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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

How multiple prosodic boundaries of varying sizes influence syntactic parsing: behavioral and ERP evidence

Pauker, Efrat January 2014 (has links)
Prosodic boundaries (cued by pitch variations, final lengthening, pause) have been consistently demonstrated to have an immediate influence on parsing in a variety of syntactic structures cross-linguistically. For example, in sentences with temporary ambiguities such as Early and Late closure (EC/LC), which contain two potential boundary positions – the first (#1) compatible with EC and the second (#2) compatible with LC (e.g., Whenever the bear was approaching #1 the people #2 (EC): …would run away; (LC): …the dogs would run away), without the benefit of prosodic information, the preferred (or default) interpretation is LC, which consequently leads to processing difficulties (garden-path effects) in EC structures. The majority of studies on spoken sentence processing has focused on the impact of a single boundary on the closure or attachment preference of a specific phrase or clause. However, more recently, several influential hypotheses have emerged that aim to account for the interplay between two boundaries in a sentence, specifically in terms of size and location; the most influential of these argue that processing is either (i) local, with large boundaries independently integrated, which serve as strategic cues to syntactic closure (Watson & Gibson, 2005), or (ii) global, with the relative difference between the magnitude of boundaries across an utterance modulating interpretation (Clifton, Carlson, & Frazier, 2002). Although differing in details, these hypotheses suggest that listeners process boundary information at the sentence level in a categorical manner. In contrast, there is some data to suggest that boundaries can differ in a gradient quantitative manner, and that listeners are sensitive to this range of boundary sizes. The aims of the current dissertation were therefore to use behavioral and event-related potential (ERP) measures: (i) to contrast the predictions of the opposing theoretical accounts using temporary syntactic ambiguities, and (ii) to test whether gradient differences in boundary size impact listeners' parsing decisions in a gradient or categorical manner.Using an innovative paradigm, I conducted two behavioral experiments (Study 1), and one ERP experiment (Study 2), where listeners were presented with highly controlled digitally-manipulated EC/LC sentences, each containing two prosodic boundaries (as in the example above), which differed only in terms of their relative sizes. The outcomes of the three experiments reveal an initial, profound bias of boundaries on syntactic preference, which was nearly impossible to override. In addition, subtle differences between prosodic boundaries are detected by the brain and affect the degree of processing difficulty. Finally, the effect of boundaries on parsing is far more intricate than previously assumed. These outcomes cannot be accommodated by a purely categorical account, and cast serious doubts on most current models of prosodic online processing. We present the extended Boundary Deletion Hypothesis (eBDH), an alternative account for prosodic phrasing, based on the results of all three experiments. / L'influence des frontières prosodiques (caractérisées par des variations d'intensité, d'allongement final et des pauses) sur l'analyse de structures syntaxiques a été démontrée de façon systématique dans plusieurs langues. Un exemple se retrouve dans les phrases à ambiguïtés temporaires, lesquelles contiennent deux positions potentielles : la première (#1) étant compatible avec une clôture précoce (CP), la deuxième (#2) avec une clôture tardive (par exemple, Aussitôt que l'ours s'approcha #1 les gens #2 (CP) :… se sauvèrent ; (CT) : … les chiens se sauvèrent). En l'absence d'information prosodique, l'interprétation privilégiée (ou par défaut) correspond à une structure en CT, ce qui a pour effet de provoquer des difficultés de traitement (effets « cul de sac ») des structures CP. Une majorité d'études de phrases parlées se sont concentrées sur l'impact d'une seule frontière sur les préférences de clôture ou de jonction d'un syntagme ou d'une proposition spécifique. Toutefois, plusieurs théories importantes ont récemment vu le jour et tentent d'expliquer l'interaction s'établissant entre deux frontières dans une même phrase, prenant leur taille et leur position comme principaux facteurs. Selon les approches les plus importantes sur la question, le traitement est soit (i) local, les frontières plus importantes étant intégrées indépendamment et servant d'indices stratégiques à la clôture syntaxique (Watson & Gibson, 2005), soit (ii) global, la différence relative entre la magnitude des frontières à travers la phrase modulant l'interprétation (Clifton, Carlson & Frazier, 2002). Quoique différentes dans le détail, ces théories suggèrent que les personnes traitent l'information liée à la frontière au niveau de la phrase de manière catégorielle. Cependant, plusieurs données suggèrent que les frontières peuvent différer de manière graduelle et quantitative, et que les personnes sont sensibles à la taille des frontières. Les buts de la présente thèse étaient dès lors d'utiliser des mesures comportementales et électrophysiologiques (Potentiels évoqués ou PÉs) afin de (i) contraster les prédictions propres à chacune de ces théories au moyens d'ambiguïtés syntaxiques temporaires, et (ii) de tester si les différences graduelles de tailles des frontières ont un impact graduel ou catégoriel sur les décisions d'analyse des participants. Nous avons conduit deux expériences comportementales (Étude 1) et une expérience PÉs (Étude 2) au moyen d'un paradigme novateur, au cours duquel des phrases CP/CT manipulées numériquement et rigoureusement contrôlées étaient présentées aux participants. Ces phrases contenaient deux frontières prosodiques (comme dans l'exemple donné plus haut) différant exclusivement au niveau de leurs tailles relatives. Les trois expériences révèlent que les frontières induisent un biais initial, profond et impossible à surpasser sur les préférences syntaxiques. En outre, des différences subtiles entre les frontières prosodiques sont détectées par le cerveau et affecte le degré de difficulté du traitement. Enfin, l'effet des frontières prosodiques sur l'analyse syntaxique est bien plus sophistiqué qu'assumé précédemment. Ces résultats échappent à une hypothèse strictement catégorielle et mettent sérieusement en doute la plupart des modèles actuels de traitement prosodique en temps réel. Sur la base des présentes données, nous présentons l'Hypothèse étendue de Délétion de Frontières (HeDF), offrant une explication alternative du phrasé prosodique.

Underlying and surface manifestations of developmental phonological disorder in French-speaking preschoolers aged 4 to 6 years

Brosseau-Lapré, Françoise January 2014 (has links)
Many children misarticulate more sounds than expected for their age and present with a Developmental Phonological Disorder (DPD). Children with DPD are at risk for later academic and socio-emotional difficulties. Successful intervention for these children is dependent on a good understanding of the underlying nature of their disorder (Stackhouse & Wells, 1997). Whereas speech-language pathologists have been assessing the surface manifestations of communication disorders for many decades, knowledge of the underlying causes of speech and language impairments is more limited but growing. In addition, while there is a large body of research on the surface manifestations of DPD in English-speaking children, there is currently a paucity of information regarding the surface manifestation of the disorder in French-speaking children. The purpose of the research described in this dissertation was to investigate the underlying psycholinguistic profiles and the surface manifestations of DPD in a large group of French-speaking preschoolers. More precisely, Study one aimed to determine whether the psycholinguistic profiles of French-speaking children with DPD are similar to those of English-speaking children with DPD as reported in the literature. Seventy-two French-speaking children with DPD, aged4 to 6 years, were assessed on measures of articulation accuracy, receptive vocabulary, nonverbal intelligence, phonological processing and structure and function of the oral-speech mechanism. Ten typically developing French-speaking children completed the articulation accuracy, receptive vocabulary, phonological awareness, and syllable repetition tasks. Results indicated that the vast majority of French-speaking children with DPD presented with phonological processing difficulties; furthermore, measures of phonological processing explained significant variance in speech production accuracy after controlling for individual differences in receptive vocabulary skills and maternal education. Study two aimed to determine whether surface speech errors aremanifested differently in French-speaking children with DPD in comparison to a very similar group of English-speaking children with DPD. Twenty-four French-speaking children with DPD were matched on percentage of consonants correct in conversation, age, and receptive vocabulary to English-speaking children with DPD. By comparing these children's productions of consonants on a single-word test of articulation, we found that the surface manifestations of DPD are differentin these two languages. The French-speaking children obtained low match ratios for the major sound class features [+consonantal] and [+sonorant], reflecting a high frequency of omission errors. In contrast, English-speaking children obtained high match ratios for the major sound class features [+consonantal] and [+sonorant] and produced more substitution errors.The results of Study one add to the growing body of literature supporting a core deficit in phonological processing in children with DPD. In English-speaking children, this underlying deficit in phonological processing remains present regardless of environmental changes and/or the child's maturation, whereas the surface speech errors produced by young children with DPD change as they get older and in response to environmental changes. In the studies described here, asimilar core deficit in phonological processing was found in children speaking French, whereas the surface speech errors were different than those of English-speaking children, due to the differences in the phonological systems of these two languages. These findings point to the importance of assessing the phonological processing skills of children with a current or past history of DPD, as well as to the need to use test instruments with French-speaking children that reflect thephonological characteristics of the language at multiple levels of the phonological hierarchy. / Beaucoup d'enfants ont plus de difficultés à prononcer clairement les sons que les autres enfants de leur âge, et présentent un trouble phonologique (TP). Les enfants qui ont un TP sont à risque de présenter des difficultés académiques et socio-émotives. Une bonne compréhension de la nature sous-jacente de leur TP est nécessaire afin de fournir une intervention efficace (Stackhouse & Wells, 1997). Tandis que les orthophonistes évaluent les manifestations de surface des troubles de la communication depuis plusieurs décennies, la connaissance des causes sous jacentesdes TP et des troubles de langage est plus limitée, mais grandissante. De plus, alors qu'il y a un large corpus de recherche au niveau des manifestations de surface des TP chez les enfants anglophones, il y a actuellement très peu de données au niveau des manifestations de surface de ce trouble chez les enfants francophones.Le but des études décrites dans cette thèse était d'examiner les profils psycholinguistiques sous-jacents et les manifestations de surface du TP chez un grand nombre d'enfants francophones d'âge préscolaire. Plus précisément, l'Étude un avait pour but de déterminer si les profils psycholinguistiques d'enfants francophones avec un TP sont semblables à ceux des enfants anglophones avec un TP, tel que rapporté dans la littérature. Soixante-douze enfants avec un TP, âgés de 4 à 6 ans, ont été évalués à l'aide de mesures de précision de l'articulation, du vocabulaire réceptif, de l'intelligence non-verbale, du traitement phonologique et de la structure et de la fonction du mécanisme oral-périphérique. Dix enfants avec un développement typique ont également complété les mesures de précision de l'articulation, du vocabulaire réceptif, de la conscience phonologique, et de répétition de syllabes. Les résultats ont indiqué que la vaste majorité des enfants francophones avec un TP présentaient des difficultés au niveau du traitement phonologique; en outre, les mesures de traitement phonologique ont expliqué une portion significative de la variance au niveau de la précision de l'articulation, même en tenant compte de l'effet de la variation du vocabulaire réceptif et du niveau d'éducation maternelle. L'Étude deux avait pour but de déterminer si les erreurs de production des sons de la parole se manifestent différemment chez les enfants francophones avec un TP, en comparaison à un groupe très semblable d'enfants anglophones. Vingt-quatre enfants francophones avec un TP ont été jumelés au niveau du pourcentage de consonnes correctes en conversation, de l'âge, et du vocabulaire réceptif, à des enfants anglophones avec un TP. En comparant la production de consonnes de ces enfants, obtenues à l'aide d'un test d'articulation de mots simples, nous avonstrouvé que les manifestations de surface du TP sont différentes dans ces deux langues. Les enfants francophones ont obtenu de bas ratios de jumelage des traits pour les classes majeures de traits [+consonantique] et [+sonant], reflétant une haute fréquence d'omission de consonnes. Au contraire, les enfants anglophones ont obtenu des ratios élevés de jumelage des traits phonologiques pour les classes [+consonantique] et [+sonant], et ont produit plus d'erreurs de substitutions de consonnes. Les résultats de l'Étude un viennent s'ajouter à un nombre croissant d'études qui appuient un déficit principal au niveau du traitement phonologique chez les enfants avec un TP. Dans les études décrites dans cette thèse, nous avons trouvé un déficit principal au niveau du traitement phonologique chez des enfants francophones avec un TP, alors que les erreurs de prononciation des sons qu'ils ont produites sont différentes des erreurs produites par des enfants anglophonesavec un TP puisque les systèmes phonologiques de ces deux langues diffèrent l'une de l'autre. Ces conclusions mettent en évidence l'importance d'évaluer les habiletés de traitement phonologique des enfants avec des antécédents courants ou antérieurs de TP.

Differential effects of left-and right-hemisphere brain damage on the ability to use context in lexical ambiguity resolution

Grindrod, Christopher M. January 2004 (has links)
Recent research has argued that the intact functioning of both the left (LH) and right cerebral hemispheres (RE) is integral for comprehending lexically ambiguous words (Chiarello, 1998; Faust & Chiarello, 1998; Faust & Gemsbacher, 1996). While studies of neurologically intact individuals have attributed specific functions to the LH and RH, studies of brain-damaged patients have failed to provide complementary evidence for these hemispheric abilities. In addition, the majority of studies have focused on ambiguity resolution in single-sentence (local) contexts, and, as such, do not address whether each hemisphere is sensitive to different types of context, a factor which could potentially serve to modulate brain-damaged patients' ability to resolve ambiguity. To illuminate the role of the cerebral hemispheres in ambiguity resolution and to explore the sensitivity of each hemisphere to different types of context, three studies were undertaken in this thesis. The first study examined left-hemisphere-damaged (LHD) nonfluent aphasic, right-hemisphere-damaged (RHD) and non-brain-damaged (NBD) control subjects' ability to use a single-sentence local context to resolve lexically ambiguous words. Results indicated that both patient groups were unable to use this type of context. While LHD patients activated both meanings regardless of context at a short (0 ms) ISI and no meanings at a longer (750 ms) ISI, RHD patients only activated more frequent first meanings at both ISIs. The second study explored these same groups' ability to use a two-sentence global context. Results of this experiment in part paralleled those of the previous one, showing that LHD patients were unable to activate any meanings at either ISI, whereas RHD patients, at both ISIs, again activated more frequent meanings regardless of context. The final study investigated these individuals' ability to use a four-sentence discourse context. Findings of this study, across all groups,

The influence of neighborhood density on phonetic categorization in aphasia /

Boyczuk, Jeffrey P. January 1997 (has links)
The present study was designed to examine the contribution of lexically-based sources of information to acoustic-phonetic processing in fluent and nonfluent aphasic subjects, and age-matched normals. To this end, two phonetic identification experiments were conducted which required subjects to label syllable-initial bilabial stop consonants as either /b/ or /p/. Factors that were controlled included the lexical status (word/nonword) and neighborhood density values corresponding to the two possible syllable interpretations in each set of stimuli. Findings indicated that all subject groups were influenced by both lexical status and neighborhood density in making phonetic categorizations. Although the overall results were inconsistent with the theory that nonfluent aphasics may utilize heuristic strategies in language processing more than fluent aphasics or normals, neighborhood influences seemed to be stronger for both groups of aphasics relative to control subjects. Findings regarding the time course of lexical and neighborhood effects suggested that these influences were co-occurring in phonetic identification. Results are discussed with respect to models of word recognition and theories of acoustic-phonetic perception and lexical access in normal and aphasic populations.

Cued speech and the reception of spoken language

Nicholls, Gaye. January 1979 (has links)
No description available.

Bilingual aphasia : efficacy and generalization of bilingual therapy

Rhéaume, Agathe January 1992 (has links)
The present study was conducted in order to investigate the effects of bilingual therapy on the naming skills of a bilingual aphasic patient. The nature of the word-finding difficulties of a French-English bilingual aphasic subject was assessed. Theory-based anomia therapy was administered to the patient first in English and then in French to explore within- and across-language treatment effects. General language skills were also assessed before and after therapy. Results revealed significant improvement in naming of treated words, but very limited generalization to untreated items in only one of the languages. Transfer of therapy effects from treated to untreated language was not observed. Findings are discussed in relation to the efficacy of bilingual therapy; implications for models of bilingual lexical organization are considered.

Articulatory, perceptual, and phonological determinants of accurate production of s

Ohberg, Alyssa. January 2006 (has links)
Children's speech sound errors may reflect deficits in acoustic-phonetic, articulatory-phonetic, or phonological knowledge of those sounds. The purpose of the current study was to explore the factors believed to contribute to accurate articulation of /s/ in children with typically developing speech. Forty-eight children in their pre-kindergarten or kindergarten year participated. Acousticphonetic knowledge was assessed using a computer game targeting identification of correct and incorrect productions of /s/. Articulatory-phonetic skill was evaluated using maximum repetition tasks and by assessing stimulability for /s/. Phonological knowledge was assessed by examining the acoustic cues used by children to distinguish their productions of /s/ and /theta/. Acoustic-phonetic knowledge and phonological knowledge were each found to explain a small but significant amount of the variance in articulation accuracy. Three different perspectives regarding the relative importance of perceptual and articulatory skills in the development of phonological knowledge are discussed. Clinical implications of the results are considered.

Effects of speech perception, vocabulary, and articulation skills on morphology and syntax in children with speech sound disorders

Mortimer, Jennifer Karen January 2008 (has links)
Although it has been shown that some children with Speech Sound Disorders (SSD) have difficulties in the area of productive morphosyntax, there has been little investigation into the possible source of these problems. Such research may nevertheless shed some light on theoretical questions of morphosyntactic abilities in children with atypical speech and/or language development, as well as suggest avenues for remediation of language weaknesses. The current study examined possible effects of speech perception, vocabulary, and articulation skills on concurrent syntax and longitudinal morphology in a group of seventy-nine children with SSD. Structural Equation Modelling techniques were used to model the relationships among the variables. The rationales for the models were drawn from the literature on children with SSD and also from studies of children with Specific Language Impairment (SLI). The latter were paid particular attention, as some children with SSD may also have SLI, and as morphosyntactic skills in individuals with SLI have been rigorously investigated. It was found that, of the three models examined, an articulation model, in which links were posited from articulation to syntax and from articulation to morphology, demonstrated good fit. Although some of the limitations in morphology and syntax seen in these children could be accounted for in terms of frank articulation errors, other explanations for the association between articulation and morphosyntax were also considered. One possibility was that speech motor skills and morphosyntax were dependent on similar neural substrates that may have been impaired in some of the participants investigated. A second possibility was that, given a finite set of resources devoted to language production, laboured articulation in the children with SSD bled resources from other areas of speech/language processing, and from expressive morphosyntax in particular. Further research, especially studies examining pos / Bien qu'il ait été montré que certains enfants présentant des troubles phonologiques ont aussi des difficultés dans le domaine de la morphosyntaxe productive, peu d'enquêtes ont été faites pour trouver les sources possibles de ces problèmes. Cependant, de telles recherches pourraient éclairer les questions théoriques des habiletés morphosyntaxiques chez les enfants ayant un développement atypique de la parole et/ou du langage, et pourraient aussi suggérer des approches pour remédier aux faiblesses de la langue. La présente étude a examiné les effets possibles des habilités de perception de la parole, du vocabulaire, et de l'articulation sur la syntaxe concurrente et la morphologie longitudinale dans un groupe de soixante-dix-neuf enfants présentant des troubles phonologiques. Les techniques de modèles d'équations structurelles ont été utilisées pour modeler les liens entre les variables. Les exposés raisonnés ont été tirés de la littérature sur les enfants présentant des troubles phonologiques aussi bien que de recherches sur les enfants présentant un trouble primaire (dysphasie) du langage. Une attention toute particulière a été prêtée à ce dernier groupe puisque certains enfants présentant des troubles phonologiques peuvent aussi avoir un trouble primaire du langage et que les habiletés morphosyntaxiques chez les individus présentant un trouble primaire du langage ont été rigoureusement étudiées. On a constaté que, des trois modèles examinés, un modèle d'articulation dans lequel des liens ont été postulés de l'articulation à la syntaxe et de l'articulation à la morphologie se révélait particulièrement approprié. Quoique certaines des limitations en morphologie et syntaxe constatées chez ces enfants puissent provenir de simples erreurs d'articulation, d'autres explications pour le lien entre l'articulation et la morphosyntaxe ont été aussi considérées. Une possibilité serait que les habilet

Reading is in the eye of the beholder: eye movements and early word processes in deaf readers of French

Bélanger, Nathalie January 2009 (has links)
For the present dissertation, three studies were conducted to investigate various aspects of reading in severely to profoundly deaf individuals who use Quebec Sign Language as their main mode of communication and who were categorized as skilled or less skilled readers. A group of skilled hearing readers also participated so that their results could be compared to existing literature. Two studies investigated the use of orthographic and phonological codes during early French word processing, with a masked primed lexical decision task (Study 1) and with the observation of eye movements (Study 3). The second study served as a bridge between the first and the third studies. The participants' eye movements were recorded to determine their eye movement characteristics, such as their reading speed and the size of their perceptual and word identification spans. The results of the first and third studies converged to show that deaf readers, skilled and less skilled, process orthographic (Studies 1 & 3) and phonological (Study 1) codes very early during word processing. Importantly, skilled and less skilled deaf readers did not differ in the way they encode words relative to the control group of hearing readers. The observation of the participants' eye movements in the second study revealed that reading-level, not hearing status (hearing or deaf), was the main factor determining the characteristics of the participants' eye movements (such as reading speed, size of the word identification span, etc). However, hearing status was a determining factor in the size of the perceptual span of skilled deaf readers, which, unexpectedly, was wider than that of skilled hearing readers. An o / Trois études ont été réalisées afin d'examiner différents aspects de la lecture chez deux groupes de personnes ayant une surdité sévère ou profonde et utilisant la langue des signes québécoise comme mode de communication principal : un groupe de bons lecteurs et un groupe de lecteurs faibles. Un groupe de bons lecteurs entendants a aussi participé aux trois études afin de servir de point de comparaison avec des études existantes. Deux études ont vérifié l'utilisation des codes orthographique et phonologique lors des premiers moments de la reconnaissance des mots, l'une à l'aide d'une tâche de décision lexicale masquée avec amorce (Étude 1) et l'autre à l'aide de l'observation du mouvement des yeux des participants (Étude 3). L'Étude 2 a servi de pont entre la première et la troisième étude. Dans le cadre de cette étude, le mouvement des yeux des participants a été enregistré et plusieurs mesures de bases ont été recueillies, telles que la vitesse de lecture, la largeur de l'empan perceptuel et la largeur de l'empan de reconnaissance des mots. Les résultats de la première et de la troisième étude convergent et montrent que les lecteurs sourds, bons et faibles, utilisent l'information orthographique (Étude 1 et 3) et phonologique (Étude 1) très tôt lors du traitement des mots. Il faut toutefois souligner le fait que les lecteurs sourds (bons et faibles) ne différaient pas du groupe de lecteurs entendants dans la manière dont ils encodent les mots. L'observation du mouvement des yeux des participants lors de la lecture (Étude 2) a révélé que le niveau de lecture, et non le fait d'entendre ou pas, sous-tendait les différence

Aphasic speech errors : spontaneous and elicited contexts

Gordon, Jean K. January 2000 (has links)
The goal of the current study was to investigate the retrieval of phonological word forms during the speech production of persons with aphasia, in order to inform models of the structure and function of the phonological lexicon. Using a naturalistic, connected speech task (picture description) and a more structured, single-word production task (picture naming) several characteristics of the target and its phonological 'neighbourhood' were examined, specifically: the target word's frequency of occurrence; the number of words which are phonologically similar to the target (neighbourhood density); and the average frequency of those 'neighbours' (neighbourhood frequency). / To assess the influence of these factors on a target's susceptibility to error, the neighbourhood values of the words produced incorrectly in the picture description task were compared to those of a comparable corpus of correctly produced words from the same speech samples. In the naming task, target susceptibility was assessed by analyzing the error rates on individual stimulus items. The results of both tasks indicated that the lower a target's frequency of occurrence was, and the fewer neighbours it had, the more susceptible it was to error. To assess the impact of the neighbourhood on the outcome of the error, neighbourhood values of the errors produced were compared to those of their targets. In neither task were errors found to differ significantly from their targets in frequency or neighbourhood density. / These results contribute to the literature on lexical access primarily by extending findings of neighbourhood effects in normal speech production to the aphasic population. In doing so, the present study lends support to the basic tenets of the Neighborhood Activation Model (Luce & Pisoni, 1998), and to the notion of the continuity thesis, in which aphasic deficits are hypothesized to reflect quantitative, rather than qualitative, differences from normal processing. Results are also in agreement with previous studies illustrating that aphasic error outcomes are strongly constrained by a number of linguistic factors which also constrain normal error production. Results are interpreted as consistent with an interactive connectionist framework of speech production.

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