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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

State Bank Enterprise Awards an impact evaluation case study /

Champrasit, Sumit. January 2008 (has links)
Thesis (Ed. D.)--Victoria University (Melbourne, Vic.), 2008.

Bankers' Perceptions of the Role of Technology in Addressing Financial Exclusion

Javaad, Syed January 2012 (has links)
Financial inclusion is a measure of the ability of a population to make use of financial services. High rates of financial inclusion in a country are empirically correlated with high levels of economic development in that country; low rates of financial inclusion are correlated with low levels of development. Thus, policy makers are generally agreed that one method to increase economic development is to increase the level of financial inclusion. Not all attempts to increase financial inclusion are successful. Initiatives to improve financial inclusion can fail when policy makers or financial service providers have incorrect perceptions about financial inclusion. They may have incorrect perceptions about the purposes and beneficiaries of financial inclusion, or incorrect perceptions about how technology can encourage financial inclusion. This thesis investigates the perceptions of Pakistani bankers about financial inclusion in Pakistan. A survey of 125 Pakistani bankers was conducted. The results of the survey show that while bankers want to improve financial inclusion, they have perceptions that limit their effectiveness in reaching this goal. First, bankers’ perceptions of the actual financial inclusion levels in the country are higher than generally accepted empirical measures. Second, their perceptions about the reasons for financial exclusion are limited to socio-economic factors like low income and education of people. Finally, they have limited appreciation of the role that technology can play in elevating the level of financial inclusion. Bankers show more interest in customer-facing technology than in back-end technical infrastructure, thus limiting the scalability and interoperability of their systems. Our guidance to policy makers is to address these perceptual problems through education and through government-backed technical infrastructure programs, thus better enabling the banking industry to improve financial inclusion in Pakistan.

Bankers' Perceptions of the Role of Technology in Addressing Financial Exclusion

Javaad, Syed January 2012 (has links)
Financial inclusion is a measure of the ability of a population to make use of financial services. High rates of financial inclusion in a country are empirically correlated with high levels of economic development in that country; low rates of financial inclusion are correlated with low levels of development. Thus, policy makers are generally agreed that one method to increase economic development is to increase the level of financial inclusion. Not all attempts to increase financial inclusion are successful. Initiatives to improve financial inclusion can fail when policy makers or financial service providers have incorrect perceptions about financial inclusion. They may have incorrect perceptions about the purposes and beneficiaries of financial inclusion, or incorrect perceptions about how technology can encourage financial inclusion. This thesis investigates the perceptions of Pakistani bankers about financial inclusion in Pakistan. A survey of 125 Pakistani bankers was conducted. The results of the survey show that while bankers want to improve financial inclusion, they have perceptions that limit their effectiveness in reaching this goal. First, bankers’ perceptions of the actual financial inclusion levels in the country are higher than generally accepted empirical measures. Second, their perceptions about the reasons for financial exclusion are limited to socio-economic factors like low income and education of people. Finally, they have limited appreciation of the role that technology can play in elevating the level of financial inclusion. Bankers show more interest in customer-facing technology than in back-end technical infrastructure, thus limiting the scalability and interoperability of their systems. Our guidance to policy makers is to address these perceptual problems through education and through government-backed technical infrastructure programs, thus better enabling the banking industry to improve financial inclusion in Pakistan.

Finanční dozor v EU - srovnání ČR a Velké Británie / Financial supervision in the EU - comparison of the CR and Great Britain

Loub, David January 2008 (has links)
On the first April 2006 came to the turning point in the Czech Republic in the sphere of supervision and regulation over financial market, whereby approach more ideal European markets. In the master's thesis I focus on the present state of supervision and regulation of the financial market in CR, but also on system development before the 1. April 2006. I also deal with operating system on the financial market in Great Britain. The aim of my thesis is comparison of supervision and regulation in the Czech Republic and Great Britain.

Bancarización pública y crecimiento económico regional en el Perú

Burneo Farfan, Kurt Johnny 27 January 2009 (has links)
L'objectiu d'aquesta recerca és avaluar si la bancarització pública, definida per l'evolució del programa de préstecs Multired del banc estatal del Perú, es constitueix como un factor rellevant per explicar la dinàmica del creixement econòmic regional en el període d'octubre de 2001 a juliol de 2006. Els resultats d'aquesta recerca es poden constituir com a inputs útils per a la formulació de les polítiques públiques en l'àmbit financer. La literatura identifica la bancarització amb el grau d'intermediació financera, variable que es mesura com la ràtio de col·locacions al sector privat respecte del PIB i que es reconeix com un factor rellevant per explicar el creixement econòmic a curt termini. Tanmateix, quant a la relació entre bancarització pública (la que desenvolupa la banca estatal) i creixement, els resultats que s'obtenen de les proves empíriques no són concloents, en el sentit que la relació no és estadísticament significativa o, en alguns casos, s'observa una associació negativa entre aquestes variables. Les últimes descobertes serien coherents amb la denominada visió política. Aquesta planteja que, en l'actuació estatal en la banca, predominen els interessos individuals dels polítics responsables de dirigir-la, a part del fet que aquesta banca es beneficia d'unes condicions ad hoc favorables que no té la banca privada. Alternativament, l'altra visió, denominada visió desenvolupista, justifica el rol estatal, pel fet que els mercats financers presenten una sèrie d'errors: informació asimètrica, poder de mercat, externalitats, etc. Per avaluar la relació entre bancarització pública i creixement econòmic a les regions, es plantegen dos models: un de macroeconòmic, que utilitza les variables agregades en una estructura de sèries de temps, i l'altre de regional, que utilitza una sèrie de variables regionals en una estructura de panel data. En el cas del model macroeconòmic, la variable dependent és l'índex de creixement del PBI real per càpita, mentre que les variables explicatives s'agrupen en la bancarització (pública i privada) i les variables de control com el PBI real per càpita ressagat, la bretxa de producte, la inversió, l'índex d'escolaritat, l'obertura comercial i el resultat fiscal primari. En el cas del model regional, la variable dependent (com a variable proxy del creixement regional) és l'índex de creixement de l'impost general sobre les vendes (IGV) i les variables explicatives són el valor ressagat de l'IGV, la bretxa de producte, la bancarització pública i privada, a més dels efectes no observables per cada regió i les variables dummies temporals. Els resultats obtinguts no rebaten la hipòtesi que planteja l'existència d'una associació positiva entre la bancarització pública i el creixement econòmic, si bé en el cas del model a escala regional aquesta associació presenta un cert retard. També es troba que aquesta associació és més gran quan es tracta de la bancarització privada, diferència que es justifica pel nombre més gran de col·locacions d'aquesta respecte a la banca estatal, com també pel fet que els models presentats no capturen l'efecte de la bancarització pública sobre l'ampliació dels subjectes de crèdit que hi són incorporats com a clients per la banca privada, no tan sols per mitjà de crèdits de consum, sinó també d'altres productes financers que aquestes institucions ofereixen, possibilitat restringida legalment per a la banca estatal al Perú. / El objetivo de esta investigación es evaluar si la Bancarización pública, definida por la evolución del programa de préstamos Multired del banco estatal del Perú, se constituye como un factor relevante para explicar la dinámica del crecimiento económico regional en el periodo Octubre 2001-Julio 2006. Los resultados de esta investigación se constituirían como insumos útiles para la formulación de políticas públicas en el ámbito financiero. La literatura identifica a la Bancarización como el grado de intermediación financiera, variable medida como el ratio colocaciones al sector privado respecto al PBI, reconociendo a ésta como un factor relevante para explicar el crecimiento económico en el corto plazo. Sin embargo, en cuanto a la relación entre Bancarización pública (aquella desarrollada por la banca estatal) y crecimiento, los resultados que arroja la evidencia empírica no son concluyentes en el sentido que, la relación no es estadísticamente significativa o en algunos casos se encuentra una asociación negativa entre estas variables. Estos últimos hallazgos, serían consistentes con la denominada Visión Política. Esta plantea que en la actuación estatal en banca, predominan los intereses individuales de los políticos a cargo de la dirección de esta, contando dicha banca además con condiciones ad hoc favorables que no detenta la banca privada. Alternativamente la otra visión, denominada Visión Desarrollista justifica el rol estatal, debido a que los mercados financieros presentan una serie de fallas: Información asimétrica, poder de mercado, externalidades etc. Para evaluar la relación entre Bancarización pública y crecimiento económico en las regiones, se plantean dos modelos: Uno a nivel macroeconómico que usa variables agregadas en una estructura de series de tiempo. El otro a nivel regional, usa una serie de variables regionales en una estructura de panel data. En el caso del modelo macroeconómico, la variable dependiente es la tasa de crecimiento del PBI real per cápita, mientras que las variables explicativas se agrupan en la bancarización (pública y privada) y variables de control como el PBI real per cápita rezagado, la brecha de producto, la inversión, la tasa de escolaridad, la apertura comercial y el resultado fiscal primario. En el caso del modelo a nivel regional, la variable dependiente (como variable Proxy del crecimiento regional) es la tasa de crecimiento del impuesto general a las ventas (IGV) teniendo como variables explicativas el valor rezagado del IGV, la brecha de producto, la bancarización pública y privada, además de los efectos no observables por cada región y variables dummies temporales. Los resultados encontrados, no rechazan la hipótesis que plantea la existencia de una asociación positiva entre bancarización pública con el crecimiento económico, aunque en el caso del modelo a nivel regional esta asociación presentaría un rezago. También se encuentra que esta asociación es mayor cuando se trata de la bancarización privada, justificándose esta diferencia por la escala mayor de colocaciones de esta respecto a la banca estatal como también por el hecho que los modelos presentados no capturan el efecto de la bancarización pública sobre la ampliación de los sujetos de crédito que resultan incorporados como clientes por la banca privada, no sólo a través de créditos de consumo sino de otros productos financieros ofertados por estas instituciones, posibilidad legalmente restringida para la banca estatal en el Perú. / The objective of this research is to assess whether the public bancarization which is defined by the evolution of the loan program "multired" of the National Bank of Peru is established as an important factor to explain the dynamics of regional economic growth in the period October 2001-July 2006. The results of this research would be built as an useful tools for the formulation of public policies in the financial field.The literature identifies the bancarization as the financial intermediation degree, variable measured as the ratio of credits to the private sector in relationship to the GDP, recognizing this as an important factor to explain the economic growth in the short term. Nevertheless regards the relationship between public bancarization (which is developed by the state bank) and growth, the found results of the empirical evidence are not conclusive because the relationship is not statistically significant or in some cases there is a negative association between this variables. These latest findings would be consistent with the overview called Policy Vision. This one raises that in state action in bank, there is a predominance of individual politicians interests who manage the state banks. In addition the state bank counts with ad hoc favorable conditions not held by private banks. Alternatively the other vision called Developer Vision justifies the state role because of the financial markets have a lot of mistakes: asymmetric information, market power, externalities, etc. In order to assess the relationship between public bancarization and economic growth in the regions, we use two models: One of them refers a Macroeconomic level which uses aggregate variables of the Peruvian economy in a time series structure. The other is a regional level, which uses series of regional variables in a structure of data panel. In the macroeconomic model, the dependent variable is the rate of growth of real GDP per capita, while the explanatory variables are grouped into the bancarization (public and private) and control variables as the real GDP per capita lagged, the gap of product, investment, rate of schooling, trade openness and the primary fiscal results. In the case of the regional model the dependent variable (as a proxy variable of regional growth) is the rate growth of general sales tax (GST), taking as the explanatory variables the lagged value of the GST, the gap of product, the public and private bancarization, also it includes the no observable effects for each region and temporary dummies variables.The results found do not reject the hypothesis which formulates the existence of a positive association between public bancarization with the economic growth, although in the case of the model at the regional level this association would present a lag. It also found that this association is bigger when it comes to the private bancarization justifying this difference by the scale of higher credits of this regard to the state bank as well as the fact that the models presented do not capture the effect of public bancarization on the extension of the credit subjects that are incorporated as private bank clients not only through consumer credits, but also of other financial products offered by these institutions which can be legally restricted for the state bank in Peru.

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