Spelling suggestions: "subject:"8trategic planning."" "subject:"estrategic planning.""
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Identificação dos gargalos e estabelecimento de um plano de ação para o sucesso do Programa Brasileiro do Biodiesel. / Identification of shortfalls and establishment of a workplan for the success of the Brazilian Biodiesel Program.Maurício Cintra do Prado de Salles Penteado 28 September 2005 (has links)
A crescente pressão mundial pelo desenvolvimento de tecnologias automotivas menos poluentes de emissões de combustíveis, incluindo o de combustiveis alternativos, foi a forma de impulsionar a tecnologia do Biodiesel, de origem não fóssil, derivados de fontes renováveis, visando substituir, gradualmente, o uso do óleo diesel, na matriz energética mundial. A diretiva americana Clean air Act amendment of 1990, a Lei S-517 e a diretiva européia 2003/30/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 8 May 2003 instituíram a adição do Biodiesel no óleo diesel. Nos Estados Unidos, este teor é de 20%, e, na Europa, é obrigatória a adição de 2%, em 2005, e será de 5,75%, em 2010. Dentro deste contexto, o Biodiesel necessita ser implementado no Brasil, de maneira gradual. A Lei brasileira 11097/05 tornará obrigatória sua adição de 2% (Biodiesel B2), em 2008 (ou de cerca de 840 milhões de litros de Biodiesel, do montante estimado de demanda do óleo diesel, de 42 bilhões de litros, em 2008), e de 5% (Biodiesel B5), em 2013. O objetivo deste trabalho é o de se identificarem alguns gargalos existentes, no âmbito técnico-econômico, no Programa Brasileiro do Biodiesel, e o de se estabelecer um plano de ação para o sucesso da implementação deste programa. No plano de ação, estão traçados possíveis cenários, com dois focos distintos: o de receita líquida máxima ao governo, sendo esta uma visão parcial de custeio (através dos cenários de substituição de importações do óleo diesel pelo Biodiesel e da introdução de óleo diesel / Biodiesel em veículos leves), e o do número máximo de empregos gerados, em 2008 e em 2013. A metodologia de pesquisa se baseia em pesquisa bibliográfica e na análise de dados coletados, que apontam para a urgente necessidade de isenção de impostos e de subsídios governamentais, para se viabilizar a produção das oleaginosas da mamona e da soja, a preços competitivos em relação ao óleo diesel. Dentro deste contexto, a mamona só se torna viável no âmbito social e técnico-social, de geração máxima de empregos, ao passo que as demais podem ser inseridas no contexto econômico e técnico-econômico, de receita líquida máxima ao governo. / The increasing demand for the development of automotive technologies of less polluting fuel emissions, including that of alternative fuels, has been the way to foster Biodiesel technology, of non-fossil origin, derived from renewable sources, aiming at gradually substituting the use of diesel oil, in the worldwide energetic matrix. The american directive Clean air Act amendment of 1990 , the Law S-517, and the European directive 2003/30/EC of the European Parliament of the Council of 8 May 2003 established the addition of Biodiesel in diesel oil. In the United States, this percentage is of 20%, and, in Europe, it is compulsory the addition of 2%, in 2005, and will be of 5,75%, in 2010. From that prospective, the Biodiesel needs to be gradually implemented in Brazil. The brazilian Law 11097/05 will demand the addition of 2% (Biodiesel B2), in 2008 (or about 840 millions of Biodiesel liters, of the estimated amount of diesel oil demand, of 42 billions of liters, in 2008), and of 5% (Biodiesel B5), in 2013. The objective of this project is to identify some existing shortfalls, on an technical-economic assessment, in the Brazilian Biodiesel Program, and to establish a workplan in order to achieve the success of this program. In this workplan, possible scenarios are identified, with two different focus: maximum government net revenue, on a partial cost prospective (via the scenarios of diesel oil importation replacement by Biodiesel and of diesel oil / Biodiesel intruction into light vehicles) and maximum jobs generation, in 2008 and in 2013. The research methodology is based on bibliographic survey and on data analysis, which shows the urgent need to viabilize castor and soybean oilseeds on competitive prices compared to that of diesel oil. From that prospective, castor is only viable on a social and technical-social aspect, of maximum employment generation, whereas the remaining oilseeds can be inserted into the economic and technical-economic context, of maximum governmental net income.
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A importância da deliberação na formação de estratégias organizacionais: um estudo exploratório em organizações com processos formalizados de planejamento estratégico / The importance of the deliberation in the formation of organizational strategies: an exploratory study in organizations with formalized process of strategic planningRubens Paulino Ortega 22 September 2017 (has links)
A estratégia organizacional tem sido um importante campo de pesquisa, com destaque para o tema da elaboração das estratégias. Para compreender tal processo, é preciso levar em consideração as forças que influenciam essa construção. O conceito de formação das estratégias indica a interação entre o processo deliberado e formal de planejamento estratégico e o conjunto de influências (cognitivas, culturais e políticas, ambientais, entre outras) que condicionam tanto o processo de elaboração das estratégias quanto a sua eventual execução. A presente pesquisa enfoca o processo formal de elaboração de estratégias, em organizações nas quais este é claramente definido; e exclui expressamente a questão da execução. O autor entende que, nas organizações pesquisadas: (a) o conceito de formação de estratégias se aplica à etapa de planejamento formal, ampliando a ideia de formulação de estratégias; (b) o conceito de estratégias emergentes se manifestaria apenas na etapa de execução, portanto, encontra-se além do escopo do presente estudo. Este estudo parte do modelo descritivo de formação de estratégias, desenvolvido por Barbero (2008) a partir da sua pesquisa em empresas industriais no estado de São Paulo. Tal modelo traz dez elementos, que estabelecem cinco dimensões de análise do processo de formação de estratégias organizacionais. Na presente pesquisa, o instrumento de pesquisa desenvolvido e utilizado por Barbero (2008) é adaptado a uma abordagem qualitativa, com ênfase aos executivos envolvidos no processo de elaboração de estratégias de organizações que apresentam processos formalizados de planejamento estratégico. Esta pesquisa se justifica pela importância da aplicação do modelo conceitual de Barbero (2008), em outro contexto organizacional específico, e por adotar uma abordagem qualitativa. Espera-se, assim, contribuir para a compreensão da elaboração de estratégias organizacionais, em especial no que tange ao papel da deliberação, vista em confronto com as forças que exercem influências sobre tal processo. O resultado mostra que nas organizações estudadas, no momento formal de formação de estratégias suas características marcantes são desenvolvidas de forma visionária, discricionária, política, racional e deliberada. A política e a intuição se apresentam como potência e moldam o processo de múltiplas formas e consequências, permanecendo em aberto a antiga questão de como são efetivamente formadas as estratégias organizacionais, as quais, aparentemente, dependem das particularidades de cada organização e seu ambiente de atuação. / The organizational strategy has been an important field of research, especially on the area of strategy formulation. In order to understand such a process, one must take into account the forces that influence this construction. The strategy formation concept indicates the interaction between the deliberate and formal process of strategic planning and a set of influences (cognitive, cultural and political, environmental, among others). They condition both the strategy elaboration process and its eventual execution. The present research focuses on the formal strategic development process in organizations in which the process is clearly defined and expressly excludes the issue of enforcement and implementation. The author understands that at the organizations researched: (a) the concept of strategy formation applies to the formal planning stage, broadening the idea of strategy formulation; (B) the concept of emergent strategies would manifest itself only in the execution stage, therefore, it is beyond the scope of the present study. This study is based on the descriptive model of strategy formation developed by Barbero (2008) and on his research which is applied to industrial companies in the state of São Paulo. This model brings ten elements establishing five dimensions of analysis of the process of forming organizational strategies. In the present research, the research tool developed and used by Barbero (2008) is adapted to a qualitative approach with an emphasis on the executives involved in the strategy elaboration process of organizations that present formalized processes of strategic planning. This research is justified by the importance of applying the conceptual model of Barbero (2008) in another specific organizational context and by adopting a qualitative approach. Therefore, it is expected to contribute to the understanding of the elaboration of organizational strategies, especially regarding the role of deliberation, analysed in comparison with the forces exerting influence on this process. The result shows that in the organizations studied, in the formal moment of strategy formation, its defining characteristics are developed in a visionary, discretionary, political, rational and deliberate way. Politics and intuition are presented as powerful and shape the process in multiple forms and consequences. The question of how are effectively formed the organizational strategies still remains open and apparently depends on the particularities of each organization and its operating environment .
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Proposta de plano estratégico para ampliar a competitividade do setor de frutas brasileiras no mercado internacional / Proposed strategic plan for the expansion of brazilian fruit in the international marketJosé Guilherme Ambrósio Nogueira 18 November 2011 (has links)
O Sistema Agroindustrial (SAG) das frutas é um dos mais importantes do Brasil. Ele envolve os segmentos frutas frescas, frutas secas, frutas congeladas, como também seus subprodutos: polpas, sucos, geleias, entre outros. Estima-se que a movimentação financeira na cadeia das frutas foi cerca de 5,8 bilhões de dólares anualmente com frutas frescas, atingindo um patamar de 12,2 bilhões de dólares, incluindo castanhas, nozes e produtos processados (IBRAF, 2010). No que tange à importância socioeconômica do setor, vale considerar o seu grande potencial empregador e de geração de renda. Atualmente a fruticultura brasileira oferece cinco milhões de postos de trabalho, ou seja, 2,8% dos brasileiros trabalham na fruticultura (IBRAF/IBGE, 2010). Contudo, no que se refere à exportação de frutas e derivados, se forem considerados os volumes exportados para a maioria das frutas, excluindo a laranja, quando analisado o coeficiente de exportação sobre a produção, raramente resultam valores acima de 3%. Assim, mesmo com números que parecem ser expressivos para algumas frutas, o país ainda é marginal no comércio mundial de frutas frescas, pois participa em apenas 0,5% do comércio internacional. São poucas as frutas cuja exportação é representativa em relação à produção. Diante desses entraves para a internacionalização do setor, o objetivo do estudo é propor um planejamento estratégico que possa ser aplicado na fruticultura brasileira, de modo a ampliar a competitividade do setor no mercado internacional. A pesquisa realizada tem caráter qualitativo exploratório, utilizando o método Gesis Gestão de sistemas agroindustriais. Para isso, foram realizadas entrevistas com base em um roteiro semiestruturado. A análise dos resultados foi feita por meio da análise de conteúdo das entrevistas, bem como pelo cruzamento dos resultados obtidos com a teoria estudada. Espera-se, como resultado da pesquisa, poder identificar as principais necessidades, barreiras e fatores críticos de sucesso pelos diferentes portes de empresas. / Agroindustrial System (SAG) of fruit is one of the most important in Brazil. The agribusiness system involves the segments of fruit, fresh fruit, dried fruit, frozen fruit as well as its by products: fruit pulps, juices, jams and others. It is estimated that the financial transactions in the chain of fruit was about 5.8 billion dollars annually on fresh fruits, reaching a level of 12.2 billion dollars including nuts, nuts and processed products (IBRAF, 2010). Regarding the socioeconomic importance of the sector, it is important to consider is the potential employer and income generation. Currently, the brazilian fruit offers five million jobs, or 2.8% of brazilians working in the fruit (IBRAF/IBGE, 2010). However as regards the export of fruit and their products, if we consider the export volumes for most fruits, excluding oranges, when analyzing the coefficient on export production, rarely result in values above 3%. Thus, even with numbers that seem to be significant for some fruit, the country is still marginal in world trade in fresh fruits, as participates in only 0.5% of international trade. There are few fruits whose export is representative in terms of production. Given these barriers to the internationalization of the sector, the objective of the study is to propose a strategic plan that can be applied in the Brazilian fruit trees in order to expand the sector\'s competitiveness in the international market. The survey is a qualitative exploratory, using the method Gesis Management of agribusiness systems. To this was based on interviews with a semi-structured. The analysis of the results was done by content analysis of interviews as well as by merging results from the theory studied. It is expected as a result of the research to identify the main needs, barriers and critical success factors for different sizes of companies.
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The effect of transformational leadership on organisational cultureVan Tonder, Hendrik 10 February 2014 (has links)
D.Com. (Business Management) / World wide both the military and general aviation markets have undergone drastic changes. The major reasons for the decline in the military aviation market was the advent of peace on the macro level, when the cold war between the Western coalition of the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation (NATO) and the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR) stopped abruptly (IngersolI Engineers, 1994:27). The formidable military-industrial complexes built up during the cold war years now switched their attention to the general aviation markets, which at the time were already on the decline. This caused even more hardship in the markets and the whole industry slipped into a major recession throughout Europe and the United States of America, characterised by low capacity utilisation, high unemployment and very low profit margins (IngersolI Engineers, 1994:34). South Africa, with its relatively small aviation industry, was similarly affected, forcing the few organisations still in the market to either diversify or to move into the global market (Ingersoll Engineers, 1994:46)...
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Strategic scenario planning at Lonmin Western Platinum MineNaude, M. L. 28 August 2012 (has links)
M.B.A. / To develop four Strategic Scenario's for Lonmin Western Platinum Mine ( WPM ) based on investigation into outsourcing, financial, productivity and technological aspects to enable Lonmin Western Platinum Mine management to refocus their operating strategies. 1.7 Objective of research 1.7.1 To analyse the current external and internal environment 1.7.2 To evaluate Lonmin Western Platinum Mines current situation 1.7.3 To utilize an appropriate research methodology 1.7.4 To provide strategic scenarios to top management 1.7.5 To evaluate the strategic scenario's and provide a recommendation to management
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Organisational culture and strategic leadership for success : a case studyVan der Westhuyzen, Petrus Johannes 12 September 2012 (has links)
M.Comm. / Many aspects of the success, or lack of success, of a business can be accurately measured. Revenues, profit and loss, return on assets, share price, price equity ratios, market share, customer satisfaction and many more aspects can be measured and often managed. Apart from the measurable something else is needed: a successful organisational culture. The culture of an organisation is often easier to experience than to describe. The objectives of this study are find a workable definition for culture, tools to measure the culture of groups and leadership skills needed to manage or change the culture of organisations. Various definitions of organisational culture and culture measuring tools are studied. The most promising definition of culture and measuring tools are put to the test in a case study to forni an opinion of the usefulness of such tools for management. Results of this study indicate that the concept culture, as described in the double s cube model, is a very useful tool for managers. It provides a quick and easy entry point to the culture management of an organization. Firstly, the tools that are available to measure culture provide results that could be used to position a company in the double s cube model. Secondly, the results of the culture measurement could be used to formulate and decide on the best course of action when it is necessary to change culture. Culture management is done by manipulating the sociability and solidarity levels in an organisation and by ensuring positive contribution of these elements to business successes. The clear leadership guidelines to achieve this manipulation could be very useful for managers. By using the concept of culture, managers could establish competitive advantages for their businesses. Culture management could be the secret key to open a situation whereby it is possible to improve business performance and at the same time create an environment where people are happy to achieve these goals.
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An integrated approach towards corporate social involvement in a non-apartheid South AfricaVisagie, Jacobus Johannes 14 May 2014 (has links)
M.Comm. (Strategic Management) / The volatile and politically challenging climate in which business has to operate during the period of transition to representative government and a subsequent non-apartheid political dispensation in South Africa calls for a new innovative approach towards corporate social involvement. The challenge posed is no less than to make a visible and adequate contribution towards the socio-economic and socio-political reconstruction and development ofthe country. The ultimate purpose of this involvement by business in development is to create an environment which will be conducive to economic growth and profitable business. The socio-economic realities of the South African society dictate the focus and direction of corporate social involvement programmes, but the perceptions and opinions of the major stakeholders in development including the political and social role players within the recipient domain - are also to be recognised. For a social involvement programme to be effective and efficient, three major areas of involvement have been identified. As a corporate citizen a company has a responsibility to assist in the maintenance of society through grants and donations to non-governmental organisations and development agencies. It also has an obligation to render support to existing development projects and to create appropriate support mechanisms and programmes to facilitate development. In the process the private sector provides a delivery system for the transfer of technology from its source to appropriate recipients. One of the most significant obstacles preventing accelerated development is, however, is the lack of institutional capacity within local communities. The private sector, therefore, must also focus on people centered development and the establishment of appropriate processes to enhance socio-economic as well as socio-politlcal development. With all the resources vested within the company - not in the corporate social involvement function only, but also in other disciplines - business has a substantial contribution to make. This study focuses on the development of an integrated approach towards corporate social involvement, including the integration of internal and external resources within the influence sphere of the company. It also endeavours to develop an integrated development process to bring about synergy between traditionally opposing sides of the socio-political arena in South Africa. It departs from the central premises that people who depend on each other for economic survival and growth, have to co-operate, regardless of the political, cultural or religious differences between them. Research has been based on experience in the workplace and interaction with a wide variety of practitioners in the corporate social involvement field. The study concludes that South Africa needs to address the issues prohibiting real economic growth, including the socio-economic and socio-political deficiencies, with vigour if the country is to become a strong contender in the world economy. The private sector can only make a substantial contribution through its social involvement programmes if an integrated approach is followed to empower the programme. This does not imply unnecessary increases in social budgets during periods of economic decline. Through the integrated development process which is developed in the study, the expertise, organisation, financial resources and facilities of all the role players external and internal to the company - are mobilised to accept joint responsibility and ownership for the development of their own destinies.
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Strategiese beplanning as bestuursfunksie van onderwysbestuurders in 'n veranderde onderwysomgewingDu Toit, Jacobus Frederick Cornelius 27 August 2014 (has links)
M.Com. (Business Management) / The aim of this research is to create, within the framework of the South African Educational system, the opportunity for the educational manager to determine new management outcomes through the application of relevant planning techniques. This study, therefore, focuses on planning as management function and in particular addresses strategic planning as management task to determine management outcomes. From this important factors were identfied that will influence strategies of education managers when introducing change within the Department of Education. During strategic planning sessions various group dynamic manifestations appear that usually influence group decision making. In order to establish an effective strategic planning session, it is imperative that group techniques are utilized which support the group decision making process. Therefore, managers need to understand the basic principles of group dynamics as it will eventually influence the outcome of group process and ultimately the strategic planning process.
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Towards the sixth generation of R and D managementKensen, Alex Kwaku 17 September 2014 (has links)
M.Ing. (Engineering Management) / It is apparent that understanding the link between the role of innovation in competitiveness and economic development is essential. This is because innovation ultimately holds the key to addressing the most pressing social and human challenges of nations. In the past, some organizations viewed research and development (R & D) as an intangible process that is difficult to manage and measure. However, the upsurge in enabling technologies such as the internet is changing such perceptions of managing R & D processes, which is now moving from a technology-oriented model to one that is more interactive and collaborative. Moreover, organizations that have a clear understanding of R & D management have great successes in exploiting it to speed up the commercialization of new technologies that enable them to achieve numerous competitive benefits such as first-to-market advantages, greater market shares for their innovations, premium prices and dominant designs relative to their counterparts. While it is evident that there is increased focus on fine-tuning R & D management processes, the majority of these efforts were confined to the USA, Europe, Asia and other developed economies, with limited developments in the less developed economies like those in Africa. This dissertation explores the five generations of R & D management practices and attempts to predict the best practices that managers will adopt in the R & D sixth generation. The findings suggest that the sixth generation will be characterized by greater multi-disciplinary approaches emphasizing cross-functional communication, collaboration, as well as greater inclusion of stakeholders such as suppliers, customers and partners in the full life cycle of R & D process.
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Option dealing strategies and the related risk management proceduresViljoen, Carel Braam 11 February 2014 (has links)
M.Com. (Financial Management) / During the last decade, options, which are financial instruments used for trading and hedging, have shown greater development than any other financial instrument over the same period of time. Because option dealing is perceived in the market-place as an instrument which is technically advanced, innovative and, complex, many potential option players do not take part in trading. This process' of withdrawal is fuelled by constant negative publicity given to option trading, but very seldom are reports written on success stories relating to option trading. Current option-trading participants are also constantly reminded by the press; other companies, senior management, board members and shareholders that they run the risk of losing vast sums of money and could take the company down with one reckless transaction. What is unfortunate is that they will not be able to prevent or detect transactions that could lead to such losses. Trading risk is further increased by the fact that quality risk management staff are also very difficult to acquire as this function is perceived to be not as glamorous as being an option dealer. Given the above scenario of what is really happening out there in the world of option trading, the question arises whether option trading activities should be embarked upon by Institutions who have never dealt in options and whether current option trading participants should continue trading or should discontinue trading activities as soon as possible.
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