Spelling suggestions: "subject:"steels."" "subject:"steeels.""
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Desenvolvimento do SAE 1312 modificado ao nióbio para parafusos classe 8.8 conformados a frioBueno, Kareline Vaz January 2012 (has links)
A elevada competitividade no mundo global de hoje em dia traz à tona diversos desafios à indústria metal-mecânica. Os dois maiores pilares nesta busca pela excelência são os custos e a sustentabilidade, já que a qualidade do produto é competência intrínseca no século XXI. Os aços microligados ganham importância neste cenário, pois sua utilização, geralmente, permite a supressão ou ao menos redução de alguns processos produtivos, o que se traduz em diminuição de custos e, muitas vezes, redução nos aspectos e impactos ambientais. Neste trabalho, buscou-se desenvolver uma composição química e um processo produtivo adequado para parafusos da classe 8.8 que, utilizando-se dos diversos mecanismos de endurecimento dos aços, fosse capaz de eliminar etapas de tratamentos térmicos ao longo do processo. O trabalho contou com o vazamento de uma corrida de um aço microligado ao nióbio, sua posterior conformação mecânica através da laminação, onde vários parâmetros foram avaliados na busca das melhores propriedades mecânicas, o processo de trefilação e conformação a frio dos parafusos e, por fim, o único tratamento térmico da cadeia: o envelhecimento. No decorrer de todas as etapas o material esteve sob avaliação dos parâmetros de processo e de suas propriedades mecânicas, utilizando-se basicamente de ensaios de tração e micrografias. Como resultado do estudo, é afirmada a viabilidade de produção destes parafusos de uma maneira mais sustentável, em função da redução de etapas no projeto e, portanto de seus insumos, possibilitando que o mesmo produto tenha agora um maior retorno financeiro (pelo menor custo de produção), ou mesmo sua oferta facilitada ao mercado de fixadores. Isso pode ser concluído já que, mesmo sem o tratamento de têmpera e revenido, o material atendeu as especificações da ISO 898-1 com folga, apresentando limite de resistência de até 1000MPa, limite de escoamento de 870MPa, alongamento e redução de área de 16 e 60% respectivamente. / The highly competitive global world of today brings many challenges to the metalworking industry. The two major pillars of this quest for excellence are sustainability and costs, since the quality of the product is intrinsic competence in the XXI century. Microalloyed steels have great importance in this scenario, because their use usually allows, the elimination or at least reduction of some production processes, which translates into lower costs and environmental impact. The objective of this work was to develop a chemical composition and a production route suitable for the 8.8 strength class screws using different steel hardening mechanisms to enable the elimination of heat treatment steps in the production process. During this work a continuous casting niobium microalloyed steel was produced followed by subsequent mechanical forming by hot rolling, where several parameters were evaluated to find the best mechanical properties, the process of drawing and cold forming screws, and finally , the single heat treatment of the chain: the aging. During all stages the material was under evaluation of process parameters and mechanical properties, primarily using tensile tests and micrographs. As a result of the study, it affirmed the feasibility of producing these screws in a more sustainable, due to the reduction of steps in the project, and therefore of its inputs, allowing the same product has a higher economic return (at lower cost production), or even easier to market its offering of fasteners. This can be done since, even without the treatment of quenching and tempering, the material met the specifications of ISO 898-1 with clearance, with tensile strength of up to 1000MPa, yield strength of 870MPa, elongation and reduction of area of 16 and 60% respectively.
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Influência do metal de adição na resistência ao desgaste abrasivo de dois aços estruturaisGiarollo, Daniela Fátima January 2018 (has links)
O presente trabalho teve por objetivo realizar ensaios de desgaste abrasivo em juntas soldadas pelo processo MAG, em dois aços estruturais de alta resistência e baixa liga utilizados no transporte ferroviário de minério, os quais apresentavam diferentes propriedades mecânicas. No aço de menor resistência (Aço A) foram utilizados os metais de adição AWS ER70S-G (Aço A-70) e AWS ER80S-G (Aço A-80), enquanto no aço de maior resistência (Aço B) os metais de adição AWS ER80S-G (Aço B-80) e AWS ER110S-G (Aço B-110). Os conjuntos soldados foram caracterizados quanto às suas microestruturas, dureza e resistência ao desgaste abrasivo em ensaios de degaste roda de borracha e ensaios de desgaste por deslizamento a seco e com adição de um meio corrosivo (NaCl 0,05M, água arti cial ). Os resultados obtidos a partir dos ensaios de desgaste roda de borracha mostraram que para o Aço A a junta soldada do Aço A-70 apresentou melhor resistência ao desgaste, enquanto para o Aço B a maior resistência ao desgaste foi obtida na junta soldada Aço B-110. Dos resultados dos ensaios de desgaste por deslizamento a seco, as zona afetada pelo calor de grãos grosseiros (ZAC-GG) foram as regiões que apresentaram a maior resistência ao desgaste. Das condições soldadas no Aço A, o metal base (MB) apresentou a menor resistência ao desgaste, entre os metais de solda (MS), o MS do Aço A-80 apresentou a maior resistência ao desgaste. No Aço B, o MS do Aço B-80 apresentou a menor resistência ao desgaste, e o MS do Aço B-110 apresentou a resistência ao desgaste similar ao MB. Foi observado um maior desgaste para as amostras que foram submetidas ao ensaio de desgaste por deslizamento com solução, comparativamente às amostras submetidas aos ensaios a seco, o que, de acordo com a literatura, está associado ao efeito sinérgico entre corrosão e desgaste. / The present work had the objective perform abrasive wear tests on GMA welded joints in two high strength low alloy structural steels used in rail transport of ore, which presented di erent mechanical properties. The AWS ER70S-G and AWS ER80S-G wires were used in the lower strength steel (Steel A), whereas the AWS ER80S-G and AWS ER110S-G wires were used in the higher strength steel (Steel B). The welded joints were characterized in terms of their microstructures, hardness and abrasive wear resistance in dry sand/rubber wheel tests and sliding wear tests dry and with a corrosive medium (0.05M NaCl, arti cial water ). The results obtained from the dry sand/rubber wheel tests showed that for Steel A the welded joint with the wire AWS ER70S-G showed better wear resistance, while for Steel B the highest wear resistance was obtained with the AWS ER110S-G wire. From the results of dry sliding wear tests, the coarse grained heat a ected zone were the regions that presented the highest wear resistance. In Steel A, the base metal (BM) showed the least resistance, and between the weld metals (WM), the WM Steel A-80 showed the highest wear resistance. In Steel B, WM Steels B-80 showed the least wear resistance, while the WM Steels B-110 showed the wear resistance similar to BM. It was observed a higher wear for the samples that were submitted to the sliding wear test with solution, compared to the samples submitted to the dry wear test, which, according to the literature, is associated with the synergic e ect between corrosion and wear.
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Expansão de furos em chapas de aço avançado de alta resistência (DOCOL 190M)Thesing, Leandro Antônio January 2018 (has links)
Os Aços Avançados de Alta Resistência ou AHSS (do inglês Advanced High Strength Steels) apresentam muitas vantagens mecânicas em relação aos aços convencionais. Seu uso crescente na indústria automotiva deve-se principalmente à sua capacidade de possibilitar a redução de peso e, ao mesmo tempo, o aumento da segurança aos ocupantes do veículo em caso de colisões. No entanto, apresentam maiores dificuldades no que se refere à conformabilidade (maiores níveis de solicitação e desgaste das ferramentas, menor deformabilidade plástica, etc). Assim, alguns testes para avaliar a conformabilidade destes materiais ganham maior importância. É o caso do Teste de Expansão de Furos, cuja propriedade medida é a Razão de Expansão de Furos (REF). Neste trabalho investiga-se o processo de expansão de furos para o aço avançado de alta resistência (AHSS) martensítico DOCOL 190M, sob as seguintes condições de processo: duas formas de obtenção do furo (jato d’água e usinagem); duas geometrias distintas de punções (cônico de 60º e elíptico); diversos diâmetros do furo inicial; com e sem o uso de lubrificante; com acabamento diferenciado da borda do furo; e expansão com deslocamento do punção em etapas. Os experimentos demonstram que a expansão de furos possui uma estreita relação com a geometria do punção utilizado para a expansão, bem como com o diâmetro do furo inicial, acabamento da borda e condições de lubrificação. A partir dos resultados experimentais de expansão de furos foi possível realizar a calibração de um software de simulação computacional em relação ao dano crítico do material no momento da fatura na borda do furo. / Advanced High Strength Steels (AHSS) offer many mechanical advantages over conventional steels. Its increasing use in the automotive industry is mainly due to its ability to reduce weight and, at the same time, increase occupant safety in the event of collisions. However, they present greater difficulties with respect to the formability (higher levels of solicitation and wear of the tools, lower plastic formability, etc). Thus, some tests to evaluate the formability of these materials come to have greater importance. This is the case of the Hole Expansion Test, whose measured property is the Hole Expansion Ratio (REF). This work investigates the hole expansion process for a martensitic advanced high-strength steel (AHSS), DOCOL 190M, under the following process conditions: two ways of obtaining the hole (water jet and machining); two different geometries of punctures (conical of 60º and elliptical); various diameters of the initial hole; with and without the use of lubricant; with differentiated finishing of the hole edge; and expansion with punch displacement in steps. The experiments demonstrate that the hole expansion has a close relationship with the geometry of the punch used for the expansion, as well as the initial hole diameter, edge finish and lubrication conditions. From the experimental hole expansion results it was possible to carry out the calibration of a computational simulation software in relation to the critical damage of the material at the moment of hole edge rupture.
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O efeito do tratamento térmico de têmpera e revenido na tenacidade à fratura de aços com adição de níquel para aplicações em baixas temperaturasFélix, Lorenzo Marzari January 2015 (has links)
Uma das regiões produtoras de petróleo offshore que representa um papel importante na vanguarda dos desafios de extração em altas profundidades é a província do Pré-Sal, situada na costa brasileira, composta por grandes acumulações de óleo leve de excelente qualidade. O óleo proveniente dos poços do Pré-Sal brasileiro contém CO2 dissolvido, e após as separações de óleo e gases liberar o CO2 na atmosfera não condiz com as tentativas da indústria mundial em reduzir a emissão de gases do efeito estufa. Uma alternativa econômica e ecologicamente viável é a injeção do dióxido de carbono nos reservatórios para aumentar o fator de recuperação de óleo e, ao mesmo tempo, garantir a captura e armazenamento geológico deste gás. Caso haja uma descompressão repentina devido a uma falha nas linhas de transporte do CO2, uma abrupta redução de temperatura é observada nas paredes do vaso próximas ao vazamento. Uma vez que diretrizes de projeto indicam a utilização de materiais com boa tenacidade em baixas temperaturas, a utilização de aços ligados ao níquel se faz uma boa alternativa no transporte de CO2. O presente estudo visa avaliar a influência do tratamento térmico de têmpera e revenido na tenacidade à fratura de aços ligados ao níquel, conhecidos como 5,5Ni e 9Ni, em temperatura ambiente e também a -100 °C, bem como avaliar a ação do hidrogênio nestes aços quando em baixa temperatura. Foram utilizados corpos de prova do tipo SE(B) da mecânica da fratura sem e com tratamento térmico. Foi possível observar que os tratamentos térmicos de têmpera e revenido foram muito eficientes para manter a tenacidade original do aço 5,5Ni na temperatura de -100 °C. De fato, na condição de bruto de laminação, os valores de CTOD para esse aço nessa temperatura foram muito inferiores daqueles encontrados na temperatura ambiente, indicando que esse material experimenta uma transição muito importante do comportamento em fratura em baixas temperaturas. Já o aço 9Ni sem tratamentos térmicos apresentou valores praticamente constantes de CTOD nas condições de ensaio, com um leve aumento nos valores médios após a têmpera e revenido, principalmente em baixa temperatura. Não foi verificada grande influência do carregamento de hidrogênio nos resultados da tenacidade à fratura dos aços 5,5Ni e 9Ni na temperatura de -100 °C, uma vez que os valores de CTOD nestas condições apresentaram uma leve redução em relação aos valores para os aços sem hidrogenação e ensaiados na temperatura de -100 °C. / One of the regions offshore where the oil production performs an important role in the forefront of the challenges in deep-water extractions is the Pre-salt region, located in Brazilian coast, containing big concentrations of light oil with an excellent quality. The oil from Brazilian Pre-salt oilfields contains dissolved CO2, and after the oil and gases separation, simply release the CO2 in the atmosphere does not match the efforts of the global industries to reduce the greenhouse gases emissions. A viable economic and ecological alternative is the carbon dioxide injection into the reservoirs to enhance the oil recovery factor, meanwhile ensuring geological capture and storage of that gas. In case of a suddenly depressurization in the CO2 pipelines, a temperature drop is observed in the walls near the leakage. Since project guidelines indicates the use of materials with good low temperature toughness, the use of nickel alloyed steels are a good alternative for the CO2 transportation. This work aims to evaluate the influence of the heat treatment on fracture toughness of nickel alloyed steels, nominated 5.5Ni and 9Ni, at room temperature and also at -100 °C, as well as evaluating the hydrogen effect on fracture toughness of these steels in low temperature. SE(B) fracture mechanic samples were evaluated with and without quench and temper heat treatments. It was possible to observe that the quench and temper heat treatments were so much efficient to maintain the original toughness of 5.5Ni steel at temperature of -100 °C. Indeed, in as rolled condition, CTOD values for this steel at that temperature were much lower than those found at room temperature, indicating that this material faces a very important transition in fracture behavior at low temperatures. 9Ni steel without heat treatments showed CTOD values practically constants for the tests conditions, barely increasing the medium CTOD values after the quench and temper, mainly at low temperature. A major influence of hydrogen charging on fracture toughness of 5.5Ni and 9Ni steel at -100 °C temperature was not observed, since the CTOD values on these conditions showed a slightly reduction when related to values calculated for steels with no hydrogen charging and tested in temperature of -100 °C.
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Corrosão dos aços UNS S30400 e 31600 em meios simuladores de poros de concreto / Corrosion of UNS S30400 and S31600 steels in concrete pore simulating mediaMarcos Paulo Moura de Carvalho 30 August 2011 (has links)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / Com o objetivo de investigar a influência que o molibdênio exerce nas propriedades
das camadas passivas das armaduras de aços austeníticos, barras redondas dos aços UNS
S30400 e 31600 foram submetidas à ação de soluções que simulam as que são encontradas
nos poros de concreto. Para caracterizar o efeito do molibdênio na resistência daqueles aços à
corrosão por pites, foram conduzidos ensaios de circuito aberto, polarização anódica,
espectroscopia de impedância eletroquímica, análise de Mott-Schottky, tração em baixa taxa
de deformação e análise das superfícies por microscopias óptica e eletrônica de varredura. Os
resultados obtidos demonstram que, de uma forma geral, o aço UNS S30400 (sem
molibdênio) apresentou maior resistência à corrosão localizada que o UNS S31600 (2% de
Mo) nas soluções alcalinas cloretadas naturalmente aeradas, comportamento este inverso ao
que se observa nos mesmos materiais quando submetidos a soluções cloretadas neutras ou
ácidas. / Aiming to investigate the influence that molybdenum has on properties of passive layers
of austenitic steels, round bars of UNS S30400 and S31600 steels were subjected to the action
of solutions that simulate those found in the concrete pores. To characterize the effect of
molybdenum on the resistance of those steels to pitting corrosion, tests were conducted in
open circuit, anodic polarization curves, electrochemical impedance spectroscopy, Mott-
Schottky analysis, slow strain rate test and surface analysis by optical microscopy and
scanning electron microscopy. The obtained results showed that, grosso modo, the stainless
steel UNS S30400 (Mo free) has higher corrosion resistance than UNS S31600 (2% Mo) in
naturally aerated alkaline solutions containing chloride ions, which characterizes an inverse
behaviour in relation to the same materiais in neutral or acidic solutions.
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Effects of nickel and manganese on the embrittlement of low-copper pressure vessel steelsZelenty, Jennifer Evelyn January 2016 (has links)
Solute clustering is known to play a significant role in the embrittlement of reactor pressure vessel (RPV) steels. When precipitates form they impede the movement of dislocations, causing an increase in hardness and a shift in the ductile-brittle transition temperature. Over time this can cause the steel to become brittle and more susceptible to fracture. Thus, understanding precipitate formation is of great importance to the nuclear industry. The first part of this thesis aims to isolate and better understand the thermal aging component of embrittlement in low copper, model RPV steels. Currently, relatively little is known about the effects of Ni and Mn in a low copper environment. Therefore, it is of interest to determine if Ni and Mn form precipitates under these conditions. To this end, hardness measurements and atom probe tomography were utilized to link the mechanical properties to the microstructure. After 11,690 hours of thermal aging a statistically significant decrease in hardening was observed. Consistent with hardness measurements, no precipitates were present within the matrix of the thermally aged RPV steels. The local chemistry method was then applied to investigate the very early stages of solute clustering. Association was found to be statistically significant in both the thermally aged and as-received model RPV steels. Therefore, no apparent trends regarding the changes in solute association between the as-received and thermally aged RPV steels were identified. Small, non-random clusters were observed at heterogeneous nucleation sites, such as carbide/matrix interfaces and grain boundaries, within the thermally aged material. The clusters found at the carbide/matrix interfaces were all rich in Mn and approximately 90-150 atoms in size. The clusters located along the observed low-angle grain boundary, however, were significantly larger (on the order of hundreds of atoms) and rich in Ni. Lastly, copper-rich precipitates (CRPs) and Mn- and Ni-rich precipitates (MNPs) were observed within the cementite phase of a high copper and low copper RPV steel, respectively, following long term thermal aging. APT was used to characterize these precipitates and obtain more detailed chemical information. The presence of such precipitates indicates that a range of precipitation can take place within the cementite phase of thermally aged RPV steels. The second part of this thesis aims to investigate the effects of ion irradiation on the microstructure of low copper RPV steels via APT. These steels were ion irradiated with 6.4 MeV Fe<sup>3+</sup> ions with a dose rate of 1.5 x 10<sup>-4</sup> dpa/s at 290°C. MNPs were observed in all five of the RPV steels analyzed. These precipitates were found to have nucleated within the matrix as well as at dislocations and grain boundaries. Using the maximum separation method these MNPs were extracted and characterized. Precipitate composition, size, volume fraction, and number density were determined for each of the five samples. Lastly, several grain boundaries were characterized. Several emerging trends were observed within the samples: Ni content within the precipitates did not vary significantly once a threshold between 30-50% was reached; bulk Mn content appeared to dictate Si and Mn content within the precipitates; and samples low in bulk Ni content were characterized by a higher number density of smaller precipitates. Additionally, by regressing precipitate volume fraction against the interaction of Ni and Mn, a linear relationship was found to be statistically significant.
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Comportement des aciers inoxydables ferritiques stabilisés lors des étapes de recuit et décapage / Behaviour of stabilised ferritic stainless steels during the annealing and the pickling stage - Influence of the stabilizer elements (Nb, Ti)Issartel, Jérôme 10 February 2012 (has links)
Lors de l’élaboration des aciers plats inoxydables, un recuit haute température de courte durée (60 s environ), sous atmosphère oxydante (O2/H2O/CO2/N2) est mis en place après laminage à froid. Ce recuit entraîne la formation d’une couche d’oxyde de faible épaisseur qui est éliminée par un décapage. Ces étapes de recuit et décapage peuvent entraîner une perte de qualité du produit fini, se traduisant par une perte de brillance. L’acier bistabilisé Ti, Nb (AISI 441) est sensible à la dégradation de surface. L’objectif de la thèse est d’identifier les phénomènes à l’origine de la perte de brillance. Les travaux menés consistent à étudier les couches d’oxyde et le comportement de l’acier lors du décapage. Une morphologie originale de l’interface interne avec la présence de protrusions métalliques a été observée. L’étude des protrusions par la microscopie électronique à balayage couplée à une sonde ionique focalisée : MEB-FEG/FIB, a permis de proposer un mécanisme décrivant leur formation. Ce mécanisme s’appuie sur la précipitation de la silice qui semble également être un élément clé pour comprendre la dégradation de surface. Un lien entre perte de brillance et teneur en chrome dans le substrat a été établi. La déchromisation de l’acier liée au recuit est susceptible d’être facilitée par les protrusions. / During the industrial processing line of stainless steel flat products, a short annealing (60 s) at high temperature in a gas furnace-oxidizing atmosphere (O2/H2O/CO2/N2) takes place after cold rolling. This annealing leads to the formation of a thin oxide film which is then removed by a pickling step at the end of the process. The annealing and pickling stages may cause a loss of gloss, resulting in a loss of product quality. The steel bistabilizied Ti, Nb (AISI 441) is sensitive to this surface degradation. The aim of this thesis is to identify the phenomena leading to the loss of gloss. Our work consists in studying the oxide layers and the behavior of steel during pickling. A peculiar morphology of the internal interface with the presence of metallic protrusions was observed. The protrusions investigation using a scanning electron microscopy coupled with a focused ion beam: MEB-FEG/FIB, allowed us to propose a mechanism of their formation. This mechanism is based on the precipitation of silica which also appears to be a key point to understand the surface degradation. A link between the loss of gloss and the chromium content in the substrate was established and the chromium depletion related to the annealing is likely to be facilitated by protrusions.
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Recrystallization, abnormal grain growth and ultrafine microstructure of ODS ferritic steels / Recristallisation, croissance anormale de grains et microstructure ultra-fine des aciers ODSSallez, Nicolas 19 December 2014 (has links)
Les alliages ODS (Oxides Dispersion Strengthened), sont principalement étudiés pour leur capacité à répondre favorablement au cahier des charges de la fonction de gainage combustible pour les réacteurs nucléaire de type RNR-Na (Réacteur à Neutrons Rapides à caloporteur sodium). Elaborés par métallurgie des poudres, mécanosynthèse puis extrusion, ils affichent des propriétés mécaniques, et notamment en fluage, extrêmement intéressantes. Néanmoins, la voie élaboration utilisée induit une forte anisotropie microstructurale. Cette anisotropie se retrouve au niveau de leurs propriétés mécaniques et conduit à une fragilité dans le sens de sollicitation transverse. Le but de cette thèse est d'étudier l'évolution microstructurale de ces matériaux. Les aciers ODS présentent des microstructures ultra fines en termes de grains, de précipités, et de formation d'amas qui conduisent à de grandes difficultés pour en obtenir la recristallisation. De plus, les microstructures obtenues présentent souvent une recristallisation avec croissance anormale. De telles évolutions demandent des investigations à très fine échelle et ont été relativement peu examinées dans le domaine des alliages ODS. Il faut en effet être capable d'une étude structurale la plus quantitative possible de la microstructure des nanograins, ainsi que de la précipitation afin d'étudier les mécanismes d'interaction précipitation / joints de grain. Ceci n'est possible que par un couplage de différentes méthodes : la microscopie électronique en transmission (en particulier avec l'utilisation des outils récemment développés pour l'étude de la nanotexturation, i.e. ACOM-TEM); la diffusion centrale des neutrons ou des rayons X; et enfin la sonde atomique tomographique, à la fois pour apporter les informations sur la morphologie et la chimie des amas et nanoprécipités mais surtout sur la composition chimique aux joints de grains. A partir de l'identification des mécanismes contrôlant la croissance anormale, une modélisation permettant de prédire son apparition dans la microstructure est confrontée à cette caractérisation microstructurale poussée. Cette modélisation prête une attention particulière à la migration des joints de grains couplée à la diffusion et effets d'ancrage préférentiel des joints triples par les précipités ainsi qu'à l'énergie motrice stockée sous forme de densité de dislocation. / Oxide Dispersion Steels (ODS) alloys are mainly studied for their ability to fulfil the technical specifications required for Sodium Fast Reactor (SFR) fuel cladding application. Their processing involves powder metallurgy, mechanical alloying and extrusion. Therefore, despite their interesting mechanical creep properties, the extrusion processing involves a high microstructural anisotropy. These particular feature leads to poor mechanical properties in the transverse direction which are worsen by the occurrence of abnormal grain growth. Unfortunately, since internal pressure increases in the tube with the accumulation of gas fission products, the major stress component is precisely applied in the transverse direction. As a result, the material faces a critical risk of failure and control of the microstructure is a key issue. The aim of this thesis is to study the microstructural evolution of ODS ferritic steels. ODS ferritic steels show ultrafine microstructures in terms both grains and precipitates which made the recrystallization very difficult and allow for abnormal grain growth. To observe such evolutions, fine scale microstructure characterization are necessary. This is only possible by coupling different characterization methods: transmission electronic microscopy (in particular with the new developed tools for nanotexturation studies, i.e. ACOM-TEM); neutron and X-ray small angle scattering; and atomic probe tomography. Based on the mechanisms that lead to and control the abnormal grain growth, a model to predict the occurrence of abnormal grain growth is confronted to the experimental results. This model that takes a particular attention to the dislocation stored energy effect to adequately reproduce the observed characterization results.
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Análise de juntas soldadas de aço API 5L X-70 com laser Nd : YAG pulsado /Sanitá, Willian Roberto Valicelli January 2017 (has links)
Orientador: Vicente Afonso Ventrella / Resumo: We carried out a study of laser welding provided "bead on plate" in micro-alloyed steel ARBL API 5L Gr. X70 in the form of plates with 1,0 x 20 x 120 mm (H x W x D). 12 welds was performed in argonic gas flow of 15 l/min, beam diameter 0,2 mm, angle of 90°, repetition rate of 9, 8, 7, 6 and 5 Hz, welding speed of 1 mm/s, gas depths focus equal to 0,57 mm below the surface of the workpiece and the pulse energy (Ep) set at 10,0 J. The time width (Lt) set at 10 ms. The heat input was varied at 90, 80, 70, 60 and 50 J/mm. The results were analyzed based on the relationship between power, weld bead geometry, corrosion, Vickers hardness, chemical analysis and microstructure. For structure revelation of the weld metals used both Nital 5%. Measures of geometry (width and depth) of the weld beads were made using images taken by digital camera on an ordinary optical microscope. Microscopy tests were carried out using a scanning electron microscope in a backscattered detector (BSD), in order to verify with greater clarity the microstructures of the samples. For verification of mechanical strength was tensile test on samples and base metal without notch insertion. For verification of hardness were analyzed four parameters being three horizontal lines and a vertical line in the center of the weld bead. To verify the corrosion, a potentiostat test was conducted for potentiodynamic polarization test where the polarization curves were analyzed. The greatest values of depth width were found i... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo) / Mestre
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Estudo da transformação da austenita retida induzida por deformação, de um aço AISI4340 com estrutura multifásica /Silva, Aluísio Pinto da. January 2006 (has links)
Orientador: Tomaz Manabu Hashimoto / Banca: Marcelo dos Santos Pereira / Banca: Antonio Jorge Abdalla / Banca: Pedro Paulo de Campos / Banca: José Rubens de Camargo / Resumo: Este trabalho analisa a transformação da austenita retida induzida por deformação, em um aço AISI 4340 com estruturas multifásicas. O aço foi submetido a duas rotas de tratamentos isotérmicos selecionadas e foi analisado quanto à fração volumétrica das fases e características mecânicas através da valiação dos limites de escoamento. Os corpos de prova foram submetidos a três diferentes níveis de tensões de tração, acima do limite de escoamento, para que se produzissem deformações plásticas determinadas. A influência destas deformações, na microestrutura e nos novos limites de escoamento, foram avaliadas. Mostrando variações significativas nas frações volumétricas das fases, com diminuição das quantidades de austenita, indicando uma transformação, por efeito TRIP (Transformation Induced Plasticity), em martensita o que provocou um aumento nos valores dos limites de escoamento e envelhecimento por deformação. / Abstract: The Transformation induced plasticity of austenite on the multiphase microstructure in a AISI 4340 steel was studied. Two sequences of isothermal treatments were performed. The volume fractions of the phases were analyzed and evaluation of mechanical characteristics through the yield point measurements. The samples were submitted at three different levels of traction above of the yield strength, so that definitive plastic deformations were produced. The influence of these deformations in the microstructure and in the new yield strength was evaluated. Significant variations were showed in the phase volume fraction, with reduction of the amounts of austenite indicating a martensitic transformation, by effect TRIP (Transformation Induced Plasticity) which results increases in the values of the yield strength and deformation ageing. / Doutor
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