their elements spaced by a distance (pitch) less than λ/2, where λ is the wavelength generated by the transducer. However, in order to avoid electronic complexity and high time to create an ultrasonic image, sparse arrays can be used, which their elements have a pitch greater than λ/2 that generates images with artifacts caused by grating lobes. Although, sparse arrays have their elements with different pitches that produce images with different qualities which it makes impossible to test all combinations. Thus, in this work, the genetic search algorithm was used to find sparse arrays that generate images with good quality. In addition, two new fitness functions were proposed. The first one based on the beam pattern and the second one in the comparison of two PSFs (Point Spread Function). The quality of the sparse arrays found by the genetic algorithm was then compared to the sparse arrays proposed by different authors using the beam pattern, PSF, and images generated from experimental data provided by CSIC (Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas). In general, the images generated by the arrays obtained by the methodology developed in this work p... (Complete abstract click electronic access below) / Mestre

Algorithm and Hardware Design for High Volume Rate 3-D Medical Ultrasound Imaging

January 2019 (has links)
abstract: Ultrasound B-mode imaging is an increasingly significant medical imaging modality for clinical applications. Compared to other imaging modalities like computed tomography (CT) or magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), ultrasound imaging has the advantage of being safe, inexpensive, and portable. While two dimensional (2-D) ultrasound imaging is very popular, three dimensional (3-D) ultrasound imaging provides distinct advantages over its 2-D counterpart by providing volumetric imaging, which leads to more accurate analysis of tumor and cysts. However, the amount of received data at the front-end of 3-D system is extremely large, making it impractical for power-constrained portable systems. In this thesis, algorithm and hardware design techniques to support a hand-held 3-D ultrasound imaging system are proposed. Synthetic aperture sequential beamforming (SASB) is chosen since its computations can be split into two stages, where the output generated of Stage 1 is significantly smaller in size compared to the input. This characteristic enables Stage 1 to be done in the front end while Stage 2 can be sent out to be processed elsewhere. The contributions of this thesis are as follows. First, 2-D SASB is extended to 3-D. Techniques to increase the volume rate of 3-D SASB through a new multi-line firing scheme and use of linear chirp as the excitation waveform, are presented. A new sparse array design that not only reduces the number of active transducers but also avoids the imaging degradation caused by grating lobes, is proposed. A combination of these techniques increases the volume rate of 3-D SASB by 4\texttimes{} without introducing extra computations at the front end. Next, algorithmic techniques to further reduce the Stage 1 computations in the front end are presented. These include reducing the number of distinct apodization coefficients and operating with narrow-bit-width fixed-point data. A 3-D die stacked architecture is designed for the front end. This highly parallel architecture enables the signals received by 961 active transducers to be digitalized, routed by a network-on-chip, and processed in parallel. The processed data are accumulated through a bus-based structure. This architecture is synthesized using TSMC 28 nm technology node and the estimated power consumption of the front end is less than 2 W. Finally, the Stage 2 computations are mapped onto a reconfigurable multi-core architecture, TRANSFORMER, which supports different types of on-chip memory banks and run-time reconfigurable connections between general processing elements and memory banks. The matched filtering step and the beamforming step in Stage 2 are mapped onto TRANSFORMER with different memory configurations. Gem5 simulations show that the private cache mode generates shorter execution time and higher computation efficiency compared to other cache modes. The overall execution time for Stage 2 is 14.73 ms. The average power consumption and the average Giga-operations-per-second/Watt in 14 nm technology node are 0.14 W and 103.84, respectively. / Dissertation/Thesis / Doctoral Dissertation Engineering 2019

Algorithms for the detection and localization of pedestrians and cyclists using new generation automotive radar systems / Algorithmes pour la détection et la localisation de piétons et de cyclistes en utilisant des systèmes radars automobiles de nouvelle générationedestrians and cyclists using new generation automotive radar systems

Abakar Issakha, Souleymane 11 December 2017 (has links)
En réponse au nombre toujours élevé de décès provoqués par les accidents routiers, l'industrie automobile a fait de la sécurité un sujet majeur de son activité global. Les radars automobiles qui étaient de simples capteurs pour véhicule de confort, sont devenus des éléments essentiels de la norme de sécurité routière. Le domaine de l’automobile est un domaine très exigent en terme de sécurité et les radars automobiles doivent avoir des performances de détection très élevées et doivent répondre à des nombreuses contraintes telles que la facilité de production et/ou le faible coût. Cette thèse concerne le développement d’algorithmes pour la détection et la localisation de piétons et de cyclistes pour des radars automobiles de nouvelle génération. Nous avons proposé une architecture de réseau d'antennes non uniforme optimale et des méthodes d'estimation spectrale à haute résolution permettant d’estimer avec précision la position angulaire des objets à partir de la direction d'arrivée (DoA) de leur réponse. Ces techniques sont adaptées à l'architecture du réseau d'antennes proposé et les performances sont évaluées à l'aide de données radar automobiles simulées et réelles acquises dans le cadre de scénarios spécifiques. Nous avons également proposé un détecteur de cible de collision, basé sur la décomposition en sous-espaces Doppler, dont l'objectif principal est d'identifier des cibles latérales dont les caractéristiques de trajectoire représentent potentiellement un danger de collision. Une méthode de calcul d'attribut de cible est également développée et un algorithme de classification est proposé pour discriminer les piétons, cyclistes et véhicules. Les différents algorithmes sont évalués et validés à l'aide de données radar automobiles réelles sur plusieurs scenarios. / In response to the persistently high number of deaths provoked by road crashes, the automotive industry has promoted safety as a major topic in their global activity. Automotive radars have been transformed from being simple sensors for comfort vehicle, to becoming essential elements of safety standard. The design of new generations automotive radars has to face various constraints and generally proposes a compromise between reliability, robustness, manufacturability, high-performance and low cost. The main objective of this PhD thesis is to design algorithms for the detection and localization of pedestrians and cyclists using new generation automotive radars. We propose an optimal non-uniform antenna array architecture and some high resolution spectral estimation methods to accurately estimate the position of objects from the direction of arrival (DOA) of their responses to the radar. These techniques are adapted to the proposed antenna array architecture and the performance is evaluated using both simulated and real automotive radar data, acquired in the frame of specific scenarios. We propose a collision target detector, based on the orthogonality of angle-Doppler subspaces, whose main goal is to identify lateral targets, whose trajectory features represent potentially a danger of collision. A target attribute calculation method is also developed and classification algorithm is proposed to classify pedestrian, cyclists and vehicles. This classification algorithm is evaluated and validated using real automotive radar data with several scenarios.

Adaptive dispersion compensation and ultrasonic imaging for structural health monitoring

Hall, James Stroman 29 June 2011 (has links)
Ultrasonic guided wave imaging methods offer a cost-effective mechanism to perform in situ structural health monitoring (SHM) of large plate-like structures, such as commercial aircraft skins, ship hulls, storage tanks, and civil structures. However, current limits in imaging quality, environmental sensitivities, and implementation costs, among other things, are preventing widespread commercial adoption. The research presented here significantly advances state of the art guided wave imaging techniques using inexpensive, spatially distributed arrays of piezoelectric transducers. Novel adaptive imaging techniques are combined with in situ estimation and compensation of propagation parameters; e.g., dispersion curves and transducer transfer functions, to reduce sensitivity to unavoidable measurement inaccuracies and significantly improve resolution and reduce artifacts in guided wave images. The techniques can be used not only to detect and locate defects or damage, but also to characterize the type of damage. The improved ability to detect, locate, and now characterize defects or damage using a sparse array of ultrasonic transducers is intended to assist in the establishment of in situ guided wave imaging as a technically and economically viable tool for long-term monitoring of plate-like engineering structures.

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