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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Diet Reconstruction of Wild Rio-Grande Turkey of Central Utah Using Stable Isotope Analysis

Stearns, Benjamin D. 12 March 2010 (has links) (PDF)
The wild turkey is endemic to North America and has played a role in human cultures past and present. However, with the turkey's elusive behavior some aspects of its ecology are challenging to understand. Diet is one of these difficult aspects to study. The purpose of this study was to determine the diet selection of wild turkeys in central Utah using non invasive stable isotope technology. We hypothesize that turkey diet is highly specific, that consumption of specific plant species correlates with the needs of the individual turkey, and that stable isotope analysis will reveal patterns in annual dietary intake. Vegetative forage, turkey feces, and feather samples were collected from the Salt Creek area east of Mt. Nebo during 2007 and 2008. Feces samples were identified to bird sex and forage samples were identified to family or growth form (grass, forb, and shrub) when species could not be determined. Carbon isotope analysis of turkey feces and dietary forage using a mass spectrometer revealed that composition of turkey diet changed seasonally and yearly. Isotope analysis of dietary forage according to vegetative growth form revealed that turkey diet for the spring of 2007 contained approximately 46.0% grasses, 30.0% forbs, and 24.0% shrubs and trees. The summer diet for 2007 consisted of 39.0% grasses, 31.0% forbs, and 30.0% shrubs and trees. During spring 2008, grasses comprised 10.3% of the diet whereas forbs and tree/shrubs constituted 53.0% and 36.7%, respectively. Turkey summer diet for 2008 was found to consist of 13.1% grasses, 48.5% forbs, and 38.4% shrubs/trees. Isotope analysis of turkey feathers revealed no significant patterns in isotope signatures in relation to vegetation type and season of year. Stable isotope signatures resulting from fecal analysis reflect opportunistic foraging behavior as birds utilized a wide variety of forages throughout the year. Our findings suggest habitat structure and type play a more major role in wild turkey survival then food type. These findings also strengthen the need to rigorously evaluate turkey habitat prior to reintroduction with respect to vegetative composition and structure and their relationship with wild turkey behavior and life processes.

Diet Reconstruction of Bighorn Sheep (Ovis canadensis) Using Stable Isotopes

Whitaker, Joshua M. 19 April 2010 (has links) (PDF)
We determined the diet contributions of grasses, forbs and shrubs for three herds of bighorn sheep along the Wasatch Front, Utah using stable isotope techniques and determined the electivity values for different forage species for four herds. Forbs were generally the most common forage eaten across all herds while shrubs were the least used forage resource. The Provo Peak and Mount Nebo herds used grasses, forbs and shrubs at proportions similar to other bighorn sheep populations across the west, while the Antelope Island herd used forbs at higher levels than any other local herd. Additionally, the herd on Antelope Island was analyzed to compare differential use by rams and ewes. Our results indicate that there was no significant difference in diet between sexes on Antelope Island. Bluebunch wheatgrass (Pseudoroegneria spicata) was a common species across all sites and was an important forage for all populations. Managers may consider these proportions when seeding in bighorn habitat improvement projects.

Diet at medieval Alytus, Lithuania: Stable carbon and nitrogen isotope analysis of bone and dentin collagen

Whitmore, Katie 01 January 2014 (has links)
The Baltic region was a vibrant center of power and economic prosperity in medieval Europe; Lithuania in particular. Until now, little stable isotopic analysis has been utilized to assess diet in this region during this time period. The aim of this study was to undertake a preliminary assessment of the composition of diet at late medieval Alytus (late 14th to early 18th centuries) from bone (N=35) and dentin (N=38) collagen samples. The stable carbon isotopic data suggest a diet primarily comprised of C3 plants such as barley, rye, wheat, and flax, and animals consuming C3 plants. The stable nitrogen isotopic data indicate the use of aquatic resources, and reflects the protein portion of the diet as including mainly terrestrial non-legumes. There are no significant differences in the pattern of resource consumption between juvenile males and females. There is a significant difference between adult males and adult females; the more depleted bone collagen ?15N values indicates that adult females were consuming less protein resources, or protein resources of a lower trophic level, compared to their male counterparts. This difference could also be affected by physiological factors such as pregnancy or disease. A difference between juvenile and adult stable nitrogen isotope values might indicate latter weaning of juvenile males, the incorporation of more terrestrial or aquatic protein into juvenile male diet, the incorporation of less terrestrial or aquatic protein into adult female diet, or a combination of the three.

Interpreting Diet And Nutritional Stress In Napoleon's Grand Army Using Stable Carbon And Nitrogen Isotope Analysis

Holder, Sammantha 01 January 2013 (has links)
A mass grave containing the remains of at least 3269 Napoleonic soldiers from 1812 was discovered in Vilnius, Lithuania in 2001. Stable carbon and nitrogen isotopic analyses were performed on collagen from 78 femoral samples to explore dietary variation within the sample. Starvation and nutritional distress were also evaluated through the examination of nitrogen enrichment in bone collagen. Clinical studies have demonstrated that enriched nitrogen isotope values can indicate periods of nutritional stress and starvation; however, this is the first study to examine its use as a diagnostic indicator of starvation in a historical population using bone tissue. According to the carbon isotope data, a vast majority of the soldiers in this sample consumed predominantly C3 plants with only five individuals consuming more than 50% of their plant dietary protein in the form of C4 plants, with δ13C ratios for this sample ranging from -19.22‰ to -11.76‰ and a mean of -17.18‰. This conforms to expectations given that a majority of human plant consumption in Europe is C3 pathway plants. Twenty-nine individuals exhibit enriched δ15N values, with δ15N values for this sample ranging from 7.14‰ to 13.63‰ and a mean of 10.49‰. The combination of historical and isotopic evidence suggests prolonged nutritional stress may be the cause of enrichment in this sample. The results of this study demonstrate the applicability of this method on archaeological samples as a line of evidence in the investigation of starvation and famine.

Trophic Status Of A Small Mammal Assemblage On Cape Canaveral Air Force Station With An Emphasis On Peromyscus Polionotus Niveiv

Keserauskis, Megan 01 January 2007 (has links)
Successful translocation of a listed species into an area of previous occupation requires knowledge of the habitat needs. The presence of the necessary food items is critical to the successful establishment of a new population; this information is unknown for Peromyscus polionotus niveiventris, the southeastern beach mouse, a threatened subspecies on the east coast of Florida. I used fecal and stable isotope analysis to determine the diet of this subspecies at Cape Canaveral Air Force Station, Brevard County, Florida, between the autumn of 2003 and the spring of 2005. Six trapping grids were established, three in the dune/swale and three in the coastal scrub communities. Fecal and hair samples were collected and analyzed. The diet varied in the amount of 13C consumed between habitats and in the amount of both 15N and 13C consumed among grids within a habitat. There was no significant interaction between habitat and sex in the amount of either 15N or 13C consumed, and sexes also did not differ significantly. Fecal analysis uncovered the dominance in the diet of C3 plants. My data refuted the current belief, that the southeastern beach mouse prefers beach grass seeds of C4 plants, which were consumed but not in the frequency or quantity expected. I also analyzed the diet of Peromyscus gossypinus, the cotton mouse, and Sigmodon hispidus, the hispid cotton rat, using the two techniques. Both species consumed a combination of plant and arthropod material. Their diets varied between dune/swale and coastal scrub habitats. All three species' diets were significantly different, with Peromyscus polionotus niveiventris and Peromyscus gossypinus being the most similar. Both consume a greater proportion of arthropod material compared to the hispid cotton rat. Interspecific competition between the southeastern beach mouse and the cotton mouse may occur in times of limited resources.

Using Stable Isotopes To Assess Population Structure And Feeding Ecology Of North Pacific Humpback Whales (megaptera Novaeangliae)

Witteveen, Briana 01 January 2008 (has links)
The North Pacific humpback whale (Megaptera novaeangliae) is a wide-ranging baleen whale species with a complex life history and population structure. As seasonal migrants, humpback whales are known to inhabit cooler, high-latitude waters when foraging and low-latitudes for mating and calving. Beyond this general migratory pattern, a number of demographic characteristics including, abundance, distribution, seasonal occurrence, and prey preferences remain unknown or poorly described. A complete understanding of humpback whale ecology is therefore lacking. Many methods used to explore these aspects of cetacean ecology are either prohibitively expensive or limited in the scope of what can be learned from their use. Fortunately, in recent years, the analysis of stable isotope ratios of animal tissues has proved a valuable and relatively inexpensive technique for providing information on trophic position, diet, and feeding origins of migratory populations. This study employed techniques in stable isotope ecology to increase knowledge of the population structure, migration routes, and foraging ecology of North Pacific humpback whales. Skin samples were collected from free-ranging humpback whales throughout all known feeding and breeding grounds and were analyzed for stable carbon ([delta]13C) and nitrogen ([delta]15N) isotope ratios. The population structure of humpback whales was first explored through geographic differences in stable isotope ratios. Stable isotope ratios varied significantly with location of sample collection. Based on this analysis, foraging animals were separated into six feeding groups. Classification tree analysis was then used to determine which isotopic variables could be used to predict group membership. Probable migratory linkages were then described by applying results of classification trees to [delta]13C and [delta]15N of animals sampled on breeding grounds. Strong migratory connections between the eastern-most foraging and breeding areas and the western-most areas were reflected in similarities of stable isotope ratios. Foraging ecology was then examined through calculation and comparison of the relative trophic levels of the six feeding groups. Isotopic values suggest some feeding groups are piscivorous, while others feed on a more mixed diet. These results can be used to determine if differences in diet composition between groups result in differences in accrued nutritional benefits, negatively impacting reproductive success and survival relative to fish eating groups. Finally, to gain insight into specific foraging habits, the diet of one group of humpback whales was modeled using an isotope mixing model. The [delta]13C and [delta]15N of Kodiak Island, Alaska humpback whales and several species of potential prey indicate that these animals likely rely heavily on euphausiids (Thysanoessa spinifera), Pacific sandlance (Ammodytes hexapterus), and capelin (Mallotus villosus). This study represents the first application of stable isotope ecology to an entire population of marine mammals. Stable isotope analysis was successfully applied to describe and improve understanding of the demographics of North Pacific humpback whales.

Compound-­Specific Hydrogen Isotopes of Lipid Biomarkers in Lake El’gygytgyn, Ne Russia

Wilkie, Kenna M. K. 01 May 2012 (has links)
Recent successful drilling operations at Lake El'gygytgyn, NE Russia have recovered sediment cores back to 3.6Ma, representing the longest time-continuous sediment record of past climate change in the terrestrial Arctic. Analysis of the hydrogen isotopic ratio (δD) of specific organic biomarkers allows reconstruction of past hydrological conditions, thereby providing a powerful tool for reconstructing past Arctic climate changes. Compound specific isotopic analysis of sedimentary lipids from this remote basin provides new insights into the climate evolution of the Arctic, capturing the mechanisms and dynamics of the last two glacial-interglacial transitions, potentially enhancing the accuracy of modeled future climate change projections and presenting an opportunity to estimate past polar amplification of climate change. The results of this research document the first continuous, high fidelity continental record of reconstructed δD in precipitation from terrestrial plant leaf waxes in the High Arctic spanning the last 120 ka. The hydrogen isotopic composition of lipid biomarkers were determined from previously obtained Lake El'gygytgyn sediment cores and compared with other multi-proxy evidence of past climate change within the lake basin. The modern isotope hydrology and controls on the δD lipid signal were first established within the El'gygytgyn Basin from modern precipitation, stream and lake waters, ice cover as well as modern vegetation, water column and lake bottom surface sediments in order to provide a modern context to properly constrain and interpret paleoclimatic proxy data. Reconstructed δD records of paleoprecipitation and temperature at Lake El'gygytgyn lead other northern hemisphere climate records (e.g. North Greenland Ice Core Project, NGRIP δ18O records) and are in phase with other continental and Antarctic climate records, suggesting early high northern latitude continental warming prior to established glacial-interglacial transitions. The data set generated here leads to multiple avenues of future work and provides critical insights into Arctic paleoclimate and paleohydrology, contributing to our understanding of high latitude environmental change over geological timescales. Collectively, the results of this dissertation research will provide a context for paleoclimate reconstructions and future organic geochemical and stable isotope analysis. Future application of compound-specific H isotope analyses to long drill cores (recovered in 2009; ~315m of sediment) will potentially provide a quantitative high-resolution record of paleoclimatic and paleoenvironmental changes spanning the last 3.6 Ma.

Impacts of spruce budworm defoliation on stream food webs and mercury cycling

Ju, Kaiying January 2023 (has links)
Forested streams are closely linked to terrestrial catchments which affects their biogeochemical cycling and carbon inputs. Catchment disturbances alter stream water quality and food webs, including changes in productivity. Such changes in stream conditions can potentially alter consumers’ reliance on autochthonous (in-stream) or allochthonous (terrestrial) sources and mercury bioaccumulation. A recent outbreak of the spruce budworm (SBW) that feeds on spruce and fir trees has provided the unique opportunity to examine stream food web responses across watersheds experiencing a range of defoliation in the Gaspé Peninsula, Québec. This project compares streams in twelve watersheds which were selectively sprayed to control SBW and create a gradient in defoliation. Food web samples (food sources, invertebrates, fish) were analyzed for stable isotopes of carbon and nitrogen in 2019 and 2020 to characterize food web structure, and algal productivity was measured in 2019. Hierarchical partitioning models were used throughout the study to compare the contributions of various local and landscape conditions to stream responses. Models indicated that watershed defoliation contributed to increasing autochthonous production, although some invertebrates were more allochthonous in heavily defoliated watersheds, and brook diets were unaffected by defoliation. Next, food web samples were analyzed for methylmercury (food sources, invertebrates) or total mercury (fish) and trophic magnification slopes were determined for each stream food web. Mercury levels in carnivorous invertebrates and brook trout were driven by dissolved organic carbon (DOC), but not consumer autochthony or watershed defoliation. Additionally, rates of trophic magnification were not related to defoliation severity or DOC. This study found that defoliation contributed to increasing autochthonous production and invertebrate consumer allochthony. However, this disturbance did not increase consumer mercury levels or biomagnification in stream food webs. These findings suggest that intervention to reduce defoliation would mitigate algal responses and dietary shifts, but not mercury cycling as it is influenced by DOC levels in the streams of this region. / Thesis / Master of Science (MSc) / A recent spruce budworm outbreak is causing widespread defoliation of spruce and fir trees, but the impacts to stream environments, including primary production, its consumption, and contaminant levels, are largely unknown. Streams are sensitive to conditions in the surrounding terrestrial environment, as such changes can affect the diets of stream invertebrates and fish and are also linked to increased contaminant levels in aquatic organisms. Specifically, mercury is a metal that is transferred through diet and can reach toxic levels in fish. This study found that defoliation is contributing to increased algal production in streams in the Gaspé Peninsula, Québec. However, some stream invertebrates consumed more terrestrial material in streams that had heavier defoliation. Furthermore, defoliation and algal diets did not increase levels of mercury in aquatic organisms, but this contaminant was affected by increasing concentrations of dissolved organic carbon in the streams. These findings suggest that forest defoliation can alter organisms’ diets but not mercury levels.

Mass Spectrometric Studies of the Stable Cadmium Isotopes in the Thermal-Neutron Fission of 233U and 235U

Lum-Hee, George 05 1900 (has links)
<p> An attempt was made to measure the yields of the stable cadmium isotopes produced in the thermal-neutron fission of 233U and 235U using a solid-source mass spectrometer. The results for 235U fission indicate that there is structure in the mass-yield curve for the region studied which takes the form of a depression around masses 112-114. The origin of this structure is discussed in terms of the various mechanisms which have been proposed to explain the nature of the mass distribution in the symmetric region.</p> <p> The 233U study was unsuccessful because of the experimental difficulties encountered, primarily the interference from terrestrial cadmium and the low recovery of the fission products. </p> / Thesis / Master of Science (MSc)

Breastfeeding, Weaning Practices, and Childhood Diet in Rural Roman Italy / A Stable Isotope Investigation of Early Life Diet from Rural Roman Italy Using Incremental Dentine

Borisov, Katarina January 2023 (has links)
This thesis examines breastfeeding, weaning, and the post-weaning diets of 18 adults (18y+) and two subadults (aged 10y – 14y) from the rural Imperial Roman (1st – 4th c. CE) site of Vagnari, located in southern Italy. The investigation used a new method to sample dentine sections that accounts for the oblique nature of dentine development and allowed for the assignment of age categories to diagenetically altered teeth without visible dentine lines. The results indicate Vagnari children were weaned by ~3.5y, and that some males appear to have been breastfed longer than females. Despite the similar ages-at-weaning across the sample, the individuals in this study demonstrated a variety of weaning rates (i.e., speeds or paces), post-weaning dietary trends, and changes in diet across the life course. Some individuals (n = 6) appear to have been weaned rapidly, marked by significant removal of breastmilk prior to 2.5y, with small amounts of breast milk remaining in the diet until ~3.5y. Other children (n = 9) were weaned gradually, with slow, consistent removal of breastmilk until as late as 5.0y. Throughout and after the weaning period, children were fed a diet based on C3 plants and terrestrial proteins such as wheat, goat/sheep, and their by-products. A comparison of early life dentine and adult bone collagen signals for 14 individuals revealed changes in diet with increasing age, in which most people had increased access to higher terrestrial food sources such as pork and/or small amounts of marine food later in life. However, there was notable variation in dietary trends and practices across the sample, suggesting diverse dietary patterns among people from Vagnari. / Thesis / Master of Arts (MA) / In this thesis, I used samples from tooth dentine to analyze longitudinal stable isotope data for breastfeeding, weaning, and post-weaning dietary signals in a sample of 20 individuals from the Roman Imperial estate of Vagnari (1st – 4th c. CE) located in southern Italy. On average, children were weaned by ~3.5 years of age. Despite the similar age-at-weaning across the sample, individuals exhibited different weaning patterns and diversity in early life dietary practices at Vagnari. During and after weaning, the isotope data indicate that children were fed with C3 plants (e.g., wheat) and terrestrial proteins such as sheep/goat and pig. I analyzed childhood and adult diet by comparing dentine stable isotope data to bone collagen results from a sub-sample of 14 individuals. There was variability between the childhood dentine data and the adult bone collagen data, where individuals appeared to eat more pork and small amounts of fish later in life. This is the first study to explore breastfeeding and weaning practices of rural Roman children in southern Italy using stable isotope analysis of tooth dentine.

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