Spelling suggestions: "subject:"stratigraphical correlation"" "subject:"tratigraphical correlation""
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Evolução sedimentar holocênica da retrobarreira na região de Jaguaruna-Laguna, Santa Catarina, Brasil / Holocene sedimentary evolution of the backbarrier in the Jaguaruna-Laguna region, Santa Catarina stateFornari, Milene 14 December 2010 (has links)
O objetivo desta tese é reconhecer as feições morfológicas e compreender o empilhamento de fácies deixado em sub-superfície como registro da evolução holocênica da retrobarreira entre Jaguaruna e Laguna (Santa Catarina, Sul do Brasil). Esta retrobarreira é formada por quatro setores geográficos, de SW para NE: Garopaba do Sul, Camacho, Rio do Meio e Campos Verdes. O setor de Garopaba do Sul, no contexto geomorfológico, difere dos demais pela presença, no limite interno, de terraço marinho pleistocênico, em parte recoberto por paleodunas pré-máxima inundação holocênica (geração eólica 2), e por abranger lago residual do sistema lagunar (Laranjal). As idades \'ANTPOT.14 C\' encontradas variam entre 5560 a 2190 anos cal A.P.. A sucessão de fácies deposicionais caracteriza-se por três associações de fácies: lagunar, planície de maré e eólica. No setor Camacho, porção central e de máximo estreitamento da barreira, a principal diferença morfológica são os paleodeltas de maré enchente associados á mingração do canal lagunar Camacho para NE. Nos depósitos, foram encontradas idades entre 8185 e 2165 anos cal A.P. e delimitadas quatro associações de fácies: desembocadura lagunar, delta de maré enchente, planície de maré e eólica. No setor Rio do Meio, a retrobarreira atua como planície interlagunar, separando a laguna Camacho (a SW) da laguna Santa Marta (para NE). Esta planície posiciona-se à retaguarda dos costões rochosos Ponta do Ilhote Pequeno e Cabo de Santa Marta, onde se originou a partir da formação de um tômbolo. Corresponde ao setor de maior influência continental pela frente deltaica do rio Tubarão, com três associações de fácies deposicionais: tômbolo, lagunar e planície de maré. As idades \'ANTPOT.14 C\' nas duas últimas associações variam entre 4650 e 1850 anos cal A.P.. Em Campos Verdes, a retrobarreira é formada por alinhamento de cordões litorâneos transversais à costa atual, separados entre si por truncamentos em padrão côncavoconvexo. Parte dos cordões superpõe-se por campos de paleodunas parabólicas atribuídas à geração eólica 3 (pós-máxima inundação). Neste setor, encontram-se três associações de fácies: pontal lagunar, cordões litorâneos e dunas eólicas. A análise integrada dos resultados permitiu diferenciar três fases evolutivas na retrobarreira. A Fase 1, entre 8000 e 5000 anos cal A.P. abrange o período de progressiva elevação e de mais alto nível do mar. A influência marinha na Fase 1 é evidenciada nos depósitos da retrobarreira com abundante concentração de conchas (inteiras e fragmentadas) de sistemas marinhos e lagunares/baía; a matéria orgânica preservada nos sedimentos apresentou valores de \'delta\'\'POT.13\'C entre -19 e -22%o , típicos de fitoplâncton marinho; a variação isotópica em conchas, com valores de \'delta\'\'POT.13\'C entre 1,22%o e 0,20%o e de \'delta\'\'POT.18\'O de - 0,5%o a - 1,8%o , indica o predomínio da dinâmica sedimentar marinha durante a fase 1. Interpretou-se que na Fase 1 a área de estudo foi ocupada por extenso sistema baía, com vales incisos afogados e ilhas emersas (representadas pelos atuais costões rochosos de Ponta do Ilhote Pequeno, Cabo de Santa Marta e Ponta da Galheta). Com a formação da barreira a baía isolou-se do mar raso, dando lugar ao corpo de água lagunar mixoalino. Na Fase 2, de 5000 a 3000 anos cal A.P., sob condições de NRM declinante, observou-se o desenvolvimento sedimentar diferenciado dos quatro setores retrobarreira, condicionado pela morfologia preexistente e pelo suprimento sedimentar. Os depósitos da Fase 3, de cerca de 3000 anos A.P. ao atual, caracterizam-se por: ausência de conchas, predomínio de fácies de areia fina com detritos vegetais, aumento ascendente dos valores de \'C IND.org\' e queda da razão \'delta\'\'POT.13\'C em sedimentos, alcançando valores típicos de plantas C3 e C4. Durante esta fase, a disponibilidade de sedimentos pela progradação da frente deltaica sobre a margem lagunar, associada à continuidade da queda de NRM, acelerou o assoreamento e a emersão das feições lagunares. Estas passaram a ser remodeladas pela circulação lagunar intermarés, o que determinou seu recobrimento pelas marismas e pântanos de maré. A Fase 3 pode ser considerada como de máxima estabilização das dunas eólicas, com formação de extensa planície de deflação e interdunas alagadas. Atesta-se assim a redução da influência de águas marinhas, possivelmente associada a alongamento, restrição ou mesmo fechamento da desembocadura lagunar, com aumento relativo do aporte de matéria orgânica continental. / The aims of this thesis is to identify the morphological features and understand the facies succession of the Holocene backbarrier in the Jaguaruna-Laguna region (Santa Catarina, Brazil). This backbarrier is formed by four geographic sectors, from SW to NE: Garopaba do Sul, Camacho, Rio do Meio and Campos Verdes. Regarding the geomorphological context, the sector of Garopaba do Sul differs from the others by the existence of a Pleistocene marine terrace, which is partly covered by paleodunes (generation 2) pre-maximum Holocene relative sea level (RSL), and by the presence of a residual lake of the lagoon system (Laranjal Lake). The depositional facies succession shows radiocarbon ages between 5560 and 2190 cal yr BP, being characterized by three facies associations: lagoonal, tidal flat and aeolian. The backbarrier of Camacho is sited beside the narrowest part of the barrier. Its main morphologic features are flood tidal paleodeltas associated with the migration of the Camacho inlet toward NE. Four facies associations were defined in this sector, with ages between 8185 and 2165 cal yr BP: inlet, flood-tidal delta, tidal plain and aeolian. At Rio do Meio, the backbarrier consists in an tidal flat separating the Camacho lagoon (SW) from the Santa Marta lagoon (NE).This plain is located rearward from Ponta do Ilhote Pequeno and Cabo de Santa Marta, where it was originated from the formation of a tombolo separating the two lagoons. It is also the sector with greater influence of Tubarão river deltaic front. Three facies associations were recognized: tombolo, lagoonal and tidal flat. The \'ANTPOT.14 C\' ages obtained in lagoonal deposits vary between 5570 and 1850 cal yr BP. In Campos Verdes, the backbarrier is formed by sets of beach ridges alignments, oriented transversal to the coastline and separated from each other by concave-convex truncations. Part of the ridges are superposed by several inactive parabolic dune-fields, attributed to the aeolian generation 3 (post maximum Holocene flooding).This sector is formed by three facies association: lagoon spit, beach ridges and aeolian dunes. The multi-proxy analysis of the set of results enabled the differentiation of three evolutionary phases in the backbarrier. The Phase 1, from 8000 to 5000 cal yr BP, comprises the period of progressive elevation and highest relative sea-level. The marine influence in this Phase 1 is recorded by abundant shells and shell fragments from invertebrates that live in marine and lagoonal/bay environments; the organic matter preserved in the sediments show \'delta\'\'POT.13\'C inside the interval between -19 and -22%o which is typical of marine phytoplanktons; in the shells, the vertical variation of \'delta\'\'POT.13\'C (from 1.22%o to 0.20%o) and \'delta\'\'POT.18\'O (from -0.5%o to -1.8%o) indicates the influence of marine in this Fase 1. This led to the conclusion that in this Phase 1, the survey area should be occupied by an extensive bay system, with drowned incised valleys and isolated islands (represented by the current Ponta do Ilhote Pequeno, Cabo de Santa Marta and Ponta da Galheta). With fhe formation of the barrier the bay was separated from the shallow open sea, giving place to the lagoonal mixohaline water body. During Phase 2, from 5000 to 3000 years cal BP, under declining sea-level conditions, the four backbarrier sectors experienced different sedimentary evolutions, conditioned by the pre-existing morphology and sedimentary supply of each one. The deposits of the Phase 3, from around 3000 years BP to the present, are characterized by: absence of shells, predominance of fine sand facies with plant debris, increasingly higher amounts of \'C IND.org\' and lower \'delta\'\'POT.13\'C ratio in sediments, which begin to record values typical of C3 and C4 plants. This phase is interpreted as resulting from the progradation of the delta front on the lagoon margin, combined with the continued reduced sea level, accelerated filling process and emersion of lagoonal features. These features were remodeled by the lagoonal circulation, determining the recovering by tidal marshes. Phase 3 can also be considered as the maximum stabilization of aeolian dunes, with the formation of an extensive deflation plain and wet interdunes. This reducing of marine influence is potentially associated with the stretching, limitation or even closing of the lagoon mouth, with relative increase in the accumulation of continental organic matter.
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Evolução sedimentar holocênica da retrobarreira na região de Jaguaruna-Laguna, Santa Catarina, Brasil / Holocene sedimentary evolution of the backbarrier in the Jaguaruna-Laguna region, Santa Catarina stateMilene Fornari 14 December 2010 (has links)
O objetivo desta tese é reconhecer as feições morfológicas e compreender o empilhamento de fácies deixado em sub-superfície como registro da evolução holocênica da retrobarreira entre Jaguaruna e Laguna (Santa Catarina, Sul do Brasil). Esta retrobarreira é formada por quatro setores geográficos, de SW para NE: Garopaba do Sul, Camacho, Rio do Meio e Campos Verdes. O setor de Garopaba do Sul, no contexto geomorfológico, difere dos demais pela presença, no limite interno, de terraço marinho pleistocênico, em parte recoberto por paleodunas pré-máxima inundação holocênica (geração eólica 2), e por abranger lago residual do sistema lagunar (Laranjal). As idades \'ANTPOT.14 C\' encontradas variam entre 5560 a 2190 anos cal A.P.. A sucessão de fácies deposicionais caracteriza-se por três associações de fácies: lagunar, planície de maré e eólica. No setor Camacho, porção central e de máximo estreitamento da barreira, a principal diferença morfológica são os paleodeltas de maré enchente associados á mingração do canal lagunar Camacho para NE. Nos depósitos, foram encontradas idades entre 8185 e 2165 anos cal A.P. e delimitadas quatro associações de fácies: desembocadura lagunar, delta de maré enchente, planície de maré e eólica. No setor Rio do Meio, a retrobarreira atua como planície interlagunar, separando a laguna Camacho (a SW) da laguna Santa Marta (para NE). Esta planície posiciona-se à retaguarda dos costões rochosos Ponta do Ilhote Pequeno e Cabo de Santa Marta, onde se originou a partir da formação de um tômbolo. Corresponde ao setor de maior influência continental pela frente deltaica do rio Tubarão, com três associações de fácies deposicionais: tômbolo, lagunar e planície de maré. As idades \'ANTPOT.14 C\' nas duas últimas associações variam entre 4650 e 1850 anos cal A.P.. Em Campos Verdes, a retrobarreira é formada por alinhamento de cordões litorâneos transversais à costa atual, separados entre si por truncamentos em padrão côncavoconvexo. Parte dos cordões superpõe-se por campos de paleodunas parabólicas atribuídas à geração eólica 3 (pós-máxima inundação). Neste setor, encontram-se três associações de fácies: pontal lagunar, cordões litorâneos e dunas eólicas. A análise integrada dos resultados permitiu diferenciar três fases evolutivas na retrobarreira. A Fase 1, entre 8000 e 5000 anos cal A.P. abrange o período de progressiva elevação e de mais alto nível do mar. A influência marinha na Fase 1 é evidenciada nos depósitos da retrobarreira com abundante concentração de conchas (inteiras e fragmentadas) de sistemas marinhos e lagunares/baía; a matéria orgânica preservada nos sedimentos apresentou valores de \'delta\'\'POT.13\'C entre -19 e -22%o , típicos de fitoplâncton marinho; a variação isotópica em conchas, com valores de \'delta\'\'POT.13\'C entre 1,22%o e 0,20%o e de \'delta\'\'POT.18\'O de - 0,5%o a - 1,8%o , indica o predomínio da dinâmica sedimentar marinha durante a fase 1. Interpretou-se que na Fase 1 a área de estudo foi ocupada por extenso sistema baía, com vales incisos afogados e ilhas emersas (representadas pelos atuais costões rochosos de Ponta do Ilhote Pequeno, Cabo de Santa Marta e Ponta da Galheta). Com a formação da barreira a baía isolou-se do mar raso, dando lugar ao corpo de água lagunar mixoalino. Na Fase 2, de 5000 a 3000 anos cal A.P., sob condições de NRM declinante, observou-se o desenvolvimento sedimentar diferenciado dos quatro setores retrobarreira, condicionado pela morfologia preexistente e pelo suprimento sedimentar. Os depósitos da Fase 3, de cerca de 3000 anos A.P. ao atual, caracterizam-se por: ausência de conchas, predomínio de fácies de areia fina com detritos vegetais, aumento ascendente dos valores de \'C IND.org\' e queda da razão \'delta\'\'POT.13\'C em sedimentos, alcançando valores típicos de plantas C3 e C4. Durante esta fase, a disponibilidade de sedimentos pela progradação da frente deltaica sobre a margem lagunar, associada à continuidade da queda de NRM, acelerou o assoreamento e a emersão das feições lagunares. Estas passaram a ser remodeladas pela circulação lagunar intermarés, o que determinou seu recobrimento pelas marismas e pântanos de maré. A Fase 3 pode ser considerada como de máxima estabilização das dunas eólicas, com formação de extensa planície de deflação e interdunas alagadas. Atesta-se assim a redução da influência de águas marinhas, possivelmente associada a alongamento, restrição ou mesmo fechamento da desembocadura lagunar, com aumento relativo do aporte de matéria orgânica continental. / The aims of this thesis is to identify the morphological features and understand the facies succession of the Holocene backbarrier in the Jaguaruna-Laguna region (Santa Catarina, Brazil). This backbarrier is formed by four geographic sectors, from SW to NE: Garopaba do Sul, Camacho, Rio do Meio and Campos Verdes. Regarding the geomorphological context, the sector of Garopaba do Sul differs from the others by the existence of a Pleistocene marine terrace, which is partly covered by paleodunes (generation 2) pre-maximum Holocene relative sea level (RSL), and by the presence of a residual lake of the lagoon system (Laranjal Lake). The depositional facies succession shows radiocarbon ages between 5560 and 2190 cal yr BP, being characterized by three facies associations: lagoonal, tidal flat and aeolian. The backbarrier of Camacho is sited beside the narrowest part of the barrier. Its main morphologic features are flood tidal paleodeltas associated with the migration of the Camacho inlet toward NE. Four facies associations were defined in this sector, with ages between 8185 and 2165 cal yr BP: inlet, flood-tidal delta, tidal plain and aeolian. At Rio do Meio, the backbarrier consists in an tidal flat separating the Camacho lagoon (SW) from the Santa Marta lagoon (NE).This plain is located rearward from Ponta do Ilhote Pequeno and Cabo de Santa Marta, where it was originated from the formation of a tombolo separating the two lagoons. It is also the sector with greater influence of Tubarão river deltaic front. Three facies associations were recognized: tombolo, lagoonal and tidal flat. The \'ANTPOT.14 C\' ages obtained in lagoonal deposits vary between 5570 and 1850 cal yr BP. In Campos Verdes, the backbarrier is formed by sets of beach ridges alignments, oriented transversal to the coastline and separated from each other by concave-convex truncations. Part of the ridges are superposed by several inactive parabolic dune-fields, attributed to the aeolian generation 3 (post maximum Holocene flooding).This sector is formed by three facies association: lagoon spit, beach ridges and aeolian dunes. The multi-proxy analysis of the set of results enabled the differentiation of three evolutionary phases in the backbarrier. The Phase 1, from 8000 to 5000 cal yr BP, comprises the period of progressive elevation and highest relative sea-level. The marine influence in this Phase 1 is recorded by abundant shells and shell fragments from invertebrates that live in marine and lagoonal/bay environments; the organic matter preserved in the sediments show \'delta\'\'POT.13\'C inside the interval between -19 and -22%o which is typical of marine phytoplanktons; in the shells, the vertical variation of \'delta\'\'POT.13\'C (from 1.22%o to 0.20%o) and \'delta\'\'POT.18\'O (from -0.5%o to -1.8%o) indicates the influence of marine in this Fase 1. This led to the conclusion that in this Phase 1, the survey area should be occupied by an extensive bay system, with drowned incised valleys and isolated islands (represented by the current Ponta do Ilhote Pequeno, Cabo de Santa Marta and Ponta da Galheta). With fhe formation of the barrier the bay was separated from the shallow open sea, giving place to the lagoonal mixohaline water body. During Phase 2, from 5000 to 3000 years cal BP, under declining sea-level conditions, the four backbarrier sectors experienced different sedimentary evolutions, conditioned by the pre-existing morphology and sedimentary supply of each one. The deposits of the Phase 3, from around 3000 years BP to the present, are characterized by: absence of shells, predominance of fine sand facies with plant debris, increasingly higher amounts of \'C IND.org\' and lower \'delta\'\'POT.13\'C ratio in sediments, which begin to record values typical of C3 and C4 plants. This phase is interpreted as resulting from the progradation of the delta front on the lagoon margin, combined with the continued reduced sea level, accelerated filling process and emersion of lagoonal features. These features were remodeled by the lagoonal circulation, determining the recovering by tidal marshes. Phase 3 can also be considered as the maximum stabilization of aeolian dunes, with the formation of an extensive deflation plain and wet interdunes. This reducing of marine influence is potentially associated with the stretching, limitation or even closing of the lagoon mouth, with relative increase in the accumulation of continental organic matter.
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Micropalaeontology, palaeoenvironments and sequence stratigraphy of the Sulaiy Formation of eastern Saudi ArabiaAlenezi, Saleh January 2016 (has links)
The Sulaiy Formation, which is the oldest unit in the Lower Cretaceous succession, is conformably overlain by the Yamama Formation and it is a challenge to identify the precise age of the two formations using foraminifera and other microfossil assemblages. In the eastern side of Saudi Arabia, the Sulaiy Formation and the base of Yamama Formation are poorly studied. The main objectives of this study is to enhance the understanding of the Sulaiy Formation sequence stratigraphical correlation, regional lateral variations and palaeoenvironmental investigation. Lithological and semi-quantitative micropalaeontological analysis of 1277 thin sections taken from core samples from nine cored wells providing a geographically representative distribution from the Saudi Arabian Gulf. These cores intersected the base of the Yamama Formation and the Sulaiy Formation in the total thickness of cored wells of 843.23 meters (2766.5 feet). On the evidence provided by the foraminifera, the Sulaiy Formation is considered to represent the Berriasian to the lowermost Valanginian. The investigation of the micropalaeontology has provided considerable insights into the biocomponents of Sulaiy and the base of Yamama formations in order to identify their biofacies. These microfossils include rotalid foraminifera, miliolid foraminifera, agglutinated foraminifera, calcareous algae, calcispheres, stromatoporoids, sponge spicules, problematica (e.g. Lithocodium aggregatum), molluscs, corals, echinoderms and ostracods. Systematics of planktic and benthic foraminifera is accomplished using the foraminiferal classification by Loeblich and Tappan (1988) as the main source. The assemblage contains foraminifera that recorded for the first time in the Sulaiy Formation. Other microfossils were identified and recorded to help in the identification of the sedimentary environments. The investigation of the micropalaeontology and the lithofacies analysis have provided evidence the identification of the various lithofacies. About twenty four microfacies were identified on the basis of their bio−component and non-skeletal grains. The lithofacies and the bio−component results have provided the evidence of the sedimentary palaeoenvironmental model namely the Arabian Rimmed Carbonate Platform. This palaeoenvironmental depositional model is characterised by two different platform regimes. They are the Platform Interior and the Platform Exterior each of which have unique sedimentary lithofacies zones that produce different types of lithofacies. Each lithofacies is characterised by special depositional conditions and palaeobathymetry that interact with sea level changes and the accommodation space. The important palaeoenvironments are intertidal, restricted lagoon (subtidal), open marine, deeper open marine, inner shoal, shoal and platform margin. Generating, and testing, a depositional model as a part of formulating a sequence stratigraphical interpretation of a region is a key to understanding its geological development and – ultimately – reservoir potential. The micropalaeontology and sedimentology of the Sulaiy Formation in the subsurface have indicated a succession of clearly defined shallowing−upwards depositional cycles. These typically commence with a deep marine biofacies with wackestones and packstones, capped with a mudstone-wackestone maximum flooding zone and an upper unit of packstone to grainstones containing shallow marine biofacies. The upper part of the Sulaiy Formation is highstand-dominated with common grainstones that host the Lower Ratawi reservoir which is capped by karst that defines the sequence boundary. This karst is identified by its abundant moldic porosity that enhanced the the reservoir quality by increasing its porosities into greater values. Integration of the sedimentology and micropalaeontology has yielded a succession of shoaling−upwards depositional cycles, considered to be 4th order sequences, that are superimposed on a large scale 3rd order system tract shallowing−upwards, highstand-associated sequence of the Sulaiy Formation. The Lower Ratawi Reservoir is located within the latest high-stand portion of a third-order Sulaiy Formation sequence. The reservoir consists of a succession of several sequences, each of which is sub-divided into a lower transgressive systems tract separated from the upper highstand systems tract by a maximum flooding surface (MFS/Z). The last of these depositional cycles terminates in beds of porous and permeable ooid, or ooidal-peloidal, grainstone. The reservoir is sealed by the finer-grained sediments of the Yamama Formation.
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