Spelling suggestions: "subject:"estratigraphy"" "subject:"bistratigraphy""
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Sedimentology, ichnology and sequence stratigraphy of the upper Devonian-lower Carboniferous Bakken Formation in the southeastern corner of Saskatchewan2015 March 1900 (has links)
The Upper Devonian-Lower Carboniferous Bakken Formation is present in the subsurface of the Williston Basin in northeastern Montana, North Dakota, southwestern Manitoba and southern Saskatchewan. In the southeastern corner of Saskatchewan, the Bakken Formation either conformably overlies the Upper Devonian Big Valley Formation or unconformably overlies the Torquay Formation, and is conformably overlain by the Lower Carboniferous Souris Valley (Lodgepole) Formation. The Bakken Formation typically includes three members: the lower and upper organic-rich black shale, and the middle calcareous/dolomitic sandstone and siltstone, which makes a “perfect” petroleum system including source rock, reservoir, and seal all within the same formation. According to detailed core analysis in the southeastern corner of Saskatchewan, the Bakken Formation is divided into eight facies, and one of which (Facies 2) is subdivided into two subfacies: Facies 1 (planar cross-stratified fine-grained sandstone); Facies 2A (wavy- to flaser-bedded very fine-grained sandstone); Facies 2B (thinly parallel-laminated very fine-grained sandstone and siltstone); Facies 3 (parallel-laminated very fine-grained sandstone and muddy siltstone); Facies 4 (sandy siltstone); Facies 5 (highly bioturbated interbedded very fine-grained sandstone and siltstone); Facies 6 (interbedded highly bioturbated sandy siltstone and micro-hummocky cross-stratified very fine-grained sandstone); Facies 7 (highly bioturbated siltstone); and Facies 8 (black shale). Our integrated sedimentologic and ichnologic study suggests that deposition of the Bakken occurred in two different paleoenvironmental settings: open marine (Facies 4 to 8) and brackish-water marginal marine (Facies 1 to 3). The open-marine facies association is characterized by the distal Cruziana Ichnofacies, whereas the brackish-water marginal-marine facies association is characterized by the depauperate Cruziana Ichnofacies. Isochore maps shows that both open-marine and marginal-marine deposits are widely distributed in this study area, also suggesting the existence of a N-S trending paleo-shoreline. The Bakken strata in this study area represent either one transgressive systems tract deposits or two transgressive systems tracts separated by a coplanar surface or amalgamated sequence boundary and transgressive surface. This surface has been identified in previous studies west-southwest of our study area, therefore assisting in high-resolution correlation of Bakken strata.
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The Lower Taylor Group: Taylor and Wright Valleys, southern Victoria Land, Antarctica; Paleoenvironmental Interpretations and Sequence StratigraphyO'Toole, Timothy Finn January 2010 (has links)
The Devonian Taylor Group (the lower Beacon Supergroup), in the Taylor and Wright Valleys, southern Victoria Land (SVL), Antarctica, is separated from basement by a regional nonconformity, the Kukri Erosion Surface. Thereafter the Taylor Group sediments, observed in this thesis, are affected by two localized unconformities; the Windy Gully Erosion Surface, separating the Terra Cotta Siltstone Formation (TCzst) and older units from the younger overlying New Mountain Sandstone; and the Heimdall Erosion Surface (HES), separating the New Mountain Sandstone Formation (NMSst) and older units from the overlying Altar Mountain Formation. The depositional environments of the Windy Gully Sandstone, New Mountain Sandstone and Altar Mountain Formations have long been under debate.
The Kukri Erosion Surface (KES) truncates the crystalline basement and separates the basement rock from the overlying Beacon Supergroup. Interpretation of the erosion surface characteristics and the directly overlying basal conglomerate lithofacies (WG-BCL) suggest a high relief rocky shore platform environment during a sustained and significant relative sea level fall. The environment has been suggested to be similar to what is currently seen on the West Coast, New Zealand today.
The Windy Gully Sandstone Formation directly overlies the KES and consists of a basal conglomerate (WG-BCL) followed by moderately to well sorted tabular and trough cross bedded felds- to subfeldsarenites. At one location an interbedded siltstone and cross bedded sandstone lithofacies was observed and interpreted as a tidal flat. Overall interpretation of the WGSst suggests continued progradation from a rocky shore platform (WG-BCL) to a series low angle beach, to shallow marine, and back to low angle beach environments. This occurred during a relative sea level rise. Shallowing of the water column produced a gradational relationship with the Terra Cotta Siltstone Formation (TCzst).. The fine to very fine sandy mottled, well laminated siltstones moving to very fine fissile dark siltstones suggest a progression from sandy estuarine to a mud flat environment. The Terra Cotta Siltsone is truncated by the Windy Gully Erosion Surface
The Windy Gully Erosion Surface is observed in the Handsley Valley by the presence of TCzst rip-up clasts in the directly overlying New Mountain Sandstone Formation. Elsewhere the horizon is either very sharp or has desiccation cracks present suggesting a cessation of deposition and subaerial exposure respectively. This suggests a small relative fall in sea level with only localized erosion.
The New Mountain Sandstone Formation (NMSst) predominantly consists of a series of low angle tabular and higher angle trough cross beds. It has a subfeldsarenite base that progressively becomes a pure quartz arenites. Interpretation suggests an initial beach environment with rejuvenated sediments moving to quartzose shallow marine and back to beach environments. This represents a relative sea level rise with continued progradation
The NMSst is truncated in the north by the HES forming a characteristic saw tooth pattern in the cross bedded sandstones; elsewhere the HES is represented by a feldspathic influx moving into the Altar Mountain Formation. The HES was formed due to a significant relative sea level fall leading to exposure and erosion of lithified NMSst cross beds in the north but continuation of deposition in the south.
The Altar Mountain Formation consists of tabular and trough cross bedded subfields- to feldsarenites. The Odin Arkose Member directly overlying the HES is a granule to cobble conglomerate in the north where the HES is erosional and very coarse sand to granule feldsarenite in the south where the HES is conformable. This has been interpreted as a pebbly shore platform to coarse sandy to granular beach environment. The following Altar Mountain Formation is interpreted as a continuation of medium to coarse sandy beach environments with influxes of coarser sediments and possibly moving into shallow marine in places.
Sequence stratigraphy identifies three stratigraphic sequences: S1, the Windy Gully Sandstone and Terra Cotta Siltstone Formations; S2, the New Mountain Sandstone Formation; and S3, the Altar Mountain Formation. The first two sequences (S1&S2) show a clear progression through transgression to a high stand systems tract through regression to a low stand systems tract. The Altar Mountain Formation follows a very similar trend but due to the lack of time and data the above measures have been speculated.
Zircon age dating suggests the source of the sediments in the area come from the Neoproterozic Skelton Group and the DV2a Granite Harbour Intrusives, both directly underlying the sandstones but are exposed elsewhere in SVL. Laminated sandstone clasts within the New Mountain Basal Conglomerate Lithofacies (NM-BCL) are suggested to be sourced from recycled sediments directly below. Other exotic clasts are also observed in the lithofacies are of unknown origin.
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Cool-water Carbonate Sedimentology and Sequence Stratigraphy of the Waitaki Region, South Island, New ZealandThompson, Nicholas Kim January 2013 (has links)
In the mid-Cenozoic, New Zealand underwent slow subsidence interspersed with unconformity development, however significant controversy exists around both the extent of submergence below sea level during this period of maximum drowning, as well as the causes of these unconformities. Detailed field observations, combined with extensive petrographic analyses, stable isotopes, cathodoluminescence, and thin section staining were used to develop lithofacies, depositional, and sequence stratigraphic models of the mid-Cenozoic succession in the Waitaki region, South Island, to address these controversies.
Twelve facies types have been described for Late Eocene-Early Miocene sedimentary rocks, leading to the identification of two major (Mid Oligocene & Early Miocene) and one minor (Late Oligocene) sequence boundaries. Surtseyan volcanism in the east produced a palaeohigh, resulting in a submerged rimmed cool-water carbonate platform, with low-lying land to the west. This eastern palaeohigh developed karst during sea-level lowstands, which correlate with silty submarine bored hardgrounds in the west. Glauconitic and phosphatic facies deposited during early marine transgression suggest an authigenic factory supplied by terrigenous clays existed during lowered sea level that was progressively shut down in favour of a carbonate factory as sea level rose and terrigenous supply decreased. The eastern palaeohigh served to nucleate this carbonate factory by raising the sea floor above the influence of siliciclastic sediment supply and providing a shallow substrate for marine colonisation. The higher energy eastern facies display dissolution of aragonitic taxa, while deeper western facies retained an aragonitic assemblage. This early bathymetric high created a barrier to submarine currents, but was gradually reduced by erosion during subsequent lowstands. Calcareous facies were often subjected to minor seafloor cement precipitation to shallow burial diagenesis, while eastern facies developed some meteoric cement during subaerial exposure.
Comparisons between sea-level change in the study area and the New Zealand megasequence indicate eustatic changes as the primary driver of water depth in the Waitaki region until the development of the modern plate boundary in the Early Miocene.
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The Bahia Inglesa formation bonebed : genesis and palaeontology of a neogene konzentrat lagerstatte from north-central ChileWalsh, Aaron A. January 2001 (has links)
No description available.
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Volcanic framework and geochemical evolution of the Archean Hope Bay Greenstone Belt, Nunavut, CanadaShannon, Andrew J. 05 1900 (has links)
Part of the Slave Structural Province, the Hope Bay Greenstone Belt is a 82 km long north-striking sequence of supracrustal rocks dominated by mafic volcanic rocks with lesser felsic volcanic and sedimentary rocks. Mapping of two transects in the southern section and two transects in the northern section have contributed to a robust stratigraphic framework the belt. Three recently discovered Archean lode gold deposits in the Hope Bay Greenstone belt have associations with major structures and specific lithologies (Fe-Ti enriched basalts).
The Flake Lake and the Clover Transects are in the southern part of the belt and the Wolverine and Doris-Discovery Transects are in the northern part of the belt. This work subdivides the volcanic rocks into distinct suites based upon field, petrologic, geochemical, and geochronologic criteria. Some of the suites are stratigraphically continuous and can be correlated tens of kilometres along strike thereby linking the two parts of the Hope Bay Greenstone Belt.
U-Pb geochronology supports work by Hebel (1999) concluded that virtually all the supracrustal rocks in the Hope Bay Greenstone Belt were deposited over at least 53 m.y. (2716-2663 Ma), with the majority of the volcanism occurring after 2700 Ma.
A number of basalt groups are identified and include the normal basalt, the LREE-enriched basalt, the Ti-enriched basalt and the Ti-enriched Al-depleted basalt groups. They have chemical signatures that vary in trace elements particularly HFSE and REE’s, and can be easily be distinguished by geochemical screening. The felsic volcanic suites are also divided into three main groups, tholeiitic rhyolite, calc-alkaline dacite and calc-alkaline rhyolite groups. Nd and Hf isotope signatures are consistent with trace element signatures in identifying mafic and felsic volcanic groups, with the tholeiitic rhyolite showing highly variable signature.
The Hope Bay Greenstone Belt has been show to have a number of felsic and volcanic cycles. An early construction phase of the belt is made up of primarily mafic volcanics which is followed by felsic volcanism equalled mafic volcanism which lacks basalts enriched in Ti. The geodynamic environment that created the Hope Bay Greenstone Belt can be explained by plume influenced subduction zone.
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Morphostructural evolution of active margin basins: the example of the Hawke Bay forearc basin, New Zealand.Paquet, Fabien January 2007 (has links)
Topography growth and sediment fluxes in active subduction margin settings are poorly understood. Geological record is often scarce or hardly accessible as a result of intensive deformation. The Hawke Bay forearc basin of the Hikurangi margin in New Zealand is well suited for studying morphstructural evolution. It is well preserved, partly emerged and affected by active tectonic deformation during Pleistocene stage for which we have well dated series and well-known climate and eustasy. The multidisciplinary approach, integrating offshore and onshore seismic interpretations, well and core data, geological mapping and sedimentological sections, results in the establishment of a detailed stratigraphic scheme for the last 1.1 Ma forearc basin fill. The stratigraphy shows a complex stack of 11 eustasy-driven depositional sequences of 20, 40 and 100 ka periodicity. These sequences are preserved in sub-basins that are bounded by active thrust structures. Each sequence is characterized by important changes of the paleoenvironment that evolves between the two extremes of the glacial maximum and the interglacial optimum. Thus, the Hawke Bay forearc domain shows segmentation in sub-basins separated by tectonic ridges during sea level lows that become submerged during sea level highs. Over 100 ka timescale, deformation along active structures together with isostasy are responsible of a progressive migration of sequence depocenters towards the arc within the sub-basins. Calculation of sediment volumes preserved for each of the 11 sequences allows the estimation of the sediment fluxes that transit throughout the forearc domain during the last 1.1 Ma. Fluxes vary from c. 3 to c. 6 Mt.a⁻¹. These long-term variations with 100 ka to 1 Ma timescale ranges are attributed to changes in the forearc domain tectonic configuration (strain rates and active structure distribution). They reflect the ability of sub-basin to retain sediments. Short-term variations of fluxes (<100 ka) observed within the last 150 ka are correlated to drastic Pleistocene climate changes that modified erosion rates in the drainage area. This implies a high sensitiveness and reactivity of the upstream area to environmental changes in terms of erosion and sediment transport. Such behaviour of the drainage basin is also illustrated by the important increase of sediment fluxes since the European settlement during the 18th century and the following deforestation.
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Glauconite as an indicator of sequence stratigraphic packages in a Lower Paleocene passive-margin shelf succession, Central AlabamaUdgata, Devi Bhagabati Prasad, January 2007 (has links) (PDF)
Thesis (M.S.)--Auburn University, 2007. / Abstract. Vita. Includes bibliographic references (ℓ. 91-96)
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The Cretaceous-Paleogene transition in the northern Mississippi Embayment, S.E. Missouri: palynology, micropaleontology, and evidence of a mega-tsunami depositEifert, Tambra L. January 2009 (has links) (PDF)
Thesis (Ph. D.)--Missouri University of Science and Technology, 2009. / Vita. The entire thesis text is included in file. Title from title screen of thesis/dissertation PDF file (viewed May 4, 2009) Includes bibliographical references (p. 243-265).
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Fluvial sequence stratigraphy and paleoclimate of the Upper Triassic (Norian-Rhaetian) Chinle Strata, northern New MexicoCleveland, David M. Atchley, Stacy C. Nordt, Lee C. January 2007 (has links)
Thesis (Ph.D.)--Baylor University, 2007. / In the abstract "[delta]13C" the "13" and "[delta]18O" the "18" are superscript; "pCO2" the "2" is subscript. Includes bibliographical references (p. 107-118).
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Modèle de formation et de mise en place de la partie sud-ouest du complexe anorthositique du Lac Saint-Jean /Martin, Etienne L., January 1983 (has links)
Mémoire (M. Sc. A)- Université du Québec à Chicoutimi, 1983. / "Mémoire présenté en vue de l'obtention de la maîtrise en sciences de la terre" CaQCU Document électronique également accessible en format PDF. CaQCU
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