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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Bioleaching of low-grade nickel sulphide ore at elevated pH

Cameron, Rory January 2011 (has links)
This thesis examines the bioleaching of six different Canadian nickel sulphide ores at pH levels above what is generally considered optimum (~ 2). The majority of work discussed in this thesis was conducted with a low-grade metamorphosed ultramafic nickel sulphide ore from Manitoba, Canada (Ore 3), which is not currently exploitable with conventional technologies. The ore contains 21% magnesium and 0.3% nickel. Nickel is the only significant metal value, and is present primarily as pentlandite. A substantial fraction of the magnesium is present as the serpentine mineral lizardite, making processing difficult with conventional pyro- and biohydrometallurgical techniques. The work with this ore has two equally important objectives: to minimize magnesium mobilization and to obtain an acceptable level of nickel extraction. Batch stirred-tank bioleaching experiments were conducted with finely ground ore ( 147 µm) with temperature and pH control. The first phase of experimentation examined the effect of pH (2 to 6) at 30 °C, and the second phase examined all combinations of three pH levels (3, 4 and 5) and five temperatures (5, 15, 22.5, 30, and 45 °C).

Polymerisation of vinyl monomers in continuous-flow reactors. An experimental study, which includes digital computer modelling, of the homopolymerisation of styrene and methylmethacrylate by anionic and free radical mechanisms respectively in continuous flow-stirred-tank reactors.

Bourikas, N. January 1976 (has links)
An introduction is given to the background theory and scientific literature of the major subject areas of interest in this thesis, namely the chemistry of free radical and anionic polymerisation, molecular weight control in each type of polymerisation, polymerisation reactors, computer simulation of polymerisation processes and polymer characterisation by gel permeation chromatography. A novel computer model has been devised, based on the analysis of the polymerisation process in terms of the reaction extent of each reactant and the use of generation functions to describe the concentration of living and dead polymeric species, for the free radical, solution polymerisation of methylmethacrylate in a CSTR. Both heat and mass balance expressions have been described. Conversion, Mn and Mw were monitored. To test the model a reactor was designed and constructed. A detailed description of the reactor and the experimental conditions used for the validation of the model are given. The results of these studies are presented and excellent agreement is shown between model predictions and experiments up to 30% conversion for Mn w and % conversion. A similar study is described for the anionic polymerisation of styrene in tetrahydrofuran as solvent, in a CSTR. In this work the computer model becomes 'stiff' when realistic rate constants are introduced in the kinetic expressions. Experimental difficulties were encountered in obtaining reproducible results in the anionic work. A new approach of using 'scavengers' as protecting agents for the living chains is described. A scavenger was successfully employed in the preparation of block copolymers using a tubular reactor. Block copolymerisation, in addition to providing a means of checking the number of the 'living' chains inside the reactor, is of interest in its own right. All the experimental findings are discussed in relation to the currently accepted views found in the scientific literature.

Predictive Stochastic Feedforward-Feedback Control of a Heat Exchanger-Stirred Tank System

Goford, P. 10 1900 (has links)
An optimal stochastic feedforward-feedback control scheme is implemented on a heat exchanger-stirred tank system using an on-line minicomputer. Because variations in the measured disturbance variable have an effect on the output controlled variable before compensating action can become effective, the feedforward action must be predictive in nature. Statistical time series models are used to model both the measured disturbance and the unobserved disturbances in the system. These stochastic disturbance models and the transfer function models for the process are identified, fitted and checked using statistical model building procedures on a set of data collected on-line using the minicomputer. The predictive feedforward-feedback controller is derived from these models. The performance of the control scheme is compared with that of a pure feedback control scheme and the actual performances are shown to conform well to the theory. / Thesis / Master of Engineering (ME)

Modelling of shear sensitive cells in stirred tank reactor using computational fluid dynamics

Singh, Harminder January 2011 (has links)
Animal cells are often cultured in stirred tank reactors. Having no cell wall, these animal cells are very sensitive to the fluid mechanical stresses that result from agitation by the impeller and from the rising and bursting of bubbles, which are generated within the culture medium in the stirred tank to supply oxygen by mass transfer to the cells. If excessive, these fluid mechanical stresses can result in damage/death of animal cells. Stress due to the rising and bursting of bubbles can be avoided by using a gas-permeable membrane, in the form of a long coiled tube (with air passing through it) within the stirred tank, instead of air-bubbles to oxygenate the culture medium. Fluid mechanical stress due to impeller agitation can be controlled using appropriate impeller rotational speeds. The aim of this study was to lay the foundations for future work in which a correlation would be developed between cell damage/death and the fluid mechanical stresses that result from impeller agitation and bubbling. Such a correlation could be used to design stirred-tank reactors at any scale and to determine appropriate operating conditions that minimise cell damage/death due to fluid mechanical stresses. Firstly, a validated CFD model of a baffled tank stirred with a Rushton turbine was developed to allow fluid mechanical stresses due to impeller agitation to be estimated. In these simulations, special attention was paid to the turbulence energy dissipation rate, which has been closely linked to cell damage/death in the literature. Different turbulence models, including the k-ε, SST, SSG-RSM and the SAS-SST models, were investigated. All the turbulence models tested predicted the mean axial and tangential velocities reasonably well, but under-predicted the decay of mean radial velocity away from the impeller. The k-ε model predicted poorly the generation and dissipation of turbulence in the vicinity of the impeller. This contrasts with the SST model, which properly predicted the appearance of maxima in the turbulence kinetic energy and turbulence energy dissipation rate just off the impeller blades. Curvature correction improved the SST model by allowing a more accurate prediction of the magnitude and location of these maxima. However, neither the k-ε nor the SST models were able to properly capture the chaotic and three-dimensional nature of the trailing vortices that form downstream of the blades of the impeller. In this sense, the SAS-SST model produced more physical predictions. However,this model has some drawbacks for modelling stirred tanks, such as the large number of modelled revolutions required to obtain good statistical averaging for calculating turbulence quantities. Taking into consideration both accuracy and solution time, the SSG-RSM model was the least satisfactory model tested for predicting turbulent flow in a baffled stirred tank with a Rushton turbine. In the second part of the work, experiments to determine suitable oxygen transfer rates for culturing cells were carried out in a stirred tank oxygenated using either a sparger to bubble air through the culture medium or a gas-permeable membrane. Results showed that the oxygen transfer rates for both methods of oxygenation were always above the minimum oxygen requirements for culturing animal cells commonly produced in industry, although the oxygen transfer rate for air-bubbling was at-least 10 times higher compared with using a gas-permeable membrane. These results pave the way for future experiments, in which animal cells would be cultured in the stirred tank using bubbling and (separately) a gas-permeable membrane for oxygenation so that the effect of rising and bursting bubbles on cell damage/death rates can be quantified. The effect of impeller agitation on cell damage/death would be quantified by using the gas permeable membrane for oxygenation (to remove the detrimental effects of bubbling), and changing the impeller speed to observe the effect of agitation intensity. In the third and final part of this work, the turbulent flow in the stirred tank used in the oxygenation experiments was simulated using CFD. The SST turbulence model with curvature correction was used in these simulations, since it was found to be the most accurate model for predicting turbulence energy dissipation rate in a stirred tank. The predicted local maximum turbulence energy dissipation rate of 8.9x10¹ m2/s3 at a rotational speed of 900 rpm was found to be substantially less than the value of 1.98x10⁵ m2/s3 quoted in the literature as a critical value above which cell damage/death becomes significant. However, the critical value for the turbulence energy dissipation rate quoted in the literature was determined in a single-pass flow device, whereas animal cells in a stirred tank experience frequent exposure to high turbulence energy dissipation rates (in the vicinity of the impeller) due to circulation within the stirred tank and long culture times. Future cell-culturing experiments carried out in the stirred tank of this work would aim to determine a more appropriate critical value for the turbulence energy dissipation rate in a stirred tank, above which cell damage/death becomes a problem.

Entwicklung eines teilkontinuierlichen Thermolyseverfahrens zum rohstofflichen Recycling von polyolefinischen Kunststoffabfällen in einer Rührkesselkaskade

Herklotz, Anne Maria 24 November 2016 (has links) (PDF)
In der vorliegenden Arbeit wird die Konzeptionierung und die Realisierung eines teilkontinuierlichen Thermolyseverfahrens zur rohstofflichen Verwertung von Polyethylen- und Polypropylenabfällen beschrieben. Die Ausführung in der zweistufigen Rührkesselkaskade gewährleistete dabei die Trennung der Prozessschritte Schmelzen sowie Cracken der Einsatzmaterialien, woraus ein Thermolyseöl hervorging, welches weitestgehend frei von den Verunreinigungen aus den Abfällen war. Das Thermolyseöl wies eine Zusammensetzung aus Benzin- und Dieselkomponenten auf und erfüllte einige entscheidende Kraftstoffkriterien. Zur Senkung der qualitätsmindernden Olefingehalte wurden in einem weiteren Teil dieser Arbeit Untersuchungen zur heterogen-katalysierten Hydrierung der Siedeschnitte im Schüttgutreaktor und im Rührautoklav durchgeführt. Dabei konnten die Olefingehalte durch den Einsatz eines Palladium-Platin-Trägerkatalysators sowie durch einen Nickel-Gerüstkatalysator maßgeblich gesenkt werden. Als unerwünschtes Nebenprodukt des Thermolyseprozesses resultierte ein geringer Anteil Koks, welcher in der Schmelze akkumulierte und sich teilweise an der Reaktorwand ablagerte. Die entstandenen Mengen wiesen eine Abhängigkeit von der Prozesstemperatur und -dauer auf und mussten aus dem Prozess geschleust werden. Als weitere Nebenprodukte traten ein leichtflüchtiges Spaltgas sowie ein Sumpfrückstand auf. Darüber hinaus wurde gezeigt, dass die aufzuwendende Energie für den Thermolyseprozess durch die Energiegehalte der Nebenprodukte gedeckt werden kann. Neben dem Einsatz als Kraftstoff empfahl sich das Thermolyseöl aufgrund seiner physikalischen und chemischen Eigenschaften gerade im Hinblick auf einen nachhaltigen Umgang mit Ressourcen als beachtenswerter Ersatz für fossiles Rohöl.

Remoção de contaminantes nitrogenados e sulfurados de cargas modelo de óeo diesel: estudo do adsorvente / Nitrogen and sulfur compounds removal from diesel model solutions: adsorbent evaluation

Paulo Ferreira da Silva Junior 30 January 2007 (has links)
A preocupação com o meio ambiente deve fazer parte da rotina de uma indústria de petróleo e derivados. A presença de compostos heterocíclicos em correntes de diesel motiva a sua remoção, pois além do aspecto ambiental, esses compostos podem interferir no desempenho de processos de hidrotratamento (HDT). A adsorção é uma das opções para minimizar esse problema. Nesse contexto, o objetivo deste trabalho foi estudar o adsorvente comercial mais adequado através de um estudo cinético realizado em tanque agitado e suportado por alguns ensaios de equilíbrio. Foi dada ênfase preferencial à remoção de compostos nitrogenados, sendo avaliada a remoção de compostos sulfurados nos adsorventes mais promissores. Foram selecionados, como adsorventes comerciais, as argilas bentoníticas TCO 626G (Süd-Chemie) e F-24 (Engelhard), a -alumina CCI (Süd-Chemie), a sílica-alumina SIRAL 40 (Sasol) e a zeólita Y ultraestável USY (cedida pelo CENPES-Petrobras). Na composição do óleo diesel modelo encontra-se quinolina, carbazol e benzotiofeno, com n-hexadecano como diluente. A caracterização destes adsorventes incluiu análise química por fluorescência de raios X, análise estrutural por difração de raios X, análise textural por fisissorção de N2, análises de acidez por termodessorção de amônia (TPD de NH3) e por espectroscopia no infravermelho de piridina adsorvida. Os estudos cinéticos mostraram que a quinolina é adsorvida rapidamente, principalmente na zeolita USY, que apresentou a maior capacidade adsortiva. Observou-se que a ordem decrescente de melhor adsorvente seguiu a mesma ordem da quantidade de sítios ácidos encontrada por TPD-NH3. Nos estudos cinéticos com carbazol, a zeólita USY também foi o melhor adsorvente. Não houve acordo com relação a acidez, o que se esperava uma vez que se trata de um composto nitrogenado não básico. A presença de carbazol e quinolina na mesma solução, não alterou o desempenho da cinética de remoção de ambos, indicando que provavelmente não estão competindo pelos mesmos sítios de adsorção. Quando foi introduzido um composto sulfurado no sistema, a zeólita se manteve como o melhor adsorvente, a quinolina continuou sendo eficazmente removida, mas a remoção de carbazol sofreu alguma interferência que pode indicar a competição das moléculas pelo mesmo sítio. Nos estudos com carga real de óleo diesel, ao contrário do observado para as cargas modelo, a TCO 626G mostrou-se mais efetiva na remoção de compostos heterocíclicos que a USY. O modelo cinético proposto ajustou adequadamente as curvas e as isotermas de adsorção para quinolina e carbazol, relativas a USY e a TCO 626G, foram melhor ajustadas pelo modelo de Freundlich

Polymerisation of vinyl monomers in continuous-flow reactors : an experimental study, which includes digital computer modelling, of the homopolymerisation of styrene and methylmethacrylate by anionic and free radical mechanisms respectively in continuous flow-stirred-tank reactors

Bourikas, N. January 1976 (has links)
An introduction is given to the background theory and scientific literature of the major subject areas of interest in this thesis, namely the chemistry of free radical and anionic polymerisation, molecular weight control in each type of polymerisation, polymerisation reactors, computer simulation of polymerisation processes and polymer characterisation by gel permeation chromatography. A novel computer model has been devised, based on the analysis of the polymerisation process in terms of the reaction extent of each reactant and the use of generation functions to describe the concentration of living and dead polymeric species, for the free radical, solution polymerisation of methylmethacrylate in a CSTR. Both heat and mass balance expressions have been described. Conversion, Mn and Mw were monitored. To test the model a reactor was designed and constructed. A detailed description of the reactor and the experimental conditions used for the validation of the model are given. The results of these studies are presented and excellent agreement is shown between model predictions and experiments up to 30% conversion for Mn w and % conversion. A similar study is described for the anionic polymerisation of styrene in tetrahydrofuran as solvent, in a CSTR. In this work the computer model becomes 'stiff' when realistic rate constants are introduced in the kinetic expressions. Experimental difficulties were encountered in obtaining reproducible results in the anionic work. A new approach of using 'scavengers' as protecting agents for the living chains is described. A scavenger was successfully employed in the preparation of block copolymers using a tubular reactor. Block copolymerisation, in addition to providing a means of checking the number of the 'living' chains inside the reactor, is of interest in its own right. All the experimental findings are discussed in relation to the currently accepted views found in the scientific literature.

Physical and numerical modelling of particle settlement in a turbulent flow: implication for the settlement of algal propagules.

Delaux, Sebastien Serge January 2009 (has links)
A fundamental stage in rocky-shore seaweed life history is the recruitment process involving external fertilisation and then settlement of the propagules on a suitable substrate. The ultimate step in this settlement stage is the crossing of the viscous sub-layer and attachment to the substrate. Given the extreme conditions met in the intertidal zone, propagules can be dislodged at any time before they secure a strong enough anchoring. Flow conditions and propagule properties are key to this process. The settlement process under turbulent conditions was recreated within a stirred benthic chamber for five different species. Whereas propagule properties (size, density) vary with species, and propagules are adapted to the different conditions in the intertidal, they exhibit the same settlement behaviour. They nevertheless exhibit different settling velocities and settlement thresholds. Several methods of characterisation of the tank flow from particle tracking velocimetry and acoustic Doppler velocimetry data are reviewed, as well as an analytical model. Turbulent settling was found to be independent of the well-mixed tank bulk flow and to depend only on the boundary-layer mechanics. A model of settlement threshold is presented from which propagule mucilage adhesiveness estimates are derived, leading to good correlations between adult plant exposure and the stickiness of its propagules and to the conclusion that settlement can only occur in calm conditions. To extend the work, computational fluid dynamic techniques are developed by extending the Gerris Flow Solver. A 2-D approach to tank modelling and a pilot study of expansion to 3-D is described. This extends the perspective given by the experiments, notably through output of the hydrodynamical forces experienced by the propagules. Finally, in the view of realizing direct numerical simulations of propagule behaviour in the viscous sub-layer, a new and unique 2-D/3-D fully conservative solid/fluid interaction model is developed and tested with success.

Optimisation and scale-up of a biotechnological process for production of L(+)-Lactic Acid form waste potato starch by Rhizopus arrhizus.

Zhang, Zhanying January 2008 (has links)
L(+)-Lactic acid is a commonly occurring organic acid, which is valuable due to its wide use in food and food-related industries, and its potential for the production of biodegradable and biocompatible polylactate polymers. The aim of this study was to optimize and scale-up a biotechnological process of L(+)-lactic acid production by suspended cells of R. arrhizus DAR 36017 with waste potato starch as the substrate. Commonly used inorganic and organic nitrogen sources, including ammonium sulphate, ammonium nitrate, urea, yeast extract and peptone, were assessed in conjunction with various ratios of carbon to nitrogen (C:N). Fermentation media with a low C:N ratio enhanced the production of lactic acid, biomass and ethanol, while a high C:N ratio led to production of more fumaric acid as a by-product. The use of organic nitrogen sources (yeast extract, peptone and urea) resulted in a significant reduction of lactic acid yields by 15% - 34% with a decrease of C:N from 168 to 28. The use of inorganic nitrogen sources (ammonium nitrate and ammonium sulphate) led to a high lactic acid yield of 84% - 91% at a C:N below 168. Therefore, ammonium nitrate and ammonium sulphate were considered to be better nitrogen sources for lactic acid production. Small pellets are the favoured morphological form for many fermentation processes by filamentous fungi. However, to control filamentous Rhizopus sp in the pellet form in a submerged fermentation system is difficult due to its filamentous characteristics. An acidadapted preculture technique was developed to induce the formation of the pellet form in bioreactors. Using the acid-adapted precultures, the fungal biomass can be controlled in small dispersed pellets as a dominant morphological form. With these small pellets, a lactic acid yield of 86-89%, corresponding to a concentration of 86-89g/L, was obtained in a laboratory scale process using a stirred tank reactor (STR) and a bubble column reactor (BCR). A batch bioprocess for lactic acid production was successfully scaled-up from shake flasks to laboratory scale bioreactors. Results from a simulated scale-up process revealed that the concentration and productivity of lactic acid decreased with the increase of the scale-up steps because of increased pellet size. This suggested that a one-step scale-up process using the acid-adapted preculture may be feasible in an industrial-scale bioreactor system. A comprehensive investigation of the impact of cultivation parameters on the morphology of R. arrhizus and lactic acid production was carried out in the BCR. The results showed that the fungal morphology was significantly influenced by carbon sources, pH, starch concentrations, sparger designs and aeration rates. The favoured morphology for lactic acid production was freely dispersed small pellets, which could be retained as a dominant morphology under operation conditions at pH 5.0 – 6.0, starch concentrations of 60 – 120 g/L and aeration rates of 0.2 – 0.8 vvm, using a sintered stainless steel disc sparger. The optimal cultivation conditions at pH 6.0 and aeration rate of 0.4 vvm resulted in the formation of the freely dispersed small pellets and production of 103.8 g/L lactic acid, with a yield of 87%, from 120 g/L liquefied potato starch in 48 h. This study shows a technically feasible and economically promising process for the production of lactic acid from waste potato starch. The use of waste potato starch instead of pure glucose or starch as substrate can significantly reduce the production cost, making this technology environmentally and economically attractive. / http://proxy.library.adelaide.edu.au/login?url= http://library.adelaide.edu.au/cgi-bin/Pwebrecon.cgi?BBID=1339122 / Thesis (Ph.D.) -- University of Adelaide, School of Chemical Engineering, 2008

Remoção de contaminantes nitrogenados e sulfurados de cargas modelo de óeo diesel: estudo do adsorvente / Nitrogen and sulfur compounds removal from diesel model solutions: adsorbent evaluation

Paulo Ferreira da Silva Junior 30 January 2007 (has links)
A preocupação com o meio ambiente deve fazer parte da rotina de uma indústria de petróleo e derivados. A presença de compostos heterocíclicos em correntes de diesel motiva a sua remoção, pois além do aspecto ambiental, esses compostos podem interferir no desempenho de processos de hidrotratamento (HDT). A adsorção é uma das opções para minimizar esse problema. Nesse contexto, o objetivo deste trabalho foi estudar o adsorvente comercial mais adequado através de um estudo cinético realizado em tanque agitado e suportado por alguns ensaios de equilíbrio. Foi dada ênfase preferencial à remoção de compostos nitrogenados, sendo avaliada a remoção de compostos sulfurados nos adsorventes mais promissores. Foram selecionados, como adsorventes comerciais, as argilas bentoníticas TCO 626G (Süd-Chemie) e F-24 (Engelhard), a -alumina CCI (Süd-Chemie), a sílica-alumina SIRAL 40 (Sasol) e a zeólita Y ultraestável USY (cedida pelo CENPES-Petrobras). Na composição do óleo diesel modelo encontra-se quinolina, carbazol e benzotiofeno, com n-hexadecano como diluente. A caracterização destes adsorventes incluiu análise química por fluorescência de raios X, análise estrutural por difração de raios X, análise textural por fisissorção de N2, análises de acidez por termodessorção de amônia (TPD de NH3) e por espectroscopia no infravermelho de piridina adsorvida. Os estudos cinéticos mostraram que a quinolina é adsorvida rapidamente, principalmente na zeolita USY, que apresentou a maior capacidade adsortiva. Observou-se que a ordem decrescente de melhor adsorvente seguiu a mesma ordem da quantidade de sítios ácidos encontrada por TPD-NH3. Nos estudos cinéticos com carbazol, a zeólita USY também foi o melhor adsorvente. Não houve acordo com relação a acidez, o que se esperava uma vez que se trata de um composto nitrogenado não básico. A presença de carbazol e quinolina na mesma solução, não alterou o desempenho da cinética de remoção de ambos, indicando que provavelmente não estão competindo pelos mesmos sítios de adsorção. Quando foi introduzido um composto sulfurado no sistema, a zeólita se manteve como o melhor adsorvente, a quinolina continuou sendo eficazmente removida, mas a remoção de carbazol sofreu alguma interferência que pode indicar a competição das moléculas pelo mesmo sítio. Nos estudos com carga real de óleo diesel, ao contrário do observado para as cargas modelo, a TCO 626G mostrou-se mais efetiva na remoção de compostos heterocíclicos que a USY. O modelo cinético proposto ajustou adequadamente as curvas e as isotermas de adsorção para quinolina e carbazol, relativas a USY e a TCO 626G, foram melhor ajustadas pelo modelo de Freundlich

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