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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Variação hídrica e fontes de nitrogênio em cultivares de arroz de terras altas : produção e qualidade fisiológica de sementes /

Peres, Amanda Ribeiro. January 2017 (has links)
Orientador: Ricardo Antonio Ferreira Rodrigues / Resumo: Dentre os desafios atuais da agricultura, estão a racionalização do uso da água, aumento da produtividade e redução das perdas de nutrientes. Para isso, deve-se avaliar técnicas de otimização ou redução da utilização da água, como o uso de cultivares mais adaptadas a estresses hídricos e, a aplicação de fertilizantes melhor aproveitados pelas plantas. Recentemente foi lançado no mercado o cultivar de arroz BRS Esmeralda que tem como características maior tolerância ao estresse hídrico e elevado potencial produtivo. Diante disso, o objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o efeito da variação hídrica e fontes de N em cultivares de arroz de terras altas sobre o teor de N foliar, desempenho agronômico, produtividade, qualidade industrial e qualidade fisiológica de sementes produzidas. O experimento foi desenvolvido na Fazenda de Ensino e Pesquisa da Unesp, campus de Ilha Solteira, localizada no município de Selvíria-MS e no laboratório de sementes em Ilha Solteira-SP, em 2013/14 e 2014/15. O tipo de solo é um LATOSSOLO VERMELHO Distrófico típico argiloso. O experimento foi realizado em duas etapas: produção em campo e avaliação da qualidade fisiológica das sementes produzidas. O delineamento experimental em campo foi o de blocos casualizados em esquema de parcelas sub-subdividas, sendo constituído de três variações hídricas nas parcelas (irrigação com a lâmina recomendada para o arroz + precipitação; irrigação com a lâmina de 75% da recomendada + precipitação; e sem irrigação + preci... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo) / Abstract: The rationalization of water use, the increase in productivity and the reduction of nutrient losses are among the current challenges of agriculture. For this, it is necessary to evaluate techniques of optimization or reduction of water use, such as the use of cultivars more adapted to water stresses, and the application of fertilizers better utilized by plants. Recently, the upland rice cultivar BRS Esmeralda, more tolerant to drought and with high productive potential, was released in the market. Thus, the objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of the hydric variation and nitrogen sources in topdressing in upland rice cultivars on the leaf nitrogen content, agronomic performance, yield, industrial quality and physiological quality of the seeds produced. The experiment was conducted at the Education and Research Farm of Unesp, Ilha Solteira campus, located in Selvíria-MS and in the seed laboratory in Ilha Solteira-SP, in 2013/14 and 2014/15. The soil of the area is a Dystrophic RED LATOSOL (Oxisol) with a clayey texture. The experiment was performed in two stages: field production and evaluation of the physiological quality of the seeds produced. The experiment conducted in the field consisted of randomized blocks in a split-split plot design, with three hydric variations as plots (irrigation with a recommended water depth for rice + rainfall; irrigation with 75% of the recommended water depth + rainfall; and without irrigation + rainfall – “rainfed”), two cultiv... (Complete abstract click electronic access below) / Doutor

Adaptações de modelos matemáticos para dimensionamento hidráulico em sistemas de irrigação pressurizada. / Adaptations of mathematical models for hydraulic design in pressurized irrigation systems.

SOUSA, José Sebastião Costa de. 18 June 2018 (has links)
Submitted by Johnny Rodrigues (johnnyrodrigues@ufcg.edu.br) on 2018-06-18T15:58:21Z No. of bitstreams: 1 JOSÉ SEBASTIÃO COSTA DE SOUSA - TESE PPGEA 2012..pdf: 33774056 bytes, checksum: ac856e40b8c7443bbd9eff3a2bd00893 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-06-18T15:58:21Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 JOSÉ SEBASTIÃO COSTA DE SOUSA - TESE PPGEA 2012..pdf: 33774056 bytes, checksum: ac856e40b8c7443bbd9eff3a2bd00893 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2012-09 / Capes / Este trabalho teve como objetivo a elaboração de modelos matemáticos (conjunto de equações) para escolha de emissores e dimensionamento hidráulico de sistemas de irrigação por aspersão convencional e localizada, em subunidades de irrigação de forma geométrica retangular, triangular e trapezoidal. O modelo proposto para escolha do emissor envolve os parâmetros de solo, água, planta, atmosfera, jornada de trabalho e tempo disponível para funcionamento do sistema em uma seleção otimizada de emissores com base em demanda de pressão por área instalada (aspersores) e aproximação de vazão (gotejadores e microaspersores). O modelo para o dimensionamento hidráulico de subunidades de irrigação retangulares propicia a determinação da posição ótima para a tubulação de derivação (menor demanda de pressão, menor comprimento da tubulação e maior aproximação da variação máxima de pressão na subunidade), permitindo nesse processo a utilização das equações de perda de carga unitária de Darcy-Weisbach, Hazen-Williams e Scobey. Nesse modelo também foram obtidos algoritmos para a determinação da situação mais desfavorável em sistema com tubulações móveis e do comprimento máximo de tubulações para diâmetros prefixados, com e sem uso de tratamentos numéricos (uso dos métodos de Newton- Raphson e das Secantes), para a resolução de equações implícitas. Obteve-se ainda, uma expressão matemática adaptada da fórmula de Blasius, de elevada precisão (erros menos que 1,35%), para a determinação do fator de atrito de Darcy-Weisbach para as situações mais comuns em projetos de irrigação pressurizada (escoamento turbulento liso). Para as subunidades triangulares e trapezoidais os modelos foram elaborados utilizando-se do método de dimensionamento trecho a trecho para as tubulações de derivação e do fator de múltiplas saídas para as tubulações laterais. Um último algoritmo foi elaborado para o dimensionamento das demais tubulações que compõem os sistemas de irrigação, bem como as definições necessárias para a montagem do cabeçal de controle e a seleção do conjunto motobomba. Devido as numerosas rotinas de cálculos envolvidas, os modelos propostos são potencialmente aplicados a programas computacionais. / This research aimed at developing mathematic models (set of equations) to choose emitters and hydraulic design of irrigation by sprinkler, in irrigation subunits in a rectangular, triangular and trapezoidal geometric form. The proposed model for the emitter's choice involves soil, water, plants and atmosphere parameters, workday and available time for the system to vvork in an optimized selection of emitters based on the demand of pressure for the area installed (sprinklers) and the approach flow (drip and micro-sprinklers). The model for hydraulic design of rectangular irrigation subunits offers the determination of the best position for the pipe shunt (lower demand pressure, shorter pipe length and higher approximation of maximum pressure variation in the subunit), favoring, in this process, the use of Darcy-Weisbach, Hazen-Williams and Scobey's equations of unit head loss. In this model, algorithms for the determination of the most unfavorable situation in mobile system with pipes and the maximum length of pipe diameters for fixed rate, with and without use of numerical treatments (use of Newton-Raphson's method as well as use Secantes's), to solve the implicit equations) were also obtained. One high precision mathematic expression adapted from Blasius's formula (errors less than 1,35%) was obtained in order to determine Darcy-Weisbach's friction factor for the most common situations in pressurized irrigation projects (smooth turbulent flow). For the triangular and trapezoidal subunits, the models were designed using the dimensioning method per zone for bypass pipes and multiple output factor for pipes shunts. Another algorithm was created to measure the other pipes that make part of the irrigation systems, as well as to define the assembling of the head control and the selection of the pump-motor set. Due to the several numbers of calculations involved, the proposed models are potentially applied to computer programs.

Diferentes sistemas de cultivo na economia de agua e produtividade do feijão de inverno irrigado / Different soil tillage systems in the economy of water and productivity of the winter bean crop irrigated.

Bizari, Douglas Roberto 02 December 2007 (has links)
Orientador: Edson Eiji Matsura / Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Faculdade de Engenharia Agricola / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-09T10:08:00Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Bizari_DouglasRoberto_M.pdf: 2631930 bytes, checksum: 700468abc20c4dc5eeb63fae0866a7d0 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2007 / Resumo: A intensificação do uso da terra pelo emprego de técnicas como a irrigação tem proporcionado aumento anual do número de safras e redução dos riscos do empreendimento. Porém, a agricultura irrigada precisa ganhar mais eficiência por meio da utilização do sistema plantio direto, que promove de forma sustentada, o aumento da produtividade e a redução da lâmina de água aplicada. O presente trabalho teve por objetivo demonstrar que o manejo da irrigação em condições de Plantio Direto na cultura do feijoeiro (cultivar Carioca precoce) contribui para a preservação dos recursos hídricos pela redução do número de irrigações em função da cobertura morta e das características físico-hídricas apresentadas por este sistema de manejo. O experimento foi conduzido no Campo Experimental da Faculdade de Engenharia Agrícola da UNICAMP, em Campinas, SP, no período de junho a setembro de 2006, em Latossolo Vermelho distroférrico, submetidos aos seguintes tratamentos: sistema plantio direto 1 (SPD 1), sistema plantio direto 2 (SPD 2), plantio convencional 1 (PC 1) e plantio convencional 2 (PC 2), irrigados por aspersão convencional, sendo que o manejo da irrigação foi realizado pelo método tensiométrico. Os resultados mostraram que os tratamentos com SPD apresentaram menores valores de evapotranspiração da cultura praticamente durante todo o seu ciclo, sendo esta diferença mais acentuada na fase de florescimento, mostrando a importância da manutenção da cobertura morta em sua superfície. Os tratamentos com SPD foram mais eficientes no uso da água, apresentando maiores valores de produção com menor quantidade de água aplicada quando comparado aos tratamentos com PC / Abstract: The intensification of soil use by the techniques as the irrigation has providing annual increase crops number and reduction of the enterprise risks. However, the irrigated agriculture needs to be more efficiency, through use the no tillage system that promote increases the productivity e reduction of the applied water. The aim this research was to demonstrate that irrigation management in no tillage system with bean crop (cultivar Carioca precoce) contributes whit the preservation of water resources once the mulching and others characteristics presented by this soil tillage promotes the reduction of the numbers of irrigations. This experiment was carried in the Experimental Field of University of Agricultural Engineering of UNICAMP, in Campinas, SP, in the period of June to September of 2006, in a Latossolo Vermelho distroférrico, submitted to the following treatments: no tillage system 1 (SPD 1), no tillage system 2 (SPD 2), tillage system 1 (PC 1) and tillage system 2 (PC 2), using a sprinkle irrigation system managed with tensiometers. The results showed that the SPD treatments presented smaller evapotranspiration values during practically all the crops cycle. This difference was more accentuated in the flowering phase, showing the importance of the maintenance of the mulching. The SPD treatments also presented the largest values of production associated with a smaller quantity of applied water. These results evidenciated that, in this study, the SPD treatment presents a higher water use efficiency than PC treatments / Mestrado / Agua e Solo / Mestre em Engenharia Agrícola

Maîtrise de l’azote en système irrigué : application au contexte méditerranéen / Nitrogen control in unsaturated agricultural soils under irrigated systems : application to Mediteranean context

Barakat, Mohammad 12 May 2017 (has links)
La maîtrise du transfert de nitrates sous les systèmes irrigués est un objectif primordial dans l’agriculture moderne. Celle-ci exige la recherche, surtout en plein champ, de conduire une stratégie optimale de fertigation. Dans ce but, un protocole expérimental sur une parcelle de 2 ha a été mis en oeuvre pour analyser le devenir de l’’azote sous différents scénarios d’irrigation et de fertilisation d’une culture de maïs. Dans l’articulation de ce travail, et pour pouvoir étudier la dynamique de l’azote en systèmes irrigués, nous avons tout d’abord réussi à définir et clarifier la relation ambigüe entre la méthode d’irrigation (irrigation gravitaire, par aspersion ASP, en goutte à goutte de surface GGS ou enterré GGE) et les différentes transformations de l’azote (Fixation, Minéralisation, Immobilisation, Nitrification, Dénitrification et Volatilisation). Cette relation, peu claire et non traitée dans d’autres études similaires, a été étudiée en mettant l’accent sur l’effet de certains facteurs, comme par exemple, l’humidité de sol et sa température, sur l’activité microbienne et donc sur les différentes transformations de l’azote (comme la minéralisation) et ce en mettant en avant la relation directe ou indirecte avec les méthodes d’irrigation. Une différence significative a été observée pour la minéralisation in situ entre les traitements sans aucun apport d’engrais menés sous les deux méthodes d’irrigation GGE et ASP. Une méthode manuelle d’analyse a été ensuite mise au point et validée pour déterminer la concentration en azote dans les échantillons de sol prélevés dans le cadre de ce travail. Cette méthode peu onéreuse pourrait être profitable aux agriculteurs. Les données issues de l’ensemble des traitements ont été utilisées pour modéliser les flux hydriques et azotés à l’aide de modèle HYDRUS-2D pour les systèmes par aspersion et en goutte à goutte enterré. L’analyse de sensibilité aux paramètres liés au transfert de nitrates du modèle de transfert a permis d’estimer la dynamique azotée pour d’autres contextes hydro-pédo-climatiques plus complexes. En conclusion, la présente thèse a permis d’améliorer la connaissance du fonctionnement de la fertigation en irrigation goutte à goutte enterré par comparaison avec l’aspersion, en milieu méditerranéen, en vue d’une diminution des entrants agrochimiques dans un contexte d’économie de la ressource en eau. / The main goal in modern agriculture is the control of nitrogen fluxes in agricultural soils under the irrigation techniques. This objective requires a lot of research, especially in the field, to escort an optimal strategy of fertigation. For this purpose, an experimental protocol has been applied to follow the soil nitrogen fate for various irrigation and fertilization scenarios, during two intensive field campaigns in maize plots. In the articulation of our work, and to be able to examine the nitrogen dynamics in unsaturated agricultural soils under irrigated systems, we succeeded firstly to determine and clarify the ambiguous relation between the irrigation techniques (flood irrigation, sprinkler irrigation, surface and subsurface drip irrigation) and the different nitrogen transformations (Fixation, Mineralization, Immobilization, Nitrification, Denitrification and Volatilization) in agricultural contexts. This relationship, which is unclear and untreated in other similar studies, has been reviewed by studying the impact of certain factors, such as soil moisture and soil temperature under different irrigation techniques, on microbial soil activity and therefore on the nitrogen transformations (such as mineralization). A significant difference of mineralization was observed in maize plots with no fertilizer application treatment between sprinkler irrigation and subsurface drip irrigation. The experimental data collected have been used to analyze the water and nitrogen fluxes for various initial conditions and fertilisation strategies under sprinkler and subsurface drip irrigation by using the HYDRUS-2D model. Analyzing the sensitivity of nitrogen fluxes parameters using HYDRUS-2D allowed to estimate the nitrogen dynamics under more complex agro-pedoclimatic contexts. In conclusion, the present study allowed to improve the fertilization knowledge under both the sprinkler and subsurface drip irrigation in a Mediterranean environment.

Particulate matter emissions from commercial beef cattle feedlots in Kansas

Bonifacio, Henry F. January 1900 (has links)
Master of Science / Department of Biological & Agricultural Engineering / Ronaldo G. Maghirang / Large cattle feedlots in Kansas are often considered to be large sources of particulate matter (PM), including PM with equivalent aerodynamic diameter of 10 micrometers or less (PM[subscript]10). To control PM emissions from cattle feedlots, water sprinkler systems can be implemented; however, limited data are available on their PM control efficiency. This research was conducted to determine the control efficiency of a water sprinkler system in reducing PM[subscript]10 emission from a cattle feedlot. This was accomplished by monitoring the PM[subscript]10 concentrations, with tapered element oscillating microbalance (TEOM™) PM[subscript]10 monitors, at the upwind and downwind boundaries of a cattle feedlot (KS1) from January 2006 to July 2009. The feedlot was equipped with a sprinkler system that can apply up to 5 mm of water per day. It had approximately 30,000 head of beef cattle and total pen area of approximately 50 ha. The control efficiency of the sprinkler system was determined by considering the PM[subscript]10 data during sprinkler on/off events, i.e., the sprinkler system was operated (on) for at least one day and either followed or preceded by at least one day of no water sprinkling (off). For each of the selected sprinkler on/off events, the percentage reduction in net PM[subscript]10 concentration was calculated and considered to be a measure of the control efficiency. Net PM[subscript]10 concentration was defined as the difference between downwind and upwind PM[subscript]10 concentrations. The control efficiency for PM[subscript]10 ranged from 32% to 80%, with an overall mean of 53% based on 24-h PM[subscript]10 values for 10 sprinkler on/off events. In general, the effect of the water sprinkler system in reducing net PM[subscript]10 concentration lasted for one day or less. The percentage reduction in net PM[subscript]10 concentration at KS1 due to rainfall events was also determined using a similar approach. In addition, a second cattle feedlot (KS2) that was not equipped with a sprinkler system and with approximately 25,000 head of beef cattle and 68 ha pen area was considered. Percentage reductions in net PM[subscript]10 concentrations due to rainfall events were mostly in the range of 60% to almost 100% for both feedlots, with overall means of 75% for KS1 and 74% for KS2. The effects of rainfall events (with rainfall amounts > 10 mm/day) lasted for three to seven days, depending on rainfall amount and intensity. Limited data are also available on PM[subscript]10 emission rates from cattle feedlots in Kansas. This research quantified PM[subscript]10 emission rates from the two feedlots (KS1 and KS2) and a third cattle feedlot (KS3) in Kansas by using inverse dispersion modeling with the AMS/EPA Regulatory Model (AERMOD), which is the US EPA preferred regulatory atmospheric dispersion model. PM[subscript]10 emission rates were back-calculated using the resulting PM[subscript]10 concentrations modeled by AERMOD, together with measured PM[subscript]10 concentrations (24 months of data for KS1 and KS2, 6 months of data for KS3). Overall mean PM[subscript]10 emission fluxes for the 2-year period were 1.29 g/m[superscript]2-day (range: 0.04 – 4.98 g/m[superscript]2-day) for KS1, 1.03 g/m[superscript]2-day (range: 0.07 – 4.52 g/m[superscript]2-day) for KS2, and 2.48 g/m[superscript]2-day (6-months; range: 0.05 – 5.00 g/m[superscript]2-day) for KS3. The corresponding mean PM[subscript]10 emission factors were 21, 29, and 48 kg/1,000 hd-day for KS1, KS2, and KS3, respectively. The emission factors for KS1 and KS2 were considerably smaller than the published US EPA emission factor for cattle feedlots (i.e., 42 kg/1000 hd-day). The emission factor for KS3 was slightly greater than the US EPA emission factor; however, it was a biased estimate because it was based only on a six-month period.

Desempenho do sistema de irrigação por aspersão, tipo pivô central rebocável. / Performance of the sprinkler irrigation system, central towing pivot type.

SILVA, Jonas Carlos Santino. 24 May 2018 (has links)
Submitted by Deyse Queiroz (deysequeirozz@hotmail.com) on 2018-05-24T19:31:37Z No. of bitstreams: 1 JONAS CARLOS SANTINO - DISSERTAÇÃO PPGEA 2002..pdf: 8664728 bytes, checksum: 1073738dd910a18404b200d943f370f2 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-05-24T19:31:37Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 JONAS CARLOS SANTINO - DISSERTAÇÃO PPGEA 2002..pdf: 8664728 bytes, checksum: 1073738dd910a18404b200d943f370f2 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2002-08 / O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a performance de um pivô central rebocável em nível de campo, na Fazenda Capim, localizada no município de Capim-PB. Os resultados da avaliação do equipamento nas três bases estudada levaram a concluir que: o equipamento apresentou bons resultados quando analisado como um todo para as base, constatou-se problemas de uniformidade e de eficiência em alguns setores quando a análise foi feita por raio individualmente, indicando setores com déficit e outros com excesso de água, o equipamento apresentou seus piores resultados quando foi avaliado na base 5, verificou-se que existe uma dispersão das lâminas de água aplicadas em relação ao valor médio, em todas as bases estudadas, as pressões de entrada do pivô nas bases, 4 e 5 estão muito abaixo da pressão recomendada o que resultou numa baixa vazão nestas bases. / The objective of this work was to evaluate the performance of a towable pivot center in thefield on Fazenda Capim in the municipal district of Capim-PB. The results of the equipment evaluation of the three studied bases showed that the equipment presented goodresults when analyzed as a whole for them. Uniformity and efficiency problems in some sections were analyzed when the analysis was individually made by ratio, indicating sections with deficit and other with excess of water. The equipment presented their worst results when it was evaluated in base 5. It was verified a dispersion of the applied water sheets in relation to the mean value, in ali studied bases. The pressures on pivot in bases 4 and 5 are a lot below the recommended pressure and resulted in low flow in these bases.

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